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    1. Night of Friday 9/29/23

      by , 10-01-2023 at 11:49 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed at ???

      Purgatory Island
      I'm on an island in a Harry Potter game.
      Lots of grey colors. Feels isolated and alone.
      3rd person view. Playing as a man in a bowler hat.
      Like Wayne from Mistborn.
      There is a water-logged cave up ahead.

      Recalled from early morning.
    2. Night of Thursday 6/15/23

      by , 06-16-2023 at 04:11 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm playing a Pokemon-like game. I'm in a cave-type area.
      I can see my team, and their levels are absurdly high, like in the 10,000s. It's styled like Gen 1 where the menu sprites are weird little guys.
      Of course, the odd levels don't tip me off to this being a dream.
      My normal-type Pokemon levels up, and the game tells me that while this Pokemon isn't the strongest, it is good to use as a slave.
      It's referring to HM Slave, where you teach one Pokemon all the field related moves like Strength, Surf, Flash, and Cut for world traversal.
      When its stats come up from gaining the level, I note that attack and defense are the highest. That's consistent for a normal type. Good job subconscious.
      My brother is watching me play, and we are arguing about something. Heated argument with him yet again.

      Updated 06-16-2023 at 04:13 PM by 99808

    3. 15 Nov: Cannibal apocalypse and hiding in underground bunkers

      by , 11-15-2022 at 08:12 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      People snapped and turned cannibals. I am barricated with Zilla and some other folks at a school, but we gotta move somewhere else. We know of some secure underground complex which has as entrance at the city park.
      Strangely, downtown life seems to still be going very much as normal and we assume the madness hasn't spread here yet, but will. We even pass by some kids from another school playing football at their yard, oblivious. But we don't say a word to anyone. We reach the underground bunkers and there are plenty food reserves down there. We know that when the crisis is all over the place, eventually the government will come and use these bunkers, but we hope that if we're already there, they'll allow us to stay or else we'll fight to stay. The bunker spreads out into weird caves all over seven floors. On one floor there is a giant ballroom with black and white chess floor.
    4. 19 Aug: Strange delivery at home, colony on extreme weather planet

      by , 08-19-2022 at 07:20 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At my home, but it functions as an extra-curricular activities centre. Kids are being looked after by a couple adults. Outside, my dogs are getting in trouble at the gate. I go check it out and find Soraia escaped the fence and is somehow outside with two horses. Three people come by for a supposed delivery and I find it strange as I am not expecting anything. I don't let them come in. They say the delivery is for a Joana and insist on getting inside to hand it to her. I say she is my coworker and I'll get her and they are rude to me, saying they can't wait.

      On some kind of colony in a harsh planet. It has beautiful beaches, but we only go outside in certain times and weather conditions. There are really sudden high tides among other extreme events and the sun is really deadly. One day I fail to get home on time and get caught in a rising tide and upcoming high sun radiation. I see another person at risk, with a small kid, and I try to help them out. I dont succeed, but they are lucky and they escape. I, on the other hand, end up near a cave where I seek shelter. I find inscriptions on the cave and a bunch of leafs from a tree floating on a little puddle of water. The inscriptions talk about an ointment from those leaves, which make for an amazing skin protector and I decide to try it. It is truly miraculous and from then on it allows anyone to freely move outside during the day and even go to the "red" side of the planet, which is scorching hot and unhinabitable.
    5. 22-08-15 Cool Fantasy World In Post-Apocalypse

      by , 08-15-2022 at 12:03 PM
      I'm in a medieval fantasy world much reminiscent of Oblivion or Skyrim. I see one guy, wearing oddly modern clothes, mindlessly shuffling around. He looks and acts like a zombie, but no one cares. He's being used for manual labor, or something. A bit later, I've climbed a steep rock wall and I'm hanging off the side (Assassin's Creed style), looking out over what I know to be the edge of the map. I wonder what's beyond it. I reach a kind of mineshaft, or cave. My dad is suddenly with me. We're assaulted by giant spiders the size of a large dog. We make a run for it through the tunnel, and emerge on the other side. We exit into a grassy clearing, with a large, imposing forest right in front of us. The forest is full, and I mean FULL of giant spiderwebs. And of course spiders. I'm like "no way", but my dad is like "we can do it, let's go" so I have no choice but to follow him in. Somehow, we get through, because in the next scene I recall, we've reached the world beyond the mountains and the spider forest. No one was ever supposed to get this far. To our surprise and horror, it's the modern world. We're in a modern city, clearly abandoned a century or more ago. The sky is overcast and depressing. Everything is covered in rust and dust, and in a state of falling apart. I recognize one of the ruined cars as a Renault 5. Then, we find someone. A worker wearing a fluorescent jacket. He just mindlessly shuffles back and forth, seemingly aware of us, or anything else. We continue exploring, until my dad starts acting strange. He asks things like "how did we get here", and other things he should really know. Like he's having memory loss. Suddenly, I realize the truth of this place. A hundred+ years ago, something happened, some substance was released into the atmosphere (or some kind of radiation) that gradually sapped people of their intelligence - inducing amnesia, dementia and finally a vegetative zombie-like state (though they aren't cannibals). Society fell apart without the people there to maintain it. Somehow, "Skyrim valley" (the fantasy world we'd traveled from) was a special place shielded from this effect. The guy wearing modern clothes I saw in the fantasy world was probably a guy from here, who somehow crossed over like we did. I desperately try to explain this to my dad, who is getting increasingly confused as time goes by.
    6. cccxci. The twin fruit garden, Sapphire ore fortress

      by , 06-24-2022 at 04:04 PM
      2022 June 2nd


      I'm at some kind of garden/arena place. A quite big round building, at any rate. There's a feel of old home to it. Some walls are white?, with I think a blue trim running along some of the edges. The exterior perimeter is decorated with aquatic and palm motifs in small tile mosaics. Vivid colours. It's sunny.

      I walk around until I get to an entrance to the central area that goes up and in. As I walk around, there are grape-like husks that I'm stepping on, they're a dead blue, but nice somehow. It took me a while to realise they're the fruits of some of these plants. Some kind of leafy canes, which arc with the weight of their fruits. The other side has small banana things instead, but both plants are the same with different fruits. On the upper area inside, I remark to H who's nearby, that it looks like one half of the garden is one fruit and the other half is the other fruit, and there seems to be a clear divide.

      I feel that this could be related to sunlight and shade. The grapes on the plant are actually white grapes (green), unlike the blue-ish husks on the floor. I remember picking and holding one. I think I ask H if he's tried one of the banana fruits. I'm not sure if he should eat it.

      2022 June 6th


      (Last bit at the end of a longer dream. Didn't write recall early enough.)

      I'm with H and he's kind of doing his own thing, and I'm descending a vertical mineshaft he's made, digging my way downward through its sides. It's a mix of Minecraft and BL. At the bottom I find myself in a dark but vast cavern. I can still see fine. I see sapphires close to me and I tell H to look at how many there are, an almost 5x5 area on a wall. Then, I find a waypoint like those from Diablo II. I think to myself about how rare this area is to find naturally generated.

      The cavern has a mostly flat ceiling and I can't quite see the bottom, but pillars at irregular intervals make a kind of vaulted cavern ceiling. (Similar to some BL cave generation)

      In the distance, I see more sapphires around and eventually after walking along a sort of suspended highway, avoiding some annoying mobs along the way, I find an underground stone fortress which is mstly made of stone brick and which has patterned features with encrusted sapphire ores.

      2022 June 8th


      I'm in a village or town. Like rural areas around old home. I'm passing in front of a building where lots of people gathered. They're all queueing or waiting.

      Some other bit, with mom and H. Something about driving. A crossing? A woman in a dress?


      - There was something yin/yang about the first dream's location but it also reminds me of places and experiences from my childhood.

      - At the time of the second dream, me and H had been playing Minecraft again a fair bit. I'm not entirely sure why there was a D2 waypoint in there but it may have been because of the dream that Hilary shared on DFLN just a week earlier or so, as Diablo hadn't really been much on my mind otherwise.

      - Inside the cavern areas, there were openings above that let some natural light in. There were interesting light effects, though even so I couldn't really see a bottom to the pillared cave areas at any point.
    7. ccclxxvi. Alter ego, Space empires, Undeground world, The strange monument

      by , 04-08-2022 at 01:54 AM
      28th of March 2022

      (I may add some notes at one point, especially if I draw the monument)

      6:00 or 7:00

      I am my alter ego but my dorsal scales are pointier, like my character N. I'm at some kind of fair or public event. Eventually after a bit of walking around, I come to a wooden bench, where mom and dad are sitting. They each move over to a side and as they sort of part, this dwarf man is revealed to be sitting there too. He has a miserable look. My parents don't even acknowledge that he's there at all. I do at first and try to sit next to him and between my parents. There's some dialogue, but recall was lost.

      Unknown Time

      In space, sort of game-ish and like Sins of a Solar Empire and Stellaris, in that you have starlanes for travel between stars (haven't played either in a while but think about it on and off when I see them on the library). I'm travelling with someone else, we're each on our own ships. As we travel and spend a bit of time wandering in a star system, the star suddenly starts to go nova. So I tell the other person we need to warp out of here now, and we head to the edge of the system, getting out just in time and travelling across nearby stars and seeing the explosion from this point. (Scale is similar to Sins)

      Some other bit where I'm planning a star fortress load-out, Stellaris UI. And some other bit about managing something in a star system, possibly in sequence with the planning.

      8:00 and onwards (order jumbled)

      Climbing some eroded stone stairs. Some kind of natural or carved out limestone rock. Feels underground. As I go up the stairs, I leave behind random things, like statuettes of animals. There's also some animal following me? I don't feel attached to it however; it may be a bird. I remember an opening through which I can see a vast darkness but also underground "cliffs" and ravines. Maybe streaming water. The limestone has a beautiful creamy colour.


      (Generally darker dream, both in lighting and mood) Dream streets, lots of people. Parts of the dream repeat themselves or I return to certain areas. The streets have shops, and there's a Japanese/neon-heavy feel. Something has a feel to it like Cybermancy.

      Some plot line about a group of people who are uploading themselves into a thing or collective. I am not especially interested or anything but I help them in some way and when they start getting persecuted by some assassins or something, I use a rifle, struggling on with it for a bit, until I realise I'm "missing a skill point" for it, which I then quickly put a point it. I aim at one of the assassin at point blank, as he aims at someone else with a firearm of his own. I shoot him in the head and he dies instantly. Then, twin female assassins (though not human) standing a few feet away and moving; I spot them and aim for the head, but miss my shot, hitting her in the back or chest, but she's not really harmed by the shot.

      She comes after me now and I apologise for not killing her with a single shot. I kneel, and expectantly wait for her to kill me. Something very Japanese in feel about this last bit.

      After I die, I think I return to a previous point in the dream and do other things, or differently.

      (recall gap?)

      Then, some place like L. I'm near a monument of some sort, in a large square, which in the dream I "know" about; there's a road around the monument? It's sort of rounded itself, but not at the front where the road is. It's clear and sunny and I think I'm with someone else at first, maybe family.

      The monument itself is a dream generated thing and the square reminds me more of France in some respects, although it definitely has the feel of L. I think there's an obelisk further away in the middle of the square. (I should draw this before I completely lose what little recall is left)

      Near the front of the monument and at head level, there's a wide gap that's not got much height to it, maybe two feet high in opening. Through it, I see some sunlight but mostly darkness, and this underplace seems to be full of dark earthy dirt and corpses, mostly skeletal I think, though I can't recall their state exactly.

      Then, as I circle around to the next corner, I climb some stairs. Up here, it's a relatively flat area which is a narrow-ish U shape. There are many stone benches, which are just part of the overall structure. Lavish and floral motifs, general renaissance or art nouveau aesthetics. The stone benches have fairly fancy cushions on them, of different and saturated-ish colours. People are touring and lazing about as in mostly any capitol-city style of a place. I head for a free seat at the bend/corner. The dream ends here, I feel just as something was about to happen.

      Edit: Somehow I had recorded the wrong date for this dream, corrected this now.

      Updated 04-30-2022 at 01:45 PM by 95293

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    8. Found ring in a cave, twice apparently

      by , 03-08-2022 at 05:15 PM (Dream-quest by UnknownKadath)
      I wear a black ring on my right middle finger. And once in real life, I lost it for a couple days before finding it again in the house. In the dream, I was in an area that was basically a cave, but not a remote one in the middle of nowhere. Someone owned it and it served some purpose, I forget what. And just inside that cave, in some leaves that had blown in the entrance, I found a black ring.

      This ring looked totally different from my real one. It was hugely thick, like donut shaped. And instead of a black band it was black but with the elven writing from Lord of the Rings on it in gold. But I knew it belonged to me and I was shocked that, as often as the place had to have been cleaned(again it served some purpose, people were paid to keep it clean), I happened to find it again after losing it. I apparently hadn't been there in some time and was sure the ring was gone.

      What shocked me more, though, was that I remembered this was actually the second time I'd lost the ring, come back to the cave a while later, and found it there again. It was like I simply could not lose the ring; if I lost it it was just always going to be in the cave if I looked for it there. And also it's worth pointing out that my right hand was noticeably deformed with my fingers far too short and thick, like they suited the ring's size. I didn't outright ignore this, but accepted that yeah, I've always had oddly shaped hands.
      Tags: cave, lost item, ring
    9. ccclvii. Urges and an appointment, Kiting a bear through a forest/cave, Grandpa staying with us

      by , 02-02-2022 at 06:19 PM
      Some in-line notes.

      23rd December 2021

      Recall was left too long and could only retain vague fragments.


      Something about being at old home, I'm in my room and it's sunny outside, though my curtains are drawn closed. They're the old white and yellow diamond curtains. I am moving towards my desk in the corner and feel the need to self-pleasure, but something makes it feel like I can't.

      Then, something about going for an appointment. I am briefly outside. The light in the dream seems off somehow, like there's too much shade despite being daytime and how sunny it is, but I don't realise any of this while dreaming. Something happens in regards to me going to the appointment or something, and then I'm home. (Did this scene happen first?)


      I'm outdoors and I was in a car before. The place I'm in is a forest and I eventually go through a cave too. There's a relatively small female black bear character, which has something anthropomorphic about it. I want to kill it using a rifle, and kite the bear around all over the place, at one point the bear becomes enraged (like a game buff) and I have awareness that a single hit from the bear could kill me. (Similar feel to being the scout on DRG and kiting a dangerous enemy)

      Another half-anthro animal was involved in this at one point.

      24th December 2021


      It's relatively bright but not exactly sunny. I'm in our bedroom with H, who's on the bed and then there's something that means I have to get up. At one point, we have an interaction with H's grandfather, who's apparently staying with us. (He passed away a couple of years ago, but it feels like yesterday) He knows about us sleeping in the same bed, and doesn't seem to mind.
    10. cccliv. The wonky brick house and the cave behind it

      by , 01-23-2022 at 11:33 PM
      3rd December 2021


      I am talking to my eldest sibling through Steam, something about a problem they're having with smells in the bathroom. Then, I'm at theirs. It's a house they bought recently and I'm helping by saying what to watch out for and trying to help plan the bathroom's extraction route. There's a big 35 PSI orange turbine blower, it looks too big for the job, but I figure it doesn't really matter.

      Outside the house there's a weird roof and I spot some problems with pointed brickwork that will need sorting out. I tell them and explain a bit. The house seems to be in the middle of some woods; it's Autumn and there are fallen leaves everywhere. I think it might be a bit damp. I don't get to see the other sides of the house but I did mean to. The house has three floors in total and something about the shape looks... Wonky.

      Then something about turn-based combat. In a cave area, a boss creature my middle sibling is fighting. I try to help by grappling onto it and being dragged around a bit, until I'm on its rear end/back. I swing a sword and drink a potion of ultra haste to swing faster, but even at this distance all my attacks seem to "miss" and do nothing. Some bit which has an energy barrier, opening up to a pit or cave tunnel going down. I get the impression my sibling is trying to lure the creature there but I am concerned about this place and that this might not work. I think I have some fear of thing backfiring, and it being us falling in.


      - In retrospect, the battle and our roles in it seems linked to my impressions of how I think my sibling might be coping (or not) with their own issues. The whole dream has some interesting symbolic interpretation potentials, but either way seems to relate to my views on both of my siblings.

      - I think the forest was some kind of pine forest, I can't recall exactly, but the trees were certainly very tall, being taller than the house.

      - The cave bit's entrance was nearby, behind the house somewhere.
    11. 3 Jan: I am Neo in a new weird Matrix movie

      by , 01-03-2022 at 08:09 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Watching a new Matrix movie and Neo finds glitches in the matrix and he his committed or arrested for it. He escapes by fooling some guard. Then bad dudes from a corporation come looking for him and torture the guard, accusing him of helping Neo. Meanwhile Neo finds that there are several Neos in this matrix. He goes to a barber who looks like a younger self and the customer he is shaving, also looks like a young and slightly different Neo. Yet they don't realize they are identical and think he is insane. When he insists that they are all versions of the same person, they become violent and the barber throws knives at him. Then I have an epifany and say to Riverstone, whi is sitting by my side, that we are also in a simulation, being deceived that we are watching a film. I say that I am actually Neo and I do become him in that fight with his clones and I fly away from there. I go look for people I know, but everything seems to be changing randomly and people I know become someone else or have different lives and don't know me anymore. I enter a house of supposed friends and there is a middle aged couple there. Their cat recognizes me, but they don't. Yet they react calmly to my presence and offer me dinner with them and ask me to explain in detail who I am and what I am looking for. I tell them I have partial amnesia and know my name and my work, but don't know anything beyond that or where I live and was certain that some of my friends lived here. They are very understanding but offer no answers to my questions. Then some girl comes at the door claiming to be my sister and that I am dangerously deluded and she needs to take me with her. I escape and get lost in the small town we are in. Then there is either a theme fair from the 30s going on or I also travelled back in time, because it all looks from that era. When I interact with people, they get startled because I dress funny and I say weird things and clearly don't belong there. Once again they think I am insane and try to arrest me. The only way to escape is flying away, but I can't fly high for some reason and keep being pulled down by them. I scream from the top of my lungs and my thunderous voice numbs everybody around for a while. I then run away on foot. Meanwhile, the corporation guys are back in their HQ debating how Neo is destabilizing the simulations, but they think they are outside of it. Until strange things start to happen and they start realize they themselves are not from the real world but simulated matrix controllers as there is a matrix within a matrix within a matrix. As I try to walk discreetly through the town, I hear some familiar music that attracts me to a place where old ladies do arts and crafts and I find my mom there. I approach her to try to see if she knows me. She doesn't, but she invites me in. The place was a cozy llittle studio which becomes claustrophobic as the old ladies surround me with curiosity and some keep bringing in boxes and boxes of stuff that block the entrance and narrow down the space available.

      Updated 01-11-2022 at 10:04 AM by 34880

    12. cclxiii. Lodged bullet, Upheaval

      by , 05-05-2021 at 08:53 PM
      2nd May 2021


      Initially something about Terraria. I'm on some kind of mini MMO server. It's 2D at first as it should be, but then starts to become 2.5D and eventually blends into normal reality as I exit some caves I'd been mining in. There was a lot of ore in the caves, but mostly copper and iron.

      I exit the cave to an exterior location. It's sunny but I'm under the shade of a metal canopy of some kind. I have guns like in UT or something. There are some flying enemies nearby, to my right, and I think about shooting them with a beam weapon but I don't for some reason. They have wings? Are they eyes, maybe? Some kind of stereotype fantasy creature, at any rate.

      Then I climb or jump down further ahead, where there's a lower roof, using it as a midway point to the ground. There's a human but he's some kind of boss? I'm talking with H at the same time, discussing what's happening I think. Some recall is missing but I eventually change to a traditional sniper rifle and fire at point blank range against the man's neck. I can imagine the bullet and it goes through the front of the neck but leaves no visible wound or blood and it gets lodged under the cranium at the back, on the right side.

      But then the person becomes H and I turn the head to inspect and there's the lump of the bullet about where I thought it would be. I tell H it's fine, we'll get someone to remove it.

      4th May 2021


      Something about schools part of a network/group called "plus (something)"? I'm in a town but unsure where. Reminds me of my native country and there's these small and perfectly laid out buildings, which are taking over everywhere as if they are invading and replacing other things. The buildings are alien in origin or something, the dream implies, but they look like regular buildings in a modern style, though having something to do with this group of schools or something.

      There's some kind of instancing effect going on and things phase in and out of reality depending on where I stand exactly; in the phase space there are only two specific things to eat for some reason and this becomes a way for me to identify that I'm in this phased space. I think something about the colour of the atmosphere changes too but recall is somewhat muddled and partly gone and some bits of this feel as if they were from an earlier awakening.

      Some recall is missing but later on, there's some bit in a kitchen underground in a bunker of some kind and this is like the headquarters of whatever is going on. In this kitchen, there are two women, they are busy cooking and concocting things? I think they have aprons on but I don't recall any other details other than that maybe one had her hair tied up. They are the masterminds, it's implied somehow. They don't seem to care about my presence. The door to the kitchen is locked with some type of electronically controlled lock and some people want to get in here because a meteor is crashing soon and this is the safest place, even within the entirety of this bunker. There's a large window into the next room and there are random groupings of people through there. I remember interacting and talking with the two women but I'm not sure what any of us said.

      Then the meteor hits and some people outside the room get scared but nothing much happens other than some prolonged shaking.

      (recall gap)

      Outside with someone, implied to be after the meteor hit on the surface. I was here before at some point in the dream but it wasn't like this, everything looks kind of orange and wrecked now, debris and general mess everywhere. There are dead headcrabs? The person I'm with is cooking and eating them.


      Some other bit where I see a city like London (which layout I know vaguely) in some kind of overview and it's broken up by ravines and mountains. Someone wants a new map made to reflect all this or something and I or another dream character draw it on some kind of black sandy stuff with a stick or rod? The lines are a dark blood red.
    13. 31 Mar: High school friends, spirit attack, lucid explorations and meeting my teacher

      by , 03-31-2021 at 01:00 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At a high school, but I feel like just a visitor. Billie Eilish gave a concert there the previous day. Now I meet Claudia, the girl who kinda gave me the push to discover Billie, and I just realized she looks like her a lot and she even died her hair like her. She has a serious crush and I recall my own crush for Björk when I was her age. But I also like Billie and I have a song stuck in my mind and start singing it out loud. So Claudia joins me in it. She is also a singer, but like me, our paths took us different ways from a musical career and I think about how that is sad but also ok, because not everybody can be talented in the same way or doing the same thing.
      I then meet Zilla, Licas and other girlfriends from high school and they join us. We talk, we sing and we do something like an homage or invocation of someone who passed away. Then we go to the cafeteria and while we are snacking, the girls look at me scared, saying that my whole face his covered in red scars. I look in a mirror and I look like someone burned my face all around with a flaming iron. But I don't feel any pain. Then the girl to my side also shows the marks and the others freak out and try to distance themselves from us, suggesting we did something that caused that. But I am sure I didn't. Then I see the lines showing up also on their faces and someone suggests it is the spirit of the person we invoked, and that it means she never forgave us for some event in which she felt abandoned by us.
      We decide to leave and take a bus home, but as we go across the school I notice how strange it looks, like it is some medieval tavern inside a cave and I get lucid.
      I spot a slit on the cave ceiling through which sunlight shines in. I fly up and go through the slit, but I am taken to another cave, bigger, more open to the outside. It has a sandy beach inside and people having fun there. A dog jumped from a rock above and I worry that he got hurt as he fell in a zone with more rocks and not sand, but he gets up ok and the owners laugh and say he is fine. I fly higher up and enjoy the beauty of the rock formations. Then I get really outside and it is a canyon with really amazing shapes. Then I fly over a countryside landscape and I see all sorts of natural things but also crazy things, like 4 horses doing a tik tok dance, but mostly just beautiful landscape with mountains, small rural villages. And then I reach a barrier of clouds above me and when I go through it, there is nothing above, just the outer layers of the atmosphere and all of a sudden I feel scared with the idea of just floating in a totally empty space. So I go down. I land on a village and rub my hands to increase lucidity. I wonder what to do and I think about seeing my teacher. But when I do, I never get to see him. Still, I see a hotel and I go in to see if he's there. Someone does call my name but it is some old friend from Italy or France (not sure whom). He is gathered around a table with some people both in casual clothes but also some in navy and military uniforms. He asks me to join them. At the top of the table they have like a poster with a letter from the Queen of England, who is like their virtual guest of this lunch. They were invited and the food is all they can eat, paid by the Queen. I wonder what's the occasion, but I just say thanks and leave. Not my goal and I notice my strategy didn't work. So I go outside again, to rethink what to do, but lucidity fades and I wake up.

      I am at some kind of event on a tent. Some familiar faces sitting on yoga mats and cushions and also on seats disposes in an amphitheater to the back of the tent. I go outside for a bit of fresh air and give back a mat to a girl who borrowed me hers. I think it was Alicja. But some other girl comes to me a bit upset that I mixed the mats and that this one is hers instead. I apologize and as I talk to them I spot my teacher at the end of the road leading to the entrance of the tent. He is being inconspicuous and he is wearing a mask, but I spot him. I think he sees me too, but I pretend I haven't or that I didn't make a bit deal out of it. Then I lose sight of him. I go inside the tent again and the organizers are asking people to sit at some empty chairs at the top of the amphitheater area, to distribute people more homogeneously. Then I spot my teacher sitting there and some empty seats next to him. So I decide to go seat near him. I pass in front of him and sit two chairs away, because between us there is one guy. I only take a brief look, when passing in front of him and take a small bow to acknowledge his presence. Then I sit there quietly, sucking a lollipop. He also plays it cool, but once the whatever shows starts, he keeps making quick stares at me, so I also look once and we cross eyes and we just lose ourselves in it.
    14. ccxlv. Dark subterranean place, Deceptive Enterprise

      by , 03-31-2021 at 09:55 AM
      31st March 2021


      I am somewhere underground, dark. It's like BL but not quite. Someone has discovered a hack or made a mod that lets you directly access certain game stats. I become a lycan creature and find that I can easily mine through the rock in one hit with my claws.

      I look for and find gold ore which is also mined easily. I sometimes stumble into large and more open cavern systems. There seem to be bottomless pits in places and in the distance there is light sometimes, lava or something I think I assume.

      There's some recall of interacting with other people or characters and a big sequence about conversion (into an energy form) in some cathedral-like place that reminds me of a map I made a couple of years ago, but recall is mostly gone.

      (recall gap)

      Something about Picard getting into a confrontation with some aliens where the Enterprise is disguised as a vessel like what these aliens have. They don't trust him and they realise the deception. The captain makes some kind of plea in order to try and avoid them from going further towards human space but the aliens seem unwilling to compromise.

      Then something about the Enterprise and its crew needing to be offloaded somewhere while the ship is repaired. The captain is on Earth trying to find a suitable temporary location for a camp?

      - This fragment was from waking up in the middle of the night. I couldn't get back to sleep very easily, I think I was too hot. I did not recall any morning dreams.
      - When I woke up, I remember I was thinking about M/M stuff and a server I joined recently, but I'm not sure why. There was no link with the dreaming, that I can tell.
    15. 17 Feb: Turning away from a dark cave I remember from other dreams

      by , 02-17-2021 at 09:57 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am walking down a dirt road in a sunny and dry place, accompanied by other people. There is a rocky wall to our left and I spot a hole in it. I go check it out and find it is an entrance to a large cave. It feels very familiar and I recall I have been there before in other dreams, very dark dreams. I remember that as I progressed through chambers and underground levels, I encountered a really dark realm, horrible ghosts and monsters and a sense of despair pervading it all. Yet, I am pondering going in again. I feel an attraction to the idea of reliving those things. Then I wonder why I would want to go through that darkness, is it just for the thrill? I ultimately decide not to even step inside, because I know the power of that dark place is like a drug to me. I stay outside in the sun and breath calmly. The others ask me what it is about and I lead them away from it. I spot something else to which I bring their attention to. I see a funny sculpture installation, completely out of the blue, composed by a table, a chair, a lamp, a mic and smaller items with a very vintage look, all carved in rock. I sit there and pretend to be some character from the past making a radio broadcast or something. They are surprised and amused and wondering whom could have made it. Then we find a wallet with documents inside and apparently bank notes, except the notes are fake.
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