Well my recall has been terrible for the past... 2 weeks? I just got back from 5 days in New York and was hoping for some good dreams there since I had a hotel room all to myself. But alas, nothing. Perhaps shifting my sleep schedule had a bigger effect than I thought since on the first night back I already got a non-lucid AND a lucid dream (isn't that exciting!). The lucid will follow in my next entry. In a church, I'm singing in choir. The spacious room has Victorian dark wood panelling about half the height of the wall and the double doors (also panelled) are rectangular, rather than the portal shape I would expect. They are set in a heavy moulded stone doorway. The masonry is all white, but the church is brick on the outside. I see several items of old gothic furniture, including an elaborately carved wooden lectern. I head to the exit and see papers, leaflets, posters pinned on a door and piled on chairs by the entrance. A man is standing with a profound expression next to a stand of green leaflets by the open door, and I think that he will sing if I ask him to. I go out. I walk back with another girl in choir. I ask if she is going back to 'choir boot camp' with me on Monday and she affirms that she is. We talk more, laughing a lot - though she doesn't remind me of anybody. I ponder how the camp lasts 6 school days (although it might be 7 considering the timeline in my head) and I can't believe the headmistress let me miss that much school. Later I arrive at home with a Japanese woman, older. I see a black cat on my doorstep and point it out to her. She seems to look right through it for several seconds before noticing. I feel annoyed because 'she always does that'. So I try saying 'there's a cat ' in Japanese to better attract her attention. This causes her to freak out - she screams and grabs me roughly (seriously - it hurt!) by the shoulders, telling me not to 'say there is a kitten' or I will scare her. I think that she misunderstood me, and now she thinks there is a kitten under the nearest car. Fragment: I pick up one of my dresses and find that on one side, the fabric has ripped all along the zip and hangs open. This dress doesn't actually have a zip. I am distraught since I only recently discovered a rip in my other favourite dress (this is true) and now I can't wear either of these until they're fixed. See how it took me more than a week to post this? I'm getting lazy... Too lazy... Too lazy to dream journal. Which isn't great. But finally I'm getting back on track and practicing awareness more during the day, so hopefully some results soon.
Dreaming Club (DILD) 07.26.2023 I fell asleep into a nap at 4:00 PM and woke up at 7:00 PM The first part of this dream is fuzzy. I was with my family on vacation and I really wanted to do something (not sure what) and wasn't happy that I wasn't able to. I must have picked up on the dream signs because the next section was lucid. I am on the first floor of a multi story building. I hear my friend RH's voice but I don't see him around. He says this is the dreaming club and I see there are pamphlets and books about dreams for sale. I say I want to join but I eventually wonder what's outside so I leave. It is dark out. I am in my childhood neighborhood and walk to my old college. The enterance is ropped off and someone standing nearby says this enterance is not being used by the public. The next thing I remember is I am learning about masonry and a Greek man tells me he will teach me how to use a stone lathe. I ask if he can show me how to make a stone icosohedron so he brings me over to a giant lathe and puts a big slab of grey stone on it. First he starts on it with a grinding bit making it into a sphere. He then changes out for a cutting bit and starts carving away at it to make faces. I see now that it is only half a sphere and when ever he moves on to cut the next face the stone jolts as if its about to fly our of the lathe. My sister and some of her friends are nearby they say that the ceremony is about to start and the man leaves the lathe. The next thing I remember I am in a book store combined with a coffee shop. The shop has a beautiful view into a large room like a church with stairs leading down into a section that has chairs in the middle. I walk to the pulpit and observe that the walls on either side are black glossy stone that rises high up an then between them there are bas reliefs and flowers that rise even higher. I look in the left corner and see the lathe is actually in this room still with the stone in it. A woman in a chair next to me says to sit because the sermon is about to start. I figure this is reasonable since it's about 6PM on a Wednesday but I don't feel comfortable because I haven't been in a church service in ages. I walk back to the coffee shop and find a black curtain and I am curious what is behind there. I go behind and find another roped off section leading to the college parking lot. The barista lady comes through the curtains and says we aren't supposed to go this way. Then a lady shows up behind the ropes to confirm that we need to leave. Then I wake up Then the craziest thing happened. I texted RH and told him about the dream and he responded that he actually is part of a dream club and asked me to join!
Updated 07-27-2023 at 03:49 AM by 32125
6.11.2023 Mostly fragments from last night. I took some diphenhydramine (the generic form of Benadryl) to help me sleep and to take care of some allergies. I seemed to be rather knocked out, although I’ve done that before and still had decent dream time. Fragments (1) At a church. I want to avoid someone (maybe one of the pastors?). My cousin is another pastor at this church, and as I go around the building to one of the doors people start coming out, including my cousin. We greet each other. He has some beard or something going down to his chest... (2) Back at the house we lived in several years ago. I look out the window and see my nephew (who is 8) drive in in a red SUV. He gets to the corner of the house where the driveway turns to go behind the house, but gets stuck. I stand there watching while he gets out and tries to push the vehicle by himself. Then I think maybe I should at least try to help. We push the car into a garage that is now next to the car... (3) Something about a little girl falling down. Maybe hitting her head on the wall. I think I try to comfort her, or keep her from crying... (4) Something about tinkering inside of a computer. There are brackets to hold wires in place. I feel as though Servalan shows up around here somewhere... (5) My mother and perhaps other family member(s) are visiting the lab I work in. My mother says something about how it doesn’t appear that my robot is very complex... (6) In a library. I go looking for a book. I might also feel a bit creeped out for some reason, as though I’m thinking of scary things and find myself there alone. I come across a service desk and some other people...
6.3.2023 Church Adventures (Lucid) There is a play going on at my old high school. One of the scenes, I recall, involves someone passing gas. But the kid playing this part missed it, so they decide to somehow slip the scene in later. I’m behind the stage as this is going on, but I start to make my way around to the front. Out front though, I’m kind of awkward, not sure where to stand and not wanting to block people’s view... ...Later I’m in a hallway. There are books – different colors for different age groups. Yellow and green, I recall. At least one of them is a mystery book. My brother comes along, and some girls come along and start talking with him. Then they hug him and lean on him, in a way that seems flirtatious to me. My brother is married, and this bothers me, until one of the girls leans back and snuggles against me. Meanwhile, my mother is standing a few feet away reading one of the colored books... ...(same dream?) At my brother’s church. My mother and I are sitting outside of the sanctuary. The earlier service ends, and it appears that either the second service or Sunday school is starting in the sanctuary. My mother doesn’t want to go into the sanctuary, saying that she thinks “it isn’t important”, or something. Her explanation for this is that the music uses guitars, and to her (in the dream, not waking life) this makes it less important. I sit with her a few moments, and then decide that I’m going to go into the sanctuary. When I go in, I find that the service is not taking place, and possibly there is no Sunday school either. I ask someone when the second service is going to be (or maybe Sunday school) and they tell me it starts somewhere around 1:00pm. That’s quite a while from now... ...In the dream, my brother is the pastor of this congregation, and he is now closing up the building. I jokingly quote Ebenezer Scrooge from one of the movie versions of a Christmas Carol: “you keep close watch on the closing hour”. He replies with quoting the same movie. I seem to get a bit muddled in what I’m supposed to say, but eventually I say “don’t work overtime, you might make something of yourself”. We leave the building, me still pretending we are in A Christmas Carol movie. My brother walks home, and I follow pretending that I’m the children singing “Father Christmas” from the 1970s musical version. Some kids actually show up at this point... ...In the church building. My mother and I are in a room somewhere, and she points out to me a nice looking dish that is sitting on a table. The dish has a flower design on the surface, and is textured so that you can feel it as you run your fingers along it. My mother explains to me that it is a “Dream Flower”. That prompts me to do a reality check, and I find that I can breathe while my nose is pinched shut. It takes me a couple of moments to fully aknowledge that I’m dreaming though, because this seemed so real up to this point. I wasn’t actually expecting it to be a dream when I did the RC. But I eventually become lucid. I remember the competition, and that I have completed the first of my 3-step task. The next one is “super speed”. I’m not exactly sure how to accomplish this. At first I try flying, but am having difficulty with this. I also try running, but the rooms don’t seem to be large enough to build up enough speed. I go outside, but it’s cold out there and for some reason that makes me not want to go very fast. I go back inside to try indoors again, but the dream fades... I was either awake now, or it was a false awakening. Anyway, I tried to hang on here, waiting for the dream to reform. I suspect that it did, and that’s why some of these scenes seem out of order in my memory, but I’m not sure. I don’t think I came back lucid though. I also remember the following scene: ...Some guys are sitting around a room (in the church, I think). They are talking about an old truck. One guy seems to be very emotional about this truck, and finally gets up and runs to the bathroom. I wonder if he has gone to cry or to throw up, or what. He comes back in a couple of moments with toilet paper or a tissue... Dancing Corgis We are sitting somewhere, with a view of the street. I look over and see what appears to be a couple of squirrels. As I look, it turns out that they are Corgis. The Corgis are jumping and dancing, in what seems to be a coordinated way. We go over to look at them, and sure enough they are in a group and doing a coordinated dance. There is a man leading them, dressed like someone from a circus. He is using some kind of GPS technology to help coordinate the dogs, kind of like the fancy marching band patterns you see. Except that these dogs are doing really fancy things, making 3D shapes and such. Now they’re in a small auditorium, and I walk down from the back a little bit. I mostly see people now, sitting on chairs and playing musical instruments (including kazoos). I back away from one guy, thinking I’m making him nervous, and go back to the back of the auditorium. The Corgis come back out, coming up the center aisle. One Corgi decides that it wants to be my friend, and starts following me... My Brother’s Girlfriend In this dream, my brother isn’t married. But he has a girlfriend. She looks like one of my friends from the University. She also seems to get really nervous whenever people talk to her, to the point where she starts shaking. There is also something about a girl I went to school with a couple of years ago. She was married at the time, but in this dream she is single. At some point I go into a bathroom to relieve myself. Also to change clothes, I guess. Or maybe I’m having trouble pulling my pants up? Anyway, I decide I should shut the bathroom door, and find that the latch that holds it shut is broken. I think my nephew comes into the house at this point. Fragments: (1) My Uncle is talking about a state park lodge – something about them being crooks? There is at least one other person, or maybe even a band, involved. (2) Someone has decided to give up drinking alcohol, or soda pop, or something. He is now sitting with Albert Einstein, who is cleaning the inside of a glass full of rusty looking water with a brush. This is “mineral water”. He gives it to the guy, who also seems to be me now, saying that he wonders if it is too strong. Me/the guy takes a sip, and it’s so awful that I/he can hardly swallow it. Letting a lot of it just kind of dribble out of my/his mouth, I/he try to smile and pretend that I/he like it.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I have a friend who habitually is not so bright. She has trouble focusing and is a headache for the local priest when she attends mass because she can't stay quiet and behaves randomly. One day she wants to teach a lesson to her priest and asks for my help. We sneak into the church after his mass, while the attendants are still sitting. We shut the door behind us and, according to some written rules she knows of, everybody sitting there is obliged to listen to her sermon if she comes to the front to present one. The priest knows the rule and is pissed about it, but he has to comply. He thinks it will be a disaster and tells other people to be patient with this poor idiot girl and to give her a chance to say what she came to say. My friend did not prepare any speech, but she looks around at the church saints, inscriptions in thombs and so on and I can see a pattern forming in her mind. Then she starts lecturing about the struggles of power in the world during the fall of the roman empire and brings up philosophers and theologians with an ease that leaves everybody speechless. I have tears in my eyes for how beautiful it is her eloquence. The priest is just mind boggled and incredulous.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I know a bunch of Hollywood actors and I am thinking that in the future when someone writes about our relationships, they'll portray it entirely wrong, because it is not glamorous at all, just all very goofy. Right now I am with a young and fit Russel Crowe and we are very good friends, or actually more than friends. He is married and his wife knows we meet, but has allowed it because so far we'd just been friends. But the truth is we are showering together in his house, although nothing else happened between us, which is odd. His wife comes right after we get dressed and she seems fed up with our weird intimacy, as she bluntly says it is time for me to go. He looks at me like "she is the boss", so I must obey. I tell her it doesn't have to be like this. We could all be together with each other. But she doesn't want to, she already hates that I am so close to him like a lover. I go stay at a hostel with mixed dorms. I have to share a room with two guys. They clearly flirt with me, but I show no interest, just ask for their help to turn on the tv but they keep trying to be friendly. Later I take a bus trip to somewhere, but when exiting the bus I wonder if I was carrying any luggage and left it in the bus. So I go back and ask the driver to wait while I look for my stuff in my seat. Turns out it's a lot of stuff. First I grab a bag, a coat and a sleeping bag, but only to reveal 3 more bags with books and food and drinks among other things. I am freaking out, wondering how am I gonna carry al that. I start stuffing as much stuff as I can in plastic bags. Meanwhile I find a 20€ bill on the floor. Then finally decide to leave some things behind which elicits complaints from fellow passengers who wanted the seats and floor cleared. Watching a scene from a show about vampires that I used to watch as a teen. Vlad has bought an abandoned church to live there unnoticed, while preparing his comeback. Some fellow vampires who work for some governing body overseeing vampire activity come to confront him about his plans for the world. They mention a symbol he painted on the façade which has some meaning, but he denies it. They demand to go inside. I then am physically there with them. I am also a vampire and sort of Vlad's assistant or protegé. Sunlight doens't harm us. We enter the church abut somehow he makes us go back in time to when the church is being attended by regular people. There is a mass going on, apparently a funeral and Vlad goes pay respects to the dead person, forcing us to follow him into the middle of the church. Some attendees start whispering and pointing at us, and soon I hear the word vampires and feel threathened. They've figured out what we are, because of our paleness, beauty and peculiar taste in fashion. I try to get out, but they turn on us, effectively surrounding and isolating the youngest among us. I rescue the kid and only then I leave. Later I am at the cinema and I have a huge fruit bat which I keep as a pet (I guess as my ESA). He is nice but I need to be very gentle or he'll bite. Some kid in the seat in front notices it and asks to pet him. But I say no, saying he will regret it. He gets angry, says he can pet whomever he wants, starting an argument with me. Some employees take us outside to discuss what's going on and I explain what happened and that I am trying to teach the kid some manners and protect him from being bitten. I also don't want a lawsuit from his parents if he gets a zoonosis. They agree with me and kick the kid out. They issue a refund for me. Driving through some neighborhood with Riverstone, when I spot my uncle Filipe in his car at a parking lot. I stop nearby to confront him. I think he sees us but pretends not to, then gets on board of a truck parked there and drives off. Riverstone thinks he didn't see us, I know he did and he ran away, which means he is afraid of us. I decide that now that I know where he parks his working vehicle, I'll give him a taste of what he does to my mom and stalk him, leave notes on his windshield, make threats, to see if he likes it. Riverstone doesn't think is a good idea, so he leaves. I do some recon of the area and find a small prefab house where workers like him have a toilet and a locker to leave their personal belongings. But it is actually much bigger inside than what seems on the outside. There is also a locker room for kids that have gym classes in the neighborhood. And soon enough some 20 kids with an adult come rushing in to use the toilet and get their coats. Followed by a huge group of teens that look like they came from regular school lessons. The last ones are three japanese girls and one asks in English if I am such and such person. The name she mentions sounds very much like mine despite her accent, so I say yes, even if I am not sure. But then some other lady who seems Russian, says no, they don't mean me. I apologize and leave. But decide to follow the girls. They lead me to a town that looks like Vegas meets Spring Break. Lots of young folks, college students, drinking outside bars, sitting on cafés, loud music, lots of neon signs. I go around to explore and then it turns into Tokyo. I admire the diversity of fashion looks of the young people and crack up laughing at some guy with a kind of scarf around his neck that has a built-in smartphone holder and he is recording himself talk as he walks hands-free through in the crowd. I go down to a subway station, but everyone seems to be getting out of it scared with something. I don't see anything suspicious, so I sit on a ledge for a bit to eat a snacl. I then spot a black scorpion passing under my feet. Not a dangerous one but still I don't want to be stung. Then I spot a red scorpion with dozens of tiny babies around. I fear the little ones cause they are more deadly. I drop some food on the floor and then another scorpion, beige, comes to sniff it also surrounded by dozens of babies. She encounters the red one and they fight over the food. The dark one also comes and both groups attack and devour the black one. Then the reds win the beiges and devour them. Some cleaning ladies come by and tell me to come down and not be afraid. They say unfortunately there is an infeststion of scorpions and roaches, but they claim they are not dangerous to people and that I just need to go around them. I come down and head for a ramp to the subway platforms. It's covered in roaches. I jump from place to place trying to avoid stepping ont the bugs but as I go deeper into the station, they seem to be more and more..
Updated 08-24-2022 at 09:05 PM by 34880
I had another dream last night where me and my sister were trapped in granddads old reliant during a rainstorm. When this dream started, I was at the church my family went to when I was growing-up with my mom and sister. We were at the coffee hour they used to always have after the Sunday Chruch Service and it was summertime and really hot outside and I was burning-up in my church clothes and ready to go back home. When people started to leave the Coffee Hour and walk back to their cars in the parking lot, mom told me and my sister that we were going to take all of the flowers from the service to the nursing home that granddad had spent his final month living at on our way home and that she needed our help getting all of them to the car. She then grabbed a big rolling cart that I remember our church used to have and then led me and my sister into the sanctuary where all of the flowers were. When I we started walking down the aisle towards the front of the church, I noticed there were vases and pots of flowers everywhere. Many more than were normally up front for a church service. When we got up to the front, mom told me and my sister to grab the vases and pots and bring them to her. Me and my sister spent a while grabbing them and bringing them back to mom who then placed them all on the cart. We kept doing this for a while until eventually we had grabbed all of the flowers and mom somehow figured out how to get everything onto the cart. Mom asked me to push the cart and then I followed her out of the sanctuary and into the parking lot where I saw granddads old tan reliant was one of the only cars left in the parking lot. When we got to the reliant, mom opened the trunk and told me and my sister to hand her all of the potted flowers first. We kept handing them to her, and somehow she was able to figure out how to get all of the flower pots to fit in the trunk with no room to spare. Once mom had the trunk loaded, she unlocked and opened the front passenger side door and told me and my sister to go ahead and get in the front seat. As I stood by the door waiting for my sister to get in, she reminded me it was her day to choose where to sit and for me to scoot over to the middle seat. I then sat down on the tan vinyl bench seat and moved over to the middle and fastened the tan lap belt around my waist. My sister than plopped down in the passenger seat to my right and fastened her tan shoulder belt as mom closed the passenger side door and then started loading the vases into the back seat. It was hot in the car, so I rolled down the driver side window and my sister rolled down the passenger side window to cool things off. While me and my sister waited, mom spent a while trying to get all of the vases to fit in the back set and back floorboard. She could not get everything to fit and kept taking them out and putting then back in trying to find a different way to put them all in. Eventually she got all but 3 vases to fit and opened the front passenger side door and gave me and my sister each a small vase to hold in our lap and then put a big vase on the passenger side floorboard and told me sister to hold it between her feet. She reminded us we would only have to hold them for a little while since it would talk less than 15 minutes to drive to the nursing home. She then told us she was taking the cart back to the church and would be right back. I watched through the windshield as mom rolled the cart back to the church building and then held the ladies doing coffee hour load all of their stuff into the car and then disappear into the church building rolling it. As soon as she walked into the church building, we heard several loud claps of thunder and then the bottom fell out and it started pouring down rain. I had to struggle to roll up the driver side window while holding the vase upright in my lap with my other hand while my sister had to do the same while rolling the driver side window up. It kept pouring down rain for probably 15-20 minutes and me and my sister had to sit and wait in the reliant while mom waited it out inside the church. As me and my sister kept waiting for mom, we both noticed something in the car smelled bad and I was sure it was one of the vases or flowers. Eventually, the rain started to let up some and one of the ladies who mom had helped with cleaning up from coffee hour walked her out to the reliant with a big umbrella and held it over her while she unlocked the driver side door and then sat down int the driver seat on my left. Mom thanked her and then closed the driver side door and then the lady walked to her car. Mom then put the key in the ignition and tuned it but the car didn't start right up. For a few cranks, it sounded like it was going to start-up but each crank ended with the buzzing sound and a dash full of red lights. After a few more cranks, mom noticed the car stunk and asked me and my sister if one of us might have stepped in poo because something really stunk in the car. We both denied it and I told mom it was one of the vases. Mom then turned her attention back to getting the car started and after a few more cranks the battery started to sound weak and then nothing happend when mom turned the key. As we were getting out of the reliant, mom noticed there was something on my shoe and I woke up from the dream trying to clean it off in one of the big puddles in the parking lot.
2022 June 21st Fragment: Me and H travel to a place called Chapeling that's apparently near London in southern England. It's a 300 mile drive from where we were? We go there to have a look at this small pipe organ that sits in a little chapel building which is beside a main church building. Overcast day outside. Town streets and so on. 2022 June 22nd Fragment: Something about showing someone a little organ. At some kind of concert or theatre hall, a vast one at that, but the wood all seems very bare like all its polish has worn off and nobody has taken care of the place for a while. (recall gap) Something about needing to get some homework done. I have my black laptop bag with me and whatever I need for my homework is in there I think. I keep being distracted or pulled away from doing it and later I am climbing some kind of abstract structure made up of large red long nailed bony hands. It's part of some kind of dimensional portal or threshold. Later, on the other side of said portal. Something about Warcraft 3 game mechanics. I want to buy a mini town hall item and destroy a human settlement to take their gold mine. 2022 June 25th Fragment: I'm outside, at a Lidl car park. It's about seven in the morning and it's light but not as bright as it should be for this time of the year. I'm deciding whether I should get closer and do some shopping or not. There's a white man in the parking lot. He's getting some stuff ready round the back of his car. At some point I realise the shop won't be open for another hour at least. I dither about for a while, wondering if I should bother crossing the road and going back home or if I should just wait it out. I think it may have felt a bit cool outside. Notes: - Trying to look for a place called "Chapeling" somewhere near London didn't really result in anything. I suspect the location name in the dream was simply tied to the context of the attached chapel. I've not heard the word before, not in any situation that I can think of anyway, but it's a fairly straightforward construction and likely easily created by automatic and associative dream logic and the like. - Unfortunately, I've lost any visual recall I might have had of the abstract structure made up of red hands, which is a shame really because these are often the type of things I like to try and recreate in art. I might still try recreating something alike if I can think of a composition I like. -- I still have some visual recall of the rest of the dreaming in this entry, at the time of writing. - For some reason I've come to use dithering as an expression more often of late; it's not a new expression to me, but it's not one I've typically used a lot.
20th November 2021 Fragment: Somewhat adventure-like dream. (left recall too long) Something about turning some huge metal wheels in a couple of buildings at a sea side quay. This makes the clocks of a large nearby church work again. (I have vague recall even now of the dream, visually. I think at one point I was on some rafters in the church, but I also recall it was a bit of an overcast and yellow-ish day outside.) 21st November 2021 Dream: I'm with mom in a kitchen of sorts. There's a weird gas oven of some kind that mom is using. I'm just doing some cutlery things with a cupboard. I had just been talking to H and asking if he wasn't going to eat his egg soup thing. Also something about "chef John". Mom is trying to get the gas thing going and has some rice and sausages which will be getting cooked. I tell her some wicks (?) have gone out. She increases the flow, nothing happens at first and then big flames from those wicks. I tell her she should back it down and she does. Then the food she was cooking seems to have become overdone for her liking. The sausages have supposedly gone sour, and the rice stodgy. I taste a slice of sausage and it tastes bland but not sour, although I did smell something sour. Then I'm checking my phone. Something weird is going on and I conclude it's a virus on my phone. Messages I'd received are FUBAR on a UI-level and I can't dismiss anything. Pressing home just takes me to some sort of gallery, which has pictures of beaches and of naked female porn stars or something to that effect. 22nd November 2021 Fragment: (recall left too late) Something about being on a highway or the like. Traffic direction orientation is not as I would expect for where I live. At one point I do not perceive myself as being in a vehicle and am somehow pulling myself along fast enough to at speed, but it feels like I'm struggling a bit. There's a T-junction that's more like a corner and I want to go left where the road curves more naturally.
Updated 01-22-2022 at 02:41 AM by 95293
Church. Had a dream I was sleeping in some old church or something. A girl was with me. i flew up to the ceiling though I wasn't lucid. I had a little room with a bed set up. We ate something. She was a white girl with red hair??? anyway we flew somewhere else and wound up in a stairwell that was also an elevator. We couldn't climb because of a construction crew? So we somehow jumped up past them and into a hallway. Wound up in some room and She was playing a piano... but was sitting on top of it and playing the keys reversed. She made this amazing sounding music and I felt live falling in love. Then we got up and left somewhere. No kids Another dream where a young girl asks me about sex or something. And i get kinda pissed off and say that children should not do that. It's really damaging to them, physically and plus lifelong emotional disorders. And i said that the adult in that case would get thrown in jail and murdered by inmates with children, so it's no good for anyone involved. Really odd dream to have. End of the world. I'm driving with my brother. At first we see a huge volcano in the distance going off. And I get really scared. As we drive into calgary I see a bunch of nuclear missiles from North Korea in the sky. My brother just laughs and says nothing is going to happen. I forget what happened after. No jamie dreams.
29th August 2021 Some in-line notes/thoughts. Fragment: (last part of a dream) Not sure where I am, some house. H is here and some client of his. There is some upset because of people doing some kind of eBay boycott or slandering. I feel I know exactly why; in Discord, talking to A and G and some other furries, another (dream-generated) furry called "Daster" is mentioned as having made a journal about eBay shenanigans. But reading what Daster said, it seems to read fine actually and it's more like others didn't read it thoroughly and have blown it out of proportion. (on waking from this, I wondered why I didn't consider this a dreaming situation while dreaming) Fragment: (some early dream) In an old and abandoned building. It's an abandoned nuclear power plant. Me, H and DH (who we were recently introduced to in WL) are here, I think trying to get the power plant working again. Some circuit boards in a control room of sorts seem to be damaged? Other mechanical bits need replacing, overall. DH plays around with one of those chunky armoured cables we saw in A's garage while we were away. DH draws arcs with it and stuff, across some of the control room machinery. The electric arcs are just barely visible (making me think of X-Ray radiation being at play) and they are long and a very faint but somewhat bright light blue colour. Something happens and an arc strikes all three of us. I feel dizzy at first. Then we all start experiencing psychotropic symptoms. I start to trip, basically. I start seeing colours more vividly and my field of view starts distorting. Fragment: I'm with H in a village, it's daytime, either cloudy or sunny. We walk past a house that has some interesting rendering. Then I see there's this huge Viking-like church. I ask H what's it like inside and he says he's never been in. I think earlier we are in a town much like my old home town, but with much taller buildings. I remember being atop one of these buildings at one point (looking down?). Things are trippy at some points, like an Escher painting kind of trippy, with forced perspectives and things like that. Fragment: A dream bit with a film noire feel to it but not actually in greyscale. Not sure that I'm even a character at all. Some guys get a mobile call. They're in a busy path by an equally busy canal. New York accents or something? Something stereotypical and period-like anyway. On the phone, they're discussing a paid assassination job. The seeming protagonist is trying to be tactful with the discussion in public, unlike his colleague was when he had a turn on the phone. There's a scene that I think is supposed to be comical or juxtaposing because this heavy and serious discussion passes right in front of a children's choir practising on the canal and as they pass them, the main character alludes to this in a humorous way that "disguises" the assassination conversation as he goes past. Scraps: Very vague recall of making an abstract art piece and uploading it semi unfinished. Notes: - I am not sure why the first dream fragment might have manifested, but probably a mix of worries. I have never encountered anyone by a username of "Daster" and when I looked it up, I couldn't really find anything relating to that dream's content. - In a more recent dream than in this entry, I had another dream where there was concern over non-visible radiation. I think this is often a sub-conscious worry of sorts, not strictly just about radiation, also about other non-visible agents that might cause harm and that is to say, such things as viruses, something else that has recently appeared in dreaming. - Strangely, the dreaming for this day seemed to have a "trippy" factor as quite a prominent feature. I don't recall ever having "tripped" in that sense, although I can imagine to some extent what it might be like, but I am not sure what brought this on as a dreaming thing. - The Viking-like church is probably both a residue of a Minecraft town we'd been building and of an actual church we recently visited that had a similar feel, in some respects. -- The village area we were in was similar to several different local ones we've been to, for church-related stuff.
I had several dreams the other night. The first one all I can remember is Mom somehow became "big" (like Captain America Civil war "big" Aunt man size) but once it started to rain she became "normal" size again In the next dream something about a cruise being headed in the wrong direction. All I can rememer is the end being tied up. That leads to my third dream I was in something that looked like my church- in previous dreams about what looked like my church it was the "upper hall" but in this case it was the basement/lower hall. There were cameras in the basement (We were filiming something) don't know what it was. But apperently I was an actor whose character was tied up. I'm not sure what happened but someone (a bigger actor then me because of the way she was acting) was upset about something and then went back into what's in real life during what would be Bible camp (this week) would be the "drama room". In this dream I got the impression that my dream-self was the only one who could calm her down. So the director called "cut" (since without the other person we can't continue filming) and I got out of the ropes and went into the "Drama room" it looked like the inside of a dressing room of a star actor. And the only people in the room at the time were the "big actor", me and some make-up artists? And at first I asked what was wrong (the actor was crying) but she refused to say anything. But I said instead (since I know she loves food) and it was almost noon in-dream world "Let's get lunch" and said it several times. I started moving towards the other door. But I never did found out weather or not she followed me or not. Now the last dream is a bit complicated since it involved characters from a book series I haven't picked up in ages. It called Secrets of Droon. In the dream, I'm one of the three "Earth kids" .. I don't know which one I am and also we aren't kids anymore but adults. Somehow we ended back up in Droon after leaving it years ago. We have to defeat a baddie of some kind. And at the end they talk to their friend Keeah who was the princess but now she's Queen and married to boot. And the "husband" (who doesn't exisit as a character in the books)-is kind of henpecked by Keeah. And their wizard friend Galen is a bit more unstable then he used to be. Anyway the scene changes and I'm llike myself in a library and holding a book and when I look at the back of the book it gives me a blurb of "Eric, Neal and Julie found themsleves back in Droon as adults years after they last left" and the dream ended there.
11th July 2021 ~7:30 Fragment: Transitioning from the TBC era to WLK era. T is there as his paladin at one point. There's something very Roman-esque about the setting? We need to complete some gold-payment quest to continue on into the city. There's a group of randoms with us, part of our party. Fragment: In a place like L, by the pier area I think. There's a lot of commotion because of an upcoming football match. It's dark-ish, twilight-like, orange and purple hues in the sky? I want to take the subway to go somewhere, but first I got into this church. Many people are leaving an on-going service in the church but many still remain. Aunt G enters the church, I notice her and approach, getting her attention. She eventually recognises me and I tell her we should go somewhere together (to make up for lost time?) because I realise this place is actually quite crowded. I don't entirely feel safe, I think. Someone, an older lady but not as old as my aunt, she's putting up cordons and tells us we can't go in a certain area of the church. She had white hair, maybe tied back. The church is artificially lit, quite a warm light which contrasts with the twilight. Originally I wanted to move towards one of the areas that was cordoned off. We end up leaving the church and heading down a nearby subway entrance. (recall gap) We are next to a guy who's a pipe maker. I tell my aunt how many churches just can't afford new pipes, even though they'd benefit from them. The pipe maker gives us a statistic; only about five-hundred thousand out of one and a half million can afford such things. I realise and remark that it's only a third. I also remark that the distribution is going to be geographically unfair or disproportionate, too. (after writing these two, I got up and had thoughts about WBTB as I got back in bed) ~10:00 Fragment: Visiting a church with H. In the dream, I had a dream where I'd visited this church and it was sort of empty. So, when we're there together, I already know the layout. During the dream, this made me vaguely think of "vision quest" dreaming and that sort of thing (no doubt related to reading Dreamgates before bed). The church has an odd layout, the rooms are laid in an inwards spiralling fashion. One of the back rooms we go through is tiled and looks a bit industrial. It has four big cylindrical tanks, all white. They're about twice and a half our height. I understand them to be part of some boiler system. A man, possibly the warden, is showing us around the church, some kind of introduction. Before this, me and H are outside. We just got out of the van. It's dark? I don't remember the grounds too well but there are tall trees and low dry-stone walls. H shows me something about a painting, which resides out here, on the external church walls. The painting is very big, mostly vertical. It's about one yard wide by four yards tall. The painting itself is kind of sepia in tones. It has a sketch-like look. At first I just see some eyes at the top, like part of an incomplete portrait, but as I move it around (because I'm moving it to hang it on another wall), the image changes. On some level, this makes me think of those "holo" images. Fragment: At a mall place with H. We live in a flat inside the mall, accessible via an escalator through a store, it's either a clothing or jewellery store. Some people I know from school are here, there's some interaction. Rest of recall is gone. Notes: - We went today somewhere that took us the same road that we can take when we went to see a pipe maker. This was recently, so I wonder if that dream theme was influenced by this. - The TBC->WLK dream theme probably came from a nostalgia of the actual WLK period and from having some interest in its classic revival. On the other hand, I have little or no interest in paying to play the game, especially since there's very little social motivation for me to do so. The last time I went on, the atmosphere was more "toxic" than I recalled, something I found hugely disappointed, making me feel like some people just never grow up. Perhaps when I played many years ago, I was just that much younger that I didn't think much of it/just ignored it or maybe it wasn't that far removed from daily life, but now it would just bother me. -- I still find WoW dream themes to be fairly enjoyable, since they do tend to focus on the sense of adventure, combat or exploration, which were feelings that were much more present in me when I was younger. I haven't felt a genuine sense of wonder about anything at all for many years. - In the area where I used to live, the mall has flats over it. Although the mall in the dream had a more "airport-shops" feel to it, the rest of the associations seemed fairly close to memory of home.
Writer's note: I mean no offense to Muslims Last night I had this weird dream. Once again I was in something that looked like my church but certainly wasn't my church. For one thing in the upstairs hall, me and a number of other people (don't know how many), were chained but only our hands(?) and legs were. And from what I can remember is that the legs chain were connect by chains to a sort of anchor thing on the floor (but it looked like grey square space with a bend thing on top). I think at the beginging everyone was sitting up. But an unknown person told us to lie down on our front so we looked like in a similar but not similar position to have Muslims pray in Mosques but not quiet. We hear some noise coming from what would be West main door and I think people were fighting . I'm not sure exactly what happened next but I do remember I was freed at some point, and somehow i got myself a small wooden sword. Someone who looked like the one of the "new" Bible Camper leaders (ok she and another new BCL who are not new anymore, but I'm just saying that to differenate her from the old ones) but wasn't her chased me into the small library the "church" had (like I said the outlay of the building looked exactly like my church but wasn't) and I think she chased me into the elevator, which someones were also figthing in (and the 3rd person like myself also had a wooden sword). But I woke up to go to the bathroom
I had this dream last night. I don't remember everything. I was in a building which looked like the inside of my church. Except it wasn't. It was something much more important. I'm not sure what I was doing in the first half of the dream. But the 2nd half I was something like a security guard. In this half of the dream.. I saw some "bad-looking" people walking out with boxes past the "kitchen" . I was a bit suspicious so I followed them out (the outside at least this location also looked like my church) and I'm not sure excatly what the reason was but I was forced to get into a car of some man who looked to be the leader. For some reason once in the car they drived in such a werid way we ended up going up the hill past my house (which was werid) and the park oppistie. But dream ended after the man said something since I had to use bathroom