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    1. August 1st, 2024 11:54 am

      by , 08-01-2024 at 11:11 AM
      I was approached by this journalist to do an item on something, idk what exactly it was about, voice acting or something.

      I go upstairs to take a shower real quick and there's a whole group of people partying in the bathroom there. I don't care and shower regardless. Once I'm ready much later, we head into the city, which is Alkmaar for some reason despite me not living there, nor have I ever been there. We film a bit, but it feels unnatural, so the reporter gets these fake red dreads and attaches these to my hair in the front so it looks like I have more hair. We then go to the McDonald's for dinner and it's super busy there. Meanwhile the camera woman gets the plants out of there so we can film.
      She does this whole shot from streets away where she runs towards the McDonald's, puts the camera on the table, then interviews me. I can't even remember what it was about and it definitely wasn't a serious interview. The guy working there says the interviewer used to be her boss, I check her LinkedIn and she used to work at a hand washing service company. I think she got some B-roll afterwards, and we get into the Berlin metro and head home. In the metro, I access a locker that apparently everyone in my art school can access, and I get my journals out of there. As the metro arrives at the destination, I try to grab my stuff before the door closes again. A little kid brags that I was interviewed, but no one really cares and I wake up.
    2. March 24, 2024 7:02 am

      by , 03-24-2024 at 08:24 AM
      I subscribed to a Patreon type of service from a Dutch musician I like, it came with a perk that gave me access to a wooden chair that would float up into the sky. It didn't have straps or anything, I just had to hold onto the chair as it kept floating higher. Eventually it would reach the stratosphere where I would feel the burning sensation in my body as I felt my bones freeze for a split second before the chair would turn right back down, landing as if nothing had happened.

      10/10, would subscribe again!

      As I landed, I went to a German thrift store where I apparently worked as a cashier where they still paid with cash out of a small box instead of a cash register and had to calculate the change while a large queue of people was waiting. A customer gave me €150 in cash for a €38,40 book and I had to pull out my phone calculator. I woke up before I could finish calculating.

      Cashier experience was definitely influenced by my one German speaking job in Berlin where I worked at a classical music festival as a bartender where I had more problems with calculating the change than I had with speaking German.
    3. February 29, 2024 ?:?? am

      by , 03-01-2024 at 01:07 AM
      Last time sleeping in my apartment in Berlin, moving out today.

      Kept having the same dream about turning in my keys and catching the train home before waking up every ten minutes, except each dream the locations looked differently, sometimes I'd miss the train, or a woman being an imaginary family member of my mom's side would show up.
    4. January 13, 2024 11:?? am

      by , 01-13-2024 at 01:26 PM
      I was dreaming that I was at some gathering, and this black fashion dude who vaguely resembles this dancer-model I know got this purple streetwear outfit in the mail which he showed to me, the white and purple patterns suiting him.

      It might have been a house party or something where we were, but for whatever reason my mom showed up. When I saw her, I randomly pulled out my customer service voice asking her if she needed anything, pretending not to know who she was and we went to a different room where I talked about how embarrassed I was that she was there, bringing up this random memory from when she took me to her friend's daughter's birthday party in 2009 and I just sat there crying because I didn't want to be there.

      She then left and I sat by myself, contemplating what just happened, and started crying, my mom then appeared again to comfort me. I apologised and told her I feel bad about moving to a different country sometimes because I'm so far away from everyone.

      Then I woke up.
      I miss my family and my mom
    5. January 8, 2024 9:44 am

      by , 01-08-2024 at 09:54 AM
      I dreamt that I was sleeping in my room, but the room was several times the size, had multiple doors and an emergency exit, and it had museum artifacts inside. Meanwhile, people kept putting their stuff into my room, it started with two people whom I overheard speaking Dutch before jokingly asking if they were speaking German before revealing that I could speak Dutch too. I then notice more and more hipsters and diverse types of people (in style, they were all still white) move into my room. I get on top of the stage, but having a dry mouth from just waking up I can't reach the rest of the group. My flatmate then offers me water whilst dressed as a water bottle like one of the people moving in is, I wake up before starting my speech
    6. November 13, 2023 10:23 am

      by , 11-13-2023 at 06:26 PM
      I was dating a German influencer and host, I don't remember the exact details but it was pretty cool
    7. October 4, 2023 7:17 pm

      by , 10-04-2023 at 06:28 PM
      I dream that I am living with a family in an apartment on top of a big theatre/convention center. I exit the apartment and explore the theatre where everyone working there applauds for me; doormen, wardrobe workers, visitors, etc. my German family is there as well as it takes place im Berlin, It's raining and I start sprinting around the building in laps at a decent tempo, during each lap, someone joins me and we greet each other as we go around, during each lap they all grow and develop, for example one of the guys does the sprint on a unicycle. In the meantime, I'm still the same. Someone asks about my growth and then says it because they're following my journey as a rockstar. The music in the background then has someone grunt in metal style saying "that is a rockstar" as well as inaudible words repeatedly with a guitar riff in the background as some sort of intro. That's when I woke up!
    8. June 8, 2023 1:17 pm

      by , 06-08-2023 at 12:29 PM
      I've been very sleep deprived from work as well as having dreamless nights lately, took a short nap during my lunch break.

      I dreamed that I was in my bed, trying to fall asleep when I suddenly realised that my room became bigger, the wall next to my bed was moved a few meters further. There's a darkskin girl with me in the room and my roommate shows up back from the barbershop with bright white skin and light grey curly hair and a beard like an ancient philospher statue. It made the three of us laugh out so loud I felt my brain throbbing.

      I knew I was dreaming and walked into my bed to try and wake up, noticing the dept of my surprisingly big room as well as my unrecognisable roommate flash between odd and normal like flickering lights. I suddenly thought about that Joey Bada$$ interview where he talked about astral projecting at that moment, but I knew that I had to get back to work soon. I was, however still dreaming even though the dream was literally me lying in my bed.

      I then briefly wake up and doze off again dreaming that I'm traveling to the Friedrichstraße station, but I was naked and my clothes were in a storage locker in w different train station. This time I knew I was dreaming and woke up, just relaxing in my bed before the alarm went off.
    9. April 27, 2023 6:00 am

      by , 04-27-2023 at 05:20 AM
      I was at the train station bridge behind my house, a bunch of people had a menu floating above their heads with plans or "quests", it became overwhelming to pursue everyone's plans at some point.

      Dream was in English.

      This scenario was most likely influenced by this Mega Man Star Force gameplay I was watching where they did all the side quests:
    10. March 7, 2023 11:20 am

      by , 03-07-2023 at 11:52 AM
      I was in the hallway at home, waiting for everyone to leave so I could go to the toilet, a high school girlfriend from my family shows up in our house because the family wanted us to stay in touch. I greet her and hug and we have some small talk as we notice both us us have grown.

      After she goes upstairs, I bunch of people are chilling in my hallway dresser in blue and orange parkas. They're film extras waiting for the shoot, but I jokingly tell them I thought everyone just had zero drip which causes them to laugh out loud. I then let them ask me questions and everyone excitedly holds up their hand, the first person whose name I guessed as "Levi" because he looked familiar (in hindsight like someone else I know, I know someone with that name but it's not him) who asked about me being German because of my family. The second guy I had trouble understanding, I feel bad that I had to ask them multiple times and walk up to them just to discover that he's from Belgium (It was a Dutch dream) and he was speaking in a very thick Belgian accent asking me if I would travel to his theatre play, I say of course as I've traveled to Belgium before and even all the way to Luxembourg. I then jump back on the bad with a crazy backflip.

      The scenario from my dream then changes to the waiting room being for a performance from the sound studies master students from Berlin, whom I've seen live in July. The performers in question come chill in the waiting room with us not knowing they have to get on stage in five minutes, they asked me about their schedule and I pull my my phone saying it's at :45 as I notice the time being :40 right now (Coincidentally also when I'm writing this) the performers rush ahead and my theatre school classmates and I walk towards the performance as well through the streets at the canals in Utrecht.

      As we walk towards the performance I brag to my former classmates about seeing them in Berlin. And they're all having this "he's talking about Berlin again face" (This has never happened in real life as I haven't spoken to most classmates in 3-4 years now, but is what my subconscious assumes their reaction would've been as I had this classmate who would always react to my online activities in person)
      This classmate asks me about the master "Oh so they were like 'Lets teach a bunch of kindergarteners some sound design' " then joked about them getting an assignment to make music out of an apple pie and later on a different pie and for some reason I was just responding with yes knowing damn well how disrespectful they were being but couldn't be bothered enough to argue. I then fortunately woke up.
    11. September 2?, 2022

      by , 10-03-2022 at 01:56 AM
      This dream occurred in the last week of my artist residency in Berlin, I don't recall the exact day anymore as I kept procrastinating on writing it down here, but it was a few days before the opening.

      My colleagues and I were put in a psych ward and constantly trying to escape, but every attempt would lead us back into the psych ward. As this was happening the artist who provided us with guidance also appeared in that dream sitting at a table, drawing with crayons;
      "You guys hate this? I love this!" The funny part about that was that he would say something like that in real life as well.

      I haven't thought much of this dream other than it being funny or possibly some "panic dream" about the opening coming closer and us not being finished with the exhibition at the time (It turned out incredible!) until I saw this scene from the Chaos;Head gameplay that I have been watching, and now I'm wondering if the dream of the psych ward wasn't a dream, but rather the reality whereas the entire artist residency was nothing more than a delusion
      (C;H spoiler alert)

      I just looked at the emoticons how y2k :voodo o:: vampire::sunflo wer: :sleepmedit ate2: :dr ink::cook iemonster::par apet::s martie::imsl ow::hi jack::gat or::loc k::se eker:: tardis::nyt acodance::dreamercha ir: dopeness what is Cool Spot doing here nah but fr I'm fine it was just a funny dream and coincidence no worries :U
    12. The Importance of Keeping A Dream Journal

      by , 05-28-2012 at 01:33 AM
      The Importance of Keeping A Dream Journal

      It is relatively common when the subject of dreams is brought up that someone will say, "I never dream." Of course we know this isn't true. At the other extreme are individuals who claim, "I remember all of my dreams." This is also a delusion. In all instances, we simply don't remember the dreams we forget.

      Keeping a dream journal takes effort. Those who truly believe that they remember all of their dreams have the perfect excuse not to do it. It is easy for them to conclude (and I have personally heard it expressed), "Since I remember my dreams when I wake up, why should I keep a dream journal? It has the same effect, doesn't it?"

      Well, actually no. It does not have the same effect. Once you awaken to the realization that many, more accurately most, of your dreams are forgotten, you will either decide to keep a dream journal, or you will never improve your dream recall. Without adequate dream recall, there is very little chance that you will become a lucid dreamer. If you are unwilling to pay, you can't play. By keeping a dream journal and following a few fundamental rules, you will be granted access to a vast inner world with very few rules at all.

      Keeping a dream journal sounds much simpler than it is.. The strong urge to slip back into sleep when a dream is still fresh in your mind is a formidable adversary. Equally insidious is the almost irresistible belief that you can wait until morning to record the details of a vivid dream. Not only will you forget the details of the dream, it is even more likely that you wont even remember that you had it.

      In most cases, we only remember our last dream prior to awakening unless some waking event triggers the memory of an earlier one. Most of us have experienced this phenomenon. You must admit that without the coincidental event that stimulated the memory, you probably would never have recalled the dream. Consequently, the wisest course of action, when you wake up in the middle of the night with good memory of a dream, is to get it recorded while the getting is still good. Believe me, at the time, you will feel certain you will remember it. You won't.

      You can easily prove this to yourself. Some night, when you awaken from a clearly remembered dream, force yourself to jot down the key points along with a few unusual details. Go back to sleep. The following morning, dwell for a little while on all you think you remember about the dream before referring to the notes you scribbled a few hours earlier. I predict that you will be surprised to discover that there were significant elements in the dream that you had forgotten.

      Once you have gained respect for a dream journal's effectiveness in improving dream recall, you will be prepared to recognize a secondary benefit which is especially important for lucid dreamers. A dream journal will reveal personal "dreamsigns," a subject which is best covered in Stephen LaBerge's books. Briefly stated, these are objects, places or events which tend to occur repeatedly in your dreams. For me these include car trouble, violence, airline crashes, tornadoes, unusual attics or cellars, and provocative girls. Following Stephen LaBerge's advice, every time I experience any of these in "waking life," I immediately do a "reality check" to prove that I am indeed awake and not dreaming. By adhering to this simple discipline, you will certainly one day do a reality check when confronted by one of your dreamsigns - and lo and behold - you will discover that you are dreaming! If unfamiliar with reality testing techniques, see Stephen LaBerge's books or visit the Lucidity Institute website at Lucidity.com. (I am not affiliated or compensated.)

      Keeping a dream journal has other benefits. From a philosophical perspective, wherever you choose to put your attention, there you are. Expressed as a maxim, if you pay attention to your dreams, your dreams will pay attention to you. Just the decision to remember and document your dreams will increase your dream recall and, it follows, your likelihood of having a lucid dream.

      A good dream journal takes time, and for most of us, time is a precious commodity. If you are just starting and working to increase your overall dream recall, try to record each and every dream you remember. Even the ones that appear to be nonsense are initially useful. Once you have established a reliable routine and have identified your primary dreamsigns, you can back off a bit. Being experienced at lucid dreaming, I admit that I don't record every remembered dream. I quickly assess and rate my dreams. It is easy for me to distinguish between dreams that I consider significant from those that are confused, chaotic, or an apparent expression of my apparent hoard of fears and anxieties. I record and seriously reflect upon the former. I only briefly reflect upon the latter.

      If you sleep with anyone you care about keeping, you will very likely need to negotiate alternative arrangements on the nights you target for dreaming. This is one sacrifice that keeping a good dream journal typically requires. I also recommend spending a minor amount of money on a voice recorder (or use that feature on your smartphone). Writing out a long dream can sometimes make it difficult to get back to sleep, and you won't have to worry about trying to translate what usually looks like hieroglyphics the following morning. I reach for my recorder, conveniently placed. I begin drowsily talking. The next day (or whenever) I play it back. Listening to it brings the whole dream back into memory as though I just woke up. I then type it with acceptable grammar and spelling, and it gives me the opportunity to add retrospect impressions and comments.

      That's it. I hope this is helpful. Start a dream journal tonight. It speaks for itself in results. /Stephen Berlin