How 'bout those Chiefs?: I'm in a hotel room, hiding off to the side by the entrance. Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are in bed together 'celebrating' the Superbowl win. I'm stressed out that I'm going to get caught. I decide to come out from behind the wall and admit that I don't know how I got here. There is a tall, regal looking red alien in front of me. There is another off to my left. That one seems to be observing Taylor and Travis. The aliens are wearing robes, and have mostly human features, minus their elongated heads and red skin color. They would have fit in with Marvel's depictions of green and blue aliens from Guardians of the Galaxy. The alien near me says in a deep feminine voice "When you became lucid in your world, you came to our world." This triggers me to do a nose reality check. I become lucid...but the dream fades. ... I false awake and tell my girlfriend about the red aliens. I've lost lucidity. The Red Alien.
Updated 02-12-2024 at 08:11 PM by 99808
I met on online friend last night and went partying and clubbing with him and his friends, it was a wonderful evening and I had a great day, came home around 7 am and fell asleep almost immediately In my dream, I meet a random celebrity and get to join him on his "premiere tour" for the night, they go to random openings of locations and then sit at a table at the back of the venue for a while until the next one comes by. At some point they get the venue and tell me it's at the station called "pizza" I ask them if I should get on the underground on my way there but they telling me I should take the "Louvre tram" I then slowly wake up still tired, but rested enough to no longer sleep (hungover lol)
Two dreams First dream was about a friend of my theatre friend/spoken word artist from Amsterdam did a photoshoot with me. My friend knows her because they both major in Lobotomy at the university in Belgium My best friend and I get a DJ gig in Belgium. We show up at the gig and sit still the table with a guy claiming to be the son of Snoop Dogg, whom gives us a motivational speech while trying to get us to smoke weed, which we refuse. The venue had a rather depressing vibe as there took a homicide place the day prior. I can't recall how the dream ended but it was in Dutch with my best friend and Snoop Dogg's son speaking English. The second dream I can't recall the storyline but it was basically this Walmart esque building that contained thousands of chickens that escaped and started terrorising the city. That gave me a deja vu of some sort, I could swear there's a franchise with terrorising white chickens or something, in my dream it was treated like it was as big as the Minions franchise lol it was a cursed dream but if the "chicken franchise" doesn't exist I'll start it
Sunday morning, 12 March 2023. Dream #: 20,537-01. 2 minutes and 30 seconds to read. Somatosensory Foundation: This dream, originating from typical REM sleep dynamics, results in a narrative enforcing my somatosensory response (imagining purposeful tactility) and potential real-world hand mobility because of my current status of REM atonia, a causality factor for dreams in the fourth quarter of my sleep cycle. It is so specific the physiological pattern and timing match tens of thousands of previous dreaming experiences over nearly 60 years. The presence of ice has a double meaning here. Ice corresponds with my intuitive perception of REM atonia nuances (while ice melting anticipates achieving wakefulness and real-world mobility), while I also sometimes imagine ice when there is too much real-world heat while sleeping. The setting is a parking lot on Copeland Avenue in La Crosse (a city I have not lived in since 1994). It is late morning. My job is to scrape ice off the edge of an elevated curb. The ice is only on the vertex of the top edge of one side of the low-set platform. The vividness is astounding, beautiful, and peaceful. For about 20 minutes, I happily scrape all the ice off, feeling satisfied, but I wonder if any of it will form again before I receive my payment. More Correspondence with the Usual Sleep Dynamics: A parking lot is what I imagine, define, and create to enhance a mode of liminality, a specific level of dream state awareness. As in real-world correlation, it represents temporary immobility but with a potential transition from one place to another (here, from the dream state to viable wakefulness). This fundamental dream motif has remained a regular feature since early childhood, typically as the final scene of a sleep cycle. The concrete platform is about the size and height of a bed - with the vertex of the curb being the top edge of one side of the “concrete bed.” I sometimes shift a blanket remaining atop it, recognizing its role in my sleep navigation. Protoconsciousness Personified as a Celebrity: After I finish my work, I watch George C. Scott, the actor, approaching a nearby building (walking from the road). The building is farther from the avenue than I am. It seems to be his office for the management of a nearby warehouse. He sees me but does not mention my payment and enters the building. I am unconcerned about my payment or even if I receive it. I “walk with intent” to the road. However, George C. Scott comes out to give me a check when he sees I am leaving. Proto-Cognizant Staging: I look at the check and read its details as I walk. It is for 20 dollars. There is handwriting featuring “20 Copeland Avenue,” “La Crosse,” and “G. Scott” as a signature. I plan on asking Zsuzsanna if George C. Scott owns a business here. (Zsuzsanna has never been to America, as I often remind readers.) I am intrigued but consider it may have been someone who only looked like him. Inexplicable Transpersonal Link to Zsuzsanna: Zsuzsanna was awake and reading about Emmet Brown’s “Great Scott” exclamations. There was no way I could have known this other than a typical transpersonal link - which is how I learned she was a real-world person (on the other side of the planet from me long before we met in waking life). These links (NOT because of the dream state, as some people pretend - as dreams distort the link as they do everything else) regularly occur when one of us is awake and the other asleep. However, it also happens (with different dynamics) when we are both awake or asleep.
Updated 03-12-2023 at 09:16 AM by 1390
Morning of February 5, 2020. Wednesday. Dream #: 19,406-02. Optimized 2 minute read. I have a turntable set up in a featureless, unknown location as part of a large console to use commercial music sections in new mixes. I become annoyed because, although the music is playing through my headphones, it is also blaring through the speakers, and I do not want to annoy other people in the room. There may be a short or a loose jack. I stuff tissue paper in one input. The setting changes. I am in an unfamiliar library. Many other people are here. I now only have a turntable on the floor near a bookcase. Although I am still thinking about mixing music, I notice a group of interesting little books on a shelf. They remind me of the vintage Little Blue Books (Haldeman-Julius Publishing Company) I once had, but they seem to be a periodical as there are issue numbers on them, published each week since the 1900s. I read some of the content. On one back page, a couple of sentences are curiously at an angle, overlapping others. I can still read the content regarding 1930s women’s fashion. There are many pages featuring crafts. Two unfamiliar boys intend to sit down while they face the bookcase. They accidentally stumble onto my turntable. I shout at them after they fall and again when I see a crack in the middle of the tonearm. (It is flat and made of cream-colored plastic). I believe they should pay for a new tonearm. A bystander watches me. Arnold Schwarzenegger approaches. He commands me to stop yelling at the boys. I spontaneously punch him, and he goes flying backward, all the way to the other side of the library. He transforms into a shoddy black and blue plastic robot that seems like an oversized hollow toy, with limbs that are flat in profile and somewhat skeletal. It lands on its head near a bookcase. If you are knowledgeable about dreams, you know that arm swinging is a spontaneous physiological stimulus for emergence from REM atonia (physical immobility while sleeping). Protoconsciousness (here as Arnold Schwarzenegger) induces this response. There is a correlation with the cracked “tonearm,” cleverly directing me to gain muscle tonality and arm mobility for waking. My dream’s cerebral phasing stage (seeking and reading text) included vestibular phasing ambiguity (the illogical angles of the superimposed sentences revealing a conflict between my imaginary vertical orientation in my dream and my body’s horizontal position while sleeping). Arnold Schwarzenegger becomes an unrealistic robot as in 1984’s movie “The Terminator.” Movie influence is often predominant in my dreams more than associations with real life. Protoconsciousness often personifies as either a celebrity or an unfamiliar person to block associations with waking life from a personal level. The robot’s infeasibility correlates with REM atonia. (Dolls or statues are other indicators of this type of metacognitive awareness.) The robot’s colors are an incidental correlation with the phrase “beaten black and blue.” Stuffing tissue paper into one input correlates with putting tissue paper in one’s ear to block sound while sleeping.
I meet Davie504 on the upper level in Det Röda Huset. I talk to him and wonder why he is here. He says that he was traveling to Germany (?) but got my letter and decided to go here on the way. We talk and decide to jam some music. I now sit in the TV room upstairs in our home and Davie sit in my room. He plays the guitar (lol) and I play the base. He plays some kind of chord progression and I play the A-minor pentatonic scale. Notes: I haven't seen Davie in a long time. This is the first time my music playing felt realistic in a dream.
Morning of August 10, 2020. Monday. Dream #: 19,593-02. Reading time: 2 min 50 sec. While comfortably re-entering light sleep by choice, I summon my favorite scene - a light rain in an urban neighborhood. It is in the late morning. As I float into the extraordinarily vivid setting, flying slowly about four feet above the street, I choose to remain incorporeal, without summoning and integrating imaginary physicality. Even so, imaginary kinaesthesia becomes a factor of my navigation through the fictitious environment. I indulge in the astounding detail and beauty of raindrops falling into puddles. Eventually, there is an incidental recall that Zsuzsanna and I had briefly discussed the Netflix series “The Rain” last night while scrolling through the content. (We had only seen the first episode weeks ago.) Two people (implied to be from the series) walk into the previously unpopulated setting, strolling off to my left, eventually no longer in view. I consider whether my dream will amalgamate the backstory of the series in implying the rain is dangerous. American actor Jack Albertson (June 16, 1907-November 25, 1981) is lying on his left side on the ground (concurrent with my sleeping position). He is inside a fenced area not much longer than his height, the top of his head directed to the sidewalk. The fenced area is otherwise for either recyclables or junk from the adjacent service station. I wonder if sleeping in the rain will be problematic for him during my distracted association with “The Rain.” His eyes roll up with his visage like Elise Rainier’s from “Insidious: The Last Key” Zsuzsanna and I watched last night. Soon, the young Elise Rainier forms from droplets of rain flowing over a tree and hovers in the air about three feet from the sidewalk (typical reinduction as the Naiad factor common since childhood) and vocalizes the melody (with only tenuto “oo” sounds) of Jim Reeve’s “The Blizzard.” (My dream self does not make the association with that song or its implications during my dream.) This factor stabilizes the original peaceful essence of the dream state. Even so, after about fifteen minutes, cerebral nuances begin to activate wakefulness, resulting in text of various colors appearing on the street in paint and chalk. (Despite the rain, it does not wash away.) I float over an area where the word “leveling” features in white paint. I focus more on my usual seeking of text in this mode, but nothing relevant is in my view after this. I see what I first think might be a word, but it transforms into a series (about five of them) of the letter “i.” I see the character “o” in a set of three. Probably every letter of the English alphabet, in various colors, features at varying angles to each other on the street’s surface. Notes on this dream’s no-brainer causality: The essence of water (both summoned and spontaneous) begins the majority of my dreaming experiences in this mode as virtual melatonin. The Naiad factor is the pineal gland personification but also has mystical implications with the so-called third eye (as well as the Eye of Providence). Note the incidental play on “Elise Rainier” as “release rain” (“produce more melatonin to sustain my dream”). “Leveling” is concurrent with the transition from the imaginary kinaesthesia of floating into legitimate physicality without myoclonus. (There is probably an association of the balance between serotonin and melatonin). Jack Albertson’s role as this dream’s sleep simulacrum ties with several threads of dream state causality. Firstly, he remains in bed in the first scenes of “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.” Secondly, that association was recalled from me posting an image of Willie Talk (a ventriloquist dummy) on Twitter yesterday, a doll being the signification of the absence of mental and physical viability while sleeping. Thirdly, his visage is as Elise Rainier’s in a trance (yet another play on sleeping and dreaming). Fourthly, the fenced area signifies both the virtual division between dream space and the threshold of wakefulness and, in this case, is also indicative of how the physical body is restricted in its movement while sleeping. Everything in this dream stems from the same causation factors as the tens of thousands of other dreaming experiences I have studied and resolved daily for over 50 years. Even so, the uniqueness each time is surprisingly admirable.
Morning December 7, 2017. Thursday. With water induction, I find myself walking over a walkway made up of boards of various lengths. It is also implied to be a road (or low-set bridge) for cars (though only one passes from the opposite direction at times to where I move out of the way a short distance), over water (either the ocean or a large lake), though I remain unsure of the location. Walking with me to my immediate left is an unknown male in his late twenties. He reminds me of an otherwise younger John Leguizamo (though I seem to be much younger as well). “Be careful, it’s a pigeon,” he tells me. A mostly black pigeon walks across the walkway, perpendicular to us, and from my left to my right. John’s spoken statement causes me to become a bit more aware, but I do not understand the relevance. Looking at him, his face seems to remain frozen, with an annoying grin. “Is it now?” I say, but he does not respond. I am trying to grasp the situation when I realize that it has something to do with “not letting a pigeon cross your path”, though this is otherwise distorted from the nonsensical “black cat” superstition. Looking at him again, his face is in a different annoying expression, also somewhat like a grin. I decide to “not let the pigeon cross my path” by turning right and following the pigeon, as it had apparently stopped and is walking slowly. Still, this will lead me off the side of the walkway if I continue. Instead, I find myself walking on my bed. There is a strange falling sensation as if my body was not fully perceived. I am concerned that I fell atop Zsuzsanna, but this is only a false awakening. Decoding template follows: Dream type and explanation: This dream uses “return flight waking symbolism”, which is created when the physicality of the conscious self identity is ambiguously perceived prior to the RAS (reticular activating system) neural gating that regulates the sleep-wake transition. Consequently, the dream self identity subliminally anticipates falling, rising, sustained flight, or other illusory movement based on the misperception of the vestibular system’s equilibrium dynamics.Dream state induction type: Water (most common, at least once per sleeping period).Dream state indicators: The bed (in the false awakening).Liminal space symbol: The walkway over the water and the false awakening setting.Preconscious factor: John Leguizamo.Liminal space cessation trigger: Contemplating illusory nonsense while in the dream state itself (yet not realizing it).Flight symbol to dream exit point (symbolic waking transition): The pigeon as “returning” me to my bed, symbolized in my dream by the false awakening. (Typically, the preconscious points out this dream feature as such, which here, I become annoyed at, probably out of liminal dream state awareness in not wanting to wake yet.)Liminal dream control seems to be a partial element, evidenced by my “freezing” (and sustaining) of the preconscious and implementing my own focus of choice, even though it otherwise manifests my false awakening into the offset dream.“And they try to pigeon hole in you in hollywouldnt but dont u let them!” - John Leguizamo.
Updated 05-05-2018 at 10:48 AM by 1390
Date of Dream: SUN 3 APR - 2016 Dream No. 74 - Accusations Ahoy I'm only writing the segments of this dream that I can remember... So, let's begin! To start off with, Taylor Henderson was bound to perform on stage somewhere with a group of 4 or 5 other girls. So they did their thing but when they finished, there was a fairly large riot and people who claimed to be the police were also involved. Now almost everyone was fighting and arguing, all except for me who was trying to break up fights between couples and small groups, and Taylor who was just standing there, looking quite scared and unsure of what he had done and if he had done anything at all. One of the police approached Taylor and and actually accused him for being involved in a crime with the girls he performed with. When Taylor left to go somewhere, I approached the policewoman who had also told Taylor of my supposed crime, saying “and look at the girl over there”, pointing to me, “she's also guilty of something”. I had a piece to say to her! I said, “Excuse me, but you don't do that alright?” and as I was saying that, I noticed Taylor watching from within the fighting crowd. I then continued, “Just look at all these people, and you make accusations of the ones who are innocent. They're all at fault but Taylor and I did absolutely nothing. You look at yourself twice!” and I think that was enough to make the policewoman shush up. Later on, in the same location, there was one row of seats facing another row of seats. On one side was Taylor, his mate and then his “girlfriend” who was actually light blonde in the dream. Then in the other row, slightly diagonal but more on Taylor's end was me and then a few seats away from me, there was the police woman but she did not move or speak... It's like she was zoned out or a not a “significant figure” anymore. I looked over at Taylor's side, noticing that they were paying no attention as though this side of the chairs was not there, so I say to myself, “I hope it's not true that he thinks I cease to exist”. Just then, they all get up and move to my side with the girl, then the mate and then Taylor sitting next to me. Just then, Taylor turns to me and says, “I'm really proud of you”, as he spreads his arms out to give me a massive hug and I'm not joking when I say massive. It's like he pulled me really quickly towards him that my left shoulder went up against his chest with quite an impact (but it was a soft landing). His chest was quite “hollow”, as if someone had dug a trench through the middle of it but this made it so my shoulder and that part of him locked in perfectly. Then just as I start to “relax” and almost actually fall asleep in the dream while he's still holding me, I bloomin' wake up! Much to my disgust and disappointment...
This dream was very creativity oriented. Felicia Day was visiting at a house/apartment where Peg and I lived. I asked her if she could recommend any good new video games to play. I mentioned that Peg was becoming bored with World of Warcraft. Felicia answered, “Oh anything.” Which I did not find helpful and which made me feel less connected with her, like she was aloof. The three of us were sitting on a big white couch watching something on TV. I was sitting in the middle. At one point Felicia re-positioned herself so that her head was resting on my knee. This made me feel more connected with her. But I was concerned that Peg would thing she was being overly familiar with her husband. Felicia shared that she had been feeling creatively blocked. I suggested that she tear up slips of paper, write down names of things on half of them and musical styles on the other half. Then pick one slip randomly from each half. This would produce results like ketchup and reggae. Then she should go and make herself write a song about ketchup in a reggae style. I think she liked the idea. I started considering using the idea myself. Then I was experimenting with art techniques like using static electricity to create patterns of strands of hair or fabric on a canvas. And I was walking through an art gallery where the paintings were large soft pastel-ish caricatures of rock musicians and I was thinking about doing a painting in a similar style.
Baby Kennel: I go visit my niece in the hospital. Incubators with malformed and sick babies line the halls. The incubators are stacked three high. Some of the babies wake and stare at me. I should acknowledge them all but if I do I will never get to visit my niece. Perhaps on the way out I will talk with the babies. I get to my niece and my sister tells us the hospital has changed to a sick baby kennel. Unplugged: Noise in my basement leads me down to it. The lights won’t come on. The whole basement is pitch black except for a single beam of light shining through the window onto a very old Kurt Cobain. He sits wearily in the old armchair. I ask why he is in my basement and he answers with songs from the unplugged album. I sit and sing with him. Fat Gibson: At a gala and people gather around a celebrity. It's Mel Gibson. He is very fat, his belly literally looks as if a giant beach ball is stuffed inside it. The shirt has jumbled flags, stars, and stripes all over it. He acts like a pig. Star Search: I spend too much time with my telescope trying to find an elusive comet in a night sky overly packed with stars. Dreams for Sept 21st 7 hours sleep
Updated 09-22-2016 at 01:55 PM by 91601 (add date (dreams actually fr day before))
D1: Non-lucid- I was granted access to the Ellen Degeneres set & became friends from her. She showed me around in the building into secret hangout places & into a hidden parking garage. We hung out for quite a while but there was nothing remarkable about it. D2: Non-lucid- I was hanging out with Steve Moses from season 17 of Big Brother. I don't remember much of the detail but we watched him sitting on the block waiting to see if he was going to be voted out, lol. I have no idea what either of these dreams even mean. Non-Lucid-Green Lucid-Red Side Notes-Purple Astral Projection/AP-Brown
It has been around 4 weeks since my last LD. I sleep much deeper than before now that winter has started, so it is getting harder for me to DILD. I woke up at 7:45 am and felt more awake than any other day at that time, but decided to sleep more before getting ready for work. The alarm woke me up at 9 am after a long LD , so I think I had my REM in less than an hour. I was in the middle of some weird dream about schools and so. I dunno why I always dream of school and people from school although college is a closer memory. Anyway, I was going down some stairs with a school friend to do something that I can't recall now, and suddenly I realized that this all not real and I'm dreaming. I love when I realize it like that without reality checks. I just notice sometimes that things are unrealistic, but that doesn't happen as often as I'd like of course. As the last LD, I was moving fast between rooms trying many things, and when I do that I usually don't remember most of the dream. Maybe I should focus next time on a few things that I can recall later. I recall failing at flying as usual . I also tried to make the things I was carrying fly behind me, but that didn't work so well. Then I tried to run fast as a boost, and I got in the sky for a moment then ended up somewhere else on a floor like I teleported but against my will . I tried to summon a celebrity behind a door and that actually worked, and I interacted with him for some time then he disappeared. I tried to summon someone I knew in the past, but I got other DCs instead of him. They were standing in a queue for me to check them , and they all looked the same, but not him, Maybe I didn't want it enough. I was just messing around. For the first time, I shouted my requests in the dream. I think I read that here in the forum. I shouted that I wanted to stay more, when the dream seemed to fade, and it worked . I also shouted some things I wanted. Some worked, and some didn't. I remember telling a dream character that we are in a dream, and he was shocked and his reaction was loud so others overheard, and they were in shock too. I left them and moved on though. It was the first time I tell DCs the harsh truth that they only live in my mind. There is one thing that bugs me. When I have a long LD, and I try to remember later the decisions I made there, I can see that my memory of my real life there is good, and I usually try things that I read about or thought about when I'm awake, but I don't recall my thought process, so sometimes I don't know why I did some of the things I did. Like now I don't remember why I chose this celebrity and not another. It was Kenny Taylor btw . He guest stars in some show I am watching currently and I just saw him the night before, so maybe that's why, but the thing is I don't remember how I reached that decision in the dream.
Updated 01-03-2016 at 10:58 PM by 63687
I'm in the back yard of a house, it's a summer night, I think it is midsummer's eve. The sky is a slight purple, very gentle. There are some tables, chairs, made out of wood. I see that is held by a couple but I'm not sure of the pronouns I'm supposed to use with them, I don't want to offend them or make them feel uncomfortable. I try to find ways to not have to drink during the party, trying to talk a lot. I take a train and make it to a train station. There are a lot of inspectors, good thing I have a ticket. It is now the toward the evening of a winter day, the sun is about to set, getting darker. There is a lot of people around, there must be some kind of celebration, like Mayday. I walk around trying to avoid all the drunken people. I go up the escalator into the station. I pass an old couple, man and a woman. The woman falls over, as if having an episode. As she hits the ground she turns into a postcard on the ground. I'm alarmed and go up to the card, the man has disappeared. I try to call the emergency services. The voice on the line tells me that because of the festivities they are unable to send anyone but there should be police at the station to get assistance from. Before she hangs up she asks if I am foreign and I try to keep it light and laugh saying I am. She says she just wanted to know. I pick up the grandma/postcard gently into my hand and try to find a police officer. I see a female officer but as I try to get to her I lose her in the crowd. I walk and walk trying to find anyone, how can they all have just disappeared? I end up having to walk almost to the center of the city until I find a group of officers talking to a group of teens. I try to explain the situation, the postcard/grandma in hand. The officer looks apprehensive. a teen comes up and messes with with, calling me all sorts of names. I try to stay strong and stare him down. I walk down into the metro tunnels. I'm on the second floor, I can see the large square down below. Beyond a railing I see stairs that look like they are going down. I go up to them and see that the stairs end in a sheer drop to the ground, I start to get a sense of vertigo. I see a guy sitting on the stairs casually, why isn't he scared? Children, little ones, come over the railing to play on the stairs. I'm really concerned, what if they fall off? I don't know what to do, I try to tell them to be careful and to shoo them to the safety beyond the rail but I don't want to shoo them too much in case they fall down. They play and slowly move toward the railing. I try to make it very slowly to the platform. I see a guy who is hanging out on the stairs. He speaks in an American accent and says he's in the Marines. I try to be really friendly and talk to him with ease. I get over the railing and onto the second floor platform. As we walk I see a really small guy, like a little over a foot tall. He's Wayne Knight, the actor. I have to stop and say "hi" to him. As the Marine and I walk away I say that it must be weird for celebrities, people know them but they don't know who anyone is. I walk down with the Marine until we reach a hallway that looks like it belongs to an old building, grey light comes from the windows to the right. I see a really tall guy, like Big Show the wrestler but he is really skinny and has long blonde hair. I say "hi" to him as well and tell him we're going to my friend's place. He knows my friend and wants to walk with us. We walk about a minute and we are in the hallway of my friend's apartment. I'm amazed, I thought the trip by foot would take an hour and we did it all in a hallway! We go up the stairs and skinny Big Show wants to come along, hope my friend doesn't mind, it's pretty early in the morning. We go to my friend's place. It is small, like a cabin of a cruise ship, no windows. It feels like there is a party going on, some people are also in the cabin. I see an ad for a Pepsi rave in a club, apparently it's a big deal and a lot of fun. I recall going to one years ago, didn't think it was too special. Must have gotten bigger with time. We go up stairs to the roof. It's dark and marvelous, the lights of the city light up the sky gently, there is some kind of magic in the air that I sometimes feel during Friday night. We go back inside and as we go into the fall and through a door to the stairs a woman comes up and loudly complains that we can't drink in the corridor. She hands me a little Chick tract kind of comic outlining this point. I snap back saying that we are not. I ask why she has such a rotten attitude? She should calm down, jees. We go back into the cabin/apartment and I tell the others of how nasty the woman was.
Dream 1: X-Files Taped on VHS The first episode of the new season of X-Files is on. I try to get to the living room of the old apartment from my childhood but I'm somehow stuck in my old bunk bed. It's dark outside. I'm missing it! Somehow I get up and I see that my mom is watching it on VHS, she taped it. I see the episode, it's in amazingly high quality, no distortion to speak of. I look at the VHS player, it's pretty new. That must be the reason. Mulder by the edge of a forest at night. I try to rewind it to the beginning but my mom says she wants to watch it to the end since she started. Using the rewind and fast forward features are hard. It goes back but then forward all of a sudden. It starts to speed forward out of control, what am I going to do? I try to stop it but it stops in a stomach-lurching crash, that sounded like it wasn't good for the tape. Now I can see distortions in the tape as it plays back. Now since I've seen the whole video is rewind it's like I've seen the episode and there are no surprises anymore. Dream 2: Dinosaurs on the Loose in Jurassic Park I'm in Jurassic park, it's been renewed and looks new like in the Jurassic World movies. I'm in an area that looks like a modern airport terminal, lots of windows. Outside where one would usually see the tarmac of the runway there is thick jungle, the sky is dark like a storm is brewing. There seems to be some problem, an emergency and staff try to cram people out into a safer area. There is however a group of rich tourists who refuse to move, having paid a great deal to get to the park. A fat tourist guide like Dennis Nedry sides with the rich tourists and tries to come up with a tour on the spot. As they start to get together to move I see dinosaurs outside are getting agitated, the sky is getting darker than it was, lighting is striking making the dinosaurs even more upset. Nedry says that usually they let tourists take pictures during thunderstorms, the pictures are way more impressive. He can't give an answer as to why the rest of the staff doesn't want them to now. The dinosaurs rush the terminal. Pandemonium breaks out. People are running around, dinosaurs are running down the halls. I first try to run to one end of the terminal but Nedry yells that there's a T-Rex there. I run in the opposite direction. I see large dinosaurs running down the hall that looks like the malls that can be found in many airports. Some of the dinosaurs are still skeletons, running down with massive amounts of energy. Where am I going to go? I run into the women's bathroom, I hope no one is in there. It's a cramped toilet, my head almost hits the ceiling and my shoulders scrape on the metal walls of the stalls. I run into one stall to hide, maybe I'll be safe here. I try to duck down so women who enter the bathroom won't see I'm here. I see Jerry Seinfeld in the stall in front of mine, the walls of the stalls are so low I can see over them. Another guy enters, I wasn't the only one to have this idea. The bathroom is so claustrophobic and cramped I begin thinking that being outside is the better option. I'm in a dark room, trying to remember a dream. I start writing it into my journal?! Dream 3: Performing with Friends I'm in a small venue, it's dark and windowless like a basement. I'm going to perform with two of my friends. There are a lot of bands lined up to play before and after us. I talk to a woman about getting her bass amp working. It's a "virtual" amp and can be used as a program or as a holographic projection, I pull the amp out of thin air. (???) After some talk with my friend about what we are going to play and talking to some of the patrons we get up on stage. We start to play and it's going really well, really getting into the vibe of it, we get a a good beat going. I play a solo that goes really well, but gets a little crummy to the end. After the first song I realize my guitar isn't plugged in. I try to put it into the amp behind me. As I try to play there is some kind of distortion like a song is playing in the amp that isn't in synch with the song we are playing. Is is radio distortion. I see on the face of the amp that a video image is playing like a TV, how do I turn this off? I ask my friend who is in front of me and we try to pluig my guitar into the other amp. It also is playing the same TV program on the face of the amp, two people walking in a yellow field on a grey day like a documentary on rural life in the UK. After our set I see that one band made of girls has drawn little cute female characters in colored pencil on paper, it's on the table. Someone submerges the paper into water for the effect of the characters swimming in the water, they shine. This angers the band, the drawing is ruined. I think it looks pretty cool. Dream 4: Eating Canned People I'm a a friend's place. She is there with her husband and oldest son. I'm playing withe kid as the two of them are sitting on the sofa by the window of the balcony. (not its usual place). She talks to me about the stuff I'm learning, maintenance and fixing things. She and her husband start fighting when he mentions that learning to fix things is useless since everything breaks at some point anyway. I try to remove some of the pressure of the argument by saying that it's precisely that things break that I want to learn how to fix them. Despite this, my friend is still angry with him. On a sofa across from them, I take out a small can that has a person inside. It looks like a sardine can and I ask their son if he's interested in trying some. The person is small and smooshed into the can, the head and face take a lot of room, and the face is all messed up. I pull out a piece, and despite my trepidation about eating something I've never tried, I try the piece I tore off, just to show a good example to the kid. It's always good to try new things. He looks nervous but takes a piece anyway. I begin to wonder, isn't cannibalism taboo? I go outside to check on my motorbike, it's cold, dark and snow is on the ground. It looks like where my grandparents lived up north. The bike was my grandfather's from the war. When I get to it I see it has been stripped for parts, the motor stolen. The saddle, like a bicycle's, is balanced on the top of the frame. I'm really angry and sad, how did this happen? It wasn't out for a very long time. How am I going to break the news to my grandfather, I'm sure I locked it. I'm about to go inside but I'm scared to break the news to him. I pace outside, now I can't even leave this place, that bike was my only way out of here. I'm really upset about the whole thing. I wake up feeling some relief.