I was entering a school/university to disarm a bomb hidden somewhere on the premises. I knew this, because I was being guided by a woman who could see the future. Apparently there'd been a previous timeline where the bomb's gone off, and I'd died. Bummer. (Possibly, she was also a time-traveler.) I ran up some stairs where everyone else came down. I remember thinking that at some point someone was going to try and stop me, thinking I'm a student and I should be headed for class. I don't recall how things went, but I was successful this time and the bomb was presumably disarmed. Anyway, when it was all finished, I met up with the woman again. She was a beautiful, had long red hair, and was in her to late '20s. I quite liked her, and we got along well. I didn't want this to just "end", lose touch and miss this opportunity to get to know her better. Before I woke up, I had a vision (where the line between unconscious dream and conscious imagination blurs) of her lying in bed with me.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At my paternal grandma's house, fighting with the front door that I think is locked but at the minimum touch just falls out of place. My aunt Ana comes by, very distressed and says I should try again to close it, but only after she goes outside for a bit. She goes outside and warns me about my cousin Cris who is apparently causing mayhem inside, with threats to her parents and whatnot. Then some shadowy figure passes by me and I think it's her, but it is actually Duarte. He doesn't even say hi to me, just seems to want to avoid our family altogether and also heads outside in the semi darkness of dusk, to stand alone and quiet. Then my uncle is in the kitchen, quietly avoiding talking about it when Cris erupts from inside the house and heads outside to lash out on my aunt. I try to rationalize what is going on and say to myself they just need to talk. Then I go to the living room to meet my mom. The corridor light is off and the living room is also in total darkness. I feel goosebumps because of the ghost at the end of the corridor, but knowing my mom is in there calms me down. I enter the room touching around blindly, and hear my grandma's voice. She is clearly hallucinating, talking about some past job and arguing that she can do some task. I am not sure if I should tell her the truth or play along, then my mom suggests that I should pretend, so I sit down on the floor besides the sofa where she is laying down and I put a hand on her body, and play along with her story, making up replies to whatever she says. I'm in a world where people of different tribes are ruled by fear of some thugs who took control. Every month or so they select one tribe and ask them to offer a bunch of people to sacrifice. From that group they usually only kill two, but it depends. If people volunteer, then maybe they don't pick others. This time is my tribe's turn and I am part of the group who volunteered to go. I have managed to convince them to actually start an uprise. All of us are willing to die for it, but we want to succeed, so we contact the leaders of other tribes before going. We don't manage to get even one to join us, but I am convinced they will if we start something and show them we can win. When we're there, we're almost caught conspiring but we manage to pretend we're just preparing for our sacrifice. The guy who almost caught us, has a huge crush on me and I know he will not let me be chosen, but he hints that in exchange he will probably be able to keep me as a slave for himself. I wonder how I can use that to our advantage on the day of our revolt, but it isn't clear. For now, it allows me to get closer to him and he takes me to see the location and stage of the sacrifice event, so I use the chance to study details that might be useful. One thing I notice is that a big storm is coming and might wreak havoc the next day, helping us. On the day of the sacrifice, our leader decides to offer himself and he leads the way. Then he kills the guards and starts the fight. The storm had happened at night and left damages in a dam nearby. So we sent someone to blow it up and it breaks apart. The water floods the district where the dominant tribe lives, killing and scattering them. These images are broadcasted to everyone else who then joins us in the fight. We win at the end. With my mom attending some conference in a big tent in some exotic place. People from all over the world and it is all in english. I ask if she understands what is being said, and she says it's ok, but I can see she is making a big effort to follow. It is supposed to be about facing climate change and adapting as a society but soon I recognize the speakers and realize it will be a bunch of disinformation and new age BS about changing consciousness and moving to other dimensions. I tell her that, but I think she knows and doesn't care. I cope with the first session, but at the break, I go outside to breathe deep and I am amused at the kind of people who are there. There is a group sitting on top of a wall focusing down on a rock trying to make it levitate. Just for fun I tell them "try me" and then I start levitating. Unlike what happens in other dreams, they actually gasp and are shocked. They immediately know it wasn't their powers that did it, so it could only be my own. Soon I am surrounded by every attendee, begging me to share my secrets and how I developed my powers. But it doesn't happen, because we're attecked by some white planes that look more like disks. People say they are chinese planes but look more like spaceships. They drop some kind of bombs that bury in the ground and implode colapsing everything on top. The ground seems to dissolve in big pixels that and then dematerializes. People run in all directions and just nearby is the city limits. It also gets attacked and entire streets and the subway system collapses pixel by pixel, as if it is a simulated reality being deleted. I am getting tired of running and remember again that I can fly, so I shoot up and land in some other city area by the sea where people seem unaware of what is happening on the other part of town. I need to know where I am, so I pick up a map from some tourists and see a bunch of islands with Tenerife marked in one of them.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Blown by a strong wind, get KO and when I wake up I am in a parallell universe. I am with the same partner but all my pets are different: the cats are dogs, yet I recognize them all and I have quite a few more than the ones I know. Kidnapped and forced to detonate a bomb. Several people caught in the same situation refused to do it and blew the bombs elsewhere, hurting their plans. I want to do something similar, but I also want to survive it. At the last minute the bad guys realize my plan, so they send me with a handler to control me. I still manage to find the right spot, where blowing the bomb won't harm others and I manage to jump and throw the bomb away, so it blows while I escape it. I watch the bad guy being projected and his head smashing against a wall. I am only hurt but people find me and care for me. They know what I did and they celebrate. I get acquainted with the locals and I meet some autistic kid that I become fond of. We become friends and he loves to hug me and I love covering him in kisses. I encounter my uncle Filipe under the bridge in Alhandra. I throw a cup of nuts to his head and then try to hit him, but then he looks like my cousin João and I feel pity of him. He also looks scared and I tell him I want to forgive him. He burst into tears and we hug, but he still says he can't let go of my mom's betrayals, so I yell at him that he is insane and all my mom did was being a saint and done nothing but favors to him and her siblings by caring for their parents. He understands I am serious. Still he is not entirely sure I am saying the truth. I then leave to meet mom who is calling me on the phone, worried. But as we speak, I find myself in Vila Franca, looking for a bus to get back to Alhandra. The town is full of highschoolers and college kids all tanned in bathing suits and party clothes, but there is also a bunch of nerds dressed as Halloween characters. For some reason I end up fighting with the nerds with a bat while they brandish fake swords.
I’m at work and going into the breakroom. John is here with a plate of food - chips and something else. I start making a plate as well. There are some chicken nuggets set out and a tray of what feels like leftover french fries. There are only several chicken nuggets, and I only leave one or two. In the process of making my plate, things on it seem to disappear, so I have to do it again. A couple others now show up, some of which are unfamiliar. They are a couple of women that seem to be visiting for work. One of them tells the employees that they’ll be needing the breakroom, that they can’t eat outside or they’ll be fired. I glibly say it’s fine when I really think it’s ridiculous. I put BBQ sauce and a sour cream dip on my plate and walk outside. It immediately looks like I’ve walked into a backyard with a large lawn. I see most everyone else is sitting in the sun; I veer right into the shade. There are some camp chairs set up with a dog lying under one. I go pet the dog. He accepts it but also nips at me, though not in an unfriendly way. In the chair, Jessica is now to my right and Dad in the chair to her right. We are watching a lightning show on the horizon behind the house. There is some sheet lightning and bolts that aren’t all that close. I notice Jessica’s hand naturally resting between her legs and subtly fidgeting with the seam of her jeans. I initially take it as sexual, though it could just be itching. She also quickly adjusts her bra; I see the cup move beneath the shirt. I glance over to read her shirt and I’m not sure if she takes it as me checking out her chest. I think about explaining myself but don’t. Now, a plane flies fairly close overhead. Another appears and drops two projectiles. They fall for a moment and then start flying this way. They pass overhead, continue on, then explode on the far horizon. In my mind, the far horizon is somewhere like the East Coast, and it’s crazy that I can see it from here. I’m outside somewhere with Melissa. We’re on some road and approaching a long and steeply inclined overpass. Everyone (I think in cars) slows and stops. Apparently it is closed off suddenly. A man down here is trying to explain the situation to us. I become very angry with him, shouting ‘who are you to tell us what to do with our animals?!’ I guess the scenario has something to do with animals - horses? I end up hitting the man several times but he never reacts.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some party with coworkers and their kids (I think). My boss, who is some random dude in his 30s, good looking but not my type, starts seducing me. I don't show interest, but I try not to antagonize him too much, afraid of his reaction. At some point I fall asleep in a couch and I wake up with him leaning over me, shirtless and I am afraid of what may have happened. I am fully clothed and there are still other people in the next room with the kids making noise, so I guess not much happened, but I don't know. Back to the other room, one of the persons is actually his wife and she is giving me a side look. I decide to leave as I feel uncomfortable. But I can't find my bag. I start looking for it and the kids basically mixed everyone's phones and other personal belongings and spread them on a couch. I find my phone but I still want the rest of my bag. Instead I find a plastic bag with my stuff in it. I am upset and say that the kids stole my bag. Their parents feel offended and don't like my accusation. They tell me I should just take the plastic bag because it's the contents that count, not the bag. I am pissed at all of them, but I accept and leave. Some days later, at work, I have a meeting with my boss and Zilla, who also works with me. Our boss was recently promoted and I am actually happy it was him and not me, because I didn't want that level of responsibility. I feel less stressed and feel this could work well. Then he makes a stupid proposal that he wants to change everybody's schedule and make us all have two hours lunch breaks and leave later, because I need that time at lunch break to dedicate myself to some artistic project I am working on and which he wishes to support. I panic and say "Please don't! People want to leave early, they have families". Zilla is clearly very upset with the idea. Then the idiot says he doesn't care, he is full on in our relationship and wants the others to know about it and his support to me. And I am like "WTF are you talking about? We have no relationship!!!" And I am freaking out, because everyone will hate me and believe we are lovers instead that he is delusional.. I go on a desert trip with friends: three ladies and a guy. We stop our jeep at some dunes to take some pics. The ladies have their hair wrapped up in shawls. I convince mom to go with me to a local shelter, which also works as a dog hotel, to get our dog Lady who is there for some reason. Mom doesn't want to go, she is afraid to fall in love for some other dog at the shelter, but i explain we will only go to the reception and get Lady and she won't see any other animals. We get Lady but they want mom to register as a client (dog is hers, but I registered as the client). They ask her lots of stupid questions and even subject her to some sort of skills test. She draws an amazing picture, then they want to analize its meaning. I'm like "WTF?" but she is sort of enjoying it. Then we hear a large plane flying over us, someone shouting at us and the sound of what seems like a bomb dropping, so we duck under the desk. Then something heavy breaks the ceiling and falls close to my feet. It's a bomb and is about to explode. I know there is nothing we can do and we're about to die. I wake up in panic.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With a male friend and following a female friend. We lose her when she goes around a corner and a bunch of other people get in the way. Something is going on because people are acting strange. We are at my home village and we decide to go inside a bakery located in its main square. There is some kind of celebration going on inside, supposedly regarding New Year's, but we are past that day. And anyway, they are playing some Xmas songs and the whole thing makes no sense. Still, I join in for fun. The party is also themed like the '40s and the Xmas music is only from that era. I notice my teen crush Tiago sitting there on a table with some other guy and I notice he is trying to ignore me but very much saw me. I look hot and I am dressed in a sexy mini skirt and I decide to taunt him a bit. I keep pretending I didn't see him and start dancing with others. But he also keeps ignoring me, so I get bored. Then I check the cakes on the counter and I am desperate to have a slice of a couple of them. But the bakery owner says they aren't selling slices directly. I have to buy a raffle ticket and I get whatever cake comes up in the ticket, if any. But lots of the cakes have chocolate amd I say I specifically need those without it. The owner keeps refusing and then says she can sell me directly but only the whole cake to take out. I tell her ok, whatever it takes and ask the price of a couple of them. I am expecting it to be pricey, but affordable. I have maybe 20-30€ in my wallet. But she says it's a 100€. I say that's insane and then ask how many cakes is she packing on that box and how much for just one and she keeps saying it is 100 for each. I repeat that's insane. She explains it is only today because of the special event and she is doing this as a special favor to me. I pass. I head to the door and see some guy throwing a hand grenade or homemade bomb towards the window to the right of the door. I yell for people to duck and I run to the opposite side. It blows and breaks the window. Some guy pulls me to a storage room on the back and i hope there is a backdoor to exit. There is, but when I open it, I see the back leads to empty lots and some suspicious pick ups are driving like nuts in the roads between the lots and heading our way. A guy jumps off one the trucks and walks with another grenade in his hand towards us. I try to barricade, but there are only soft materials. So I run to the washroom and try tp escape through the window. But it opens to some kind of enclosed backyard whith the ground two floors below. So I have to do some climbing and holding on to the ledges of windows and go around the walls that make a square around the yard, until I find another open window. That one leads directly to the lobby of a train station remotely similar to the station of Santa Apolónia in Lisbon. There are people visibly in shock running inside for the trains and some weird tall people in blue waterproof coats seem to be trying to control them. They start closing some interior doors to the platforms to stop people from going in. I make a run for it and manage to get inside. Not without one of these blue dressed women grabbing me. They are weird. She doesn't hurt me and she seems unable to restrain me seriously. She is just passively agressively asking me to leave. And I refuse and ask who they are. She says they are just clones that here to help. I notice how she looks like Fernanda. I push her and she calls for backup of a male. They both surround me and try to make me go back but I grab their arms and push them around and notice that they don't react with harmful strenghth, so I decide to push them harder and run for it, which works. They lose interest and try to stop other people. I go to the ticket booth and ask for a ticket out of the city. The lady says there is no need for ticket, they are evacuating all who want to. They themselves seem to be packing to leave. So I go to the platforms and try to look for the right train but the info on the boards is all messed up and impossible to know. So two guys point me to a tunnel and say we gotta follow it because the trains have all left already. So I go with them. But at some point a train comes out of nowhere speeding towards us and we need to jump to the other tracks to escape it. Strange thing is that it's being pulled by a human like a horse pulling a carriage. Then another train is coming from the opposite way on the other track and we have to jump again. Same thing, pulled by a human. It's surreal. Then the guys decide to disappear up a vertical tunnel over our heads, but I try to follow them and can't, it is too tight and with rough edges where I get stuck uncomfortably. I feel claustrophobic and give up. Instead I decide to continue following a larger tunnel that bifurcates from the one with the trains we were in.
Updated 01-10-2022 at 10:32 AM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In the future, there are city areas we cannot walk into, because drones attack immediately and also bombs are dropped regularly. But I need to meet someone who hides there, so I take a chance. I arrive there just before the daily bombing and the locals help me find shelter. I bring this person with me. We need to enter a museum for some reason but it is not open to the public. We try going in and they reject us. Then it starts raining but it's acid rain, to the point it burns the skin. People run for cover. We hide under a sculpture on a square. Then we see a monster they sent to track us down and we have to run from it. Going to a grocery store with Riverstone and we spot an alien monster hiding in the store. The owner is totally unaware and every time we spot the alien moving he doesn't see it. We keep trying to prove him it's real but he morphs and shapeshifts. Then it also behaves as a ghost and possesses the store objects. There are children size dolls which start moving and Riverstone freaks out (one of his biggest fears) and says he is leaving. Attending some kind of seminar. There is a lot of people and the rooms are small so they put a camera on the presentation room and are projecting it on screens in other rooms. I stay in the room where the speaker is. At the end there's is a play about an Indian guy who wants to marry some rich girl but has little chances. After a lot of rejection her father allows them to meet and even go on a trip together but then it's clear the girl doesn't love him and all of it was a waste of time. But on exiting the theater, the actor who played the rejected guy attracts a lot of girls, who go after him.
I'm in some kind of foster home. It feels as if I am about 12 years old. I have two friends in my age. We are mischievous and are looking for different pranks and other things we can do. We find some permanent markers in different colors in a shelf and I take the black pen. As I take it I hear someone old coming. I hold the pen and walk to the person as if I was innocent. The old person is suspecting we are up to something and says that we should not write on the furniture. She says a specific word we shouldn't write and I really want to write that word but reckon that she will know that it is me then. New fragment I'm walking outside with my sister. I'm holding a plastic box with small white cookies from a store. We find a car that is deserted by the water. We look in the luggage and find some kind of bomb with a wire that is leading to the ocean. We follow the wire. New fragment. We are walking in town and are dressed for cold weather. We know that someone is looking for us and wants to steal the cookies because he is an addict. There is some kind of substance in our cookies he wants. We see him and he approaches us. I don't know what to do with the cookies. My sister is approaching him and giving me an opening to hide them. When he looks at my sister I throw the cookie box up in the air over the addict. He doesn't notice the box in his view but hears when the box falls to the ground behind him. He looks behind himself in suspicion but doesn't see the box due to the dark winter climat. He walks away and me and my sister is able to walk away safely. We meet dad after a while and we tell him about the addict. Notes: I wondered what I would dream about and how the dream would be interesting. I am not disappointed. My family watched some old photos of us when we were small and found a text where it said how much trouble I caused for 30 minutes that day. Including taking a permanent marker and write on a wall with it. I think the addict in the dream was the gambling addict from church. I had a lot of HI and it was hard to hold my eyes closed.
I've got my hands on a very small bomb with a button on it. When you hold the button in an alarm is set and the bomb will explode in 60 seconds. I hold in the button and disable it again by long pressing the button again. If you do a single short press on the button the bomb will explode instantaneously. I am afraid that I might do a single press by mistake. I am in the kitchen downstairs and is about to play poker in my brother's room. There is a control pass between the hallway and I have to hide the bomb in order to get through. Something happens and the guards get distracted. I pass unnoticed and is able to enter my brother's room. There are some poker men there and I join them. Notes: I don't know why I would bring a bomb to the poker game. My home in the dream didn't quite feel like home. I think it was because of the security. I'm in the woods with my cousin Oskar. There are many other people there who shoot arrows at each other. We hide behind a rock. It is almost like The Hunger Games and we need food. I am really protective over Oscar and tell him that he has to be careful. We need food so I tell Oskar that he needs to follow me so we can hunt someone down and take their supplies. New fragment. I'm facing a crowd of about 100 people that is hostile against me. Some people at the front have bows and are shooting at me. I ask them how many they are and why they are teaming up against me. I think it is odd why they are not killing each other in a game where you are supposed to be the last person standing. After I have asked the question there are only three persons left with bows and arrows. They tell me that they are only three people and I think to myself that it makes more sense now. They shoot arrows at me and I use my machete to deflect the arrows that is about to hit me. I wake up naturally but I still have the dream in my head. I'm not sure if I made the ending up by myself or if the dream really wanted me to see its ending. I run to the three people and one shout out loud that I still have a machete. I cut the first one and goes to the second one. I swing the machete against him and the tip of the machete is burrowed into his shoulder. I had a sleepover by my cousins and was with Oskar who is a small child.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Caught on a time loop with some people who are also aware of it. We are at school, the afternoon class was canceled and I am not sure if I stay and eat at the canteen or if I go lunch at home. Out of nowhere there is an explosion and we all die and go back to half an hour before and relive the moment. It seems we can't get out of it or change it and I watch each and every one of the others losing it, going insane. But I also start noticing small changes in the history every time we relive it. I start exploring the moment from other angles. Until I finally find the bomb and the guys who set it up. It won't be easy to disable it but now there is hope, so I go back to my friends and tell them the news just before the explosion happens again.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening With a group of amateur spies who volunteered to keep an eye and report on the leaders and regimes that threaten the world. I mostly spy the Chinese government's tentacles abroad, but had a chance to infiltrate the Brazilian government and they are with crazy ideas. The president picked up Trump's idea of nuking hurricanes and he shows me excited a bomb they have ready to use in the next extreme weather phenomena. There seems to be no one around him smart enough to see the stupidity of it. Instead they are all so proud of their tech. Back to headquarters they don't wanna believe me but someone else confirms my story with complementary info. Meanwhile some colleague is on the phone with a Chinese dude we are monitoring, and she claims he invited her to lunch and there will be no time for us to set up a mission to go with her. She has to go alone. We are all listening in silence, but we almost blow it, with our whispering - we cannot believe she really will go out with this guy.
I am with Dad at his house. I think it looks mostly the same, but the view out of the front window is different. Instead, there is a view of a slight desert ravine or at least some fairly steep desert hills. There is nothing but sand, rock, and sagebrush until a very tiny patch of what looks like buildings on the very far horizon. In a corner of the house opposite the window there is some machine, no bigger than a small couch, that apparently launches missiles/bombs. I think there is an atom bomb, a hydrogen bomb, and a magnet bomb? The last is the smallest, but still a very serious bomb. One of the larger bombs, still a long, thin cylindrical shape that fits on the device, is loaded and ready to be sent to Russia. I think this must have been Dad’s idea, and it is all very nonchalant. It has been launched out through the open front window now, and I am waiting. After a while, I see dark clouds forming on the horizon. They aren’t really black, but look more like storm clouds. After these clouds form, I see dense, white smoke. It is coming this way, slowly, from my vantage point. The sunlight seems to dim here now, and I look again at the approaching white smoke. The mass is travelling up the hills, and I know it won’t stop for us. The ravine’s length is quickly becoming consumed; it is moving a bit faster than I thought possible at this distance. I fear it might break the window, so I turn away and move towards the kitchen. In an instant, the light is drained, looking like there is an eclipse or total, dark cloud cover. It is only the smoke though, as I hear it pass over the house with an airy impact, like a plane passing through clouds. I see it cover the far windows and pass seemingly slower than it came. I wonder what Russia looks right now, what city had the most impact, what history has been completely erased or rewritten. I then wonder who will retaliate and send a bomb to the US, thinking it inevitable. I think about dying like that, and it is not something I want. It all feels too real.
I am in what seems like a large, dim room. The building seems industrial and empty/abandoned. There are only a few others here. They are doing some sort of bomb test. I think I ask someone if it’s a hydrogen or atomic bomb. I think they say it’s a big bomb, but not that big. Now, the bomb (that looks more like a grenade) is being throw from the other side of the room to over here. There are actually two of them, and they land in a corner/inlet to my right. There is a wall between them and me, but still I panic a little. They then detonate with a much smaller explosion than I had expected. The explosion looks like mostly black smoke in a sort of mushroom head. After a moment it sort of goes off again, sending a powerful wave of aftershock. There are people against a fence on the far side of the room; I watch as they are violently thrown up and against the fence. I go look at the location of impact, finding two small craters. The bottom is bright yellow orange, like it has turned the ground molten. I think about sending a Snapchat of it.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Something about russians and some test. Something on a public swimming pool, with a couple of ladies, crossing the locker room to avoid or meet someone, but then getting excited about a swim in the pool. A friend says he invented a simulation of a nuclear bomb, but without radiation and the blast is harmless so wants to test it. I'm not feeling sure about that, but he insists on blowing it up and says we can hide in an underground shelter nearby. Strangely enough, he sets it off in the middle of a town, so I wonder about all other people if the test goes wrong. Anyway, he is not going to stop for anything and he blasts the thing off. The shock wave is strangely slow, so we can run ahead of it and seek the shelter. He doesn't go, but me and Alex and Zilla we run to it. Zilla is the only one who knows where it is. Alex trips when we cross a bridge and he grabs a piece of my clothing asking for help. But I tell him "it's ok, the bomb is harmless, you'll be fine." And I shrug him off and keep going (watch a bitch I can be). I look back a few steps later and ask him if he'll be ok? He ain't sure, but he doesn't complain and gets up to keep running. Zilla finally stops behind a building with a garden and I ask if the bunker is there. She says no and that she also wants to experience the blast on the surface, but she is taking cover behind the building She finds a hose on a wall and takes an improvised shower. Recommends me to do the same, in case the blast is hot. I feel pretty upset with all this and think these guys are just fucking insane. The blast is coming. I am a at a supermarket with Riverstone, shopping for food. Some troll just put 200€ of frozen fish on our trolley. We're vegetarian, I ask the cashier to keep it and take it away, but Riverstone is looking at all the codfish and saying maybe we should buy it for special occasions. I am pissed he is even considering that and say "absolutely no". Everyone seems to be losing his/her voice. I am also starting to loose mine. It's some virus that's going around and infecting more and more people. It's afflictive.
//Been meaning to write this down for about a week now. Oops. I'll put the lucid parts in a different color. Dream 1 I'm walking around in a dark room, so I can't see much of my surroundings. I'm not sure what happens, but I suddenly become suspicious; I cannot remember how I got here. Since I'm alone, I jump, to see if anything strange happens. Nope, just a normal jump. I'm not convinced, so I jump again, expecting myself to float. I hover in the air a bit before floating back to the floor. I realize I'm dreaming! It takes me a second to push down the excitement. I shout for clarity a couple of times, and the dream stabilizes. I'm unsure what to do for a moment, then decide to examine my surroundings after jumping around a bit. Yes, it's still dark, but I can still see a little bit. There's a staircase to my left, so I go up. The stairs lead right into a bedroom with glass panes on the wall to my left and just ahead of me. There's a queen bed in the center of the room; someone rises out of it and stares at me, but I pay them no mind. I instead look out the window. It's stormy out, rain pelting the glass and the doors leading to the balcony. I'm about to explore more until I remember a goal I'd had for a while: to make a ball of energy in my hands. Better try it now before the dream dissolves! I move my hands to make the energy ball; I can feel energy rush into my hands, but cannot see it visually. I speak aloud and describe what I want, speaking of a blue mist. Blue wisps emanate from my hands, but no "ball" so to speak. I then describe it as a lightning ball, but then my brain associates the word "ball" with "bomb". Yeah. A loud explosion comes from outside. The glass shatters inward, the results of the bomb nearing me at a rapid rate. I'm not afraid; I simply open my physical eyes to get out of the situation. Dream 2 I wake up at this point and go back to sleep. I end up in the same dark room. I recognize this once more and go lucid. This time, I open the front door and will it to be nice and sunny. It works, sort of. I practice flying and other forms of dream control. I try to change location by closing my eyes and asking to go somewhere else, but the other location falters a bit before shooting me back in the one I first was in. Oh well. I believe I slowly lose lucidity after this.