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    1. The chess slave

      by , 10-11-2024 at 06:35 PM
      I had a dream where I was being held captive under a contract by a very large and powerful company. The contract specified that I was forced to play chess against a very powerful opponent, until I beat him. I'm around 500 elo and the opponent was roughly around GM level. This took place in a large nature/grass area, with a nearby stream, that I know from real life. The chess games were played on a computer and were streamed live and with millions of people watching, and there were what seemed to be roughly a million people standing around me as well, spectating.

      As the days blended together, I kept losing time and time again. I had access to the stream chat, and I sometimes typed in there, but nobody in chat noticed it was me. I was world famous, but I was essentially a slave to the company as I couldn't leave. One night, I tried to escape at dark, but the security, consisting of around 20 people, ended up catching me, bringing me back and forcing me to continue playing chess for my freedom.

      Days passed and i slowly went mad with rage. It started out with me slapping papers in random peoples faces as i tried to vent my anger onto others. It eventually got to the point where I would target my aggression on the guy managing the whole chess event; I spat on him and threw water in his face.
      My mental state declined exponentially. I became more ruthless and violent. At some point I gouged some guys eyes out from rage, but nobody could do anything to me as I was under the protection of the company since I was making them tons of money. Essentially everyone around me became the victim of my anger driven torture schemes.

      On a early autumn morning at around 5 AM: I beat him. I was barely paying attention, but I saw the checkmate pop-up on my screen as my heart rate increased rapidly. I checked the stream views and they went from around 16 million to 600 million+ viewers. I earned my freedom.
      But I felt that I had to handle the situation properly. As I was a big asset to the company, I knew they wouldn't let go of me, so I went to ask the manager to see my contract without letting him know I won (I for some reason didn't think any staff was watching since it was early in the morning). I asked to see the contract so I could check for loopholes and have a raw copy in case they tried changing the contract in an attempt to prevent my freedom.
      As I asked for the contract, the manager ignored me and by then I knew it was too late. They must have already done something to the contract and I knew I was never gonna be freed. I cracked.

      I took out a knife and stabbed the managers stomach, cutting him open like I was gutting freshly caught prey. He was still alive and screaming in pain, I cut off his ears and eventually his genitalia. At this point around ten people were desperately trying to pull me off of him, and as they tried to subdue me I ended up slashing some guys eye with the knife.
      I had become fully insane, with my only goal being to hurt as many people as possible. Nothing mattered more to me as I became a fucking torture machine, desperately trying to cause harm people.
      Then i woke up.

      Please comment your thoughts!

      Updated 11-15-2024 at 04:05 PM by 102033

    2. Aimless Lucid Dream and other things

      by , 09-01-2022 at 04:49 PM
      Bug Infestation turned Lucid Dream
      I was in the kitchen of my home, but it more closely resembled the kitchen of my Grandma's old house. I was by the dogfood container and I was going to feed my dog when I noticed a flat, round glass object on the ground that was completely covered in small bugs, it was either baby spiders or tiny brown ants. I jumped back and went to get bug spray, when I saw across the kitchen, through my open sliding glass door into my room was a lifted up carpet, and tons of baby spiders were crawling about, there were a few baby roaches and even a large grasshopper, too.
      I've been having quite a few bug infestation dreams, so I actually made it a dreamsign, so while in awe of the sheer amount of bugs I immediately did a reality check by plugging my nose, and was pleasantly surprised when I still managed to breathe through my plugged nose. I used my lucidity to expel all of the bugs, and then there was a bit of a dream reset or something, I don't know, but I was suddenly on my bed in my room. My room, however, was stripped down to the bare essentials. There was my bed, but of a smaller size and rotated 90 degrees and now perpendicular to the wall with gray-blue covers, and in the corner across from it a small desk with my computer desktop, however where there were once three monitors there was now only one. Also rotated 90 degrees, now facing the wall. I began walking around my room in circles, the walls were a light gray and a soft light illuminated the room. Judging by my room primarily being lit by the light, I assume it was very early morning outside and the sun had not yet risen or completely risen. I was mainly focusing on trying to either add more detail to the setting or imagine a new one entirely, but since it's been a while since I lucid dreamed nothing really happened. I decided I would go flying around, so I flew around in an empty yet well lit void til I eventually lost lucidity.

      Invisible car dream
      I was at my dad's old house, the one I grew up in. It was night time and I wanted to go out to get a bite to eat, but my car wasn't out there, so I was waiting for my sister or whoever had it to come back. It was night time and the street and part of the yard was well illuminated by a bright, orange street light. There was no porch light however so it was fairly dark, but my brother was on the porch playing online chess. Despite there being a monitor it was still pretty dark. He was in some kind of chess tournament. We talked but I don't remember any dialogue aside from him telling me that he used my car, but he left it in "invisible mode". He told me you could see the reflections of the car. I looked out to the street and I could vaguely make out the top of a large, box-like shape due to the streetlight reflecting off of moisture on it. Apparently my car was now a UPS truck. I can't recall anything else from that dream.

      Dad's New Dog
      Once again I'm living with my dad at our old house. This time it's early morning. The sun is just rising, it's cool and humid out, and I can still feel the wetness from the dew on the grass. I walked around to the back of the house and saw my dad up on a ladder, and then an american bulldog with brown spots came running up to me. He was huffing heavily but mostly friendly. My dad said he got us a new dog. The dog kept following me very close behind and nudging me with his snout. I then walked back towards the front of the house and now it was completely different. Instead of grass, there was a cobblestone walkway. There was a bit of a roof overhang with pillars holding it up, and the house had an off-white, stone grainy texture and a red clay roof tiles. There was some woman with two kids that I "knew" and I was now worried that the dog might jump on them or even hurt them, so I kind of kept him back while they went inside the house.

      Dream Fragments
      I remember being on the corner of my dad's old property once again, outside the fence on the dirt road. I was behind a few trees and I remember a truck coming down the road. It was beginning to rain. In fact, it was raining super hard. I think the guy in the truck told me I better try to get inside. I remember floating up to the top of the tree and I think I tried to fly to the inside of the house.

      Another fragment had me inside of a house that I didn't recognize. It was pretty comfy though. Lit entirely by natural light from outside, it was a bit dim because of the rain. The furniture was a grayish color. There was a thin but long living room that connected to a dining room and kitchen with a bar. I think I was waiting for someone and I was home alone.

      I was in my room waiting for my sister to get back. I think she was bringing chocolate milkshakes.
    3. Best Chess Lesson Ever

      by , 05-25-2022 at 03:47 AM (Night Vision)
      I’ve gone to a school building to hold a chess club meeting there. It’s dark, like an early winter morning before school hours, and it’s drizzling out. The layout of the building is reminiscent of the second high school I attended. I realize I’ve left my equipment in the car, but I still have plenty of time to get it and set up before students start arriving.

      I’m still setting up when Coach A arrives. (He taught math there, as well as coaching track and cross country.) He’s apparently going to be here for the lesson today. The students start arriving as well, but I still haven’t got my board up. Looking around the room, I notice that I also seem to have brought my bouzouki along, in its hard case, as well as a Jolly Roger on a short staff (which, in retrospect, was maybe the first sign that things were about to get a little weird).

      I hang my board in the front of the room, but some students say they could see it better in the back, so I move it there instead and begin the lesson. I start with ladder checkmates, asking whether anyone is already familiar with them. Some are. I continue, but Coach A comes in with an explanation of his own which seems to be a bit of a digression. I’m not really happy about his presence, but he does work here, so I just have to work with the situation.

      In what follows, I give a version of the lesson which is recognizable, though a bit twisted in places, explaining how the rooks work together to trap the opponent’s king on one side of the board – I recall comparing the rooks to clumps of dough around the king when the checkmate has been accomplished. I’m aware that this seems to be taking an unusually long time, and most of the students who would really benefit from it aren’t here today, and at this rate I don’t know if I’ll have time for the rook and king checkmate, too.

      I then proceed to explain the checkmate again, in a different way, by launching into a long, elaborate story about a man who is walking along the street one day, minding his own business, when he finds himself closed in by an impassable wall. He tries to escape, but he is already trapped, and the walls keep getting closer and closer without there being anything he can do about it. The visual aspect of the dream is now the story’s events rather than the classroom. I can’t remember many of the details now but you can probably get a good idea of what it was like by watching a video on ladder checkmates and then reading Kafka’s The Trial.

    4. Bar Chess Night

      by , 09-18-2018 at 05:57 PM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm in my bed sleeping at my parents' house. My mom comes in, and wants to know if I want to call my brother in right now to have a talk before I have to go. It's the middle of the night, but I say sure and she goes to get him. I'm out of bed when she comes back with him and an assortment of chairs is arranged in a circle around my room with other people now sitting in them. I take a chair across from him and Mom tells me I can start. I begin telling him about his attitude and actions that he's taken and how if he could see what he was doing, he would be embarrassed. He chooses to ignore me though so I walk away. I find myself in a dark room with a girl I know and someone else. Although I can barely see anything, I become aware that I'm dreaming. I immediately go for the finger push reality check and it works, but the room is dark, and without many senses engaged, I soon lose lucidity. I emerge in a new place walking into a bar of sorts. I see a group of friends who want to play a game with me. I think it's either pool or beer pong. Before I go play with them, I see a few people setting up a chess board. The pieces are fairly large, but are laid out strangely. I question this for a while until rationalizing that the pieces are laid out in the other orientation than I first thought. Looking back at the board, it now looks fine. There are some missing pieces though, 3 pawns, and I look for them. Next to the board is a box of heavy whipping cream and inside, I can see all three pawns covered in it. I slowly take them out with the guy next to me helping to clean them off. He has a very heavy English accent making it difficult to understand what he's saying.
    5. #40: Stations / Sales

      by , 11-26-2015 at 09:55 AM
      It's daytime and I'm sitting in a train. I'm on my way to my hometown. The train stops at a train station with the name of my hometown on it. Heh.. no way. This station doesn't like it at all. It's a tiny station almost in the middle of nowhere. I think an elderly couple gets off. I'm still a bit confused over the situation. It's one thing to get the wrong info from the on board announcements, but to have the wrong namesign up on a train station... Suddenly I see the area from an aerial perspective. Ow I get it now. They've added 2 new train stations in this city, to increase accessibility. Apparently they all have the same name.

      At the next station now. I clearly see a shop on the other platform. The building is very rectangular. I'm standing on a different platform. I look at the announcement board and see that the next train will go to my hometown. I start walking towards the correct platform. I will have to check out and check in again.

      » I'm with my cousin. She takes a look at my dreads. She gets all excited and sort of states that I've fixed them. I tell her that my mom fixed them up a bit, but not entirely. Somehow I feel a bit embarrassed with the attention.

      » I'm with my mom, grandma and aunt. My aunt is blind.* We were walking around the house and my aunt had no problem moving about with the same speed as a non-blind person. We're then all seated at a table and I'm playing chess against my blind aunt. Instead of black-white, the board is black - light blue. The position of the pieces changes ever so slightly during one of my turns, causing me to take a very long time to think about what move I want to do. At some point one of the pieces is a squished little tomato with some other stuff mixed into it. It's quite messy.

      *My aunt's not really blind.

      » I'm walking along a trail in the hills or on a mountain. I'm hiking with a group.

      » Not sure if it's the same group, but we're in a cave with a lot of people. We're playing a type of infected tag game. If you get tagged, you become one of the growing group of taggers. The purpose is to make it to the other side. I think I get tagged at some point, but somehow have a retry. It's easy to tell who is infected as they have a certain light around them. I think I dive to make it out of the cave on the other side, but I'm a bit too late. I finish in 3rd position, which I can clearly see displayed as if I'm playing a video game.

      » I'm talking with my ex girlfriend on whatsapp. It's about a mountain and a volcano I've been to in Indonesia. There are pictures. Our replies are somewhat normal, but at the same time it feels like there's a sub-meaning as the situation feels a bit hostile. Did I go to these places with Christina?

      » Writing Christina's name triggered the memory of a plane, though I'm not sure if I dreamt about one.

      » I'm scrolling through LinkedIn. I've added one of my lecturers. I think I see her scrolling to hers and her ignoring my invitation. I reason that she probably doesn't know who I am, as I've omitted some information from my profile.

      I'm standing inside a small shop. It's supposed to be an office for a street sales company at which I will start working. I know it will be different than the last time, because this time I have my housemate Quint with me who will also work here.* We're standing in front of a type of post-mix machine with the manager, who is our age. He offers us some cola. I'm not really into cola because it's unhealthy, but I don't want to be rude. We get it in a big cup. Quint prefers dr. pepper, but the manager is not allowed to pour the same quantity of dr. pepper as cola. A rule from his uncle, who is the owner. We watch the television which is mounted a bit above our heads. It's an event in a stadium. There's a group of perhaps 100 people in the middle of the field. It has to do with mourning for a terrorist attack. I see an old friend of mine, Tris. Wauw.. it looks like he hasn't slept for days. Then the whole thing turns into a performance, with riot police and such. At some point it turns into a form of rehearsal, as one thing is done again and again to get it right.

      *We don't live together. He used to work at the previous street sales company.
    6. #34: Chess theft

      by , 11-20-2015 at 09:28 AM
      I didn't really feel like writing today Sorry if this is a bit unreadable.

      » I'm in a restaurant with my mom and a lot of other people at our table. We're with at least 8 people. We're there for lunch I guess. At least not for dinner. The prices in this place are ridiculous. I think I'm not really hungry... At some point some more people join

      » I'm entering a minivan. There are at least 2 girls in there which I know, as well as some other people. One of them tells me that I smell. Well obviously! I wanted to shower but the shower was occupied.

      » I'm somewhere alone with my girlfriend, watching a movie. She decides to sit on my lap and kiss me. She makes a comment about me still trying to watch the movie while kissing. I decide not to watch, but to listen instead. At some point later on she says she missed something in the film.

      » Something to do with a train or a train station.

      » I've entered a building, or I'm standing in front of it. It's already evening. I'm not sure what it is exactly that I'm doing. It has something to do with KPN [telecom provider]. My bike is parked here, as well as my moped and the motorcycle I just arrived on. Either the bike or the moped falls over. I place them somewhere where they won't fall easily.

      » I'm in the house where I used to live in Indonesia. I'm talking with one of the Dutch girls who's living there right now. There's a guy present who I believe is also Dutch.

      Chess theft
      It's daytime. I'm driving around the city I used to live in, in Indonesia. There's nothing about it that looks like that city, I just know that I'm in that city. I'm with a couple of friends first. We all have our own moped/motorcycle. I feel like the same thing happens twice: we split up at a certain point, leaving me with Daniel. The roads are empty most of the time. I feel like we are driving through a shopping street at some point, where you're supposed to walk. We stop at a small shop. There's a motorcycle inside. I think that's what's caught Daniel's attention, though I'm not sure at what point Daniel turned into someone else. He sits down on a barstool in front of the shop, takes a pad of receipts from the shop and a pen and starts writing some info down. One of the two ladies running the shop tell him he can't do that. He keeps doing it anyway, not even bothered by their protests. At some point it's now my Indonesian friend. She knows just a few Dutch words, mostly swear words and she starts talking to the shopladies that way. I intervene quickly and tell them that she has no clue what she's saying and knows just a few words. She's very proficient in using those few swearing sentences she knows. I try to make her say a sentence she hasn't practised yet, to prove to the shopladies that she isn't Dutch and this is all a big misunderstanding.

      I'm riding again. Not sure if it's still Daniel or already Sven who I'm with. We ride through a supermarket. At some point he has a car. I'm thinking to myself how stupid it is to have a car in this city. It's totally not convenient with all the traffic jams. But for now it's fine. I'm driving a semi-automatic motorcycle. I feel that I'm shifting gears with my foot every few seconds. We drive on the left side of the road, as we should. We go through some corners and end up at a sort of junkyard. It's definitely Sven who I'm with now. We enter the junkyard. It's inside a dim warehouse. There are a lot of racks divided over different aisles like a supermarket, all filled with oversized chess pieces. Somehow Sven steals some, despite their size. I walk away to another aisle. If he gets caught I can at least say I'm innocent.

      A kind of cat and mouse game ensues, with Sven hiding from the owner and the owner suspecting, but not being sure that someone is in there, taking his things. I talk with the owner to distract him. His name is Ivar or Ivan. There are 2 pawns on the ground. Very small ones. One is purple and is made from furry material. I hand it to him. I also hand him the other one, though I don't recall what that one looks like. We talk some more and he hands me a USB stick which has the shape of an envelope. I recognise it and he allows me to have it. Nice! I still needed one. I walk outside. Sven tells me I did a shit job in there. I tell him I managed to distract Ivan/Ivar, so he should be happy.

      Updated 11-20-2015 at 09:43 AM by 71740

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    7. Two board games

      by , 01-25-2015 at 11:01 PM
      I'm playing go with an old friend, and off to my left there's a woman who's thanking me on her hands and knees. I've just told her about the arrangements I've made to get her and her unborn child out of their current situation. I'm looking at the board, not at her, waiting for my friend to make his move - I'm smiling throughout this scene, since it irritates my friend. I haven't looked at the woman throughout the conversation. This was business, although I did take a personal interest since the father wasn't human. As she starts to leave, I tell her I'd like to see the child when it's born. Take it to a specific temple - I don't mention this last part, but there's a particular fox demon who lives behind that temple, a relative of mine, and I think he would take an interest in the child.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      The spirit of a certain man has been released and possessed someone, and since I and a friend of mine are the ones who bound him in the first place, a woman's asking me how we managed it the first time. I'm telling her it won't work again - we were relying on his trust in us. We prepared a meal and my friend put sleeping drugs in his soup. Scene changes to show that night - the three of us are having a casual conversation. I'm arguing against some point he's just made, and to illustrate my point, I compare it to chess players - although the point of the game is to defeat your opponent, it doesn't follow that a chess player would hate everyone else who plays chess, just because they intend to defeat them.
    8. Chess, Vegas and Role-playing

      by , 11-09-2014 at 05:01 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Chess, Vegas and Role-playing (Non-lucid)


      I was in a park and I was playing a very odd game of chess. It was like checkers, but the checkers had different shapes and drawings, but it was played different than chess. I was with two friends, chatting with one of them while the other one was finishing playing a game of what I believe it was Magic the Gathering:

      The other friend was going to play a game of chess with someone else. I did felt like playing chess and I wish I knew he liked chess. A young made up friend came up, who was going to play a role playing game with me. He was going to be the GameMaster and I was filling up the stats of an elf that I was going to use as my character. I was rolling dice to add my stats, etc. I was now at a hotel in Vegas and waiting for him.

      There was a lady who was fliting with me and we kind of connected, but then, after a while she was interested in someone else, apparently an old boyfriend.

      I was walking around because it was sunny and warm. I saw several hotels around me with some pools. Some of the hotels had portable pools. I was going with this guy now, who I was going to play the roleplaying game. He told me that (while he pointed at a pool) that was portable. But it did not look portable to me.

      We went to a room and I was waiting for someone else, so more people could play. The box said that a solo player coudl help, but I personally found that to be boring. Suddenly, the room's phone rang and a recorded message started to play, saying the name of my wife and talking about pressing 6 if she accepted the loan. I wondered what was going on.

      I saw again the lady that flirted with me. There were some portuguese guys and they were laughing because this lady was complaining about the bread.
    9. Competitive Streak

      by , 06-06-2014 at 01:06 PM
      I was in a classroom with a lot of other people and somehow instantiated a competition between me and a fellow computer scientist. A woman was standing before us and decided to ask us each a series of questions Jeopardy style (on a powerpoint appeared to be a Jeopardy board). We both agreed and the questions began:
      1. Name a program in Unix
      2. Why do people program

      For the first question I buzzed in quickly, as my partner didn't know anything, and said "grep, which is a regular expression tool to find..." or something similar. For the second question I responded, "To bring down the system, and similar." The subsequent questions had an additional property of being able to "own" whatever it is that you answered correctly. For example, the next question was of a girl dancing, and, while my opponent took a guess and failed, I decided not to answer as I was unsure of what to expect. I don't remember what the answer was (or if there was even a question), but I remember she was assigned a value of $60 for a date.

      After this I came up to a window, and tried making my old friends laugh. They were sitting on a spinning table, and I was outside peering in. In the case I remember, I had to make #9428-31 laugh, as well as #36. As they spun around, I would stare at them very seriously, and while #9428-31 maintained a straight face, #36 did not. As a result, #36 actually won and when I opened the door in between, I had to give #36 $200. As I opened the door though, a group of my friends came out, asking for an autograph. I remember writing on one of their forehead's in particular (that of #740-8421), which was incredibly pimply.

      I made it in and #9428-31 came and asked me to sign this piece of paper, which I did, as well as writing $200 on top. I realized I shouldn't have done that, since #36 won and told him this, to which he agreed. I noticed further down this room were people playing a variety of board games. Before going down that route, I explored the kitchenware and the shower, which were right next to each other and had no curtain. I washed my hands, remembering that the water each of us use was the same as in our dormitories. I turned around and walked back to where people were playing board games and saw #6412-91234 playing chess and #27-570214 playing #641-102 in a game of army men. #6412-91234 told me he was playing with the other two, but he didn't understand the game. My viewport jumped to them and became black and white, as one of their "army men" died, and simultaneously, #641-102 cut his finger with one of the pieces.
    10. 7-21-2013 Double Lucid and lots of nice sleep

      by , 07-21-2013 at 05:09 PM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid

      SO! Tonight, i finally got a ton of sleep! I'll start going to bed earlier i promise! Either way, i had a ton of dreams tonight, probably more than my record of twelve but some of them were stupid and i didn't want to log every single one of them so i just logged the lucids and some other ones in this log. Yeah, i know it's a bad habit to not log all of them but i will from now on, don't worry.

      Mysterious night ship and end of the world dome fields!:
      It's day time and i'm at some building in a part of my town. Some people from out school are asking who owns some computer parts they had. One part was a gpu with two fans on it. It definitely looked like a piece of trash but i went home and that night i looked it up on my computer. Turned out, it was a piece of trash. Either i then went on to eat some garlic bread and maybe the next night. I was alone and i looked out my front window and saw cars on a road not too far away.

      The cars looked like they had been in a wreck and had been abandoned, no one was in them, it was strange. I then looked out my back window, and in the night sky, i saw some spaceship in the sky far away from my house slowly moving across the sky. I went to door to get a better look at it, it was still moving but behind the clouds now, although i could still see it because of it's lights. Then, all of a sudden, the sky erupted in explosions, and a glowing dome shaped forcefield sprang up and covered the main part of town which i could see over the woods on my farm.

      I thought about what it was for, maybe our country was getting attacked and that would keep the city safe but at the same time, lock them out from the outside world. I also wondered if the dome was meant to lock the city and slowly kill the inhabitants because of lack of outside contact.

      I then found myself in a nice sports car under the dome. Everything looked futuristic. How did i get here? i wondered. I drove around and then wondered again, Do i really want to live like this? under a dome?

      A game of chess:
      I'm playing a game of chess with somebody, but it had some weird rules so i ask him how to play. As i do, the chest board forms an environment and i get sucked in and before i know it. I'm in what looks like a theme park but the people i'm with are sad because a person just died and they were attending a funeral.

      Alien death:

      I'm in a desert at some government test facility. They have these aliens lined up. The aliens have powers that let them control smart people. The government wanted the aliens dead so they brought in basically barbarians which killed the aliens. The government people then took the dead bodies for testing.

      Required skills:
      I'm with a smart girl who is older than me. And by smart, i mean really smart. I'm also with a group of other people. We're about to get on this platform that rises and acts as an elevator because there is a hole in the ceiling which allows the platform to rise through. I attempt to get on but i'm not fast enough because it went up too fast. Then, another platform with people on it comes down and hits the platform that's going up. This causes both the platforms to start going up again but since they hit each other. The platforms were damaged and were slanted sideways. The top platform then ran into the ceiling and crushed the people on it.

      After that, our group went on the regular elevator. As we got to the top and walked out. The girl told me she has enough skills to survive. I didn't have near as many skills as she did, it was weird talking to her.

      The paintings:
      I just got back from martial arts. I'm at my house now, it's night time. I look outside my window and i see black portals appearing all over the sky, cars were flowing out of them. I then yelled for my sister to come watch. She came but appeared outside sitting in a chair. I then wondered how she got through the window. I then realized that i must be dreaming, but first , i had to take this stupid retainer out of my mouth. I was too focused on that to solidify my lucidity so it went away and then my dream self went to bed. I woke up. Then went back to sleep, and woke again.

      This time, people i knew were in my room and i thought i must be dreaming. This got my lucidity back. I then wanted to change settings so i spun around on my bed. As i did that, i imagined a city. The city at first wasn't detailed, but i kept on imagining it and it soon got pretty detailed and eventually, poof! i was there! I then started to walk around, i stopped at the corner of some street to test my senses, it was pretty cool really. I was aware. I could hear, smell and etc. I then tried to rub my hands together, this felt a little weird but way better then my previous lucids.

      I kept on walking and eventually made my way to like a gallery of paintings. I then focused on the hallway lined with paintings and the detail instantly increased. I then walked up and checked out the paintings. The first set was the same painting but the face of each figure was different. At this point, i was completely amazed at the detail in the paintings. Then somewhere along the lines, i must have woke up or something because i can't remember past this except for a different dream that came after.

      Boss fight:
      I'm in a room, it's dark, and only me and this girl are here. I have a gun and she has a laptop. We're fighting some sort of boss monster. We eventually kill it.
      I then realize i must be dreaming. As i do, i try to change the scene to a beach but i didn't focus it like the last one so once i started talking to people on the beach, i transported right back to the room, except this time it had windows, it was night outside, and it was on top of a really tall building.

      A girl was tied up on a chair next to me. why she was tied up, i have no clue. either way, she wasn't the girl i wanted to ask but i'll talk to her anyway. I asked her what my true name was and she then started trolling me and giving me stupid responses like 'princess' and 'quantesia'. I wasn't getting any where with her so i decided to try it in a later lucid dream.

      Updated 08-06-2013 at 02:03 AM by 63517

      Tags: alien, chess, dome, farm, lucid
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    11. 24th July 2012 - 16th Lucid Dream [My sub-conscious sure is creative....]

      by , 07-24-2012 at 11:42 PM
      Italic Text = Personal Thoughts
      Normal Text = Non-Lucid Segment
      Light Purple Text = Partially Lucid Segment
      Purple Text = Lucid Segment

      I'm at a convention of sorts, similar to ComicCon, there's people all around in costumes and lots of booths for all different kinds of TV Shows and games.

      I'm fighting my way through the hustle and bustle when I realise that I've lost my friends. I look around for them but can't seem to find them anywhere, when I notice a board that mentions a chess tournament will be happening in a few minutes, something that my dream self was really interested in going to. Though I don't know why, I never play chess in waking life!

      I head to the conference hall where the tournament was being held and queue up. There are a lot of people apparently wanting to play chess, as the queue is ridiculously long. Eventually when I get inside I'm guided to a table and sit down with this old man and a girl with long, ginger hair.

      I immediately notice the intricacies of the table and the chess board that's built into it. It's made of some kind of expensive wood and looks like it must have taken hours to craft all of the details in the chess pieces and the table itself.

      The tournament is about to start when I notice I'm missing a sheet of paper, which was required to partake in the tournament as we had to note something or other down, though, I forget what exactly. I ask for a piece of paper from the tournament host, she walks away and brings me this blank sheet of paper.

      I look up, thank her, and when I look down again my sheet of paper is now filled with text that I can't make out, besides the name "Jane" signed at the bottom. I flip it over and it's blank on this side, but I'm becoming suspicious. When I look away and back again, this side is now filled with words too.

      The ginger girl sitting on the table turns around and mentions that I got handed an already filled piece of paper to the tournament host, while I look down at my hands and reality check. I become lucid, though because of the long dream beforehand I guess I was nearing the end of my dream and I can feel the dream fading after the bump in consciousness.

      I'm focusing on the wrinkles in my hands to stabilise a bit, before swiping my hands over the wooden table to solidify my presence in the dream world and everything comes back into view.

      Ginger girl is still talking to the tournament host, I stand up and for some reason my not fully conscious lucid-dreaming self decides to attempt to blast wind from my hands to make her hair poof up, as if she was in a hurricane. I set up expectation and imagine how it would occur and gesture my hands towards her. Nothing happens with her hair but she simply shouts out "POOF!" in the middle of talking to the tournament host.

      I try again and again, "POOF!, POOF!, POOOOOFFF!" until she turns her head and glares at me, clearly angry that I keep interrupting her conversation. I'm somewhat startled and the dream fades to black and I find myself back in my bed.

      I briefly attempt a DEILD but my mind seems to wander too much and I can't fall back asleep anyway, presumably because of how late it was in my sleep cycle (already about 8 hours) and decide to just get up and write down my dream.

      Updated 07-24-2012 at 11:45 PM by 54730

      lucid , non-lucid
    12. Don't wake the sleeping monster, The game of life, And twin flames.

      by , 04-30-2012 at 10:46 PM (My Dream Records)
      Black means non lucid
      Orange means semi lucid
      Blue means lucid
      Red means dream characters talking
      Purple means possible shared dreaming person
      Green means notes

      Got it? Great! Now grab a snack or something and enjoy!

      Dream #1 Don't wake the sleeping monster.

      Im in some house in a kitchen looking for something to eat, when a lady (Possibly Italian)
      Walks in and starts telling me careful not to wake the sleeping monster. Im pondering who exactly is this sleeping monster and ask her.
      "Uh...who is the sleeping monster and where is he?"
      "Oh no, it is not a he..it is a she." And she, is my daughter.
      "Uh..so your daughter is a monster?"
      "Only if you wake her."

      Now feeling a bit afraid to even be in that house, the lady assures me to stay and that she is off to go shopping. She asks me to stay because of something about me meeting some people or something. (Damn i should've did a reality check)

      So i decide to fix me some cereal and i accidently drop a spoon on the floor and it was LOUD!

      I froze as i hear it coming from a bed room. I hear footsteps sounding like a 808 drum walking towards the kitchen. The whole house shakes and glasses and plates fall off of the counter, i am trying to hold my balance and keep from falling. I hear the footsteps getting closer. I turn my head towards where the footsteps were coming from i look.

      Its only a barefoot hot teenage blond girl in pink booty shorts and a white sports bra.
      "Oh, im sorry its just th.."
      "Stay here."
      "STAY HERE!!!"
      The windows shatter and car alarms go off when she yelled.
      (Gulp) "k..."
      I remember her coming back with a long whip and chasing me around the house until i woke up. =/ (Damn i was such a pussy in that dream!)

      Dream #2 Chess the game of life.

      Im in some huge temple or empty church, sitting at the very center across from a man who looked like a Guru or a guide of some sort. He had long grey hair down to his stomach area, He looked possibly Indian, had a long grey silky shiny grey beard he kept stroking each time he made his move. And wore a long white and red robe, with stripes on the shoulder parts. We sat in chairs across form eachother playing on this medium size table. There were animals in the temple walking around casually like nothing. There were deers, lions, tigers, bears, panthers, monkeys, and all kinds of birds just fying around in this huge temple we were in. It was as if every animal in there was tame, and was just as calm and were just roaming around the temple. I remembered a wolf came up next to the table and i petted it on the head, And a hawk came and landed on the Guru's shoulder while we played.

      He was explaining to me, about chess being the game of the Gods, and how it relates to life. He mentioned something else to me about, how chess pertains to life, and the paths that we come across while meeting certain people. I remembered moving different pieces and he would tell me to really examine each move i make, as it pertains to life.

      I don't really remember what else was said. But i did wake from that dream feeling like i learned something new.

      Final dream fragment: Twin flames/Twin spirits

      Don't really remember much here. Only talking with a Native American woman about Twin flames/Twin spirits. (Wish i would've remembered more)

      Notes: The second dream really had alot meaning in it. And even though i was not lucid in any of these dreams, i am still happy with what i got. Only wish i would've remembered more of the third dream. As i am aware of Twin flames/Twin spirits.
    13. Fragments for July 28-29 2011

      by , 07-31-2011 at 04:52 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm attending Cincinnati Opera's production of "The Magic Flute." It seems to take place in a great hall instead of the traditional auditorium, and our seats have rather bad views. However, the ambiance is very nice, a candlelit affair. Plates of food are brought out with appropriate themes for every aria, and each patron is given a book with explanatory notes to the action.

      2. I'm playing in a chess tournament at the local library, and I manage to win the whole event. I get $100 from a large roll of cash as my reward; I notice that there are ticket stubs and coupons attached to the end of the roll as well. I start to browse the library, which has recently expanded its collection to include food and wine. Little samples can be "checked out" for tasting purposes. I sample a decent white wine, and as I do the old lady who organized the chess tourney asks me to complete her bridge foursome. I'm reluctant, but I eventually agree and text my mom that I'll be late to meet her.
    14. The Morphsuits

      by , 06-05-2011 at 06:40 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      It was a relatively hot day, and so everyone decided to wear breathable tight fitting clothing. I chose to wear my brand new thermal pajamas, and felt as though people were looking at me kind of funny because of it. When I got to roll call (in my old roll call classroom) Armstrong had shown up wearing his red morphsuit. Mr D, Tim, Armstrong and I had a discussion about how morphsuits were more suited than thermal pajamas. More people started showing up, all wearing morphsuits. We then proceeded to a lesson in the classroom. It was about maths, and decision making. We learnt a formula which was quite difficult, and then a second formula with everyone said was much harder. It was explained with a 2x2 checker board with chess pieces on it, with arrows pointing all different directions.
    15. #181. Eternity

      by , 01-28-2011 at 05:56 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)


      The ballroom explodes into chaos as the giant chess set dismembers the guests, forcing me to escape with the elderly ghosts of the manor who then try to trap me as I escape through the cracks in reality with the maid and her sister who don't trust me after I rescue them from drowning because I can't die (from that point on, we're followed by their zombie-like blue-tinged doppelgangers who are haunting their mostly-dead father who says, "This is our eternity," and means, "This is Hell.")

      Eternity. Scare Factor: 5. Rating: Awesome.
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