non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP School trip to a poor school beyond a wasteland we have to cross by train. We are welcomed with music but the other students don't look happy at all, more like insulted. There's some music from The Queen and I start lightening the mood by singing and cĺimbing the stairs dancing and mingling with the kids. We go to a room where we sit around a table and watch a presentation. Joanna Lumley is there, she is like a patron. She has being doing a vlog for charity towards these kids and we are supposed to replace her doing those videos. Or someone is. They chose me. I have to make one improv video as a test. I do a makeup tutorial, which is a total flop, but as I do it, I feel like I have a second body from which I watch myself failing and from there I make a funny video making fun of myself. To the other people it just looks like I suffer from dissociative identity disorder. Something during a storm in a chalet on a mountain and police cars coming. There is Sandra Bullock and someone throws away some papers. We hide her in a room. She is taking anti-depressants and medication to fight alcoholism. But we stand with her. We accept one detective in to explain what they want and they want to arrest her. We think she was set up. We kick him out and I help her prepare an escape to prove her innocence. I go get all the papers from the trash because turns out they are important.