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    1. Fragments

      by , 12-22-2014 at 12:11 PM
      Did a natural WBTB at about 5:40, I stayed up for only 10 minutes this time but it was pretty light outside so I had some trouble going back to sleep again. I originally had some notes on my dream app that I was going to reference but that was erased unfortunatly so I'll have to type this from memory which will make the fragments even shorter.


      Fragment 1
      I was in a beautiful steampunk inspired city that was floating on an island in the clouds. I was with another boy and we were traversing the city trying to help someone while trying to avoid the police. We were being questioned by an officer and decided to take him to the museum so he would get bored and leave us alone.

      Fragment 2
      I was with a group of survivors in an abandoned house surrounded by lava which had covered the entire Earth. I was sent on a scavenging mission and remember running away from something before the dream faded.

      Frgment 3
      I was in a doctors/scientists office and he had a huge magnifying glass pointed at me. I got up from my chair and looked at a hologram of the Earth which appeared to be made out of lego, I glanced behind me and the magnifying glass was lego. I took a couple pieces from the glass and the doctor/scientist told me to put them back.

      Not very long but that's to be expected when I'm doing it from memory a couple of hours later. Gonna keep doing WBTB and try going to bed earlier so I can wake up naturally when it's still dark.
      - Have another Lucid Dream
      - Bend all 4 elements
      - Tell a DC I'm dreaming and see their reaction
      - Fly
      - Find my Dream Guide or have them find me
    2. Work at Night

      by , 12-09-2014 at 01:42 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in the city at night, indoors. It was a building. I was working on the computer or something. I was with two unknown guys. We went out, but there were slippery steps. Something about basketball. We went back.
    3. Notes

      by , 12-07-2014 at 02:56 AM (Lucid Time!)
      This dry spell just keeps dragging on and on. Considerable lucidity might mean it's finally coming to the end.

      Something to do with three lasers of a particular frequency meeting at 90 degree angles creates a fourth-dimensional bridge.

      I am with a few friends and Katniss from the hunger games movies, making our way through the woods. We are talking on headsets as if we are playing a game/in a virtual reality. Somebody asks if we want to end the match and we say no. We then come under attack by an army of small monkeys.

      I am in an art supply store with my mom and we are buying paper for an art project. The art supply store is very small in a mall, no bigger than the inside of a CVS (In fact that's what the general feel of the art supply store was; a drugstore). It seems to only have one or two employees.

      An employee leads us in the back and begins showing us what they have available in terms of paper. It's not much. What they have looks like shoddy blank newsprint and printer paper. I notice that there are drawings of my cartoon characters on the paper. They weren't mine, but they were committed attempts to recreate some of my most iconic characters.

      This prompts me to reality check. A couple of nose pinches settled that. I tell my mom that I am dreaming and that I have to leave.

      I step outside and see dream characters walking by. The area outside the shop isn't like a mall, it's the side of a busy road with a downtown New-York ish feel to it, skyscrapers and all. I asked to see Manei appear. At first nothing happened but then she ran up to me as a little girl wearing raggy clothes.

      "What happened to you? Why are you so little?"

      "Dun Dues Se Carlo."

      "Dun Dues Se Carlo?"

      "Yeah, Dun Dues Se Carlo."

      "What the heck does that mean?"

      "It means we caused a problem and now we have to-"

      I need to get back down there with some serious lucidity and get these lucid issues worked out.

      Updated 12-07-2014 at 03:08 AM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. 11-5-14 Dystopian gladiator chase scene

      by , 12-04-2014 at 07:23 PM
      I lived in a country where all people were killed once they reached the age of thirty. However, once a year three convicted criminals were released from prison into an abandoned city, where they would fight to the death. The last man standing was allowed to live a normal lifespan. I was apparently one of the three, and I was being chased relentlessly by the other two men through a dark, overgrown alleyway. Ivy climbed up the walls of the brick and steel buildings.
    5. Train Troubles

      by , 11-16-2014 at 08:58 PM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      November 15, 2014

      I was on a train with my dad, and there was some sort of trouble. He had to get off the train so he could get some gas for his car, for some reason. He would rive the car to the next stop and get back on the train. We were going through the Midwest on our way to the West Coast (having gotten on the train in New York)

      When he got off the train, I went to sit with an older, friendly looking hiker.

      I spaced out and someone else had joined us. We all became friends, and there was a long break stop. They wanted to get some fresh air, so they got off the train and I stayed to watch all their stuff. But the train only stopped for like a minute and left without them! I was worried, because I still had all their stuff and was wondering how they would get back to where they needed to go...

      There was a point where it was night time, and the train was on a super elevated rail above a fairly large city. It may or may not have been the Big City on my dream map, but I don't think it was. If felt more like a different coastal city I often dreamt about when I was a kid. Anyways, all the pretty lights were going by, and the buildings were all so colorfully lit. It was fascinating and I just watched it for the longest time.

      Eventually I got to the destination, got off the train with my lost companions' things, and found my mom and brothers waiting for me. I called my dad to let him know I had gotten off the train (it was actually a few stops before I had planned to arrive at)
      Tags: car, city, family, train
    6. 11/13/2014

      by , 11-15-2014 at 02:51 AM

      I became aware I was in a dream and left the area I was in. I did a few things and increased my lucidity a few times. I lost awareness a few times but gained it back I gained awareness while getting hustled by some kids, who were bugging me so I decided to kill them. I said "Make this guy die of a heart attack" the kid fell and put his hand over his heart, grabbing his chest tightly. I looked at the other kid and said "Make his brain explode" he fell, and he put his hands on his forehead, obviously feeling pain. I kept walking and noticed I was on some sort of room. I worried about waking up, so I thought of a skyscraper. I said "Take me to a skyscraper." and I started to fly. I felt a rush of joy as I left the roof I was on and saw a huge city with beautiful lights, cars driving in the streets far below, and an ocean far away from where I was. I saw one of the twin towers and knew I wanted to go there. As I slowly started flying towards it, I woke up.
    7. 10-12-14 The end is nigh...

      by , 10-16-2014 at 06:21 PM
      I was sent away to live in this weird city under a dome ruled over by a strange bald man. He only appeared to the people on Saturdays. The other days, other people were in charge of administering justice. They were referred to as "Pharisees".

      I had three friends, all girls. We had been brought forcibly to the city together. One girl was young, one was just slightly younger than me and the other was just my age.

      The laws in the city were terribly hard to keep, and if you broke any of them, horrible punishments were enacted on you. I got into trouble, but I sought an audience with the bald ruler.

      I told him that it had been revealed to me that soon everything outside the domed city would be destroyed, but everything within would be saved. Therefore, I asked permission of him to go out into the surrounding desert and gather cactus plants, which we could replant after everything was destroyed. He allowed me to.

      During our entire meeting, my nose ran incessantly. I couldn't stop it.
    8. Sampling confections, riding a horse in 1920s San Francisco (DILD)

      by , 10-14-2014 at 06:42 PM
      Ritual: This was my third experiment with the vibrating alarm. Again it was successful, though in a somewhat inexplicable way. I had intended to get lucid but slept from 1:00–6:20am, and realized when I woke it was too late for a proper WBTB. So I used the vibrating alarm, set to go off in 45m. It was 7:19am when I awoke again, so it must have triggered, but I never felt the vibration at all this time. I had an NLD I don't clearly recall, and then a DILD—in which I simply became aware that I was dreaming, with no particular RC or "aha!" moment. The lucidity was low-grade, though, in that I never remembered the tasks I had intended to work on.

      DILD: I found myself in K&L in San Francisco. (This is a real wine store that I like, but the dream version had no physical resemblance to RL.) While browsing I noticed all the good food in the cases—fresh food, like slices of cake on plates, ready to be eaten—and reflected on how amazing the food culture is in SF that you can even get great fresh food in a wine shop. There was a tray with samples of wine, generous pours of about two ounces in full-size glasses, and another tray with samples of a variety of little cut bars and pastries. As I began eating and drinking, the impression dawned on me that I was dreaming, but I felt that I was not fully integrated. (This must have been dream logic; I was already deep in dream so there was no question of integration, but apparently what I was sensing was that I was not fully lucid.) I thought that using my senses would help, so I was focusing on the tastes and textures and even the sounds that occurred as I sampled the various confections. I wanted to find one that was more savory than sweet. A couple pieces were green in color, which seemed promising, but they turned out to be more dessert-like than I had hoped. I was amused to notice how I was behaving with dream protocols: if I didn't like a piece, I would just spit it out and leave it on the tray, an act that would be incredibly rude and disgusting in waking life!

      I thought after I got better integrated I should go explore the dream—wasn't there something I was dreaming about earlier, a wilderness landscape, that it would be interesting to get back to? I recollected it only vaguely. But first I wanted to try each of the food samples. The very last one I tasted was savory after all, and had a kind of bi-layer construction with a spicy-savory mixture sitting on top of a nest of dried coconut strands—it was my favorite, and I wished I could get the recipe.

      Nearby was a little display box full of pamphlets or maybe even CDs about nuns, and as I leafed through them I saw that they broached the question: do nuns wear their habits even when they are locked away together in their nunneries, or do they, like Muslim women, remove their head coverings when at home? I felt that in waking life I knew the answer but now I couldn't remember. I thought about it and considered that the tradition of nuns covering their head must be related to similar phenomena in related cultures and places, such as the way women have to cover their heads when attending a Russian Orthodox church service. I figured it probably did have ties to the tradition among conservative Islamic women to cover their heads. I concluded on this basis that nuns would indeed remove their wimples when alone among themselves. (In retrospect I'm pretty sure I wrong, but I can't say with absolute certainty. The only Christian nuns I've met don't wear habits at all!)

      Earlier, when I had decided that I would go explore the dreamscape after I was done here, as if in direct response to my thoughts a horse had promptly cantered up outside the shop and stood there waiting for me. (If only my human DCs were so obliging!) Now that I was finished eating I went outside and prepared to ride away. The horse had been completed tacked up when he arrived—excessively so, I had thought, as he seemed to be carrying bedrolls and other long-distance gear—and when I mounted he had definitely been wearing a saddle because I distinctly braced my foot in the stirrup and held the pommel to get on. However, no sooner had I started riding away than I felt I was slipping around a bit and was surprised to discover that this was because I was riding bareback. Oh well, it will be good practice. I remembered how some people say that LDs can help you practice RL skills, and I figured that I could certainly use some practice improving my seat and position, so I decided to focus on that for a while and see if it paid off in this week's lesson.

      I still felt we were in downtown San Francisco but everything felt old-timey. Even the cars looked like 1920s models. Fortunately there weren't many of them, because I was moving through the city at a canter. I realized how unrealistic this was: in RL I would hesitate to stress the horse's legs by cantering on hard paved streets, and I definitely would not cross intersections without stopping, like I was doing now, but since I knew I was dreaming I felt it would be okay. Crossing the street still felt dangerous as there were sometimes cars coming, but there weren't too many of them and they were going slow enough that we were able to dodge one another. I was cantering because that is the gait where I need the most improvement on my seat and position: I was focusing on trying to keep my legs long and heels down, with my core on, back straight and shoulders back.

      We cantered right out of the city, though I was paying so much attention to my form that I didn't have much to spare for my surroundings. Just as in RL I noticed the tendency for my legs to creep up and my torso to lean forward at the canter, so I was trying to counter these bad habits and reinforce good ones. At some point I finally halted the horse, and I worked on trying to do that properly as well, keeping my seat deep and using my weight properly. The dream ended around this time, as though by halting the horse I halted the dream.

      Updated 10-15-2014 at 08:24 AM by 34973

    9. Soul Eater Fragment (Mid Morning Nap)

      by , 10-14-2014 at 04:25 PM (Lucid Time!)
      So I woke up, wrote that long DJ entry about 'Chowderland' and went to class. I came back to my dorm and was so tired I must have passed out, because I woke up on my bed, and recalled a semi-lucid dream fragment.

      Spoiler for For people who haven't watched soul eater (So basically everybody):

      Anyways, I can't recall much. The characters are making their way through an urban area at night, and I think had some kind of battle. I don't really recall much of what happened, just a couple of vivid images.
      One of the strange things I recall was that they did not look like anime characters, they actually looked like real people. They looked a little bit different than their designs on the show, too. Soul's hair was long and laid down on his head (Kind of like my avatar picture) There was a little bit of a spike in the front going over the headband though.
      Maka looked different as well. Her skirt was longer and her hair was in one ponytail going down the back rather than the pigtails. Even though they looked a little strange as real people, I could definitely tell that they were the characters from the show.
      They ended up defeating whatever they were fighting and getting a demon soul. (I know this can be confusing. They are trying to get souls and there is a character named Soul. I didn't write this anime, Ok?!) So Soul is holding the soul, and I recall it illuminating him in the night. Then Maka walked over. He might have eaten it like he does on the show.
      There was this weird part where the scenario repeated itself two or three times. I can recall the soul (that was normally just a small blue energy orb with a little flame coming off the top) had become humanoid. Soul was biting it and eating it in pieces.

      Toward the end, Manei came into the dream and we were apparently a weapon and meister pair as well. I almost became lucid at this point. She was trying to turn into a weapon but couldn't figure out how.
    10. 10/3/2014

      by , 10-08-2014 at 07:32 AM
      I was a hero in counter strike and the setting was in Venezuela. I was in some sort of big indoor or underground city doing city type stuff like taking taxis, buying groceries, hitting on girls, etc. I got a gun and some monster machines started attacking an important building that had to do with money. Me and my partner defended the place but eventually got overrun so we jumped off a railing and onto the floor, doing a roll and running up an elevator away from zombies. My partner told me to get inside and as I was running, I saw a big monster inside the elevator. We fought the monster and managed to kill it as we went up hundreds of stories. My parners clothing looked like an older version of the TF2 scout and he was sad that he had to let go of his bat to kill the monster. We got out of the elevator and ran through a forest at night as he was saying how sad he was.
    11. Dogfight over New York, Lovers' Retreat, Real life FPS, Beach Tailgate with breif lucidity (LD#118)

      by , 10-05-2014 at 02:36 PM (Lucid Time!)
      New york is under attack by another nation, and I am assigned to pilot an experimental aircraft designed for combat in locations like cities where maneuvering and control are more valuable than speed. Their wings can vector the thrust from the engines in any directions, allowing us to fly between buildings.
      I don't remember much of the dream, but I recall doing fairly well in the dogfight and taking a dozen or so enemy fighters before being shot down myself. I ejected and floated down into the city. I also recall the city itself. Most of the buildings were still standing with small craters and damage likely caused by the initial attack.

      I am at college, and I recall meeting this girl who was just crazy about me. She loved me. This was kind of a bother, because I found her to be annoying and overly-hyper. She wasn't very attractive in my eyes either, but I had decided to give her a chance anyway. I don't really recall what she looked like though...
      She took me to her home (that was somehow on the campus). There was a lavish duplex built on the shore of a beach. (Dream sign) Next to it was a pool and a hot tub. She also had a tennis court and a play-place. There were a couple of palm trees around, and the rest of the island was covered in small craggy hills, that looked like miniature mountains.
      This whole dream was set during the nighttime, and it was dark. In a strange way, I felt like the island was indoors. I felt like we might be inside a giant skydome or something, like on The Truman Show. Anyways my new girlfriend wanted to go in the hot tub. I told her I had to go change, and went into the duplex where I had a suitcase. And because it was a dream, I kept putting on my bathing suit and have it turn into something that was not a bathing suit while it was on my legs. So I must have removed a pair of jeans or shorts or boxers five times until I put on an actual bathing suit.
      Eventually I managed to put on a bathing suit and head out to the hot tub, but this girl was totally ADHD and by the time I got finished changing and got to the hot tub, there she wanted to play tennis. We started heading over to the tennis court (without changing of course) and I lost the dream.

      I am having this dream about a real life first person shooter, or some kind of combat training. I can't recall what exactly it was, but I know that it was not a real war. But dirty fighting is still allowed. There are huge teams, I think 16 on 16.
      I am geared up with all of this military gear, such as an assault rifle, pistol and some grenades.
      Me and two other guys who were much less experienced than me were tasked with guarding this pathway that led out of the woods. Supposedly bad guys would undoubtedly come up this path and into our base. Sure enough, guys did start coming. We used some big trees at the end of the path for cover. We ducked and covered for awhile and managed to take them down.
      Then one of the guys I was with started screaming because he saw the enemy commander. The enemy commander was this huge man, about 6'6" and very fat. He wore all black and carried two large SMGs. I told my teammates to give me cover and I ducked behind a fallen tree.
      Now what I did next was a bit strange. I dropped my gun, my grenades, my sidearm (a pistol), my body armor, my backpack, and my army coat, leaving only my pants, boots and the sweatiest, grossest tank top I had ever seen. I then ran down the path, dodging the commander's bullets and kicked him as hard as I could in the groin. While he was distracted my teammates shot him.
      There was this other part where everyone had stopped fighting. Apparently there was somebody else who had the same idea as me, this Chinese guy on the other team. He had thrown off all his gear and the two teams were now forcing us to have a MMA fight to determine who would win. We were fighting on a paved basketball court and both teams were watching us fight. I think the Chinese guy beat me, but he told me that I was still a good fighter.

      I was having some dream that somehow tied back into all of the previous dreams. I was in a gorgeous beach-side town, riding a bike, trying to find my way back to a hotel that my family was checked into. Most of the town was fairly low, with just a few cottages, a small downtown and a lighthouse on the beach. But at one point, I rode down this path and found this huge parking lot with all of these tailgaters parked in it and partying. Beyond that was a massive city composed of these mid-rise buildings and following that were these massive angular glass skyscrapers.
      For some reason, the thing I recall most about this moment was the sky. Okay, yeah there was a small second sun near the first, but the clouds looked gorgeous. I remember looking all around and seeing these amazing cloud formations. Layers upon layers of clouds.
      I began riding my bike into the tailgate lot. I asked myself why it seemed so hard to make it back to the hotel, why does the town seem to keep changing.

      Maybe it's because I'm dreaming. I do a nose pinch just to confirm. I'm dreaming. I decide to get off the bike. I tell myself that I will hop off and begin flying. I leap off to the side. I don't start flying. I just land on the ground.
      I begin walking out toward the beach. I stomp my feet on the pavement trying to get a feel for the dream. I find that the feeling of stomping (and the 'shock') that runs up your leg makes for good dream stabilization. The clarity begins to increase. I rub my hands together and further the clarity.
      I look around at the tailgate, but now it looks more like a school cafeteria setting, but outdoors. I think to myself about how all the dream characters in that setting are just aspects of my subconscious mind. I look out over the coast, and see the waves rolling in. My lucidity seems very clear, and I think to myself how I haven't felt this lucid in awhile.
      I think to myself about what happened last night; the unsolved mysteries and unanswered questions. I begin heading toward the beach thinking that I can somehow use the sand to transport myself.
      The dream clarity falls through very quickly and
      I wake up. I try to WBTB, and nearly get it. I recall some hypnogogic imagery about a robotic claw moving these long, square cardboard boxes. I think the robotic claw was made out of cardboard as well. I recall some kind of designation number on the end of the box. I try to latch onto it and form a new dream. It doesn't seem to work. I give up, and just allow myself to wake up..
    12. Trains in China

      by , 09-30-2014 at 12:35 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I can recall I am with a large group of people, including family, vacationing in China. We are in a large, developed city that is testing this new elevated rail system. The elevated rail, at some points goes very far above ground level and connects near the top of some of the skyscrapers.
      I can recall getting on it. There is a violent storm rolling in and my run is the last run before they are closing down the rail for the storm. It is already starting to rain, and there are violent lightning strikes and howling winds blowing.
      The train comes to one of the places where the track goes very high off of the ground. It stops, and then a portion of the track begins moving up, like an elevator, carrying the train with it. We are lifted high above the city, and we see that the high up rail runs across the rooftops of some of the buildings in the area.
      There was some aspect to the dream, like somebody had taken the wrong train and we were trying to find them in this vast city. I found myself to be annoyed by this, because I just wanted to ride the train, and not have to worry about tracking down others.
      Being on the train is strangely very relaxing. There was a heater that made it warm and comfortable.

      There was some other part of the dream, where I was in the same city. I was driving and my dad and some Chinese man were sitting in the back. I was supposed to be taking them out to dinner or something but I didn't know how to navigate, all of the road signs were in Chinese.
      There was also some aspect to it, like I had to find a restaurant that had a good view of the ocean. I saw that some skyscrapers had missing windows due to the storm that had rolled in.
      I think I ended up getting into a bad car accident and waking myself up.
    13. The city of cool people at the end of the volcano

      by , 09-24-2014 at 10:01 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      The city of cool people at the end of the volcano (Non-lucid)


      I was trying to go to a secret town, and I believe I was in a video game of some sorts because I was seeing the dream in third person during a scenario that involved the inside of a volcano, but the lava was purple and I believe it was poisonous. From here, the dream went back to first person. There was some sort of skeleton with a shield that was stalking me:

      I was not afraid but I figured that I had no weapon I no way to fight it, so I just started to run avoiding the lava until I went through a big door and appeared in another room. Here there was a lot of lava, but now it was normal lava. At the very end, I saw a huge door that was made out of stones, but these were very cracked, so I figured that I needed bombs to shatter it, but I had none and I tried to look for an alternative. I saw a couple of big roman vases that had water on them, but the water was boiling and the vase was super hot:

      I figured that moving the vases would help me proceed, but I did not try because I would burn my hands, as I figured that the vase was very hot in addition of very heavy (it was like 4 feet tall.)

      I was able to find some secret entrance that took me to the woods. I explored the woods until I found a secret village. There were about 20 houses, each of them were next to each other making a square shape, and in the middle, there was a plaza. I figured that I needed to talk with certain people in the right order to be accepted there. I had memories of being at this place before and I was able to recall that, but i had no idea how to do it or whom to talk to. I tried to use my phone and Google for advice but I could not get my phone started. I believe it did not even turn on.

      It seems that you needed to be cool to be accepted here, otherwise, you could get killed. I started to see some people coming out from there houses and they told me we had to party and figure out if I was cool or not. There were several tables with drinks and food (the plaza was empty earlier) The tables appeared to be pretty fancy:

      There were also several speakers, huge speakers and very loud music. In a split second, there were lots of people dancing and having fun, so I got involved and started to have fun as well. There was a small black bee in the party as well, said bee did not sting anyone, but it was flying around and sometimes resting on people. The bee stooped flying and jumped onto my pants. I tried to ignore the bee to not loose my cool.

      Updated 09-24-2014 at 10:04 PM by 31830

    14. 14/09/2014 Dream fragments and numbness

      by , 09-15-2014 at 04:20 AM
      - I was in an unknown bedroom with a fireplace, it was dark outside. Apparently i didn't like being there because i left the house and i remember trying to get in at midnight through the chimney.
      - I was in a city with my sister, we were waiting for the bus to arrive in front of a park. I find my uncle there and i lose sight of my sister.
      - I'm in some kind of ruin, it's on the face of a cliff, and i'm trying to solve a puzzle by touching stone tiles. I felt a piece move and click, and i realized i had to be careful of a sleeping bear nearby.
      - I'm playing a videogame as a gunner-girl in some kind of victorian town, but it ends quickly and i wake up. My body feels pretty heavy so i thought maybe it was SP, so i try a WILD while picturing the scene from that dream but i give up after 40 minutes as it seems i was too well rested after 9 hours of sleep
    15. 8/22/2014

      by , 09-15-2014 at 03:19 AM
      I was in some sort of junkyard at night playing with Desirae's boobs. They felt good so I didn't it for a while until I noticed that she didn't have a head so Laurie and I planned on burying her. After. I was playing a computer game that was a combination of Sid Meier CIV 5 and Command and Conquer Generals. I was playing online with people but I didn't realize it until we started attacking each others bases.

      I was on a NM highway where there were a few cars and mountains in the distance. To the left, there was a building and I was going down a hill. I was going so fast that I had to slam the brakes to slow down.

      I was in a city with a river flowing through the middle of it. I was with Nathan and the Strogg from quake started invading. I had a black, large caliber pistol and a few magazines. The belt I had didn't have a holster but the belt itself could be used as one. I adjusted the belt like the one I have in the waking world. I killed a few Strogg even though they were hard to kill, eventually getting split up with Nathan. I looked for him and a specific street. I asked an APD cop where it was but at first they ignored me.
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