5th December 2021 Fragment: Vague recall of being in my old bedroom. Dark, based on light, probably morning outside. My oldest sibling is at my computer playing some game. (recall gap) In some kind of hybrid space RTS/base defence thing. It doesn't feel like a game in the dream. Things go well at first, and then the attacking alien waves start to become much stronger. My fleet thing can't keep up and eventually things seem to sort of blend seamlessly into a big wide sort of control room. It's bright, and white-ish. The aliens are blue-grey or silvery and I remember checking their HP and realising that it's much higher than whenever I last checked it. (I am not sure why, but at the time of writing this, this made me think of Ender's Game) Then I start feeling like I'm alone and overwhelmed by the situation. The invaders become a mix of TCG units, but semi three dimensional. Some units have names that feel sexual? I get close to a "succubus zombie something" unit and it seems to just be the legs. Visually things don't make much sense. The legs are blue and have something like a mouth between them but I perceive this as female genitals during the dream. I stick my finger in the mouth and feel around inside. The teeth, lips and tongue look cartoonish, and are the normal "ideal" colours. 6th December 2021 Fragment: (left recall too long) Something about a boy I'm mentoring. I think I understand that I can't teach him everything at once and that the lessons I want to teach him aren't necessarily the ones that I can or should teach him right now. Dream location seems to be some mix of old home and an unknown place. It's dark? Abyssal? Certainly vast in some respect. 12th December 2021 Fragment: (recall left whole day) Something in a town, with H. Semi-detached houses. Then, something in a mall. Vast and open, orange and cream tones (sounds nice but don't have any visual recall anymore). Nobody is wearing a mask except for myself. I go down some stairs/escalator. I think I go past a food court? I leave the mall through a front entrance, I think. Eventually I'm back with H somewhere, and I comment on how "people 'down South' are careless" or something to that effect.
12th November 2020 Fragment: Out with H somewhere. It's day time and we're approaching a wooden or metal gate of a farm or ranch of some sort. There is a building on the left of the gate, in the distance there are hills or low mountains and more immediately to our right is a small mounding area. There are some darkly coloured horses here and they eventually get up close to some trees on the mound area and stand up on their hind legs and basically start trying to copulate with the trees, which have some holes at just about the right height. I don't recall what happened next exactly but I remember noticing the trees had no leaves left at all anymore, but the grass was green-ish and not covered in leaves. The horses later stopped what they were doing I think and turned into dogs instead. 13th November 2020 Fragment: The dream was focused around a black boy I was trying to help. He must have been no older than eight years of age. He had no parents? I think he was wanting to get some information about some random guy and the info he wanted was in a hard drive. I suggested we could plug it in at my computer and it would be quicker this way. But for whatever reason, the drive needed a scart connector. I remember we looked for about three hours (it felt long, but not actually three-hour long) and I couldn't find one of these connectors, only some other old connectors. I remember starting to feel frustrated after finding a component lead or something. I can't remember what we chose to do at this point but I do recall a computer, with a CRT. In retrospect now, it felt like something like what we had back at home when I was younger. There's a large gap in my recall here. At some point it becomes evident or is revealed that there's something mystical about the boy. He was unliving or something. There were dark forces trying to reclaim him, back to their domains. Another recall gap. Near the end of the dream, a human-like demon is pouring (out of his mouth?) tea bags in front of the boy's feet. Something about these being a representation of the number of times the boy had avoided or cheated death or capture. The dream was particularly long most of the recall was lost because of having to get ready in the morning and the recall I managed to keep for the initial notes was about an hour old at that point. Would like to edit in some notes at some later point.
I am inside a building, it's really dark inside. A girl is helping a boy to find is hat. I offer my help and start searching in the a dark hallway. I see something brown, couple of feet away. As I get there, I see a brown cowboyhat, I ask them: " is this the one your looking for?". She says: "yes, you found it! I give it to the girl, she reshapes, cleans, and gives it to the boy. I see he's wearing the hat happily. Now I'm outside, in front of a metal gate or some mesmerizing structure. My vision focuses on a specific spot, then I zoom into a small, round screen, with vertical lines. I'm absorbed by the screen, and transport myself inside one of the gaps, only a small niddle would fit through. I'm foating inside the structure and is dark, but as I look upwards, I see some silhouettes floating. It seems to be animal figures, foating altogether, in a horizontal line. As a wonder in amazement I find my own hands! I Immediately know I'm dreaming, I wonder around, so I feel I need stabilize the dream by doing a quick RC, by checking closely my hands. My right one seems smaller, and my left one has 6 fingers. I look a few objects and back to my hands, then a little rubbing. It's pretty stable the dream, and I look at the wall to see if I can find a clock to track time. To my surprise there's a round clock, it's around 3:30. I see is glowing and has an image. I'm going to keep walking, but I feel the need to see the image. First I see an electric guitar, as I keep staring at it, there's Jesus holding the guitar, facing sideways, and he's carrying a drum around his shoulder. I walk outside the building, but feels more like a house now. Outside is kind of foggy, but rainbow colors all around. To my left I see some pine trees and I see some hunters shooting from a distance. I quickly walk towards a garage and I try to close the door but It only closes halfway ; the hunters arrive and pull the door upwards. I'm halfway lucid, so I tell one of them: "just shoot me", while I put my chest out. Then I change mi mind, I'm don't want to get shot! They drop some bullets, and I start juggling them, pretty much struggling. I feel the tension building, until finally get shot in the stomach! ( a red light blinks, is nothing but the REM mask! Dang it!
Updated 07-17-2020 at 12:39 AM by 40904
Non-dream stuff - Woke up at 8:20 or so with my alarm, waking up from a non-lucid, sweating. Slept some more and woke up again around 2 hours later with one or two non-lucids. Dream 1: I was living in a house with my partner (H); I remember it had a ground floor and a first floor. It was day time, and sunny. One of our neighbours was a couple, a man and a woman, who had two kids, two boys I think. One of those boys started to "accuse" me of looking at him, when I hadn't been; this went on for a while in the dream and the parents themselves didn't seem that interested... Later on, this boy, the younger of the two I think, started messing around and eventually he tried to get into our house for some reason or something. I decided we should catch him and make him calm down and explain his problems. I waited for him to be on top of our wall or fence or something and then when he couldn't see me I'd grabbed him by the legs and took him in and told him to calm down, as he was obviously upset now. I asked him why he was being left here when his parents were gone and he wasn't sure; and he said that sometimes when his parents were at home he wasn't allowed in and he could hear "pumping" noises? I understood the implied meaning of this in the dream to be his parents having sex. I remember as soon as he calmed down and started to explain his problems I was a lot less tense too, as I hadn't wanted him to get away without an explanation for his previous behaviour at the very least. Seems I can't remember any more detail for this dream. Dream 2: In a square-ish L shape room. The negative shape of the L (so, a smaller square area) was a vertical section of some sort. This looked it was all part of some sort of facility. There was a glass sliding door that would lead into a corridor. Next to the door were many armed guards, standing in a formation, they looked like stormtroopers but some with no helmets on. By the glass around the inner part of the L, facing into the vertical section, was a woman. I can't remember what she looked like exactly but I remember something about her breasts being inflated, but then not. She was the DNA source for those clone troopers or something? But I was too or something. I remember suggesting an idea to her that perhaps we could change her DNA a bit further, as it was ironic that the troopers were infertile and they couldn't procreate with her. Then I remember saying or thinking something about the fact that she could give birth to our genetically modified humans as a surrogate, rather than them being grown in wherever they were grown. There was a lot more detail to this dream, but I've forgotten it. Dream 3: The last dream, like the rest was quite long but I only remember the last portion... I remember being in a shop, then outside at a pier... I was in Australia or something? I needed to take a boat to Europe or the Middle-East. I remember seeing a world map, but oddly Africa seemed to be missing. The boat and some other things looked a bit cartoony somehow. The captain was the owner and they were struggling financially or something so I bought the boat really cheap off him and then I had to get some things ready and then someone else was captain of the boat and I bought it off them again as for some reason it was sinking and buying it stopped it... Eventually I got on and there was some sort of transition. I remember seeing the map again. The next place, in someone's house. It was like a holiday house that was let to people. I looked around for others but couldn't find anyone. It was day and I could see sunlight come through windows, but the windows themselves looked too bright (nothing but white past them). I found some food and drinks, all prepared, for guests like myself, but I didn't take any. I looked around more for someone else and eventually entered this darker, tiny, kitchen. There was a door to the outside and it didn't look so sunny but it was still day. The door was open and there was a woman standing there with a slightly grumpy look on her face. In the kitchen was a man, about my age. He started talking to me and commenting about the house or something, and then all of a sudden he said "oh you've got a bit of a zapper there" or something like that, referring to the fact that he could see my junk poking in my pants, which incidentally were my sweatpants. I apologised and said that this just sometimes happened and I couldn't control it (and in fact I expected him to understand since he was a man), but I got the feeling he brought it up more to antagonise his wife or girlfriend standing outside. I took a pair of my compression gloves out of my left pocket and said to him "look, maybe these were also contributing", as my gloves felt quite bulgy inside the pocket previously. Oddly, I can't remember what happened to the gloves, and it's the first time they've appeared in a dream since I've had them. Then some transition. I was outdoors with this guy. In some city in the US. There was nobody else here initially. I had an interface overlay in my vision, reminded me of the game Boundless and the flooring looked like a specific block-type from the game and I was inspecting it. The floor looked like limestone cobbles. Then he went in a direction and I followed him; he was saying something to me when we got to the top of a slope/stairs bit though I don't remember what. I saw a church and then to its left there was a castle. There were more people here. I remember a couple of cars and a bald man with sunglasses on, inspecting someone's papers. The castle bit looked newer, and I asked about it and the guy said they had no old pictures or plans of it so it was rebuilt from imagination or whatever. There was an older castle/church part that had a big glass pane, and inside was a British flag like the one found on planes (the circle with 3 colours). I thought of asking the guy about it but then ended up not and just thought it was interesting. Rest of details lost. Some notes: The dream with the boy reminds me now a bit of a type of novel that I hear sometimes where someone express their troubles by causing troubles, sometimes at someone else's dear expense.In waking life one neighbour on the other side of the street does sometimes leave their two boys outside, when they're going out, which I don't think is good, and I think this first dream was related to this.I was happy that the boy confessed his troubles as in the dream I then felt like I could do something about it. I think I remember getting on the phone with the police actually, I think when I first grabbed the boy, because I was concerned that his parents were neglecting him.In the second dream there was some residual context from STRAFE, mostly with the layout and stuff like that.The woman wasn't anyone I know in particular nor did she look like anyone I've seen really, but I think she had a ponytail.In the third dream, the guy's presence felt a bit odd all the way throughout. It felt like there was a sinister subtext, although he did seem friendly enough...I might do a bonus image for the second dream, for the layout. Scoring: + Previous score: 65.5 + This DJ entry score (breakdown below): 8.0 ++ Recall a non-lucid dream * 3: 3.0 ++ Help someone in need: 1.0 (the boy; although my tactic was a bit too aggressive, it seemed to get him talking which I think was very important) ++ Buy something * 2: 2.0 (the boat, twice...) ++ Invent something that's never been heard of before: 2.0 (the DNA altered surrogacy procedure thing) = Total score thus far: 73.5
Non-dream stuff - Woke up at around 9:20 recalling one or two non-lucid dreams, sat up to make note of one of them and forgot the other. Dream: I was in a town I don't recognise and it was night time. I was head to some place and then I ran into a stray dog, which looked like a mix between a dalmatian and a husky or something. But it was very scruffy and some fur was missing. Though I felt sorry for the dog I was initially wary that it may be aggressive or carrying fleas. It got very close to me, rubbing against my legs but I kept moving on and it kept following me. I was going into some sort of garden/park and there were small trees but they made enough shade even at night that it felt considerably darker now. There were pairs of wild cats or something and they did look aggressive. I was avoiding getting too close but the dog following me started growling and barking at them, I said "shh silly dog, stop that!" The cats didn't react very much, but I was afraid they would but the dog stopped provoking them and continued following me. Eventually at the other end of the park there was a brick wall, part of a building. In the wall there was a square doorway, literally a hole in the wall. Inside was a small dark room and there was a mini shower for the dog and some dog shampoos and things. I turned on the shower or it came on by itself and the dog became a person. At that point I thought the dog shampoo might not be such a good idea anymore since it wasn't meant to be used on people. Then there was some transition and it was implied I was on the other side of the building; it wasn't as dark now, it was starting to become day. There was a dirt path and a barn or something and a boy with a backpack. I was here like the boy to do some sort of exam, but I remember I had some pills, 4 or 5 of them and oddly enough I put all of them in my mouth at the same time, and struggled a bit but managed to swallow them. They were all different colours, as I remember holding them and looking; white, light blue, magenta and something else. Then I walked towards the barn and I remember walking up a couple of steps and entering. I think someone was there but my memory of the dream kind of ends here. Some notes: The dog was smaller than I would expect for either of the two breeds it seemed to be.The cats looked a bit like lynxes or bobcats or something, they were fairly big but not much bigger than the dog.The bit with the pills was particularly odd; I never carry pills around, but of course there's some contextual residue that I take supplements before bed sometimes. The fact that I took so many at the same time was odd too because it can be difficult to swallow just one large pill without a drink, let alone a few more at the same time.I remember the dog shampoo bottle looked a bit like a plant feed bottle; it was plastic, red body, green cap. Scoring thus far: + Previous score: 32.0 + This DJ entry score (breakdown below): 2.0 ++ Recall a non-lucid dream: 1.0 ++ Help someone in need: 1.0 (the dog, I felt like I was helping my letting it follow me, as I didn't know what would happen otherwise and would feel guilty otherwise) = Total score thus far: 34.0
Non-dream stuff: Woke up at 8 but fell asleep again somehow, and the non-lucid dream fragment that follows was after I woke up suddenly at 9:40; I tried to not recall the dream too hard, with positive result: Fragment: Was going up a small 1-lane ramp at what reminds me now of a school I've been to in waking life. It was day and as I went up the ramp I was fiddling with a box cutter (specifically a black and yellow one I have in waking life) and there was a boy, maybe 10 or 12 in front of me walking the same direction. The light was suddenly changing as I caught up to him and it became night; there were trees and fences to the right and at the immediate left some short buildings; I could see where the road would intersect ahead; I said something like "hey, wait up", at first wondering if the sounds of the box cutter scared him, but he didn't seem phased by that. I remember he looked at me and smiled and I asked him "where's your brother? do you know?". The boy said "no, I don't know", and I kept walking along with him and we talked about something; we were getting to an intersection with a town road and suddenly he had a dog on a lead, I'm not sure what kind, but not small and with brown/light brown fur. When we got to the intersection, the dog started tugging harder and went to the left and then suddenly it was like they were gone and I walked in the same direction as they'd vanished; I seem to remember that now I had the dog for a few minutes and it was very playful and tugging all the time on the lead (reminds me of my own dog in waking life, though it didn't feel like my dog) and I remember thinking something about the dog playing with a policeman but then the dog was gone again and as I went down the road, over a bend, I saw that some 3 story apartment buildings were damaged; I started walking toward them instead and then I remember one of them was quite damaged, like from an explosion, but it almost looked like they were made of very large Lego. I went into a building and the first and second floor were on fire and I kept walking through, up some stairs and then saw like an "interface" notification at the top of my field of view; I mentally clicked it, and the fires nearest me simply got put out; I repeated this a few times before the dream ended. (I was woken up by the already present garbage truck coming closer and getting just slightly louder, and my partner getting up to check on his car) Some notes: The area was reminiscent of my native country. This should have been dream-sign especially considering the absence of normal context, like the absence of my partner and my aimless wandering. I was the age I am now.Other than me, the boy, the dog and the "imagined" policeman, there was nobody else in the entire dream sequence.I was walking the whole time. At first this may not seem notable and though I did not feel frightened by anything at any point (such as by the fires, I was indifferent to the situation). And even if I had been afraid, it's not likely I would have run, but instead would have walked faster. This is reminiscent of real-life behaviour where I very rarely run if I'm in a public place, as it makes me feel self-conscious and observed, though the notion was not "consciously" present in my mind at the time in the dream.I have the idea the dog may have been a golden retriever, but I have no clear picture in my mind.I don't know who the boy really was, I think dream-generated, especially as I'm struggling to think of what his face was like and instead remembering the face of a boy in a game I've recently played.I think that before the ramp the fragment starts with me going up, there was water and a pier or something, but I know it was related to the dream sequence that came before.
I have a child. This child is a newborn, though I’m not sure who birthed it. It almost seems as though it was not birthed, but rather simply came into existence. It almost seems that I ‘birthed’ it, by no literal means of the word, only that it’s existence came to be only through myself. Regardless of origins, I am holding it, with its small naked body and longer, black hair. There must have been some gestation period though, as I was assuming this child was a girl. But now it is being made known to me that the child is male. As I hold him, my reaction is a quiet yet jubilant “hell yes!” I am warm and content in the satisfaction of having a son. Later, I am apprehensive in the realization that I still have to work full work-weeks and slightly saddened and embarrassed that I still reside at home.
Date of Dream: THU 12 OCT Dream No. 210 - If Only She Could Come I was at some unknown shopping centre. This public area that I was in, eventually turned into this carpeted area where there was no one else around. I then saw two people working in this random shop. I discovered that someone was causing trouble for them. I tried to call Dreamy WB to help one of the workers but there was no response as of yet. At a further look, the worker was only a young boy, just about my age. I took him away to this strange looking bedroom, conversing with him near the armchair. I explained to him why I called Dreamy WB and what she could possibly do for him. I ended up giving him a short hug, which he liked. I then have him a longer one and said that the shorter hug was representative of a typical being whereas the long hug represented that of Dreamy WB. I can't remember what else happened in this dream and whether she came or not. Dream Trophies Achieved: - None
I start off in this dream playing a game called Evolved. The monster I was chosen to be was the Predator! And so the weirdness began. I'm fighting people off in a dark room with some kind of blue light and I beat them. I roared at them as the rest retreated away. I feel big and bad and then I see a kid in a hallway. I ran up to him so that he can freak out when he sees me. He looks up at me and seemed unafraid. He walks away and I follow him into his room that was well lit, revealing my unmasked face. I thought for sure he'd be afraid now.I thought about how the Perd's mouth mandibles twitched when he show it to Arnold in the movie. The kid says something and in response I tell him that he has balls of steel to not be afraid. My voice was normal at first but then I switched it to my monster voice I use IRL sometimes. After that I become friendly to him and people. I left out of his room and back out to fight. There was a solider there who had given up on life. I=He had an explosive in his hand and he threw it at me. It stuck to me but I ran back and made it stick back on him. It was a device with a flashing blue light on it and I thought wait a minute. I can't let him die like this, it is not right. I went to him and took what I thought to be the bomb and walked off with it but then realized that it was not it. I quickly turn to him and ran at him in an attempt to get the bomb away from him but it was too late. It exploded, not bothering me too much but them man was done and blown away, leaving nothing but glowing blue stuff. Upset I screamed/roared like the pred did but my voice was slightly there and heard. The kid walked up to me from behind and I shielded him from looking at the dead man and took him away, down a hallway somewhere.
D1 - I am in some woods that lead down to a river, on the banks of the river are a small group of people. I offer a boy there a bar of chocolate that i procured on my way. The people are dressed in medieval clothing, but the chocolate bar wrapper and all is modern and large. WBTB D2 - The boy tells me of a place where we can get more food, if we are clever. There is a college nearby where students often play a game with the locals, throwing paper aeroplanes at each other through the dormitory windows. If we go there at night we may be able to sneak in. We get there and sure enough there are two undergraduates there who are late because they are getting changed from some sporting activity. When they open the dorm window to play paper aeroplane throwing, I climb across a para-pit joining the building and onto the roof. From there I sneak into the building. WBTB D3 - I am now inside the large college buildings which look edwardian or later, mostly stone with elegant windows. There is some do going on but I am in a side room. I go to look down from one of the windows and see the feathery leaves and branches of a tree. The tree looks oriental. It is like a jack in the beanstalk tree and goes down and down and down. I feel a jolt of fear as I realise how high up I am. I am as high up as the sky, looking down seemingly forever. I roll away from the window feeling I cannot stand for a moment. I go to find the boy who is eating and tell him of the tree. He comes and looks.
I was looking at a room, dark and shadowy. I just entered it. There is light coming from the two open windows to my left. The room is a kitchen, an old one. Everything is made of blocks/old cement. The color theme is faded yellow and smoky black. The rest of the room is under the cover of darkness so I couldn't see what else is inside, apart from a small part of a table at the center. The only thing I can see clearly was the stone floor lit by the sunlight from the window. There was a woman standing on a stool in front of the nearest window. She was wearing a long black dress. She was facing the window but her upper body and head was out of my range of vision. I think she was cleaning the upper area of the window. I was walking with a girl towards the door on the other end of the room, but she was a little bit in front of me. I was a young boy. The girl said "You called their names too soon, Annie." "Oh, dear. But it was already their time," the woman answered, in her apologetic, somber voice, as she continued her work. We walked past her, but as we approached the next window, there again on the stool is the woman in her long black dress. We walked on. Just as we were about to reach the door, the girl went ahead. I felt the woman's hand on my right shoulder, and she whispered: "Run." I smiled without looking at her. "Thanks, Annie. But I don't want to run anymore."
Updated 06-28-2016 at 10:28 AM by 47454
D1 - I was writing a letter in an agreed code to the love of my life. I was communicating in the way we had agreed in a language only we understood. I was working away when somebody started nosing asking me what I was doing. Then there was someone else sending a letter, too her, a normal letter. I got annoyed that they were sending her things and started to question whether I was right or not. D2 - Some dark dream about large enemies in a dark inky watery world. A struggle for survival, repeated over and over. D3- At work I am feeling the emotions carried over from the previous two dreams, I am distraught, feeling too many emotions, saddness, anger and hopelessness all overcoming me. A boy is goading me and even though I know I will lose my job I chase after him, meaning to hurt him, I gets some steel prongs and catch up with him on a stairwell. We struggle and I hit him, bubbling over with anger. I hit him again aiming to kill him though at the same time not wanting too. He just looks at me strangely not retaliating. A teacher is coming and I know they will put me in prison. I know then that I am dreaming and change the prongs into broken peices of a plastic spade, harmless. They can harm no one any more. [comment] I realise the boy of course is me, when I was younger who I blame for the mess I am in now although he obviously intended no harm The dark world is the world I have been living in I think. just fighting for survival. I walk out of that dream into a calm place on a seashore, I sit feeling the calm and peace wash over me. I think I know the first dream too but it is a bit to personal and near the bone right now.
Updated 04-21-2016 at 07:53 PM by 89275
I remember protecting a young boy with dark hair and a darker complexion. He was being viciously attacked by his father/sterp-father. He was a big stocky fellow. I kept making the boy run from him on a playground that was similar to my grade school playground in rockford. I was actually keeping him, his mother, and one of his siblings from being hurt by his father. Everywhere we went the father kept finding us. He came rushing up to us with a gun shooting in our direction. I knew this had to stop. So I ran up to him and put my hand on the barrel of his gun. I told him, "I'll make a bet with you, you like bets don't you?" He nodded and so I replied, "Ok, I am going to let you unload this clip on me and if I die then you can do whatever you want, however, if I survive, you have to leave the boy and his family alone forever." He agreed so I took a step back and prepared to be shoot multiple times. For some reason he decided to throw a knife at me first. He missed. I picked up the knife and said, "see that won't work with me." I put out my left arm and cut myself with that knife. The pain wasn't as bad as I had expected and the would didn't bleed. I said "try again with the gun and remember our deal." He then brought the handgun up and fired multiple times. I remember feeling the bullets hit me but no pain. Unfortunately that is when my alarm went off and I woke up.
I was a police officer and the station got a call about a fire going on in the park (ie a wooded park) somewhere. I think I was a detective officer like Murdoch from Murdoch Mysteries. I was trying to investigate the situation. But at two different times, a boy and a girl (I think with blonde hair) came over and basically accused me of being the one to start the fire. It was only I think a couple of days later, their guardian (I don't think it was either of their moms) came over to accuse me of the same thing. I asked if I could call my boss (Who was the Chief of Police and I was also friends with him) to sort out the problem. He came down and sorted it out
Date: October 7, 2015 Method: MILD, WBTB Sleeptime: 10:00ish WBTB: 5:00am stayed up around 10 minutes Results:Lucid (x2) DEILD and a DILD DILD Realized I was dreaming and became lucid. I tried to concentrate on an experiment I have been working on, but instead a vision of bodies floating in the sea appeared. That vision scared me so I made myself wake up. DEILD Decided to try again since I was still 'tingling' and a vision of women at a beauty parlor appeared and they just looked at me (like I really needed my hair done...which I do ). I concentrated on my experiment mission and instead a little boy appeared. He was adorable. He looked like he was about 5 or 6 years old in a baseball jacket and a baseball cap. He had no face at all (like if i was drawing him in a picture, I intentionally left out the eyes, nose, mouth, etc). I asked him what was wrong and he said, "My mommy will die before my daddy." I said, "What is your name?" He said, "Donnie." I said, "Donnie, do you want a hug?" He shook his head yes and ran into my arms. He held on to me for dear life. Let me tell you DV family, that hug felt as real as me typing these words on my computer. I immediately felt his sorrow and as I was hugging him the scene changed to this: His mother told him to hide under the bed and don't make a sound no matter what he hears. The father came in and was beating the mother and said he was going to kill her. The mother's face never looked toward that bedroom and at least to me, she didn't seem like she wanted to make a sound. As if she knew if she yelled, the little body would come out from under that bed. Yeah....I still have the goosebumps.
Updated 10-07-2015 at 04:03 PM by 62703