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    1. 15 Jan: Leaving a party in an island and running away from my creep dad

      by , 01-15-2023 at 09:23 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At some party with lots of people from many places. It's fancy but also in some desolate location in some ruins. I get tired and get out of there, to realize we're in an island. I ask someone what time is it and they say 2 am. I say that's not possible. They reply is the jet lag, that's why I am not sleepy. But that is not my issue, my issue is that outside it looks early morning, with sunlight. I encounter some familiar faces and they ask me if I am joining them leaving this place. I agree, because I know nobody else and don't know where I am. So they walk me to a dock and then some small row boats come and get us.
      Then we're taking a trip by bus once on land again. Still not recognizing the place as the night falls. Then I recognize the sillouette of Las Vegas in the dark, despite all the city lights being turned off. I just recognize some of the iconic shapes in the dark, like the Sphinx and the Eiffel Tower replicas. When it is day again we stop at a large mall so we can eat or buy anything and stretch our legs. For some reason I encounter my father, who apparently was looking for me and traced me back here. His behavior immediately throws me off as he starts asking questions and making innuendos that I don't even understand. I ignore him for a while and I evade his questions, but allow him to follow me around as I look at the shops for fun. I am wearing a long skirt and a corset and he touches the strings on the back of my corset, asking what happens if he pulls the strings off. I am starting to feel really uncomfortable and tell him to stop. Then I look at beautifful dresses and he asks something like who I am going to wear them for. I say I don't even know what he is talking about. Then we pass by a section of lingerie, to which I don't even look at, but he starts asking if I like this item and that item, all very girly pieces with fruits stamped and not exactly for my age as if he is signaling he wants me to be his little girl again. I tell him he is sick and disgusting and I have had enough. He plays dumb. But I tell him I know his mind, I know he is sexually attracted to me and jealous that I grew up and might get a boyfriend (I say I still haven't had one, but if I did that was none of his business). He looks embarassed and doesn't deny it. I call him all the names I ever wanted to call him and move on, through a pastry shop and then a jewel shop. He still follows me and then tells me to wait while he goes check on the bus we have to take home. I do sit in a bench thinking about what to do next, but I have no intention to join him. Billie Eilish is playing on speakers and I start singing along, and so do other teens around who smile at me. Some even start doing a coreography and I am really impressed. Then some guy I know vaguely from school also sits on the bench and he is the one recognizing me first and asks me about what I am doing here. He offers me a ride with his friends that are coming. I accept but still I feel bad for leaving my dad alone, worrying he might get lost looking for me, despite all.

      [Note: My dad was a bit of creep all my life and I do have reasons to feel some disgust and anger towards him, but some of the dreams I have been having are a bit too much, because I don't recall him actually abusing me or saying stuff like he says in my dreams. This is disturbing stuff.)
    2. 1 Jan: Encountering friends in the US and befriending Billie Eilish

      by , 01-01-2022 at 08:05 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      In the US. Scenes from a recurring dream where I think I am in Orlando, Florida. A lot of things happen, including being part of the audience of a Jeopardy show recording on a studio. On exit, they want to check everyone's papers and covid status. They ask me for a negative test and I complain that it makes no sense they ask for it at the end instead of before the show. I also remember someone telling me something about it and even handing me a test, but it was not mentioned at entrance and I totally forgot about it. I also was without mask all the time and nobody cared. The lady shrugs her shoulders and says it's ok. She puts a stamp on some paper anyway and offers me a few more tests for future occasions. I find it all very unprofessional and chaotic, but hey, it's Florida, right? Coming out of some escalators and turning around to go to another escalator, I see to my right, Gil and some other girl. They come from a hallway behind a glass door and he sees me and waves at me. I wave back but I keep walking past them, so once he opens the door, he complains "Won't you wait for me and say hi?". So I wait and we say hello properly. He asks what I am doing here and I say I am on a visit. He says he works here at the marine center. Then I also spot my friend Licas entering a cafeteria behind them. I say bye to them and go after her, mostly because I also need a coffee, but then we get together and leave together.
      Outside, on the streets, we get on a bus which drops us at an old town, which looks strangely like Lisbon center or downtown Porto, not at all a US city. We need to catch a second bus to our final destination, but my friend is hesitant because she is unsure which one is it and we almost get on the wrong one. Then I spot some people surrounding someone on the sidewalk and I notice it is Billie Eillish. When I am about to hop on another bus, I yell at her "Sorry, I don't mean to nag you like everybody else, but I am a fan from Portugal and wish you happyness and all the best." Turns out it wasnt the right bus either and my friend kicks me out of it again, resulting in an awkward situation in which I am basically jumping in front of Billie and blocking her way. The other fans scramble and she is with just 2 or 3 people of her own posse. She looks with her blasé look, like not amused, but then says "I know a portuguese girl, Lena D., she's a biologist" and I am like "No way! She was my colleague at the university, I know her well! You know she nows lives in the US?" Then I think "Stupid, that's probably how she knows her". But she doesn't react. She says "I am gonna follow you on facebook. A friend of a friend is my friend." And then she finally smiles and we start walking along and talking. I mention her music has been the sounddtrack of my life recently. Then we enter this bar or club with a great view over the old part of town on the hills and I say I am actually seeing the place where I am supposed to go and will probably just walk there. But my friend Licas who was with us, just went up some stairs of another building and disappeared. Billie asks about my friend, says her face is familiar and what's her name. Strangely, my friend is no longer Licas, she turned into that skinny gay boy I met through my friend Diana and I can't remember his name. She finds odd and funny that I can't remember his name and I am struggling with how my friend just changed gender and I can't remember his name.
    3. 7 May: Incest story and lecturing to kids at a college

      by , 05-07-2021 at 10:45 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Some weird circular story. Starts with a woman sending her daughter to orphanage. The girl grows up and gets pregnant. Her kid is taken away and raised outside by someone else. He meets his grandmother without knowing who she is and they get involved. Then one day the grandmother finds out where her daughter is and comes to see her, bringing her son along, nobody knowing who they are to each other and he also falls for his own mother. Can't recall what happened next but it was some crazy full circle incest shit.

      At a college, feeling like a visiting student. Some girls who are showing me things around take me to the auditorium where it is being played a documentary about Billie Eilish. I go inside all happy to watch it and sit on a chair, but some dudes come to charge me 20€ for it and I just don't wanna pay, so I get out, thinking I can probably stream it online cheaper or for free.
      Then I am invited to coordinate a group of young kids, also visitors, who will be planting trees and bushes in the outside premises. First we all gather in a room and I give them a small lecture about the plants. At some point the kids are all distracted and talking loudly and neither I or their teacher manage to quiet them down. I am losing my voice from shouting. The teacher gives up, but I go grab a recipient with water and throw it at them. It works. They are all wet and in shock looking at me and I finish what I was saying.
    4. 31 Mar: High school friends, spirit attack, lucid explorations and meeting my teacher

      by , 03-31-2021 at 01:00 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At a high school, but I feel like just a visitor. Billie Eilish gave a concert there the previous day. Now I meet Claudia, the girl who kinda gave me the push to discover Billie, and I just realized she looks like her a lot and she even died her hair like her. She has a serious crush and I recall my own crush for Björk when I was her age. But I also like Billie and I have a song stuck in my mind and start singing it out loud. So Claudia joins me in it. She is also a singer, but like me, our paths took us different ways from a musical career and I think about how that is sad but also ok, because not everybody can be talented in the same way or doing the same thing.
      I then meet Zilla, Licas and other girlfriends from high school and they join us. We talk, we sing and we do something like an homage or invocation of someone who passed away. Then we go to the cafeteria and while we are snacking, the girls look at me scared, saying that my whole face his covered in red scars. I look in a mirror and I look like someone burned my face all around with a flaming iron. But I don't feel any pain. Then the girl to my side also shows the marks and the others freak out and try to distance themselves from us, suggesting we did something that caused that. But I am sure I didn't. Then I see the lines showing up also on their faces and someone suggests it is the spirit of the person we invoked, and that it means she never forgave us for some event in which she felt abandoned by us.
      We decide to leave and take a bus home, but as we go across the school I notice how strange it looks, like it is some medieval tavern inside a cave and I get lucid.
      I spot a slit on the cave ceiling through which sunlight shines in. I fly up and go through the slit, but I am taken to another cave, bigger, more open to the outside. It has a sandy beach inside and people having fun there. A dog jumped from a rock above and I worry that he got hurt as he fell in a zone with more rocks and not sand, but he gets up ok and the owners laugh and say he is fine. I fly higher up and enjoy the beauty of the rock formations. Then I get really outside and it is a canyon with really amazing shapes. Then I fly over a countryside landscape and I see all sorts of natural things but also crazy things, like 4 horses doing a tik tok dance, but mostly just beautiful landscape with mountains, small rural villages. And then I reach a barrier of clouds above me and when I go through it, there is nothing above, just the outer layers of the atmosphere and all of a sudden I feel scared with the idea of just floating in a totally empty space. So I go down. I land on a village and rub my hands to increase lucidity. I wonder what to do and I think about seeing my teacher. But when I do, I never get to see him. Still, I see a hotel and I go in to see if he's there. Someone does call my name but it is some old friend from Italy or France (not sure whom). He is gathered around a table with some people both in casual clothes but also some in navy and military uniforms. He asks me to join them. At the top of the table they have like a poster with a letter from the Queen of England, who is like their virtual guest of this lunch. They were invited and the food is all they can eat, paid by the Queen. I wonder what's the occasion, but I just say thanks and leave. Not my goal and I notice my strategy didn't work. So I go outside again, to rethink what to do, but lucidity fades and I wake up.

      I am at some kind of event on a tent. Some familiar faces sitting on yoga mats and cushions and also on seats disposes in an amphitheater to the back of the tent. I go outside for a bit of fresh air and give back a mat to a girl who borrowed me hers. I think it was Alicja. But some other girl comes to me a bit upset that I mixed the mats and that this one is hers instead. I apologize and as I talk to them I spot my teacher at the end of the road leading to the entrance of the tent. He is being inconspicuous and he is wearing a mask, but I spot him. I think he sees me too, but I pretend I haven't or that I didn't make a bit deal out of it. Then I lose sight of him. I go inside the tent again and the organizers are asking people to sit at some empty chairs at the top of the amphitheater area, to distribute people more homogeneously. Then I spot my teacher sitting there and some empty seats next to him. So I decide to go seat near him. I pass in front of him and sit two chairs away, because between us there is one guy. I only take a brief look, when passing in front of him and take a small bow to acknowledge his presence. Then I sit there quietly, sucking a lollipop. He also plays it cool, but once the whatever shows starts, he keeps making quick stares at me, so I also look once and we cross eyes and we just lose ourselves in it.