non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Sleeping in my bedroom with a friend who's staying over. We're at my old parents house, in my parent's bed, because it's bigger for the two of us. My mom is sleeping in the couch or not at all. Then I wake up very early morning and my dad is laying behind me, I have no panties and he is penetrating my anus. I feel totally disgusted and get up in a jolt and punch him, saying that it was the last drop. My friend wakes up spooked. I make a scene dropping all my anger on him and saying I am no longer treating him as my dad and that I lost the last ounce of respect I had for him. I go to the bathroom to wash myself. Meanwhile my mom heard some noise and woke up and came to see what's up. I hide in the bathroom and don't want to tell her. My friend doesn't know what to say and my father comes up with some excuse. Anyway, the dawn comes, so I pretend I just woke up early and I am preparing for school normally. After I get dressed, I go to the kitchen to have some breakfast and through the open window enters a raven. At first I try not to scare it away but then he makes sounds as if he wants some help, so I grab some food and approach to see if he wants. Then I notice he has a broken jaw and a broken beak and looks awfully thin. Was probably hit by a car and is in pain. I pick him up and take him to my bedrooms' balcony. I look for some box to put him in but all I find is some pillow. I drop him on it and tell him I will be back soon to care for him. I think about calling the wildlife protection services when I cross paths with my mom in the hallway and she is with three male and a couple female brazilian teens from her evangelical church (when she attended church). The guys come from the bathroom where they were washing hands and the girls have a tiny kitten in their hands and they are all saying they adopted him and she begs them not to abandon him when he grows up. They seem a bit overwhelmed with the long term commitment. I see my dad again coming out of the kitchen and wanting to make amends with me and I yell that I'll never allow him to touch me again and he may stop expecting us to have any sort of relationship. My mom hears this and she doesn't understand what's going on. Thinks I am being harsh with him and makes a sympathethic look towards him. I still don't wanna tell her what happened, just say this is how it's going to be from now on. [Note: my dad was always a bit of a creep, but I have no conscious memory of him abusing/raping me, despite my dreams about it] I'm watching Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid movie. At the end, when I think they died I get the message that they actually never die and that there are multiple films after this one in which they always come back miraculously from their apparent death at the end of every film. I am surprised and happy to know it. The I am actually the lady who is their lover in the film and I am at home waiting for them. I casually tidy up the house which has some active fires from some small explosions that took place earlier in the movie and then I start putting food in a fridge. When they return, I scold them but I really feeling happy that they are alive.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I am at home and I see people outside. I take a peek and see a group with backpacks sitting outside. I talk to them through the window, they are Brazilian and are a bit lost. They want to stay the night at my house, don't mind sleeping on the floor. But I say absolutely no, they insist, don't understand my attitude. I am freaking out and tell them to please get out of my land and I close the gate. There is one among them who is quite a hunk and I feel kind of sorry to let him go, but I think of my safety and the safety of my furry babies and I insist they can't stay, because I really don't know their intentions. In London, close to my old friend Stephen. I decide to pass by his door, and it is open. I go upsairs and I hear lots of voices. I turn around, changing my mind, but he appears on top of the stairs and recognizes me. Actually now he is not Stephen anymore but my old friend Joan from Catalunia. I go inside and they are having a slumber party, and my friend Tania is there! When we are ready to sleep, I ask to stay because I don't want to go take a bus, but there is no room and also all my stuff is at the hotel I am staying. Arriving to NY by boat, with Riverstone and Nighthwak. I don't know where Riverstone is, he is going around meeting other people. I took a shower and I am on the sofa wrapped in a towel watching some romantic live action Disney fairytale. Nighthawk turns it off at the very end when the plot unravels and the prince declares his love to the princess. Or at least I expected so. I complain he turned it off, ahead of the ending. He replies that he thought the movie was over already. I say no, it is obvious that they are in love with each other and he was going to say something. Then I feel like maybe he knew it and that was why he turned it off. There is an awkward silence between us and I realize the hidden meaning of what happened. Then he says ok, but doesn't mean they should be together, she should be with the other guy who says things down to earth, not the enchanted prince because he says poetic stuff or whatever. I disagree. We then sit for lunch at the cafeteria. Love is in the air, despite the BS he just said. The boat reaches the shore and my mom, who was there waiting for us, comes rushing that she has bought tickets for a ferry around Manhattan, but it leaves in a few minutes. She grabs my purse and I run after her, forgetting all my luggage behind. At the dock I tell her I need to get my luggage first, she is upset that the other boat is in 5 mins or so, bit I also get angry that she took my purse with my documents and cell phone and I had to follow her but and leave everything behind. Then she denies having done it and says she doesn't have my purse. I cant believe it. I am going back to the boat to get my luggage and I say we can take some other ferry later and she needs to look for my purse meanwhile. But the boat is gone and I run around looking for it or someone from it. I do meet a girl who was also a passenger and she has the key to a van where all the bags left behind are stored to be taken elsewhere. She allows me to look for mine and there it is. But now I must find my mom again or I am alone, stuck with no documents.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I am Lawrence of Arabia, female version. On a train with westerners and arabs. The train is diverted to a remote village, hijacked. We are taken along. I confront the thieves, but they present me their arguments and we end up staying there, both as prisoners and guests. The men want me and women hate me, both because I am very voluptuous and attractive. I am accompanied by two ladies who are always covering me and blocking the men's looks. At some strategy meeting, Clara is talking, presenting a project and asking for backup. Everybody rejects it and turns away. I am the only staying and supporting it. She gives up and rips the papers apart and goes to a bar next door. She leaves her purse and camera behind, so I grab her things and meet her at the bar, which is more like a coffee shop and other friends I know are there too with her. Somehow she is surprised that I brought her stuff. Including money she had left on the table. At my far, the gate is broken, some of my dogs are out. My dad is fixing it from the inside, I go outside and block it with something so that the dongs don't run away. When I turn away, I am now on an apartment of which I can't find the exit door. On the bathroom I see a ghost. It tries to lock the door and trap me, but I manage to escape. Some brazilian dude rings the bell and I finally find the door. He is pushing some campaign and offers me cake. wants to come inside. I say the house is haunted and he still offers to go inside and check it for me. But I choose walking out instead. At my university campus, some celebration with live music and tents. I am trapped under and inside one. I try again going outside but they engulf me. I fly through the ceiling, but don't get outside, just to a different place, like an office. At this office, people have their dogs and cats with them. I pet some of the animals. Then some lady has two babies and asks for my help. They are adorable. One had vomited and the other needs her eyes cleaned up. I tell the mom to go get proper cleaning products while I take care of the babies who fall asleep in my arms.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I'm visiting a friend who worked for a year in NY. She is almost ending her time there and divided between going back home or finding a new job there. But although she wants to stay, she is not sure about building a life there and fears this will happen if she stays longer. I understand and share with her my similar experience in Brussels. I also mention how much I have been dreaming about coming to this city, but always thought about it in terms of short vacation. Now, I've decided to also find a job here and experience it for one year. She shows me the room where I'll spend the night. Soon after, the wardrobe doors start opening by themselves as well as other anomalies. She warns me the room is haunted, but no big deal. I try staying there alone for a while, but it gets too crazy, with apparitions, shadows, scary noises and stuff flying around. I run to her and tell her she is crazy if she thinks I'll sleep there at night - I couldn't even if I tried. She doesn't understand my fear, it was never that scary to anyone else. She insists there's no space to sleep on the floor of her room and I decide to face the ghosts. I enter the room, the only thing I see is what appears to be one of my cats with a broken neck. I feel horrified and I pick him up. It transforms into a cat demon with shark teeth that tries to bit me, but I keep calm, hold him very strongly in my hands, say to myself it's all illusory. It disappears, but the room goes crazy again, with stuff spinning around, sounds and lights flashing in all directions. But I face it with a new confidence, projecting my strong light energy and it calms down. In front of me appears a couple with a son. She is latina and speaks spanish and he is brazilian and speaks portuguese. Apparently they were just trying to communicate with me, since I would understand their languages. They tell me they were murdered and just want someone to help them, so they start telling me their story. My friend comes in and just sees me talking alone. Looks at me in disbelief and turns away, understanding that something weird is going on and she doesn't wnt to be involved in it.
August 31, 2013 Method: MILD & WBTB (WILD attempted, but failed) Sleep time: 8-9 hours Dream 1 Got into a river for a cool dip, this river reminded me of a river flowing through the Amazon Rain Forest. I could hear the sounds of the wild animals all around me. I must have been pregnant or just delivered a baby because my breast was leaking milk something terrible. As I got into the river for a cool dip, I could see the milk leaking from my breast mix in with the river water. The animals in the river drank the water and milk concoction and as they did, the came out of the river huge ! Then they started to get like super powers from the mixed drink and started doing things they normally don’t do (like monkeys being able to fly like birds in the sky). I saw something ‘hanging’ from some of the animals that got out of the water and when I took a closer look, I noticed that now, they too have huge enormous breast leaking breast milk (I really should have become lucid from this dream ). Dream 2 A woman was looking for someone to help her with putting on a play from a book. She went around asking everyone to assist her in the play, but no one could help her because they couldn’t understand the topic of the play. She needed someone who was familiar with this play that she was going to be adapted from a book, but she was very upset because she couldn’t find anyone familiar with the book. I told her I knew what she was talking about and she looked at me baffled because she hadn’t even told me what the name of the book was, or what the book was about. I told her that she didn’t have to, that I just knew what she was talking about without even telling me. She told me if I could tell her the name of the book, I would receive the job. I told her the name of the book was, “The Bell Jar.” I was correct. Note: I have no idea why this book came into my dream, I believe that I either saw a moving that made a reference about it or heard someone in RL talking about it...either way, I have not read the book myself...weird?