I move into this condo, they have a pet cat named Destroy Lonely, I whistle and try to get the cat's attention. The cat gets tense at me upon seeing me, I notice but carefully stick out my hand so it can smell who I am, but it doesn't react. I then ignore it and enter the elevator. I get attacked by the cat who turned into this Belgian YouTuber, I kick him down the elevator then make a call saying I was attacked, getting sent a digital form and I check "cat attack". I awkwardly wait as I selected that then got on a bus. There's a girl in the bus whom I've never met that studies at a theatre school in Rotterdam, she looks problematic. The girl makes a fighting motion at me as I walk past her, I ignore her and look at the security camera behind in the bus, filming us. I exit the bus and a woman is seen at a table cutting a cake, she tells me it's a peanut butter cake, the peanut butter layer is soft while the edges of the cake are hard and feel like thick layers you'd find on onions. I know to never criticize someone else's cooking though. She cuts the cake and brings the cake to a posh suburban white family sitting at a table in a restaurant, I help her as I carry the forks. The woman and I join the family, she introduces herself and I introduce myself as her husband, much to her amusement. The woman from the family says her entire family compliments my "Bob Marley beard" I then woke up.
Went to bed around 10:45PM. Banjo-Kazooie Remade I'm seeing a remake of Banjo-Kazooie. It is running in 1440p and 120fps. The player is at Spiral Mountain and it looks amazing. There is a spokesperson demoing the game and he goes around Banjo's house to show a secret area. He makes a point that while there are changes to the remake, it still remains faithful to the original game. Through this back path, there is an alcove and I can see Gruntilda's hand reaching out from somewhere. This is meant to prove that the game is remaining faithful, but in waking life there is no such section of the actual game. Recalled from around 4:30AM. Investigating M I'm with my brother A, sister M, and Mom at my Grandma P's condo. It is the same one where I had the nightmare about the hairy-faceless monster, as well as the one with the crying girl upstairs. My brother and I suspect that my sister has done something sinister so we make a plan to investigate her room while my Mom is distracting her. We go up the stairs and find her room with clutter all over as expected. We find a side closet that isn't normally there. We find that it is set up for her daughter to sleep in. We don't find anything sinister about it. Recalled from around 4:30AM. Fragment Something about Hagrid from Harry Potter. Recorded at 7:00AM on waking.
Went to bed around 11:30PM. Thirst at the Store I'm in a grocery store that looks like Fry's. Something in the store is chasing me, and I am getting ranked based on how well I can evade it. There is something standing on top of one of the pop-box displays. I'm thirsty and start looking for something cold. My girlfriend tells me that there are drinks in the cart, but I want something cold. ... Later I'm in a car outside with my girlfriend. I'm in what looks like the bank's withdrawal/deposit section, mixed with the pickup/dropoff area at the airport. It's dark and lit up by a few artificial lights. I'm paying for a black Buick car by putting money into the tube. The car reminds me of the one my Grandma P drives. Recorded at 5AM. Near the end of sleep cycle 3. Getting to the Bottom I'm at my Grandma P's condo with my sister and my friend D. We're in sitting room by the den playing Super Smash Bros on the Temple stage. There normally isn't a TV in this room. I take D out of the game, and then chase my sister into "the pit" near the bottom of the stage (if you know, you know). I hit her with consecutive Down-A sword attacks as Link and she loses. Then we switch to a different game that my sister choses. The style is cyber-punky, vaguely reminding me of Mortal Kombat. The screen is split vertically into 4, but players can move between the splits to sabotage the others. This game's goal is to get to the bottom the fastest. Recorded at 7AM. Early in sleep cycle 5.
Updated 09-13-2023 at 05:37 PM by 99808
Went to bed around 11:15PM. Reunion of The Twist I'm in my middle school's gym during an assembly. I'm in the audience wearing a college t-shirt. I think to myself that I wish I would have dressed with something better (like my trusty red flannel) and showered. We're watching a ceremony on-stage, where my brother and sister are being honored as part of a larger group. Moments later, my brother is down by me in the audience wearing a similar college t-shirt as me, but I don't notice the discrepancy. I wonder why he isn't wearing his college's version of the t-shirt. The event reminds me of a band concert, they had instruments. DTP. Later we have rotated and are watching a different group of people. We are seated now. EC from highschool is seated in front of me. Awkwardly, my legs are spread apart, and he is sitting between them. I can feel my balls touching his back. Lovely. He doesn't seem to care or notice. The performers are now making an arc, again, like in band. I can recall that GW from band stretches forward to us, like a cartoon character (similar to how Monkey D. Luffy does from One Piece, especially in Gear 5 form). RW, her older brother and friend of mine, is by me now. He's excited to see her being honored. GW regards me, saying hello, but I get the distinct impression she was only saying so out of obligation. Then she stretches back to the arc, with a reverberating snap noise. I noticed that the bari sax players were playing without their mouthpieces on. But I don't pickup on that being especially strange. EC points out that they are doing a special trick with the brass, as if to explain what I noticed as normal and avoid suspicion on my part. Sure enough, the are moving in rhythm, doing a choreographed twist move, with the trombone players. They pick up their mouthpieces from somewhere out of view. They play a short melody with their mouthpieces only (which is high-pitched and funny to listen to) and then put them onto their instruments. The formal event ends and turns into more of a social. My brother meets up with BY and they talk about dad stuff. BY gives my brother this tablet made out of rose flower vines. It's not like an iPad, more of a clipboard or ornament. It's a strange item, but it seems to have a sort of value to it. The plot of the dream has changed at this point, where my girlfriend and I are now at the event together. AG, from my more recent friend group, is now there with us too. My girlfriend senses that I am exhausted from being social for this long, so she is looking for an excuse for me to leave. AG suggests that we check out a local escape-room called The Twist, where there is an obstacle course that looks fun. I tell him that my knee is still recovering, so it would probably be a bad idea. Within the plot of the dream, I then recall that last-year (or a previous reunion-type event like this one), there was an emergency lockdown. During that lockdown, I was with AG, and we left the emergency lock-down room to go to the bathroom. DTP. Now, in the present, we are in that bathroom, talking at the urinals about going to The Twist soon. I look in the mirror, and I am wearing a hat. I lift that hat and see that my hair is thin. Starting to recede. Great. I put the hat back on. There is a rotating cylinder on the floor near a sectioned off area, presumably an obstacle similar to one from The Twist. I test it out and my knee does OK, which I tell AG means that I can go to The Twist with him so long as the other obstacles aren't worse. He tells me that I should still go, but just skip the bad ones, and we can go get the girls to come along as a group. We left the bathroom and head back to the main assembly room where we were earlier. Now there is a large lit-up horizontal limbo pole crossing the entire room that we have to pass. We do so easy enough. AG jokes that if we can't find the girls we should just get GP (the other guy in our group of couples) and leave without them. DTP. We make our way to the exit, and outside the gym door is my Grandma M's condo outdoor area. I see a trash can that isn't normally there. It is overflowing with McDonald's bags and transparent extra-large iced coffee cups. I sarcastically give a salute and say "GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!" "How much money must McDonalds make, if it is like this every day?!" I say to myself. AG gets into his car, and drives to The Twist. For some reason, I decide to take a nap by a "For Sale" sign next to the condo and the trash can. ... When I wake up, AG is gone and inexplicably, there is gravel in my shoes. I don't care about this or consider it odd in any way. Because dream-logic do be like that sometimes. I think that I should find my girlfriend and tell her about the plan to meet at The Twist. I go back to the event, and enter through my Great-Grandma's condo (Grandma M and Great Grandma's condos were actually in the same neighborhood in waking life, just a few condos apart). This time, it is actually her home inside the door. There is a young boy there playing a rhythm video game that involves a cat. He seems embarrassed to be seen playing the game. I went toward the back of the condo where the bedrooms are. The layout is reversed, such that the kitchen has swapped sides with the bedroom. I don't notice the discrepancy, and correctly move to the bedroom area. There's a new door (doesn't exist in waking life) that connects the condo to the neighboring one. I can hear there is another family in that condo playing a Legend of Zelda game. I wake up with the impression that my girlfriend might have been in the guest room with another man, potentially against her will. Anxiety ensues. Either way, no bueno. Recorded at 3:30AM. Late sleep cycle 3. Fragment Walking down a shore looking for something. Sky is gray. Ambience is somber, muggy weather. It reminds me of Darkshore from World of Warcraft. Redridge Hotel I'm playing World of Warcraft with the boys on Discord. It's getting to be about time to log-off. I recall that ahead of time I had changed the music that will play in the Redridge zone. It now plays a song about change. It was supposed to be funny, but outside the context of the dream, I have no clue why. Maybe it was that the 10 minute plus track was replaced with a short 30 second one. I was waiting for the group to notice that the music had been replaced. The joke doesn't land. Oh well. What's new, eh? We reach the main bridge, and it is broken. I try to justify within the plot of the dream that, the bridge breaking was part of the Cataclysm expansion. I don't notice the discrepancy that we are playing Classic World of Warcraft, so the bridge should be in tact. Since it doesn't break anyway in waking life. I jump off the side of the bridge and get the group to watch. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! My gnome avatar safely lands in the water. Then I head to the inn to logout and get that sweet sweet rest xp. DTP. As I walk in, I'm holding a gnome toy, and the inn is a real hotel room. I put the toy down and "tuck him in" as a joke over some chairs. I went around the room and locked the doors. I see some messages on BattleNet from my brother, where he had gotten notifications from when I played with my display resolution settings. This was an accident, not sure why he was getting notifications for that. I try to explain to him that it has to do with having two monitors. My brother is now in the room next door, and they are connected through a door as well as an open section near the far-end of the room. My brother tells me there is an inspector that is coming and I should clean up. I shrug him off and say that "Whatever. If he finds something, he finds something." Recorded at 7:30AM. Mid sleep cycle 6.
Updated 09-13-2023 at 05:38 PM by 99808
We've bought a house, and we got a really good deal on a place overlooking the ocean. The cats (usually M) keep jumping up into the windows, and the bottoms of the window frames keep collapsing under their weight, just like the drawer fell out of that old coffee table when the supports collapsed. A woman is disapproving of the fact that we have cats in the condo. She doesn't live here, but she thinks we should follow the rules, and the rules state that we're not supposed to have cats. She asks what we're going to do about the windows, and I tell her, bemused, that it's actually pretty easy to repair them, and this is actually our house, that we own. Sometimes during this dream, the person that I'm married to isn't my husband, but a woman (different from the rules lawyer above).
I was in our condo. I went to the elevator. I wanted to go to the ground floor. There are a lot of people. I just remembered that I forgot to bring something and considered going back to our unit. Then, almost simultaneously, three elevators opened and people filed in. I went back to our unit to get whatever it was that I forgot. I was in a plaza/park in a school. We were doing QM (quadrupedal movement) on the rails. It was daytime. I vaguely remember something about an RPG. Nine squares on the screen to complete something. Riding horses up a cliff or plateau. --- Notes: - I went to sleep around 4 p.m. because I was feeling sick. - I woke up around 10 p.m., although I woke up around 8 p.m. as well. - Felt sick throughout.
We put sod down in the sanctuary of a church. The grass was very green and lush, quite pretty. To keep an eye on the grass, (we must have been afraid someone might try to rip it up), we planted a tombstone outside one of the windows of the church and planted a human eye in a round hollow in the stone. It acted as our security camera. One guy wanted to build a huge fancy apartment complex directly behind our church. So he wheeled in this huge red condo that was pulled on a ridiculously small trailer. He pulled it into the parking lot in front. It was way bigger than the church. As he tried to back the condo up so he could get it into the back lawn, it kept hitting the power lines and shooting impressive sparks everywhere. Something about maggots/worms.
I had another lucid dream last night, but I fell back asleep (See the dream fragments that followed), and when I awoke for the second time, I could not recall it, only the fact that I woke up and had a LD. I can recall bits of what felt like a very long dream involving my family taking a vacation near a beach. I can recall the beach looking much like one from the northern united states in that there were no palm trees and the weather did not feel very tropical. There was a large lighthouse on a pier. Also the weather seemed somewhat chaotic with storm squalls rolling in. I can recall us trying to find a good spot on the beach when we encounter a man with several large buckets and a net. He is attempting to catch these large, fat creatures in the water that look something like stingrays, and are about three feet long. He explains that the creature's tails produce a toxin (It looks like orange goop). This is only toxic however if it is placed directly into the bloodstream (you can rub it on your skin and be fine.) He also explains that if you eat it, you will be fine because the stomach acid changes the chemical makeup of the toxin. He explains that eating the tail with the toxin on it is considered a delicacy in his part. Sounds a little risky. I can recall our room as well. The room has a high ceiling and windows with a good view of the ocean. My parents are laying on their beds, both on computers. My aunt, uncle and cousins are in the next room over. (I guess it was more of a condo than a hotel) I am going into the bathroom to brush my teeth and change into my pajamas. The bathroom is very small, and the floor is covered in beach sand that somebody must have tracked in here. After much sweeping with my hands, I manage to get most of the sand into a pile. I then walk outside and throw it out the door onto the beach. I can recall we are driving to other locations near the beach condo. There are these farm fields and forest locations nearby, and there are these huge thunderstorms advancing across the plains. I am yelling at my dad to follow the storms like a tornado chaser or something. We do in fact see several small tornadoes touch down in the distance, but none of them do much damage.
Updated 08-12-2014 at 02:47 AM by 53527
The first of two WILDs that I experienced last night on my first-ever trial with galantamine. Both of these dreams were very vivid and stable but had a much more somber, vulnerable feel than my usual LDs. Confidence was far, far below normal levels, which gave this dream a very different shape than most for me. Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid Lucid #41: This Mortal Life I'm in a high-rise condo, looking out over a nighttime cityscape. I float to the window but it feels like it takes much more effort than usual. The beauty of the city below captivates me, though, and I spend a long while watching the headlights of the cars below as they travel the grid of city streets. Outside of the condo is a bank lobby. All manner of friends and family from my waking life are wandering about conducting their business. I talk at length with different people I've lost touch with, asking them about what direction life has taken them. As I talk to each of them, they gradually grow old and tired, sitting down in chairs along the walls of the room. Once seated, the old version of the person looks away from me and lapses into silence. The adjacent room is a grand ballroom where a group of perhaps two dozen strangers is having a cocktail party. The level of detail on these DCs is unnecessarily high, bordering on ridiculous. Shoulder blades shifting gently under the skin, moles, those subtle wrinkles that you don't notice in waking life. I want to move on to a new location, and I think of the "Trinity" atomic detonation Task of the Year. I planned to portal, so I try to produce a portal gun with an over-the-shoulder grab I've used time and again to produce items. But I see my hyper-detailed shadow on the floor, and it's got nothing on its back. Sure enough, my hand comes back empty. I try this over and over, but after enough tries I have to give in. I try phasing through a pane of glass, but it's as solid as waking life. I try floating, but now I seem rooted to the ground. Even though I know that all of this is my dream, I just can't muster the confidence and belief necessary to put this into action. I feel like just another DC in my own dream. Outside of the ballroom I spot Wife walking with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law. I join them, and she tells me that they're heading down to the vaults underground. I'm interested, and I follow them through a long series of tunnels. I spend much of this time trying to convince Wife to try out lucid dreaming, but she keeps insisting that she's got important business in the vaults to worry about first. As I probe further into this, the dream ends.
Updated 01-11-2013 at 06:53 PM by 57387