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    1. Something?

      by , 04-22-2017 at 12:15 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      This guy from Chicago just showed up at a wedding he wasn't invited to, and he didn't know anybody there. He walked over to the dance floor and passed out. Suddenly, it turned into a YouTube video. One of the comments was, "Should have said Never giving up, Livin on a prayer"
    2. Chicagoland

      by , 08-06-2016 at 11:34 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Note to self: Make a point of getting out of bed durring WBTB. Otherwise you won't become awake enough to get a lucid and may even fall asleep before journaling your dreams.

      07:20 AM
      Chicagoland Gangster (MILD)

      I am helping my dad put up the Christmas lights at night. I notice the neighbor is putting his up too but he is trying to do it as fast as possible. He has 6 ladders so he doesn't have to keep moving them. I say he should be careful but he doesn't set up a ladder right and falls off and the whole house falls over with him. I run over and ask if he is okay. He moans in pain. I ask where it hurts and he hold out his arm. I tell him to move his fingers and he can so I feel his arm for breaks. I can't find any but he winces when I touch his shoulder. I tell him he may have gotten away with just bruises but he is very lucky.

      I go back to the house and realize it is my sister's house in the suburbs south of Chicago. There is a bunch of family over for Christmas I guess and my nieces and nephews are running around. I go to eat some food but their dog runs up to get my attention and sits in my food. My brother laughs and I throw away the food. The kids run outside and I follow to see what they are up to. I loose them and start to fly to follow them without actually becoming lucid. I see there are many DCs loitering around and I ask them what they are doing out at night. "The weather is so nice." They explain. "Ya, I guess because I'm from California I am used to clear skies." Wait, that doesn't explain why they are out at night. I fly up higher and see the city before me but it looks like a fanciful city with castles and sci fi parts and shiny blue buildings. There are different districts with different styles. It reminds me sort of Disneyland and also some of the Lego sets from the 90s.

      I land in a busy intersection closer to the city and become fully lucid spontaneously.
      I do a nose plug RC and my nose feels a bit stuff but it still works. I look around and before I can remember my goals I see a DC that stands out. He wears a grey suit over a white shirt and tie. His arms aren't in the sleeves the jacket is just hung over his shoulders. He also has a tan fedora on. His arm is around a blond woman and he is pointing something out to her. I remember I am suppose to be finding a gangster who stole something from a rich DC. "Hey you!" I should while floating in the intersection. He doesn't notice. "Hey you! I know you are a gangster!" That gets his attention. He makes an intimidating face while he looks around but when he actually spots me floating above him he looks scared and runs, leaving the woman behind confused. I give chase and easily keep up by flying. He has a pistol and shoots back at me while running. I use telekinesis to slow down the bullets and nudge them to the side. He throws the pistol to the side turns around. He drops the jacket from his shoulders revealing tommy machine gun! He unloads on me in full auto. I don't have time to slow down the bullets so must deflect the entire stream which is much more difficult. I have to strafe to the side in the air and start to bend the stream of bullets even harder. I have an idea and curve the bullets into a u shape back towards the gangster. The bullets hit the ground behind him and I refine my aim until it hits him. He drops down to one knee and I think it's over but he starts shooting once again. I can't hold his aim for ever so I remember my plan for just this situation. I reach out my other hand and use telekinesis with that hand to grab the barrel of the gun and bend it upwards. The gun explodes in his face and he is flung backwards.

      I touch down and the dream starts to destabilize while I walk toward the body. I touch some fence but the body is still blurry. I get to the body and focus on the details and restabilize. I see that it is a woman who has been hit in the cross fire. I think to call the police but realize she is already dead. I promise myself never to let DCs get hurt on my missions again. I turn back and find the gangsters body a few feet away. I feel around his clothes and to try and find his pocket. I notice he is only shot once in the chest and he is probably going to survive. I find his pocket and pull out a ziplock back. Inside there is a clear bag of crystals and two black fabric bags. I take out one of the black bags and look inside. It is filled to the brim with diamonds! I put the bags back in my pocket and realize I didn't have a plan for what to do next and feel like I have plenty of dream time left. I consider having sex to reward myself and fly away to take another look at the city. The different districts are layed out the same as they were before and I wonder if I can visit it again. I also see a district that looks like Edo Japan and a Colosseum with a horse race track next to it. I consider summoning Juliana but decide to do that next time. I see a roller coaster with a lot of DCs in line so I go down there to explore. The line goes through an under ground structure and I go in. I realize I have to pee and find the mens bathroom. I am about to go but realize it's a really bad idea to pee in a dream. I go back outside and see a woman in skimpy athletic clothing talking to another DC. I strike up a conversation with them and they say there is a full gym in this complex as well as a lot of other attractions. The girl invites me to work out with her and I accept. She is more interesting to talk to than have sex with anyways. She asks "What should I work on today. What about my legs?" puts her foot up on the wall. I say,"To be honest those are the nicest legs I have ever seen." She says,"Oh thanks. It's probably because I do karate." and she ties her shoes.
      I start to loose lucidity as I walk with her to the gym and we talk about karate. She says she does a form of french karate that I have never heard of. I wonder if I have heard of that before and wake up.

      10:20 AM
      I'm Not Your Dream Guide! (MILD)

      I find myself in a street in Chicago. Real Chicago this time. I feel like I am in a canyon because the buildings are all so tall. There is one hill where the road is extremly steep. I slide down it on my knees and feel that I can sort of float. I become lucid and fly down to the street corner. There is a movie theater and I go under the overhang of the box office to get into the shade. I stick my hands back and feel a hand grab it. I pull the person forward but they are invisible even though I can feel them. I let go and try again, this time with both hands. It is more vivid this time and I pull them forward so they are hugging me from behind. I notice they are shorter than me and don't really feel like my dream guide but I pretend not to notice. "Juliana?" I ask and look behind me. It is a girl with black hair in a bun, a black top, and a white skirt with pokadots. They actully look more like Mila Kunis than Juliana but for some reason I just pretend they are Juliana. I ask here where her hat is and she says,"What hat?" I see a hat stuck in the rafters and think it must have blown off in the summoning. I tell her to use magic to get it down but she says she can't. I fly up and put it on her head. It is a white witches hat with a spiraling piece of metal supporting the point. She says,"I don't wan't to wear a hat!". I reply,"But it is a cute outfit." and she say, "But it is to humid for a hat!" and throws it on the ground. This doesn't really seem like my dream guide but I say she should teach me some magic. She says she doesn't know what I'm talking about and I say,"But your my dream guide." and she says,"I'm not your dream guide!"

      A group of DCs walks up to go into the theater and one of them is my friend. I high five him but he gets pulled inside by the other DCs. He stops at the door to ask,"Hey, are we still going to go to vegas later this month?" and I say, "Ya, I'll message you." I turn back to the girl and wonder why she is being a bitch and wake up.
      It is only after waking up that it wasn't Juliana and I sort of messed up. haha Next time I will make sure to summon someone who is a bit taller than me so I don't doubt whether it is her and have it turn into someone else.
    3. 6/17/16

      by , 06-17-2016 at 12:56 PM (Book of Dreams)
      Only recalling one dream from last night...

      I can't remember exactly how the dream started, but the first thing I remember is that I was downtown, walking around with some people, and I kept running into people from my high school. I would say hi, but as this kept happening I remember thinking, "this is so weird seeing this many high school friends at once..." when eventually I came across the actual school, but I was still downtown. I asked around as to why the school was moved, and somebody told me they relocated it to the Chicago river. This was an acceptable answer to me, so I went inside and reconnected with some classmates (funny how my whole graduating class was still hanging out in and around the school...)

      The next thing I remember is running through the halls with a large group of friends following me, but I was literally running as fast as I could. They weren't chasing me, but we were all going at top speed, and I was trying to get away from them but they didn't know it.

      I can't recall how the running sequence ended, but then I remember being outside the school again, on a little patch of land by the river. As I looked back at the school, I realized it was literally on the water. I reached out one hand, one tower of the building began bubbling from under the water, where the foundation was. Eventually the whole tower collapsed. Nearby students watched and started freaking out, and I just kept stretching my hands out, destroying the school one section at a time. Once the whole thing had come down, a huge fight scene ensued between me and all the students who were outside. It was like a martial arts movie. Then I woke up.
    4. Microwaving myself after blasting Darth Vader and destroying Chicago downtown

      by , 02-01-2015 at 01:17 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Microwaving myself after blasting Darth Vader and destroying Chicago downtown (DILD)


      Win Bet (+5 pts)
      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      First DILD (+10 pts)
      WBTB (+2 pts)
      Advanced Flight (+10 pts)
      Dream Stabilization (+1 pts)
      Advance Summoning (+10 pts)
      Teleport (+7 pts)
      Dream Character Interaction (+2 pts)
      Unespecified (blast) (+3 pts)
      Element Manipulation (+8 pts)
      Mass Telekinesis (+10 pts)
      Eat something (+4 pts)
      Use an Electronic (+4 pts)
      Partial Transformation (shrinking) (+4 pts)
      Time Control (+10 pts)
      Meet a teammate (+7 pts)
      Show your teammate a previous dream (+10 pts)

      *Personal dare: Darth Vader is hiding in a spaceship with evil plans. Find and defeat him to save humanity. (dolphin)

      *Personal dare: Visit a big city at night. Then fly into a cloud, find some lightning bolts and throw them down at the city to provoke a blackout. (dolphin)

      * Personal dare: Find/conjure a goldfish and swallow it whole! (blobularwindmil)

      * Bonus Task of February: Microwave.

      Finally after a few weak nights, a good one. I still forgot to write one dream down, and can't recall it.

      Somehow I was in a big house with my wife, I believe that the house was in a small village and there was a barn outside. As I was walking around the house, there was a wall that was literally breathing. It would move like breath and I was a little afraid. There was a tank of gas behind this room and I fear that the whole room was full of gas and about to explode, which it was why the wall was moving. As I walked closer to the wall, I could feel waves of energy, like a massive amount of pressure and suddenly, I heard an explosion. I was in the middle of nowhere, thinking I died when I suddenly turned lucid because I realized the whole non-sense of the situation. The dream quality was decent but I still decided to take a flight in order to make it more stable, however, I decided to fly to space, as it is something that I truly enjoy and I have not been able to make it decently lately. Flying came very easy to me, it was very cloudy outside but soon I could see the blue sky as I flew above the clouds and a few moments after, I started to seeing the stars and some strange shapes around that were moving.

      After flying for a while, I started to think about the ToTM, but I was having a hard time remenbering it. I felt it had something to do with finding a planet or something, but I could not remember well. As I kept flying for a little bit in space (even though there were clouds around like if it was earth, but it was space as it was black with stars) I remember one personal dare that I forgot to do which was to kick Dark Vader's butt. I imagine he would be around me somewhere, but I really did not see him and neither saw a spaceship. While I was floating, I imagine the Death Star, I wanted to try to summon it moving my hands a few times without much success. I then imagined that it was right behind me when I turned back. As I turned back, there it was... even though it was not like the "real thing"

      Around the Death Star there was like a massive purple-black dark mist. It was foggy and I could feel the dream quality lowering. I rubbed my hands to keep anchored to the dream, as I had literally nothing to hold (which is what I prefer) I did not feel comfortable flying through that mist, as it happened many times that I woke myself up after going through some thick fog or dark stuff. I intended to teleport, something normally is easy for me, but I wanted to teleport inside the Death Star and find Darth Vader. I placed my hands in front of my forehead and "made strength" (I do not know how to explain this, something similar like when in Dragon Ball Z they pump up, but without a scream.) Suddenly, I saw a lot of lights, like starship alike and I saw Darth Vader right in front of me. He was holding a gun (yep... I know... weird...) and it was kind of a normal gun. I tried to transform into Luke without any success. I tried to summon him, but I realized I had to kill Darth Vader myself.

      I tried to throw an energy blast at him, and once again, as usual it failed. I really tried hard, instead of just throwing the blast, I imagined the energy coming out from inside my hand. I felt like my hand burning, but also like being cut at the same time, it was not very pleasant but a thin orange alike beam came out from within my hand hitting Darth Vader. There was an explosion and I heard like a scream (I assume Darth Vader's) and then, I saw a lot of smoke and there were like small black pieces of plastic, they looked like plastic pieces from Dark Vader's helped. I felt it was a pretty lame way to kill him, I wanted to do something epic but oh well, it is a dream and sometimes can't help it.

      I decided it was a good time to go bak to Earth. My dream quality was good and I felt I could do a lot more stuff. I flew away from the Death Star that now it had a sky similar to Earth and I really do not know exactly how (dream randomness I guess) I was flying already above Chicago downtown, or at least, it looked similar:

      I recalled I had another personal dare to make a thunderstorm and create a blackout. I imagined electricity coming out from my hands and I felt little sparks around my hands, then my entire body and then there was some random lightningbolts falling all over downtown. It was a similar thing like when in the game Hyrule Warriors Ganon is summoned. There was some fire and I saw a few buildings that were out of light, creating a blackout. However, it was more of a destruction than a blackout, but I felt satisfied.

      I kept flying for a while, a few moments I felt I was going to wake up, but rubbing my hands prevented my awakening.
      I believe I might have lost lucidity for a while here, because I was in some sort of store, I believe it was a blend of a grocery store and a Bed, Bath and Beyond. I was talking with a few employees, maybe doing a customer service test service or something. Until I turned lucid again because I realize that I no longer do any mystery shopping. I saw that I could score some points using Telekinesis. I rose my hands and I imagined a few beach tables there were in the store raising and moving around. At first I could only get them to shake, but after a while, they levitaded and I believe there was other items too, even though it was not of a a high quality now. The employee asked me what was I doing and I told her to just shut up. She said she was going to call the manager and get me fired (okay... whatever...)

      I left the store and I was in a familiar shopping mall. I realized that I have been dreaming for a long time and still did not do the ToTM and I was going to loose my wings. I could not remember the tasks, but only the Microwave task. I went into a restaurant looking for a microwave. It was a Japanese restaurant I believe. It had some decent decor and a fish tank. I recalled I had to eat a gold fish whole, and well, some of the fishes looked similar to a gold fish, just bigger. I grabbed one and surprisingly, it did not try to escape and I ate it. It tasted like an oyster, including having the same texture. It was gross so I just swallowed it without chewing it. I felt grossed out for a while. I saw one of those waiters computers and touched it. I could see some stuff from my own personal computer and then suddenly it turned into a slot machine.

      I went to the kitchen and even though there were employees, they ignored me. I saw a huge door where the walk-in fridge is supposed to be, but I pretended it was a microwave. Upon opening the door, I only found frozen food, but there was like a long aisle inside the very own refrigerator and it lead to what I believe was an employee lounge. I saw there was a microwave and some toys laying around.

      I tried to get in, despite being the size of a normal microwave. I did put my head inside of it and I imagined I would push myself in it. I felt suddenly like if my legs were hanging and getting smaller, until I was able to push myself entirely inside the microwave. It felt a lot bigger once I was inside, so I probably have shrunk. I believe the microwave started by itself, because I heard the noise of the microwave and I felt it was getting very warm. I also felt a little dizzy for some reason and the whole dream was fuzzy, but nothing really happened other than that. However, for some reason I could not get out from the microwave, and I wanted to do more things.

      I wanted to go back in time, and I did the same thing I do in non lucid dreams when I something bad happens, which is closing my eyes, jumping very hard and thinking I went back in time. I was again at the shopping mall.

      I wanted to look for Sensei to ask him for a duel and I pretended I would find him in the shopping mall. He
      (thank you subconscious) told me, "Thanks, I just got 7 points because I am meeting a team mate." I told him that I already had a dream with him and I explained him briefly the other dream were we fought pirates. I also told him we needed to do a duel and we started looking for a room in the shopping mall to do a shadow game. There was a store called Game Empire (that I know from real life) and I asked them if they had a room for a shadow duel. From here, I recall litttle, but I believe I lost lucidity ad shortly after I woke up.
    5. Went to Chicago for no reason

      by , 11-14-2014 at 02:30 PM
      non-dream dream lucid

      Went to sleep around 1:30 or so, which is a HUGE difference from when I've been going to sleep recently.
      Woke up around 6:45. Might get another nap after this.

      I can't help but think that before this, I might've had a lucid dream. Incredibly hazy though.
      The only thing I can remember is I'm on my couch, and the bathroom light is on. No other light source exists and the room seems to be quite a bit different. The atmosphere is one of uneasiness, but it could quickly turn to anxiety if anything strange happens.

      EDIT: I seem to remember something else.
      I'm on my couch, and I'm moving around. There's lots of people here. It's hard to get comfortable.

      But the main event is to follow.
      Visiting Chicago for no reason
      Recall score: 8
      Lucid: no
      TGMG: no

      So I'm in Detroit. Lots of brown buildings with glass around us, as well as a monorail track above? We're in a pretty large open area, with lots of space. Lots of DCs around me (including television reporters), mostly centered around a rather large police van which at that point bursts open.

      Two DCs come out of the back. One looks kinda like one of the police investigator types. Shorter, probably older and lacking hair, and has a really deep voice.
      The other DC (taller, more mexican looking) is more aggressive, but it seems that the two have been together for more time than you'd think.

      So they come out and now they're standing in the middle of this clearing with loads of DCs surrounding (I'm in the group). All of a sudden the cop pulls out a pistol and points it at the other DC. So they kinda just stand there for a second. I try to get as far away from their line of fire as possible. Apparently a lot of the other DCs are as its hard to move around even though the crowd isn't amazingly thick.

      Eventually, and somehow, the criminal guy runs towards the cop, steals the pistol and in what seems like two seconds, the cop gets shot in the head. I'm immediately contemplating running like fuck, before everyone starts cheering. I'm like "wtf" before everyone starts clearing the area. I walk off, but I stay around long enough to see some of the TV stations come and look around. By this time it's starting to get dark out.

      One of the channel 7 guys comes and videos the corpse of the cop, before remarking "Put this on youtube and watch it become the next viral video".

      Next thing I know I'm walking down a street. Very brown, the stores are brown, the sidewalks brown, the awning that's above me is brown. There's a handrail to my right that I'm holding on to.

      After that, I remember my mom picking me up and we drive back home. So now I'm at home in my living room, and my mom is telling me to get ready. I get in the car and then in what feels like 5 minutes we're in Chicago.

      I get out of the car and look around for a bit at all the buildings. It's really really nice out, early morning, twilighty blue sky, and it's cold but not uncomfortably cold. I seem to recall a slight breeze as well.
      I'm thinking "There's places here that I don't even remember!". Last time I was here was in 2004 or so.
      Like the brown building with vertical glass windows and what looks like a wine cork on the top.

      At that point I start looking at the skyline and thinking "on one of those buildings is the WLS ch7 transmitter!".
      Of course, we had our own ch7 (WXYZ) but theirs is a lot fancier.
      At that point I recall a dream fact that WLS and a few other stations moved their transmitters off the downtown skyscrapers a few years ago!

      I look back away from the skyline and I eventually see another building off in the distance. The building itself was another skyscraper but not nearly as skyscraping as the ones on the skyline. It was mostly blue and glass. It has a red and white tower on it. "That must be it!" I think to myself. And just in front of it I see a lattice mast with three small towers coming off the top. "Another antenna I guess".

      So I get back in the car and before I even ask my mother to stop and get something to eat, she's already driving downtown towards a restaurant. Not in downtown but close. We stop and get out and walk into a building almost entirely composed of very thick green glass. It's a rather fancy restaurant, with lots of wooden seats and tables. We go and sit on one of the other tables to the side.
      Lots of DCs around us, all really nice as well. I choose not to really interact, but rather just take everything in.

      I can't remember what I ate, but I know it was on a plate. Was it fish? Fish rings a bell actually. Was really good.

      After I ate, I looked around, and I could see outside the building through the glass. Loads of DCs walking by outside.

      Eventually we walk out and we walk back to our car.
      And after that, it's back home. I
      wake up not too soon after.

      14 day dream recall:

      Themes + route:
      detroit > swat car > two guys comes out > they both fight for a bit > we're worried if we get shot > one of the two people who came out get shot > it actually turns out we were rooting for the guy that was acting more insane > TV reporters take a picture of the dead guy and make a remark about viral videos > we nope the hell out of there > walking down a street with a ceiling above us > arrive back at home > watch ch7 > mom tells me to get ready > go all the way to chicago (I don't even remember why) > look at skyline > WLS-TV > walk around for a bit > end up going into a restaurant (green glass walls) > eat something (it was on a plate) > go all the way back home > wake up

      Updated 11-14-2014 at 02:45 PM by 24562

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Riddle me THIS! (philosophy at its core)-dreamrecall_14nov2014.png  
    6. 9-20-14 "Check out this sweet telescope!"

      by , 09-23-2014 at 09:01 PM
      I was walking around downtown Chicago. There was this huge canvas tent that took up an entire city block. It was several stories tall and had different floors inside it. I stepped inside.

      It was like this huge antique store with lots of fancy, expensive stuff. One dealer came up to me, and he was like, "Check out this awesome telescope I've got for sale!" I checked it out. "Look at how easy it is to fold up! I mean, look at how smoothly all the little wheels work!" He showed me all the bells and whistles, but I was unimpressed, so I moved on.

      I went up to like the middle story of the tent. There were lots of naked women sitting around. I was totally unprepared for that, and it made me really embarrassed. (You bet.) They were apparently dancers in a musical that was happening in a playhouse across the street, and they were getting into their costumes. One lady with nothing on below the waist came up to me and took me by the arm. Apparently, part of her outfit were these flesh-toned pantyhose with pubic hair glued to the genital area, and it had gone missing. (Supposedly it was to make her appear to be naked without actually having to BE naked.) She wanted me to find them for her, but I couldn't.

      Then all the performers cleared out, except for about three people. One in particular I noticed. She was sitting on the floor, listening to one of the other two tell a story. It was apparently a funny story, and she laughed a lot and seemed to enjoy herself.
    7. Big loft at Chicago

      by , 08-29-2014 at 09:46 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Big loft at Chicago (Non-lucid)


      I was in my computer and a client was giving me a hard time (and this actually happened today, out of a few years and over 5 thousand readings, I had today the third person giving me a hard time within these last years.) I decided to just close my computer and go somewhere else.

      I was in Chicago visiting some friends and I was going to stay there for a few days. It was night and I went to a big building, apparently, this was Marina City building, as it was round on the inside.

      I entered one apartment and it was huge, it also had a loft and a swimming pool. All the decor was very fancy and upscale and there were free appetizers and drinks available.

      Someone was giving massages there and I planned to sleep there overnight. As I was trying to find a confy bed, I noticed that there were a lot of people around and many of them were drunk.
      Tags: chicago, drunk, loft
    8. Nov. 19 Dream Journal pt 2: The Board(walk) of the Winds -- The Two Towers

      by , 11-19-2013 at 08:06 PM
      This is after I woke up from my first dream. I recited "if it's red, I'm in bed" with great difficulty before simply falling asleep.

      I'm walking in a somewhat active park with someone, and we drove my car there. It began pleasantly enough, but then the person I'm with starts to feel not as well. I say something along the lines of "lets go back to my car and turn on the AC"; but instead, like the actions of a rational human being, I put her in a shopping cart and scoot her around. I find this hilarious after I wake up, for very ironic reasons aside from the thought of pushing an unconscious adult around in a cart.

      We go to the boardwalk of a pier, which actually reminds me of Navy Pier in Chicago. And, like the real Navy Pier, it was ridonkulously foggy. It is starting to get dark at this time, and the streets lights are starting to turn on. We are heading towards Lake Michigan (or, in the dream, a random ocean), and to my left, I can see a giant, jade-colored tower with golden lights rising out of the fog in the waters. I couldn't see the base of it due to the fog/mist; but the way it is situated, it looks like the fog is some sort of a portal, and the tower is rising out of it since I can see the water line, and it is all clear. (Note: Now that I'm awake, I realize that it is very similar one of my favorite pictures I took of a tower in Chicago, which actually did kind of look like it was rising out of the fog -- hey, an excuse to use the attachment feature! -- though, not at this of an extreme as my dream).

      Hello! I'm New Here-20052011604.jpg
      It's the building to the right. God, I love Chicago.
      To my right is another giant tower, only this one is more marble white, and, due to its proximity, I can see the base (which featured columns -- lots and lots of columns). It's situated right in front of a grass quad. It's at this time my friend wakes up. I tell her she overheated (not as in a fever, but as in the cooling fans didn't work), and I figured the ocean breeze would help. I guess even Fake Chicago has winds colder than death. There was a Video Game College to our right in front of the white tower, so we decide to go in and visit.

      Inside, it is pleasantly lit. It looks like a hotel in terms of hallway/room layout, but the actual rooms feature wooden bunk beds like the dorms I've been in. The guy who greets us is a tubby, modern faux-hippy wearing a green shirt half a size too small, dirty orange hair in white-people dreads, and just-as-dirty-ginger beard (not a missed MILD cue alert for me, by the way: it's a very, very specific red that I'm noticing). The dream fades while the dude talks at me.

      The dream picks up again, and I'm back in the same busy park, only I moved backwards in time and it's the afternoon again. I'm next to my car, and it is parked on the street in the same spot as I "knew" from before. In terms of location, if I keep going straight, I'd eventually make it back to the pier again. To my right is a row of dirty apartment buildings; it's similar to the row houses you'd find in San Francisco, only if San Francisco just gave up and started downing whole gallons of ice cream each night.

      To my left is a grassy patch, with a large oak tree (the trunk is maybe a 1.5-meters wide) at my 10 'o clock. Just a bit past the tree, but more to my immediate left, is a decently sized park basketball court that features 4-5 rows of bleacher seats and chain-linked fences. Two of my housemates, E and S, are there, but they are complaining about the gutters around the court being overgrown with weeds. So now, in my mind, I make some sort of weird plan to insert a grate through the sewers where the roots are, cement off the opening while leaving a slight opening, then pulling the weeds out as they grow through the limited opening. Somewhere during the planning phase, I somehow actually do it.

      The dream fades; and then it gets a bit noteworthy.

      I wake up, and but it's not time for me to get out of bed yet, so I just lay there for a bit. I recite my MILD mantra just in case, but I still have the park dream with the basketball court fresh in my mind; so my mind begins to wander a bit about playing basketball. I thought about playing hoops with my friend DR. C!!! (FYI: it is required by law that you tell his name every time due to reasons)... the wicked crossover move I had in middle school... fantasized a bit about what if I was back in high school and I retained all my current abilities... being athletic enough to dunk the ball from the foul line... and suddenly, I wake up again. Apparently, I dozed off while thinking about basketball, only I don't think my stream of thought ever "broke," thus my mind was still busy doing the basketball equivalent of masturbating while my body slept. I'm chalking this up to some sort of WILD, or perhaps a very, very brief step towards LD?

      I drift in and out of sleep a little more, but nothing else happened.

      Updated 11-19-2013 at 08:10 PM by 66359

    9. District 180 (The Dungeon)

      by , 11-09-2012 at 10:19 PM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      Nov. 5, 2012

      I lived in a city; a very strange city. It contained many different "districts". Each district was very different from the others. It was a very fun community. The mayor of the district I went to hosted local events almost every single day.

      In the beginning of the dream, I remember that our district, District 180, became occupied by an army. They fought in our district for a while. I was one of the soldiers, actually. The fighting felt very much like a video game. The army came from the desert that was to the west (?) of the district. I lived in the district for one week.

      In District 180, there was a giant ramp that the locals called the "Throughway-180". It was a giant steep ramp at first that went down at around 50 degrees, then came to a very abrupt horizontal slope. After that, it went back up at the same 50 degrees.

      There are also a lot of teenagers in that district. The week I stayed there, there was an event where a teen went down the Throughway-180 via skateboard. This guy ended up falling off the skateboard and rolling down the rest of the ramp on the first part. I was on a hover-cycle behind him.

      There was also a dungeon that people went into a lot. I didn't know much about it, just that it was a dungeon with many monsters that ran deep underground.

      Also, the city had something to do with Chicago.

      Updated 11-09-2012 at 10:25 PM by 58207

      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Briers, caddying and Buses

      by , 09-15-2012 at 03:22 PM
      First off, I wanna say that after two weeks, I can pretty confidently say that not fapping can greatly improve vividness and complexity of dreams!

      Dream one, was waiting for the bus to school, it was abnormally bright, and I start talking to this guy who works in chicago but lives in the suburbs. And he was smoking a brier(a specific kind of pipe, that I probably dreamt about because it was in one of the stories I recently read in school). So he got on some random yellow bus that said something about Chicago, I believe that I just forgot about my own body and started just seeing the dream from his perspective. He had brown short hair, a snazzy tux, and come to think of it, looked a little like "Harvey" from "Suits". So yeah not much else happened, just went to chicago and the dream faded.

      Then I had another dream about being at a golf course, everyone was smoking weed out of the briers (has no connection to me, never done any drugs before) but none of them actually seemed high. So they were all laying down on golf carts that weren't touching the ground, kinda looked like starwars speeders. So apparently these guys got the pipes from these notebooks that the golf course interns gave them. And there were tees in there too... So tons of nonsensical and I picked up on none of it. :/ But still was fun. Can't remember much else from that dream.
    11. Demon? In Chicago

      by , 07-22-2012 at 07:17 PM (Inside the Mind of Mattlantis)
      Damn my tiredness! I lost a big chunk of the beginning of this dream because I stayed in bed too long. Still pretty cool though.

      First thing I remember is driving through Chicago in my car, tracking down some villian. He has been absorbing souls, and supposedly, once he gets 100, he will be invincible. He was at 98, and he steals the souls through touch. So needless to say, I was driving pretty recklessly. I eventually found the house he's supposed to be hiding out in, and I ran into a family I knew from earlier in the dream. They were also tracking this "person," and it turned out they were moving into this house by coincidence. They had two daughters and a son, the son was my older step-brother, Cody. The older daughter was a hot emo girl, and the younger daughter was just..... Well, a regular little girl. There is a gap in my recall here, then I remember finding the villian. Just as I as about to kill him, he absorbed the soul of the little girl. He got several new powers from this, then some stuff happened, he absorbed another soul from "somewhere," so now he was at 100. We kept fighting, though I'm not sure if it was with swords or fists, and I only vaguely remember it at all. At one point he made a remark about not being able to get near me, then I got the bright idea to hug him tightly. It robbed him of his powers, and slowly weakened him. It had something to do with my "pure intentions," and holy things could still harm him. I pushed him to the ground, we talked for a while about how he didn't want his story told in a bad light, because apparently he was doing all this out of revenge (which in retrospect makes no sense). Then the parents showed up with holy weapons. I explained to them that I was beating him this way, but just then he absorbed MY soul, which had no effect on me for some reason, then broke free. Somehow I got inside his "inner world," and started releasing the souls from inside. That's all I remember.
    12. Chicago's In My Living Room, Apparently.

      by , 10-11-2011 at 02:24 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at my house in my living room. I was standing, and my brother was sitting on the couch. We had just found some weed seeds, I think we found them in the car. He asked me
      "Are you going to smoke some weed?"
      I replied, pretty surprised that he asked me that,
      "No, I don't have any. Why?"
      "Because I never get to hang out with you."

      Then, the seeds were in this small, plastic teal container that kinda looked like this pencil holder I had stuck to my locker door in high school. My brother and I were both on the couch. We were apparently flying to Chicago, but it was like we were playing pretend that we were flying to Chicago. My mom came in the room and we then said
      "We're in Chicago!"
      But we were still on the couch in my living room. I truly believed we were in Chicago though, it made perfect sense.


      I was sitting on a chair in a white kitchen-like room. My friend Paul was there. We were talking, and I looked to the right for a second. When I looked back, Paul had gotten a seat and sat RIGHT in front of me. He was still talking to me, but he was right up in my face and smiling. I felt kinda weird about it, I felt like he may want to try to ask me out or something. I turned away a little as he kept talking and smiling.

      Then, I was in a house with a bunch of women. I think it was nighttime; everything seemed kind of dark. Some girl was in the shower with this guy who I think wanted to have sex with all of the women there. It was a weird situation, I can't really remember much else about it.
    13. beach boy

      by , 08-21-2011 at 01:26 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I had walked away from a group of people. I was now out walking on a beach. It was a sunny day. I was walking up toward a cluster of small sand dunes rooted with little clumps of brownish and greenish grass.

      I met up with a boy, maybe twelve or thirteen years old. I had known him from the group of people I had walked away from. He may have been the son of someone in the group. The boy was kind of tall, about my height (I'm kind of short), a little skinny, but muscly, darkly tanned, with slightly messy, brown-black hair. He was wearing red, knee-length swim trunks and no shirt.

      I just thought I'd be cool and say hey to the boy. But he started asking me questions about my life, as if he was really interested in me. The boy started asking me why I was taking business trips to Philadelphia and Chicago, did I like taking those trips, and why did I like taking them?

      The boy even seemed to be attracted to me, which I couldn't quite believe, and which seemed a little weird to me. But I may also have felt attracted to him.

      We walked over the cluster of dunes and were in some kind of small valley of sand. One side was bordered by the dunes. The other side was bordered by some kind of small ledge of brown or dark tan stone.

      The boy and I sat down near the ledge of stone. The boy sat with his legs bent out casually in front of him, and his hands joined together so his forearms were wrapped loosely around his knees.

      I sat down and explained to the boy that I just took business trips because I was told to. It was something I did to further my career. I liked Chicago and Philadelphia. But that wasn't why I went to those places. (IWL I have never taken any business trips.)

      I may have felt that the boy was going to try to kiss me or that I wanted to kiss the boy.
    14. Chicago, but not

      by , 07-24-2011 at 10:37 AM (Beyond the Horizon)

      I was with a school group, like an excursion (field trip). We had been travelling a long way by foot, but I only remember when we reached the top of this sand hill, and there was a whole city below us.

      There was sand and water everywhere, the buildings weren't as high as skyscrapers. Someone said "We finally reached Chicago!"

      I took out my camera and captured the city. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

      I wake up.

      lol the only time I've seen Chicago was in the movie "Source Code". It's a good movie,

      Updated 07-27-2011 at 02:14 PM by 34314

    15. My Homeless, Schizophrenic Friend and Train Danger

      by , 03-09-2011 at 06:09 PM (Nocturn Core (Abridged))
      I befriended a black man named Bob. At first, he seemed pretty normal… I understood that a number of people I knew on campus had warned me not to associate with him, but I didn’t see what the problem was. He said he would show me his house. Instead of taking me to a residential area, he led me to the shore of the Chicago River where he had a mat of old, hardened newspapers set up under a bridge. I quickly observed that he was homeless. Immediately, I lost interest in the friendship; my positive experiences with homeless individuals were few and far between. I stared at the long since faded ink on the newspapers as I pondered a way to lose Bob. He would follow me if I tried a normal method of escape. I came up with a plan – I would take the train! Since he was homeless, he probably couldn’t pay the train fare. While I finalized the plan in my head, Bob asked me about random people. I didn’t understand his questions, but I soon figured out why – he thought the people were standing there with us! Bob was having serious hallucinations. I was glad I had figured out a way to distance myself from him… That wasn’t the sort of company I needed. When I told Bob I was going to the train station, he said he knew a shortcut. Rather than insist on just walking to the nearest one (the Green Line was only a few blocks away), I gave in and followed him.

      The dream jumped. I was in an underground passage, following Bob with next to no idea where we would surface. He stopped me before a ladder and asked if I was sure about going on the train. Something about it frightened him. I insisted on continuing. I needed to get somewhere, I said. Bob started growling to himself in rage, but he cooperated. He had to release at least ten trap doors on the way up. These were intended to lock people out of his secret passage. He complained the whole way up about trains. When we emerged, I was stunned. We were on a train platform. My plan had been completely foiled by Bob’s clever shortcut… Of course he wouldn’t pay the fare – he could just skip the entrance! A quick look around revealed that we were on the Green Line, but a bit further west of the river. I wasn’t going to lose him so easily, it seemed… Surely, he wouldn’t be able to follow me onto a bus to the suburbs. He couldn’t tunnel his way into that one. I got on the next train to arrive and sat down close to the operator in case of an emergency. I still wasn’t sure what to expect from Bob. He took the seat next to me. As soon as the train started moving, he burst into sobs. This drew quite a few stares, but I let him cry. I did my best to seem like I didn’t know the guy. This continued for a few awkward minutes before he calmed down. He asked if I liked his new boots. Confused, I stared at his feet. He was wearing sneakers, not boots. He showed me his hands, and I realized he was supposed to be holding something. He was hallucinating a pair of fine boots.

      “Oh… Yeah, they’re very nice,” I said in a kind voice. I came up with some kind of oxymoron to describe them, and he doubled over in laughter. I sensed that he might be on drugs. He was one of those people who don’t breathe when they laugh, so his chuckling was coupled with wheezing noises. Another black man walked up to us during this fit of laughter. He was wearing a baggy, black jacket, baggy jeans, and white sneakers. He was also half-wearing a baseball cap; it looked like it might tumble off his dreadlocks any moment.

      “Shut up!” he shouted at Bob. He continued with a stream of vulgar, obscene name-calling before finally calling us both annoying. I tried again to pretend I didn’t know Bob, but the association had been made. I suddenly realized I was blind. It didn’t bother me much for some reason… I focused on what I could hear of the situation. The vulgar man came over to me and put his hand on my head. I’d rather not transcribe verbatim the ultimatum he gave Bob, but in essence, he wanted me to publicly pleasure him, and Bob had ten seconds to convince me to do it. I wasn’t going to have any of this. I teleported to the other end of the next train car over and pressed the emergency assistance button. I could see into the first car from my current position.

      “There’s someone dangerous on the train,” I said. The guy stared at me from the first car with wide eyes. He started walking toward the second car.

      “Attention, passengers…” an automated voice began over the intercom. “A dangerous customer has been identified. For your safety, lease be watchful for threats to yourself and others as we work toward removal.”

      “He’s on the second train car,” I told the operator through the assistance system. The guy was approaching me in long strides. Instead of attacking me as I expected him to, the guy brushed past me on the way to the next car. “Make that the third,” I said. “He’s trying to get away.” The train stopped at the next station, and a bunch of people got off. I kept an eye out for the guy who threatened me and Bob, but I didn’t see him.
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