non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At my mom's place and there is a big event going on. There are groups from several disciplines, from chemistry to politics. I am going around ensuring people have what they need. In the political group, there's this awful fascist guy who seems to have an interest in me. I hate him, but I am enjoying his attention and wondering how I can use it against him. I am picking up some of my personal documents from the dining room table by the window when the chemistry group barges in with lots of large posters and rolls of paper with formulas and in a frenzy about something urgent. I leave them be and I go around meeting other groups, when something bad in the chemistry group happens and some chemical or biological sample is released. It drives some people out of their minds and they start attacking others. Then it spreads and I realize it is a zombie attack. There is no escape from this full house, so I open the window behind me and use the rope from the shutters to rappel down the building. I enter through the window of some other house where apparently I have family or friends. They are just enjoying their rest and I tell them to gather food and prepare to leave because there is a zombie attack just starting. They don't believe me, so I go look outside and indeed many have already reached the streets and are climbing peoples' windows and balconies and going inside their houses. First we close all windows but one has some problem and I am unable to close it before having to fight off some zombies trying to come in. Finally we put some heavy furniture blocking it to gain some time and I tell the others that our best chance is to go up onto the attic and stay there with food and water for some time until the first wave attack is over. Some of them agree with me, some don't, and some girl starts making a lot of noise with her insistence in going out and I worry she'll attract more zombies. When we open the door to go upstairs we listen first if there is any agitation. There isn't, but then a couple ladies who don't look like zombies, attack us in a different way. They drop two ladybugs' bombs on us. Basically it's like two bombs full of ladybugs that release thousands of ladybug which immediately stick to our skin and orifices. I have my ears clogged. This is just a distraction, because soon after we start getting attacked by the zombies. Predicting this, I run to the kitchen to get a sharp knife and hand other knifes to the rest of the group. Then a couple zombies also bring knifes and try to get close to slash me. I fight them both and manage to stick the knife on the brain and neck of the first one. He makes some comment when he realizes I got him, like not believing I got him. The other one I think is his brother, so obviously he gets pissed. We fight and I win, but then I am overwhelmed by a constant flow of anime characters with katanas and other weapons and I don't understand why they are so intent on killing me. At some point I am fighting maybe ten at the same time but already managed to steal at least one katana from the arm I cut off of someone. On one hand the katana on the other still the kitchen knife. Then I start levitating to fight them in the air and only a couple of the have the same ability, greatly increasing my odds.
Updated 11-01-2022 at 08:33 PM by 34880
30th September 2020 Dream: With my family, visiting some fancy historical complex in America. It's on an overlook type area, atop a generally hilly area. Don't remember the surroundings much. Mom, dad and T are the family I'm with. I remember we walked into a room with a long curved glass separating the room from a display area. There are highlights from the top and behind the glass is a natural-looking and rocky display, but the main feature is a plaque attached to a rock? We sit down on some of those museum-type sofas and there's a female voice talking about this plaque and/or the display. Outside, going away from the compound area. (recall gap) Then something about a motorcycle gang? And two of its members are causing havoc along a road, in some way that I don't recall. I'm a policeman and have a motorcycle of some kind myself, chasing them through roads and rice fields, where people are working. (recall gap) Then in a shower. It's in some old place's bathroom. The shower is a walk-in type, with no frame at all, being only a white plinth. It's centred against a wall of this bathroom, which is quite large. I remember old and darkly stained wood, either in the bathroom or outside of it. Cerulean-blue tiles? While I'm in this shower, bits of crap start coming off the back of where a silicon seal should be. Some bugs and a small horned beetle crawl out. (The word kabuto comes into mind as I write this out) Then I get out and someone else is around. Not sure who, but they find a small clam shell of sorts and put it in front of this beetle. It gets in the shell and wears it like armour or something, the other person remarking on this fact. Then nearby is a crab and this other person disturbs it and it crawls away? But the crab is also in a strange sea shell of some kind. (recall gap) Vague recall of roaming some mezzanine area and old halls of the place with the bathroom. A bedroom too? Notes: - Shortly after writing out this dream and getting some things ready for the day, I found a beetle on the hoodie that I was going to wear. - The whole dream was continuous but the threshold/transition moments seem to have mostly been lost on waking.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening In a studio with Billy Corgan and Dave Grohl. There's a problem with ticks, I go to the toilet and find bloody paper and a giant bug roaming around. With friends at a café in Lisbon, a fancy place. Nuno Markl passes by with a shopping bag, we can see he bought two pink pullovers and that another man just passing by him is wearing a similar pullover. We laugh at the popularity of these pullovers and he looks at us. I wave and he looks puzzled as if finding me familiar but not knowing who I am. Then we go down the street, I am dressed like a Jedi, sort of. Then crossing the street becomes a challenge as the road gives place to a very steep hill that we have to climb. I stick a dagger on the ground so I can climb and the mountain moves because it is a dragon. I am staying at a house with others, one guy is clearly specialist in ancient Greek myths. I am a biologist on some project. I take a look at some papers describing a synthetic biology project that is taking place in some Asian country where the laws are not restrictive and they talk about growing tissues and limbs. Reminds me a video my mom had sent me, I decide I will share these documents with the guys from that video so we can discuss the project.
8/11/15 5:42 am I was at an event with Leila there were two events going on I went and saved seats for Leila. This lady was really nice and put this rope across the seats for us. And then I was gonna go back to the other area where something related to baseball was going on. I think we were late for Darkstar Orchestra. And then I remember I was in the crosswalk and there was a bunch of kids there were going across the street and then something happened and they all stopped and there was this little girl who was very very tiny and she was jumping up-and-down and then she got hit by something A truck was hauling. She flipped up in the air and she turned into a bug or something. The lady next to me said she turned into a Heartstone. And then I thought she turned into one of those little pincher bugs.
First dream - nightmare I was in school. I was in the classroom, sitting in front of the teacher - a bald man with mustache. There were other students in the classroom. I asked if I can go to the toilet, he agreed so I went out of the classroom. I was alone at the corridor, heading towards the toilet. When I opened the door, I saw that the lights were on, but as I made one step they turned off. I closed the door and opened them again, and the situation was the same. Then I think "Is this school haunted?" Suddenly a DC janitor appears. A brunette woman in janitor suit, with glasses. She tells "This school is haunted." and goes away. She said it, like it was obvious to everyone. I thought "Even if there's hell inside, I'll do this!" I entered the dark toilet. As I started to pee, suddenly red light started to flicker, walls and floor tiles started to crack. School trembled and the walls bleed. I finished my thing and went back to the classroom. I looked at the clock and saw that it was late evening, but then I looked at the clock again, and saw that I should go to take a bus back home. I went to the cloakroom. There were some girls taking their stuff and going out. I came closer to my locker. It had padlock made of rolled paper. I opened it, and saw that I have loads of old, useless junk in my locker. I couldn't find my shoes. I took all the stuff and went out to a car. I looked at the driver. He was wearing gray hoodie, and he wasn't looking at the road. However, he was a great drver. Second dream I was on a backstage of a circus. Someone was talking about the place. He started from talking about clowns working there - batman, a clown with black, fake mustache in bat suit; crabman, a clown with blonde mustache in crab suit; and spiderman, a clown with brown mustache in spider suit. They were running around like crazy. There were huge crowds cheering from the tribunes. Then he told about a murder bug "Whomever may touch it, may he rest in peace.". A sad and frightening melody played in the background as he said about the bug. Then a dude looking like Eric from "Sweet 70's" TV show appeared, and show control switches of the circus. He pointed at one and said "This is a lunch button. We choose one person from the crowd, and give it a free lunch. This week we have a special offer. If you have three nipples, you can come over to us. There's a free lunch waiting for you!"
Forest - fragment I was doing something with a shovel in forest. Warning myself I was in school. I entered a classroom and sat near a guy in grey hoody. He was somehow weird. After a while I realised that I'm sitting near myself. I looked closer at me, and saw that there is a bug, which bites painfully. I tried to warn myself, but when I did it, I woke up.
I was in my home. I had a tropical bug as a pet. The only problem was that it could kill a human with one bite. It had highly dangerous neurotoxin. It was kept in secure place, but somehow it escaped. With my younger sister we were trying to find it. It made lots of nests in my room, but most of them were empty. Finally, we have found him lying in my bed, under the pillow, waiting for me to fall asleep.
Riding my bicycle up a really beautiful hill through a summer meadow, the road continues into a cool forest tunnel, thick with trees and vegetation. I go a few hundred feet into it, then turn around to zoom down the road really fast on my bike. I go too fast, and can't stay on the road. Trying not to crash, I go into the meadow off to my right, and bounce to a stop before walking back to the road to continue on. Lots of fun! I reach home at the bottom of the hill, and feel a sharp poke on my hand. I look and there are several small spiders on me, apparently biting me. My hand and upper arm start to go numb, followed by my shoulder. They seem to have a powerful venom, so I try to brush them off without killing them so they stop biting me. As soon as I brush them off, I notice more on me. Using a soft leaf, I brush those off as well. Now that I appear to be spider free, I prepare to take a shower. Suddenly, I am covered with the little spiders, and also a single other bug, not very large, but with a painful bite. It is very strong, and I can't brush this one off. I have to pinch my skin together and grab it to remove it from my arm. Tossing it aside, it runs really fast. Not sure if it is going to get me again, I am quickly distracted by the several hundred tiny venomous spiders all over my arms and legs. I also feel something on my back but can't see it. Trying to get all the spiders off harmlessly, as they bite me, I flinch a little, and probably hurt a few of them. It takes me a while, but I manage to get all of them off that I can see, and quickly get in the shower to the relative safety of the running water. I suspect that when I veered off into the meadow, I picked up all those spiders on me somehow.
11.01.2014Flying & Mountain Wind Hand Tries to End the World (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Flying (YES!!! FINALLY)First person perspectiveSkyrim like graphics on steroidsBorders like the running mocap test from the many motions guy on YouTubeSnowy areaThere's a huge mountain I have to fly to bypass a barrier (reference to many motions)I see all sorts of itemsSeveral of them have the name "flail" as an extensionMost seem to be grapple weaponsI attach themI open a box on a benchRandom toys and objects Justice league members suddenly come out of nowhere from the box Superman and Batman having an argument while I look at a few picture books of the other members (wonder woman, green lantern) Then some wind hand extended from a mountain appears, and apparently its a threat Sensui Shinobu from Yu Yu Hakusho rises from the dead because he feels that he must restore order or else the wind hand ruins the cycle. He uses sacred armor and prepares for an assaultDream shift confuses journey of the dream A random purple female bug is trying to defend the hand I believeBug has yellow-green hands and a dark pink body base with dark violet wings mixed in with some pinkAll she does is literally phasing into the hand to stop it from becoming a threat _________________________ 11.01.2014Doing Everything in One Trip (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Relative of mine intends to drive to certain areas in one trip 12.01.2014Riding a Scooter Down a Slope (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I'm wearing a light colored suit and pants with a cool colored dress shirt tucked in. I'm riding a light gray scooter down a slope, and as soon as I reached the bottom, I immediately made a huge rotational halt to the left.
15.10.2013Odd mexico visit. (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I went to mexico because I needed to buy some cans of coke as my boss requested me to do. For some reason, I felt very tired and in a really bad shape, so it was even hard for me to walk. After I cross the border, I was in some sort of wilderness, and there were some bugs around, until one, tiny white bug that looked like a leech bite me. I started to feel dizzy and feeling sick, as I had no idea what type of bug bite me and I felt poison. I kept working on finding the cases of coke so I asked someone where to find some. It appears, that this someone was a psychic who tried to hypnothize me againsts my will, but she was not successful. I felt that I would better pick up a cab and ask for directions, as I was feeling to uneasy. I asked the driver about a store were I could buy them. He told me to go down the street, three lights and then turn left. I wondered if they would accept US dollars. I felt unsafe, so I went up to pick my car, like if I was going to cross back to the US. I wondered if I had my passport, as I did not recall picking it up before heading to mexico. There were cops encouraging children to do crimes
Nasty Things [Hypnagogic Hallucinations] Last night I decided to try out some binaural beats meditation just for the heck of it, I've had a light and sound machine that can do it for a couple years now but I usually forget about the audio track and just use the visual settings. I put it on a ten minute run for a relaxing setting and it felt pretty awesome... I came out it buzzing. After it shut off I took out the headphones and just kept lying there for a little bit, and then out of the darkness behind my eyelids came a bug, something like a cockroach or a hornet, that started flying around my vision. My first reaction was "Ew!", but then I remembered that, unfortunately, bugs are an important breakthrough sign for me. Watching these bugs crawl along my vision has led to short OBEs before, and one time even resulted in brief but complex audio and visual hallucinations after snapping back to my body. The mild colorful static I normally see in the dark had taken on a depth and I was starting to see a wispy white outline of what appeared to be the inside of a vehicle with an entity or two moving around, but the image never became clear or well-defined. I think I got too distracted with the bug, it's been a good while since that happened. Soon it all faded back into regular darkness. Oh well, next time.
Updated 11-18-2012 at 08:41 PM by 50803
By the time my recall picks up, I was already lucid. (My dream recall is worse than my lucidity. ) I was in my family room. The first thing I remember doing was talking with my cat. My cat was actually a portrayal of my cousin. I can't remember most of our dialogue but we were arguing because we were in the same lucid dream and we wanted to know who would get to use their powers of dream control, and who would be a bystander. I eventually said to him that I challenged him to a dream duel. Winner keeps the dream. I punched the ground near him. He ran away and faded. I got up and decided that I would go outside and try to find my guide or practice some dream control, since the opportunity so rarely presents itself. I walked though the kitchen and towards the front door, my parents stood back. They must have realized that I was lucid and wanted to go about it on my own. On my way out the door I said to myself "my shoes are on!". I'm pretty sure it worked but it was kind of unnecessary. The dream world was beautiful. The sky was nearly alien with two morning suns poking though the clouds. I can remember there being alot of flowers in our front garden. But one orchid was particularly beautiful. I began down the walk when something started buzzing in my ear, like a mosquito. I dusted away from my ear. It was persistent no matter how many times that I swatted or dusted the annoyance away from my ear. My ear began to hurt as I began to slap it and dig my finger into it trying to get the buzzing out. I lost focus and forgot about maintaining the lucid experience. I woke up in my frustration.
Updated 12-28-2013 at 05:15 AM by 53527
I was typing on an old IBM typewriter. It was the kind I learned how to type on. I was trying to type a phone number that wasn't in the system, which made the typewriter start to smoke. Someone came over to look at it and I explained that I know what I was doing. I'd learned on that kind of typewriter. Dream Skip I was at Kelly and Cohen Bedrooms. I thought how interesting it was that after so many years, I was right back where I'd started so many years before. Then I realized I was dreaming. I decided to look for my childhood home to enter my worst nightmare. I did a reality check. As usual, 5 fingers, then it turned into 6. Time to fly. I headed out and flew at a moderate height looking for houses, then I came to a cliff and I was so high above the trees it was amazing. I felt my stomach drop. I can never get that high when I try to fly up. I tried to focus on the wind on my skin as I did last time. It was not as intense, but I could feel it. Then I looked down to see houses. I flew down trying to land near a nice, big house, but I landed too far from it. I tried to go too it, but I was having a hard time. Gravity was pulling me the other direction, so I went the other way. All of a sudden, the subdivision was a grave yard. I saw all these graves. Then I saw an antique cash register in the middle of it all. I wanted to check it out, but decided not to waste time. I should have looked at a headstone carefully. I saw a house up a hill beyond the graveyard. It was a siding home. I decided to pass through the wall or the window. I saw a man on a phone inside. I decided to enter and see what I could find. I passed through the window and the man was a woman. She was extremely attractive, wearing a white shirt. She was on the phone. I was willing her to take off her shirt. She would have, but as she was getting off the phone, I woke up. Grrrr. The End I was on a blacktop street. I saw a piece of plastic about 4" by 8" embedded in the street. I set it on fire wondering what it would do to the street. I told some guys there that I was nervous to do it, but I would just blame it on them, then I told them I was only kidding, which I was. (Funny joke ) Dream Skip I was in the water at a man-made beach. Someone came up to me and gave me a strange apparatus and told me there was a bug inside of a nut inside the apparatus. I examined the thing I was given and concluded I had to open it. I did so, and found an odd electrical device with a light bulb. Inside the light bulb was a mosquito. Others were looking at what I was given. When I looked up, there was a boy who was with an older girl. I was jealous that this older girl liked the little brat boy. They ended up kissing a rather mature kiss for such a young kid. Then he walked away to play. I thought the kid didn't know what he was doing. He should stay with the chick if he knew what was good for him. She had a beautiful mouth. It was very red, partially natural, and partially lipstick/lip gloss. Dream Skip I'm in a building trying to get something to drink, but I don't have enough change on me. I needed a dollar. All of a sudden, I look up and drinks now cost $3.00. I thought how fucked up everything is that just when I can afford the damn dollar that drinks cost, they go up again so I can't afford them again. Then I look in the change return and find some coins. I thought how someone had put them there on purpose to pay a good deed forward. Then I started finding lots of money. It was all in change, but it was all dimes, quarters, dollars and such. Someone who managed the building came around and I thought I was going to get in trouble for taking all this money.
So when I went to bed last night I was still pretty drunk from doing shots of tequila, which is probably what led into the first dream lol. Other than that nothing too amazing, but some interesting hypnagogia in the morning. #1 - Alternate Path All I really remember about this dream was that instead of deciding to go to bed I had opted to stay up and keep posting on DV and doing shots of tequila. I recall complaining about how bad the hangover is going to be and people telling me I should go to bed but I didn't listen lol. Of course, when I woke up I was relieved. #2 - A Series Of Random Events This one's kind of hard to remember too, but I do remember walking through several very large and very impressive landscapes. It's all kind of in snippits, but first I was walking down some large hill in a very cool looking building complex with O, and we were talking about doing coke and Adderall and a couple other things and then started complaining about how it'd be too much speed. Next I'm with an old friend, C, and we're walking through some amazingly huge mall with crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and a kind of royal orange ambient lighting, I'm not totally sure why we were there but it was a really intense design! Lastly, I was back with someone else in my house and we were playing hide and seek, and I tried to hide under a couch. I lifted it up and let it fall back on me, pretty sure it wouldn't be noticable even though there was really only like an inch of free space under the couch. I couldn't really get it to look as nonchalant as I wanted it to before I woke up. #3 - The Jungle Of The Mind This is something that almost happened to me that tends to occur every now and then when I get really drunk (and it used to occasionally when I would smoke weed) where I would get kind of lost in thought in bed and start to get delirious to the point of entering a full dream, so it was kind of like WILD but really more just... WID. It started with hypnagogia about plants and some windy sounds, and then I was walking through some kind of forest or jungle on a path that had been clearly followed before because there were lots of plants flattened on it. At one point I saw a large (maybe like half a foot tall and a foot wide) bug crawling in the distance (thankfully not near me! ) that was golden with blue patches and very luminescent. :O Now, if this had happened to me a while back when it was more frequent, I would have thought something was up here. One bug crawling across my vision is a delirium sign for me, but I didn't catch it this time. I almost got sucked fully into this dream, but then I kind of twitched and it snapped me out of it. Oh well. I also remember that Smash Mouth's "Walkin' On The Sun" was playing in the background of the forest.
I don't remember a lot of what happened. I remember it was the elections and me and a couple of other people had been talking about them for a long time. Finally we were going into a minivan to ride somewhere that had to do with the election and then tre points in the door sees a giants roach. We all scattered. It flies out, and is on my shoulder. I'm am on all fours for an adrenaline soaked 2 minutes screaming and bucking trying to get it off. Finally one of my friends swipes it off with some leaves... also I remember having another tattoo on my inside left bicep. It was 2 feathers