I'm heading down a gravel road on foot to Ty's house. It's for his birthday party. The house is unfamiliar. People are sitting around the kitchen isle as ambient music is playing. It is eerily quiet for a party. I'm climbing up the side of a high cliff, with no gear. An old school friend is flailed off when Kai lets him loose (maybe pushed?) near the top, and he splatters on the hard ground below. The body is twitching. It's a more gruesome scene than I'm used to seeing in my dreams. I note here that in my dream, my uncertainty of whether he was pushed off the cliff or not is quite prominent. I did not know what really happened, and that fact is very memorable and seems to be of some importance. There is some discussion of student loans, navigating a classroom, trying out different doors...
I am rock climbing with Danielle. I think we’ve just summited and now we have to get down. We stand on the edge, a little area of soil and some small plant growth among the stone, and Danielle seems afraid. I think that we didn’t take into account the descent (which, thinking of it, involved downclimbing that I don’t feel prepared for). I am in some room with Melissa. I think it’s called an ‘exploration room’ or something similar. I think we pay to be in here for an hour or so. It seems similar to a massage room - dim lighting and an air of relaxation, except there are two full sized beds. There’s a man and two unfamiliar women our age here. We’re going to have sexual contact of some sort with them. Looking at the girls, I don’t feel any sexual attraction, but there is an air of relaxed acceptance. The man (who I now think is Teddy from work, though it doesn’t exactly look like him) reclines on the bed and Melissa and the other two girls crawl up to him. They pull down his jeans and begin going down on him. I’m off to the side a bit but reach my hand in and cup his warm scrotum. His penis is very stiff but skinny and only about four inches or so. After just a short amount of time, he comes. It gets all over, including on one of the girl’s face. Now, I’m under the impression that it’ll be my turn. I recline eagerly onto the other bed, but no one comes over to me. Maggie is here and there is something about her interacting with a cat at the sliding door that I guess disrupts the mood.
I’m at what looks like Basecamp with someone else - Makayla? This space seems a little more open and the floors look harder than the usual padding. I’m in my street shoes but I still step up to try a problem. The holds are blue, the small one after the starting hold quite a ways away. I attempt it not expecting to get far at all and end up sticking the first move. I do lose my grip and swing off after holding it for a few seconds.
Melissa and I are meeting Brooke somewhere. It’s late, 11pm exactly. The place is a bar like Flowing Tide. It has the two divided sides, but then there’s a curtain we go past into another portion. I never knew this section was here. I start looking at the drink menu, which has a ton of beer options. I don’t know what to get. Also, I think we were at a house (probably Brooke’s aunt’s) earlier or after this? I am bouldering at Basecamp. It feels good and fairly easy. The problems are designated by colored holds, which the walls are crowded with. I try one with a bunch of crimps. I then try something in the cave. I notice people watching from the perimeter of the mat.
I’m climbing inside at what looks like or similar to Basecamp. I boulder a couple of problems; it feels easy and I feel strong and confident. I notice it’s very empty in here, almost unbelievably so; I can’t remember a time it’s been less crowded. Now, I’m up at the front desk. Dustin sits behind it - he looks young (maybe how he looked back when I was climbing). He has his closely cropped beard and eyeglasses. I ask him how much it would cost to come a couple of times a week. He talks to me on the side of looking at his computer screen.
Hi, guys! I've been out for some while, but I still practicing my lucid nap dreams[1] and had some little progress at the meanwhile. And today I'm gonna tell you my best WILD attempt! As a Sunday, I realized I could sleep more. So after I Woke up at the 9am to drink water, I got Back To Bed My body was really relaxed and after about 10min I wasn't feeling my body anymore, but just my head. My mind was awake and I was not having any other hallucination. I stayed in the position for more 10min to relax my mind, but I wasn't getting nowhere, so I moved without opening my eyes and slowly turned my belly down. At this position I could feel my mind relax easily. My body was out again and suddenly I started hearing a typical noise that I hear always I start to feel asleep. It's like a TV out of signal and this noise start to get louder and louder then I just heard a plunger on my ears. This repeated for 3 times in about 5min. Just don't know what is this, but it was funny hehe. Then, after the third plunger sound I was on my kitchen with a know Brazilian nun on my side. Her name is Coen nun, I'm leaving a video link from her at the bottom of this post[2]. She was guiding me on my dream and talking things like: "Calm down, you need to move slowly to not wake you up! Move only your legs first." And I moved just my legs up and down. I moved really slow because I could feel my body both on the kitchen standing and lying on my bed. So I blinked and I was lying in my bed, but I realized I was still dreaming because I saw I was with a blurry vision. I was still hearing the nun talking to me to move slowly then I did it. I was with my belly down then I just moved up my left arm, then slowly my right arm. At this time I was confident to get out of bed really slow. Then I did it! Now I'm sitting on my bed and looked out my window. I saw the green from the trees and it was really beautiful. Then my vision started to blurry very hard, but I forced I talked loudly that I wanted to continue in the dream and after some attempts I did it again and my vision was back again. So I opened my window and just exited my room by it and started to climbing the wall like the spider man! At this time I heard the sound of my door opening then I thought somebody was about to wake me up and I woke up myself. When I woke up, my heart beating really fast I don't know why. I was feeling I was breathless, but it normalized soon. That's it! [1] https://www.dreamviews.com/general-lucid-discussion/166207-lucid-dream-naps.html [2] https://youtu.be/e3HHw9Tem_A
I am climbing on some rock formation. It seems really small. I can’t tell how high up I am - it seems like there’s a patch of ground off to the side but like it’s still at a high elevation. Danielle from work is on this ledge. I’m trying to find a good grip and a small chunk of the stone comes loose. I take it and want to pass it to her but she’s just out of reach. I don’t really want to throw it down to the ledge but I gently do and it lands okay.
For my birthday? Mom has arranged for me to climb Half Dome. I know it’s been a long time since I’ve climbed, but I think I’m excited. I am looking at the wall now (I’m not sure it’s actually Half Dome) and it’s incredibly tall and somewhat slabby. There’s something about some bolts at the top and me considering top roping it but not being sure if the rope is long enough. I am in some building with Luke and Danielle from work. I think it’s an apartment building that both or one of them lives in. Walking through it, it is vast, but none of the space seems like living space so far. There is a succession of common rooms that have art on the walls and some others viewing it. Now I am walking through a hallway that seems upstairs and like it has the living spaces. I complete a lap around the place, back at the main room. There’s a fair amount of people here; I think there’s some event happening.
14th February 2021 Dream: (Long-ish. Recall broken up a bit.) Some bit in my home town. It seems dark but it's kind of day time, it's not just cloudy, because there's still colour saturation even in the dark. I walk around a corner of a modified version of where the primary school I went to is. There's something about this dream segment that has some consistency with previous dreams around this area. The buildings' height seems slightly exaggerated. The school itself has the main building in a different place, it's where the gate should be. There are some people I sort of bump into and talk with, I forget who. We are on the pavement by the main road that passes here, in front of the police station and where my cousin used to live. (Another bit, don't recall surroundings) There's some kind of wooden cabinet, not unlike the one we have here at home but smaller? Lighter wood stain. I'm trying to climb it. It has a hole of some sort on an inner side panel up top in the middle. Somehow, this is the entrance into a building. I've been there previously in the dream but recall is lost. The centres of mass in play mean that I can't balance myself properly to climb up. I remember I ask someone for help, someone I knew from school comes by, C? (gap) There's something about a vacuum and my eldest sibling. A car parking lot? Sort of hilly. Then, I'm in some kind of complex. It's got a high tech but magical feel. Purple and deep blue hues, with light blue highlights. Light seems neutral otherwise. Crystal walls or something. I am with other people, forget who, but one I think is a dream character and is guiding the way. Then a room with a crystal bridge or something. I think I cross it. Then I'm in a more normal looking basement. There are more people here, some possibly from my family. Some are just pure dream characters. (gap) I'm at a table in this basement with some other people, or perhaps I'm just a presence. A guy is having a happy conversation, with the air. And someone at the table starts to think this is odd. Then I see through his eyes and see he's talking to a ghostly woman. (rest of recall too vague to put into words) Notes: - Lately I've been playing a game where a character keeps seeing his dead girl-friend. That last bit from the dream seemed to be a related intrusion from that context. - The crystal place had a certain familiar feel, but I can't quite place it. On introspection, it only seems to be related to a general feeling of certain archetypical locations from several media (primarily animated films, games).
Long dreams but poor recall again. Dream vividness/in-dream detail has been fairly high. 29th December 2020 Fragment: Was getting out of a house, getting ready to go somewhere. I climb some roof or something like and for some reason I get something really bad in my left leg, it's very painful. My leg gets amputated below the knee. Then I'm in a classroom? I walk around, dealing with phantom limb sensations. I tell some therapist I'll try the mirror box theory later when I get a chance, to try and teach my leg/brain that things are different now. I see B from school and talk to him about some drawings he'd made. The phantom limb can somehow still hold or move a sandal at the end of where my foot would actually be. I can see the old missing bit of my leg, as if it was phasing in and out. 30th December 2020 Dream, fragmented: Driving on a motorway/highway. J and my siblings talking to me in a street? I'm in a city of some kind, it's day time. It seems quiet but not overly so, just like not a lot of people actually live here or lead peaceful lives. J was comforting me in some kind of parental way, but I don't remember about what. At some point my view changes and it becomes top-down. Things look a bit like Factorio. I launch a nuke ICBM from a silo and after going up out of sight it comes back down only a few structures away from the silo. The silo is OK after this but most of the rest in the area gets destroyed; robots quickly start replacing most of it and I try to manually place some alternate structures. (transition gap) At a castle, there with mom and T. We take a walk around the outer area of the castle, close to the walls. At some point I climb up some tower. It's really high up and I can see the sky and the sun, as well as distant mountains. Sunset. Later in the same area, something about a couple of roofers. I take away a couple of carrier bags and T helps me. I ask if they have some drinks because I'm taking the cola away with me. I accidentally lose grip and drop the carrier bag with it down a flight of worn stone stairs. I don't worry and let out an "oops". T gets slightly upset, or annoyed. Then at ground level in an inner courtyard area. I look around and see limestone? yellow-ish stone, into which there are relief carvings and sculptures. I feel compelled to clean these carefully, they're covered in moss and general dirt. (transition gap) Then I'm on a bus with aunt B and mom. B is telling a story about ravines in Germany and how they are very popular attractions. The bus driver is sort of at the middle/back of the bus. It has a weird layout but looks standard otherwise. I think the driver struggles with seeing where he's going and it feels like there's a lot of traffic around us. It's an overcast day but I remember we go through a tunnel at some point. I remember seeing the ravines my aunt was on about, but partly in my mind, but as vividly as if real? (then, many fragments) Views of animated scenes with M/M themes. I think something to myself, a kind of feeling of envy (about the authors?) but the specifics are lost. I look up images of Zor'Drak for some reason. The same themes again, explicit in some cases. One picture is of him with an open maw and a tiny creature on his tongue, pleasuring itself; they both seem to be enjoying the activity. There's a light and warm glow coming from deeper inside the mouth. The description mentions "Ezekiel" and it seems this has something to do with the smaller character.
24th May Dream: Was in some kind of gallery or museum. The room was large and square. It had a lower tier/level kind of, also square and I walked down to it with some stairs. H was there I think and I was supposed to connect some displays of paintings with power, but I only had a single extension lead. (Some section I don't remember.) Then, as I was talking to someone a delegation appeared or something and a few others including H got close to the group. There was a mayor of some kind and the museum's curator. My dad was also part of this delegation. He had a dark brown suit and seemed taller and younger. Then he started moving ahead of the group into some hall and the group followed him. I didn't really want to join this event but H said something to me from behind and said I should go because of dad, giving me a push and then I just continued with the momentum. Then in some other room, dad and this other guy start climbing some nonsensical spiral staircase. It was made with beautifully stained wood and a carved/turned centre pillar, but for some reason only had a bannister/railing on the inner side of the steps. It went very high up, four or five stories. I was feeling my fear of heights so I didn't look down or backwards and wondered how the hell I was going to get back down. Because of the missing bannister bit, we were all climbing the staircase by pulling ourselves up on the centre pillar or something. I remembering seeing dad reach the top and jumping to a flat area just under ceiling level and over a wall. The whole place looked highly decorated and detailed in a neo-classic style, mostly comprising wood or painted wood. Eventually I got to the top too and I wasn't sure about the jump but the point of view changed from my eye sight to an overview of the area and then I jumped. Then the rest of the dream was in this sort of top down view. I walked around this secluded area and eventually found some portal or something? And then I became like Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. I have no more recall of the dream. Notes: - Not too long after this dream I started work on a virtual gallery project in which I pretty much wanted to embody this general neo-classic styling and museum feel. Some of this idea of powered displays must have bled through into my subconscious because I did indeed later on create something similar for my project. - The suit my dad was wearing was in the style of a suit I remember him actually wearing when he was more given to wearing suits anyway because of work. - In retrospect, H's presence in this dream was a bit "guide-like" I suppose, as H's role was fairly limited in the dream but somewhat essential for the action to unfold as it did.
I think I am in New York City. I am outside of a somewhat smaller building that has at least two climbing walls attached to the exterior. There is a line (I think mostly of kids) for each. There are a few police officers that seem to be letting people in. I think I don’t really need to climb one, but end up doing so. I think everyone is trying for speed and I know that I could beat them due to my age and experience, so I just climb it regularly. I think I only have socks on. I also think there’s something about not thinking I’m on a rope, but then discovering I’m on an auto belay. Now, I am walking around the corner to deposit a check (or make a withdrawal or something similar). The building has older columns and a white stone staircase. I pass by a few sketchy people, then enter into a tiny room. There’s one other in here, a girl who seems to be friendly with the female bank teller. I have to sort of make my presence known. I now give her the slip and think I get it and a receipt back. I also think I did something wrong, since it’s been so long since I’ve done something like this, and have to go back.
I am ascending some type of rock formation. It seems to be a tall (hundreds of feet?) spire of sedimentary rock. It is probably only ten feet or so wide. It definitely feels very vertical, yet there is a dirt path that leads up the thing. I hear voices nearing a pause. A group of two or so is coming down. The first is a paunchy older middle aged white man with shorts, maroon t-shirt, a mustache, and what looks like a safari hat. He is nonchalantly sliding down on his ass, bracing with hands and feet. He stops and begins telling us (I think there are about two others with me) a story. I think he is Doc Watson. He’s slightly below me, and I rest my left arm on a rocky protrusion jutting out from under some sand. Some displaced sand begins to fall off, taking more and more with it, falling down close to his face. I tell him to watch out, telling him it was my mistake for doing that. Now, enough sand has fallen away that the spot I needed to continue on has vanished. There is a large cavity now, encased by only stone, beyond which I see the ground vertiginously and frighteningly far below. It seems that the only routes left are to climb this cave roof (brave and perilous) or to mantle this stone above me. I test the holds, a slight edge, and a slight block, and they do not give me much confidence. I keep gripping and re-gripping until my hands sweat, causing me to slightly panic. I am acutely aware of the fact that if I fall I will die and so the only way to survive this is to not fall at any cost. There is now a girl, slightly younger than me and wearing black leggings and a grey shirt, on the rock slightly above me. She might have a harness on? Her underwear, a thin, black thong with thicker straps, is sticking up above the leggings, and I grab onto them like a hold. She has me go first, probably aware that this is going to expose her. Finally, we have summited this spire. The top of it is flat and maybe 20 or so feet across. There are a few artificial climbing walls. I think we’re about to start on them, but her grandma is here now and putting some cash in my left pocket for a gift card. I already have a similar amount of cash in there and wonder about it. There is a very slabby wall, a vertical one with a lot of crimps, and one with large, circular, inflated holds that must be for grip strength. They all seem easy and the walls are just barely taller than bouldering height. Looking past them, there seems to be no background, just an empty space/void. I now realize and dread that I have to go back down. I think of any other way, like getting picked up by a helicopter. I am outside somewhere by or on a two lane asphalt highway. Suddenly the earth shakes - an earthquake, I realize. It’s steady in intensity, not enough to knock us off our feet, but enough to seemingly keep us magnetized down. It ruptures the highway in a fairly clean split.
I think I am outside somewhere with Jake. The area seems to be pretty barren, and there may be only one other person here. Jake is showing me what he does for work. This entails a sheet with a picture on it that is broken up into small rectangles by a grid. I think the picture is some machine with a slide/chute set against an empty landscape like the one we’re on. His job is to categorize each rectangular segment. I see a cheat sheet, I think with the sections filled in green, orange, or red. It seems to be that almost anyone can do this simple processing of information, though I think some of the sections are specialized terms, which worries me, though I know they’ll come to be understood in the course of the job. I think of working outside, envisioning my current wardrobe and what it may lack, and like the thought. I think of how it’s probably the same thing day after day, but push the thought aside. I am scrambling on a slabby rock face. I intended to come down after a certain height, but it is so easy that I continue. There is a loose feeling flake towards the top; I just try not to pull too hard on it.
Updated 05-06-2020 at 08:11 PM by 95084
Two dreams, turned mostly into fragments after getting up from bed. I think there was a third one, but I must have forgotten it. Dream Fragment 1: I don't know where I was, it wasn't a familiar place at all, but there was some kind of square and a market. There was a town or city feel to the place and I remember it was day time, although everything looked a bit dark or murky somehow. There was this woman with blonde-ish hair and a fit look (V) whom I know online from a game, though I've never met her in person. She was showing me around? I remember her grabbing me, by the arm or hand and for some reason in the dream this made me visibly uncomfortable. V noticed and asked me what was wrong or whatever. I explained that where I was originally from, physical interaction even with strangers was commonplace, but since I have been living elsewhere for some years now, I had sort of become estranged from the feeling and it was a confusing situation somehow. Next thing I remember is something about a big cruise ship. I went down some steps, avoiding a queue for said ship, with no interest at all in getting on, having passing thoughts about a waste of time it looked like, due to how crowded it seemed like it was going to be. There is then a transition of some kind. Dream Fragment 2: I remember being with H. We're on the road, H is driving; it looks like the type of countryside I'd expect to find here. It was day time, but the sun was close-ish to the horizon, I think more setting than rising, and it was also cloudy. Everything looked a bit desaturated. There is a transition and now we're at some sort of lodge. My mom and my dad are there and we're having a look around. Nobody else is around, and the place is littered with what I can only describe as cultural artefacts from many different places. For some reason I take no particular interest in them however. I remember my parents talking, probably with me, but don't remember the content of the conversation. There are stairs that go up and next thing I know, I find myself going through several upper levels of this lodge. One of my siblings (L) is here and we are both going up the stairs up to a point when we're not inside the house anymore, and it's a cliff. There are still steps, made of rough and weathered stone. As we go up the steps, the incline gets sharper, and this random girl with a massive backpack is also climbing these steps. At first I get past her but as I get nearer a flat bit at the top of these steps, she overtakes me. Next thing I know, I expect to be at the flat bit and that there would be more to climb. I expect that the cliff on the other side would be gentle based on what I felt the formation was like, but no. This was the peak, and it was like a sharp peak. Up here, there was a large but flat rock, on which L sat in a precarious way as always and I could see lots of things below, fields, towns, other mountains. I felt the height we were at was impossibly high for the amount of climbing we'd done, but my legs were shaking and I felt giddy from my irrational fear of heights. At first L tried to get my attention so I wouldn't look down, but that didn't last long. I remember seeing parts of this mountain we were on, looking toward the left. There were large and ancient man-shaped stones along certain parts of the ridges, almost like steps but which were really more like foundations for fortifications. I couldn't let go of the rough stone steps. The way the flat bit of rock was connected meant that there was an extremely narrow part of dirt or rock and I just felt it was risky to try and get there. I wanted to go back down and eventually I did. I remember being at the main part of that lodge again, but the rest of the dream is missing. Some notes: V looked exactly as I would have expected but though we had some conversation, I have no idea what her voice was like, or if it was accurate.H's presence in the second dream was quite short, but so was the presence of my parents and the random girl that was doing the climb too.When I was at the peak of that mountain, there was a cold feel to being there, although I don't remember actually feeling cold. But everything was quite bright, it was clear and sunny and I enjoyed that on some level, but the sort of physical stress I was feeling due to the fear of heights made the experience remind me of several situations in my childhood.During that part of the dream where I was climbing, I remember clearly thinking; "I'm sure I've dreamt of a climb like this". In actual reality, I don't think I have had a dream like that before, but again, the experience was similar to some I had in my childhood.