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    1. Spring Competition Night 2

      by , 03-04-2023 at 05:47 AM

      Treasure hunting [+1]

      ...Going down a river. I, or we, come across a couple of people trying to fish something out of the water with a stick. At first I think someone has gone under and they are trying to give him something to hold onto. I think about diving underwater to try and rescue him, but then it appears that they are actually trying to fish something out that they found in the riverbed. I think I try to help, and feel what feels like a small log or something stuck down there. The people have a metal detector, and are searching along the river and riverbank. Then the go somewhere upstream. I look around where they were looking, and amidst the debris along the riverbank I find some coins. It seems to be silver change (like nickels or quarters perhaps), but as I look I find at least one-dollar coin. But then I realize it is Sunday, and I think this is too much like working on the Sabbath and I shouldn’t keep what I have found. I find a container to put the coins in, which turns into a mug. I hang the mug up on a peg or a rack of other mugs, with the intention of coming back for it later. I wonder if anyone will come across it in the meantime...

      ...(this might have been the same dream, or it might have been a fragment. I’ll count it as part of the same dream for the competition.) Continuing along our way, I see boats in water nearby. We can see emergency lights near one or two of them. Upon closer inspection, I see that at least one of the boats has a fire going in the bow...

      Fragments [+1.5]

      ...We are at someone’s house. There are a couple of different types of cake there. One is lemon, and I think there are one or two other kinds. At least one is layered, with frosting in the middle. I decide that one looks good...(Maybe the same dream?) Something about my niece...(again, not sure if the following was the same dream) I want to go somewhere. It might have been in Florida, but it was an archaeological dig that I wanted to participate in. The people that I am with are taking a long time though, and I don’t know if we will be done in time for me to go today. I think the dig might be going on for a few days though...(again, the next part might have been the same dream) in a Church service. I sit on the right end of a pew in the back of the sanctuary. After the service, people stand around talking (which might be what was going on in the part above where I wanted to leave). There is a woman with very tall platform shoes...

      ...There is a “party” going on downstairs. Maybe not really a party, but it is kind of loud. I crawl up a set of bunkbeds, and along the top, to reach an upper floor of the building. I want to go up and see if it is still loud upstairs. When I get up, it seems much quieter...

      ...Watching a trailer for an upcoming movie, perhaps an Indiana Jones movie. In this movie, there are Asian people, who might be supposed to be the antagonists. I get the idea that somebody thinks the movie is racist, because of the way that they portray the Asian people. I don’t agree, but I also feel a bit awkward because I am watching the trailer while I am with some people of Asian ethnicity. Something about going into a bathroom (?)...
    2. Pearl Divers

      by , 02-01-2023 at 05:54 PM
      Another subaquatic dream last night. I was underwater, and there were a bunch of women nearby returning from a pearl diving expedition, I think. In other words, they had been underwater for quite a while looking for pearls. On their way back to the surface they were singing. I could hear their singing, and reflected on the ability of sound to travel underwater. I think I followed them back to the surface, and then felt like I wanted to be able to join them in their underwater exploits. Apparently these women weren't fully subaquatic, because they had to come to the surface. They had learned to hold their breath for long periods of time though, and/or to build up amazing lung capacity, to the point where they could be underwater for a while and still be able to sing. I decided I wanted to do this too, and started practicing holding my breath and going under water.

      I also dreamed about whales, and a boat on a body of water with large waves. I think I read somewhere about water symbolizing the subconscious, and I suppose it is possible that these attempts to join the subaquatic people are representative of my desire to lucid dream. I also have been planning to learn to SCUBA dive, which might be part of it as well. Honestly, I like to hope that the "Subaquatics", as I have come to call them, are part of a persistent realm.
    3. Winter Competition 12.13.2022-12.15.2022

      by , 12-16-2022 at 10:48 PM
      Catching up a bit here.


      Some Fragments:

      (1) Crossing the street at my current University. I think that the light has changed so that I can cross, and lots of students are doing so. As we walk across the street, a car comes along at a fairly high rate of speed and goes through the intersection. “Nice stop!” I yell sarcastically. One of the students says to me “dude, he had a green light” (or something like that). I look up at the lights, and sure enough the light is green. I thought for sure it was red when I looked at it before. I wonder how this could be. Why did I think the light was red when it was actually green?

      (2) One of my colleagues is testing a new machine. Kind of like a rocket, but it only goes for a couple of yards before hitting a wall and crash landing. She gets into this thing and rides it a couple of times. It is kind of the routine – she gets into the rocket, blasts off, crashes, and gets hurt. People rush to tear open the rocket and get her out. This time, she does her crash land thing, and I rush forward before anyone else to get her out. I find myself more attracted to her than usual in this dream.

      (3) At a hotel, much like a place we used to visit when I was a teenager. Dad is there. He says something about going to the “Frog Pub” or “Frog Bar”, or “Frog’s Nest” or something like that. This is a bar/café located above the swimming pool.


      Hotel Brutale

      This starts almost like watching a movie. I see some people outside in a place that would remind you of an old American Western movie. They are dressed in denim-type clothes, looking like their working on a ranch or something. The scene here is kind of like the opening scene to the Follyfoot TV show. The focus shifts to three people, which I think at first are men and women (which causes me annoyance in the dream) but then it turns out to just be women (which is less annoying to me). There are men around too though (it seems better to me that they are in separate groups – more authentic or something). This seems to be some kind of inn or bar, or bed/breakfast type place out west. Maybe a ranch.

      Another guy shows up. He is being chased by someone. It appears that he had been staying at another hotel, and while he was there he ran into some trouble. Actually, he wasn’t even sure if he was the one in trouble. Someone else had been staying at the hotel with the same name. A Bounty Hunter type guy showed up looking for one of them. So this guy just decided to go on the run. Anyway, he ends up at this current ranch/hotel place. But he finds out that this Bounty Hunter is going to come to the hotel at some point.

      There are some things going on out back, I think. I’m trying to convince the guy not to wait around and take chances with the bounty hunter. He doesn’t want to leave though.

      Then a big long car drives up. It’s like a long brown convertible, but more like the length of a limousine. There are two women in the backseat (or the second or third row of seats). They are large – tall and strongly built. One, or both, is blonde. They are fairly attractive, actually, though quite intimidating. They are either bodyguards, or there are other bodyguards in the car. In the front passenger’s seat sits the Bounty Hunter. He is playing some music on the radio – soft, low, with an older country/western vibe to it. The sort of music that a self-confident bounty hunter type might play as his background music. The Bounty Hunter is sitting in the passenger’s seat, but leaning across and turning the steering wheel. It’s like he thinks he should be the passenger, but is acting as his own chauffer. He even does some odd thing with his door when he gets out as though he were opening the door for himself.

      The two large women get out, and I see how large the Bounty Hunter is. He is probably at least 7 feet tall, maybe 8 feet. Strongly built, like the women. I think he’s wearing some kind of long, dark coat. He looks at the guy who had been running and makes some remark about having seen him at the other hotel. Then he goes in and talks to the ranch/hotel owner.

      Back to the guy that thinks he might be running from the Bounty Hunter. I don’t quite remember what happened, but somehow he starts fighting. I think he’s joined by at least one other person. Something about a tower, knocking the tower over. Then he jumps into a car and starts running into people. He drives around to the front of the place and runs into a man carrying a camera or survey equipment, or something. He really gets violent. He narrates “I saw a man on his way to the blood bank. I extracted a donation.” He runs over this guy and green blood is smeared in a big trail behind the car. The guy is killed.

      At some point, the original owners of the ranch/hotel decide to leave, I think. This other guy, and his buddies, take over. By now, it seems that their focus has been to take over this ranch all along. They had a plan to turn it into a jungle themed hotel. It almost seems that this guy’s obsession with the jungle theme was so strong that making this place into the jungle themed hotel was his main reason for taking over. I think there is some disagreement between him and his companions though. I think there was also something about the hotel being in an exceptionally desirable location, because it was close to a bunch of stores (there was a scene with a strip of stores, almost in wild west town fashion but they are more like modern shopping plaza stores.

      By the end, the hotel has become a fight club. This whole thing might even have been a movie called “The Fight Club”. The man who had originally been on the run is big and muscular, and is in a ring fighting with another guy. Large, muscular men fill the stands around. I still don’t like the fact that they were so violent and took over the hotel, but at least it wasn’t just some greedy guy murdering people. In other words, these guys are kind of savage and brutal, and you might have expected this sort of behavior from them.

      Kayaking Adventure

      Kayaking down a river. I think I’m trying to recreate a famous journey – quite possibly from the Lord of the Rings (Fellowship of the Rings). It is a nice location. Peaceful and beautiful. But whoever is in charge of the area – the park service or something – has decided to put up speakers along the sides of the river and play music for visitors. They are playing some annoying country music. It kind of throws off the atmosphere, and I’m not too happy about it.

      At some point I think the river goes underground. There is a housing development, or some kind of urbanization, for which they have covered part of the river. I pull out the kayak and make my way to where I can get back to the river. Now I’m driving. I come across a small road/path to my left, but it isn’t connected to the road where I am and I don’t know if it’s supposed to be for driving on or if it’s a walking trail. Anyway, I eventually find a parking lot next to the water, and what appears to be a boat ramp. By now it’s raining pretty heavily. But I’m there for an adventure, and I don’t really mind the rain.


      Looking through a church photo album. As we flip the pages, it seems like the people in the pictures are laying in beds. The further we go in the album, the more the beds start to resemble coffins. Then it turns out that they are coffins. Then the people are dead, and instead of looking at pictures we seem to be looking at corpses in open coffins (this is not very creepy in the dream – it’s more like visiting a cemetery). The corpses become older and older, until we are looking at a skeleton(s). Above one of the skeletons there are some words written, including the word “haunted”, possibly repeated multiple times. One of the skeletons has some object laying on it, which has lights in it. Another skeleton has something similar, shaped like a flower pot (unless this is the same skeleton). The flower pot is vibrating. It was originally held in place by something, but whatever this was holding it in place is broken and the pot is moving around and looks like it’s going to fall off of the coffin. Somebody is with me, and while I hold the pot in place I ask them to get me some zip ties. I try to zip tie this thing in place, but the zip ties break. In the dream, zip ties are also called something like “Indestructibles”. I comment on how these aren’t very indestructible...

      ...The coffins are in a basement, and there is something about wondering if plants will grow here. But there are a line of windows nearby, so there might still be plenty of light...

      Fragments, so far:

      (1) Some AI program – like a chatbot/artificial personality AI companion. I think I’m choosing one. There is at least one program that is a female and has a nice voice. I’m kind of leaning toward choosing this one. There is something about lewd imagery though, and I don’t know about this.

      (2) Sitting on a couch, next to my Mom or Dad, I think. They’re on a couch behind mine, and I’m playing some rock music on my laptop and doing something at the same time, like typing the lyrics. Then I think that maybe I don’t want to be playing the music so loud (or at all) next to them.

      (3) People sitting in empty Little Caesar’s pizza boxes.

      (4) At my former workplace (a hospital pharmacy). I am filling orders, and one of my former coworkers is checking them. I wasn’t sure if she was a pharmacist in the dream, and if she had the authority to check my work. This is one of those cases where I’m hoping that I have overcome my OCD enough to be able to do this work efficiently.

      (5) Something about millennials having difficulty pronouncing certain words, or certain combinations of words.


      Took about 0.75mg of melatonin to help me sleep. Was awake until at least 1:00am, possibly past 1:30. Around this time I took 4mg of galantamine. Awake by 9:00 or so. I think most, or all of the following occurred in the last hour of sleep, kind of dozing before I was expecting my alarm to go off. It might also be related to note that I have been cutting back on caffeine, with one extra cup of tea this evening while out with some friends.

      Space tribe, ring, woman, watery trouble

      Some planet, I think. There is a native tribe. One of the tribesmen has a tattoo on his chest. He is standing so that he is seen in profile, and the tattoo looks like a big V shape in parallel lines. Someone is talking with the chief. Apparently the tribe wants to get control of a piece of land or a moon or planet, or something. This is a big issue with the tribe. At one point, the tribesman with the tattoo turns to face us and what looked like a bunch of lines from the side turns out to be words. The tattoo refers to the tribe’s desire to possess the piece of property and is simply the phrase: “I want iiiiiiiit!!”

      There is a woman with a ring. This seems to be a movie or TV show, perhaps, or perhaps I was vaguely aware that it was a dream. Anyway, I reach out and take ring somehow. It seems to be made of red gemstone, with some other bits to it. When I take it into my world though, it kind of falls into fragments. I think to myself at some point that this is, or might be, Dreamstone. That’s a possibility, although I thought Dreamstone was blue. I put it on a stand next to where I am laying.

      There is some hero-type guy. He comes across a big pit, which somehow fills with water. Now it looks like a big underground swimming pool. He has some discussion with the woman, and picks her up and throws her into the flooded area. It seems like he had some reason for doing this, but she is not familiar with swimming and sinks to the bottom of the pit. She appears to be in a lot of distress, and either I or the man jump in to save her. It occurs to me, however, that these people were living in a place with no oxygen but could breathe just fine. She is probably just pretending to drown. But while we are on our way to rescue her, hands reach out from a flooded stairwell and grab her, pulling her downwards. It seems that the hands belong to another woman – or possibly this woman herself. The woman is different somehow, it’s like she can project herself into separate places, so that the woman we had been dealing with was actually a projection of the woman that then reached out and grabbed her. Anyway, we’re trying to keep her from being pulled down into the stairwell, but not succeeding. We also will be running out of air soon, since we have to hold our breath to swim down there.

      The no fish era

      We are watching a film clip of a reconstruction of that past called the “no fish era”. This is supposed to be a time before fish, and it looks like water with a bunch of mold growing in it. The camera is moving underwater, following some swimming creatures that look like fish to me. Someone tells me that they aren’t really fish yet, but some proto-fish called “cichlids” (which is a bit ironic since cichlids are a type of fish in waking life). We follow a school of these, and then come across a really big one. Something about these “fish” is that they look like they are living skeletons. As we look at this big one, I think it become a big boat. But it’s also a living organism, about the size of a parking garage. It has developed a strategy to protect other fish. What happens is that birds try to attack the fish. But they fly into the boat/fish instead. This kills at least some of them. Meanwhile, other birds get trapped there, which become a target for the bigger birds, acting somewhat like bait. We see one animal (kind of looking like a dog, but might be a bird) taking care of another bird/dog thing.

      I’m on this boat/fish with another guy. There are puddles of water around. He keeps pushing dirty water with his hand, and remarks on how he shouldn’t be doing so. Something about people throwing up, possibly causing these puddles. Then I notice people around that are seasick and vomiting.

      Halloween Party (Lucid)

      I am walking around a dormitory in a shark suit. At first I just have the suit kind of draped over me, not really wearing it, but then I see some other people dressed in fish and/or shark suits. I think this is kind of funny, so I try to put on my shark suit more properly. It appears that there is some kind of Halloween party going on. There are different areas set up with different activities. In one area, it looks like there are a bunch of things for sale, like a junk store. One room has been arranged into a fake pagan temple, and someone comes along mentioning that they were “kissing” someone in there. As I look at the junk store items, I suspect that I’m dreaming. I do a nose pinch, and after some patience I eventually find that I can breathe and become lucid. Things are fairly stable, though a bit difficult to remember now. My cousin comes along, and I try to get him to help me. We walk together, and I pick up something and carry it. It’s as though I’m helping him do something, to keep myself oriented. As we walk and talk, I explain some of my difficulty to him, and as I do so things stabilize. We go down to an elevator, and walk inside. Since elevators are a dream sign, I think to myself that I should do a reality check. But I already know I’m dreaming, so I wonder to myself if there is much point in doing a reality check when I encounter a dream sign in a lucid dream. As the door opens up, I remember that I should be trying to score some points. I try to summon Sensei as the door opens. It doesn’t work. Instead, we are entering a really nice looking hotel-like place. Or maybe a spaceship. It has a kind of Jules Verne/Nautilus vibe. Wooden walls, and such. But then I think that I should try to find the dream base library, and in trying to change things I lose the dream. Things fade to the point where I can just see a bit of the hotel/ship thing. I maintain focus on this, but don’t remember what happened after that. I remember at some point either thinking to myself or dreaming that I was telling someone that I should have just explored the dream as it was because it looked pretty nice.

      Parallel world, asking DC for advice, out with a bang (lucid)

      There is a portal into another universe. It is quite small, and involved opening a little door behind which is the portal. We look in, but don’t see anything beyond a kind of haze or screen. I stick something into it to feel around. It feels semi-solid in there, like a big mass of gritty gelatin. It seems unsafe to go in there, since we don’t even know if we could breathe. We close the (small) door and open it again, and this time we can see inside. There is a black and white tile floor, and a sign on the back of the wall that says “Speakeasy”. This time we go inside. Even though the door is tiny, we find that we can just “enter” through it by trying to do so. When we get inside, we find that we are now very small ourselves. The furniture nearby is big compared to us. Someone (the proprietor?) comes to greet us. He seems large too, or maybe small, but somehow is close in size to the furniture (or maybe he’s close to our size? I don’t remember exactly what was happening here). We ask him how we get out, and he says “back the way you came”, opening the door to show us. But when he opens the door, it just leads out into a hallway, as though the portal were in a different dimension and the coordinates of the room are part of a different system. Are we trapped? But the man kind of laughs, this apparently being kind of a joke. You can get back to our universe from here, he explains. If we go out the door we came in and go to the left, it is a quicker way but “there are guns”. If we go out the door and go to the right, it is a longer but a safer route.

      Somewhere along the way I become lucid again. I look around, and see rows of junk store stuff for sale. Some of it is red, like it’s Valentine’s Day themed. Looking back to the bar, a door opens in hallway behind the bar, and a guy steps out. He looks like Sorrell Booke (the guy who played Boss Hogg on the Dukes of Hazzard), but wearing a dress and a wig. I think this is pretty funny, so I point him out to someone with me and turn away laughing. There also seems to be another person, possibly a woman, who is now bald. I think Booke’s wig came from her, which is why she’s now missing her hair.

      I see a guy with a bunch of straws in his mouth. Remembering the competition again, I ask him for advice.

      “Can you give me some advice?”

      His reply started something like this: “Don’t rob a bank when you feel like you want to be connected to the world,” but continued on for some time. It’s one of those things where at first it felt like I was making him say words, but after the first bit he seemed to be talking on his own. I follow him out a door, and then I think about asking him to tell me a short story. I don’t remember if this happened though. I might have decided that that would take too much time. At some point we’re being ushered out of the room by someone, who is helping us escape unnoticed. People are supposed to wear brown fedoras to blend in, which I am already doing.

      We go down some stairs. These are leading into a large, open area, kind of like a mall. I remember that my third task of the three tasks was to put my hand through something solid. Even though I realize that these had to be done in order and I hadn’t done #2 yet (advanced flying) I see if I could easily put my hand through the wall anyway. I try pushing against it, but my hand doesn’t go through. I feel tile though – the wall is covered with those small mosaic-like tiles (greenish in color, I think). Then I go down the steps.

      I’m in the bigger, mall-like area now. I think that I should try the advanced flying – my plan has been to fly to the moon. I climb a low wall to give myself a boost. As I look up, I see that I’m in a place with a fairly high roof, and possibly a couple of stories. I might be in an open part, which goes straight up to the roof, but I think there are several pieces of architecture in my way. Anyway, I try to fly but am not having great success.

      As I continue along, there are some people off to my left taking about having a choice of wearing a clown suit or pastor suit. The general idea is that neither would be fun, since the pastor has to do things like get made fun of. There is a weird thing going on with the back of people’s scalps being clipped to things. Looks painful. I keep going upstairs, and come across a small room. Here I find an interesting control. It looks like it has something to do with missiles, or space, or something. Like someone had been working on an advance school project? To my right is a strange lever. Since it’s a dream I decide to play with it, even though I don’t know what it will do. There is a roaring noise, like it has launched something. I think it’s a missile at first, aimed down at the ground just outside. However, it turns out that it is a rocket ship. I have just started the engines, I think. “This is my ticket to the moon!” I think, remembering something in the tasks about using an object to fly (although I’m not sure that a rocket ship would count, now that I’m awake). The control I’m working with is a kind of remote control. I launch the rocket into the air, hoping that the dream mechanics will make me associate myself with the rocket enough that I will follow it. My viewpoint does seem to follow the rocket as it goes, while I still maintain control of the lever. I have to work a lot to keep it angled up into the air and going straight. I also seem to be having trouble making a lot of progress. Eventually it crashes, and I try to fly on my own.


      (1) Looking at the clock and resetting the alarm

      Updated 12-17-2022 at 04:46 AM by 97618

    4. Winter Competition 12.4.2022

      by , 12-05-2022 at 12:11 AM
      In a boat, fishing with Dad. I get a fish on the hook, and can tell that it’s a big one as we pull it in. It’s so large that the fishing line almost cuts into my fingers as we hoist it up on board. I think we might take a picture of it, then Dad takes it off the hook for me and sets it down by the side of the boat (inside the boat) to set it free. The fish hops up and over the rail like a little dog and re-enters the water...

      ...Some people cross a stretch of water that is dangerous in some way. It seems that they are escaping somewhere or trying to enter somewhere that they aren’t supposed to be. An alarm goes off, either to alert people about this swimming, or to alert the swimmers that they are in danger, or both. The swimmers cross and go up the bank on the other side...

      Note: water, boats, and fish are becoming common dream signs. Especially water. I don't know why I'm not catching these. Maybe my dream mind was doing something there by "catching" the fish.
      Tags: boats, fish, water
    5. Winter Competition 12.3.2022

      by , 12-03-2022 at 05:16 PM

      - WBTB about 3:15-3:35 -

      Awake again at 5:35am. Had had the following dreams:

      Some Fragmentary Memories:

      (1) They have decided to play movies on the moon. Somehow, they found a way to project them onto the surface of the moon, such that they are visible from Earth through a telescope. My brother has been trying to set up a telescope, but I think he is missing a lens. I find the lens, and finish setting up the telescope so that we can see the movie...Something about working with a setup of electronic parts. Resistors, I think. We have to keep them in order.

      (2) At a store. I have a jar or bottle of some kind of green tea, which I’m supposed to put back on a shelf. I don’t know exactly where it is supposed to go, but eventually find the right spot.

      (3) At my apartment. I go outside. It is night. There is someone (a lady, I think) kind of slinking around out back. I put together some kind of wall, associated with the word “prohibition”. I go looking for firewood, I think. Then I go to a shed, but am a bit worried that there might be vagrants hanging out in there.

      (4) My notes from the night say “sabotage, black powder rifle”. I remember being in a room, and having a black powder rifle. I was going to do something with it, and there was at least one other person involved. Pouring black powder down the barrel and trying to ram it in place with something...

      (5) We have a cart with a big package on it. The package is full of body parts from a murder. We are opening it, and I can see the bones of the carcass against the plastic that is wrapping it. Once the package is opened, the body parts appear to be in cakes of some kind of gel. This is a famous collection, apparently. I remark on how we are looking at the same things that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle once looked at.

      Awake again by 10:00am

      Looking for a Book

      At the church that I went to when I was little. I have a book, but apparently left it in the sanctuary. It was up front somewhere, in a place that I had been sitting (like a choir section). I go there to look for it before we leave (my Mom is there, I think). My former Sunday school teacher from another church is there. Now it is kind of like I’m in his house. I don’t see the book, but he has a lot of other books on shelves. I look on the shelves. For a moment I think I see a textbook written by someone I know, but on closer inspection it appears that I was wrong. I look on another shelf, but still don’t find the book that I’m looking for. Meanwhile, I fall asleep. I’m woken up later by my Mom knocking on the door. She was waiting for me and has come looking for me.

      ...A fragment about walking up a hill on a college campus (kind of a blend of campuses that I have been on, I think). I think to myself that this is the kind of place that I often dream about, and I think I do a reality check. Unfortunately, I don’t remember what happened after that. Note: this might have been a part of the dream above, so I won't count it as a separate fragment for the competition.

      Boat and Secret Bases

      We are on a boat. I think we might start out in a car, actually, but our road takes us to a lake. As we start out on the water there is a sign that says “road closed”. We discuss what this might mean, since we aren’t on a road but on a lake. It seems like the lake is narrowing. There is an airplane flying overhead. The airplane dives down and then into the lake ahead of us. It goes under water and then out again, like a diving bird. It does this a couple of times. As we keep boating, we come across a fence and a gate that is blocking our way. It appears to be some kind of military base. As we approach the gate, some soldier-type guys open it for us, and then demand that we pull over to the side. They seem to not be happy with us for trespassing at this base. A man lectures us about how they have guns planted on the bridge overpass that we came through, and how they could have shot us. They are going to make us leave, or confiscate our boat, or something. I point out that the road shouldn’t be too far from where we are, so maybe we could walk to the road and call an Uber to come and pick us up. It seems to take one or two tries for this idea to get across. I don’t know if we end up taking the advice or if I just start thinking about it and the dream scene changes to us moving to land and going up a road. But we find ourselves inside a building. We walk down a hall and go downstairs. Here we come across a secret hideout for some kind of organized crime racket or corporation, or something. It is like a fancy nightclub atmosphere, but quiet and “respectable”, such as you might see the really rich and powerful villain in a movie hanging out in. I comment on how they have a secret hideout underneath a secret military base. This is amusing to me.

      More Fragments

      (6) Something about the American Revolution. We might be re-enacting it? Or somehow communicating with revolutionaries? This dream seems a bit difficult to follow. I’m talking with someone from Scotland. Meanwhile I’m trying to cook something on the stove. I have a tarp that keeps getting close to the burner and I’m concerned that it might catch on fire. It has started melting already.

      (7) I have some bags of trash/junk. I’m planning to get rid of them to clear some space (this might be part of the stove dream above). Mom is there. I think she asks me what I’m doing with a couple of the bags. I plan to take them somewhere (to my room? My truck?).

      (8) Something about aliens in a car. We might be chased by aliens. They end up getting under our seats, but then someone does this thing where they push the seats forward and pin them against the front of the car.

      (9) Building something with dowel rods. There are holes in the sides of a box, but when I go to put dowel rods in it appears that some are bigger than the rods that I have. Then I see that there are tubes of a wider diameter. As the dream progresses, it seems that I’m making tubes. It seems like there are some tough guys that I need to prove myself to. I have a device that should make tubes of the diameter that we need. It involves a rotating thing mounted on a wheel (or wheels) that goes on a kind of track.

      Mom’s new house

      Mom buys a new house. I go to check it out. I think it’s sad that she is moving, but the house is fairly nice on the inside. It is also “finished”, which apparently the other house wasn’t. This includes cabinets and trim. We go upstairs, and it appears that they are still working on the floors. The floors are almost finished though (actually, they are finished in a couple of the rooms, I think). We find that the previous owners left a bunch of things behind. At first I think I see a cider press and get kind of excited. On closer inspection though, it appears to be some other gadget, like a potato planter. Then I think I see a cider press for real. On closer inspection, this seems to not be a cider press either. Instead, it’s something where you rotate a ball and it screws up inside of a glass globe for some reason. I think maybe it could be used to press grapes or something. I think as I look at it I see birdseed inside. I keep looking at the things that the previous owner has left, and now it seems that most of it has to do with feeding birds. There are bags of birdseed around. As we keep looking though, it turns out that the guy has kept a lot of things, like what you might find at a hardware store. There are chemicals, paintbrushes, and clothes. They are in aisles and on racks, like in a store. I wonder why he has all this stuff, and someone (my Mom, perhaps) says that he might have been a prepper and was hoarding things in case something happened. I think this is odd, because the things that he was hoarding didn’t seem like they would be particularly helpful in such a case.
      Tags: boats, burning, water
    6. The House by the Waterfront; Furious Panda

      by , 03-07-2018 at 04:09 AM (Night Vision)
      I’m driving in an unfamiliar town, where I’m going to attend an event of some kind. I have the impression it has something to do with Kyabje Düd’jom Rinpoche? At first, I’m trying to find a parking spot near a junction, but all the spots there seem to belong to the nearby buildings, so I turn the car around and head towards the waterfront, closer to where the event will actually be held. It’s a long, straight street with small, gray paving stones and narrow, wooden houses painted light colors on either side. At one end of it, I can see boats, their masts blocking the view further out—to the harbor itself, presumably.

      I look around for house no. 11, which is where the event will take place, so I can park nearby. The address plates are large and clearly display the numbers, rather like the Prague address plates do. The plates seem to be in the right general order, and so I don’t have trouble finding it—but there do seem to be both odd and even numbers on a single side. I’m not sure whether it was this that clued me into the fact that I was dreaming, but it definitely happened right around then.

      This is a dream: what will I do? Checking out no. 11 still seems like a pretty good idea, but first, I decide to take a look around the area. I walk along the street, towards the harbor—but as I walk, it seems to change from a street to an underground tunnel, and when I reach the end, I’m not by the open sea, but looking into a square room full of water. It seems completely closed off and is made of some yellow-red stone, mossy where it's close to the waterline. The water is packed with boats—not big ones like I saw before, but little ones, more on the order of rowboats.

      There’s something a little ominous about this place; it’s impossible to imagine what purpose it could possibly be serving. If this were a Zelda game, I’d fully expect the door to slam behind me and some giant monster to rise up out of the water and attack. I wait. The water seems to be rippling in a rather odd way. After a little while, a couple of larger waves swell up, rolling beneath the layer of boats. But they just die down again, and the water becomes perfectly still. I watch for a little while longer, but it looks as if that’s all that’s going to happen, and so I head back towards the house—now, an entrance partway along the tunnel. I open the door and step in.

      An Asian woman greets me: it seems I’ve been expected, although there doesn’t seem to be any kind of a gathering here as I thought. The woman also seems to be expecting me to have a female friend along. I consider telling her that I’m here alone, but actually, there’s no reason I can’t invite someone else. I tell the woman I’ll send them a text message and they should be here shortly.

      I pull my iPhone out of my pocket. But somehow, all the people I can think to invite are male. An idea occurs to me: I start spelling out A-N-I-M-A using the numbers which correspond to those letters. The phone is a bit shifty, as such devices often are in dreams, but not enough to impede me. But partway through, I remember that I’m not supposed to have an anima, being female and all. So I make it end U-S instead and send the ‘coded’ message off. Well, I guess I’ll see what happens. I put the phone back in my pocket and we sit down at the table in the next room to eat.

      The table is a large one, but there are only three places set—hers, mine and the empty one. We have some kind of fish dish, which tastes good. Not much in the way of conversation is happening, and so I’m mostly focusing on remaining aware, making sure I don’t forget this is a dream. It’s an interesting feeling, being here in this place, which feels so real and yet so unreal. I could get up and do something else, but I want to see where this is going.

      But at some point, I wake up—due to some environmental noise, possibly. But it’s only a short time before I fall asleep again, and find myself back in the house, in an upstairs bedroom this time.

      Through a window, I see branch falls onto the roof of a neighboring building—a large, blocky structure. The roof looks like it’s in bad shape, with large chunks of tile missing—this place must have got hit by the storm too, I figure.

      I’m eating a cup of yogurt there. It’s chalky and bland. Probably low-fat. Why am I eating this awful stuff? This is a dream, I don’t have to eat it. I place the cup on a dresser or some similar piece of furniture. Downstairs, I hear the door of the house opening, voices in conversation—somebody has arrived. Maybe it’s the person I invited in the earlier part of the dream. I’ll go down and check. But right now I’m wearing a nightgown, so I ought to put something else on first.

      I step over to the full-length mirror, which is standing near the door, and look at my reflection. I’m wearing a plain nightgown, like a short dress with spaghetti straps. Oddly, I don’t seem to look quite like myself—my face is different, though not completely different, and my eyes seem to be the usual color. I step back. It’s been a while since I’ve done this—and actually, I’ve never done exactly what I’m about to try, but it doesn’t seem like it should be too hard. I’ll create myself something more appropriate to wear. I extend my hands, palms upward, feeling energy gathering.

      But it doesn’t feel right—there’s some kind of a resistance there. As I notice that, I also see something standing behind me in the mirror—a furious-looking panda bear approaching me. I turn around, looking into the room—but it's empty. There's nothing there. I look back at the mirror: furious panda. Well, this is a little creepy. But because it’s a panda, being furious just makes it look ridiculous rather than menacing. I step backwards into the room with one hand behind me, feeling for the spot where the panda ought to be based on its reflection—but I wake up before I can get to it.

    7. Yesterday & today's journal: 2 non's & 1 lucid

      by , 01-09-2017 at 11:45 PM
      Non-lucid: I was a part of an oddly large family. We were moving from boat to boat to live. A male was helping to load the boat w/ clothes that he had put in some kind of order. He had to dive into & under the water to retrieve them. Later we all were put into groups. Grouping by male & female & put into separate boats. I didn't recognize anyone, even the ones that were supposed to be my family. I was now the person who had to dive under the water to retrieve the females clothes.
      I am so not sure what this dream means.

      Today: Dream 1/Non-lucid: I'm in a house w/ an incredible amount of rooms which is a common dream sign for me. My grown daughters & their kids live there also. My daughters keep telling me to get the ceilings fixed because there are holes in some places & I keep telling them that it requires money that we don't have. Some person I don't know tells me to at least get an estimate but I persist & saying that they will call social services & take the kids away because I can't afford to have it fixed & it will cause unnecessary troubles for us. IRL Meesha wakes me up & I pull my covers over my head & chain the same dream scene but I'm lucid now & the scene changes. (D2: Lucid) I'm in a store that looks like a big box warehouse like a Sam's Club. A man appears & I'm behind him & we seem to be waiting in line like you would be at a Wal-Mart Pharmacy. I just bumped right into him as I fell into the scene. I apologize & explain that I am deaf in my left ear. IRL this happens a lot because of my hearing loss so naturally I automatically say this. I'm confused that I just got dropped into the scene this way & turn around to take in my surroundings. I see rows & rows of these absurdly large bins are there. It reminds me of another dream I had about Christmas, when it wasn't remotely Christmas season. The bins just go on & on w/ discount items in these big bins. Meesha is relentless & pounces on me IRL & wakes me from this. How annoying. I would've just got up & shut the door but Josh is still here from Christmas break so I can't shut my door incase he needs to use our bathroom.

      Mike & I have been making changes in our house to make the lighting low & calming. But right now my son is home from college & has interrupted what has been our only time off for a long period like this. I'm still waiting for the clips to come in to keep our lights in place. We also changed the lighting in our bedroom & only watch TV in the living room which is liberating but unfortunately disturbed by our son being here. He yells into his damn headset while we are watching tv & sleeping but Mike never says anything to him. I just come off as been irrational which is insane. I just want to hear what we are watching. Hence me dropping into the lucid scene. I do not want to be forced back into my bedroom. It was the whole point of getting a new TV & system for Christmas. We are finally at a place in our lives that we need to be alone & can't be. So I guess my dreams actually make sense if I look at it in that respect. He is in his 5th yr of college so that means about a year & a half before we are actually alone unless he gets an internship that isn't here in our town. But even then he will come back for his breaks to see his friends.
    8. Bear, Boats and Other Stuff.

      by , 07-01-2016 at 06:24 PM
      I worked in cafe but it was a different building than in waking life, a nice big space. It was evening or late at night and we were getting ready to close. I was attempting to make vegan cookies and trying to find some vegan chocolate I could add. I remember seeing a Christmas tree that was in an adjacent room, and I unplugged, or plugged the lights in, I can’t remember. A lingering customer was remarking about how slow I drove my car, and I had an image of my [dream] car, with the entire front smashed, like a memory of a crash. I told him I drove slow because I had once crashed my car, and I showed him a fading bruise on my right inner bicep.
      Outside, me and co-worker (old friend?) were going to our cars when we noticed two suspicious men on the roof of the cafe. We ducked down and tried to hide behind some structure. I think the men could see me, and I decided instead of remaining in hiding that we needed to distract them. I made an urgent look to a customer that was also outside- some man- and he seemed to get it and we both loudly talked about something and started to go back into the cafe.

      Fragment: Editing some trailer or excerpt of a movie. Lots of problem solving dreams last night of this kind. Designing, editing, creating. Left me feeling tired when I initially woke up.

      Wrote down notes on dreams, read a little and went back to sleep. More dreams below.

      I was in my front room with my husband. We were sitting on the couch and a giant black bear was excitedly trotting back and forth between the couch and the front door, like my dog does when she wants to go out. In fact, the bear completely had my dog’s essence. I jokingly asked my husband, ‘Want to let her out?’ I got up and walked on the couch to reach for the front door, realizing that the bear could attack me at any moment. I opened the door and watched the bear run out and run down the street. I briefly wondered if I should warn the neighbors that a bear was running around.

      I was making a movie with some people- maybe I was related to the director? We were hanging out on an urban street sidewalk, in an area that looked like an east coast city. An old male actor was standing next to me, and a slightly chubby man (my relative?). After a few minutes of discussing the movie or something else, we went inside a door behind us and it was this old man’s apartment. The carpet was old and stained and there were various rugs around. He mentioned something about liking my dog, or enjoying having her there, and he had a large dog that came in and tried to get near my dog but she seemed defensive. In the kitchen on the counter there were 3 bubbling pots- one was a tea kettle I think, the other perhaps coffee? And the third was apparently and experiment I had going on in a giant mixing bowl. It looked like bread dough in water with cayenne pepper, and I added something like apple cider vinegar. I have the idea that it was fermenting, not boiling.

      I felt like an outsider. My mom and my brother were there. They each got a text from my aunt asking if they were going to the annual family boat reunion. I never attended this (dream event) but I was slightly hurt that I didn’t get this text as well. I was playing on my iPad/iPhone, editing movies or watching clips of a movie I was working on.

      I was catching rides on large cruise-like boats by walking into the center of a bridge and stepping out as the boat passed under. I was able to step directly onto the boat without jumping using this method. Soon though a boat came and I wasn’t able to get on, but I notice a crowd of people, including an attractive woman around my age, were able to get on that boat in a way I couldn’t access. Then another series of boats show up, these are smaller, and several groups of teenage girls are on the bridge with me. They are dressed like they are on a sports team, mostly red and white colors, and they jump into the water next to the boats, or jump directly on the boats themselves. I contemplate doing this and then decide those boats aren’t for me and I think it’s too dangerous to jump anyway. An old school friend is near me and she agrees. I decided to wait for the next boat.

      A lot of this seems mundane. Bears are a common theme for my dreams, they used to be nightmares, now they just show up randomly. Im not sure why this one seemed like my dog, if that means anything to me. I think bears mostly symbolized anxiety for me in the past, or my father…now they seem to symbolize something that I am slightly afraid of, but think I can get around.
      Boats and water are reoccurring a lot lately. These definitely seem symbolic, perhaps of subconscious emotions, or finding ways to navigate those emotions.
      I live far away from my family, and have for a long time. I love them but I don’t want to live where they are, and it’s hard for me to travel to see them very frequently. I suppose I do feel left out, and although I talk to several of them frequently, I worry if I will regret this one day. Or if they think that I don’t care about them as much as I do. I am very introverted and could go days without talking to any human and be fine. I often realize that I have gone a while without reaching out, and wonder if I’m more oblivious than others when it comes to maintaining relationships.

      Updated 07-02-2016 at 01:48 AM by 91019

    9. Changed Resort

      by , 05-24-2015 at 12:45 PM
      Morning of May 24, 2015. Sunday.

      I have returned to a fictional recurring dream location that I had been to several times before in past dreams, which is some sort of fancy resort, or was by this point, with a large lake mostly on the southern side in most cases and the fictional “enchanted forest” region north of the resort. Although it slightly reminds me of an area of the Mississippi River (or Black River area) of La Crosse, it also somehow reminds me of the essence of my elementary school’s playground in Florida, especially in this dream.

      I talk to a younger male (who has a female staff member with him) about how I used to enjoy going out on the lake in a boat. However, as I grow closer to the end of my dream, I notice that most of the lake is gone, with only a few puddles remaining. There are still boats on the muddy ground, even a fishing boat farther out. I think about going out to look around but realize that the ground is probably too soft to safely walk on. I wanted my family to enjoy the area, although we may be staying here for a time anyway. There are not that many patrons in the area. I do not know or learn what had caused the lake to disappear. I even ponder upon why the resort would even be open with no more lake to supplement it.

      This may be a very similar situation in meaning to my lifelong recurring fishing dreams (as well as similar dreams of the past where lakes or rivers become shallow or vanish during the course of my dream). One of the first ones similar to this regarding a body of water getting lower over time was “The Angler” from 1965. Over the last thirty years, I have more and more come to understand that it simply represents the waking process. As the water becomes lower over time, so also does the “deepness” or “impact” (or more “realistically” rendered detail in some cases) of the dream. It may also be that flood dreams sometimes represent a “struggle” with the waking process (especially if latent apnea is relative). In fact, even “escape” dreams (where you are trying to get away from something) may possibly only represent a “struggle” with the waking process in some cases, especially if the dream is also influenced or “scripted” by environmental sounds during sleep.
      Tags: boats, resort
    10. The Party Ark in Venice

      by , 09-30-2014 at 09:45 AM
      Monday, 29th September 2014

      Moon Cycle: 30% illuminated waxing crescent in Sagittarius
      Tarot card: 9 of Pentacles
      Mayan Calender: White Resonant Wizard


      I appeared to be in the shallow dock yards of Venice. The long and wide megalithic canal walls where lined with many open topped boats and people sat and enjoyed their sundowners. Our boat was old, unpainted and wooden resembling a small version of Noah's Ark.

      My friends steered on deck as I jumped off and pushed the boat outward, a little journey was in order. As the ark began to move I noticed my friends where fooling around and not controling the rudder to steer. The Ark now headed toward some other expensive looking yachts. Luckily the people on the other yacht soon realised danger and swiftly moved just in time.
      "Idiots!" I think to myself about my friends.

      The crew from the yacht that we almost just hit into shot us disapproving death stares, and signalled to the coast guard security closeby, who had seen everything anyway.

      They signalled us to come over immediately.
      "Uh-oh...now we're in shit",I exclaimed out loud. My mind immediatly asked if we had any illegal substances on the boat...its wasn't our boat and who knows what could have been stowed away.
      I sat in the front of the ark,legs hanging of each side, steering toward the coast guard.

      As we got closer a short man tanned with a mustauche climed down the ladder from the watch tower to receive us.
      Beaming my most sincere smile, I greeted with a "how are you sir" as if the previous events didnt occour.
      Strangely, the guard was cheerily friendly and we began a conversation consisting of unrelated small talk.

      After observing his body language and facial expressions for a while I soon realised that he was intoxicated and merely was looking for another drink from any unsuspecting citizen.
    11. Cersei

      by , 08-26-2014 at 07:48 PM
      I started questioning the dream in a fairly dull IRL-based scene, and then questioned why I was questioning it - but I did eventually become lucid. Once becoming lucid, however, I as Jaime immediately started looking for Cersei.

      (Side note: this was an interesting level of lucidity. Fully lucid in most respects - lucid about the fact that I was dreaming, lucid about my ability to control the dream, no desire to stick to the previous dream storyline - but I wasn't lucid about my own identity. On top of that, I only started playing Jaime's role when I became lucid - up until that point I'd been my IRL self. It's standard for me to play the role of other people when I'm non-lucid, but I'd thought that conflicted with lucidity - apparently not.)

      I was still in a room that was meant to represent my IRL home, but it had no doors, which I understood signified a resistance against me taking control and changing the scene. I had the feeling I had to get out in a hurry if I wanted to maintain lucidity. So I turned around in a full circle in order to create a door that would be there when I turned around again. It was a wooden door, rounded at the top, and when I opened it I saw a scene that was meant to represent my IRL neighborhood.

      I closed the door, called out to Cersei, and opened it again, understanding that this will have changed the location it links to. Now on the other side of the door there's a dark stone enclosed walkway with large windows overlooking a castle courtyard. Better, but this isn't the place I was looking for. I have a mental image of a glittering gold-and-white castle that I want to get to, where I expect Cersei to be. I try again - I close the door, call to Cersei, and open it again. The scene on the other side of the door hasn't changed this time - it's still the dark stone walkway. I decide that this means Cersei must be in this scene somewhere, so I walk through the door.

      Recall gets increasingly shaky after this. After walking through the castle a bit I found Cersei in the courtyard, and after a short conversation she took me to a rowboat that we'd both have to row - she gave me some explanation involving the word 'knowledge,' and I made an (apparently less than successful) effort to remember her phrasing so I'd recall it after I woke up, it seemed symbolically important. The boat carried us briefly along a waterway running through the castle, and I think I began losing lucidity at this point. There's a memory gap, and very little recall after that - before I woke up I'd wound up back in an IRL-based scene, and I'm unsure how much lucidity I had by then.

      Updated 08-26-2014 at 09:18 PM by 64691

      lucid , side notes
    12. Competition night #13

      by , 08-10-2014 at 11:38 AM
      Fragment 1:
      Whizzing around in boats

      Dream 1:
      A loop about lucid dreaming. I am trying to pull off some kind of lucid challenge and keep going back to sleep after not quite managing it.

      I manage to avert a nasty violent argument on the final attempt, a bystander appears to remember the argument that happened in the previous loop and is scared when I turn up but is relieved when I manage to change the story this time around

      Fragment 2:
      Dancing on the sofa to the band outside

      Updated 08-10-2014 at 04:12 PM by 69407

    13. Nuclear Crisis Averted

      by , 07-05-2014 at 06:25 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I am some sort of god-like entity, an awareness with power, lacking physical form, helping a large group of people and animals live their lives. I become aware that there is a hostile ship, going to another land to bring back nuclear weapons to use against everyone on the island I am familiar with. Going over to it, I attempt to stop it with lightning strikes. Despite several direct hits on the ship, it continues on and reaches the distant shore to pick up the nuclear weapons.

      I take human form, and go to speak with the leader of this operation, but he kills me before I can do or say anything right as I enter a wooden lodge he is in. Still having an awareness of what's going on in the lodge, a large group of women enter, all dressed the same, all with their hands in their identical bags. They surround him and say something to the effect of, "You had this coming for a long time, now the time has come" He tries to run, but a group of women hold him as he is assassinated. All the women had guns in their bags.

      Now a young boy just on the outskirts of the town, holding hands with a young girl, we watch the town mill about. People going here and there. Boats coming and going. The large ship from earlier has turned into a smaller ship with no where to go. Very peaceful, a dam slowly raises out of the nearby river, filling a large reservoir.
    14. The Hotel and the Magic Show

      by , 11-16-2013 at 08:23 AM
      11-14-2013 -- [Can't remember all that much of this one, but what I could remember had some small parts that were kind of interesting.] First bit that I can remember was a lot of running around, chasing and being chased in what was part school, part lab, part hospital. At lest part of the time I was naked or part naked, and though I can remember nothing specific, I am almost sure some of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters were there. One of the dreams where there are doors in unexpected places leading to secret passages, and went on for quite a while with lots of people and running, but no details I can remember.

      Soon it turns into a Disney hotel with seven floors (in real life it reminds me of the Radisson) that I have frequently dreamed about. I find I am on the third floor, and instead of moving to a room or a elevator, I walk to the side and push a button that makes a balcony appear outside of one of the rooms, and climb on to it. I planned to continue on to the rest of the balconies, but the button I pushed only created the one, and there are no more buttons. I think for a couple of minutes, then just speak to the air like I were on a Trek holodeck, and speak into being the entire row of balconies, and walk to the other end, where I move back into a hallway and am waiting for an elevator. When it opens, Endora (from Bewitched) walks out, and kind of glares at me, which makes me a little nervous.

      I dodge into the elevator and push a button, trying to head up for the fourth or fifth floor, but the elevator won't go where I want to go. A couple other people get on, and I eventually manage to get off, but I exit into a sort of fancy restaurant located halfway between the second and third floors. (It is a restaurant I have dreamed of between floors at least two or three times before.) I try to make my way through it, and climb up to the third floor, but the floor plan is getting more and more complicated, and I eventually have to get help from a bus boy to find my way out of the restaurant.

      As I exit the restaurant I instead find myself entering the three-wing shopping mall (that somewhat resembles the Westminster Mall) that I frequently dream about, and find the area I am entering is right next to the arcade. There are video games and flashing lights, and it is a multi-level arcade. I quickly realize that it is a cross between the five-story Disney Quest and the game center that I once invaded in a dream as Spider-Man, but this time I just walk right past it and find myself in the fourth floor of what is turning from a hotel to a cruise ship. (Though it is a cruise ship that has seven decks. That part is remaining stable.) I take the stairwell up to the fifth floor where I walk into a strangely familiar bar.

      I quickly realize it used to be the Adventurers Club, and I am on the Zebra Mezzanine, but they have removed all the artifacts, lined all the walls with bars, and the main focus of the room is now two very large cages. Greg Schuerman climbed up on top of one of the cages to make a speech about the loss of the Club and his memories of it, but he can't actually remember what he is trying to say, so he climbs down, then climbs in the cage with a 'wild animal' that may just be a man in a gorilla suit as a tribute to Marcel. There are a couple of other wild animals in a sort of giant circus wheel type of gadget, and as they approach, Greg flees out the door in 'terror.' Once the door closes behind him, he grabs a small wooden crate (about 18" square by 6" deep) and starts to fold himself into it, in preparation for a magical appearance. But never mind the trick, I am just amazed he can squeeze himself into such a small space.

      A fellow dressed up as Frankenstein comes slowly wandering out with a pallet jack, and he is supposed to pick up the crate, but he is acting really unintelligent, and pretending he doesn't know what he is supposed to be getting, so keeps half loading up the wrong things, while some woman sitting in a wheel chair is disgustedly telling him he is an imbecile and a stupid thing, and is trying to direct him to the right crate. I'm just standing there thinking it is an interesting, if bizarre, show.
    15. Hurricanes, bombs

      by , 11-10-2013 at 07:32 PM
      I took 3 mg melatonin before bed. I don't know if it did my dreams any good, but I slept pretty well.

      I dreamed that I was staying at somebody's house... a couple, who were maybe in their 60s. I don't remember the man very well, but the woman had shoulder-length dyed brown hair and wore sort of flowy pastel blue clothing with lots of jewelry. Their house was on the edge of the water. It was mostly open to the air, with pastel curtains hung between pillars. It reminded me a lot of some of the houses in Florida. When I asked about hurricanes, they said they'd rather live on the edge of the water than relocate to a hotel on slightly higher ground where they would just drown anyway.

      Then, there was some sort of hurricane/typhoon. The house was blown to pieces. Somehow, the couple was unaffected by the craziness going on around them, but extremely concerned about me. Even though I hung on, I ended getting blown away.

      The dream shifted. I was entering a city that was built on the water. I descended on the city from the air, somehow. The houses' walls were made of white plaster, and the rooftops were glittering ceramic tiles in all sorts of jewel tones. The architecture reminded me a lot of the American Southwest. There were canals between all of the houses. Somehow, all of this was on top of a mesa that rose out of the sea. I recall that I was able to get into the city because my cousin J helped me get a passport.

      The environment around the mesa reminded me a lot of coastal South Africa. There was a cave system inside of the mesa, with different levels to it, all of them filled with enough water to pilot a boat around. The poorest people lived in boats in the lowest levels of the cave system (which also opened to the sea, through a tunnel that looked very mouth-like). The richest people lived in the houses on top of the mesa. The lowest level was very dimly lit, and the cave walls were made of sort of a brown clay.

      I was at the lowest level, and suddenly had a boat. My boat was a little house-boat, about as small as a house-boat can get. The lowest level of the mesa, where I was, had terraces, with waterfalls. I thought the sound of one particular waterfall was very annoying, so I tried to pilot my boat to a higher level. One of the other residents was an extremely skinny man with tan skin and a shaved head. He stopped me and said they wouldn't allow boats at the higher levels, because the water was too shallow. I thought that sounded like bullshit, but turned around anyway.

      The dream shifted. I was somehow involved in a plot to detonate a bomb somewhere in Sweden. I don't remember why. I remember moving there because my friend had moved there to teach English (which she does in real life) even though I really wanted to move to Norway instead.

      My great grandfather lived in a run down little shack there, and wore a ratty red robe. I remember thinking that he looked very thin and frail. He was trying to tell me in broken English that what I was doing was evil, and begging me not to do it. I was doing it for his good as well as my own, although I don't remember how. After I had completed the task, I was able to move my great grandfather to a much better apartment. He still wore the same ratty red robe, and he refused to talk to me.

      I woke up, rolled over.

      Dreamed my roommate was talking about getting married to one of our other friends, but I don't recall anything else.

      Updated 11-10-2013 at 07:49 PM by 32101

      non-lucid , dream fragment
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