non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I am looking through my bedroom window and notice that all the trees on the street are burnt. Then I see a thunderstorm moving away, but a lightning could not have burnt all those trees. I search the landscape for some clue and I see that instead of the regular houses that exist in my village, the hills are covered in green grass and lovely country houses, almost like the hobbit's shire. So I get lucid. Then thinking of what to do: fly outside the window, stay indoors? Then realizing: what outside? What indoors? So instead I turn “inwards” and all the images disappear. Instead I float in this blackness, splattered by an occasional shine like of distant stars. I just focus on the moment, the sensations, the absence of everything. Until I regain some sense of my body, by starting to feel a warmth n my second chakra. It grows and spreads out, energizing my entire body. It is in fact so much, that I feel the need to shoot out some through the palms of my hands. I get back to my home and I see my 3 cats approaching me curious. I shoot this energy towards them, wishing them many blessings. But they jump and run away as if they receive an electrical shock. Oh well, maybe it was too much for their little bodies … I am with a couple of friends and we go meet my teacher. He opens up a vintage drawer and shows us some items, like old photos and postcards, decorative objects, some older, some newer. He says they belonged to the great teacher J.K.W.R., but I feel that he is hiding part of the story. I look at each and every object and I know that some of them actually belonged to his consort, like a small wooden engraved box and an incredible sculpture of a baby in blue stone with his arms around a silver lion. I wonder if this is some kind of test. Try to memorize all the details of the objects.
Blackness... that's all there was. I could feel nothing, I could see nothing, I could taste nothing, I could smell NOTHING... I could only think. My thoughts, in the 'dream' seemed like they were 'amplified'... like I was thinking much more deeply then I normally would. I can't remember specifically, but I think I was thinking about dreaming, lucid dreaming, my past dreams, how dreams relate to my life, and my life in general. I can remember, I made some pretty deep revelations about myself... too bad I can't remember them. Heck, I'm not even sure if you could consider it a dream... all I know is, when I awoke suddenly from it... and thought back on it... I just had the feeling of it being a dream-like state (you know how when you remember a dream, you know they are a dream and not like a real memory? Well it felt like that when I was remember the state I was in.) Anyway, if anyone knows what this is called, comment.
Another oldie. Dream Goggles (1/07/2011) I woke up in the middle of night. I think it was about 4am, but anywho. I had taken a bit of B6 and B12, and went to sleep. I awoke with no recall, but felt wide awake. Since I had nothing else to do that day, I decided to stay up. I made a cup of coffee and played Elder Scrolls: Oblivion for about a half hour. I suddenly got incredibly tired, despite the coffee and decided to go back to bed. I wasn't exactly trying to WILD, but ended up monitoring my thoughts anyway as I fell asleep. I imagine that's why it worked so well (caffeine probably helped.) I was pretty much watching HI of Oblivion, going through one of the caverns and fighting shit, etc. I slipped in and out of consciousness a few times. Finally, I found myself in total darkness. It sorta felt like floating. I imagined myself floating up. It began as a sort of "tug" but then I was launched up with incredible velocity and found myself lying in my bed. I got out and looked around. I was astounded. I'd never had dreams this vivid, or this accurate. My room was precisely as it was before I fell asleep! I slipped out the window, and began climbing down the hill of my house and my vision started blacking out from the edge, as it often does. On impulse, I pulled down a pair of goggles that I just "assumed" would be there, and my vision was back. However, everything was covered in snow, and instead of the town, there was a futuristic city. I walked down to a building that had a radio tower on top, and a helicopter went by as I jumped down. I realized at this point that there was low gravity, so I moon-jumped down the street I remember hopping down to a massive drainage pipe, and I found a dead body, with a cigarette nearby, blood on the filter. I was about to investigate, but woke up. I managed to DEILD, and found myself in a void again, and got tugged back up into the dream world. Part 2: It took me two more DEILDs, as I kept losing the dreams to blackness, nearly waking. But...finally I was back in my bed again, but things were different. it was a combo of the room from my house, and from my dorm room. I was in a bunk bed, which wasn't right, and knew I was dreaming. I hopped down and ran into the living room. My mom was there, and said " glad I didn't have to wake you up again." I ignored her as I noticed that the kitched was different, but I promptly left through the living room door and walked down to the road at the bottom of the hill I lived on. I saw a small red cabin and headed for it. There was only one room, and my aunt and cousins were there, and my grandma was sitting on the porch. (mind you, there was no cabin IRL at the road) My lucidity faded out and I was observing myself pointing a gun at my dad in the cabin, but I left, with my cousin following me, and my lucidity returned! We walked past the cabin and there was a series of wooden steps leading up a cliff/hill and I jumped up flights at a time. I approached my cousin to speak to him, as he was ahead of me, but I heard a strange beeping...unfortunately, it was my alarm. As soon as I realized it, I woke up...
Unstable lucid It was a sunny day outside and I was walking around a random neighborhood. It seemed as if the neighborhood was still in development, because there weren't too many houses around. I then saw a jet fly right over my head. I knew what was happening right away. It was going to crash. I then realized that this situation was too ridiculous to be really happening and I became lucid. The jet flew right across my face, filling the entire left part of my view. The jet became a huge spaceship and as I looked passed it I was now in space. Everything went all psychedelic here and I can't remember all of the images that seemed to be flying past me. My view then went black and I prepared to wake up. Upon waking I could already tell that it was a false awakening. I was floating around in a room that I've never seen before. There was a bed and it seemed to be a normal bedroom. I tried to set myself down so that I could become lucid, but I couldn't get a grip on any gravity and continued to float around. Everything then started to fade to black.
Updated 02-12-2011 at 07:57 PM by 28534
I was having a normal dream, then all of a sudden everything went black, I thought i had lost my vision in the dream but then i realised i couldn't touch anything in my dream. In fact, I couldn't move at all and it wasn't sleep paralysis because i was still asleep. I could also hear a thumping sound, it was like I was inside my own body without any of the normal senses, all i could sense was the beat of my heart. I was conscious yet asleep and within my body not a dream, really weird huh? I could have stayed in this state but it was something quite unusual so i opted to get out of it so I forced myself awake (which i'm pretty good at doing now).
Title: My First Flight Date: 9/14/2010 Category: Flying Dream Lucidity: Mild Lucidity Keywords: Blackness, Green, Floating / Flying, Vibrations Description: I started at 04:30. I was laying flat on the bed with my hands at my side, relaxing my eyes. I had my Lucid Dream Timer set at 8,4,8,12,16,20,20,6. Within an Hr. I felt vibrations. Scenes were flashing before my eyes. I walked down a path from a house carrying a green plastic cover. I was holding the cover with both hands waving it trying to get all the dirt off. I could not keep the picture in my mind, everything went black. I felt my feet lift off the ground....I was floating. I could not see anything, but I felt it. I was so excited by the prospect of floating that my energy rose too quickly and my dream state collapsed. Note: To maintain the lucid dream state, you must modulate your emotions. (Don't let your energy rise too quickly). Mental or Emotional State: Excited, Happy Interpretation or Meaning: The color green represents luck, money, envy, new beginnings, nature and growth. It may also represent peace. Blackness - Being "reborn" into the next phase of life. Flying may represent freedom, or may represent the spirit. They may also represent rising above your difficulties or overcoming obstacles.