Death dream I am dead, it seems, or comatose and about to die. I talk to an angel, it appears, and discuss something about death which I don't remember. Overall, it had a sad atmosphere. Dream about former neighbor I appear to be in the house of my former neighbor, Monika, possibly with my parents. I am talking to her, but I don't remember about what. DreamViews thing I see in my notifications that apparently somebody voted one of my posts as awful.
Updated 05-27-2021 at 03:01 PM by 96397 (added another dream)
Talking to my mother I was talking to my mother, possibly about a vacuum cleaner. Ghost leviathans: the return My father is watching a video about Subnautica on the living room TV. Once it ends, he clicks on a second video, and the title alarms me to the fact that it might be about ghost leviathans. He starts by flying from the sky down to the water, like with the freecam command. Then he's playing normally and swimming at the top with a seaglide. Then he swims down and I repeatedly tell my father to pause since I with my thallassophobia don't quite enjoy it. He pauses it in the last second before a ghost leviathan would've appeared. Buying dogs I am in a supermarket with my mother, and we see a basket of pugs being sold. We decide to buy them. Then we are at home, which is apparently a farm, built in a weird area right in the middle of the border of 4 or more biomes. There also seem to be some strange temporal and general anomalies in reality. Then I am going to sleep, and on my way, I see that two of the pugs have lied down together on my mother's legs, and I wonder if that can even be comfortable. It also seems we just recently moved, since I felt a bit uncomfortable sleeping there. The next day, I see an old woman sitting on a clearly very old and abandoned swing, on a moderately large, totally overgrown field of grass. There might have also been a seesaw made of solid wood, which has by now totally rotten. I don't know what happened in between, but now she's awake. She tells me she's supposed to have been in a coma for 20 years, and that I apparently woke her up 10 years too early. I tell her that I'll put her back in a coma and that it will feel like only 5 seconds have passed, and so I do that.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening A scene like Charlie's Angels, with mom or friends. We are leaving some restaurant or BnB and some bad dudes are coming in and we notice them. We pretend to leave but we just park our cars strategically out of sight and stay behind to watch them and then do something to interfere with their plans. Some love story between some young lady and a young guy. They lie naked in bed, there is so much love. Some day he becomes paralyzed, no reaction, lifeless. Everybody comes to pay respects thinking he is dead, but she refuses to bury him. She sings for him, talks to him, everyone thinks she's gone nuts, but he is not decomposing. Then one day he slowly starts regaining movement and tries to communicate, but there's lots of people in the house. There is one guy who has always hoped to conquer the love of the lady and she is considering maybe allow him in her life. Meanwhile the guy in the bed has gained awareness and his moving his hands, trying to make some noise to get her attention. He is not having much success so he uses telekinesis and starts throwing things around and making a mess. Then I see this story is a movie I am watching and it goes to commercials. My mom sends me a message, needs me to pick her up and take her somewhere, so I stop watching the movie and go get her in a tiny bike. I am attending my guru's teachings, it's the last day and everybody is dressed up and I am not. But I am in my hotel room and start trying amazing dresses. I take so long to choose one, that meanwhile everybody's gone. Then the yellow dress that I chose becomes a kind of evil suit that grows green tissue over my skin, including a hoodie over my head. I look in the mirror and I look like a scary elf. I rip it off, but it grows back again and again. I am freaking out. Then it gets dark and I am on the streets, sitting on a bench. Two cars from some gang pass by slowly. I avoid eye contact but one guy comes out and looks interested in me. I get up and start walking away. I look back and a guy starts throwing knives at me. I dodge all the knives, then escape to some alley but he keeps coming. He comes closer, but then sits down and hints that he won't hurt me. I hide behind some wall but peak to see what he is all about. He takes out some candy, like waffle with chocolate and ice cream. I dislike but accept and eat along with him. He asks questions, we talk nonsense. Then some girl joins, talks about hard life in the hood, we agree it will get much worse in the near future. Then everybody is running on the street and saying "You don't know? It's Patricia." And we go to the end of the street and see a projection in the sky honoring the fallen from the Hunger Games. Then this girl takes me in. She rescues and nurses mutant and monstrous animals, but they are actually adorable creatures. She puts to bed a kind of centipede with many heads that looks like a plush toy. I cuddle the centipede and all its heads jump on me and lick me like puppies and dozens of other creatures appear jumping and get all over me. So cute.
It was during an evening. I was just outside my house, in the backyard. With my older sister we were trying to catch a dangerous animal. A long, dark green snake. It was rumored to be really dangerous, and that there was a gray cat always running somewhere with that snake. We saw both of them running around our backyard. I felt great danger but also had a lot of courage and slightly foolish bravery and wanted to catch that snake. My sister felt like this too. I grabbed a long stick ending with two protrusions, knowing that it'd be a really useful tool in catching that snake. We chased it all around, trying to grab it with that stick. I missed a few times and had to grab another stick as the first one broke. It was getting darker, my another sister, this time younger, went out of the house and had to escape from that snake really quickly. She ran inside the house, screaming. I saw the gray cat, it was looking at me somewhat unpleasantly, with an ominous expression. The snake have ran into deep bushes, I felt arising danger. After a while it ran out and then just stopped. I took this chance and caught the snake. But as I was catching it, it bit me in my thumb. I released it's jaws of my finger and felt weird. Everything went black and then I woke up in hospital. Doctors told me that I was in a coma for two days. I left the hospital with brother and my friend and wandered around the streets.
I dream I'm on a bus going to a rundown mining town. The bus is relatively unremarkable, as most buses are wont to be. The seats are a little uncomfortable, and at various points, the interior resembles the cheap seats in an airplane; so now I'm cranky (both in my dream and also right now) because context: I'm going on a work-related trip to Buttfuck, Nowhere via bus, and I'm NOT looking forward to any of it at all. ANYWAYS, the bus breaks down, and I have to go out and push. I'm able to push the tour bus by myself, meaning a) Brah, I'm totes burly! and b) Thanks for the help, everyone else on the bus. I'm also able to take in my surroundings at this time: The landscape is a desert landscape, with sun-blistered rocks and a whole lot of nothing. It reminds me of the mining town in Tremors, and wouldn't you know it, I'm now being chased by those desert worm things. Now, the worm is coming at me at the speed of a pissed-off badger, while I'm inching along at the speed equivalent of, oh, I don't know, a guy who is pushing a bus by himself. Yet somehow, I manage to keep ahead. But eventually, I grow tired of this supposed "chase," and I turn around and kick the worm as it emerges from the ground. There was a brief moment of doubt where I was thinking "do I really want to stick my foot into its ugly maw?" That doubt disappeared when I soccer-kicked it into the sky. The dream fades, but my ego does not. I next dream of being in the music video of Coma from Guns N' Roses. I am unaware if an official video exists, but in my version, it's just trippy lights that pulsate to a pleasant heartbeat rhythm. It's actually quite soothing. Weird thing is, I have no proof that I'm in the music video except for Dream Knowledge, but otherwise there really isn't any particular sign. This goes on for a while and eventually just fades. The last dream I can remember has me in an amusement park at night. They are closing, and I'm trying to get to the exit. As I pass by the Merry-Go-Round, I get a thought along the lines of "hey, this is like the opening to that Silent Hill game," and my brain makes the executive decision to go "YEAH! I'm gonna freak you the fuck out!" And just like that, I'm in the Silent Hill world. Well, shit. The dream fades pretty quickly after that, so I never encountered any of the horrible abominations that I knew were lurking around; but I was still feeling apprehensive the whole time. Dream Knowledge ALSO tells me that these monsters, had I been able to approach them without being noticed, has singing and dancing scripted into their AI behavior.
Updated 11-11-2013 at 09:21 PM by 66359
From when I could remember the dream. I was in school, then went outside to a carnival. We used currents to make it come towards us, by taking the water out with a little scooper and putting it back in. I now know it is impossible. Many of my school-friends won prizes, but I didn't. We went back to our classroom in a flash, me not dreaming of how we got there or back. Then I began to fall asleep, a deep sleep. I awoke to, well, not my classroom. I was in a house, much like my own. On a chair in the kitchen, an unknown man asked me if I was OK. I nodded and began to get up and ask about where I was and what happened. Our conversation went like this: Me: 'I was...uhm...sleeping.' Him: 'Sleeping eh?' I came up to explore more and he seemed to not have a problem with it, the house was strange. Exactly the same as my own house with all the things in the same place, I found my phone on a pile of papers, where my mum's phone was usually charged. I looked at my phone, and it was, uh. Different. The software on it was completely different with different wallpapers. I didn't check anything apart from the menu options, which by then I could confirm where completely different. Me: 'What did you do to my phone.' Him: 'Put all my software into it.' There was something else, he drew...or something, many of these drawings looked like cartoons and manga, they were pinned to the living room curtain. I think, and we had another long conversation of which I can't remember. Also, uh, he had another job, maybe a secret agent... The next I can't remember or there was a skip through my dream again. I ended up waking up on a fancy bed, with golden covers and a dark-wood headboard. Everything was a blur, in mind and sight. When I finally got my bearings I saw I was no longer in 'my house' or with the man. I was with a woman, around 18, light tan, a brunette and she began to talk to me. This was a much longer conversation, but I can't remember it all: Me: 'Where am I? What happened?' Her: 'You fell asleep I've been looking after you.' There was another longer conversation, again. I can't remember, but it consisted of what she did to my phone. I remember this snippet: Me: 'What did you do to my phone?' (Noticing that it was physically changed now, not just the software.) Her: 'I made your phone like mine, I gave you all my secrets.' There was a long pause, in which I was inspecting my newly 'pimped-out' phone. Software and physical changes. But I couldn't help looking back at the woman, she seemed familiar, but I don't know from where. I just know I was growing an attraction to her. As my sister came in to wake me up, I tried to hold on as long as I could onto the dream. I was now completely looking at this woman and I was going to do something, maybe kiss her, maybe say something. I don't know. As the dream faded out into reality I saw myself though, not my 13 year old self. But older, around 18, with long scruffy hair. My features were more defined, and I had lost weight, a lot of weight. I awoke and was determined to write this down. It's took me an hour, but straight away I deduced that I possibly went into a coma, twice in the dream. That could explain been with two different people, at different ages.
Updated 08-01-2011 at 09:10 PM by 48818
non-dream - non-lucid - lucid 22/11/10 Fragments Battling Darth Vader Using the force to steal an idle light sabre from him. Just the two of us in a star ship. He is planning to do evil. The force is failing me, bar the telekinesis. … Awakening in a dark side setting. A girl is lying bound up on a medical table. She is in a coma. I am there in 3rd person view. Someone is there with me, he is naked as well. I think I refer to him ass my “uncle”. The girl is my girlfriend maybe. She communicates with my “uncle” telepathically. She sparks lust in him he cums on the floor. She is driving him towards sacrificing my arm for her to wake up. She is promising nights of passion. I refuse. I am lying on the bed and she tells me that it is indeed her telling my “uncle” to take my arm. I spin around and all of a sudden hold my “uncle's” neck between the blades of a garden shears.
11.07.2009Festival! Festival! (Non-lucid) ★★★★☆NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID So, a majority of the details in the dreams I had last night I've lost, thanks to a rude awakening by my brother who needed a ride to work. This is a shame because there were two dreams that were a lot of fun. I can't recall the details, but for some reason my father was messing around, and wasn't letting me into the hybrid. We were in a place that seemed to be a mixture of a European touristy city and Baltimore's Inner Harbor. My dad took off, leaving the window open and me holding on. I tried to keep up with the outrageously slow speeds the hybrid is capable of, but was tiring out quickly. This triggered a dream reflex and I started Hovering, which allowed me to easily keep up, and get an amazing view of the moonlit water and hotels and the festival that was going on. Unfortunately, that's all I can remember of that dream. _________________________ 11.07.2009Flying Feces (Non-lucid) ★★★★☆NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID The next full dream I can recall was a good one. Some scientists were conducting experiments in order to better understand consciousness and the idea of self. I was their subject. I didn't know it at the time, but I was a clone. Newly created, devoid of any previous experience or thought. An empty shell. As they went ahead with their experimentation, I wondered what they were testing me for. I caught bits and pieces of what they were discussing, and thought, why do they need to know if I'm me, I am me. At 'I am me', realization washed over me. I became fully conscious, not lucid mind you, but aware enough to break free of my restraints, and Fly out of the facility. As I flew around, just generally enjoying myself, the dream progressed. I found out that I was in fact a clone, and that the person they had cloned me from was very rich and currently in a coma. Close to death, he had a fiance who was going to get everything. She didn't even love the man, so I took his place, feigned a miraculous recovery, and proceeded to teach her a lesson. It ended with her jumping into an open sewer line that was filled with liquefied feces and other excrement. I'm pretty sure she drowned, but my brother woke me before I could find out.