non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I live in a community within a sheltered complex with many layers or levels inwards. We can go outside but we have to be careful coming back to not reveal our entrances and entrance codes. I go out for the 1st time and without permission, by sneaking out after some group. Inside the door there is a poster with the pin number to come back in and I have to memorize it. The outside is just a normal city alley. I get in trouble soon after when I encounter a group of dudes who seem to be up to no good. I try to shake them off, but they keep following me, so as soon as I can, I try to go back into the complex. But somehow they saw me putting the pin code and they manage to come inside. The first tier of the complex is just a giant warehouse organized as a maze and I manage to escape them as I know the place better. But they also seem to know too much, so I try to reach the authorities to warn about the intruders. I learn they aren't the first ones. There has been some attacks and intrusions from the outside and seems like there are people from within helping out and we are about to go into war. They want to recruit me to fly a drone, but the process is too scary. They basically plug in our brains to an AI drone. It makes no sense to me as the AI is making all the decisions any way and the pilots just look like zombies. They say if the drone is shot down the pilot isn't even aware of anything. I don't get it. So I run away from that to and join a rebel group within this world that lives on top of a hill with trees and a whole natural life. Some drone crashes into their territory or so I thought. Turns out it really just landed in there and it brings weapons. Basically this group is also being called to join the fight. Then I meet some really underground rebels and join them. But I am a bit suspicious of their methods. They take me along to some mission at an official governmental building full of people who are there to work out some bureaucracies. Riverstone is there. My "friends" disappear for a while and when they come back they put on some masks and tell me we need to go. I know what they just did, so I say no. They leave me behind and block the exit door. I warn people that there is a chemical weapon about to blow up and immediately something blows up in smoke. Riverstone panics and I ask him to look around for heavy objects we might use to break the door or a window. He tries a vase to break a window, doesn't work, he inhales some gas and starts collapsing. I see a secondary door in some nook where the smoke hasn't reached yet and I grab a fire extinguisher and strike it down until I break the lock. It leads to a hallway with open access to a garden with a lake. I go back and call everybody to this door and tell them to help the ones who already lost conscience and are laying on the ground. After some effort, there were no casualties, but people are very tired and in shock. A couple persons offer me some cookies as a gesture of appreciation for my help and I find them delicious.