Had my first two shifts at work yesterday. I dreamed I was still working and that there was a basement where guests could visit too, getting offered drinks and such.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In high school / university mix situation, being bullied by Monica and her minions. Even in the bathroom, they burst open the stall where I am sitting on the toilet, demanding something I don't have, just to humiliate me. Then later on class, we're getting our grades and she scores higher than anyone else. I believe she is cheating, but everybody praises her and she gets a round of applause. I don't want to look petty but I gotta say something. I don't accuse her of cheating, but I say I won't clap because she is a bully and she's been bullying me constantly to derail me. Even if she really is smart, she's still a bad person. Nobody denies it, they tell me everybody knows that she bullies, but they still think she should be praised for her grades and they clearly think I am petty for bringing this up. I am appalled. As soon as everyone's attention goes elsewhere, she sneaks in close to me and pinches me hard, hurting me and I say I am sick of it and I am no longer going to be civilized with her. I do a choke hold on her and throw her on the floor and she kicks the air struggling to breath. I eventually let her go and we still fight a bit more, but I can tell she is scared of this new side of me. After the class everybody is going out somewhere and I join just to avoid being cast out, but I wonder if I should, since nobody likes me much anyway and I don't owe them anything. It starts raining as we walk down the street. It's already dark. I pull an umbrella out from my backpack. Everybody gathers in pairs or bigger groups under different umbrellas and I offer a ride under mine to anyone who needs it, but only Monica accepts. I yell there's not a chance in hell and I turn to a group that has like 4 people under one umbrella and offer to welcome at least one of them. They don't accept so I just carry on. I am tired of being nice. We walk into a grand central station and everyone heads to a subway line, but I miss them in the crowd. I don't know which direction they're going. Then I get distracted by some bijouterie lost on the floor. I pick it up and some lady who is just standing there notices it and says she had actually seen it before but was too embarassed to pick it up. She then points out to more bijouterie under a ledge and I am surprised with the finding. Like little kids who found a treasure, we pick it up piece by piece, making pairs with the found earrings and admiring the colorful stones and I fill my pockets with it. The lady doesn't want it for herself, she is just happy to help me find these. Then some other lady comes by and says she doen't think all that bijouterie is lost, but that it belongs to a seller who is there during the day and leaves her things hidden in there for the night. I feel bad and put it all back, except for that one piece that was efectively broken and in pieces on the floor and which seems like it was really discarded. Meanwhile, I am approached by Rupigo who asks me where some other colleague went and if he joined the others. I say I haven't seen him but I suppose so. Then decide to go after him as he probably knows the direction to go. But I don't want to go down the stairs against the flow of the crowd, so I just jump a balcony, the height of one floor, and gently land in the main central area of the station, near a ticket booth. I realize I am dreaming and that I can do whatever I want. I still debate a little with myself if I should go after the group lucidly, or not and I realize it is completely irrelevant. Instead I fly over everyone's heads and I move to the exit. I play a little with the fact that I can cross walls and columns and don't really need to find a door, but I am still planning my next move. Unfortunately the dream isn't stable enough and I wake up.
Updated 09-17-2022 at 11:19 AM by 34880
Hi everyone! I had a dream last night, it was set in my current workplace, and I had some new work colleagues. One was a person I recognised from my old workplace..! A person who famously thought they were above working at work.. I was trying to tell my colleagues about our history. I woke up then, feeling like that really happened..!
Updated 06-10-2018 at 11:13 PM by 63669
I was in a dorm room, checking my stuff. I touched the wall and teleported to another room, to meet with my colleagues. We talked for a short while and then I left to east something in nearby fast food restaurant. When I was going to leave, I received some plastic objects like forks or talons. I went back to colleagues room and asked what's about these things. A girl that also visited them said that they represent points which can be spent in any shops. I took my points with my, thinking that they may steal it. I thought about going to work and said that unlike my sister, who makes art for a living, I'll go to work at sawmill, as I'm after special courses. I touched the wall and got teleported to my room - it was a small, cramped room. There was an utter mess, clothes and all other objects spread around everywhere. I went to my backpack and took some tools that I'd need there, then I took a book from the shelf. Suddenly my previous classmates entered the room and we were talking about our work. One of them worked at the same sawmill I wanted to go. I left the building - it was a warm morning. There was a gentle orange glow that sun often gives in my dreams. Outside there was my home town, but completely overgrown with vegetation. There was knees tall grass growing out of sidewalks. I met two girls I previously knew and we walked uphill. After a while they went to other side of road. I heard a car and continued on the same side, bit them I looked back and saw that this car was driving on sidewalks, with lawnmower mounted to it's front. I went to other side and after a short while entered a forest. It was a great and beautiful forest. Trees were tall and enormous. There were bushes rich with fruits and understorey was full of vegetation. Going uphill I saw a dam made of gigantic timber logs. I saw that classmate with whom I talked before, there were sawmill workers around him. He was showing something on a nearby poplar tree.
Last nights dreams Dream 1 I am with 3 or 4 friends they may have been colleagues of mine from the station but I'm not 100% sure. There are 2 lads in my dream and they are horrible and had kicked the shit out of a friend of ours. I am now with a friend and also with the boss of the leisure Center and we are looking for the 2 lads, a friend of mine had been attacked in the gully by them so my friends didn't want me to go up the gully but I had to as I was sure they were up there somewhere. I get to the top of the gully and see the 2 lads, they are walking in the street not far from me. One of the lads looked like he had already had a good hiding, his nose was all bloody and looked smashed up like it had been put through a shredder his mate was sort of holding him up. I go back and find the boss of the leisure Center and my friend, I see them and shout "come on, there up here" the boss says "right leave it to me, I'll sort them pair of bastards out!" I find this odd because he is only skinny and looks terrified about confronting them. We now all walk back up the gully and wait for the 2 lads, the lads come over to us and start taking the piss. The one with the smashed up nose grabs me and pushes me against a metal fence that is behind me and my face is all squashed up against it. I look at my friend as if to say help me but he does nothing and I think "shit...I need to get out of this!" I begin to panick and feel really dizzy then I think "perfect...I'll pretend to faint" so I drop to the floor and pretend to be sparks my friends now come to my aid and I say "I got so scared I fainted!" a girl is here now and she looks at me and says "you should have just drop-kicked him" . I get up and the boss of the leisure Center breathes a sigh of relief and looks very relieved that the 2 lads have now gone and looks quite embarrassed that he didn't do anything lol Dream 2 Me, my daughter L and another girl with blonde hair are helping someone do something. The girl with blonde hair keeps getting praised for all her hard work but me and L don't. The man and us 3 are now in a car, ohh yeah it's come back to me now......we are all on duty and the Sarg says to the one with blonde hair "you can do traffic because your bound to stop all the cars with your good looks" lmao she turns to me and L and has a smarmy look on her face, me and L just want to rip her face off now I look at her again and now she looks really ugly and I think "what is he seeing that I'm not" lol