I was watching this scene from the Belgian TV show Samson & Gert where the two meet in an apartment full of single beds and couches with Gert's girlfriend who looks like Mr Bean's date while she's studying. Her roommate walks in and strikes a conversation with Gert while she sneaks out of her own apartment. Gert is hinting at Samson to talk with the other dogs. Meanwhile I'm watching them interact while multiple people sit on the couch with me. This girl in particular borrows my phone charger and tries talking to me while I vaguely and shortly respond because I was focused on the Samson & Gert situation. She then leaves and passive aggressively points out my lack of enthusiasm of talking to her, expressing she was looking forward to getting to know me better. As I look at her, I start to realise she's pretty cute and tell her we can have a proper talk along with some drinks together, which she rejects before leaving. As I sit down, a girl from theatre school whom I did a magician act with once, comforts me. As I walk people home, I come across another theatre school classmate who asks me if I can return the backpack to the theatre school classmate who's student dorm I visited once. As I walk through the apartment complex, I hear about the student's campaign to raise funds and awareness for special "sleeve phones" that Spanish businessmen use apparently as they are shown talking to their jacket sleeves. It's late at night, I Google some bus rides to Utrecht as I'm around Southern Amsterdam and the classmate gives me a message while talking to me like it's therapy. I struggle to maintain proper balance as he keeps massaging me. He whispers something to me, "uncontrollable" or something and I wake up feeling a little seasick and nauseous.
I was dating a bimbo character from a tween sitcom I used to watch when I was in middle school, we pull this prank where we start making out as I finger her in the car during a traffic jam in the highway. We then end up at a reunion of my middle school and we find this hidden room behind the bleachers in the auditorium, but the entire time we're distracted by classmates and such, all whom now grown up and have full-time jobs or do sick stuff like volunteering in Africa or something. Finally, there's a moment where the television sitcom girl and I have a moment to be together during which we have this really mature conversation realising that we're not compatible. I'm not 100% what the rest of my dream was about anymore but I think something with a DJ gig I had even though I don't know how to DJ. Dream was in English with the sitcom girl and Dutch with the classmates.
Last night I was on a party and the dreams just kept on having the same atmosphere and people from the party. Can't recall that much but remember that there were more people and action. I'm on a bridge over water in the night. Stefan wants me to bake a cake with him. We are looking for ingredients but the eggs seem to be bad. Gabriel and I are talking in front of a big cave. It's still dark.
I'm lying on a sleeping pad on the floor with a bunch of other people. We are about to sleep but suddenly a really tall man, about 2 meters tall, comes in and starts to hunt us. I run up some stairs and keep on running outside in the dark woods. I am able to return to the building and we are safe now. Tove is prominent in the dream and has a strong positive aura. Notes: It was not a nightmare but more like a game. I'm home and looking up through the window in the kitchen upstairs. I think about how the dream is soon going to end and that triggers lucidity. I go to the sink and turn the water on. I try to do some water bending but it doesn't work at first. I get some insight and suddenly know how to do it. I take my right thumb next to the water and move the thumb to the side. The water follows. I take the water with telekinesis to the next room where mom sits on a chair. I form the water so that it looks like a glass and give it to her. She is shocked when her hands go through the water glass when she tries to grab it. I go to the window and try to punch it so that I can fly outside but it won't budge. I have to open it instead which takes some time. When I'm done I fly outside and it's pretty dark. There are some tall and round buildings I have never seen before. I try to fly up and I am able to. I want to touch the stars but when I reach a certain height I feel that the dream is becoming unstable. I fly down again to a big dome house. Some kind of white particles follow me and I feel energized. I fly in a circle and more white particles appear. I feel really happy and the flying is going perfect. I'm with Gustav and he complains about a SC2 map that is really hard and that he doesn't understand how you are able to win with only zealots. We enter the map and defend one entrance each. I have some marines and a tank and I'm able to protect my entrance the first round but Gustav is struggling. We lose and Gustav starts to build some kind of fort with Lego in my brothers room. I join him. He asks me if I remember what he told me and I tell him I do. I say that he told me to use my time wisly and only to do important things. He is happy and says that I have understood him.
I become semi lucid and fly from home. As I fly past the windows I imagine how a person might grab me as it had happened before at that location in a dream. As I reach the next street I do something mean against a clown. The clown brings backup and I am pinned to the ground. I try to wake up by logging out like in a VR-game but the clowns suddenly become friendly and let me go. I'm at an airship with Dennis. He is very prominent and talks a lot. There are some emotions in the dream and I have a lot of respect for him in the dream.
I'm in the park next to Hemmakväll and look at some video tape from the same place. A person in the video from my class takes some yellow baseball bat looking sticks and puts them under the feet as the person tries to climb a stair. It is very hard but I don't see they do it, only as they start to climb and disappear. It is my turn on the tape and I fail too. Wencai has two golf clubs and walks on them instead. He succeeds. I feel defeated. I'm listening to Stefan Löfven and Jimmy Åkesson. Löfven sympathizes with Åkesson and dad talks about politics and has the tone when he thinks I am wrong about something. Åkesson walks up and talks but all the people in the crowd dislike him. I'm at Lidle and I pick an orange juice box from a shelf. I'm walking to the chair in the TV-room and suddenly wake up. I am very confused because I think that I was just to sit down but now I lie in my bed. Notes: It may have been a FA but I don't think so.
Updated 04-03-2021 at 08:23 PM by 97565
I'm in a kitchen and Monica is there. They have a rat problem and I am there to fix it. I've got laser vision and I'm able to kill them pretty fast, I fly too. After some time my laser doesn't have any effect and I wake up. Notes: Monica was here yesterday. I saw a short movie where superman uses his laser vision yesterday. I went to sleep 01 am and I accidentaly set an alarm 7 am. I re-slept at least 6 times and got a lucid each time. Many of them were short but the lucidity was really high. I wake up for real 9.30 am. It's too bad I can't remember them all. I'm in my room and about to fly out. When I fly out I fall down to the ground. I see a big wall in front of me and I think about going through it. I start with my hand and I'm able too! I read a DJ where someone became like a jelly in order to pass through so I did the same. My body become half liquid as I pass it pretty slowly. I look at my slimy hand and see that two fingers are gone just like in the series I watched yesterday. I am nervous when my face goes in the wall. My vision becomes very unstable at first but I am able to fix it. I pass through and there is a big office on the other side. There are three girls in my age. I wake up. Notes: I had at least one more lucid were I passed through a wall but I can't remember it. I'm just walking around with very high lucidity. I don't feel like doing anything crazy. I'm in a room with some computers. I have some friends doing some work on them. I lose myself to the dream narrative. There is a man behind a computer and he got some information he is filing out on me. I tell him my first and last name and he puts them in small boxes. I tell him the name of the church I'm in too but I'm a bit ashamed by it at first. I walk to another computer and a friend of mine have got information about some kind of leader. He says that he is able to do some kind of blackmailing with the information or something like it. I get some papers by a teacher and my grades are on them. There is a circle with different grades pointing out from the middle. If the grade is longer to the right it's an A and if it is in the middle it's a C and most to the left it is an F. My grades are spread out on the right side of the paper but I'm worried because I've got better grades than that. I see our physics teacher walk past and I tell her that something is wrong. She doesn't give me a straight answer and walks away. Signe asks if she can look at my grades and takes the paper. I tell her that I've actually got mostly A. Notes: I thought I remembered much more from my dreams. I am afraid that I won't be able to enter a new lucid if I interrupt my sleep with writing my last down. Next time I will try to remember to write them down and look what happens instead.
Updated 12-05-2020 at 10:23 AM by 97565
I slept 10 hours this night which made me able to have two lucids in one night. I woke up and remembered some dreams but I didn't write them down. This time I didn't feel bad about not writing them down because it gave me better sleep I think. I'm outside and see a carriage where Linda from my class is sitting. We have some kind of romantic relationship so I walk to her and kiss her. I walk to the cinema and see Albin and my current class there. Ebba from the other class is also there. I ask Albin if this is a dream. He isn't giving me a straight answer and I become somewhat lucid. I look at the people sitting and watching the movie. I interact with some of them and see an old teacher from my other school. I don't remember her name but it is the asian's mom from Subway. I'm on a field trip with school on a big canoe. I'm on the back and steering the boat. Kalle sits up on the edge of the canoe and I tell him that it is a bad idea. We lose balance and Kalle sits down again. He stands up again and sits on the side of the boat. The boat trips to the right even thought Kalle sat on the left side of the boat's edge. We swim to the nearest island and just as I am about to climb up on the sand beach all the other people swim over me so that I am pressed down under the water. I have some panic and try to go up. After some time I reach the surface. I suddenly have a swimming mask over my eyes and nose so I dive some more. I see Albin under the water and we look at each other. I walk up to the island and go look for a pointy stick that I can catch fish with. When I see the branches and weird sticks on the ground I become lucid. I'm still looking for sticks. I inspect the sticks and notice that they have some pointy edges but they are too short to catch fish with. I abandon my mission and want to fly to the stars instead. I run to the water and fly... but I fall to the water. I try to fly up from the water but it takes some time. I still have my feet in the water but I am able to fly away and up. My mom is sitting on a stone in the water. It reminds me of the Sturkö beach. I look on the sky and see some stars. I fly up and up and suddenly I see my house to my right. I can't fly over the house and I think to myself that it is because I need some kind of reference to be able to fly. I can't fly if my vision can't see anything that swishes past me. I fly down and fly as fast as I am able to past the blocking barrier over the house. I succeed! I reach space, but it's all black. I can't see anything. I try to navigate back to earth but I fail. I have a FA were my legs are over my head. I think that the flying made me put my legs over my head.
Updated 11-23-2020 at 10:49 AM by 97565
I woke up by myself 8 am and thought about going up because I've gotten my 8 hours sleep. I wanted to get a lucid and know that I easily get lucids when I resleep in the morning. I'm in church and go sit on a chair 2 meters fromt the main entrance. I'm playing nonogram and there are some people playing a game and running in front of me. Linda from my class approaches me and wonders where I got my socks from. I notice that I have a pair of my Happy Socks on me. I tell her that Elina (?) gave me them. She says that she got her's from Elina too. She walks away awkwardly and I think it is weird of me to have my phone and playing nonogram. Notes: I had a dream earlier about Elina but don't quite remember it. I'm by Hemköp and walking home. I see a chair on the ground with wheels on it. I take it and keep on walking home. By the slope I sit on the chair and ride on. The chair is spinning counter clockwise. I meet Albin and say hi to him. I start wondering if this is a dream but I wake up. I lie in bed and decide to walk up. I just woke up and I'm in church. My pants are dirty and I wonder how I'm supposed to get home to school, I don't remember how I got here . My arms and hands are white and I know it's a dream. I do my RC. Yep I can breathe even though I pinch my nose. I start to fly away and notice how I don't have full control. I see a man walking the street and I want to test something. I imagine that I have a rope and pull him in. He starts to do weird motions but not accordingly to how I do it. I fly away in search for something fun. I find a house and walk in through the window. I meet a man and I ask him where his family is. He says that they are in the dark room upstairs. I walk up and open the door. It is pitch black and my vision is gone. I think about how I am going to wake up if I don't do anything. I imagine how I grab the wall and walk down the stairs again. My vision is still gone but I have a small sense on my hands against the wall. I try to open my eyes gradually and it is a success. I walk to the outer door. The man from before greets me and the sheriff enters. They talk a while about how everyone has guns and the houseowner jokes to the sheriff that it is because he is so bad with guns that everyone else needs guns by themselves. The house owner talks about how much the clock is and I tell him that he doesn't need to worry. The clock is 10 am in the waking world I tell him. He doesn't reply to this. I fly on and look into different houses. There are dogs in all the houses. The dogs have some sort of bad aura over them. I walk into different houses and see some families. I keep on flying and come to a spooky house. I fly through a window and notice that there are many children there. They are having some kind of spooky party. I fly to the back of the house and exit through a window. There is a flying witch there. I show of how good I am at flying and think that she is only using a thread or something fake. I fly back to the house and see some kids again. They jump over a hinder to come to the next floor. A boy, about 6 years old, throws a big wooden wheel at a small girl and she starts to cry. She runs to me and hold my hand. She drags my hand as if she wants me to carry her and so I do. I carry her and feel a bit stressed out at first because I haven't done anything really fun in my lucid but feel comfort in comforting this little girl. Notes: I didn't have that much control over the dream but it's okay. I haven't had a lucid in a long time. I read How to Kill a Mockingbird and studied the chapter with the sheriff yesterday. I woke up 08.55 am so I was actually wrong when I told him the clock was 10 am.
Updated 11-18-2020 at 09:57 AM by 97565
I'm sitting on a chair and Linnea is doing some kind of robotic transaction and putting her stomach against mine so that my food will be properly digested. She's handling me like an object and tossing me around, it hurts some times. I walk away and there is a quiz with three answers. The question is what a tempesto is. There are three pictures with some different faces on. I think that the answer is the knight because tempesto sounds familiar to the swedish word "tempel-riddare" which means Knights Templar. The answer is correct and the picture starts to shine green to confirm that it was right. Linnea is cuddling with a man from school where I was before. I think it is a bit annoying. There are some photo albums to the right. I walk to them and see a class photo. Wencai's face is the only one I truly notice in the big crowd. I see some family albums and look inside them. I see mom's side of the family and I'm filled with such love for all of them. There are some photos on mom and all her siblings. There is a photo on Kajsa and it says that she is the "second woman" as if it was a title. I think to myself that it is weird because she is actually the fifth and last girl born in the family. Monica comes and says that I can have some more class photos if I want to as if I was wronged because I only got one class photo and the family got many photos on it. I am not harmed and says that it is okey. Notes: Wencai is the person that represents my class in my dreams. I know I dreamed a very intresting dream but I can't recall it, it is so frustrating. I dreamt about stomachs yesterday too. I thought about Knights Templar yesterday when I talked with someone about the books she read.
I drank some water and woke up first 01.24 and later on 03.50. By 03.40 I tried to WILD. I rested in the corpse position and managed to lose my body completely and after about an hour I enter a ninja dream I have a third person view and there is a forest. Two ninjas run alongside each other. I lost it after some seconds and I felt my body again. I give up after 80 minutes 05.13 because of a bad itch on my nose and that I need some sleep too. It didn't feel like I was conscious in over one hour. I think maybe I lost consciousness and regained it later. I didn't have any HI or HH which is good but also worrying because all people seem to have it when they WILD. I'm by the big road on way to Lidle from our house. Signe and my other friends from class are also there. I'm also half lucid and decide that I want to eat something sweet because it's one of my dream goals. There is a buss waiting for us and we enter it. The driver is Sandra, our SO teacher. I ask her to drive to the candy shop and she says I am lucky to have a buss that drives me in the city. I think to myself that it would have been faster to walk or fly there. When we are by the candy shop (It's no specific candy shop and it has taken the place where Subway usually is) I tell Sandra to join us. She says she can't but I command her that she is going to eat candy with us. All of my friends' faces and Sandra's face become like they are brain dead and she says okey to my commandment. We enter the shop and we are going to eat it all. I've lost all lucidity by this point. There are many windows where people can look in. We want to eat all the candy without anyone noticing us for some reason. They all begin to eat and I jump up on a shelf and look out a window. I see someone that looks like Dumbledore and say it to the other people in the store. They are no longer brain dead and say something about Dumbledore. I am Harry Potter suddenly and some other wizard I have never seen before is reading my mind and demands that I tell him who Severus Lipus (?) is while he points his wand against my head. I point my wand back at him and there is also a third wizard next to us that is pointing her wand against my enemy. Notes: The brain dead part of the dream says a lot. When I try to force things upon my DC's they may not come naturally. I never ate anything in the dream. I saw a trailer where Daniel Radcliffe had a role yesterday. I'm in a plane with some classmates and we are going on a trip to some noble family. I'm in the back row and Angelina is also there. She starts to cough and cough. I feel uncomfortable and she excuses herself and says that she usually cough when she reads. One of the the waitresses comes to Angelina and tells her to stop it. She stops and I ask if they can turn on the ventilation in order to give us new fresh air. There are many small fans in the wall that starts to push fresh air on us. New fragment. We are now outside the plane and my family is already there. I leave my group and join my family instead. Notes: I saw a picture of my mom flying a gyrocopter yesterday. We also talked about going on a class trip. I'm in Sturkö and know it's a dream. I start to run outside to the waters and my vision is getting darker and darker. I touch my face in order to stabilize it but it doesn't work. I slowly transition to my bed. I'm still walking but feel my back against my bed. When my real body's sensation takes over there is a weird transition where the gravity goes from pressing my feet down on the ground to instead pushing my back to the bed. It is confusing and I have to orient for a while before I am confident in my body. Notes: It may have been a FA because they often wake me up in a smooth way like this.
Updated 11-02-2020 at 08:57 AM by 97565
Basic ii -sneak up on DCs - Succeded! In the dream, I'm at school, in a classroom that seems to be 3rd grade. but wait! I think to myself, I finished High School and College, why am I here..?? Then 3 girls come to my desk and I get distracted.. They started putting glue or more like slime on my desk, one of them mixes some brown and black paint on it, and tells me this is a cake for you..! As I intended to do an RC. splaaattt!! goes all over my face! I remained calm and think to myself, "This is just a dream", immediately I remembered the basic II task. I stand up, raising my both hands up, just like a lagune monster emerging from a swamp. Then I see a group of boys and I do a loud gggroooaarrr!!! they all start running away, knocking some desks down.. Then the teacher starts yelling, "What is this mess?!!" I started wiping my face off like if nothing has happened. co
I was sitting at a table with four other people. Two of them were my friends, one old man (70+) and a younger guy my age. The others was the current Führer of the Third Reich, which was a middle-aged woman (I guess this was some kind of alternate 2017 in which Germany won the war), and her daughter who was my age. The daughter was pure evil. I think me and my friends were taken prisoner. The daughter was interrogating us. She was really, really evil. And crazy. Like one of those stereotypical comic book villainesses. She was hiding a gun under her clothes, and because I didn't answer one of her questions, she shot the older man in the head. Obviously killing him instantly. She aimed her gun at me, and I could pretty much look into the barrel. It took a lot of nerve to keep my composure, knowing one wrong word and she'd shoot me. She suggested I had inferior blood. I conviced her my grandmother was born in Germany and served in the Hitlerjügend (she did). I think she was satisfied I'd given her what she wanted. She became really seductive at some point, and appeared to be coming onto me (but all in a really 'acted' and insane way). Suddenly, she kissed me. I didn't resist, as quite frankly she was really attractive (and my life depended on it). She 'asked' me to marry her. It wasn't a question. I think she just wanted me as her pet. I said yes, knowing I'd stay alive at least, and I'd be really close to someone who would one day inherit control of the Reich. In a later scene, I could see myself sitting in a leather couch in the family mansion. I was wearing my black shirt with white stripes. Notes of this dream say "kind of massage", but not entirely sure what it means. I think it happened in a really strange place. A large open space covered in perfectly still water (no waves), and with floating "platforms" in it. I was doing "gravity jumps" between them, using the reduced gravity of the dream to do backflips and sideflips and stuff. Trying to impress my former classmates who were sitting on other platforms nearby. At some point we jokingly jumped into each other for laughs.
Updated 01-01-2018 at 04:39 PM by 17412
Fell asleep at: 1:00 AM Woke up at: 5:00 AM Dream: I'm in my Chemistry class. My teacher is sitting at his computer, you'll find out what that entails in a second. My old friend-turned-acquaintance JJ is sitting to my right, incessantly complaining about....something. He's alsonot doing the assignment at hand, instead making one of those paper fortune-telling things. He directs his ire over to the teacher and doesn't. Shut. UP. I HAVE to tell him something. I tell him something along the lines of "Dude, shut the hell up. That's the FIFTH fucking time you said that. Be quiet, show some respect, and do your freaking work." Oddly enough, the class doesn't respond, but he sure does. He says something like, "How can I respect a teacher that can't freaking teach? Playin' games n' shit, damn..." See, in real life, my Chemistry teacher is, well, kind of a shy, bumbling newbie. During the course of his time at the school, everybody's been giving him crap. This carried over quite spectacularly into the dream. Anyway, this sent me over the edge, but I know better than to act on emotion or instinct. I tell him, "It doesn't matter. He's the teacher, you're the student, so let him teach." And just after I say that, my brother walks inside the classroom and hands me some car keys. I don't know exactly why he did this, and the dream ended shortly after that, but that wasn't what was important. NOTES: 1. The same thing happened today during class. My classmates were actively taunting the teacher, one of them got especially unreasonable, and I told her off. No, I didn't cuss to such an extent as here. God, they're annoying.... Er, sorry, rant mode. 2. I think this is one of the few times I ever completely acted like myself in the dream. To be honest, this dream was kind of therapeutic. I don't even know if I was lucid or not, it was that accurate.
Updated 12-09-2017 at 02:08 PM by 93490
I had a very deep dream last night, deeper than usual but it was a cool dream nonetheless despite what may be said I did enjoy it. I don't remember the sequence of events really well but what I remember earliest was waking up (in Dream) to a disaster. I must have been in high school in my dream because there was a whole class with me, some people I recognized, one person who wasn't even in a class with me, but most I don't remember. My mom was there too, something terrible happened. I woke up and we were all in a large auditorium but everyone was down, knocked out, moaning, wounded or all of the above. I don't know what happened but my mind just wanted to think I was tortured but because I woke up and noticed it I think something else must have happened like a large fight with something else, my whole class was like this so we were not fighting amongst ourselves. When I woke up my serious wound was my hand, it was covered in blood, a large amount of blood and there was a gash on the bottom part of my pointer finger that starts in the middle and goes to the part where it connects with the hand itself and it was bleeding pretty bad. I remember looking off and seeing my mom was injured as well and my nephew was there with a similar wound to mine. There were nurses who rushed in to help all of us but I had to yell basically to receive attention for my ever bleeding wound and they pulled out a needle and string to stitch it up. I didn't feel pain throughout the whole thing until they started to stitch me up. From my notes there was something about underground student clubs, I think it was to teach us how to be detectives and also how to fight with weapons. I received training on how to fight with a knife in close quarters by Agent Gibbs (From NCIS) of all people and I remember it quickly, in a training exercise he said: "How are you going to fight me?" and he had a holstered knife on his left side, I asked "Dirty or Clean?" "Clean," he said. I grabbed the knife and went for his throat because I couldn't think of a clean way to fight with a knife, he stopped me, twisted my hand and threw me to the ground and said it was too obvious. Had he said dirty I was going to take the knife and aim for the stomach in a stabbing fascion. L from death note was there and a friend in real life who was dressed to look just like him, he was there to help us solve the case of what actually happened to us in the auditorium but he (The real L) was murdered and the murderer was another detective. Right afterward the detective who murdered him went into this room where the fake L stood and the fake L said that the real L was a bad guy pretending to be him and claimed that he was the real L. The next part of my dream took place in a large bathroom, there were 3 stalls and in front of there were toilet fewer toilets if that makes sense, just a hole in the floor that can expand and leads directly to a sewer below. My Nephew was hiding in the one farthest from the entrance and was sitting in the corner, still wounded with a bloody hand similar to mine. The man who murdered L walked in with a hooker (yes you heard me) and they stood in front of the toilet less toilet and they were arguing about something, he killed her and stuffed her in the hole and used a toilet plunger to push her into the sewer, he then checked 2 of the stalls to see if anyone was hiding there and was about to check the third but changed his mind last second and left. The next part shows our class in the auditorium but we were all better and happy, we were going to watch a movie there and we were celebrating a big victory, I don't know all that happened because I was knocked out during the fight where we all were wounded but it would seem that one of our classmates had a magical item in the shape of a square or box that stopped the attack. Everyone was cheering and we looked at him as he was the one sitting in the back but in the middle and he held up the box shaped thing into the light of the projector and it glowed gold. The last bit of the dream was almost a flashback I think, it showed my nephew and I walking down the stairs from my apartment and we both were wounded, my hand was still bleeding pretty bad in this scene and he was too, we walked with a limp and I was also clutching my shoulder. The world seemed grey but we walked down the stairs him leading and we both had to keep a hand on the wall to steady ourselves leaving long blood smears on the wall where our hands touched it. That was the end, overall it was an amazing dream despite what most people would think, it was like a movie and it was very deep. I loved it.
Updated 08-02-2017 at 04:29 PM by 89699