non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am invited (more like kidnapped) by a Russian criminal whom I have a history with. I think I am an hacker, I did some work for him once and he fell in love with me, but now I'm not sure if he is trying to help me for old time sake or using me as a scapegoat for his dirty work. He says he'll release a virus in the world that will wreak havoc on all systems and asks me if I have any old PC with a floppy disk drive and I say I do. So he hands me a floppy disk which he says contains the antivirus. He tells me to use it on my computer and then I'll be safe. I find it really suspicious, because it will make no damn difference to have a working computer if the whole society collapses. There might not even be electricity if his plan works. But I'm scared for my life and I just wanna leave and go home. I know my face will be everywhere on CIA screens for being here, so he is probably setting me up or using me as a decoy. I hide the disk the best I can, so that any camera that might film me outside doesn't see it. When I reach my flat, I turn on the news and chaos starts unraveling in the world. Banks crash and other services start failing, people flock to the roads trying to go somewhere safe. I just wanna go meet my parents and ensure they're fine, but it's still a bit far and there is almost no way to get through the traffic jams. I wait a bit and go out by foot to get some stuff and prepare my trip. When I return my house has been searched. They tried to be discreet as not to denounce themselves, but I can tell that a lot of things are misplaced. I still have the disk with me and don't know what to do with it. I manage to go out of town through a road that most people are taking in the opposite direction. I fear I might not have enough fuel, but I manage most of the way, then need to walk the final bit. My dad is worried with the chaos and showing me how they reinforced the front door and windows of the house, but when I go into the backyard to hang something to dry I notice there is one door from the outside to the corridor / garage leading to the yard that doesn't have any lock. We have our dogs there, who are like different incarnations of my RL dogs Hachi and Bernardo, and are also kept separate because they also don't like each other here (my parents here also look like my RL parents, but we are totally different people and live in a totally different world). I rush to tell my dad that door needs to have a lock asap as outside people are starting to loot.
5/16/14 Last night, bed around 10pm - 4:50am DR: It's morning, and I'm just about to start cleaning somebody's place. They are getting ready to leave. The place is a pig sty. There are some cucumbers in the drawer with clothes, and they are so old, rotting and leaking. When I close the drawer, there is a puddle on the floor from them. It's disgusting. At first I say screw it, I ain't cleaning that stinky mess. But at the end of the day when they come back, and when I come back (read below), I'm looking for paper towels and plastic bags to clean it. There is also 2 kids I'm suppose to babysit. I don't know how, but I go out of the apartment for a moment and end up going to the recruit testing for CIA. Not an official testing, morel like in secret, so we don't even know it's a test. But I end up changing my pants for tights! for some test, and now I'm walking with a CIA guy through the hallway, barefoot and barely dressed. I'm saying dude, I have no shoes and stuff. And he says it's ok, we are almost there, and next is medical screening. We get to a room with other people in it. I realize I'm babysitting kids and I'm trying to call someone on my red cellphone to go and check on them, while I'm gone. Lots of flyers are in a row on a long table. We suppose to grab them and place them on a board within a time limit. I miss the first round entirely because I don't get what to do. Then on one flyer, I see some handwritten shopping list on the back. Chicken deli, meat and chicken deli, and 4-5 other items. I figure, that noticing these kinds of details is the real test, so I start copying the list on a piece of paper for myself. Turns out, that WAS the real test, and only I passed it. Then a fire starts in the overhead airconditioning unit, and one next to it starts to smolder, and another one as well. I ran to the fire extinguisher, grab it a ran to the fire, while yelling Fireeee! go tell everybody and take care of them! There is already a girl with extinguisher at the fire. But her's is the wrong kind, because mine shoots out huge marshmallows of fire retardant, and her's doesn't. Obviously mine is the right one. I extinguish the fire, walk to the next one and take care of that one as well, and the last one as well. Looks like I passed this test too, coz it was a test. DR: I'm on a street of my hometown, down by the bookstore accross from highschool. Something is running, I hear it coming closer. I rans by and it's a geogeous small brown pony, with his mane and tail and by hooves beige. He runs by at full speed, and I check behind the corner, if he went the right way. No he didn't turn right, he continued towards the train station. But he stopped and he is comming back to me now, at full speed. I try to catch him and take him to safety. I know he is just playing, like a kid.
I don't remember much of this one... First, I was in school and I was playing on my Nintendo 3DS system, then some guy who looked like he was from the CIA or FBI came up to me and said he needed to talk to me, so I put my 3DS in my left pocket. Then some person was going around saying either "Stay" or "Home" to all of the kids. Apparently if you were being good, you would get to stay in the school, and if you were being bad, they sent you home. The person pointed at me and said "Home", and then I thought "What did I do?" Everything went blank for a little bit. Then I was in an entirely different environment, trying to get somewhere, and I just remember running and running and running. Eventually I had to get through kind of a swampy area with a lot of mud. And then an area that had a lot of bees. I don't remember where I was supposed to be going but it was really weird...
I was in an office building where there was a huge party going on at the time, and then i kicked out and I had this thing that allowed me to kinda float through the air, if I pushed the button in the air. So, I was forced away from the party and I was extremely far away at that time. I was with a tv show character, Barney from How I met your Mother, and we were on a mission to get back to the party because there was some sort of scandal going on there. We were extremely far away, and we saw a building that was a lot quieter than it, but we decided to check it out, just in case. It appeared to be an abandoned building with maybe CIA agents working in it, only on one office near the top floor. Me and Barney evacuated it quickly. We began to walk again looking for it, and we though we saw the lights coming from the direction it was. I used the thing to float to get over there at high speeds, and I realized it was there. I went back for Barney and he was in an outdoor mall at the time. I got him and we prepared to use the mechanism to fly over there, as soon as I woke up. This was a pretty cool dream, it's just extremely unfortunate that was an entire beginning to this dream that I don't really remember besides the ending. Also, there was more to the beginning of this I don't remember very well.
I was watching curious George. I was George, apparently. Me and my chaperone walked into a bowling alley in what seemed to be some sort of square or park in an urban town. I was now myself. My chaperone turned into some scruffy convict-looking type wearing black and brown. We were sitting at a table inside of the bowling alley. He was looking at screen, it looked like a GPS on an iPad-like device. I was watching a red pulsing dot on the screen, over his shoulder. It was getting increasingly closer to our location. "Fuckers' trackin' us," My scruffy companion announced. They're tracking us? Seems more like the other way around. "Come on, we might be able to delay 'em." He says. I followed him out the door. It was evening now, and there was a man waiting for us on a long motorbike with some sort of cabin, it was like a cross between a mine cart and a motorcycle. He forced us in, and drove off, with a strange respect for the road laws, even though he looked like a gangster. "Best paying job yet," The driver commented. "CIA paid me six hundred million to get you guys, eh?" Half way to my house, I was transitioned to a van with my family in it. We were still going the same way. One long wait at a light later, we arrived at my house, with a government van behind us. We parked in the driveway, and my eyes rose to the sky, full of stars and still red from sunset. There was something weird about it. There seemed to be a giant planet in it. What planet, I wondered. I examined what I could see out of the windshield. It was earth, I noticed. I could just barely make out Mexico. I considered Earth for a moment. A bit odd, I thought. Is this a dream? No, it cant be... Oh, wait, except it is! I realized, and with the energy of sudden full lucidity, I burst out of the car door and ran around in my family's yard with my brother and father. I came across a mound of dirt that was not there in waking life, under a fully leafed tree, though it was winter. "Anchor dream," I cheered. My father snickered at this. I looked around the yard. I decided to run out into the road and talk to some DCs. It was suddenly morning. I saw several friends from my school roaming the streets. They didn't live here. I met a friend near a tree. "Hey, guess what?" I said. "What?" "I'm in a dream! But not in your head, my own, so it doesn't matter that I'm telling you this!" I laughed. They rolled their eyes. "Anchor dream!" I yelled at them. I then ran off down the road. The dream shifted into me standing in a line of students somewhere in the second level of my school. I was still lucid. I threw the assorted objects I had in my hand aside into assorted machinery, nobody cared but the guy behind me, be cause he was trying to steal some of it. I stood in line for a while until I figured something out. "Oh wait," I said. "Screw this. Anchor dream." I walked out of the line, around some machinery, and into the next room. A teacher had given me papers as I passed, I threw those aside, too. I scattered all over the left side of the next room, which was only storage. I proceeded. This room had three teachers trying to stop me inside. They were maneuvering around a pile of boxes. "Is there somebody you need to see?" One of them asked, still trying to get to me. "Nope," I pushed past them. I now came into a similar, but larger room. It had large windows for me to jump through, but before I could reach them I awoke suddenly, too awake to DEILD, but I felt satisfied.
Happy New year everyone! I was watching curious George. I was George, apparently. Me and my chaperone walked into a bowling alley in what seemed to be some sort of square or park in an urban town. I was now myself. My chaperone turned into some scruffy convict-looking type wearing black and brown. We were sitting at a table inside of the bowling alley. He was looking at screen, it looked like a GPS on an iPad-like device. I was watching a red pulsing dot on the screen, over his shoulder. It was getting increasingly closer to our location. "Fuckers' trackin' us," My scruffy companion announced. They're tracking us? Seems more like the other way around. "Come on, we might be able to delay 'em." He says. I followed him out the door. It was evening now, and there was a man waiting for us on a long motorbike with some sort of cabin, it was like a cross between a mine cart and a motorcycle. He forced us in, and drove off, with a strange respect for the road laws, even though he looked like a gangster. "Best paying job yet," The driver commented. "CIA paid me six hundred million to get you guys, eh?" Half way to my house, I was transitioned to a van with my family in it. We were still going the same way. One long wait at a light later, we arrived at my house, with a government van behind us. We parked in the driveway, and my eyes rose to the sky, full of stars and still red from sunset. There was something weird about it. There seemed to be a giant planet in it. What planet, I wondered. I examined what I could see out of the windshield. It was earth, I noticed. I could just barely make out Mexico. I considered Earth for a moment. A bit odd, I thought. Is this a dream? No, it cant be... Oh, wit, except it is! I realized, and with the energy of sudden full lucidity, I burst out of the car door and ran around in my family's yard with my brother and father. I came across a mound of dirt that was not there in waking life, under a fully leafed tree, though it was winter. "Anchor dream," I cheered. My father snickered at this. I looked around the yard. Oh, right, I remembered. IOSDP tonight. I thought about Chichen-Itza, but remembered we weren't doing that any more. So I tried to focus my attention on shared dreaming and the IOSDP and whatnot. After 15 seconds of trying, I came to the conclusion that it was to hard and stopped impulsively. I decided to run out into the road and talk to some DCs. It was suddenly morning. I saw several friends from my school roaming the streets. They didn't live here. I met a friend near a tree. "Hey, guess what?" I said. "What?" "I'm in a dream! But not in your head, my own, so it doesn't matter that I'm telling you this!" I laughed. They rolled their eyes. "Anchor dream!" I yelled at them. I then ran off down the road. The dream shifted into me standing in a line of students somewhere in the second level of my school. I was still lucid. I threw the assorted objects I had in my hand aside into assorted machinery, nobody cared but the guy behind me, be cause he was trying to steal some of it. I stood in line for a while until I figured something out. "Oh wait," I said. "Screw this. Anchor dream." I walked out of the line, around some machinery, and into the next room. A teacher had given me papers as I passed, I threw those aside, too. I scattered all over the left side of the next room, which was only storage. I proceeded. This room had three teachers trying to stop me inside. They were maneuvering around a pile of boxes. "Is there somebody you need to see?" One of them asked, still trying to get to me. "Nope," I pushed past them. I now came into a similar, but larger room. It had large windows for me to jump through, but before I could reach them I awoke suddenly, too awake to DEILD, but I felt satisfied.
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 A view of some area almost like a tarmac, though with no visible airport. A building more like an apartment complex stood off in the distance and to the left. Some structure like the shelter for a train stop was in the foregroung. On the concrete ground lay four or five people, living or dead, face down. They all seemed to be adult men. They weren't wearing any shirts, and their pants looked like pajama pants. The men were all really skinny and pale. A military man, a white man in a green, official-looking uniform and a round, hard helmet, stood at the right end of the row of bodies. Two soldiers stood on the left end. The two soldiers may have been holding up another one of these emaciated men. The man probably wasn't old, but his face looked old. The soldiers let the man go. The leading military man told the man that if he complied, he'd be let go, so that he shouldn't be afraid, and he should just lie down by the rest of the men. As the man did this, the leading military man may have shot him in the stomach. A narrator's voice came on saying that during the years of (World War Two?) this was the way of life for many male college students in America. They would be taken to these camps and put through all kinds of torture. They'd be promised freedom, but it would only lead to more torture. There were now scene of military people driving around on this tarmac-like area in civilian 1970s-style cars. The military people would drive over camp inmates who had been laid down on the road. The inmate's emaciated bodies would generally split right open. One scene showed how at least the top half of an inmate got caught in the back right wheel-well of one car, or actually got stuck to the wheel itself, so that it was just thudding along with the car. The narrator's voice said that these camps had all been part of a CIA mind control experiment. Part of the experiment had been to see how much the prisoners could take. But the main part was to see how far they could brainwash the soldiers to do any cruel, or even absurd, thing. Another scene showed soldiers in some green-walled area that looked partly like an airplane hangar or garage and partly like a 1950s-style diner. A leading military man stood off to the right. A row of prisoners lay on the ground. And two soldiers stood over the prisoners. Again, the prisoners may have been dead, but I could't tell. The two soldiers were pacing back and forth, pointing vanilla ice cream cones at the prisoners' backs. The soldiers were acting like they had convinced the prisoners that they were only going to threaten them with the ice cream cones as long as they played along. But they really were going to shoot them. Or the soldiers may possibly have thought they really had guns, while they only had ice cream cones. Dream #2 I was out with somebody else in a grassy clearing in the wilderness. We were doing something like consulting somebody about getting the person's car fixed. It seemed like this was going to take a while, so I decided to go for a walk. I walked down a small slope on a dirt path. The path was well maintained and smooth. The soil was a pleasant shade of brown. On either side of me was tall, deeply green grass with some glimmers of orange or tan grass. To my left the land sloped down a bit. To my right, it sloped up a bit. It was late afternoon, and the sky was silvery-blue, getting dim. For some reason I looked behind me, as if I'd expected to see something. I did. A deer seemed to be peeking its head out from the tall grass. Either I'd startled it or it wanted to cross the path but was waiting until I was no longer looking at it. The deer's head was huge -- like the deer was twice as big as a normal deer. Either this deer or another deer now walked out onto the path and slightly up the slope. This deer was normal sized. But her coat had traces of green and orange in it, as if to help her blend in with the grass. And she had a huge cone coming out of the back of her head. The cone looked like the rest of the deer's body, but it was as big as a giraffe's neck! I turned around and continued walking along the path. The slope up to my right was pretty gentle, and I could just see over it. It appeared that there was a road just past the slope. On the other side of the road a group of animals stood just at the edge of a dense stand of trees. These animals looked at first like deer to me. But they were a bit too big-bodied. I then assumed they must be elk. But their coats were largely white, with cloudings and splotches of red-brown fur. The slope seemed much steeper now, so that it was much harder for me to see the "elk." It seemed like the elk wanted to cross the street, but that they were afraid to cross while I was around. I called to the elk in a high, kind of motherly voice, hoping that would make them less afraid. But I then felt that if they felt threatened by my heightened activity, they'd stampede. I felt like they might stampede anyway, so I was trying to get past this area quickly. But I didn't know how wide this herd was -- herds of elk could be huge, I thought. It was also getting harder for me to walk. For a moment I thought I would get off the path altogether, go up the slope so I could see how many elk I was dealing with. But the path had become a trench, kind of difficult to get out of. I worried that the elk would stampede and trap me in the trench, trampling me to death. I thought I had to get out of this trench right away. But now the trench had gotten even deeper, maybe 4 meters deep, with flat-vertical walls. There was no way I could get out. But I thought the narrowness of the trench might now save me: the elk might just jump over. Dream #3 I was walking through some kind of gigantic warehouse. The warehouse had tons of rooms. The rooms were all huge, like aisles ina big box warehouse, like a Sam's Club. There were shelves, all filled with both boxes and clear, plastic containers. The boxes and containers were all about a meter long and half a meter wide and deep. I knew that every resident in an apartment complex was being moved out. They were all probably being moved to another specific apartment complex. Each resident (i.e. every person in each household) had been given one cardboard box and one clear plastic container. Everything each individual wanted to take had to fit into his two containers. For some reason I imagined a litte, Mexican girl and her brother running happily around their house, figuring out what stuff they wanted to take with them. All the families were now packed up. The boxes were all in the storage area. And at some point all this stuff would be moved to the new apartment complex. I walked around a bit, looking in through the sides of the clear, plastic containers. I didn't see anything of interest. The boxes and plastic containers had all been set really haphazardly on the shelves. Some of them weren't even set right side up. Dream #4 A young, blonde boy with slightly tanned skin was in some place like a warehouse or factory. The boy had kind of warped himself here. He had discovered a time machine, which wasn't exactly a time machine, but something more like a dimensional warp machine. The boy had warped himself into a dimension like earth, concurrent with a different time on earth, but with some different physical laws. But the boy was using the physical laws here to help change things for the better in his own dimension. But the boy was slightly worried. It seemed like some of the stuff he was doing here to benefit his own dimension was actually hurting this dimension. But, then, he didn't seem to care. He took a kind of troublemaker attitude and revelled in messing things up. The boy ran around the factory. There were rows of boxes, huge pipes, vats, and other mechanisms. There were also some kind of mechanical pits that the boy would occasionally jump into and out of. The only effect I could see the boy having on this place was that whenever he acted with "too much energy," he left bright green and bright pink tracers or shadows or silhouettes of himself in the area. Sometimes these tracers were slimy. But these tracers had the effect of tearing through reality. This could destroy both this and the boy's dimensions. There was then another scene, unrelated to the boy. I don't remember anything about it. The scene then returned to the factory the boy had been in. The boy was no longer there. He may now have been a man. But the man had gone back to his own dimension. A woman remarked that the man could, however, accidentally be brought back to this dimension, which would be dangerous for him. The woman, some kind of Xena-like Amazon Queen, now stood in a blue, temple-like room with a man who sort of looked like an evil wizard. The two stood before a wall that had sloping-up shapes in them, like the upward sloping of a huge organ. In the center of this was a round, dark doorway. This was a "time machine." The woman and the man spoke about how it was good that the humans had decided no longer to use the time machine. As they spoke, the view of them became a view from a television screen. My view was in a dark living room. It seemed to be backing and backing away from the screen, until it was finally in my body again. I was sitting on the floor, with my back against a couch. The couch may have had a plushy, pale beige fabric. But it may have been covered over with a white sheet. I was now sitting up on the couch. My old friends R and L were laying together on the top edge of the couch, leaning against the wall against which the couch was set. L (a woman) commented that she thought it was good that the humans and the people from the other dimension were learning how to cooperate using the time machine technology. R (a man) said, "No way! If I were the people from the other dimension, I'd act like a Mock (or Lock), like in the book The Time Machine! I'd just act like a beast to that time machine, and bam! bam! break it up!" As R said "bam! bam!" he slammed his arm down twice on my face. He slammed my nose really hard, leaving it hurt and stinging. I was about to yell, "What the hell are you doing?" But I calmed down immediately. I knew if I yelled, R would just act like he didn't know why I was so mad. I turned around to R, who was wrapped up to his face in a white sheet with L. I got right in his face and very calmly said, "I know you meant to do that. You meant to hit me in the face. You meant to be an asshole." R very calmly looked at me. He said, "You're right. I did mean to do it to you. And you know what? From this day on, I'm just going to be a terrible person to you." I said, "Oh. Okay." I knew I was living here with R and L. So I figured I'd have to get out of here as soon as possible, hopefully even by the coming day. I started working through my thoughts, while still looking at R, trying to figure out how I could get rid of everything I didn't need, and how to move everything I needed as efficiently as possible. I couldn't believe how young R looked, as young as he looked when I first met him, sixteen years ago!
Well, that was a weird, dark dream. I was part of an intelligence unit raiding a Native American trailer park that housed a dope-growing operation. We went in there in suits, chucked bottles of accelerant at all the trailers except for two, the guy who tipped us off and the HQ, then lit it up and either rounded people up or gunned them down as they ran around in confusion. My boss in the operation was this 'spooky calm' kind of Tommy Lee Jones-ish guy, who gave a very rational defense of the whole operation when I declared it monstrous. He wandered around the trailer collecting tree branch specimens that were hanging around, and since we were doing it, I called dibs on an industrial juicer we found
Since the last dream I recalled, I had the impression that I wasn't dreaming anymore, this is quite annoying... Anyway, here's another dream. I found myself in a special intervention unit w/ Jack Bauer and some other teammates. I must lead an anti-terrorist mission. First, I see a black military helicopter flying over a bright-green lake, then some film-makers who are talking around a table. I see a female who looks like John Galliano (at least she has the same clothing style). Then, I find myself into a HUGE party room (with rich people and all, you know), and Jack Bauer is onstage. He chooses his weapons for the mission (on the back of the stage are hung up lots of MP5 and a few AK47s), but he gets angry cause they don't wanna give him both a MP5 and an AK47, and he just goes with the MP5. I'm sitting in the back of the room (which is, indeed, opposed to the stage), in a dark corner. Afterwards, my teammates, Jack Bauer and I are in a really dark space, only surrounded with a few red lights (looks like a military place); I hear Jack swearing he's going to take revenge against someone because his sister died. We run towards some small grey-black metallic platforms. I now am in a kitchen, in the morning, with a teammate. The windows' shutters are half-closed, so some sweet bright light comes in the room. We wear some military clothes and have some huge protection & weapons. We find once again two of these platforms and we kick them. They lead us into a yellow room, with the name of a general written on a wall. We once again kick two platforms and find ourselves on the top of a roof. There are two terrorists; there's one in a cage at the left of the roof, with a little black/white globe (it looks very pixellized) near him. We shoot him down. There's another terrorist, in a cage as well, at the center of the roof; he leaves before we can shoot him. His cage goes down a huge building structure. I jump in an attempt to follow him even though I don't see the cage anymore, but I hit myself and a health-bar appears (just as in video games) telling me I've got 1 HP remaining. Then I don't stop falling, but I wake up.