Jamie 1 Dreamed Jesus woke me up in a false awakening. He had his hand extended, I took it and he led me to a closet. We opened it and I side was a white coffin. We Got Jamie out of the coffin. Okay, what is it with dreaming Jamie is in a closet or locked in a box or coffin? Very common themes lately. Jamie 2 Flash of Jamie making out with some girl. Okay, getting tired of dreaming about that. Last night: Had kind of a rough night with her voice. I was thinking about the past again too much causing me to split bad. Had trouble sleeping for a while because of it. But we talked about it. Jesus wants us to give a lot of grace to one another. I'm getting there. I'm just worried if it bothers me sometimes - if we start talking again, I hope she is willing to explain some things from time to time. In order to settle the issue and move on from it quickly. I wouldn't recommend a giant discussion of the past in one sitting though. Might do more harm than good. Like we learned in school about earthquakes, better to have small quakes to alleviate the pressure instead of a giant destructive quake. Children Had a dream I saw something about Jamie online. She had a blog post where she had all these children. Asuka took me to her place. Jamie was there and another adult, I don't know who. Jamie was not looking at me at all. I decided to leave and at the door Jamie smiled at me. She looked tired. Uh oh. I guess I better be more careful from now on. I think Jesus has told us both to be really careful with one another.
I am dreaming a story out. In the story, a village was destroyed, and a small group of children were the only survivors. A woman who was actually a goddess with a special relationship with the village was going to take care of all of them. She was apparently Skuld. All the gods had been gradually losing their powers, her included, so she was (I thought) really more of a demigod. A man who had left the village some time back has independently decided to return to take care of the children as well. (I was playing with the idea of his actually having been exiled from it at some point.) He had not been a particularly responsible person up until then and had led a rather rough life but genuinely cared about doing this. He was a bit suspicious of the goddess-woman since the village wasn’t large, and he didn’t recognize her, and so he didn’t see why she was involved at all. Both of them were portrayed as characters from a story I thought of sometime when I was a teenager but never did anything with. They played notably different roles in the dream. -23.6.22 Other interesting dreams recently: -Cleaning under my bed in childhood home #4, I find an open box of graham crackers. It turns out to be full of cicadas, which makes me happy because I like cicadas and because I was thinking at first it was going to be wasps. -While visiting a friend, I go out looking for a coffee shop in a location that’s dream-familiar but accidentally end up in a public area overlooking congress. I discreetly leave at the earliest possible moment and find the coffee shop nearby. -In another dream-familiar city, I go to higher ground to avoid rising floodwater and end up near a tent city. Notable in that I could smell it as well as hear the people talking there. -Descending a staircase into an underground area, accompanied by full orchestration. Unfortunately, all I can remember about the music was that it was in 4/4 time, and timpani were playing on beats 1 and 3.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am a warrior, maybe a samurai. I am protecting a large group of inahbitants in the mountains. My guru is among them. There is a big eruption in the mountain and the ground is oepning up and lava flowing out of it and everyone running in all directions. I manage to escape and lead many away with me and to the safety of some caves in another mountain past a bridge. Then, some sort of alien monster attacks me, the size of an elephant with tentacles. But I find a weapon that also seems alien to me, quite big, like a staph with a large bulb on top which shoot lasers and I manage to kill the monster with it. The villagers gather around for some decision making in a safe room around a table. I see my guru there and I still crave for his kind words and attention. I am expecting something from him, but he doesn't address me. I decide to stay humbly in my position by the door and guard people. But at some point I feel like I need to leave for good. I have done my job and need to find my peace of mind again, away from everything. So I announce I will be going back home, for which I need to cross again a dangerous path through the land of other monsters. They try to change my mind, but I feel too hurt to stay. As I cross the bridge separating the mountains, I see spectres approaching and I find out I have achieved super speed like Flash and can move away from them without them ever posing a threat. I call the guru from afar, hoping he too has the same powers and can meet me later wherever I am. I am staying at some kind of posh old hostel, maybe in the 30s. It is early morning and I am starving, so I go get a snack from the cafeteria. The lady serving the food says I must eat and pay for the proper breakfast but I explain I just need some sugar as I feel lightheaded and will come back later for the breakfast, so she agrees to hand me some snack. Then I am planning to take a shower and look for the bathrooms on my floor. Realize I am wearing a transparent baby doll and not exactly adequately dressed to go around the corridor, so I find a ladies toilet and go inside looking for a towel to wrap myself on. Find a strange looking mirror on the wall. Almost got lucid when wondering why there is no reflection of my image on the mirror, only to find out it is actually a door with a window covered in paper on the other side. I feel like any pervert could open a hole or lift a corner of the paper and look inside and that is stupid. As I think that, a guy peaks in from the next compartment and I get pissed. I go outside, open the door of the next compartment where he his and I punch his face. But wonder who the idiot was that put the paper on the side of the men's toilet and not on the ladies'. Some other girl comes rushing to defend him. She is his lover or something and won't believe that he was peaking. Accuses me of teasing men by being half naked on the hallways. I decide to leave and get dressed. Then I get lost in a corridor that connects to an abandoned area of the building. I go down some stairs and find a basement full of trash. I remove some stuff blocking a door and I find 4 or 5 kids with terror in their eyes. But they are not really kids, but living and moving cloth and yarn dolls of animals and other strange characters. But I consider them as kids. They don't talk, but I know what they feel and think. They've been kidnapped and are afraid their kidnapper will come back soon. I bring them with me. Meanwhile their kidnappper comes back and she is some woman wanted for murder. People thought she had died, but she has been hiding in here all that time. She sees me, she blocks my exit and I need to find a new exit. I am carrying the kids against my chest, as they are actually dolls. I find a window at the street level and I break and jump through it. She chases me. I run to a bar or casino whose owner is by the door. He ows me a favor, so I tell him to call the cops and the media and bring them to the tailor shop. I go there, because the tailor is the murderer's father. I assume he's been helping her out, or at least that bringing her to him will have some emotional effect and give me a chance to escape. And in fact he is surprised to see her, but not that much. Clearly he just wasn't expecting to see her there, but they've been seeing each other. I am blocked inside the tailor's shop and they think they got it under control. They discuss how to kill me and hide the kids again, but then the cops and press appear and they are caught in the act. I announce that she's the killer they've been looking for, that the father was her accomplice and then to top if of, I show them the children I have been hiding insde my jacket and ask them to check for matches with missing kids. Everybody treats me like I am the hero of the century.
Updated 07-05-2022 at 11:56 AM by 34880
For some reason, Saturday nights are always the best for me with dreams. It's probably the least stressful night of the week for me, plus I sleep the most. The Bigfoot Children Dream: I was a science counselor at a summer camp, named Ben. There were dangerous Bigfoots running around the campground, but they were disguised as humans, and I was very afraid of them. I decided to switch from being a counselor to studying astronomy or something (dream logic) to be safer from the Bigfoots. This is the first dream I’ve ever had where I was not me. This was also non-lucid. I completely believed that my name was Ben and I was a summer camp science counselor at a place infested by Bigfoots disguised as human children. And I was switching to just studying science and not being a counselor anymore, because somehow this would protect me from the Bigfoots. Seriously. I had to pee, so I went to the bathroom and hoped to not get caught by the roving Bigfoots. So I was hiding but I was also peeing. The bathroom was weird as many of the stalls were connected. I had a vague awareness that I could teleport, so I ended up in some cabin or room in the camp. I decided to go into my secret room, which was in an attic of some sort. A lady at the front desk encouraged me to hide. I floated up towards the ceiling, and bumped my head on it, but it didn’t hurt. I thought “of course, this section is blocked”, and I moved slightly and then floated up into a bedroom. Oh and at some point I actually peed my pants during the dream. (When I woke up, I was extremely relieved to find that I did not pee myself IRL. Lol.) I was laying in a bed with lots of warm blankets when I teleported into the room. It was daytime. It felt very comfortable, but I was worried about spiders in the room, because it was an attic after all. I pulled a wand out of my pocket, which was wooden, and I cast a magic spell, which was green. It was a cleaning spell. And there were no spiders in my bed. I think my tulpa was there, but not fully visible? Which is weird considering that I was not me in this dream. I think I went to sleep there in that dream. When I woke up here, I was really confused as to why my ceiling wasn’t Ben’s for a brief moment. I still thought I was Ben for that brief second, waking up in my own bed in that cabin. Other Things: I've been reading about Astral Projection/OOBEs. The process to achieve these seems to be extremely similar to WILD. I have been trying it and I am often able to get myself into a conscious state of sleep paralysis. I can occasionally see things that aren't actually there. However, this state only lasts a few seconds before I get itchy or something and I wake up, OR I lose consciousness and fall asleep. I did this twice last night. One of the gifts -- and curses -- of being a light sleeper who wakes up multiple times a night. Let's be real though, it's almost 100% a gift, when you consider how badly I want to LD on command and make them as vivid as possible. I guess those brief SPs could be considered LDs, as I knew what was happening. I actually think this is really helpful. If you are in SP and you start seeing things that aren't there, everything around you technically constitutes a dreamscape. Next time this happens, I'll see how much I can bend the environment to my will.
Updated 02-13-2022 at 05:56 PM by 58176
2nd September 2021 Dream: Aboard a spaceship. It's dark in most hallways and rooms and there's a general eerie feel, like how I used to feel about the dark as a child. Some parts of the ship look like the Nostromo in a Weyland-Yutani style. There's discussion with some characters and we're talking about Vulcan. I seem to have future knowledge that it will be destroyed by an explosion but I keep it to myself. A guy is talking about his brother having gone to Vulcan as a trader. I see out a central window in a dark room and there's a planet with a green atmosphere, framed perfectly by the round window. I go away from the rest of the group on my own, I think just through into some other nearby rooms. There's a WY wall-mounted bulky junction thing, over a doorway (resembling corridors in the Pods). This thing has a flashing red light, possibly beeping too. I notice that the flash seems to slowly be gaining speed. This unsettles me, telling me something is wrong. In the dream I can't seem to remember what the thing is for and when I ask nobody else seems to know or care, being preoccupied with their own conversations or thoughts. Nobody takes this seriously. I feel there may be an alien (xeno) aboard. (recall gap) Then, I'm in the mess hall, which is nearby to where I was before. There are two or three dozen people here, all eating from bowls and stuff, but there are no tables or chairs. There are a few kids too. An adjoined kitchen has workshop-like tools, like buzz saws, table saws and the like. All of this just makes me feel uneasy and I imagine or fear accidents relating to these tools. One kid in the mess hall has a cyborg hand with a circular saw attached. He's cutting beef jerky with it, or some other kind of stringy meat. I am or become one of the kids at some point, possibly early teens? Everyone eventually leaves except for myself and a couple of other kids. This unsettles me, like something terrible is going to happen, still because of that eerie feeling about the darkness. The other two kids, a tall slim boy and a short fat boy, start picking on me and won't let me leave. We get into a slow struggle but I eventually break free. I forget the rest of this part. (recall gap) Somewhere outdoors-like and sunny, but I just walked there in the ship, it's just some section of it. Some other characters, I'm accompanying them I think. Despite the changed environment the eerie feeling remains in some places that are indoors here. I forget most of this segment but at the end I'm talking to a male doctor, a psychologist. We're sitting at a bench in an outdoor cloister bit with benches. There are other people around, passing by or whatever. We discuss some problems of mine (which specific to this dream-life) but I forget what is said exactly. Notes: - For quite some time I have been wondering if or when I'd ever dream about one of the Alien films. Oddly enough, after waking from this dream, I didn't remember this, despite realising there were some similarities between the dream environment and the setting of the first film. - I haven't known or felt that fear of darkness in a number of long years, it's a fear that I think I must have worked a bit to overcome but that also kind of just went away on its own. -- It's notable that I can't remember ever having felt this eerie feeling in a dream before, but it's possible I just don't remember any specific instance anymore. - I couldn't notice any outer details of the ship from the windows. -- The planet I saw was probably based off space games I've recently been playing. But the (vivid, tending toward yellows) green atmosphere is probably symbolic, as it's a colour I associate with death, envy and other sinister feelings or effects. This seems pertinent with the rest of the setting and mood. - The unwillingness of other characters to cooperate or listen probably relates to how characters are often portrayed in the sort of film like Alien, where you always seem to have stubborn or ignorant characters that make everything worse. - On some level, the ship having the self-contained outdoor-but-indoors environment is probably related to a story I've been working on for a while now. - Despite the feelings in the dream, this wasn't really a bad dream, especially since I've been waiting for something like it to come up.
I'm on a light green field with another boy that is maybe 6 years younger than me. He has some kind of drone and a controller and I have a paper airplane. I throw the airplane and I am being taken with it. I keep on flying and look down, I'm a bit scared I'm gonna fall. I see a forest with really tall trees and aim to fly over them. I succeed and a new landscape opens up. I look down between the tree tops and try to keep my height. I have to fly down in order to gain speed and aim for the boy from before. The flight is controlled and never goes faster than that you are able to acknowledge everything around you. I fly past the boy and touch his chin in order to show him that I'm here. He becomes annoyed in a playful way and I keep on flying until the dream is gone. Notes: I talked about drones with my family yesterday.
Updated 05-28-2021 at 08:17 AM by 97565
I went to bed with the mantra. "Stop and meditate, the answer is fire" because I want to fire bend in my dream. Sometimes when I put up goals and try them out in my dream I stop when I don't succeed on the first try. I prepared myself to don't give up after the first try for this mission which helped me out. I'm driving a car in Lyckeby. I wonder how I got here and start to count my fingers while I drive which I get a bit ashamed of because I should keep track on the other cars. My fingers look fine first but then I see six fingers and get somewhat lucid. I wonder how I should escape this car and decide just to open the door and fly out. While I fly I remember to stop and try out my fire bending. I land on the ground with some child present. I try to create a fire in my hand but fail. I remember that I should keep on going and not give up. I try to think about what could be a small start in order to get bigger and bigger. I start with just trying to make my vision go red without actually create a fire and succeed. I see big red particles in the air in front of me. I try to advance and create a fire in my hand. A 2D fire is in my hand but it is painted and not real. I try some more and succeed with a small real fire in my hand. I don't feel the fire, I only see it. I try to shoot the fire forward and succeed. The fire comes out from my hands in a single stream that starts small and erupt in a cloud one meter away. The child next to me is also doing some similar fire bending. Notes: I would like to try to fly away with a car while I am in it. I think I would like to improve my fire bending and make it natural. My flying is so natural to me that I often use it in non-lucid dreams. I'm massaging a woman. Her skin is very thick and has oil in it. She thinks I'm doing a good job. I'm in a hotel and Filippa is also there. She wants to spend time with me while her family is downstairs. We walk down the stairs.
I'm home and have super powers. I fly up in the night sky and I have really good control but the sensations are not really there. It's monotonic flying. Recall fragment An evil man is hunting me because of my super powers. He also has super powers and says that he can exploit my super powers by sucking my life energy out. I'ts a nightmare by this point. When I was younger I sometimes dreamt about being chained with some evil man torturing my family and I'm just crying and screaming. This dream had the same dark feeling over it. I fight with the man but he is stronger. I somehow touch his hair and notice that it's really thick and has some kind of product in it. Recall fragment I'm upstairs and looking for my card (?). I ask my parents where it is but they don't know. Recall fragment. I'm by the houses behind mine with some children about 8-12 years old, maybe four of them. We are peaking in to a house and it's dark outside. We talk about how we should proceed. They also have super powers and can fly. I tell them that I will become invisible and destroy the mini balcony. I try to become invisible and everything except my hands are invinsible, even though my friends don't seem to see anything of me. They become amazed because they didn't know that one could use super powers to become invisible. I walk on the balcony and twist it. The people inside notice and talk to each other. I am afraid now because the evil man might know my location now. I fly to the closest roof and the children are gone. Notes: I remembered some terrible dreams I had when I was younger that I hadn't thought of in several years.
I woke up by myself 8 am and thought about going up because I've gotten my 8 hours sleep. I wanted to get a lucid and know that I easily get lucids when I resleep in the morning. I'm in church and go sit on a chair 2 meters fromt the main entrance. I'm playing nonogram and there are some people playing a game and running in front of me. Linda from my class approaches me and wonders where I got my socks from. I notice that I have a pair of my Happy Socks on me. I tell her that Elina (?) gave me them. She says that she got her's from Elina too. She walks away awkwardly and I think it is weird of me to have my phone and playing nonogram. Notes: I had a dream earlier about Elina but don't quite remember it. I'm by Hemköp and walking home. I see a chair on the ground with wheels on it. I take it and keep on walking home. By the slope I sit on the chair and ride on. The chair is spinning counter clockwise. I meet Albin and say hi to him. I start wondering if this is a dream but I wake up. I lie in bed and decide to walk up. I just woke up and I'm in church. My pants are dirty and I wonder how I'm supposed to get home to school, I don't remember how I got here . My arms and hands are white and I know it's a dream. I do my RC. Yep I can breathe even though I pinch my nose. I start to fly away and notice how I don't have full control. I see a man walking the street and I want to test something. I imagine that I have a rope and pull him in. He starts to do weird motions but not accordingly to how I do it. I fly away in search for something fun. I find a house and walk in through the window. I meet a man and I ask him where his family is. He says that they are in the dark room upstairs. I walk up and open the door. It is pitch black and my vision is gone. I think about how I am going to wake up if I don't do anything. I imagine how I grab the wall and walk down the stairs again. My vision is still gone but I have a small sense on my hands against the wall. I try to open my eyes gradually and it is a success. I walk to the outer door. The man from before greets me and the sheriff enters. They talk a while about how everyone has guns and the houseowner jokes to the sheriff that it is because he is so bad with guns that everyone else needs guns by themselves. The house owner talks about how much the clock is and I tell him that he doesn't need to worry. The clock is 10 am in the waking world I tell him. He doesn't reply to this. I fly on and look into different houses. There are dogs in all the houses. The dogs have some sort of bad aura over them. I walk into different houses and see some families. I keep on flying and come to a spooky house. I fly through a window and notice that there are many children there. They are having some kind of spooky party. I fly to the back of the house and exit through a window. There is a flying witch there. I show of how good I am at flying and think that she is only using a thread or something fake. I fly back to the house and see some kids again. They jump over a hinder to come to the next floor. A boy, about 6 years old, throws a big wooden wheel at a small girl and she starts to cry. She runs to me and hold my hand. She drags my hand as if she wants me to carry her and so I do. I carry her and feel a bit stressed out at first because I haven't done anything really fun in my lucid but feel comfort in comforting this little girl. Notes: I didn't have that much control over the dream but it's okay. I haven't had a lucid in a long time. I read How to Kill a Mockingbird and studied the chapter with the sheriff yesterday. I woke up 08.55 am so I was actually wrong when I told him the clock was 10 am.
Updated 11-18-2020 at 09:57 AM by 97565
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA/AP I am in the mountains, heading to some camp with lots of kids. Zilla is there too and she organized a paper-chase game for the kids, inspired in Harry Potter and they are quite entertained following clues through paths in the mountains. But this is like a refugee camp, not a summer camp and we are on the move, running away from something dangerous. I get a surprise visit by Nighthawk and I am so happy to see him. We sit at the entrance of a tent and as we talk, we lean towards each other and I can't resist to kiss him. Then we embrace each other passionately. Things are heating up so we head inside. But then some bad guys with guns invade the camp and we all try to run to safer places, unsuccessfully. They've surrounded us and they snatch a kid and kill him. They say they'll keep coming and kill us all one by one. Then they leave and we all start mourning. I sob in deep despair. I wake up from the dream because of my crying, I feel like I am sobbing in RL. But instead of really waking up, I go through a false awakening and end up in the astral plane. I am in the bed at my room in the attic, it is dark and something is off. I sense dark presences and I start hearing a baby crying. It's disturbing and it doesn't stop. I get up and sit on the bed as I hear steps of someone coming. I hope it is Riverstone, so I call for him but I get no response. As I start feeling sheer terror, I start yelling as loud as I can, trying to be heard in RL or wake myself up. I realize no sound is actually coming out of my mouth in my RL body. I freak out for a bit because I feel trapped and unable to communicate or get out. Until I decide to calm down and ignore the fear and the baby crying. I slowly wake up. I am at my mom's with Riverstone, looking for some bird cages with different sizes that I know she has in the attic. We use it sometimes for rescue birds. I am shocked to find one tiny cage that only fits one bird standing, which has a parakeet inside. I can't understand how that is possible at all. These cages have been stored for at least a year. I rush to give water and a bit of kiwi to the poor bird and I can sense he is desperate. I can't wait to let him fly free in the room a little bit. He first falls on the bed as he is very weak but then manages to fly to the window and grab the metal frame of the window. I go get him to put him in a larger cage with food and water so he can recover, but he panics thinking I am going to trap him again in the tiny one. I also can feel all his bones and it is so afflictive.
I set an alarm 07.00 and wanted to try to turn on my lamp and then try to sleep one hour again. I had an idéa that this would make me dream more vividly/have many dreams. I didn't recall any dreams from the night but remembered two dreams from the one hour nap. I see my old french book in a shelf. I grab it and lie in my bed to read it. As I open it up my old french teacher Magnus enters. He asks what I am doing and I showcase my book and say that I am doing my homework. He says that I only have a C in french and that school lays a lot of money on us and that if I want to I can get extra help. New fragment. Someone is talking about how the world is going to be filled with water so that we can eat more fish. I see a big house under water as I hear this. I hear another voice that says that the water is way too cold and that it wouldn't be energy efficient. New fragment. I'm in the same room as I was before with the french book. There is a one meter long blue fish with some kind of fur on it on the floor. There is a girl that is fascinated by the fish and pets it. I pour some water on it so that it can feel comfortable. When I pour water on it I accidentaly rip the eye out from the fish. The eye falls out and fall on the floor. The eye looks like an olive. I look at the fish's eye and notice that there isn't any blood there and I wonder why. I feel really guilty and bad. Suddenly there is a grey transparent liquid coming out from the hole where the eye was before. New fragment. We have walked outside and Nellie and Sara is there. There is a big hole with water at the bottom. Nellie wants to jump into the water but she thinks it is too high to jump. She takes the stairs instead but because she is only a small child it takes a long time. I am annoyed because I am in a hurry for something. Sara takes a big sprint and tries to jump over the stair into the water but only comes halfway and hurt herself as she lands on the stone steps. Notes: Today is the first day of school in a long time. I feel the pressure. I don't have french anymore but I think it will always be the subject that symbolizes school because it put so much pressure on me. There is a big train and I see a group of children inside the train. There is another group of children somewhere else in the train too. The train is moving slowly and there are four guards outside the train with guns that is guarding them so they won't escape. The second group of children is talking to the first group about how the guards won't shoot the second group and that they can escape because of this. New fragment. The children are walking next to the rail. There is a spring on the rail that a child takes up and puts a trap on so that the train will break. Notes: I read The Promised Neverland about two months ago and this reminded me of that serie.
Updated 11-02-2020 at 08:56 AM by 97565
14th June 2020 Dream Fragment: In some altered version of our house, with H. I remember a greenhouse of sorts around back, it was dark. Transition? Another scene, still same area. Me and H walking around and there's this Polish lady and in the dream she is a neighbour of ours. She has a kid or two, and a husband who is away at the moment. We hear her talk in her native language to her child, who is indoors. She's sitting on a dark grey fibreglass chair outside, our garden areas are apparently joined together. Her house isn't lined up straight with ours though, it's set further back, so the door leading inside her house from the "back" is technically on the side of her house, not the front or back. I remember we spoke to her, she wanted something, like something done for her or fixed for her perhaps. Notes: - In the dream I remember that my knowledge about her family was simply intuitive, as if we'd known the family casually for years. - While I don't really remember the lady's appearance or her children's appearance, I have the feeling she had black, tied-back hair. This fits some character archetype my dream mind keeps constructing from time to time. - I am recalling, having written the above note, that I had a short-term friend (Ca) when I was a kid, who sort of matched this description; she was particularly tall despite being about the same age but she did get some abuse from other kids for that, since kids always find ways of being mean. I remember for a few years I'd always been a bit sad we didn't stay in touch or remain friends since we didn't stay in touch, but to be honest at some point I just don't even remember seeing her anymore, despite the fact that my home town was fairly condensed and most people knew each other in some vague way at the very least. During my childhood she was one of few girls with whom I got along with quite well. - I think my dream mind likes to feature different families with children of their own as a window into what that life might be like. - The backyard, oddly enough, was actually grassy, unlike the concrete backyard we do have at our current home.
Interruption to the DJ catch up to put one from the past night. Some particularly detailed dreams, but I ended up having so much initial recall of so many dreams that in the end I let go of many and only made notes of a couple. Of note is the fact that last night I took for the first time a multi-vitamin B complex. It somehow did increase dream vividness far beyond what I expected. 2nd August 2020 Dream: In space. In a game like Freelancer, flying a ship with a similar camera view as the game would have. I am on a server and I interact with some other people, but it's a small and private server. I remember at some point discussing something with someone and then bringing up a list looking at all the potential guns and turrets there were. There were Nomad weapons that went by names such as "Redeemer" and came in three different marks. I remember thinking that it was silly to call it redeemer because there should be a Class Ten weapon using that as an acronym. The turrets list was like a "give mode" menu too, but I didn't have access to that function. Everything was so detailed, I remember asteroids and distant nebulas and overall the sense of scale was just about right. I'm not sure I flew with a specific aim in mind but I found a Klingon wreckage of a Warbird or something. I shot its turrets so that I could loot them, and I wanted to do so quickly so that someone else couldn't interrupt me or steal them from me. Then very close by was a station where I landed my ship. I got out but don't remember doing so physically, and then was inside the station. It was like a hospital mixed a bit with an office, and now the server people were here with me as a group? But something has a Farscape feel to it. Seems poorly lit or dark, but visibility is OK. I forget some details but eventually H is with me at some point and we are waiting at the end of some hall. There are other people here, just sitting on some kind of benches, all waiting same as us. It was like a lobby? The light here mostly comes from the floor, a bit blue-ish, not even just a cold light, actually blue-ish. There are some commercial type fridges with the metal framed glass doors and they have cans of drink in them and I open one of them behind someone and fiddle with or organise some cans. Then eventually we go through a doorway. We're outside, it's day time, slightly cloudy but bright though I didn't notice shadows properly and we are visiting a church here to do some work. The transition into this area was perfectly seamless. The church was unusual, it was very open and seemed to be in the ruins of a massive old cathedral, some parts more ruined than others. But overall there was no "ceiling" to speak of and it was an open church. I could hear the wind and the leaves of tall trees surrounding the area, I could hear this very clearly in the dream. The floor was all just grassy turf and there was no flooring really, but there were brand new things and some old things here in the main congregation area of this new church. There was a wooden house of some kind, which was full-size and looked just like the typical thing seen in a nativity, just bigger effectively. But two kids were following us, they seemed curious. Though I got the feeling from H it'd be better if they weren't following us, so as we approached a wall panel between some old pillars, we went behind a wooden carved statue of Jesus. The statue featured prominently the colours red and blue on the clothing, and His hair was curly and dark, as was His beard. He did have a crown of thorns, too. The colours seemed a bit worn but probably better than could be expected for something out here in the elements. Anyway, H pushed some panel behind the statue and we went through and it shut. Though the structure was very open, this didn't really limit the kids following us, but it made it more difficult; H then went around more sneakily trying to just get past them or spook them or something. Either way, the whole time H seemed to know what he was doing and I just followed his lead as with any normal job. One of the kids was gone at this point, but the other one remained and followed more closely now; his father or grandfather appeared and was trying to convince him to go back with him, but the child seemed insistent in following us and seeing what we were doing. The man apologised for the behaviour, clearly nervous and feeling a bit foolish in some sense. I did not mind him or the kid so much at this point. Eventually we are on a rooftop part of the old cathedral building. It's high, but not as high as it would have been on top of the actual cathedral; I got the sense that this was a secondary, inner, chapel, built to be inside the cathedral itself. We got on the rooftop simply, because the grassy terrain ramped up to it, I recall. It's all leafy and there's lots of Autumn-coloured leaves on top, a contrast to the green grasses from earlier. I remember stepping on the leaves and feeling them under my boots, which made me more aware of what I was wearing. I remember walking over and maybe stepping on a dead sapling that was growing here. Its wood was dark and bendy. Somehow it's a truly beautiful area and scene but I don't think or realise this in the dream. As we get near the opposite end I become concerned and tell everyone to stop. The roof slopes down more quickly ahead and there are no leaves. I start to realise the danger of being on a roof more than before. I tell H, "there are no tiles here, we'll slip right off". So in agreement we start to walk back. I had thoughts of the kid falling and didn't want to feel responsible should something happen, but I also think about how the parent/grandparent would feel should such a thing happen. At this point my fear of heights seems to kick in a little and I stick more toward the inner edge, where there's a vertical structure jutting out the middle of the roof; I step up on a stone ledge of sorts and as I keep walking back with a tight grip on some stone stuff, I start to realise there had been a music playing for quite some time, in a quick crescendo now. I could hear a jackdaw or crow cawing for the same amount of time too. These sounds were immensely beautiful and as they became more and more vivid I eventually woke up. Dream Fragment: Only made brief notes of this one. Dream about visiting a therapist to treat some narcolepsy (that I do not suffer from in real life). I basically kept falling asleep throughout this dream and having different dreams within the dream. In the last part, there was some joint therapy dream thing about recognising that I was asleep, and we had a timed round to shoot enemies and shoot their limbs off with guns. Then an old skeleton is under some bushes or canopy on some grass. It was Kerrigan's skeleton? The front of the skull was missing or smashed, but some of the lower jaw mandible was intact. Someone took off what was the bones of a tail part of the skeleton and then I or someone else tossed the full skeleton towards someone, Sol, I think? She suddenly had to go though, and we all criticised her for doing this every time. Scraps: - A small Spartan-like nation? They had a strong military that seemed American in some sense and they were testing some nuclear weapons and special bullets. It was sunny. Lots of concrete structures. Notes: - There sure is a lot to make note of here, and I didn't even record all the detail of the first dream fully, it would have taken me too long and most of it is ultimately filler in some sense. But I greatly enjoyed that dream's experience. - I probably remembered scraps of at least five long dreams in total, but all dreams were fairly vivid. They also all felt like they changed very quickly. - In a between-period of sleeping and not sleeping after my initial waking up, I tried to focus my mind on drawing but did not have any dreams relating to that or art in general. - The children following us were both boys, probably between the ages of 6-10. I don't remember having a great look at them, mostly because they followed us from behind most of the time. - This first dream is the longest dream sequence I have dreamt of for quite a long time now. - In the second dream, the skeleton was whole, all joined together, something that I know in waking life is impossible except if it had been put together as a museum piece of some kind. The bones were particularly yellowed and somewhat pitted. - The guns/shooting thing probably came about from playing KF quite a bit with H lately. - The weapons-testing in the scraps dream likely came about from a general enjoyment of controlled loud noises and explosions (despite their dangers and harmful nature). - The therapist figure seems to be recurring a little recently. I think it's part is an inner representation of a guide because I have often sought help from therapists for guidance with the psychological side of life and because I've had some good ones, I suppose I feel on some level that they can be very useful guides, even when they say things I'm not happy with or don't agree with. - This type of figure is also ironically likely to be the antithesis of my frustrations with healthcare systems; these dream therapists actually care about me and there is no payment or any such thing involved, there is a genuine feel of interest in helping me as if they were devoted to that. - The narcolepsy and the falling asleep thing may have been subconscious cues about dreaming reality.
Grey = awake Yellow = non-lucid Blue = lucid There's something to do with Regina from once upon a time and a witch. They want to go somewhere with some circular magical construction in a gigantic warehouse made out of a black material, but they need food. Thus the evil witch decides to bring Henry from the same series as food. Regina of course says no and provides the food they need. Henry still goes with them, though. Suddenly there's a scene change to people going insane and violently throwing themselves onto their children. Suddenly I am one such child and someone sits down on me, and I wake up. That was a weird dream with horrible themes. Not good.
In the dream I was back in NJ, at the church I used to go. Some children are playing around in the church's basemant. At one point they needed to read the bible, so I ofered to go and find one. I go upstairs, and in one of the rooms, before the altar, I find Cesar, the deacon. I asked him if he has a bible available, and he says sure, here you go. I take the small bible and head out to the basement, but instead I go the wrong way and I end up on the left side of the altar, 3 benches away from it. I go towards the benches and I dock, not to be seen. Then I realize that I'm just wearing my underwear, now I'm really screwed in here, I think. My perseption shifts toward the midle lane; a blonde lady comes through, preaching outloud, and walking like in a beauty pageant. I think to myself "this lady is so chill, she doesn't even care what the priest or people would say about her". All the atettion focuses on her, but now she's sitting down with her family and she is taking about a testimony of life, some kind of miracle that hapened in her life. I couldn't remember exactly what she said about it. Note: This is one of my recurring dreams, since I moved 5 years ago, from NJ. to NC. I did quit going to church around the time I learned about Lucid Dreaming. The priest was actually a good friend of mine, but never got back in touch with him since then. I feel I should call him and say: "hello padre! ARE You DREAMING!!!"