non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am on an island when a volcano erupts in another island of the same archipelagus. At first I am not concerned, as it is far away and hardly affects other islands. But it is close enough that I can see it. Soon it gets really bad and then a pyroclastic flow descends from the top of the volcano and everybody panics, because it looks like it will hit us. I am with a couple other people and we start running down towards the shore on the opposite side of the one facing the volcano. It's a race against time and we face lots of obstacles. We even have to go through some buildings and then it's hard to find the way out of them. Then we finally reach the shore and I find a couple traditional canoes from the island's indigenous people and we hop on one and start paddling away.
I slept 10 hours this night which made me able to have two lucids in one night. I woke up and remembered some dreams but I didn't write them down. This time I didn't feel bad about not writing them down because it gave me better sleep I think. I'm outside and see a carriage where Linda from my class is sitting. We have some kind of romantic relationship so I walk to her and kiss her. I walk to the cinema and see Albin and my current class there. Ebba from the other class is also there. I ask Albin if this is a dream. He isn't giving me a straight answer and I become somewhat lucid. I look at the people sitting and watching the movie. I interact with some of them and see an old teacher from my other school. I don't remember her name but it is the asian's mom from Subway. I'm on a field trip with school on a big canoe. I'm on the back and steering the boat. Kalle sits up on the edge of the canoe and I tell him that it is a bad idea. We lose balance and Kalle sits down again. He stands up again and sits on the side of the boat. The boat trips to the right even thought Kalle sat on the left side of the boat's edge. We swim to the nearest island and just as I am about to climb up on the sand beach all the other people swim over me so that I am pressed down under the water. I have some panic and try to go up. After some time I reach the surface. I suddenly have a swimming mask over my eyes and nose so I dive some more. I see Albin under the water and we look at each other. I walk up to the island and go look for a pointy stick that I can catch fish with. When I see the branches and weird sticks on the ground I become lucid. I'm still looking for sticks. I inspect the sticks and notice that they have some pointy edges but they are too short to catch fish with. I abandon my mission and want to fly to the stars instead. I run to the water and fly... but I fall to the water. I try to fly up from the water but it takes some time. I still have my feet in the water but I am able to fly away and up. My mom is sitting on a stone in the water. It reminds me of the Sturkö beach. I look on the sky and see some stars. I fly up and up and suddenly I see my house to my right. I can't fly over the house and I think to myself that it is because I need some kind of reference to be able to fly. I can't fly if my vision can't see anything that swishes past me. I fly down and fly as fast as I am able to past the blocking barrier over the house. I succeed! I reach space, but it's all black. I can't see anything. I try to navigate back to earth but I fail. I have a FA were my legs are over my head. I think that the flying made me put my legs over my head.
Updated 11-23-2020 at 10:49 AM by 97565
Morning of December 19, 2019. Thursday. Dream #: 19,358-02. Reading time (optimized): 2 min. My dream results in reticular activating system sleep-wake mediation in a literal sense in this experience. Although I am in a bed, it is in a spacious unfamiliar business office. I am not tired or sleepy and had (in real life) gone to sleep earlier than usual. The first sleep-wake mediation personification is an unfamiliar woman, about sixty years old, sitting at a desk to my right. (The process typically begins on my right, the side more exposed to environmental sounds as I sleep.) Her desk is a few feet from my bed and facing me. Over time, I become slightly puzzled by the situation, but my dream self does not register it as illogical or intrusive. Still, I instinctually initiate wall mediation by using clothespins to put up curtains between my bed and her desk. At first, one of my curtains falls on her, and she complains. Eventually, she puts up curtains as well, and there is a space of about three feet between my curtains and hers. My waking-life identity is now more emergent (as it typically is as a result of wall mediation, which brings my dream self closer to liminality) and I realize that Zsuzsanna is sleeping in a canoe on the other side of the room to my left (as she sleeps on my left in reality, and most dreams render this factor correctly). I think I should be with her even though there may not be much space. (Despite the instinctual association with dream state reinduction with the canoe, there is no presence of water or wetness in this experience.) I go over and get into the canoe. Another canoe is upside-down over the top of the first. I enjoy being with Zsuzsanna, and although there is an increase in my perception of imaginary physicality, there is no discomfort in the restricted space. (We are in the correct orientation, though our heads are in the opposite direction as mine was at the beginning of my dream.) Later, an unfamiliar teenage boy gets into the canoe. After a short time, the secretary (still on the other side of the room), calls someone to come and get him. He is supposedly a juvenile delinquent, but I had not seen him as threatening. Zsuzsanna and I are soon standing in the room. There is a sense of peace. I watch her go to the door that opens to outside. An unknown man, only in shadow, remaining in the doorway, calls her by the wrong name (Laura), but she responds with unknown information of some kind. (Wrong names occur in my dreams to signify how the dream self is not a viable model of waking-life; obvious, as my dreams never render valid memories.) The use of a virtual door into or out of the dream state in sleep-wake mediation is common, and this is mediated by cortical arousal personification by way of preconscious simulacra and the reticular activating system. However, Zsuzsanna responding to this process rather than my dream self is intriguing.
Morning of October 31, 2018. Wednesday. Dream #: 18,944-03. Reading time: 1 min 48 sec. Readability score: 72. I lose my conscious self identity in a later water reinduction stage. I am still in a canoe that is floating through a marsh, probably Mink Slough. Two unfamiliar children are with me, a boy and a girl. I am young as well, though possibly about eighteen. The water seems shallower at one point. There is much vegetation protruding from the water’s surface. The plants are multicolored, that is, different colors in different sections. Someone had coated all the dried-up leaves with a few different colors of spray paint, including blue, red, and yellow. I consider that it was a thoughtless act, as it will likely cause environmental problems. Eventually, we reach the bank and leave the canoe. The King Street landlady has given the children a task to build what I first think is a rabbit cage. (This is an association with early childhood, as my father had a rabbit farm.) There are pieces of wood, screen, and wire to use to build the cage. They are in a pile near the south end of the King Street house. I decide that I will help, but the boy had already built a cage when I pick up a few random boards. In the last scene, I am in the King Street mansion’s kitchen. There is a birdcage where the sink was in real life. The boy may have been cleaning the cage already, as when he leaves the room, there is birdseed stuck all over his face. He does not seem to care. Curiously, the last scene was from a minimal thought while watching “Cargo” (2017) last night, when the girl Thoomi was eating something and got seeds or crumbs stuck on her lips and face. I have always found it astounding how the non-lucid dream self can take one fleeting impersonal trivial thought and make it part of a dream scenario. The movie was about zombies, and yet I have never dreamt of zombies in the apocalyptic sense. (In a dream from 1981, they were based on the original usage of the term as slow-moving sleepwalking slaves, but were revealed to be actors.) I think it is because of how they move so unnaturally in such movies when my reticular formation and vestibular system mostly only create fluid movements in dreams. That, and it is difficult to imagine very sick people as being stronger or faster than healthy people. The common melatonin mediation factor appears here (as occurs one or more times each sleep cycle). It starts with water induction and ends with vestibular system correlation (the boy in the kitchen as the vestibular simulacrum leaving the birdcage - and note how the birdcage was where the sink was in reality).
Bed: 23.30(?) Wake up: 06.35 (aside from lying in bed awake while the mosque did its thing) Now: 07.20 So Dutch I'm in Indonesia. Two of my Dutch friends are present, IT guys. I'm walking up a set of concrete stairs. At the top I talk to an Indonesian guy. I'm here to give some advice regarding cables. I can't recall what type of cables they are, but they are aboveground and in the way while you walk. I think it's an impractical design like this and I suggest the guy to move the cables to the side. Then I consider for a moment that I'm taller than most Indonesians. Let's see if I can walk underneath the cables. I don't remember if I could. I also notice that the steps are not identical, making the walk down/up less than ideal. I tell the guy and he tells me that he got a good price from an Australian firm for the stairs. I tell him I can see why. You get what you pay for. Now I feel bad. The stairs are actually quite decent, but I make it sound like they're ridiculously bad. I just trampled the guy's pride. There's a party at roughly the same place. There are quite a lot of Dutch people. There's one white girl, wearing a white dress, who just hikes up her dress to.. I'm not sure what she did. But since she's either wearing a thong or no underwear at all, her butt is on full display. Now another Dutch friend is also present. Two of my friends are talking about sex and alcohol with some local people. Knowing it's a sensitive topic for many people here, I tell them to knock it off. At some point I'm standing next to a white (Dutch?) girl. She's quite drunk already. I take the glass of champagne / white wine from her hands. Suddenly my old housemate appears, handing her a new one. I tell him that she's already drunk. He's purposefully trying to get her even more drunk to make it easy to convince her to have sex. Asshole. I'm walking inside somewhere with a group of people. It has a bit of an airport feel, the way when you go to the gates (at Schiphol at least). There are two older white men standing behind a counter somewhere. Someone mentions that they must be Dutch and we strike up a conversation. Yes they are. Canoe I'm in a canoe or something similar, on a canal or a river. I'm with two friends, a guy and a girl, who are on a quite big boat. I think they sink for a moment? I myself think about the fact that my iPhone is still in my right pocket. I better not sink. We are ambushed. There's a kind of tripwire which causes me to capsize. Fuck. My phone. I'm not sure if the others also fall for this trap. The people responsible are two guys. I think I/we go after them by land. Either that, or I was fantasising about the way I would beat one of them up for this. Some more stuff happened, but I can't recall it.
Bike Fail I am riding my mountain bike in the woods. I come to a point were I want to take a canoe with my wife. I try to get set up. I notice how big the bike is and how little the canoe is. I set the bike aside and try to just get the canoe in the water there is some strange guy in the water and his canoe. I get the canoe set and notice the guy built a fire right next to my bike. It melted the cables off and the bike felt hot. I have no breaks or gearing now. I am so pissed. I tell the guy what he did and how he should pay me some money. Hes says, "what you want a loan." I say, "Oh yeah imagine that. Someone being responsible for what they do." I get the bike to our camp site and show my wife. Now the bike is worse. The nut holding the tube fork is gone. I say, "This is just dead weight now." I get the idea to lock it up at the visitor center nearby and get it when we leave.
Hunting A colleque from my workplace, in the dream a teacher, is missing. She has either been kidnapped or escaped with some guerrilla group. We are following her. We get to a dock, where there are a couple of thugs. There is some martial arts display and I start flying towards the ship. I'm not flying very well, and one of the thugs notices. He says that my legs are tired and my flying is almost as bad as his. He starts following me. Canoes I'm walking with a few people. There's snow around the road. We come to a river that is only partially frozen. There are two canoes and we use them to get across. The ice floating on the river is making it harder keep the canoe straight. I fall of the canoe once, landing on a piece of ice. Sleeping in the Snow I'm camping in a forest with some friends. There is a small building and I go in there. It turns into a 2D game-like thing. I'm looking for a weapon and find a fire flower like in Super Mario. I get out and go to where the others are should be setting a camp. Instead, they have decided to sleep in the snow. They have dug themselves into the snow with their sleeping bags.
Updated 04-20-2012 at 07:33 AM by 52410
I am with Martin S at Pyram area. It looks like some abandoned surface mine or such. There are pools of water and a canal running through. Martin and I are in one of them pools or canals and we are sitting in a canoe. I think its of a red colour. Suddenly, I discover something inside on the canoe. I pull it out and its two of those mini canoe-skys that one puts on as shoes or so. At that moment, there is a group of people coming. I recognise Ondra S and Milan Hauf. I am a little bit pissed off as I don't want them to come and talk to us etc. Skrbek comes and shows off something about canoeing. Then they go aside and play in one of those pools or ponds. Then they disappear. Marting and I are thinking what we are going to do. Then we remember that there are Olympic games on in near Zelezny brood and tonight there are some tournaments. We think of what we would like to go and see. Then we agree on ice hockey. I call my dad and my brother and we trying to arrange where we meet etc. They suggest to be there at 7:30pm but I am against that idea as it starts at 7! After this the dram gets all blurry, but I only know that we were on our way there, and that there was Sweden playing agains someone. Then I wake up.
Dream - Lucid I was in Dakota's bed. His room (which looked nothing like his waking life room) was dark and messy, lit only by the light of the TV in front of the bed. He was laying next to me. I played with the idea that I might be dreaming, because it felt so dream-like for some reason. I looked at the ceiling and was trying to decide whether or not it was a dream, and finally decided it wasn't (-_-). I said to Dakota "I think I fell asleep." I then think I asked him if I needed to stay or go, and he told me I should go home. The whole time, I didn't feel like I had gotten ANY sleep. I felt exhausted. Then, I was at my house. I remembered that we had Ziggy, our old cat, back (he's long been dead in waking life). The problem was, he wasn't in the house. I don't remember if I saw Pounce or not (we put her to sleep yesterday in waking life ), but I know I wondered what was going on with her as well. I asked my mom "Where is Ziggy?" She didn't answer. "Where is he mom? Tell me...where is Ziggy?!" She finally spilled. "Ziggy's drawer is stuck open." I didn't know what that meant. My mom explained it to me, something about surgery and his chest. Something on his chest cavity was stuck open. I pictured this. I was really upset. I figured he was probably a goner. I wondered how they were even keeping him alive anymore. My mom then said something about Ziggy's teeth being able to just come out if you pulled on them. Something was going on with Pounce, too, but I can't remember what. ~ I was with this group of girls. We got in a canoe and started going down this river. It was nighttime outside. We were fighting something, though I can't recall what it was. At some point on the canoe ride, I fell out, but I got back in. Another girl, a black girl in a burka, fell out as well. She also got back in. Since we had fallen out, I wrote out names on the canoe. It was like we were some kind of heroes or something. I was proud to have fallen out. When we got back, we were in a classroom. A girl I went to high school with in waking life, Ruth, was up at the board, explaining how she too was a hero. She then went up to the black girl in the burka. The girl was wringing out the burka. She had a hood on it, and it was down. Ruth playfully said something to her, calling her burka a "gerka", and the girl laughed. Then, we were in my living room watching an Adam Sandler movie. It was at the end, and Adam Sandler was talking to some woman, presumably his girlfriend. His eyes were really big and blue. I looked on the coffee table, and saw a pile of Adam Sandler movies. I didn't think anyone would wanna watch all of those, since they were all Adam Sandler. Then, my alarm woke me up.
Updated 09-05-2011 at 04:17 PM by 32059
Awake, Non-lucid, [Commentary made while awake] I'm on a strange version of the Jungle Cruise ride at Disneyland. Instead of one continuous waterway that meanders across solid ground like a real river, it consists of a series of interconnected, rectangular pools that are separated from each other by waterfalls. They're all still surrounded by jungle foliage, though, and they all have some kind of animatronic animal in or around them. One of them has an animatronic person swimming in the middle. It's nighttime. I'm navigating these waterways all alone, in a single-person canoe. As I paddle my canoe along, I think, I hate going through this ride by myself. There's no one to do the spiel for me. I try to do it myself, but I'm not as good at it as the regular skippers are. I go over at least one waterfall in my canoe. There's no impact when my canoe hits the water; it just calmly transitions from one pool to the next. I reach a particularly tall waterfall, with a bunch of gray rocks between the pool I'm in and the one below it. I'm tired of putting in the effort it takes to paddle, so I give up trying to canoe my way through the ride and just climb down the rocks. When I reach the lower pool, I decide to go swimming in it. When I get into the pool, I start treading water. I move very quickly across the large, rectangular pool by this means, keeping my head completely out of the water the entire time, and feeling very proud of the fact that I've mastered the skill of treading water. [Which I haven't done in real life, by the way; I can sort of do it, but I'm not any good at it at all.] Being in the water feels really, really nice. [Recall is a little hazy here. I think I remember the following two things:] Two or more people pour more water into the pool I'm in, making it colder. I get into and out of the water at least once. [I definitely remember everything from here on out:] I'm now in a smaller, but still rectangular pool, right next to the bigger one I initially got into. The shorter ends of the two rectangles are right next to each other. I look around in this smaller pool for a way to climb out. At first, I'm disappointed because I don't see one, but then I see it. There are some metal steps leading out of the pool, attached to the interior wall near the far corner. There are two girls I don't know in the water near the steps. I also see the B. brothers crouched down near the other short end of the pool, looking at me. [They're acquaintances from real life; I've mentioned them in my dream journal before in this entry. They're the two brothers who sang with the Parrish girls.] I'm naked, so when I see them, I imagine a bikini, and it appears on my body. [Despite this, at no point did I ever become lucid.] Then I climb out of the pool. [Different dream.] I'm at home [or possibly in a hotel room; it didn't look like any of our houses], lounging around on a bed, doing something on my laptop. My parents want to go out somewhere, but I'm not ready. My dad jokes, "This battery-powered computer is called a 'wait-for-me device!'" I laugh a little, then stop what I'm doing, get up, and go to finish getting dressed so that we can go. Then my alarm went off and I got up.
Morning of April 8, 1998. Wednesday. My wife Zsuzsanna and I own some sort of large game, which is as long as one side of the Gellibrand Street kitchen (the side with the internal door, the north wall), where a toy canoe goes across a conveyor-belt-like mechanism that simulates a journey by river where you have to gather a few things worth points as well as go around areas that come up from trapdoors in the “river” (playing field), such as (toy) alligators. I suppose in some ways it is like a real-life mechanical version of a computer game. The game seems mostly made of plastic with metal features. Gears cause different things to come up out of the simulated water imagery.
Morning of October 1, 1967. Sunday. I am on my own, possibly in late morning, in a drifting canoe, going southward over a river (the Hillsborough River) in a swamp in Florida that looks like a part of Lettuce Lake Park. On the banks of the river are very tall cypress trees. There seem to be continuous tall vertically stretched faces of which are superimposed against the trees, but are likely not meant to be the trees themselves, more like a ghostly presence or a strange optical illusion, similar to a funhouse mirror effect. A few of the faces seem wary of my presence, even though I am a young child, with mouths open, though there is no certainty at some points that they are aware of me. There is a bluish green hue on everything at times. The closely clustered faces, as well as being stretched from ground to treetop and very narrow in appearance, also seem to waver very slowly at times, or have a bend near the middle of the face. They are both male and female, mostly all adults. They are only to my right, near the bank of the river. The faces otherwise do not move much. Despite the eerie imagery, I feel no fear, especially as a few of the faces seem afraid of my presence at times. Variations of this dream, both lucid and non-lucid, occurred a number of times from earliest memory. The causes behind this dream are fully known. It developed over the autosymbolic rendering of “drifting into sleep” (spoken mainly by my mother in real life when she was describing my status when I was resting in bed) and mixing the association with drifting in a canoe into a recognized form of dream state induction, which of course has no waking life relevance due to it being a factor of the dream state itself. It is still a major factor of my dreams, water being autosymbolic of the essence of sleep. This dream’s setting was an area my family and I visited in real life when I was very young.
Updated 10-08-2019 at 10:24 AM by 1390
Morning of July 8, 1973. Sunday. [I willfully enter into what I consider may be my last dream of the morning. I maintain my lucidity, perhaps only losing a thread or two of my conscious self identity. The essence of my neural activity becomes the more tangible form of water, as it most often does, and the water expands to form a lake. I welcome the presence of female genitalia, and it is rendered as a canoe, which floats on the shimmering lake in mid-afternoon]. I look upon Lake Katherine. The area seems more rural than it is in reality. I gaze upon the beauty of the reflected trees, downwardly mirrored in the lake’s surface around its perimeter. [I desire female company and physical pleasure, so I choose to become fully integrated within my dream self’s imaginary body.] I am sitting in the canoe facing my dark-haired green-eyed gypsy dream girl. We begin to become intimate. My sense of touch is augmented. We mostly kiss for several minutes. [I am enjoying my dream very much. My dream girl is passive and welcoming. I begin to become distracted by some sort of ambiance that extends beyond my will. It sounds somewhat like hissing.] A large green sea serpent rises up out of the water on my left in somewhat of an “S” shape, hissing at us. It is not that close to the canoe but displaying at least ten feet of its body from the lake’s surface to the top of its head. [The preconscious is warning me that I need to leave my dream even though I do not want to. Still, the preconscious’s lake denizen is rather silly-looking, modeled after the one in the Carl Barks “No Such Varmint” Donald Duck comic book story, though slightly more realistic and menacing, though I do not feel that threatened because I am lucid.] I want to be more intimate with my dream girl but upon touching her, the tangibility of her forearm seems to dissipate. My dream world starts to dissolve. [I float horizontally and upwards, my back downwards, in the higher mental realm of dissipating liminal space, annoyed by my dream being over. I can still hear the hissing to my left. The hissing turns out to be the real sound of the garden hose as my mother is watering the front flower box in real life at this time, some of the water spraying onto my closed jalousie windows.] My spoiled dream is of no consequence. I married my dark-haired green-eyed gypsy dream girl on April 9, 1994.
Updated 07-29-2017 at 03:15 PM by 1390