Some long, interesting and weird dreams today, though sadly couldn't recall much of first one, but the recall of second one was very detailed. Dream 1(fragments): I was browsing some suggestion forum game about dragons and then was talking with someone about dragon colors and types. Dream 2: I was in some video game and i was on some ship/floating base. There was a commander and some scientist/engineer dude, we were discussing missions and stuff, then in one of rooms there was mission menu items in which i selected by shooting it from a pistol. I wend to one mission target of which was apparently to land on the beach, and along with some other people assault the enemy base. In that mission i used some vehicles including tanks and eventually was successful. I returned to the ship/floating base and there was some more talk, engineer/scientist dude explained about leveling weapons and that weapons upgrade themselves upon reaching certain level then i had a choice between doing several missions, there was one mission that commander was suggesting, one suggested by scientist/engineer and one by someone from special forces according to screen. I went for commander mission. At the start of mission i had to go through some platformer level, it was kinda hedge maze with weird gravity shenanigans and i had to navigate from block to block while dodging spikes, spiked maces and lasers, but mostly spikes. It was pretty hard. Eventually i got through and there was some kind of base where i had to fight some enemies, one of my shotgun weapons got an upgrade during the fight. After base there was some dock-like place where i joined up with scientist/engineer dude and we started an assault on the last enemy building, which was a wooden structure of some kind. On the way i found an low-leveled flamethrower and decided to keep it in selected weapons for leveling, during an assault i was able to literally dodge bullets pretty easily while scientist/enginner was shooting enemies, though one of last shotgun enemies managed to hit me a couple of times, on which scientist/engineer commented in some way. Done with the mission we returned to the ship/floating base, and i figured the game was getting close to the end since there were only a few more missions left. After checking weapons i decided to check the special forces quest and then some military women with name Tanya(Possibly inspired by C&C Red Alert game series) appeared and explained the objective, though i haven't accepted it yet and decided to wait and finish some stuff on base first. I was doing some stuff on base and at some point a cutscene started, i was now viewing from the perspective of scientist/engineer as he was entering some room with the commander, it was dark with mostly dark-red coloring and there was some machine in the middle of the room. According to commander it was supposed to do something with keycard management and scientist/engineer needs to put hand into one of machine's holes to get access to something. He does so, but at the right time takes the hand out, some blade briefly appears in the hole so apparently all of this was a trap. He argues about it with commander and commander takes out a couple of objects that looked like hybrid of vaccine and blade, double wielding them. Commander attacks engineer/scientist with them, aiming for the hands, he dodges a few times but eventually slices through his hands with them(I actually felt pain from that due to viewing from his perspective). His hands now are all in blood and that hit injected him with some nanorobots that let commander control him. Cutscene ends. I started search for some things around and eventually found some cave-like place, dark with red lights. There were some cloaked people who were giving side quests, mostly requiring using certain amount of science resource for something, one was requiring 7433 science for some antidote from some disease but i was not interested in side quests anyways. I was searching for something else. Eventually while going through some of base corridors i found a very dark room. It was full of zombified people which were just standing around, and also there was some being that called itself 'The Darkness'. It was hungry and i had to fight it for a bit, but after a while it calmed down and explained that it needed souls and flesh, i decided to help it. I wend back to the mission selection room and scientist/engineer was here, he had bloody hands and high pitched voice, i asked what happened and he said that everything is ok, and then i activated the special forces mission. On the mission i was in some city, on roofs, and i had to snipe some enemies along with Tanya. I was getting more upgrades and useful items during it as well as silently gathering souls and stuff for The Darkness. Done with mission, i noticed that there was only one mission left, final one. I went to The Darkness room and gave it souls, then i grabbed dead body from my inventory and took out it's skin in seconds turning it into small flesh ball. The Darkness is hungry again, loses control and activates another boss battle, this time more complex and perspective switches to top down, shmup-like. The Darkness transforms into some green crystal and starts firing projectiles, which i dodge while firing back./ Soon it switches to phase 2 of fight, which spawns crystal options that fire huge green plasma beams that can reflect from some walls. I dodge for a while and then switch to different weapon, which creates forcefield that reflects lasers back. It does enough damage to activate phase 3 of the fight, The Darkness transforms into some black cloud and starts moving around like crazy, spamming shadow projectiles and knocking down zombies in the room, it screams some gibberish and about being hungry. It was hard but i dodge, soon the phase times out and The Darkness stabilizes itself, it turns into a child girl. I give it/her flesh ball that i made earlier and she says that only one thing left now to get, the Earth's soul. I ask if she/it is sure that it/she can keep itself stable now. It/she says that it/she will wait now, as much as needed. I go out of the room and dream ends.
Dream 1(fragments): There was some kind of factory and there was a cutscene about an group of girls that were working there. They got caught by something called 'Girl factory effect' that involved alot of panicking, then factory got attacked by some creatures and there was fight. Girls were trying to use an space ship to leave factory but it exploded and there were acid pools everywhere. Dream 2(fragment): There was some kind of an boss battle on an moving train. Dream 3(fragment): I was in some kind of brown underground area, there was maze of some kind.
[Sunday, October 14th, 2012] (Around 3AM and I wake up and remember quite a bit. I've been sleeping for along time. A LONG TIME.) <dream had more before this, but this is where I started to remember> I remember being ontop of a building's roof with a few other people. There is a small lake between me and the rest of the land. In the small beige-mud lake, there is debris everywhere and people scattered through out. Whenever I come close to the edge of the roof, a giant tenticle shoots out of the mud and tries to hit me. I hit it with a weapon before it sinks back down. Eventually, it becomes like WoW... when the tenticle pop's back up- I command the rest of my "raid" group to attack, and all of the people drowning in the mud all leap out and attack the tenticle. I begin to shoot it with some kind of range attack as this is happening. It sinks back one more time before I lure it back up for a final attack. We did it! Everyone is teleported to the dry land. There's a neat looking Mage Staff with a star at the end of it for loot. A few people "roll" for it- in a new way that I don't recognize. I leap from piece of debris to debris all the way across the swamp and as I'm climbing up a small hill to get to the land, I realize that I'm a low level but also the leader of the group. I walk up to the loot on the ground and try to right click on it, but nothing happens. I try to ask how to roll, but I'm teleported to Stormwind or some other city in real life before I have a chance. In this other city, I try talking to the Raid but realize I've left the group and that it was a Guild group- that I can't talk to since I'm not in it now. + I'm leaving town to go up Yarnell hill with my Mom and maybe Casey/Nathan. We're on our way up the hill, and we must have been walking. We walk up the hill faster than usual and we notice that some parts of the railing going up the hill have been smashed and damaged. There've been reports of someone vandalising the rails. We make our way up the hill and we find a cave. It's a giant cave temple- that I tell my Mom is a "Shaman Training Temple" inside, we see people who look like WoW characters all standing around, as if they're really Shaman Trainers or people to buy things from or Questgivers. We walk up to the middle of the giant cave/room and one of us talks to a questgiver. One of the quest involves stopping the man from damaging the rails, apparently its Virgil from McDonald's management. We leave and start walking up Yarnell hill more. Now I'm not with my Mom or Casey anymore, it's Nathan and Tyler. After awhile, we become thristier than ever and have to stop at a random convenience store. Inside, I grab a cup and fill it with a little ice and water. Its not enough ice though, so I hold the cup against the icemachine more and I notice how I can fill the cup up with ice without the water overflowing. I turn around and see a few kids I know selling some new drink ideas. (There was a peanut butter & honey snack- and there was a "Honey-Fizz" drink, as I'd like to call it, was handed to me. It was a dark yellow bottle of "Honey"-flavored soda. I opened it and downed it quick. It was AMAZING. It was one of the best drinks I've ever had. I made this known to everyone around me. After awhile of talking to Tyler and Nathan about this, I wake up. <woke up>