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    1. 8 Nov: Rich aunt throws party for me at hotel, Colin Farrel has a crush on me

      by , 11-08-2022 at 08:41 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      In a large room with groups of people talking, making lots of noise, confusion. I can't handle it, so I leave. It's in some kind of hotel where I am staying. I know that NightHawk is also staying here. It is late night, but he has insomnia and is hanging around in the lobby. He sits over some bench and doesn't notice when I approach. I sit by his side and grab his hand. He is surprised and happy to see me. Asks why I am here, I tell him about whatever I was doing in the big room (some networking event or whatever) and I would, in the past, be able to enjoy the chaos and take notes about the dramas between the people and write stories about, but now I am just tired and overwhelmed and have to leave. We talk and we get cozy and we're both giggly and then we kiss. I am so hungry for him, I kiss him like a maniac. He complains I am not even taking a breath and therefore I am suffocating him too. I laugh. He says he needs to go the toilet. While I wait for him to come back, I am approached by my aunt's personal assistant and helpers. Apparently my aunt Ludovina is filthy rich. They ask me why I am here and say that my aunt is crazy worried looking for me and sent them to get me. She was throwing a party for me somewhere else, but when she found out I was at this hotel, she moved the party here. They tell me the party will be at a hotel floor they booked entirely for us. Then I watch an absurd parade of workers carrying lots of food and gifts into the hotel. Like, one person is pulling a cart full of exotic fruits, then three black men carry three canoes on their heads full of what seems to be fish and seafoood, plus a whole army of caterers with other yummi things. When NightHawk comes back, the parade is over, but I tell him what happened and that my aunt demands my presence, so I invite him to the party. On the party's floor, the first room actually looks sad and gloomy, with some family members and nothing much happening. I say I hope it gets better and they tell me to go explore the rest of the rooms. The next room is a prank/game and is full of fake cobwebs and an upside down piano. I don't know exactly what I should do, but seems like I need to get through the maze of cobwebs. Then I notice there is a real spider on top of the piano, not very big, but there are mirrors positioned in a way that makes it look gigantic. I still don't understand the game, but my family teases me by saying there will be a few more surprises and then there is the banquet awaiting us.

      I am at a university, like studying there and a young Colin Farrel is visiting friends or whatever. I see him through the corner of my eye that he is talking to people sitting to my side on a long concrete structure that serves as a bench. Eventually he sits down right next to me and he accidentaly bumps into me. I look to the side and he says sorry and smiles. I smile back and he introduces himself as some unintelligible african name. I excuse him but I say I know he is Colin. He asks my name and I say it but he is having trouble understanding or he is playing with me and makes me say it many times and finally spell it out. We make a bit of small talk but eventually he turns to his friends demanding his attention. I drop some papers on the ground, a bit by accident, a bit on purpose and get on my knees to get to see if he helps. He does offer help but I already finished gathering the papers, so no luck. Then his freinds get up and invite him to go to a canteen for lunch. Not the normal one where I usually eat but a fancier one. We look at each other and smile again and he asks if I wanna join. I say sure. I pick my stuff up in a hurry and go after them, but then meet some of my friends on the way who distract me and I lose them. I still go there, because I know the place, but they are already sitting and eating and I need to get the food first. There are no more plates and I can't find anyone to help me with that. Some girl helps me out with the drink dispenser and somehow I get some alcoholic beverage spilled in my head accidentally. When I am grabbing some cutlery I get closer to them and I hear Colin tell his friend that he likes me and can't take his eyes of me, but that I am a bit too plain and he can do so much better. His friend tells him he is being an idiot and overestimating himself because besides being famous he is not that special either. I find it funny that is friend is so brutal. I keep having trouble joining them because there are no more seats available near them, but I hear their conversation a bit longer and his friend is encouraging him to ask me out on a date. And mentions some advice from their friend Lisa Gerrard about relationships. My mind then goes on a rush thinking I don't really wanna be Mrs. Farrel, I just would like to date him for fun as it would increase my "market value" but in my heart I am thinking of NightHawk.
    2. 16 Jan: Consultancy work, military coup and keep running away from my dad

      by , 01-16-2022 at 10:37 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Working at a restaurant. One day we have to close early because there is some problem with vampires going on. Not really sure.
      But then we go back to business as usual. I am also doing a side hustle receiving farmers and agri-business clients at the restaurant, to do consultancy and certification for them. One day my parents come visit me there and some client asks me for free information and I refuse to give it a way. My father just doesn't get it and he starts shaming me and trying to tell the person what he wants to know. I have to intervene and clarify that he is providing wrong data. Then my dad gets really upset and says he has been listening to me and he has heard me making such recommendations to other customers before. I explain to him that I am doing consultancy to different types of farmers, and he isn't qualified to understand the differences. I also explain that I don't just provide info for free or I ruin my source of income. Normally, he should understand the idea and even defend it, but this time he is just disappointed and lectures me about principles and I just can't take anymore. He shifts positions so that nothing that I do is ever ok. I just want to leave and to get away faster I fly away and I become lucid
      . I just enjoy flying and then walking through the city, which is a giant maze of buildings, streets, gardens, stairs, never ending and with so much complexity and detail. I marvel at the complex design of this city, then I stop at some street vendors and also marvel at the feeling of textures of fabrics and foods they are selling. I smell some food items and I chose a biscuit to taste. All senses are incredibly detailed and I am simply enjoying it, no other goals.
      Then I see some tanks on a road from a perpendicular street and I go check it out. People on the sidewalks are nervous and they are being handed some device similar to a pager which shows them instructions. It says it will be activated on a certain date and will provide info that people should follow. Seems a bit authoritarian to me and I am concerned, so I go around trying to get more info from other people. But soldiers come down from the tanks and tell us to line up and look at their parade or else they'll consider it disrespecful. Then I spot a suspicious dude driving a bus after them, with what seems a bomb ready to explode. And indeed he jumps out of the bus, which then smashes into a tank and explodes. The guy disappears in the crowd and the military are too numb from the explosion to go after him, but I do. I spot him and he notices that I am chasing him. He tries to lose me, but eventually I grab him. He doesn't struggle much, because he doesn't want to bring attention to us, but he asks what I want from him in an agressive tone. I tell him I just want to know who he is and what he stands for. I tell him that I dislike any authoritarian military government, but I do not support anyone putting bombs unless their cause is worthy and I want to know if his cause his worthy, so I can help. He doesn't want to say anything, keeps shaking me away and I keep folowing him and asking questions. Then I spot my dad, pretend not to see him, but he sees me and calls for me. I lose sight of the guy I was chasing and my dad catches up with me. I keep walking away, because I really don't wanna talk. I enter the back gate of my university (not my university in real life) and continure to a path on the right, trying to go inside a building and lose him. But I enter the wrong door and it takes me down some spiral staircase that keeps going down and down and has closed doors on each floor, so I decide to turn back up and I bump into him, as he kept following me. I just wanna get rid of him, so I try to break into one of the doors along the staircase and it opens to the backrooms of a kitchen. From there I try to find a way into the main halls of the building, while avoiding being spotted by the staff because I don't want to upset them. I do find a door with glass windows on top, which opens to the canteen and I see lots of familiar faces on the line. People like Jigme K. and his brother, L. Vicente and some of my friends. My dad is still behind me, but now I get lost in the crowd and surrounded by my friends and acquaintances I feel relaxed.
    3. 18 Nov: Campus bullies, dancing in the sky and Zilla is nursing bats

      by , 11-18-2021 at 10:20 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At a campus, just waiting for something to end and I am drawing pics, sitting on a bench. Try to make a couple portraits of some people, a bit cartoonish. They look great, just don't look at all with whom I had in mind while drawing them. I go to the canteen and a group of guys who have a love-hate relationship with me, spot me from afar and comment something about me. I sense disappointment and also get the impression that some are planning on going after me to tease me. That worries me a bit. One of the dudes actually thinks I have a crush on him, but he is insufferable. He starts practicing his contemporary dance moves and he has at least one fan who is fixated on him, but he wants to impress me instead, so he starts doing very suggestive moves too close for comfort, and I am like 'please don't". Then I realize I can fly away from this mad people and inspired by his dance I start dancing as I go up in the sky trying to also spark some surprise. But there is barely any reaction from anyone, as usual.
      There is a building in front of me and as I get closer to its top, I spot my friend Zilla in an appartment and I stop by, entering through the window. She is nursing her baby and also has some new kittens, but what I am amazed at the most, is that she is also raising three tiny bats. I pick up one to take a picture of him in my hand, but he doesn't stay still and eventually jumps to fly and almost hits me in the face. I get scared and then laugh and she comments they are learning how to fly.
    4. Dream - Lucidity Quirks (Not Lucid!)

      by , 04-27-2017 at 05:58 AM
      Date of Dream: WED 5 APR - 2017

      Although this dream is called "Lucidity Quirks", I did not become lucid. In this dream, I was seeking becoming Lucid and the entirety of this dream was about WB trying to get me lucid. In the character list, WB and Dreamy WB are seperate characters... But in this dream, WB possessed real life qualities and had all her "cool" friends with her and then this is the same person who is trying to get me lucid.

      Dream No. 92 – Lucidity Quirks

      It all started when I was just randomly walking around on the grounds of Camelot Rise Primary School. I was looking for WB as I had something to ask her. When I was in the main assembly area, I saw WB walking from the asphalt area where the basketball courts were. We met just outisde the canteen and I spoke to her. At first, I was asking her some random garble but I actually caught myself and stopped. I then asked her my real question which was, “I've always been wanting to become lucid but have never been able to. Is there some way you can help me?”. WB said that she could help but first, she had something else to do.

      She went inside the canteen and put all these cookies to bake in a small metal oven, which was supposed to be at 280 degrees. Just then, all of WB's friends started flooding into the canteen and started to distract her. Some faces I do remember vividly were EL, BT and naughty BB. BB actually came over to the oven and put it on the maximum setting so WB would burn the cookies and therefore would have to start all over again. I caught BB out, telling her off and then turning the oven back down to 270 degrees while watching the cookies bake for the rest of the time myself. I then took the cookies out of the oven when I thought they were done. When the cookies were out of the oven, WB's friends had left and stopped bothering us... Maybe they weren't bothering her but they were bothering me.

      When we were back outside, I checked my watch (analogue) and it said it was 1:25 PM. I then panicked and said that there was only 5 minutes before we would have to be back in class. WB reassured me and told me not to worry, she would keep me out of class to bring me into lucidity. I still worried because I thought if the class teacher, Mr G, caught us outside, I would be in massive trouble. So she brought me over to the 5/6 playground, away from all the classrooms, to a private area in between two bushes where there was piece of play equipment that she used as a bench. I was under the belief that I would enter lucidity by falling asleep on WB's lap.

      The only thing that happened when I fell asleep on her lap was that I entered a completely different world with her that was even more fake than the previous one. We were no longer human either... We looked like drawings from someone's digital art. I then woke up.

      This is Dream No. 92 (on WED 5 APR) and the lucid dream was Dream No. 93 (on THU 6 APR, only the next night!), so maybe although the attempt to get me lucid in this dream failed... Some subconscious process carried on into the next dream.

      Updated 04-29-2017 at 07:09 AM by 93119

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. 19/7/2016

      by , 07-19-2016 at 06:25 AM
      I'm a student in a canteen. Someone asked me if I had spent the night with someone else and I said 'No I'm well behaved'. Then we were walking to the first lesson (I think it was geography), I was carrying 2 books, and I realised I had the wrong ones. We walked into a building and I had to throw something away, the teacher was watching and looked a bit annoyed that I was veering off but was ok once he saw I was just going to the bin.
      The classroom was at the top of a very tall steel framed structure, the staircase was spiral. The top was open to the air. We had to queue at the top, it was frighteningly high. We held the door open for the teacher, he had to step over a coat that someone had left. I ended up holding the door as everyone went in even though I had been first in the queue. 2 girls decided they were going over the edge they didn't feel well and weren't going to the class. It was really high, I could see mountains in the distance, I thought they were mad and helped lower them over the edge.
      Tags: canteen
    6. 16/4/2016

      by , 04-16-2016 at 08:24 AM
      Competition night #6

      Annoyingly I awoke in the early hours, remembered a full dream and was convinced I would remember it in the morning.... all gone now. Only remembered 1 full dream.

      1) I was sitting in a canteen (again, why do I always dream about canteens??) with lots of teams of people one at each table. Some were identified by particular colours on their backs. Then I was serving with my wife. At one table we were serving a man and his young daughter, for some reason I asked if I should treat them as a 'couple'. Then I was at a table with lots of other people, I think it was breakfast. Everyone else had been served a rather odd looking starter. The person at the head of the table announced that if I wanted a shave I had an appointment at 8.45am and I had to rush off to it as it was almost time so left the table. Then I was at the entrance to an airport. I was pushing a shopping trolley full of food, and I had to go in to get a new passport, and I thought that I would be able to leave the trolley to one side whilst I got the passport. I pushed it up to the first barrier and was asked for my current passport which I didn't have. I knew that I wouldn't be able to get a new passport now and had to turn around. As I left the airport the trolley tripped over the curb and fell over, lots of electronic good fell out and I started to pick them up.

      I woke early and was unable to get back to sleep, so had a WBTB.

      2) I can only remember the end of the dream I was meeting a man in a long street in a seaside village. Suddenly I became lucid and immediately, without thinking of anything else like stabilsation shot off upwards trying to fly, I got to the top of the buildings and immediately woke up. Not a very satisfying experience, lasting all of about 1 second.

      Updated 04-16-2016 at 10:18 AM by 88643

      Tags: canteen
      lucid , non-lucid
    7. Oniric Engineers

      by , 09-15-2011 at 11:46 AM (Oneiric Mirror)
      I belong to a group of military engineers in charge of repairing, building and "driving" huge war mechs (like those of the manga anime Evangelion).

      We are (me and the rest of the team) at the robot shipyard repairing and developing new robots. We have little droids that help us
      with heavy machinery.

      The construction/developing area is in a pit, and on the top of that pit there´s 2 rooms, one is a canteen and the other is some sort of terrace with windows, through we can see the construction pit.

      After the work is done, i go to the canteen, where a birthday party of one of the engineers is taking place.
      The place has dim lights, because they are singing "happy birthday with the candles and all.

      We are like a family, really tight and close.

      Our group reached unique level of technological development, the mechs were so advanced that themselfs could aid us with the repairing they needed to do in their own metal body.

      Sometimes we need to use a little ship to reach the robot´s chest, because the robots are really big.

      The entry point to pilot the robots is also the chest.


      Comments: This dream is part of dateless dreams series.
    8. Dream 4 - Food Exile

      by , 02-23-2011 at 12:05 PM (Struggle for Lucidity)
      Dream Lucid Sleep Paralysis Non-Dream/Side notes

      This dream was odd because even when I was awake I didn't realize that I remembered it as a dream. But then I did that thing where you think how you got there and realized it was all a dream.

      I was sat with a group of friends in the school canteen (for any americans that read this, 'cafeteria'), with a row of chairs dividing us. My friend was on a table with a girl she hates (she has reason to) looking all stranded, and my other friend (her boyfriend) was sat on the table with her. On the other side of the wall of chairs was me, my friend's welsh half-brother (or some shit like that) and another friend of mine. There were various other people scattered around as well. I remember having a conversation with my friend's brother (I'm not typing half-brother all the time) about something or other and then I encouraged my friends to move to our side of the chair, away from the people that they hated. Skip forward a few minutes.

      I dropped my food all over the floor and I think I burst out laughing and then some angry lunchlady came over and told me to get out of the canteen (cafeteria).

      I stayed though, and got a second chance. Some more conversation went on (I forgot what was being said) between everybody, and then I dropped my iPod on the floor. I burst out laughing again (I think) and the lunchlady grew muscles or something (I vaguely recall) and dragged me out.

      The sky turned dark, to nighttime. I walked in to a house which seemed to just pop up in the middle of the school and began suiting up or something and then walked back in to the canteen and sat down (it went to day again at this point).

      I remember another dreamlet as well, which was bought on by my non-stop Scrubs marathon over the past few days. JD and elliot were in a banana farm with some rows of neatly cut bushes, and they walked down the banana farm with baskets full of bananas. I was watching it on my PC like I've been watching scrubs recently, which leads me to believe that if I keep trying, reality checks will flood through much like Scrubs has and I'll finally have a second lucid dream.

      I've also added a dream goal in my dream journal to recreate the lunchlady and brutally murder her the next time I become lucid.
    9. 28 Sep: Stalking Björk (again) and lots of nonsense

      by , 09-30-2010 at 11:08 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      22:30 GMT – Sleep

      Lecture on a park
      On a train, remember speaking French and think I was on my way to some meeting. I got lucid and got out of the train. I start flying but lucidity is weak and I don’t remember any tasks. I just enjoy the beautiful blue sky. Then gravity starts pulling me down and I hate when that happens. I remember I am dreaming and I think that I should try to solve this issue once and for all, of gravity pulling me down on a dream. So I focus on the fact that I am dreaming and that there is no gravity and therefore no reason to be pulled down. I start going up instead and I make an effort to really record this on my mind so it doesn’t happen again. (But I’m not sure it will work 100%)
      Then lucidity gets a bit blurred and my thoughts get confusing.
      I think about levels and then I am on some terrace or whatever place, and have a black jacket on my hands with emblems on, with numbers relatively to levels of achievement. It has something to do with mastering the levels of flying or dream control in general. And I think it’s cool but won’t really wear that jacket. Then on the back it has some emblem about organic farming and I find that totally unrelated. Then a lady arrives – she looks Iranian or well... middle eastern. She says she is very happy that I could come to the meeting but at the same time she is disappointed no one else appeared.
      I wonder if she’ll cancel this meeting, but instead she says she will do her presentation only to me and so she can be more thorough. Then I realise we’re sitting on my bed. She starts her lecture but she is just reading some booklet of which she gives me a copy. I have hard time following what she is saying, but it is something about natural and protected areas and using the resources sustainably. I smile as if I am totally following. Then my boyfriend appears and joins us. It’s his lunch time. The lady continues without interruption but now I realise my bed is in the middle of a park. This park is inside some fenced area and there’s a guard at the gate. My boyfriend then spots his boss at the gate. We wonder what he wants. The lady now stops her conversation and says she wants to offer the man something to eat. She goes to the left to get something and comes back with a raw fish in her right hand. By now, the boss is already inside the perimeter but the guard is holding him back for some checks before allowing him to go further. As he sees the lady with the fish coming towards him, he looks at us with an enquiring and totally surprised face, like asking WTF!? I just shrug my shoulders.

      1:30 GMT

      Stalking Björk (again...)
      I’m meeting a small group on some terrace table in front of a coffee shop. It’s on a pitoresque town, with stone paved roads. I am bored and instead of sitting with them, I grab some kind of skate that actually looks like a stool on wheels and decide to skate down the road, which curves to the left and keeps getting ever more inclined. But as I gain speed, somehow I don’t want to keep going down. There’s something keeping me in this upper side of town (something I was dreaming previously, but don’t recall). So I stop, grab the stool and go up on foot. Then I arrive at the street where the terrace was and on the opposite side of the road there’s a kind of square, not paved, in front of some wall of a castle. There’s also an arch to enter the castle, which is what I was planning to do, but on my way there, when crossing the square, I see lots of kids gathered and some performances of artists, like jugglers. I get caught by this kind of theatre being performed by... I think cats, but I’m not sure.... dressed up in costumes I remember thinking how the hell the tamer managed the animals to do that so perfectly and I think probably with lots of suffering and mistreatment to the animals. But the kids are loving. I take some pictures and then two kids ask me to take pictures of them. I agree and ask how they want it. They say they want the view that his on my back now – a port or quay by the sea. I take picture of one and then the other. Remember the reflex of the sun on the lens. Then I hear singing and recognise the song and the voice of Björk. I go check it out and find Björk singing on top of some platform around a lighthouse or some similar tower building. There’s only half a dozen people stopping to listen to her and she looks so tanned! It looks like she was just having beach vacation and decided to sing for whoever was passing, but I don’t know. I sing along and when it’s over I approach this platform because I would like to say hello to her and because the clapping of the audience was so disappointing I feel she would like to meet some fan to lift her up. But she is already surrounded by people from her staff – so it wasn’t a casual show! One lady blocks my way and I grab her arm to really make her understand I wanna talk to Björk – OK!!! My hands are greasy and she looks a bit disgusted. I wonder why I’m greasy but tell her it’s not dirty oil, but some baby oil I put on my skin to moisturize (?) I finally get to her and congratulate her and start being a total nagging fan – which I would never do, but I think I was somewhat aware I was dreaming and felt no constraints. She is first totally ignoring me. She enters a trailer but leaves the door open so I also go inside. It’s a huge trailer. There’s a bunch of guys hanging around, doing video editing and sound checks – an entire team that probably worked for her. She enters a separate room, I assume it is her room or a changing room. But she also leaves the door open. And she hasn’t yet told me to shut up or go away, so I keep going. I don’t want to invade her privacy though, so I stay outside this room, sitting on the floor, by the side of the door. I bombard her with all sorts of questions and opinions, like saying she doesn’t look so good so tanned. Then she finally breaks the ice, asking me if I know anything about some hospital and I actually now something because my grandma uses to go there, so we end up discussing hospital location and treatments. Because of this, when I finally enter the room, she is lying in bed and she is has transformed into my grandmother . Then she turns into a giant poached egg. Then I wake up.

      3:40 GMT

      Random mix of unrelated stuff
      Going down some circular stairs down some kind of well to go meet someone and help with something. I realise I am inside a mine. As I reach some floor level crossed by huge pipes, there’s a quake which shakes down everything, and displaces some rocks and some of the pipes. People who were on downer levels come up and everybody decides to evacuate as it isn’t safe to stay there any longer. As we approach the surface, we open an hatch and we meet this guard on some control post who is guarding the entrance to the area. He tells us there’s no reason to worry, that everything is ok, just a minor quake, but we prefer to play safe and decide to make a break and go to this area on the left – a building – where we can eat something and rest for a while. At that moment I look to the sky and two police flying saucers pass by – like police cars, with the police lettering and red lights flashing, but in a flying saucer version. They seem to be on a hurry, maybe chasing some criminal on some other flying saucer?
      We cross a road and enter this building that looks like a mall, with revolving doors. Inside there are shower facilities and we all go for a shower before anything else. In the beginning we’re all in the same bathroom, men and women and some guy hands me over shampoo, but everybody’s dressed. First I say I’m not going to take a shower, but he insists and I just wash my hair – always with clothes on! Then I overhear one of the girls talking to a guy about considering living an alternative life style and I cannot help to tell her to talk to some other girl of the group who is obviously kinda hippie, thinking she might give her some advice. Then I look throught the window, admire some trees outside and spot an animal on some branch. I say “Look, an hedgehog on that tree!”, but something isn’t right and the others also notice. Hedgehogs don’t climb trees. I know that, but I’m sure what I saw was an hedgehog, so I go outside to prove my point. All I can find is some squirrel. He is cute but I’m sure not what I saw before. I spot some walnuts on the ground and think about throwing it at the squirrel, but then I realise he is not going to catch it and I might indeed hurt him if I try. So I give up and as I walk away I find a table with doll houses on top. They are from a lady artisan who makes them and is exhibiting them on open air. I am amazed at the details and beauty of the houses but then stumble on one whose miniature parquet floor is totally lifted on air – I try to fix it and as a result the whole house collapses. The lady is luckily surrounded by people and doesn’t see me.

      My hair is longer and I am sitting with another girl in front of my guru. He is giving us some instructions regarding the current practice we’re doing. I make some funny face and my guru asks me if I disagree with something, to which I reply no.

      6:10 GMT

      Changing clothes
      I’m on some large room with white long benches around, against the wall, like a cloakroom. The door is open but still I am trying to change clothes quickly. I see a corridor outside and realise this is inside some large building. I want to change pants but they are so tight, even my underwear comes off. Precisely when some people - among which I recognise my father - are just passing by in the corridor. Luckily they are not paying attention to what goes on inside the room. I decide to simply continue undressing and dressing. Strangely my panties have now enlarged with all the pulling and twisting from my changing acrobatics. I try wearing some new pants and they don't fir, so I grab a new skirt I brought and wear it – it also is huge, like twice normal size. I think I need to ask my mother what happened, because she was the last person who washed these clothes!

      Encounters at a canteen
      On a gathering of activists and farmers, there’s a guy in his 50s with a son about my age and they don’t stop looking at me. On lunch time at a canteen they sit in the table right in front of mine. My mom who’s also present notices the 2 guys interest and comes to join me. I realise she is digging the 50 year-old guy and I play along to help her. But e just exchange smiles and they never get up and come talk to us. After lunch I am packing all my stuff really well on my backpack to leave – I have mp3, camera, laptop and all the necessary plugs and cables, plus a book and whatever... I take ages to fit all in the backpack and that’s when the guy (the older) decides to talk. He tells me he is a rice producer and asks me if I know Alfredo (yeah, I do) because he is his neighbour. Then he also asks me if I am aware of the GM rice issue and I smile thinking “Why of course!” but he doesn’t give me a chance to talk, so he keeps going. He is totally furious that his project of organic rainfed rice was totally discouraged by the government while they support chemically and flooded rice and even GM rice. He concludes that this world is upside down and I agree, but decided not to speak.
      Then I spot Mónica onthe opposite side of this room and go there but then notice she is with her mom. Her mom takes her to a nearby window and shows her something which is outside. I hear their conversation. “Oh mom, I can’t believe it! It’s for surfing? I want it so badly! I want it! Thank you so much!” Apparently her mother just gave her some ridiculously expensive gift – I wonder if it’s a surfing board and since when she does sports? Then she turns but she doesn’t see me. Instead she goes talk to some lady who’s leaving and asks her if she can come along. The lady replies she would of course invite her, but she is with their guru on a private visit, as a friend and he is not expecting anyone else to join. Surprisingly then, the guru actually drops by saying he really needs to use the toilet. He doesn’t look so happy and even I say hi to him, but he does not reply. I find that odd, since he is always so kind and thoughtful. Mónica is clearly happy to see him and says to the other lady that he looks so well! I wonder why she says this, because to me he is clearly not looking so well.

      7:30 GMT – Wake up

      PRECOG explanation:
      On this morning my mom came to visit me. I was coincidentally wearing the panties from my dream but was wearing a different skirt. When she arrived she was bringing me a bag of clothes she had washed and ironed, including that new skirt. I just put it over the bed to sort it out later when my mom notices I have a big spot on the skirt I am wearing. We’re late to go out so I just grab the skirt on the bed and dress it. Already outside I realise I’m wearing the exact same thing I was wearing on the dream – luckily it suffered no accident and all is with normal size. I don’t know why I have such meaningless precog dreams, but fortunately once in a while I also have precogs that are actually interesting.
    10. The Canteen Matrix

      by , 08-22-2010 at 01:49 PM (Dreams of the Maeniac)

      There's something about vampires.
      There's definitely something about vampires. But was the vampire thing before or after the cafeteria? I don't know. Let's pretend it was before.
      [COLOR="royalblue"]I'm some evil guy, fighting another guy. There has been vampires involved, but I have been trying to turn into a vampire, and I know the final steps to become one. Apperantly, I just need to drink a lot of blood now, so I try to scratch this other guy as much as I can, and I'm sort of chasing him around a black and red evil-looking pillar. A pillar which apperantly also helps me become a vampire. I don't know what happened to the other humans or vampires, whether the vampires were killed or if it was the humans, and in that case I don't know who killed them, or if they all died... But one thing is certain, this big, dark, evil-looking room only has me and the survivor human in it. Maybe we used to be friends?

      I think we got out of there, there was something about a pool, and a big white house, a bit like that christmas level in Hitman Bloodmoney, except with more summer and blue pool. You know, high up in the mountains, [/COLOR](Not sure about that)[COLOR="royalblue"] white, square, modern arcitechture [/COLOR](Has to be white, right?)[COLOR="royalblue"], and guards walking around with uzi's and black suits.
      Obviously, a shootout came out of this. I think I was hiding behind a small white wall right next to the pool, maybe I even emerged from the pool? Anyways, there were guards everywhere, around the pool and coming down a long staircase from an upper level of the house.
      Again, I'm not sure if this was before or after...

      I'm in a canteen, or a cafeteria. I think I might be on a school, but I don't think I go to this school. Maybe I'm new and I just don't recognize people. I think there are 2 or 3 people that I know who are, so I just follow them, but I don't really [I]know[/I] them, so the situation is quite awkward; We're standing in a huge queue, waiting to get some food at the counter. I feel slightly claustrophobic. I get my food and sit down at a table, I realize that there's a bunch of stuff missing on my plate. Apperantly I dropped a lot of it on the floor, under the table. Luckily, it was in some sort of packaging, so I just reached down and picked it up again. I don't remember eating anything, because I think I decided to get out of there.
      I went to the end of the room, not the way we came from, a lonely, gray door at the end of the room.
      I enter it, and I'm in a long, white-gray, boring looking hallway with lots of identical, boring, gray doors.
      I enter one of them, and now I'm in an equally boring, tiny room with absolutely nothing in it. This didn't amuse me, so I made a door in the wall in front of me out of thin air. I entered it - another small, boring room with nothing in it. But this room already has 2 doors in front of me. I take the left one.
      Now I'm in a similar room, but this one has been lived in, so it looks a lot more alive - But it still gave off that nerd-who-never-cleans-up-and-never-goes-out feel to it. An overall gray feeling still remained.
      There was a man lying on a couch, watching TV, I think he was holding a can of soda or beer. He looks like he's somewhere between 25 and 35 years old, he's got short, brown hair. [/COLOR](In dream, I don't recognize him, my Dream Intuition tells me he's a gymnasium teacher at the school I was just at, and in retrospect, I think he reminded me a little of Remus Lupin, perhaps more than just in looks.)[COLOR="royalblue"]
      I notice there are a bunch of drawings on the wall right next to the TV and the couch (it's a very small room), I start talking to him. I tell him that drawing like that, random doodles on his wall seemed like a thing I would do. We had a nice conversation, but I forgot pretty much all of it. Somehow, our conversation turns to lucid dreaming, and I suddenly realize that this could be a dream. With a smirk and a feeling of mild interest, I pinch my nose and close my mouth. The teacher is looking at me, looking interested and expectant.[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="darkorchid"]I try to breathe, and sure enough, it's easy to. I'm amazed, confused and a little sceptical. I continue to converse with the teacher, but it's kind of a one-way communication, as I'm probably more thinking to myself. I think for a moment about what I should do. Should I head outside and fly? But then I realize that I don't know where the exits in the canteen is, I think it's a little too bothersome so I decide to stay,[/COLOR] (Laziness at it's peak.)[COLOR="darkorchid"] besides, I'm not entirely convinced that it's a dream yet. I do the nose pinch RC a few times, but now it's a little less clear; I can breathe alright, but the breathing is slightly restricted when I do it. I decide I need to perform another test, even though I'm still in the mindset that this actually is a dream. There's two doors in the room, one right beside TV which leads back, and another door on the wall opposite to the wall with the drawings. I open this door: A huge croud of people is standing in a circle, this door led back to the canteen. I look around on people's faces. I see three people talking, and I turn and see 4 people all in a big conversation, doing their own thing, completely unrelated to anything I could have made up. I notice that their clothings is so different, so colorful and various. The entire crowd is so extremely vivid that I simply decide that the dream is too vivid [/COLOR][COLOR="royalblue"]to be a dream, there was no way that I could have created all those people so vividly and alive.[/COLOR]