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    1. Ocean Breastfeeding Frag and the Tallest Ladder

      by , 05-26-2016 at 01:22 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was looking at the ocean. There was a big boat with my friend Tara on it. I needed to breastfeed my baby, and she did it for me? Not with her own milk but with mine? I then saw a note in front of my eyes saying "breastfed this cycle". I then saw myself in the ocean, topless, with relieved, unengorged breasts. I made a joke with Tara saying it couldn't have been the baby who relieved my breasts, so it must have been her. She was not at all amused by this joke; she got super pissed.


      I was at an amusement part, Disney World I believe. I wanted to go on all the rides, but knew I couldn't go on any crazy roller coasters since I'm pregnant. I thought maybe I could go on some milder coasters or simulators instead.

      Dream skip. I was outside with this GIANT ladder. It was super tall and had a platform to stand on and look out on the top. I was carrying this ladder. I put it down. Something about my dad and me climbing it. I had gotten to the top at some point.

      I then remember being at the bottom and feeling a little bruise on my butt. I pulled my pants down to look, and I had a HUGE dark bruise between my right buttcheek and leg. I "remembered" it was from falling from the ladder at some point.

      I then remember seeing it snow. It had stopped earlier after a dusting, but started again; I saw it sticking to the roads. The sky was grey.

      I then was alone in the snow with the ladder. I was putting it down to climb it. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to put it down and have it stay steady for me to climb. I was sinking it into the snow-covered ground, hoping I could sink it in enough to hold it in place. I kept feeling like it wasn't steady enough, and couldn't tell if I just had it sunk into the snow, or if it was sunk in the ground. The bottom rung was covered in snow, and some guy made a comment about it, like I wasn't supposed to skip that rung. There wasn't much I could do though, as it was snowing. I started to climb. I was terrified, but I did it anyway (IWL not a fan of heights). It felt steady enough. I kept going higher and higher. At some point, I remember starting to climb down.

      Updated 05-26-2016 at 01:32 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Another Zombie Apocalypse, Birthing Tons of Babies (On My Own!), and Shopping Troubles

      by , 05-21-2016 at 02:55 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at the house I grew up in. My family was there with me, my mom, dad, and brother. It was, once again, the zombie apocalypse. I remember being in my old bedroom with a family member, and them opening the door to check if the coast was clear. They freaked out as they saw a bunch of zombies coming towards the door. If I am not mistaken, through the doorway, I saw that same ponytailed zombie from my last apocalypse dream first before the horde. I went to the door in a panic to shut the zombies out.

      Then, we were all packing up to leave, to go somewhere safer. Similar to Fear the Walking Dead, we had a huge boat in the garage we were going to escape on. I was packing my things quickly, trying to only take what I needed, but I was throwing lots of extra things in there; I felt bad leaving anything behind, though I knew I couldn't take everything. I remember putting a lot of clothing in the suitcase.

      I then overheard some guys that were doing some landscaping work on our house discussing our boat. I was afraid they were planning to steal it, so I started to frantically hurry my family along in packing up. They didn't seem to get my sense of urgency, but I kept urging anyway. My brother had no clean clothes to pack, so we got his dirty clothes hamper and we started to pack dirty clothes in his room. It didn't matter that they were dirty; we needed to get out of there ASAP.

      I wanted to take at least one of our cats. The cats that were there were Pounce (deceased IWL), Ziggy (also deceased IWL), and my current IWL cat, Belle. I wanted it to be Pounce that we took. I saw her sitting under the kitchen table. I pictured myself putting her in my current cat's cage to take her along. For some reason though, we weren't going to take the cats with us.

      We then were putting the packed suitcases into the back of the boat, which was now a huge van-like vehicle. In the garage, the landscapers drove by on this huge white cherry-picker-type machine. They said something to us, hi maybe, not sure. But it made me feel more urgent in packing. I stuck my suitcase in the back. All the suitcases fit nicely. I remember someone putting some 12-packs of Coke in the back as well.

      I then was getting in the van to sit down. Inside, I saw Jarrod and another person getting things ready to go.


      I was at the house I grew up in. I was in my room, which was dark save for the closet light. I was lying on the opposite side of the bed from what I normally used to sleep on, and I was giving birth. I was alone. The baby was born, and I cut the cord myself. It was a girl. I then gave birth to many more babies, two who were still-born. The still-born babies didn't seem to bother me, I just knew I had to keep birthing babies. I labored and cut all the cords myself, setting the newborns wrapped up in white blankets on a bedside table. They were all so quiet and sleepy. I had I believe 6 in total, but I kept thinking there were only 5 there. Most were girls and only 2 were boys. The two girls born first I named Alana and Alyssa. I named one of the boys Michael, but I don't think I named the rest.

      I then started breastfeeding each baby. I would take them in either the cradle hold or football hold and bring them to my right breast first (the one my daughter IWL preferred). I would them pull my lips over my teeth to simulate some sort of latch? I don't know why I did this, but it made sense in the dream that I had to do it so the baby would latch. The babies succeeded and didn't succeed. There were some attempts that were great, and the baby got some colostrum, and others the babies had trouble latching, but there was never any crying or screaming from them. I remember for one baby, I had to brush my nipple to their cheek so they would root that way to get to the milk. They were all so mild-mannered and sleepy. When I finished the feeds, I would put the babies back onto the bedside table.

      I was then explaining to someone in the house that 2 babies were still-born. Again, it didn't seem to bother me, as if it was just a natural thing that happened (which it is, I guess).

      I then remember something about a huge dental needle. My mom I think was going to give it to me in my cervix so I'd have more babies. I was done for the day though. I had so many babies to care for already.

      I never felt tired or overwhelmed from all the babies either, just a sense of duty and a neutrality that kept me going.


      This dream was sort of a pick up from the last dream. All the babies were there. I was with my family and some others I believe. Alana was still just a newborn, but she looked like a toddler. She said she wanted to eat some apples and apple juice. She didn't want anything else. I wasn't sure she was old enough for that, but she insisted. I figured I'd get her a bag of pre-sliced apples. Alana looked like she was related to this girl I know IWL, Alicia; she looked like one of her IWL daughters. I believe Alicia was also there.

      I then was at the store with my husband, one of my best friends IWL Cherie', and a girl named Meghan that I don't hardly talk to IWL. The store resembled a "super" Kroger that I don't frequent IWL because I don't know where everything is there, as it is so big. I was not shopping with them I don't think, but waiting for them to finish. When they came back to me, I was standing in this lobby-type area on the second floor of the building. Apparently, the grocery store was not the only thing this building had. It was kind of like a huge shopping center with different stores and activities on different levels. They came to me and they hadn't gotten apples or apple juice. They had gotten cheese though, which I thought Alana wanted. I forgot if she wanted cheese, apples, or apple sauce, but I KNEW she wanted apple juice. I got pissed that my husband had picked out all the wrong things. I headed down to go shopping. I had to go down this weird, metal, roller slide thing. If you ever went to Discovery Zone as a child, picture the rolly slide they had there, only silver metal instead of multicolored plastic. There were areas on it that were bigger, darker rollers and you had to do something to put more of your weight down on those, and they would lower you to where you needed to go. I remember sitting on it backwards and not being sure how to trigger the big rollers to let you down. I did it though.

      We were then shopping again, and this time, we STILL didn't get apple juice. We walked down the aisles looking and my husband picked out these canned mandarin oranges in a sugary juice. We checked out and I was, once again, so pissed that we still didn't get apple juice. We were on the second floor lobby again, and I asked my husband if he was stupid and went back down to the store with Meghan and Cherie to actually finally get apple juice. We wandered around the store, and I went to the aisles that I thought for sure the apple juice would be on, but nothing. We finally asked an employee, and she pointed down an aisle and told us it was there, and at the end of the aisle. Well, we went down the aisle and it was just these big containers of I think cereal, no juice of any kind. I was getting frustrated and worried about Alana, as she was back home and needed to eat. I came to the end of the aisle, and we were at the back of the store where they keep a lot of cold items in coolers and freezers. I didn't want frozen apple juice, but I didn't know that we had another choice. I opened a cooler and there was unfrozen, refrigerated apple juice in a HUGE container. The container had written on it on the left-hand side: "0% orange juice, 100% apple juice, 0% (some other fruit) juice". I thought about how much juice Alana really needed, and pictured her actual size. She was as tiny as a fairy and was floating around, but still looking and acting like a toddler. She definitely didn't need a lot of juice, but this was the only container I could find, so I put it in the cart and we started heading back to the check out. We ran into a girl I knew when I was going to school named Kris. She and Meghan exchanged a greeting, as they had been best friends apparently at some point. They called each other their apparent old high school nicknames, one had something to do with the name Jasmine. We passed them and went on to this weird, almost blacklight looking area in the store.

      We then were at checkout. We were going to this line where you had to get this weird machine with a long cord so people would check you out. There was a big, younger black man there with the machine wrapped around him, which he had apparently broken. The cashiers or someone was getting onto him a little for it.


      Now THIS is the recall I'm talking about! Hell yeah. I woke from my first dream and immeditely took notes in my phone. The second two I didn't take notes for. Getting that recall back up to par! Yay! Also, the hormones during pregnancy really drive up the vividness factor in my dreams so that is a HUGE plus to being pregnant, you know, besides the obvious growing a new life thing.

      Updated 05-21-2016 at 02:57 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , memorable
    3. My Child Being "Reborn" (Fragment)

      by , 05-09-2016 at 10:04 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I don't quite remember the setting, but it seemed dark, like night was falling or had just fallen. I was pregnant and about to have my new baby. There were people with me, but I don't think it was anyone that I know.

      I then had the baby. I was holding my new baby, which actually was my daughter now being "reborn"; she wasn't a newborn, but she wasn't quite as big and strong as she is now IWL. She had more teeth than she does now though, even a few in the back of her mouth. She was clothed in only a diaper, and I wanted to breastfeed her. I put her to my right breast, which was exposed, and she began drinking, though she only took a few sips before she didn't want anymore; she wanted a faster return and my boobs weren't cutting it. I was disappointed.

      I then was no longer holding her, and my shirt, a night shirt I wear often IWL, was half-soaked in breast milk from the breast she didn't nurse from. Shoulda thought about that; I know better.


      IWL I do want to breastfeed our next child longer; circumstances were chaotic when my daughter was born, so I only got to breastfeed for 6 weeks...wasn't even really breastfeeding, but pumping as she didn't want the breast; like in the dream, she didn't get a fast enough return.

      Can't wait to get my recall back up. This is a dream I had this morning so it was easy to remember. I dream so vividly every night, all night, but my recall has slipped due to life circumstances. I'll work my way back up!
    4. Got Milk?

      by , 08-31-2013 at 05:41 PM
      August 31, 2013
      Method: MILD & WBTB (WILD attempted, but failed)
      Sleep time: 8-9 hours

      Dream 1

      Got into a river for a cool dip, this river reminded me of a river flowing through the Amazon Rain Forest. I could hear the sounds of the wild animals all around me. I must have been pregnant or just delivered a baby because my breast was leaking milk something terrible. As I got into the river for a cool dip, I could see the milk leaking from my breast mix in with the river water. The animals in the river drank the water and milk concoction and as they did, the came out of the river huge ! Then they started to get like super powers from the mixed drink and started doing things they normally don’t do (like monkeys being able to fly like birds in the sky). I saw something ‘hanging’ from some of the animals that got out of the water and when I took a closer look, I noticed that now, they too have huge enormous breast leaking breast milk (I really should have become lucid from this dream ).

      Dream 2

      A woman was looking for someone to help her with putting on a play from a book. She went around asking everyone to assist her in the play, but no one could help her because they couldn’t understand the topic of the play. She needed someone who was familiar with this play that she was going to be adapted from a book, but she was very upset because she couldn’t find anyone familiar with the book. I told her I knew what she was talking about and she looked at me baffled because she hadn’t even told me what the name of the book was, or what the book was about. I told her that she didn’t have to, that I just knew what she was talking about without even telling me. She told me if I could tell her the name of the book, I would receive the job. I told her the name of the book was, “The Bell Jar.” I was correct.

      Note: I have no idea why this book came into my dream, I believe that I either saw a moving that made a reference about it or heard someone in RL talking about it...either way, I have not read the book myself...weird?
    5. # 64

      by , 06-12-2013 at 03:36 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      • I had some car trouble yesterday that scared me a bit.
      • I woke up to use the bathroom and decided to cycle.
      • About a month and a half ago I was shoveling fertilizer and got stuck in a mud pit.

      I was at the end of a neighbor's driveway talking to a cop. He was going to help me with my car as it was giving me trouble.

      The cop got in and started my car and ended up going off the driveway onto the soft ground, where we got stuck. I started crying saying, "What am I going to do now" over and over.

      Then I realized I was dreaming. I did a hand rc and went through my usual routine where I had 5 fingers, but after staring at them I had 6. I sat there and counted a few times to be sure and they went to 7 and then 6 again.

      I decided to punch the cop in the chest, and then I asked if he wanted me to pull his heart out. I reached my hand into his chest, but couldn't find his heart.

      I may have had a false awakening. At one point I remember trying to go back to sleep and feeling my body buzz, and trying to relax and go with it, but I was having trouble falling back asleep. I think that was an FA.

      Dream Skip

      I'm at school and can't remember what the class is doing. Everyone leaves except this one girl. I look to her for help but she doesn't want to help. She gets up and leaves also.

      I got up and feel stoned and nervous that someone is going to question my red eyes. I went to the bathroom to wash my hands but there is no sink. Where there would be a sink, there is a Port-a-poti urinal. I left disgusted.

      Dream Skip

      I am in some other building and I'm getting something to eat. I see this older black lady feeding from another woman's breast. She is a vegan, so she didn't want to eat any of the food at the cafeteria we were in. I was thoroughly disgusted...again.


      I had another dream where I made it with some hot chick. She was so hot that when I was done, I was trying to do it again.
    6. Uncomfortable

      by , 05-01-2013 at 05:25 PM
      I don't think I want to recount the first half because it was kind of...pornographic and that makes me uncomfortable. The last half had to do with a clothing store/sewer. The scenery was vivid at the time but I can't remember it now. I try to get past this young woman and her friends. She keeps making fun of me.
      "Why don't you like me?"
      I see myself as she sees me and I'm a little disgusted. I've always been well endowed in the chest area, but to her it looks grotesque. I'm wearing a pale green shirt, my breasts look huge.
      "You're disgusting, that's why." She looks me over critically and I feel a stab of shame. "You're not even wearing a bra!"
      "What do you mean, of course I'm wearing a bra." When I see myself from her point of view it's obvious I'm not, but as soon as I say that I am. She grabs one of my breasts and I slap her hand away.
      "Fine, turn around." She rolls her eyes and exchanges a meanly amused look with her friends. "You're not wearing it tightly enough."
      I frown and I decide to leave. She mutters something and I yell back at her.
      "I'm only a 36--" I realize that isn't true, "A 3...a 32G."
      "She can't even remember her size, obviously she's lying."
      "I'm not, you can look at the tag on my bra if you don't believe me."
      "That isn't necessary."
      "Why do you have to be so mean, I only wanted your help. Is it so difficult to help someone instead of ridiculing them?"
      She frowns and stares at the floor then smiles a little, it seems genuine.
      "Fine. Whenever you get to the end of the road, go and see Dr.______, he can help you."
      "Thank you so much."
      "Whatever. Don't talk to me again."

      I remember pushing a cart through a clothing store and thinking that I need to buy some shorts for summer. I wonder if they have anything I like.

      Updated 05-01-2013 at 06:41 PM by 54746

      Tags: breast, green
    7. #54 The Management Company / Bone Child; #55 - Lucid Instructor; #56 - Girls

      by , 03-31-2013 at 12:44 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      A Night Full of Dreams

      I was with an old friend G. We were debating which way to go to get somewhere. I at least went a certain way which led me to a concert hall. I had to go through the hall and exit the other side to continue.

      I was going down by stepping over the seats. At the bottom, the MC said that this was a reverse concert (or something) so that if your name started with a certain letter, one composer would be playing, and if your name started with another letter, another composer would play. Then, when they were finished, the composers would switch and play for the other group of people.

      #54 - The Management Company / Bone Child

      I was with my father and possibly my brother. We were in a store, but it was very dark, and there was some type of show going on at one side of the store.

      I was by the show and said to my brother I think, "Let's go." Then a drug dealer said, "OK. What do you want? I have a lot of stuff, but I may not have what you want."

      I think I told him that I wasn't talking to him and I don't want anything. Then I found my dad and relayed the story of how this guy just assumed I was talking to him and tried to sell me drugs.

      I saw a fringed leather jacket on a rack, then on a guy wearing that jacket. Then I saw it on another rack with a fur-lined hood. It looked worse every time I saw it.

      It was some time around here I started to leave with my dad, and then outside, 3 guys came up to us. We were sitting and they were standing up. The stood too close to us. I waited a minute, but they were standing with their junk in my face, so I pushed one away at the leg and told him he was too close to me. The three guys took offense, and they said they new they were standing close, but they said we had done something.

      Now my brother was around. We were in a different place, but the guys were around me and standing close. I signaled to him to be ready for these guys and we started to fight them...kind of. It may have been a mental thing, like I dealt with them mentally in my dream, just working out what we needed to do, but never had to do it.

      It was about now that these people were employees of the store. They were wearing blue shirts with white lettering that said, "The Management Company." I was appalled that the store would hire these thugs. I then became lucid, but I didn't have the control over the dreamscape that I usually do.

      I asked one girl her name because I wanted to hold her accountable. There hadn't been a girl until now. She told me her name was Bone Child. I tried to make sense of that and realized she gave me her cult name. "The Management Company" wouldn't know her by that name. That pissed me off.


      I wake up in bed and start writing "The Management Company / Bone Child" on a sticky note so I don't forget my dream. I don't want to log it though, so I just write down enough to remember the dream.

      I look again and realize that the writing is gone. I write it again, but realize I'm dreaming, so it isn't going to stay anyway. Since I can't make the lettering stick, I try to verbalize the dream title (as though that would help anything. I just had the need to own the title so I would remember the dream.

      I said, "The Management Company / Bone Child" in a demonic voice. I didn't mean for it to sound that way, but I was having a hard time getting it out as I was actually dreaming. Then my wife got upset because of how I said it.

      At this point, I either woke up and started to SSILD cycle or I started to cycle from within an FA to go back to bed. I started with the eyes and immediately started to buzz. I came out of it and cycled again and started buzzing again. The visuals were typical--heightened awareness of bright spots.

      I relaxed and had

      #55 - Lucid Instructor

      I was with my brother. I told him we were in a dream. He said, "Hey, yeah!" I told him to count his fingers and he counted six.

      I didn't really conjure it, but I wanted a Ferrari and it was there. We got in and I was trying to drive, but it wouldn't go faster than 2 miles per hour or something stupid like that. That sucked.

      Driving down a small street, I saw police at a house. I was going to check it out with my brother, but decided to drive on. We stopped at another house. We walked up to it. I held his hand and said, "OK, phase through." I walked through and pulled him through. There were two old couples in the house. I introduced myself to an old man as though we were invited, but it didn't work. They asked if we were going to take their house (meaning all their stuff.) I told them "No."

      I told my brother to phase through the ceiling now. I wanted to get out of that place. It was beat. Now we were in another building. It was like a museum or something. I said, OK, now run on the walls. He didn't really want to, but he followed me and we ran on these curved walls. Then I said, now fly! Just jump and fly! I started to fly. I guess my brother followed.

      Then I decided, OK, it's time to show him girls.

      I woke up, or had an FA

      I cycled again and slipped back into the dream

      #56 - Girls

      Where I saw a girl from high school. She was a false memory. She really stood out from the other girls she was with. She had red hair and make-up (which I usually don't like), and large breasts.

      I called her name, she came over, and I laid her down and started kissing her. Then I was somewhere else and found a brunette. Odd looking, but I thought she was attractive. I took her though she wasn't interested. I pulled up her shirt, felt her breast, and woke up.

      This night was awesome. Cycling from within a dream was a sure way to lucid. Kick ass!

      Updated 03-31-2013 at 07:50 PM by 41873

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    8. OGF in the Ghetto

      by , 01-07-2013 at 07:42 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      OGF in the Ghetto

      I was with an OGF J. She asked if I remember when we used to do it. I said "Yes." I started feeling her breast, and then we started looking for somewhere to go to be in private.

      Then I realized I was dirty, so I decided to take a shower really quickly. I found a bathroom in my Grandmother's house, but it was occupied. I went to a less private bathroom in her house, but as I started looking for it, the house got messy and it wasn't where it was supposed to be.

      I started looking more and ended up in a commercial kitchen. My friend M. S. was there as an employee. I asked about somewhere to just rinse off. They said I could go to the back where there were some sprayers hanging from the ceiling.

      I went back there and then my friend pushed me into a pool of waste from the dishes. My mouth was closed, but I ended up with a bunch of grits in my mouth. It was nasty. My friend started laughing.

      I reached out and pulled him in, but he didn't get anything in his mouth. I was pissed. I started spitting stuff out of my mouth, but he didn't care.

      I was finally back with J. and ready to do it with her. We were in a ghetto. She pulled over to this abandoned multi-story building. There were people outside, and I figured there were people inside.

      I figured it was dangerous and gross, but whatever. We went up a flight of stairs. It seemed some rooms might be occupied. These rooms were open, without doors. They were like the rooms druggies use in abandoned buildings. Crap is everywhere and it's dark and nasty.

      We find a room that looks available on the 2nd or 3rd floor. We start to go in when we are greeted by two women dressed fairly nicely, and now we are in a large living room area.

      They ask if we are OK. They say our parents are probably worried for us. The women know that people who end up in this building are not doing well. We say we are OK.

      The women then put a lease on a coffee table and ask us to look it over. The lease says that there is no running water in the building. I think it also said there was no electricity or anything else. We are not supposed to sign the lease. It is simply to advise us that there are no conveniences.

      I looked at the lease and thought how interesting the lease was. Then the ladies left. Then a black guy was in the room and his dick was out. He wanted a blow job. He wasn't threatening, but he was ghetto and invading my scene.

      Eventually he left and I think we made it to the room, but my dream ended then.
    9. Kind of Fun Work; Lime Tree; Morse Code Darth Vader

      by , 12-31-2012 at 05:00 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Kind of Fun Work

      I had 2 or 3 jobs. I was actually starting to get tired of working all the time, but last job I was at was phone sales, and it wasn't that hard. I also kind of liked the job and the people.

      The dream was boring to retell, so I'll only say this much.

      There ended up being a pretty girl. Everyone lined up against a wall so the boss could talk to us. This girl said something about me parting my hard in the middle. I held her shoulders and got "upset" about it. I was using it as an excuse to get close to her.

      Then she said that my brother got upset about the same thing. I then "got upset" that she compared me to my brother. I ran my hand down her sides and brushed my thumb against the side of her breast. She quickly told me not to do that.

      I stopped, but she wasn't really so upset about it. If I hadn't woken up, we might have played more of that game.

      The End


      After discussing an example miracle IWL that if my lime tree were full of limes over night, that would be a miracle, I dreamed last night that it was full of limes all of a sudden.


      I dreamed that I explained to someone that the letters Q and K in Morse Code make the Darth Vader theme.

      Updated 01-01-2013 at 05:03 AM by 41873 (Add 2 dreams)

      Tags: breast, girl, work
    10. Having It and Giving It Up; Leaving My Brother

      by , 12-24-2012 at 02:56 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Having It and Giving It Up

      I was with a beautiful girl. She may have been J. M., my high school heart throb, though she looked a little different.

      I was sucking the side of her breast and rubbing her stomach. It was heavenly. Her breast was salty. This was OK in my dream, and tasting is generally good in a dream for me.

      I asked if she wanted me to stop and she said yes, so I stopped. I was sad...obviously.

      An alarm then went off and a DC turned it off for me. I was grateful.

      Leaving My Brother

      My brother was on a motorcycle with my boy as a passenger, and I was riding on the back the way kids ride bicycles--standing on to pegs sticking out from the back wheels. It was extremely awkward and I told my brother I was just going to walk the rest of the way. I had only a tinge of distaste for him.

      Everyone started walking at this point. We ended up in Downtown. It was all cement and didn't seem clean. It was dark as though we were under a walkway or something.

      We started walking down a hill of cement and I saw my cat. I/we were letting her go there but I wasn't happy about it. At the street, buses were stopping and pulling away. I saw a tour bus pull out right next to an old style Marta bus. The noise was awful and a bit odd. I wanted to record the bus noises and use it in some music or something.

      We then started trying to find exactly how to get where we were going. We never really did figure it out, and searching was a bit uncomfortable.
    11. Woman Car Salesperson

      by , 11-09-2012 at 02:11 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Woman Car Salesperson

      I was lying down holding a sexy, long dark-haired woman in a read dress with stringy fringes. Her hair was in her face. This was not a sexual thing; she was helping me select a car (?), but I ended up telling her she was beautiful, and my words changed the meaning of me holding her. Because of this, I had to move away from her to respect her.

      I did the right thing, and then she started acting very nice to me, so I started sucking on her breasts hard. Over time she turned into someone with not such a nice figure, and black instead of white. She was wearing panties, and the skin above her panty line up front looked a little flabby. My chick dream had gone sour. Then it turned into a ghetto black guy.

      While I had chosen a car, I don't remember it and never saw it. Eventually, I saw a land rover that I wished I had chosen. It was a light metallic blue. It looked so pretty. Then one side had little dents in it and I wasn't convinced after all.

      That sucked.
    12. Triglycerides

      by , 11-07-2012 at 06:08 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)

      I was at a restaurant at the bar or at a high table. I saw a guy with a book about 8" thick, maybe more. It was ridiculous. The spine of the book said, "Triglycerides." There were other words, but I couldn't make them out. That really didn't matter.

      I study diet IWL. I'm no more interested in triglycerides than anything else, but I figured in my dream that this guy obviously is studying them in depth, and it is something I'm interested in, so this was a great opportunity.

      I asked him to tell me about triglycerides. He said, "OK..." It was as though he was going to say something, but he wrote it on a napkin instead. When I read it, it was in cursive and said, "I" "I have" "I have" and kept going with similar stuff. It looked much the same from one pair of words to the next. I Mentioned how odd it seemed.

      The guy said, "Well, there are thousands of definitions for 'trigycerides." I thought to myself, "Well! I'm not about to work out thousands of definitions." I turned and looked at a lady beside me who was possible a friend of the guy I was talking to. I turned to her and her bare breast was right there. Her nipple was shiny with some kind of grease or water or something. It was pink and lovely.

      I don't attribute this to precognition by any means, but it is very interesting that today IWL, I was reading a new book I got on synergies and came across triglycerides and why they are bad. They come from animal fat and they reduce the effectiveness of leprin, a hormone that tells you when you are getting full.
    13. A Recent Peak and a Dream Girl

      by , 05-30-2012 at 03:30 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      A Recent Peak

      I recently saw a women's lib chick. I did the Step and Lean to get a better view as she leaned over. I got several good looks.

      Last night I woke up to go to the bathroom and started thinking about her and ended up dreaming about her.

      I was with J, I saw her breast. Her nipple looked funny, but her breast was really, really soft. That was the story at least. I don't remember feeling it. One of us said something about it and the other explained why it was so soft. I wish I could remember who said what.

      A Dream Girl

      I was in a weird setting. I don't really remember what it was, but there were girls about. I ended up doing a reality check and my hand kind of looked normal, then I had a thumb and 4 stubs.

      I was off on my hunt. There was one really pretty girl with long, dark hair and I went to find her. I did find her and started kissing her, but my dream fell apart.

      I had an FA, but I didn't fall for it. Thinking I was awake, and very disappointed, I did an RC anyway and I was still dreaming, so I found J again.

      I told her I like small breasts like hers. She told me not to be shy, so I started feeling her up. This was more vivid than the other dreams I had.

      I felt the bottom of her breast, and then forced my hand up to feel the rest of it. I got my hand around the rest of her breast. I didn't ever feel her nipple, but it was really nice anyway.

      The End
      Tags: breast, girls, nipple
      lucid , memorable
    14. The Movie Theater

      by , 01-01-2012 at 06:26 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      The Movie Theater

      I was in a movie theater. People were gathered in the lobby as if it were a lock-out. I don't remember much, but I do remember a few points.

      At one point I had to go to the bathroom. I went in to the mens room and it was oddly hi tech. There was some kind of dash board with buttons and lights or dials or something. I just wanted to take a piss.

      Later, there was a crime in the theater. I had to get out of there, and I did, but then I realized I'd left my shoes in the theater and had to go back. I didn't want to spend to much time there because the police were going to be there soon.

      I walked passed a couple in a sleeping bag. The girl in the bag reached out showing me her breast. It was only for a moment, but I liked it. It was milky white where she'd covered it with clothing, and darker everywhere else.

      This may have been out of order.

      The End
    15. Should She be Drinking Mama's Milk? / My Boy Choked to Death / A Kind-of Hot Girl and Me

      by , 06-30-2011 at 12:44 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I have recently had several dreams that I was unable to journal.

      I remember seeing a girl of about 12 or 13 walking with her mother drinking milk from her
      mother's nipple. They were just walking like everything was normal.

      I had a dream the next night or the night after that that my boy was grabbing these button
      things. There were so many, he couldn't get them all without putting some in his mouth. I may
      have recommended he put them in his mouth to hold them, and then to grab the rest with his

      I then realized he could choke on them, so I told him to just open his mouth and let them
      fall out. He started to let them fall out, but he choked on one. I tried to hit his back to get
      it out of his throat, but it didn't work. He quit moving.

      There was another dream where I was in a college environment I think. There was a girl who
      was OK looking, but I found her to be incredible in my dream. I was going to kiss her. She pulled
      away, but implied that later in the evening we would sleep together.

      I had taken some B vitamin's 2 nights in a row that I had vivid dreams.
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