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    1. Car Flight GTA Style

      by , 11-09-2014 at 09:49 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #379 - DILD - 5:37AM (2 of 2)

      I am looking in the back seat of the car for something and can't find it. I look up and see the car is rolling forward. I remember that I was in bed just a moment ago and know it's a dream. I recall my conversation with Wurlman during the podcast about having fun with cars so I go for it. I have other goals but I decide to go ahead and hop in the driver seat. The car has rolled off the street it was parked on and heading toward a wooden fence. I gun it and ram through. The feeling of invincibly surges through me. I am surprised by a second chain-link fence and crash through that one as well. It has a nice sound effect.

      I come onto a four-lane highway going through a residential area. I follow the road going faster and faster. The car becomes slightly hard to handle during turns and I clip the side of a house. I don't care; this is all really fun. After a bit, I notice my view pulls back into a 3rd person perspective. I see a downtown area like on GTA5 and the dream looks very much like a video game. I notice I am not in my car anymore but some light blue SUV. I make the car go as faster (as I can imagine in this scenario) as I hit a sharp hill. It was only natural to take to the air at this point. I make the car fly up around the sky scrapers and I do a sharp turn to look around. I enjoy the view of the city, but then, I lose control and the car takes a fast dive into a busy street. There is some fiery explosions but it is mostly obscured by a large, thick cloud of opaque, black smoke.

      Suddenly, my younger daughter opens the bedroom door whining about something. I assume she's had a bad dream. My wife asks her whats wrong and my daughter replies, "The ants are living with the five."
      I lift my head up and say, "What?" I assume she's either had a bizarre dream and is still out of it or this is typical DC nonsense.
      I become semi-lucid but I feel very confused about where I am and who's bed I am in. For some reason I think I am a child again sleeping next to my mom as my dad works the night-shift. Slowly, I make sense of everything and try to make a DJ entry. However, as I fumble around the feeling of heavy SP, I remember this isn't going to work in a dream. I notice now that my arms and head are vibrating, though I feel like I am awake and moving around. I am not really sure if this is even possible, so I relax and lay still, preparing for an OBE type exit. I spend a few seconds here and I begin to go deeper, but it's at this point that my wife sighs loudly, rolls over, and shakes me awake.
    2. 1/18/14 - end time

      by , 01-18-2014 at 07:18 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm in my moms car, my sister is in the front passengers seat. We're driving somewhere and it's nighttime. I look out at the sky it's cloudless and dark, but all the stars are formed into evil shaped constellations, my mom and sister obviously panicked ask what's happening. I tell that I read this on the internet just before hand, that the holy spirit left the earth because it's almost time, so only the evil ones of another dimensions are here on earth with, we'd have to bear it until time. I see satanic symbolism in the stars. And then we get home and I contemplate whether or not to look up the stuff I supposedly read from before.
    3. The Bridge and Car Rides

      by , 11-26-2013 at 02:51 PM (My Dream Journey)
      My first dream I remembered wasn't a nightmare. It had nightmarish qualities. I was walking across the Golden Gate Bridge. Fog everywhere. Then the bridge started to wobble and pitch. I grabbed for support. I knew I had to make it across so I sprinted across. One of the "waves" of the bridge hit me up. I was falling through the air. I woke up after that. Last nights dream was about a car ride with my friend. My other friends were in the car. He dropped them all off at my friend's house. I was about to get out of the car when Kegan (the person driving) said to stay in. He was taking me home. We talked about hiim and the others not liking me and said I should find new friends. I've had this problem in the real world as well. This journal is open to analysis.
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. The flight of the fly

      by , 11-21-2013 at 01:51 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)
      20.11.2013 3/6

      Eu estava passando de carro em um campo quando via um OVNI descendo em um morro. O Ovni disparava um tipo de raio de terraformação como no Spore e no caminho que o raio seguia surgia um riacho com um lago no fim, onde surgiam plantas estranhas e um tipo de coelho esquisito. Eu achava aquela a coisa mais linda que já vi na vida. Eu me transformava em uma mosca e voava. Passava por uma árvore estranha e uma planta carnívora linguaruda me pegava para comer. Eu conseguia fugir.
    5. 3/6/13

      by , 03-06-2013 at 05:54 PM
      Total sleep: 8+ hours
      Daytime Techniques: rc's
      Lucid Techniques: tried MILD "I will recall my dreams and realize I am dreaming"
      Recall Techniques: see above. also I wrote in my dream journal after waking after the first dream

      ~DREAM 1
      Fell Asleep: 11:30
      Dream Title: The cold beach
      Dream: I am in my room and it is the way it was back when I had a desk. On my desk are some horror movies. One of them was called “slender” (how original) My dad calls me. I see he is watching one of the movies on his new tv. It is about a cursed sword that forces you to eat colors and cats in a dementor like fashion. Although this is ridiculous, I find it absolutely terrifying, and I get angry at him for showing it to me. I go back into my room, and my sister is with a laptop. She asks me how to make a youtube account, and I tell her that she needs to hook up to an Ethernet cable that nobody has used before. (I don’t even…) I now go to my brother’s room, that for some reason is on the wrong side of the house. He is there with some kid. I don’t know who it is, but the dream me can’t stand him. After some smart-assery from them both, I start to beat them with a random plastic coathanger. (I am not abusive IWL.) they cry and my mom tells me off for it and I have to go get ready because we are going to the beach. Car ride is long and full of mom fussing at me. We get to the beach and it is winter. We don’t want to go in the water, so we just sit there on the beach. Some other stuff happens that I cant remember, then I wake up.
      Awake: 5:00
      Vividness: 8 (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness)
      Awareness: 1 (1-10; or lucid)
      Length: 3 hours
      Emotions: fear, anger
      Dream Signs: my desk was back. My brother’s room misplaced. Room had Ethernet jacks.

      ~DREAM 2
      (went on dreamviews and read about WILDing. But then I didn’t try to wild. ~Facepalm~ So I had a non-lucid fragment…)
      Fell Asleep: 5:40
      Dream Title: The attic
      Dream: I was at some family’s house in their attic that had many windows and was painted white. I don’t remember what we did there, but my brother did it wrong and I had to redo it. That’s all.
      Awake: 9:00
      Vividness: IDK (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness)
      Awareness: 1 (1-10; or lucid)
      Length:~ Shrug~(how long it felt like! Because that matters)
      Emotions: frustration
      Dream Signs: none
    6. Urgot Attack.

      by , 09-26-2012 at 01:17 AM (Zechariah's Dream Journal)
      The first dream I had was about my friend Nick and I. We were hanging out with a few other people at my house. My house had bunkbeds for some reason though. All I remember is having a group conversation for awhile, and then looking over at Nick because I heard him snoring. He had fallen asleep with his eyes open and was snoring. It was terribly funny to me so I pointed it out and threw a pen at him to snap him out of it.

      The next dream was very weird to me at the time. My family was getting ready to head out for church on a Sunday. I was in my back yard waiting for everyone to gather. I noticed my sister's boyfriend pull up in his car, and opened the gate for him. He was walking in with a toddler boy that looked a little bit like him.
      "Who's this little guy?" I asked him. He told me it was his son. I was so blown away, I said "Oh, alright." Then I walked back into my parent's house and talked to my mom.
      "Did you know that Tristan had another kid? I sure as heck didn't." I said to her. She had no idea either, we were both a bit dumb founded.

      After that, I had a dream that I was back at my old elementry school. I was having a cigerette and talking with someone else. After awhile I began having a very bad feeling like something was there. I told everyone we should leave, it was dark and I could feel something dangerous around. There were kids with us then and I began getting them to the exit. I saw what it was that was prowling. A character named Urgot from a videogame of mine. He was a biological machine that gave himself eternal life by replacing all of his organs and limbs with other creatures bodies and machine's. He looks like a huge wrotting mass with long metalic legs like a spider. We needed to get out. So we got to the exit and everyone was out except for one small boy. He had dissapeared. I ran back in the school and found him propped up against the wall, his chest was bleeding. Part of the skin of his chest had been taken out, so I rushed him away and back to his home down the street. The scene shifted to the next day. There were police in front of his house and his family had gathered to keep him company through recovery. I knew for some reason that I was the answer to Urgot's attacks. I walked in the house and pleaded with the family to let me through, I could help. They let me in, and I put my hand on the boy- and his injuries were healed. There was a bit more after this part but I don't remember it very well.

      The last dream was about my mother and I taking a trip up to the mountains with a little girl we were taking with us. Her parents both recently had died, and her and her sister were being taken in by my family but weren't together at the moment. The little girl wanted to hear about my mother parents, this was in the future some time after they both had died. My mother told me to tell the girl about them, so I did for the rest of the car ride. We got to a cabin we were going to be staying at, then my alarm went off.
    7. I remember now!

      by , 09-09-2012 at 02:41 AM
      I just read a post about 'Driving car with no driver'. This made me remember my personal experience with this scenario.

      I don't remember it very well and when it was was but I remember one part clear as day. I believe it was a dark green car, not sure as I was inside but dark green in shouting out at me. The interior was grey and I was in the back left seat looking at the steering wheel, I was alone in the car. I felt a immensely scary demonic ghostly presents in the car as the steering wheel was steered full lock to the left and pulled out onto the road. I could feel something in the car driving but couldn't see it. I was quite scared as I thought this event would end in a crash but that's when the dream fades away and no more is remembered, I hope you enjoyed reading this and let me know if you have had a similar experience or you can tell me what this means... Thanks.
    8. [Return to a Child]

      by , 09-08-2012 at 11:29 AM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Thursday, September 5th, 2012]
      (It's been a week almost since the last real recall... Nathan and Alex have been waking me up every attempt. I need a less alarming wake-up from now on. Less distraction. I need to be patient. The weed hasn't been helping, so I've decided to quit. At least for two weeks. So my next smoking date can be on the 20th.)

      (The dream I had before Nathan woke me up):
      The short recall of the dream started with- I was sitting in the car with Alex driving and Nathan in the back seat. We were in Surprise, around the Walmart area in the parking lot. It was probably around 5-6PM because it was light out still, but obviously towards the end of the day. I was singing two songs at once... having trouble determining the difference between them. The first one that I recall thinking about in the dream was, "Simplistic Trance-Like Getaway" by Never Shout Never. But also, at the same time it sounded like another song... "Beginner's Mind" by Bright Eyes. Around the same time, we were pulling out of the parking lot and heading home to Wickenburg. The last thing I remember was watching the powerlines pass. That's when Nathan woke me up in WL by rapping at my window.

      (That was a very interesting choice of song. They both were... very... involved in my state of WL. I couldn't help but feel chills listening to the words after I had woken up. How could I know to choose those songs? Does my subconscious have control of my dreambody when my waking consciousness doesn't? Should I treat it as a seperate entity? I think so.)