Had one with jamie. I was driving a car and she was suddenly int he next seat and casually said "Hi." Various work related dreams... Had a dream with Bjork in it... Honestly thought I was years past that phase. Can't remember much else...
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At the apartment I used to live in front of my mom, but it is my two vets who live there together (not as a gay couple, just roommates). I am staying as a guest in the office room, which is totally empty, except for a tent where I sleep. I bake them a cake for some reason but have to throw it away. They want to know why and I find it hard to explain. Later on inside the tent, it starts tumbling like pushed by a strong wind and I accidentaly find myself getting out in my old dojo. I recognize my Kenpo colleagues, but I don't see our sensei. I try to go away before he arrives, but instead some other sensei appears. He doesn't know me and is not happy to see me there. I sneak out and on the next room people are practicing yoga. Alicja is with them as well and a couple of her friends and some funny Eastern European lady who tries to do a headstand and hits me with ther feet on my face. I end up helping her and others follow my example and help each other. They invivite me to stay and practice with them, but I say I gotta go. Next room is a pavillion with some IT expo and it is so packed with people, I need to cut through stands and step over people totry to get somewhere. I get kinda stuck at a booth where some couple puts some half dozen boxes in my hands saying it's gift merchandise. I say it's inconvenient for me to carry it and they get offended, so they take it back and put it all in the trash. I beg them not to do it and that I'll take it gladly, but only when it becomes possible to talk away through the crowd with it. There is some kind of end of the world event and I am stuck in some cult that rejects sheltering from it and forces me to be part of some ritual where we wait for the shockwave (from a comet, maybe) tp hit us. The vibe is very surreal, it is circus like, or like a Terry Gillian movie. Everybody else is running for their lives and we are standing on top of a cargo train, in the middle of the night. But when the shockwave is coming, turns out they also start running in panic. But there is no escape so I stay in place and just repeat mantras, trying to clam my mind. Miraculously, the wave doesn't affect me. All of a sudden it is gone and all the crazies are also gone, just a couple friendly people around and everything in chaos. As if the world was purged. Then I start walking down towards where the others ran and I start finding only belongings that everybody left behind. There is furniture and smaller belongings. I find someone's jewelry collecttion and there is lots of gold and silver. I fill a bag. A friend points out that maybe that is now worth nothing, but I still treasure it. Ahead is an entire library and I pick my favorite books as I dance and sing happily Björk songs.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At a department store. Going through different sections, checking clothes, then latest electronics and end up in the music and film area. Not looking for anything specific, but remember to take a look for Björk albums, since I don't buy cds for years. I find a cd which I didn't know, and check the inlay booklet. Looks nice, but I think it is one of those Björk albums which I don't particularly like and I wonder if I am willing to pay whatever it costs. But there is no price tag, so I need to go to the check-out with it. Then I have a FA and think I am in my bedroom. It is very dark, but once again I see this little purplish orb moving around the room. It is beautiful, but it also makes me feel uneasy. Since last time my teacher told me to swallow it, my first instinct was to do so again. So when it got near the bed, I opened my mouth widely and swallowed it. It went totally dark and then I woke up or entered a dream, I am not sure.
Jamie dreams Feels like she hasn't been as active lately, But I'm still impressed I get at least one dream a week. First one happens while I fall asleep i fall into a few micro dreams of Jamie just being there with me holding my hand. Seems like she is trying to re assure me that she is still around and isn't finished with me. Second dream I am visiting a guitar teacher I use to know named Jake ( who is also a well known banjo player who is known for playing canadian festivals." But in this dream I am seated at a keyboard. He asks me what I want to learn. I have a notebook out, it says Jamie was learning this piece or something. so I try it out. but can't read the notes that well. I think it was supposed to be one of chopin's easier waltzes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN5z1mu6j4M The Drone Army I dream I somehow get captured by these Sentient drones armed with guns and lasers. they are all self aware like a hive. there is a long sequence of me trying to escape but I can't. I'm in their lair which is like a big bowl in the ground with a complex at the center. My dad tries to get me out but when I climb one of the sides one of the drones buzzes in my way. i am terrified. There is a building in the center where we are being held. Two other captives are there, a woman and a Man. Pretty sure the woman was Asuka. This dream might have been one of their dream games or something. The drones are communicating through a screen to tell us their demands. I have a feeling they will try to kill us all. At some point me and Asuka find a bed to lie down in. We start doing things under the covers. A drone flies in and starts threatening me. Data asks what it's problem is. I say it doesn't want me doing doing anything with the girl. I somehow wind up outside a house that's under construction. I see Mike from work and ask him if he knows a way out. He says try through the building. I go into the building and go in the basement to the other end. There is a woman Foreman at the construction building with some worker. I go to inspect a window to make it seem like I am working there. The man approaches me and we start talking. Outside is a staircase that leads to a road apparently in the drone's blind spot. the woman leaves the room and says, "My there are lots of workers here," I think she means me. I tell the man to just let me out of the window and I'll leave. He agrees. I wind up leaving by a green grove of trees. i' climb over a hedge and I'm now by a huge overpass. the scenery is like the road from The Canada border to Seattle in Washington. I also see train tracks, and also a train which looks like it's coming at me. It stops on the track which is covered in green vines. I keep walking and wind up on a street. I figure I am safe from the drones now. I see a whole bunch of small black birds which I at first thinks is them. They place down a nice hat on the ground, so I put it on my head. I also see G walking by, he smiles at me and then I wake up. Bjork A dream of bjork visiting me. She winds up giving me a hug, or cuddling me or something. I find it very relaxing like she is also trying to console me. In any case I am happy to hear from her. I had other dreams but completely forget what they were.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I witness an assassination at a public swimming pool. Assassin and victim are fully dressed but deep down under water. I get out and get to a friend and we both try to disappear without being noticed, but the killer sees me. The world is at a turmoil. Endless lines and traffic jams with restless people trying to get access to basic goods. We are lucky to be able to go over all of them. Once we get home I ask my friend that we barricade the door and as soon as we start closing it, a bunch of people appears asking for help, creating a lot of tension. We finish barricading but there is some other door in the back, and I am not sure nobody got in. Near Á-dos-Loucos at some clinic. I look through the window and I see smoke in the bushes behind. Go check. A couple car accidents started a fire. The drivers are running away, they say it is to call firefighters, but they don't come back and firefighters neither. The locals start gathering and fix it by themselves. At some type of vacation resort. Stephen Colbert is there. I walk down to the beach following him and some other dude. They have some beef and are trying to settle it by fighting. Colbert loses one finger in his hand. But he keeps on joking about it, doesn't seem so worried or in pain. Then back on my bedroom at this resort, fighting with my balcony doors. The balcony has no railings and I have to dangle dangerously to reach the doors to close them. At dome distance I see a stage where it seems are speakers giving seminars. But then I start hearing Björk singing. I see her coming on the stage and I go there to see the show. But she is on playback and I feel disappointed. She doesn't seem happy with it either and she is signalling the organizers that they shut down the playback and let her sing. They just bring another mic but the playback keeps on going and she stops pretending, exposing it. Brazil in colonial times. My grandpa owns a gigantic mansion in the outskirts of the jungle. I am friends with simpler people, maybe his slaves. A lady who cares for me offers me a lively wind chime made from a special kind of straw. I hang it on a tree and swear I will take it home later. A bad man appears from behind the trees, wants to hit me or abuse me. Things gets blurry, I guess he hit me. But I still pick a rock to bash his head. I feel horrified with the idea of taking a life so I try not to. Despite that, the man falls dead and I run away to the river to cool down. The river has a sudden flash flood and changes course, hitting my grandpa's mansion and dragging it along. It is a 4 story high building with 3 towers but remained intact. Only now it is dangerously located on top of a waterfall and has two streams of water running between the towers. The local population gathers to see if they can do a rescue mission to the people inside. After some struggle we manage to enter by one side of the house. We encounter the residents, my grandpa, guests and helpers, going about their business as usual. They are at the salon about to eat lunch and they offer us food. We argue it is dangerous and we must take them out but my grandpa responds angrily that all is ok and nobody will do such thing.
Unfortunately. No Jamie dreams. I had some HH imagery of Bjork smiling at me. Haven't dreamed of her in a while. Hiding Me and some woman. (might have been jamie but not sure) Are up against some fortnite player in a game. We are in a giant building. We just go really love in the building where there are hundreds of rooms. We realize he's gone after a while.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At Cambridge (never been actually there). I am looking for the buildings and spaces I had seen in some movie. I go up a terrace to look for a sportsfield that supposedly existed outside the walls of the campus, but it is not there anymore. Instead, there is a poor workers' neighborhood. I see a dog running like crazy and an owner trying to catch it and I go running down because I think my dog Hachi is somewhere on his path and I am afraid he might attack this dog. I get there on time and the other dog owner catches his dog as I reach for Hachi and avoid confrontation. With my mom, we are having a brunch, delighted with some buttered croissants and watching tv. There is a live show where a young Björk and my friend Joakim are being interviewed. And I yell "how does that guy know Björk and why he has never spoken of it??" They are talking about some funny episodes from the past, how they met and somehow they had some role to play in each other's life. I rush to the studio where they are live and I catch them backstage when it's finished. I catch them having a personal conversation when they think they are alone. They admit the stories they told weren't true, but they did it to counteract some bad publicity and a negative image that Björk had gained with some story that had been on the news. And they didn't really know each other from before, they just had meet recently and arranged this. I feel so disappointed I don't even go talk to them, just go back to my mom and eat some more croissants.
strange. Longish dream. Begins where I am walking my dog at night through a park. I am with someone who is maybe xereniak. I see an angry looking kangaroo down the hill. I don't want my dog to go after it so I keep walking and holding onto my dog's leash. We wind up in an abandoned building. My dog is gone now but I don't seem to notice. I say this place is cool I would love to film it for a youtube video. Xer says that's not possible as this place will be torn down soon. We go down some steps when we hear other people in the building. Xer says the ritual is starting soon so we have to hide in and change clothes in order to fit in. We hide in a closet and quickly change our clothes. I have to get into the strange mormon underwear that its your entire body. I think this is silly. We finish changing and enter a chamber with a bunch of mormon kids. I forget the rest. Jamie sends a message I dream I get a really long facebook message from Jamie. she explains what she's been doing the past few years. she lived in various places and was in various relationships. But there's no mention of if we are on good terms again or not. She doesn't say whether she would like to continue with me or not. I wander a city landscape wondering if I should reply back. Should I say, "I'm always here for you no matter what."? I decide against it. She seems in that frame of mind where we are not good with eachother. Me doing anything will not work. And if there is anything I really hate it is the feeling of sending her a message and not getting one back. I hate dealing with that so I don't send a message back. Bjork... so in waking life. I get a sudden facebook notification that I am apparently a Bjork top fan. I can now leave comments she can see. Then the next night when I sleep bjork is screaming at me, "Why aren't you doing anything?" Maybe because it could be just a coincidence? Am I supposed to leave creepy comments like, "Hey it's me, that weird dream guy? Please, lets talk about it?". Still really skeptical If I was ever sharing dreams with her. Not sure what I am supposed to do here. Jamie in jail. A dream where I see jamie being locked in a jail cell. more jamie dreams I had one dream where we were kissing, and another... more checkers. One dream that made me laugh: I ran into a blond haired co worker. Jamie was in the distance and seemed jealous. Jamie ran up to me and hit me really hard on the arm. Just because I found it funny doesn't mean I ever condone hitting. Other various dreams where I am looking for Jamie but can't find her. She is tapering off again.
I just realized I haven't had any lucids for a LOOONG time! Jamie dreams She's off an on again as usual. No surprise here so I'm use to it. Started off I had another dream where we are just laying down main;y asleep. Very Comfortable dream. Later dreams something happens to her. Jamie starts talking to me as a disembodied voice in my dreams. In these dreams I run through random buildings looking for a way out. The voice says she hates me and that she never was "real." She's not really Jamie but a spirit who wants my love and dedication anyway. I go and check on Jamie in a dream. In it we are playing fortnite and we are hiding under a pyramid build. She keeps smiling at me. I am happy. In later dreams I keep finding Jamie in a fortnite setting. But now she's angry and mean like the voice. I have a few dreams with low detail like this. I keep finding her and she keeps killing me causing me to respawn. Every time she kills me she says something mean. Then she's a sweaty soccer skin (The worst kind of player in fortnite.) She builds up so high and kills me again. After a few days of this. I pray about it earnestly... Jesus helps I fall asleep and am shown a few HH like images. The first is me and Jamie in fortnite again. We are having a build battle. Our ramps are about to cross when Jesus places himself on top as a giant. He heals us. Another image shows me and Jamie on a hill. The top of the hill is the intended destination: where we come together. Jesus is a giant again. he has a hand around each of us on opposite sides. Jesus is crying in frustration because he is clearly trying to bring us to the top of the hill. But since he can't interfere with free will, he can't complete his work with us. My energy was blue and bright in his hand and Jamies was fiery red. One thing to note is that we were very close to the top of the hill. Jamie is healed again I'm on some date with Jamie. We are at a restaraunt like Denny's. She is smiling and seems happy. Can't remember any conversation but we were talking. Denny's is a magical place! later had some HH of Jamie's face. Other dreams: Cheating again. during the period where Jamie seemed possessed by something I had a dream where I was in bed with someone who looked like Jamie. There was another naked guy laying beside me... gross. Dad I was walking with my dad in some abandoned building or something. My old friend from work lets us into a secret area up some steps. through the door at the top we almost fall. the inside of the buuilding is being torn down by construction people so there is no landing to walk into. I float down somehow without getting hurt. Bjork returns! In this dream I find out Bjork recently read all of my old dreams of her. Oops. I am extremely embarrased. Bjork doesn't take it too well at first. This dream seems days long. But she builds herself a studio in the basement of some mall or something. She holes herself up in there to deal with it. She records music, builds strange art structures, and makes really interesting clothing for herself. She sometimes lets me into the studio to show me. she tells me she isn't mad but is trying to figure it out or something. She has mood swings, sometimes happy I am around and sometimes shooing me out. The end of the dream is more clear. My brother is a huge Bjork fan so I bring him there. We come to an office where a reception lady tells me that the exhibit is closed. I say I will wait for Bjork to come out. As if on cue, bjork leaves with some man. she walks past me and doesn't even look at me. Her vibes are kind of fuming though. me and my brother leave and some black girls in the mall part try to take him home. He leaves and I can't leave the mall becaus I can't find my shoes. in a later dream she seems more cool with everything and we just sit and talk warmly.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening On my teenage bedroom, going to sleep late, keeping a light on. With some friends at a party hosted by Björk. I hurt a finger and burst a blood vessel internally, so I cut open a little bit of the flesh to squeeze some blood out, but instead come out little orange spiders. I empty my entire finger until it becomes transparent and naturally it refills with fluids and muscle. It starts working wonderfully and I realize I need do do the same procedure with all my fingers which are painful and stiff, but I can't find the courage to see more spiders coming out of me, I am freaking out at the thought. Then thorny vines start bursting out through my skin and I also try to remove them one by one and it is painful. Meanwhile I am feeling a bit hallucinated with all that is happening to me and I decided that maybe that was it: I was indeed hallucinating! and I enter a strange mental crazy state, dancing like mad and Björk asks me if I'm alright. My friend Nuno says I need to continue extracting the spiders to heal and I say "What, so it was real? You did see it?" And they confirm with a nod. Friend's mansion, looking for one of the many toilets, end up in the laundry room, which is bigger than my living room and dinning room together and has a fireplace. My own house is attached to a pharmacy which is all made of glass walls. One night I hear noise at the pharmacy door and I go take a look. There is a gang of guys planning to rob it. They see me peaking though a door, because there is an all night light on illuminating the whole place. I hear them commenting that I'll be the final prize. I get scared, because I know they can get inside the pharmacy easily by breaking the glass. So I go back to the house, lock the door behind me and go check all other doors in my house. Then freak out that they are all unlocked and I can't find the key. There is a festival promoting a new food, made from some sea creature or algae, that people never ate before. It is processed into some green waffle toasts and also a spread. I try the spread, tastes weird like raw pureed seaweed. They are asking name suggestions for the products. There are some names on the table already and I see one that looks like Okeje.
October dreams. what? A dream from Jamie's perspective, she's driving in a car by didsbury and saying to herself, "I won't talk to Rob unless he sends me another message." more Jamie dreams I'm outside my house at night walking with Dara. Jamie is behind us and she looks super mad. In another dream I am sitting on a couch with some girl and not sure who and Jamie pries the top of the dream apart and peers in, she has a very dull and disappointed look on her face Some days later I dream me and her are in front of some papers and we are planning where to live? Lucid I'm in some weird shop and some youtuber I hate is there but in this dream we seem to be friends. I become lucid and spend the rest of the dream trying to convince him it's a dream. November This was a crazy night. dream 1: I was hanging with jamie and we seemed to be on okay terms. We were sitting under a water bridge or something when some woman with wings flies up to me. She starts flirting with me and puts something over my head and i just laugh. I get a mirror out and it turns out the girl put a mask on me that makes my face look like my face but plastic. I pull the mask thingy off but it comes off as some mesh leggings. I look over to Jamie who seems to have changed her face to someone unrecognizable. OMG I just realized why she was so mean in the next dreams. Dream 2: I'm having an awkward meeting with my dad. We decide to go to some restaurant but all the tables and chairs are in uncomfortable positions. FA, In a basement I think Jamie is there and some other people. I'm sitting on a couch and I find a small picture of an evil looking woman with brown hair. I feel a demonic presence attached to this picture. The picture jumps out of my hands and I try to catch it. It lets out a small laugh as I chase it all over the couch then I notice it's left a small trail behind of shit. All over the couch. I frantically try to clean it up and almost throw up. When Done, I look for the picture again. FA, in the same basement on a couch. People are there and I ask them If they remember the dream we just had? The one with the demon causing all sorts of trouble? Everyone looks at me like I've gone insane? I look to the couch and Jamie is there staring into my brother's eyes like she is in love and they are whispering something i can't hear. I get up from the couch and say, "Are you two getting into something here?". My brother shakes his head ,"no". He gets ups from the couch and leaves. I notice his friend richard there at the other couch. Jamie says, "Robert don't". "You know what pisses me off?" I say. As My brother moves away Jamie falls backwards on the couch. Her mouth a big ,"O", of surprise as in ,"How dare you look at me this way?" And she moves her arms to cover her breasts which I can't see anyway because she's wearing a dress that covers them. but what she doesn't realize is that by falling backwards the bottom of her dress is up, and not only is she not wearing anything underneath, but I can also see everything. I ignore that, and keep going. "It's that after all these years you're still not really my friend." Jamie scrunches her forehead, a look, which I've seen before when she's about to disagree with me. My memory fades here. next few days: Dreams of Jamie taper off, but I remember some fragments. School Dream of the school we usually dream at. Jamie is sitting there on the curb and she is saying, "You're not going to hit me with that are you?" I look down and I am holding some sort of Disc or plate... "No," I say, "Why would I do that?" Then the next day I have a fragment where She is smiling at me and we seem to be on good terms. Bjork Dreams One where I find Bjork in the gymnasium of the school. She says she wrote a song for me. She plays it and it's good. i wonder If I'll be able to remember the melody. Sadly i don't. Other dream was I was flying around a large abandoned city. I heard Bjork singing a melody. I began singing the same melody after she stopped. I flew up to her and she was floating in the air with some man. She asked if it was me who was just singing her song? I forget what answer I give and I just fly off. Other non lucids In one dream i am at my house? or someone else's. And I go outside and see a Big dragon roaming around. I hide and people I seem to know keep driving by on ATVs Asuka is in one and she said The girls have taken the remaining dybbuk boxes and have put them away safely. I explain that won't get the demons out of Jamie's inner world. She said it's a start. Data A dream where I can see Data trying to get into Jamie's inner world. I think I am watching on a screen. He comes to a shield he can't get past. He plants explosives at the base and it blows a tunnel underneath. At this point Data is so clear he looks exactly like the TV character. I usually never see him like that. He keeps tunneling with his phaser or something. He keeps saying what he is doing and what he is going to try, but it sounds too technical. At this point I think I'm watching a lost episode of Star trek. Some giant tendril rises from underneath him it looks like it's connected to something from the movie tremors. It begins pulling Data under and he still keeps talking just louder. Eventually his head falls off and everything fades to black. Jesus is being creepy again i woke up in the middle of the night and thought to myself ,"will I ever see Jamie again?" I fall into a dream vision and see Jesus with a big goofy grin on his face. He is pointing at the gates of heaven where a bright light is obscuring what's behind the gates. "You'll see her there!!!" Jesus booms without moving his mouth. What about before then? Semi lucid Dreamed I was walking somewhere in the wilderness at night. I discovered I could float if I pawed the air a bit. I had to find a washroom So I came across a familiar door that went under a hill. I knew it was a place under construction and late night people might be working so I floated in through the top of the door way which was very tall. Inside was a place with fresh drywall and there was a guy mixing mud loudly so I floated above him. He didn't notice. At the end of the hall was a large room maybe for a kitchen or living room. There was another hallway so I took that one and spotted another worker where i knew the washroom was. I floated above him too and went in the doorway. i did my business in the room. When i left one of the workers spotted me so i flew fast out the entrance door. Co-workers Dreamed I was with some of my co workers in a large room that seemed filled with water. Only we could breathe under it. One girl was still ina sybmarine or something but it was really small. A floated up to her friend and smiled at her. Concert surprise Dream about some youtuber guy. We were at a music hall or something where a party was going on. We discovered we could do some really crazy dream parkour as the gravity seemed light. He found some markings high up that said if he could follow the parkour course in the hall three times, A well known rock band would show up. I watched him do the parkour sequence 3 times. On the last try he was struggling with it. He managed to do it right and suddenly a band i never heard of showed up and started to play or something. Training Various dreams of martial arts training. In one i'm being trained in a kung fu form by some chinese guy. He claims he is teaching me tiger and Crane, but the sequence i show him is different than what he is teaching. In another dream i am in a simulation where I am training with a wooden sword. A guy goes to stab me with his right sword and take mine and try to stab his right arm to deflect. The trainer says I'm not doing what he showed me. He asks again what should I do when someone swings with his right from that angle? I just say I have to be faster. The trainer shakes his head. In another dream i am practicing the form with a coworker. We go through a sequence and she says she doesn't like that particular pose. Messages I kept dreaming of getting messages from Jamie on Facebook, but they were all mean. Stadium Dream flash about seeing Jamie at a stadium with her own trainer? She looks like an anime girl and has a green bandana. She looks very angry but also determined. I wonder why I am there? Was I training for this? Or were we supposed to dream battle? i never got a conclusion to this. Basement 1 This is after Raven telling me she remembered putting up a shield in someone's inner world. I'm wandering a basement when I run into a woman with long dark hair. She also has dark skin and pulls me into a bedroom. We start kissing. Not sure who this was. Basement 2 I'm in Jamie's basement and I am wandering around. I go into a room where I feel a dark presence. I feel a presence possess me and i feel really dark like when i'm in SP. I go up to some people and ask them if I seem different. No body seems to notice anything but then my voice changes. Basement 3 I'm in the basement but find extra rooms where there's people in there with a long scenario to kill me. I Run into Asuka and data and they both say Jamie is nowhere to be found, but that this place is crawling with Demons, so we decide to leave. Basement 4 I enter the basement again the next day but get trapped and held down by hoodlums. An evil looking woman emerges and gives and evil smile. she says I'll never get back in here again. Jesus again I'm at the Dream highschool that me and Jamie use as a neutral ground to hang out in dreams. It's only me and her in class and Jesus is the teacher. He hands us a large book and says this is what we are to study for our assignment. I leaf through and there's a bunch of sci-ency and spiritual technobabble. One chapter catches my eye it says something about Jamie being suicidal? I look at Jamie but she's almost leaving the classroom. I stop her and say we should study. She says she knows it all and repeats all the terms in the book back to me except for the last one. She then leaves. Then i think she didn't want to talk about that last subject. Jamie tries to contact me A dream of talking on a computer screen with jamie. She says she misses the dreams and she can't find me. I say I can't get to her house since her shield went up and I got kicked out by some some woman. phone call I'm at home and Asuka hands me the phone and says it's from Jamie. I barely hear Jamie when I burst into tears and then I ask her why she hasn't called me in years and why now of all times? then I wake up. Roland I am in the Dark Tower World with Jamie we are walking with roland in a huge desert. IT's so windy that Roland is wearing some large archaic goggles to protect his eyes from the dust. I guess we were telling him about our friendship because he suddenly seems perplexed and then almost mad. He barks at us, "Why don't you two just contact one another?" and turns his head away in disapproval. I start to say I did attempt contact but then I woke up. The Rose I am at the corner of Second and Forty-Sixth in a vacant lot in New York standing over a Rose. IT's The Rose from the Dark Tower novels. Jamie is talking to me either in my head or through an earpiece for some reason we think this can get me back into her inner world. She asks me If I'm at the rose? We seem to making a coordinated effort or something. I am greatly transfixed by the rose. "Yes I am at the rose." I say. "...I'm always at the rose..." Then I wake up. Well I guess I screwed that one up. Lucid 1 I become Lucid in my house when I discover gravity is light. I can't think of any plans so i look into a mirror. I don't try to change my image but the reflection starts smiling at me and looks evil. It fades out shortly after. Lucid 2 I become lucid in a movie theater when I float up. I leave the theater and look for someone. I wind up in the projection room and my vision starts to go dark. I keep saying ,"Computer: lights" a few times until I see the light is on finallyI seem very determined to do something. I enter a place with seating tables where people are eating and I spot an old co worker Daniel. I go up to him and tell him it's a dream. He doesn't seem to care much but after I keep talking he looks somewhat interested. "If you're wondering who I am," I say, "I might be your subconscious!" But I screw up the word: subconscious. I briefly fall back into SP and I am struggling to talk because I can feel my physical jaw is mostly numb. I snap back into the dream. "I'm sorry i meant: subconscious. I can't talk sometimes..." Dan just shrugs. Then I clue into what I need him for: He has to get into Jamie's inner world to take her shields down because I am not allowed. I have to try to convince him. "We are going to use your dreams to build your confidence... With GIRLS!" Dan then perks up a bit and seems more interested and almost smiles, which is strange for him. "For this next mission," I continue," You are going to get to practice with a very SPECIAL girl!" Jamie's voice booms into my head. "Robert... REALLY?" she sounds really annoyed. But Dan agrees. I pull up my watch with a display and see Asuka and Data behind two separate screens. Asuka says, "Im planting a homing device on him now!". Data is at a display with a keyboard and his fingers are moving at blinding speed. He says, "Locking onto him now and Transporting." then I wake up.
Updated 11-27-2018 at 08:56 PM by 6012
Dreams over the past few weeks. Jamie dreams have all been short and not very active: Black space I'm Standing in a black space with her and we are both smiling. Chat Chatting with Jamie over facebook. We both keep saying something about next week we both seem to be really excited about it. Long drop off from the dreams, about a week or more. Yesterday: 2 fragments First one me and Jamie are walking down a street at night time. Second one, she is working with me at mcdonald's and asks the cooker to put down more reg meat. This morning: Scary Jamie comes up to me and says, " this is us." and shows me a kids drawing of her and me dead with x's over our eyes like we just committed suicide. I'm like, "Um, no!" and I give her a picture of us hugging instead. Switches to another scene of a cinematic shot of ambulances pulling up to a house. Then I'm looking through Jamie's eyes and I'm on a stretcher looking at the men wheeling me into the ambulance... Cryptic. Other dreams: Lucid I was in some big university with some people. It was very crowded and I was lost walking the corridors. Some SJW looking girl and her friend were with me and they kept telling me I was going the wrong way. I left them and walked into a shower room. In the shower room were a bunch of gay guys wearing fishnets with their goods hanging out. Became lucid here and decided to leave right away. I backtracked a lot and got lost again trying to get out of the university. I found a landing with several staircases going in different directions. I went up the middle one and found a hallway which led to a door outside. Outside I flew up to get a better view of the area. The building itself was wooden and looked centuries old. I landed on the ceiling that looked abandoned and wandered inside somewhere. I wanted to try teleportation again. I thought of Jamie and wandered through a few doors. She was nowhere but I saw a hole in the floor to small to fit through. I jumped up and tried to use the hole as a portal. When I tried that the dream ended. Not again I was flying through a dream portal and landed in a dream with C. "not you again," I said to her and woke myself up from the dream. Resort A dream of walking through a vacation resort with a different C. Can't remember much details. Strange place I was in a grassy field by a large wooden structure shaped kind of like a bowl. I jumped on it and Saw Bjork there. She said we had to get away from the bad man. I looked and saw a throne. I ran to it and seen a scary guy sitting on it wearing a metal mask. He was holding a metal spear. Family trip I was in a strange place with my dad, my brother and his girlfriend. There was a big chute or slide I had to go down but was too afraid because it was a snow slope at the other end. I wasn't even dressed so I told them I had to find a snow suit. I found a large blanket and wrapped myself in it. I woke up before I could go down the chute.
Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:18 AM by 6012
I've had some lucids over the past 2 weeks but have made no time to write them down until now. Basement Became lucid in the basement of a house. Ran outside looking for my house (whenever I'm lucid IN MY HOUSE, for some reason I assume it's the wrong house) I call out to Asuka a few times. I try Time Dilation instead (Have no idea if my/Hukif's method works, it gives a bit longer lucids but not by much.) I put my hand on the ground and count the spaces between my fingers (this method of counting is what works for me instead of staring at one spot.) Each time the amount of fingers i have doubles making more spaces to count as unit of time. The extra fingers look fake. I count to 90 but the counting seems super sped up. Then I see I have hundreds of tiny black fingers that are so small it's impossible to count between them. By now the distortions are crushing me so I jump really high to escape them. I land on the sidewalk and the dream begins to black out. (No panic here this is very common trying this method, I usually enter another dream instantly lucid. FA, Instantly lucid in the basement. I find a mirror where I look like a woman. I try to take my top off to see myself but keep getting more shirts underneath. I start looking like my normal self again. Decide o look for Raven so I call out to her again, Walking through doors trying to make hem a portal to her dream. I come out the front of the house. There's 2 women outside that look like fake Ravens. I ask them if they are raven. They look kind of scared and don't even answer. I say, "I know a way to prove you are not raven." So I attack them knowing raven would fight back. A woman who may have been asuka runs up to me and asks me to stop attacking children. I keep saying this isn't my house and none of these people are raven. Asuka says it IS my house. I still don't know it's Asuka so I decide to attack her next by taking her hair and throwing her by the hair a few houses down. I run up to her but she teleports me back to the basement. I run out the door again when I wake up. Why is my dream self so violent and psycho??? Random lucid I was in a basement in a giant building. I was on some weird sciency tech team studying parallel universes. Me and some woman go to the parallel universe through a door. We exit the building and both agree that this exit is in a different location than the one we are use to. Some time later I'm running through a part of the building that is under construction. I find i can jump high and do Parkour stuff. This makes me lucid. And it transfers to outside some how. I start flying in the air and see an angelic being or Jesus, something like that so I decide to attack him for some reason?. I go to grab him but exit the dream. Bjork explains I fly down to some cabin in the woods type house that is also kind of fancy. Asuka is standing by Bjork. I tell Bjork I'm lucid now. She said she remembered something from the blank spaces she has between dreams, she remembered talking to her boyfriend. (the periods when awake apparently in this state she remembers waking life as if they are fleeting dreams). She says no wonder I was hesitant to be so involved. I told her that i read an interview where she mentioned a boyfriend. She touches y face and smiles. Her face changes from older to younger and tells me to just let these dreams be what they are. I say yes I'm fine with that. The dream ends fast. Tricky Me and my brother were in some weird building inside of a mountain. We kept going into an elevator that led to a giant spinning room where a ghost or something killed you and then you were teleported into the hallway again. After a few times my brother went on ahead somewhere else. I ran into a group of guys wanting to try the same room. They told me you had to pour salt water on the ghost and handed me a glass. We all went into the spinning room, and when the ghost appeared we all poured salt water on it. It turned into a solid-ish girl with brown hair, maybe a friendly looking older Samara... if that's even possible. She smiled at me and I smiled back. Then gave me an evil mean face. One of the guys said That he thinks she likes me and I should ask her out. I just shrug and wake up. Beam I'm walking with Roland from the dark tower. We are in a rundown city with old rusted cars everywhere. We run into a guy by a mechanic shop wearing greased overalls. Roland asks him if he seen the path of the beam? The man saiys his basement was built to follow it a ways. Roland asks if his basement goes all the way to the dark tower? The man says no. Roland follows the man inside. I wait outside and look up in the sky and wonder why we can't see the path of the beam in the sky anymore?
Bar Flash A vague memory of being at a bar that had Karaoke. Some guy from work was there and I was telling him, "See, Karaoke is fun!" Bjork flash Sort of a FA in a bed. Bjork is by the bedroom door doing something wierd. haven't remembered her in a while. Roland of Wall Street I'm in some office building when Roland From the Dark tower novels comes up to me. He's wearing a casual shirt and pants. He says it's nice to see me again and that he's happy that I also seem to have gotten a job here! I'm confused... he's supposed to be a gunslinger seeking the dark tower. He invites me for a drink. We go to the basement of the office building where there's an after hours bar. Some other of his co workers shows up, I remember a large unpleasant office lady... Like the one from the Drew Carey show. Her jokes are horrible. Back in town First I remember being in a living room with Asuka. Flashes forward I'm walking in a large city with a woman We go to a large building and decide to split up. I suddenly hace to go to the washroom. I go to the one I think is men's. There's a toilet with no stall. I sit and start my business when a bunch of girl children led by an older woman walks in. I yell at them to get out and they do. I tell them I will try to hurry.
Walking Dream of walking at night time with a group of people around a town surrounded by woods. Lucid Become lucid in a pantry. Wanted to try my new time dilation method of looking at a watch but there was no watch on my wrists... They were all swollen. Decided to do the counting thing instead and put my hand on the ground. Managed to count to 60 with the usual distortions. Tried to jump afterwards but I felt too heavy and couldn't. Felt the distortions crushing around me and I woke up. Bjork Was on a hill and saw Bjork. This made me semi lucid. Began walking beside her and I was joking around saying she looked like some singer. She said, "What do you mean?" and her forehead was glowing red and she began to change shape. She slowly morphed into a muscular dude wearing a wrestling outfit and began throwing cars at random houses. Work people. Had this dream after lucky from work dropped me off. Dreamed I was in his car with val from work also. He dropped her off and then he dropped me off at my house at what looked kind of like grove street. A strong wind began blowing and I could see storm clouds. I wanted to escape it so began looking for a vehicle. Lucky hadn't left yet so he drove towards me fast and kinda hit me but I wasn't injured. I got back in his truck. FA, and was somewhere with Val, There was this walkway going over scenic drive. We went up the steps but we wound up in some tower. There were various dead bodies around and Val started screaming and ran off. I went to the other side of the walking bridge and got a cop to follow me to the dead bodies. Was back in the tower and got lost in it somehow. The stench was so horrible that I was about to throw up. Drive Was in someone's van in the passenger seat. We were driving in chilliwack but found a wooded area. We went down a dirt road with trees on one side and a river on the other. There were a bunch of mountain ions around the car and I thought it was strange that they would be there. Became semi lucid outside that person's house when we got there. I started doing a nose pinch RC. and the girl asked me what I was doing. I said she was a manager at a lucid dreaming forum how could she not know what a nose pinch RC was. I noticed she was wearing a mcdonald's manager uniform and had to rethink my last statement, then woke up.