I enter my school's sixth form building late at night. As I head down the hall towards the dining area I can't see anything around. The hall is black carpeted and so is the larger room. The usual round tables are nowhere to be found and the serving counter is lower and farther forward than it is in real life. It's made of smooth white marble. The fridge is also shifted to the left. Though not quite real, the room is easily recognisable. Nobody is around, but I get the impression a big gathering has just ended. Everyone else has probably gone upstairs already. (Seems like this is a dormitory in the dream - IRL there are only classrooms upstairs). There are lots of desserts left over. On the counter are two large slate trays, each piled with jelly cut into cubes and stacked. One tray holds red jelly and the other, yellow. In the fridge is another tray of orange jelly and a cake liberally piped with cream on the top and around the sides. A few slices have already been cut out. Pitchers of clear juice or squash are on the shelf, one cherry-pink and one orange. I love desserts. I'm thrilled and head over to fill a plate. I am really annoyed that I don't remember anything more! I've yet to taste food in a dream, still.
I move into this condo, they have a pet cat named Destroy Lonely, I whistle and try to get the cat's attention. The cat gets tense at me upon seeing me, I notice but carefully stick out my hand so it can smell who I am, but it doesn't react. I then ignore it and enter the elevator. I get attacked by the cat who turned into this Belgian YouTuber, I kick him down the elevator then make a call saying I was attacked, getting sent a digital form and I check "cat attack". I awkwardly wait as I selected that then got on a bus. There's a girl in the bus whom I've never met that studies at a theatre school in Rotterdam, she looks problematic. The girl makes a fighting motion at me as I walk past her, I ignore her and look at the security camera behind in the bus, filming us. I exit the bus and a woman is seen at a table cutting a cake, she tells me it's a peanut butter cake, the peanut butter layer is soft while the edges of the cake are hard and feel like thick layers you'd find on onions. I know to never criticize someone else's cooking though. She cuts the cake and brings the cake to a posh suburban white family sitting at a table in a restaurant, I help her as I carry the forks. The woman and I join the family, she introduces herself and I introduce myself as her husband, much to her amusement. The woman from the family says her entire family compliments my "Bob Marley beard" I then woke up.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Driving near my home, on the street perpendicular to the one with cat colony, and I spot an airplane flying very very low in circles. At some point I am sure it will crash. It is flying on its side and one wing hits an old stone wall on the edge of a plot of land. Miraculously, the plane doesn't crash right away and the pilot manages to straigthen it up and land on the narrow road besides it. But the airplane is all crumbled and broken. Some populars gather around to see and comment the situation but nothing agressive. Still, the pilot, who comes out unharmed, feels attacked and starts shouting and insulting everyone and telling them to go away. Somehow in the middle of this crowd I meet a time traveller. A guy tells me he invented time travelling and it's fine to go back and even meet yourself. I tell him I want to go back to some moment in the past. We land at some day when I was a toddler and my parents left me at the care of my grandmother. We knock at her door pretending to be salespeople. Back then everything was so much more simple and people trusted each other, so she invites us in and shows her she is feeding her granddaughter grapes. As my colleague sits down to talk about the fake deal with my grandma, I ask if I can hold the baby and feed her. She allows and I sit at a table holding my chubby toddler self and I feed her grapes. But I find the grapes are way too big and I might choke on those, so I chew them into smaller pieces, but my baby me rejects those. I ask my grandma why she is rejecting since it is easier to eat and swallow and she says she probably just doesn't want anymore grapes and that she has some sweets for her now. She hands me down some type of cake that has a crunchy white outside and is filled with a yummi creamy brown interior loaded with nuts and almonds. Once again, I don't think it is appropriate to feed these to the baby, both for the sugar content and the nuts she can choke on, so I again bite smaller chunks to feed the baby and in the meanwhile, I eat most of it myself because it's really yummi. Back in the future, my new friend has his machine and a big white board with formulas and notes in some small garage owned by some other guy. Incredibly, this other guy doesn't believe he actually time travels, so he goes back just a little bit just to write something on the white board and we in the present see it magically appearing on it. The time traveller guy had also been to the future recently and checked that his friend will still be offering him shelter in his garage for years to come, so him believing in it or not is irrelevant, he just needs a low-key place to keep it discreetly away. Parking with Riverstone at a parking in front ot some buildings, I am approached by a little girl who looks like a gipsy in ragged clothes. She asks for something, I can't hear exactly what. I have nothing I can offer, but I tell her I will bring something next time. Then we go inside the building, and the house we're in is similar to my mother's. We sit on the bed of my mom's room watching tv. The kid returns and I invite her in, because I want to know more about her needs. She is amazed at all my dolls and plushies. First, I think about letting her chose which one she wants, but then I recall I have lot more others in storage that I don't like as much and I prefer donating. So I ask her where she lives so I can go there one day with gifts and she takes me downstairs and around the building to show an apartment tower just behind us. Some windows on like the second floor are open and I see a large family inside, some of them at the window. I tell her I'll give my phone number to her so she can call me but she says she already has my phone. I wonder how. I am taking a shower at some place I don't recognize, but feels like home. Someone comes inside the bathroom and because my shower curtains ar way too short and don't close well, I see it is my *** . I feel embarassed and focus on pulling the curtains to close them as much as possible, but he pushes them a little open so he can peek. I feel awful and angry and I tell him to stop. He feels entitled to do it and I don't understand. I want to run away, I grab towels and cover myself. Then I remember I am a fully grown adult now and I really don't have to put up with his shit. So I tell him that and threathen to beat his ass if he doesn't just disappear and leave me alone.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With a male friend and following a female friend. We lose her when she goes around a corner and a bunch of other people get in the way. Something is going on because people are acting strange. We are at my home village and we decide to go inside a bakery located in its main square. There is some kind of celebration going on inside, supposedly regarding New Year's, but we are past that day. And anyway, they are playing some Xmas songs and the whole thing makes no sense. Still, I join in for fun. The party is also themed like the '40s and the Xmas music is only from that era. I notice my teen crush Tiago sitting there on a table with some other guy and I notice he is trying to ignore me but very much saw me. I look hot and I am dressed in a sexy mini skirt and I decide to taunt him a bit. I keep pretending I didn't see him and start dancing with others. But he also keeps ignoring me, so I get bored. Then I check the cakes on the counter and I am desperate to have a slice of a couple of them. But the bakery owner says they aren't selling slices directly. I have to buy a raffle ticket and I get whatever cake comes up in the ticket, if any. But lots of the cakes have chocolate amd I say I specifically need those without it. The owner keeps refusing and then says she can sell me directly but only the whole cake to take out. I tell her ok, whatever it takes and ask the price of a couple of them. I am expecting it to be pricey, but affordable. I have maybe 20-30€ in my wallet. But she says it's a 100€. I say that's insane and then ask how many cakes is she packing on that box and how much for just one and she keeps saying it is 100 for each. I repeat that's insane. She explains it is only today because of the special event and she is doing this as a special favor to me. I pass. I head to the door and see some guy throwing a hand grenade or homemade bomb towards the window to the right of the door. I yell for people to duck and I run to the opposite side. It blows and breaks the window. Some guy pulls me to a storage room on the back and i hope there is a backdoor to exit. There is, but when I open it, I see the back leads to empty lots and some suspicious pick ups are driving like nuts in the roads between the lots and heading our way. A guy jumps off one the trucks and walks with another grenade in his hand towards us. I try to barricade, but there are only soft materials. So I run to the washroom and try tp escape through the window. But it opens to some kind of enclosed backyard whith the ground two floors below. So I have to do some climbing and holding on to the ledges of windows and go around the walls that make a square around the yard, until I find another open window. That one leads directly to the lobby of a train station remotely similar to the station of Santa Apolónia in Lisbon. There are people visibly in shock running inside for the trains and some weird tall people in blue waterproof coats seem to be trying to control them. They start closing some interior doors to the platforms to stop people from going in. I make a run for it and manage to get inside. Not without one of these blue dressed women grabbing me. They are weird. She doesn't hurt me and she seems unable to restrain me seriously. She is just passively agressively asking me to leave. And I refuse and ask who they are. She says they are just clones that here to help. I notice how she looks like Fernanda. I push her and she calls for backup of a male. They both surround me and try to make me go back but I grab their arms and push them around and notice that they don't react with harmful strenghth, so I decide to push them harder and run for it, which works. They lose interest and try to stop other people. I go to the ticket booth and ask for a ticket out of the city. The lady says there is no need for ticket, they are evacuating all who want to. They themselves seem to be packing to leave. So I go to the platforms and try to look for the right train but the info on the boards is all messed up and impossible to know. So two guys point me to a tunnel and say we gotta follow it because the trains have all left already. So I go with them. But at some point a train comes out of nowhere speeding towards us and we need to jump to the other tracks to escape it. Strange thing is that it's being pulled by a human like a horse pulling a carriage. Then another train is coming from the opposite way on the other track and we have to jump again. Same thing, pulled by a human. It's surreal. Then the guys decide to disappear up a vertical tunnel over our heads, but I try to follow them and can't, it is too tight and with rough edges where I get stuck uncomfortably. I feel claustrophobic and give up. Instead I decide to continue following a larger tunnel that bifurcates from the one with the trains we were in.
Updated 01-10-2022 at 10:32 AM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some party, like at an art gallery, and there is Riverstone and a bunch of other people. They are serving lots of desserts in long tables in different rooms and I am planning to indulge in as many as I can. But as I grab a plate and go back to get some of what I have seen, I find them mostly gone and manage to grab only 3 tiny cake slices before finding that the buffet is over and immediately removed and all the tables are now exhibiting jewellery and other art pieces. I feel frustrated but they say they announced the time limit ahead and have a very strict policy about it. Then I sit down and realize there is some sort of lecture going on the next room, but then it is no longer at this gallery but at my grandparent's old house and it is a meeting of some Jeovah's witnesses with my grandpa in his kitchen. I am sitting there and continuing to eat my cake slices and I see their judgemental looks over my glutony. When they get up to leave I walk them to the door and outside the hallway looks like a school hallway and not my granparent's building. I go explore and feel a mix of joy and freedom as I feel transported to my highschool years. I go around dancing and levitating and my dance becomes a bit more sexy and dirty and I think I even pole dance a little when I find some random pole in the hallways. As I encounter some prude teachers who start judging me, at some point I go blatanly sexual and expose my private parts. They go away in shock. Further ahead I spot a teacher of mine telling another student some story about me. So apparently some teacher had asked another one about the students in our class, and the second one mentioned I was a total devil. But when she arrived to the classroom she was so surprised to see that I was this quiet little angel instead and they are discussing how I could hide it so well or something. I want to know more about it, so I come to them and ask what else happens in the story. They get spooked and say that is none of my business and leave. Tired of all these people I start becoming aware of the dream and levitating high up in the air. From above I see hundreds of people coming and going, entering and leaving buildings, like little ants. Then realize I am also a little ant just like them. I think about what to do in this lucid dream, but have no idea, so I decide I"ll just watch whatever happens. Then I start spotting fleeting rainbows in the sky, reflected on windows, basically everywhere. and I think about how they are a metaphor for the nature of the mind. So I start trying to catch them. I spot a rainbow shining against a wall and I am close enough to touch it. It turns into a pattern of our brains white matter. As I focus on it, everything around starts turning blue, like I am inside a tub of dark blue jello. I think this might be another level of insight into the nature of the mind and I want to find answers. I start to see some letters and numbers forming and make an effort to decode it, but the thick jello makes it hard to read it clearly. In the ned it seems just like I am looking at some comemorative metal plaque on a wall and seems to mention the European Union or something and I feel really disappointed. Try again, same thing. So I get bored and try to get out of this blue stuff and get back into a normal world with people. I walk among them and decide to make another experiment. I want to go through them instead of treatint them like real people and see what happens. The first ones it feels weird, like I just actually push them to the sides and not really go through them. So they get mad at me and try to grab me, but it is like I have a force field around me and they can't touch me. I keep bulldozing through the crowd at ease. And then some start treating me like a goddess with super powers and start following me around. The group of annoying followers is growing and they are too clingy, so I find jewels on the ground and offer to them to distract them. It works. Then someone says I am getting phone calls on my cell phone and I break lucidity while trying to figure out where my cell phone is and who might be calling.
I'm sitting on a toilet and having a video chat with an old person that reminds me of Tim in church. I'm trying to get a better camera angle and I'm embarrased that I'm sitting on the toilet while I video chat with him. Even though I try to point the camera only on my face there is a huge mirror behind me that makes it so that I can't hide myself. The video chat ends and I look myself in the smaller mirror over the sink. I notice that my hair is very short and pointing in all directions. Dream gap. I'm in the kitchen in church and I'm talking with the old man from before. He is holding in a plate with a lot of cakes that are half eaten. I grab some of a chocolate cake and it tastes good. I walk out and try to find a place where I can sleep. I look in barntillsynen but a person is sleeping in there. I look in primary but someone is there too. I walk to the chairs by the entrance and see my mom and someone else there too. A person is lying on the floor sleeping. Mom says that I can watch a movie. My view is drawn into a movie about some european people in India. They walk by a big road with a lot of sand present and suddenly a car stops. An indian man tries to scam them but he fails. They keep on walking on the road and another car stops. Another indian man tries to start a conversation with them but they are suspect since the last one tried to scam them. After some seconds the indian man says he has to do some errands and drives away again. He was not trying to scam them.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am coughing a lot. Feeling lots of mucus down my throat. I go to the bathroom and spit a lot of mucus out and then feel something coming out up my throat into my mouth and I grab it. Turns out it is some kind of worm and I have to pull it hard and I think I rip it apart and only get the head out. Disgusted and worried, I go to the doctor and while there I have another cough attack. I explain what's going on and the doctor mobilizes a couple nurses to help me with puke it all out to some container. I puke a lot of mucus again, but no more worms. The doctor analyses the worm that I brought in in a jar and says it is really just the end of a long tapeworm still inside me. He prescribes me a pill to kill the worm - although probably already dead without the head - and for my body to expel the rest of ot, but even the doctor isn't sure if that's gonna work. I am with Riverstone at some foreign country to help a couple scientists who we know and are in trouble. The world thinks they are dead, but turns out they were just hiding. They are an old gay couple and look cartoonish, with big curly mustaches and strange shaped heads, also one is tall and thin as hell and the other is basically a dwarf. Thy also wear early 1900s clothing style. I have so many questions, but what matters is that they are ok. They have been staying in the house of a lady scientist, who gave them shelter. We meet them at some mall but then they take us to her house and when we arrive there, her kitchen floor is flooded with water. But apparently it is on purpose, she is fostering some odd looking ducklings and leaves the water running. She tells us on the phone that she has a drain under the cabinets that keeps draining the water so it doesn't go after a certain limit. They then take us along with them to the university, where she is presenting the discovery they made that is the reason they went into hiding. Nobody in the audience knows what she is going to show. It's just some lecture about cell biology. She basically shows microscopic videos inside cells and everyone is amazed at the quality of it, totally mind blowing. People want to know the technique. Then she points to some very small structures I have never seen in a cell and ask us all if we cab guess what that is. Riverstone jokes that it is the Instagram logo and in fact it looks like it. Nobody else seems to have a clue to what it is, but I do. I say "it is an eye!", to which she confirms it is in fact a synthetic microscopic eye that can be planted at the cellular level, is totally organic, functions like an organelle and can watch anything inside the human body at the cellular level, but also somehow sends out an input to a computer interface so that we can actually see what they see. Everybody is mind blown. I go out to eat something with someone, but everything around is so expensive, we decide to go to a small fast food deli with good vegan burgers. One of the cooks is Beta, a lady that was one of my educators when I was a kid. She and a colleague are baking some delicious orange cakes and they get a bit annoyed when we order burgers and fries, like that was not on their plans. But they manage actually pretty fast. They ask if we want dessert to complete a menu and I say I want one of those orange cakes. They say no because it is some important order for someone to pick up and are not available to other costumers. I insist on just a small piece but Beta is adamant and very protective of her cakes so I settle for something else. I also notice somehow the cost of the menu is now 3x higher than what they said it would cost at first, but I don't say anything.
I’m at work, and there is some discussion about who's going to drive the forklift. I think they need to train someone and/or need someone for just a bit right now. I consider doing it, though I also think that there’s something about Kyle doing it. Now, Jessica? has brought cake, and it seems like we’re in a house. The cake is chocolate with a copious amount of frosting, and it is very good.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am a guy who can become invisible. I see some guys bullying some kids and I follow them to see if they get violent. Instead, they take the kids to a house and I worry they are going to abuse them. One of them sits on a bed and calls the kids over. That's when I use my power of invisibility to attack them. They are confused but after a while of taking beatings, they realize it is an invisible being and develop a plan to catch me. I have to climb things and hang from places to escape them. This goes on for some time. Then I learn they have a sister and I fall in love with her at first sight. I become visible to her and she also falls for me. She helps me to get out of there and we talk a bit outside and become friends. We depart and I go to a grocery store. I notice the prices are ridiculously high, supposedly because this is a very chic neighborhood. I can only afford a tiny bag of snacks for 2€. At the counter, the cashier is insisting with two ladies that they have to wear mask, but resist and are rude to the cashier. I remember I am also not wearing one, so before I get closer to the counter, I put mine on. I get pissed at the women's attitude justifying their carelessness with pseudo-scientific arguments, so I scream at them that I am a biologist and all they just said is BS and tell them to wear the damn mask. My mom picks me up by car outside and we pass by some of the fanciest buildings in the area. Namely a big fancy hotel with only expensive cars outside and fashionable people hanging around. There is a couple heading to some sports car who are basically naked, as their designer clothes are just weird avant-garde black underwear. The guy has a thong and his basically butt naked. We make some joke about it and they hear it and they seem offended that we don't appreciate their high end futuristic naked suits. Further ahead I see lots of young aspiring models and just fashionable youngsters aspiring to fame, who hang out in a square waiting to be "discovered". Some are vlogging, others are being filmed for some reality show, but it looks like a freak show. Then my mom says she needs to go to this address of a Japanese man who makes knifes. I am pretty curious. We arrive there already late evening, he lives in a modern Japanese style house. There is one door to his residence and the next door is his shop, which has a window display with his work. The shop is dark and closed, so we ring the bell to his residence. No one comes and then we see some movement on an enclosed balcony on the first floor. We see a man moving and then half a dozen men in suits attacking him and being neutralized. I wonder if we should insist on talking to the guy. He clearly is more than a knife maker. But then his wife shows up at the door and welcomes us warmly. We say what we want and she takes us to the shop. There are lots of kitchen knifes and traditional Japanese crafts. Even some katanas, but all decorative. I ask her if her husband also forges swords and she seems upset with my questions. Claims he does not and never did. I sense that she is lying so I insist. Then realize either he no longer wants to or he just doesn't sell it to anyone asking. I want to know more so I try to show her I am not just someone. I ask from where in Japan they are, tell her I have been there some time myself. Unfortunately I don't know their village or town so I can't break the ice with that. But I start telling about the places I've been. She doesn't seem impressed. But she likes my mom and offers her some cakes. They sit at a table that has no place for me. I feel awkward but my mom, she tells me to sit down on the floor next to her and hands me over bits of the cakes.
I am at work when, on camera, I see a girl who I recognize come in. She goes straight to the shoes, which is what I think she’s tried to steal before. She has a backpack on and a stroller with a kid in it. I watch as she takes at least two pairs, at least one out of the box. Bobby and Laynie are here, so I say we can finally stop her. She then leaves the shoe department and I think grabs a few more things before going into the bathroom. Laynie and I look out of a little window in the wall or door, I think to see how busy it is. It looks pretty busy and it also looks like a high school hallway. We go out there now, outside the two sets of doors past the bathrooms. I think about how we’re supposed to clear the bathroom but are not going to because it’s not like she’s going to leave the stuff behind. The door opens from someone going in there, and I see Laynie mouthing something at me. I have to have her repeat it a few times before I figure out that she wants me to look in there while the door is open. I go over there and somehow the door is still open, very slowly closing. I can’t really see much inside. I go back and now the lady is coming outside just holding the jeans she picked up earlier. I’m not sure she had the stroller anymore. I stop her and initially she tries to put up a fight but then she starts coming back. I think I use the kid as leverage. I think we get her back in the office. Now, I am sitting at a table in what looks like a back or side yard. It’s a large, square table with a tablecloth and a cake set out. There’s also the lady, Mom, and about two older/middle aged white men who I think are judges or something like that. They are interviewing me, but are smiling, friendly, and seemingly biased against the lady. One of the points the man raises is how when he was turned in a group of papers, mine was the shortest. I reply “I believe in quality, not quantity, thank you.” He seems to accept this answer, and I also see Mom smile at me. This goes on for a bit longer. I am inside a Burger King? and it feels like I am working and on my break. The only others I see here are two girls (I think from work) sitting at a table. I am going through a drive through inside? I think by walking or by moving a table in front of me through it. The voice over the speaker sounds garbled and incomprehensible. I try to figure it out, can’t, and look over to the girls. They say they have no idea either. I just move up a little closer.
I'm arriving at a house in a neighborhood where an old lady greets me and takes me inside. Passing by the pantry, I notice a large cake inside. Straight ahead, I also see part of the same cake floating in a water jug. She asks me if I would like anything to drink and I politely decline. Seeming like she wants me to drink, she asks if I'm sure, and I say yes. I'm now suspicious if she's trying to get me to drink because the water's poisoned somehow by the cake. After refusing twice she still ends up pouring a glass from the jug and tells me to drink it. I threaten her by grabbing her face and saying something before walking out and leaving in my car. On my drive home, I get pulled over by a cop car. I roll my window down and the female cop tells me that the lady I was with was some kind of killer and just wanted me to know.
I am at what looks like work, out on the floor and at a table (that is not really there) by the registers. There are a few different cakes that Mom has made sitting out. I think she’s sitting here too. I’m trying the cakes, and they are really good. Walking around now, I see only Beth ringing and what looks like a forming line. When I go to help, I see that the ‘line’ of people are still looking around. There is something about the Grateful Dead’s ‘worst’ show that happened to be played in Mexico. I think I am currently listening to it. It is very short. I think there are only six songs in the first set and one short song before drums in the second. I think there is a song with Bob and some female pop singer that really just doesn’t sound like them. Kat is here, and I tell her it is pretty terrible. Then I realize she was at the show and I don’t want to sound mean; I say it’s still fine because it’s the GD, but it is bad for their standards.
Date of Dream: FRI 2 JUN - 2017 Dream No. 124 - Separated Sections Dream 124 A - A Balance Sheet I remember I was doing an accounting balance sheet but I forgot specifically for what though. That's all I can remember. Dream 124 B - Nobody Wants Me This dream took place on the grounds of Camelot Rise Primary School. I was in a classroom and apparently my friend EH was supposed be having a birthday party. I caught sight of the cake which was iced a vivid red colour with a green leaf on it, almost like it was the design of a tomato. As I was looking at the cake, some girl came up to me and started making these attacking comments on how I want that cake all to myself. I felt unwanted by anyone and so I walked out of the room feeling disappointed, I didn't think EH took notice though and so she may have even been oblivious to the fact that I was being talked to like that in the first place. I was then walking around the school grounds for a while, now looking for WB but I couldn't see her anywhere. At one point, I thought I saw her walking out of another classroom but I said to myself, “that girl looks too black to be WB” because in waking life, her skin is brown, not black. So I assumed that I didn't see her. I then looked into another classroom and saw JS sitting on the floor within a group of random kids that I don't know. It was becoming time to go home and so I went down to King Arthur Drive to try and locate the bus. I soon realised that I had to go to Galahad Crescent to catch the bus, which thankfully hadn't left yet. On my way, I saw LB and like usual, she was giving me the typical dirty look. I then got to the bus area and only when I got on the bus, I saw WB sitting in a circle with her friends in a tucked away corner. Her friends and her were supposedly hiding from me. When I looked through the window I saw her, like she was staring at me, her eyes composed like they were half way out of her sockets. She was slowly nodding her head up and down. That's all I can remember about this dream. Dream 124 C - Monster Children The first part of this dream took place on the grounds of Camelot Rise Primary School. The only difference is that WB and I spoke more in this dream. I have forgotten what specifically happened in this dream scene. The next dream scene takes place in a large, clean, friendly looking jail cell. There are all these kids in the call and there are four of them that are known as the “monster children”, one of them I can remember being AQ. The reason they were known as “monster children” was due to the heavy manipulation of their physical appearance and also the fact that they have a reputation of harmful behaviour when by themselves. The dream scene then shifted to outside the jail cell where Logan from SML was on his way to becoming a monster child himself. I forgot what he was doing to bring about that idea though. Then the dream moved over to showing the supernanny Jo Frost, almost like she was going live on TV. She said she couldn't be with Logan directly because the contract between them expired thirteen years ago. Also, Jo Frost was strangely manipulated in appearance, like she had aged by 20+. She had exactly the same appearance as in waking life but her hair was grey and she had heaps of wrinkles. So she was now giving Logan some “positive encouragement” about his current position in life. The theory was that this “positive encouragement” would detract his subconscious attention from the actions that a monster child would portray. The dream then went back to Logan's area and showed that he was in a better state of mind. He was walking over to this “party machine” that looked like a luggage x-ray device at an airport. Apparently this machine had six settings and one of them was for balloons to be blown up. He then activated another setting which would blow out glitter and small bits of confetti out of one of the chimneys on the machine. That's all I can remember about this dream.
Updated 06-03-2017 at 03:44 AM by 93119
D1 - I having been persuaded or decided that it is my responsibility, I am standing outside a hall for group functions and parties etc. It is dark and looks like it might rain, I am standing wearing a t-shirt and nothing else. In my hand is a tray, with a large cake on that has been sliced, I am to offer this to people as they pass by. I then realise that information on next years positions has been posted inside and go to enter. There is suddenly a melee of hundreds of people all coming out at the same time. I am again swimming against the current and making no progress. I have been told I have been given a position I want least. D2 - In a classroom with very large students, secondary? They are all sitting on high stools at narrow bar like tables. This excentuates how short I am in comparision. They are a tough class I can feel and I am apprehensive of how things will go. At this point their teacher turns up, they are annoyed as though I have spoiled their game. The teacher is a short haired, blond lady with glasses. She beckons her teacher's pet to come over to her, he towers over her so she askes him to kneel, bringing him to her height LOL they take their roles and act out the usual smiley niceties. D3 - In a dark room, with a large furnace like machine, two very odd chemists are making booze. There are loads of small fuzzy creatures, like coconuts with eyes. The chemists are also strange creatures but much larger. They compiserate with me, drinking heavily.
Had a nightmare again. This time I was in an old house, victorian with old style lamps. Cold and creepy. The lights went off and I was left alone, my daughter went out. I could make out stairsdown in the half light but didnt want to go down as I knew there was a big ol monster down there. So I sat and are cakes, even though they were making me feel sick, to take my mind off the fear. [comment] When i'm depressed I over eat. So that figures.