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    1. Dream Journal Day 45: Night of Tuesday 23.04.2024

      by , 05-02-2024 at 10:33 PM
      I'm climbing a staircase - I quickly realise that I'm in my primary school. The steps are smooth, angular concrete, and so are the walls - I remember that in reality, they were brick walls painted white. There is no artwork on the walls as I climb; the stairwell is cold and empty and my footsteps echo off the walls. It rises up a great shaft through the square school building.

      I step onto a landing and turn to a set of grey double doors with small windows, to the nursery. They have no frame and are flush with the wall. I push open the doors and enter the nursery. Straight inside the door is a narrow hallway, the staff bend over tables on both sides of the wall. The space feels narrow, crowded and chaotic.
      I make my way through them and the hall opens into a much wider, clearer room, lit up brilliantly from all over. Half-height bookshelves double as partitions between different areas of the room, coloured beanbags are scattered about and children mill throughout the room. I'm not sure if I'm one of the children or not.

      At the back of the room is a wall of narrow cubbyholes. I search for mine; I know whereabouts it is, but someone has let their coat hang out of their cubby so that it covers mine. I fumble around for a bit before finding my cubbyhole, only to discover someone else's stuff inside. I pull it out: it's a black drawstring bag, almost empty so that the fabric sags when I pick it up. I'm wondering what to do with this when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

      I turn around. The girl standing behind me is someone who went to my school, but left before Sixth Form. We used to chat from time to time. "Sorry," she says, "that's mine - I'll take it. I just left it there for a moment." I hand her the bag and notice that her hair is darker and shorter than I remember it. "Did you get a haircut?" I ask. When she fully turns to face me I'm stunned to see that there's nothing left of her hair but sparse, thin and wispy curled strands; I can see clearly her near-bald scalp. I know she sees the shock in my eyes as she looks away with a regretful smile. She tells me that she was diagnosed with lymphoma ("lymphomatic") recently and is being treated. I don't know what to say. A crowd throngs around us of girls trying to collect their belongings.

      I leave the nursery. As the doors fall closed behind me, something compels me to open them and look inside once more. Every teacher in the hallway snaps their head towards me, terror in their eyes. Each wears a plain dress, a crisp white apron and a cloth bonnet, and they bend over to tend to babies wriggling and squirming on the tables. Left speechless by their reaction, I slowly close the doors again and leave.

      Then I am on the train, going home. It's cramped and I am squished against the wall of the carriage, arms clutched to my chest. The light down here is cold and dim, occasionally flickering. The train rattles as it rushes through the tunnel. I feel tired of the monotony, my eyelids flutter.

      Soon I am walking down the high street away from my station. I compulsively check my belongings; touch my backpack strap, check. Feel my coat over my arm, check. Then I feel around under the coat and on my shoulder, but I can't find the tote bag that I always carry.
      At the realisation adrenaline bolts through my body and I almost feel sick. Where is it? At school? Then I have to go back. My wallet, phone and keys are in there, not to mention library books. What a pain... I'm already dreading the thought of getting back on that train.

      As I'm figuring out what to do I clench my left hand and feel the resistance of something hard. It's my phone. That should be in my other bag, and it's here - but the bag isn't. All these different trains of thought and lines of reason swirl into a whirlwind of confusion. I stand stock-still in the middle of the pavement, mind racing as I begin to feel worse and worse.

      Ugh I am not having a great time on the site recently... Every time I visit I get to spend much more than a few seconds 'verifying you are human' which then repeats itself after a few minutes and in the process logs me out and deletes the DJ I am editing. Drives me mad!

      Long dream this time!
    2. 30 Jan: False awakenings and exploring a backroomy dimension lucid

      by , 01-30-2023 at 08:59 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am between sleep and wakefulness and I hear my dogs barking outside, when suddenly I wake up with the sound of my front door slamming and I feel scared. I am confused and think that the only other person in the house is my mother on the ground floor and she would not go outside in the middle of the night for any reason, which worries me even further. Then I actually wake up and realize most likely no one slammed the door and also that my mother isn't in my home at all, it is Riverstone who is sleeping downstairs and I just had a false awakening. My dogs are also quiet, so I don't know if them barking was also part of the dream.

      With Riverstone on a van going up a road and the engine is not managing to pull it up. He is driving and he steps on the accelerator to try to reach the top of the hill, but on a curve he loses control and the van rolls over to the side of the road. As we tumble, it gets dark and Riverstone loses his consciousness. I shake him hard and he doesn't wake up. I am really worried. When he finally does, we are in bed at my mom's house and he asks me why am I shaking him up like that. I am confused and tell him about my dream. He says that I am just remembering a traumatic event and I say no way, I don't recall it ever happening in the past. He says it did, we had that accident. I feel more confused about what's real or not. Then we go to the kitchen for a snack as he says now he is angry and we reheat some pizza on the microwave. I think about how I would never eat pizza in the middle of the night, but I am starting to feel maybe none of this is real, so what the heck, I actually eat some and ask for more. Then my mom comes and asks what's going on, I tell her the whole story and continue to chat while eating. Then I am worried we might wake up grandma and mom says "you're really confused, she passed away some time ago, it's just us here". Then I realize once again I am still dreaming all this. Then we are at a fair, where we volunteer at a booth. It is a mix between art display, book sales and alternative medicines. I am rearranging some books on a table and again confused about what's real or not, when some friends come over from another booth and I tell about my confusion and the whole accident story and that I can't even remember my best friends' names. They show some concern, but then some wild boar enters the place running and causing much damage, until he gets killed and someone takes it outside to the back of the building and leaves it on the ground temporarily. I go take a look at it soon after and some dog like a Husky is trying to eat the boar. He is making a mess so I shoo him. He doesn't like and attacks me. He actually looks more like a wolf now. I climb some structure to get out of its reach but it is not enough, the dog or wolf jumps high and almost bites me. I stop it with my arm and a sort of punch to its head, which beheads the animal. The animal's head falls to the ground and the rest of the body vanishes completely. I am in shock and that's when I realize I must be dreaming. So I lift off flying up and as I leave the ground, I realize I am inside some giant barn like structure. But I try to get rid of logic and let my mind roam free, so when I reach the ceiling, it just inverts and then there is like a second barn upside down. I enter some sort of backroomy dimension with buildings growing upside down and sideways and I just go through them and through wooden walls, ceilings, etc, just trying to get lost in the nonsense, not trying to make it right, trying to make my mind maleable. Then end up in a version of my own attic, but looking like a 60s lounge, with lots of yellow pillows and puffs on the floor. I plunge again in the wooden walls and this time I end up floating in a void for while, almost waking up. After a few seconds I start seeing the inside of the wood in big detail, as if magnified or if I shrunk to microsize. I don't feel my body, just my head, so I feel an urge to lick the surface with my tongue and it feels scaly. Then I am in a regular room but decorated in cluttercore style. There are so many carpets, plushies, curtains, pillows and all sorts of colorful bric-a-brac all over. I feel compelled to just admire it all. I realize my mind is trying to distract me with stuff, lots of stuff, but I indulge for a while. I go from room to room and each one is crazier than the other. Some rooms I need to go up or down through some wall mount ladder to reach the next room. I then see a box of jewels and a mirror in a small cozy bedroom and can't help trying them on, feeling that I am falling for the temptations to distract me. When I look in the mirror, I look absolutely goddess like. For fun I make the jewels, hairstyles and hair color change. Then I remember that often when I look at myself in the mirror in dreams, my face starts shifting and becoming mosnter-like, so I decide to take control of the process and just cause it myself, to fight that fear. My face slowly melts and I become ugly, my eyes all dark, fangs, messy hair. It makes me feel uneasy, but not terrified, because I am in control. I think about meditating next for a while, but I wake up.
    3. 28 March - Dreams, Daydreams and FAs

      by , 04-23-2021 at 10:51 PM
      Finally, some time to catch up with the DJ here.
      No lucidity this time but I am including this because the dream - daydream confusion is somewhat important to me.

      dream comment

      O and a lake
      A dream about my friend O and a frozen lake. Trying to cross the like and worrying about the thickness of the ice.

      My friends, A and P, have a bunch of rings, some are their wedding bands, some are other rings, we talk about them. There is a stone, blue and gold, with a labradorite-like effect, very heavy. I like that.
      In this dream, I think it is a daydream and not a dream. Later, I realize this was a dream.

      I am with my grandmother, in her garden. There are some weeds. I am thinking about possible spaces for planting roses.
      I think this is a daydream and not a dream.
      Then we go inside and I log my previous dreams (O and a lake, A&P) in my DJ.
      For some reason, I don't wear any top. Some girl wants to see what I am writing but I tell her it was personal. But I show it to her anyway.

      Gravel road
      I am lying on a gravel road, trying to sleep. I decide there is no point in trying to sleep. I decide to log my dreams.
      Then I go down the road.

      And again, I think this is a daydream!
      There is a blanket and my husband and I sit next to him and think about my dreams. I remember I forgot my DJ up on the road but forgot it after a moment.
      Right next to us, there is a house and a door and I get inside with some female DC. It is a house of someone rich and important but they don't live there anymore and artificial intelligence is caring for the house. The girl DC let them to serve us and care for us. We are there for days or weeks
      (it doesn't feel like that but it the knowledge behind the dream).
      Then we are outside again and they catch us and someone is surprised by our behavior.
      I slowly wake up from this, struggling to believe it was a dream, but remembering that I already logged my dreams twice!

      And another one on 3rd April

      I am trying to VILD. I imagine drawing numbers and colouring them. Then I daydream about being an apprentice of a master of drawing. But it doesn't last long.
      I slip into a mi of short daydreams turning into dreams. I feel awake and aware of my surroundings but I don't realize that some daydreams fully turned into dreams.

      I am in a room with some people/friends. I am wearing my nightie only. T touches my breasts under the nightie. I tell him that I don't mind him doing that but that I don't like not having control over it (basically, that I want it and he should continue but I don't like him not asking).
      I snap my fingers and all other people in the room disappear, it's just two of us.

      I love that. I think how cool it would be to have this skill in a real dream, but this doesn't count because it is only a daydream.
      Then we start kissing... and other things.

      I don't know why I struggle with this. Maybe because I like to daydream and my morning daydreams with closed eyes can be vivid and look the same as dreams - at least to my half-asleep brain.
      About the differences:
      Visualization - completely conscious, needs to be maintained with a lot of energy, needs to be micromanaged.
      Daydream - telling myself a story, it can be with our without a narrative over, usually with good visuals. It's part me, part subconscious. Me steering the whole thing but micromanaging isn't needed. It stops if I stop.
      Dream - 100% subconscious, running on its own.

      I used to think that when anything happens in my daydream which I didn't put there (a new object, a new scenery) that it means that it is a dream. But in fact, it is not stable at that point. It needs more to become a dream.
      When daydreaming during hypnagogia, a lot can happen. My dreaming mind is usually trying to distract me by changing the scenery and changing things in my dream. It is OK to let it rather than trying to keep the focus... but it is then hard to stay lucid. This often leads to semi-lucid dreams. With a good chance of regaining the lucidity later.

      One more note: My FAs are never in my bedroom. It can be a hotel room, random room, or just trying to sleep anywhere, like on the road. Fragmented low-quality sleep causes this type of FAs for me.
    4. Walking around the city for magic | [26.08.2020]

      by , 08-26-2020 at 02:32 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Walking around the city for magic
      I am walking around the city with my mother for some reason. We go through houses, and in the dream that confuses me, and I also had problems recalling how we even got into the house every time we entered one (I should've gotten lucid right there, ugh). At some point, it might have had something to do with the series Charmed. In some house I saw a girl play animal crossing, and her parents watched. They also seemed to like the game. My mother told me that they're filming the trailer. In an adjacent room or maybe adjacent house they're preparing to film some trailer about animal crossing that seems to be horror-themed for some reason. I remember already seeing the trailer. A girl sits on a couch and she just bends her head backwards as if she fell unconscious or something, and they'd zoom into her face and behind her is a TV playing a video on loop. It would be framed so that it would look like her unconscious face is floating in front of the images zapping by as creepy and intense music played, like House of Leaves from Kevin MacLeod. At the end I met my friend Steven on a sidewalk
      and he looked pretty different. We were happy to see each other. My mother told us something. At some point I also got home with my father, half-naked for some reason. There were also some personal parts at some point.

      Got a bit closer to doing a mantra, but still forgot. I guess I am just too stressed, and will be for a long time, so I'll just try to do something.
    5. Who's the father? A trip to Italy?

      by , 08-19-2018 at 08:15 PM
      Who's the father?

      I tried to collect as many different flowers as possible. It was some sort of a competition and many people were there to brag about how big and beautiful their bouquets were. I did have the biggest tho even if I held a baby in my arms I could still be the very best. It was just… I couldn’t figure out who was the father of my child. I was supposed to get a flower from the guy and I had two options. Darren Criss or Byun Baekhyun.
      I went home to Darren’s place and entered the building. But he wasn’t there and it was really dark since the lights were not on. I couldn’t find any flower in there either which kind of made me disappointed. Before walking to Baekhyun’s home I was passing by a bar. I went in there and had a look. Darren was sitting at a table drinking beer. A few tables away I saw a vase with a beautiful white flower with a note saying: “For my one true love.”
      I took it with me, smiled at Darren that hadn’t noticed me and walked home. The other girls that were competing were really jealous of my lovely flower that I had received. Later Darren came by and was really surprised by the flower. He didn’t know anything about it. He said that he wanted to bring a flower but he seemed to forgot about it. I glanced down on my baby and realized it looked like a watch. Like the time was running out.

      There was another dream but I only remember taking the flight home from Italy to get my creditcard and then fly back again. Just so I could return to Sweden the day after with my luggage. The trip was really stressful and very unnecessary.
    6. Dream - Crash Bandicoot Warped & Company Accounting Mix Up

      by , 08-05-2017 at 12:43 PM
      Date of Dream: THU 3 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 168 - Separated Sections

      Dream 168 A - Crash Bandicoot Warped
      A version of Crash Bandicoot 3 was simulated into real life. I don't remember the exact events in the dream. I do remember though that the dream focused on Coco more rather than Crash.

      Dream 168 B - Company Accounting Mix Up
      I enter the classroom for company accounting but it doesn't look right. The room was huge and there was something like 30+ students in there. There were a mix of students both from Killester and Chisholm. As I walked in, I remember seeing JC and MZ who are not in Chisholm Diploma in real life. I then saw the familiar girls; ACR, FT and NJ. I ended up sitting next to NN whom I noticed had his hair cut extremely short, almost bald. I noticed too that WB was sitting behind me, eating something from a takeaway shop.

      The teacher then came into the classroom and it wasn't who I expected. Apparently her name was Michelle White. She then says that we are 1 out of 3 company accounting classes. The other teachers were Alan Peters and KW. Only KW teaches at the TAFE in real life. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None
    7. Dream - Cemetery Confusion & Family Holiday Capers

      by , 07-27-2017 at 11:56 AM
      Date of Dream: SAT 15 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 154 - Separated Sections

      Dream 154 A - Cemetery Confusion
      I forgot how the dream started but I do remember that my brother and I were supposed to find our way from Springvale to some far away suburb. I thought the quickest way to get to the other side was to go through Springvale Cemetery. I thought we were on the right path but just shortly near the entrance, we came across a dead end and couldn't go any further. I said to my brother that we should go back out before we get lost.

      Back at outside the main gate on Princes Highway, we looked a map of the cemetery and tried to point out all the exits. I then told my brother that if we ever did get lost in there, I could call my “Dream Guide to come and show us the way”. For the rest of the dream, I didn't have to call Dreamy WB as we didn't get lost yet. I don't remember what happened next.

      Dream 154 B - Family Holiday Capers
      The whole family was on a holiday at the Grampians, I forgot where the specific tourist place was though. When we got back to our accommodation grounds, I heard that there was a good café on site and so I went by myself to check it out. I went in and spoke to the lady who told me that I apparently needed a membership card. The dream quickly showed snippets of some other girl who already had a full membership with the café and so was able to get all the luxuries. I pulled the card out of my pocket with a few math sums on it and the lady said that it was the right one... She said that I now had access to all the red cakes. The lady put 6 cakes on a plate for me, 2 large and 4 small.

      Mum then came in and she goes for the 2 large cakes, I have to shoo her off before she could take more. Then we left the café and started talking outside, telling me that she needed to go to Waverley Gardens to buy groceries. I asked if I could come with her but she said that she didn't want me with the adults but rather for me, my brother and his friend to stay back and do something like read. Because Waverley Gardens was really far away, I asked her if she at least wanted to take one of my planes and she said yes. I protested due to the fact that I couldn't go but she just kept saying no. Eventually, I thought to myself that I could smuggle myself into the boot which was basically a sheet of swiss cheese. I then woke up.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
    8. Notions of the Past

      by , 11-17-2016 at 07:06 AM
      I find myself at a performance of some sort; possibly a graduation. I'm among many of my old peers from Westmont, most of them being members of the orchestra I was a part of for the year I attended the college. I see my old conductor, and I seem to remember having a desire to approach him, but i cannot remember whether or not I did. I enter a rehearsal space, and in the dream, it conveyed itself to me as the place we rehearsed every Tuesday and Thursday. But upon my awakening from the dream, I realize that it was not the chapel in which we regularly rehearsed. In fact, I think it was a place altogether new to me, but somehow similar to my high school band rehearsal room. But this new room presented me with a sickly image of a rainy night outside of my old home, and I think some of my dream took place in this situation, but I cannot remember. This dream occurred the night after my ex-girlfriend decided to text me for the first time since we broke up. She reached out first, having read the letter I had written her about two weeks prior. Many mixed emotions swirled about my brain that evening, and I attempt to find some meaningful connection between the occurrence and my unusual dream. Of course, I had previously had dreams about Westmont. And it makes sense. I spent a year there, made friends and memories, and then left. And my thoughts often drift to questions of whether or not I should have stayed there, or if I even should've attended it in the first place. Perhaps if I had continued my education there, I may never have met my summer lover, and would be free from my love-lorn afflictions and anguish. Maybe i would've found someone else; someone who made me truly happy, and who deeply loved me. But I do not like dreaming about such things, as they are notions of the past, and are unchangeable and unattainable. I long for happier dreams. Dreams of freedom, success, bliss

      Updated 10-18-2017 at 06:33 PM by 48007

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    9. Dream Suicide Attempt Fail

      by , 09-09-2016 at 11:27 PM
      (First Person Point Of View)
      The first I remember was sitting on the couch in my living room of my old house(always have dreams about old house for some reason). My dad was watching TV and I got up and started to watch TV with him, I believe it was the news or something like that, for some reason I didn't want to be there I need to leave and go somewhere, anywhere. I darted out the door and started running and running.(I realized it was a dream right there because of how effortlessly I was running) I don't know why but I felt suckish and just wanted to be alone. I kept on running until I got to a big street that either turned left or right, no forward.
      I looked left first and saw nothing but more road, couple of cars and trees. Then I looked right, and again saw more road and a couple of cars and trees, don't know why but I chose to keep running right. I kept running and running and I remember seeing a whataburger but I passed it cause I didn't want to waste time there.
      I kept running until eventually I got to some city with many tall buildings, I walked into one randomly and I was now in some cafeteria, I walked past people who were wearing some sort of hospital robes, sitting down eating. 'I guess this is some sort of hospital?' I thought. I saw some stairs and I was about to go up until I heard my name behind me. I turned around to see my best friend(Anita), she came running up to hug me, which I gladly returned. "What are you doing here?" Anita asked. "I'm not to sure, I just ended up here." I responded. I looked at her up and down, and she was wearing a hospital gown too, I was shocked, I didn't know she was in the hospital. "Hey... well while I have you here, there's something I need to tell you." she continued, "so remember I told you I was sick?" I just nodded. "Well it seems like its worst... I'm not going to make it, its terminal... I don't have long, that's why im here." she finished. I was even more shocked, I could feel the tears welling up. I didn't have any words to say, I knew this was a dream but I couldn't help but feel like sh*t. "Hey, its okay... I'm come to peace with it, my life was a happy one and im glad that youre my best friend." she reassured me. I was about to say something until a nurse called her name. "I have to go do some stuff but I'll come find you later when I'm able to." she said with a smile. I couldn't say anything to her as she left with the nurse. I turned back to the stairs and started running up them, I kept going until I came to the roof of the hospital, I was really high up. I remember thinking, what if I jump? will I die? (like I knew it was a dream but I still thought maybe this will kill me?) I sat down on the roof and just talked to my self. "Will it really be that bad if I die? I might as well go with my best friend. heh... life isn't fair Is it? she doesn't deserve this, I do." That's when I felt something in my pocket. I took it out to look at it, a bomb? 'Perfect' I thought. 'A bomb this size will only be big enough to kill me and minimum damage to the surrounding area' I stood up. 'If I jump off the building while the bomb is on I can die mid air without hurting anyone else.' I walked to the edge of the building and looked down. 'Its better this way' I was about to activate the bomb but then I heard something behind me, I turned around and saw my family sanding by the stair door. They looked sad and worried. "Don't do this please." My mom weeped. I saw their faces but this didn't change my mind, I backed up onto the ledge, look at all my family in the eyes and said, "I'm sorry.." I let my self fall backwards. I heard screams from my family but I just closed my eyes and pressed the bomb button, I heard it beeping and I just fell waiting for the bomb to kill me. 'If the bomb doesn't kill me, the ground surly will.' I thought. But that's when in midair I heard what sounded what I thought was a jet, but no, I opened my eyes to see Superman flying quickly arms reached out towards me. He caught me in his arms, he took one quick look at me and grabbed the bomb from my hands and quickly threw it in the air, it exploded in the sky, safety away from us. We flew back to the hospital roof where my family was, once we landed I pushed off Superman with anger. "Why did you do that?!" I yelled. "Your not even suppose to be on earth, aren't you on a mission?!" He looked at me with sad eyes, "I heard you talking from galaxies away, the rest of the leauge will be here soon." He said. I looked him in the eyes, "Why did you save me?! I didn't want to be saved!!" Then for some reason a light flashed before us and I fell backwards apparently losing conscious. (I was still there but not looking threw my own eyes, I was looking at the scene in 3rd person point of view) After the flash Superman and my family saw what looked like another me, but my body was on the ground, this other girl looked like me but with different body features, such as having long white hair, and blue eyes. Superman saw this and was on guard, "Who are you?!" He asked. She laughed a loud laugh, "I am corruption, i live inside Alma, and now after all that time I'm at my peak." She responded. Corruption looked at my body laying on the ground roof, "Pity, she isn't dead yet, well I better make fun with the time I have now." She smiled. With that black lightning came out of her hands and struck Superman, he yelled in pain which was rare for him. I was now looking from Corruption's point of veiw, I tried to stop my actions but I couldn't. Superman was pissed now so he and Corruption started to fight in mid air. After a bit of fighting, Superman was losing until Corruption's powers weakened. "Oh poo, well it looks like my time is almost up." she said. "Not so fast, what did you do to Alma?" Superman asked. "Me? I didn't do anything, she makes her own choices I just help her make them." she laughed, "and dont try to stop me, I'll be back, I'll always be within her, growing, getting stronger, the day she dies is the day I have my body, but don't worry, when that day comes I'll be sure to take good care of it." She smiled. Superman was about to lazer her but then Corruption turned into black smoke that both her and me traveled back into my own body. I woke up with my family surrounding me, i notice that i wasnt in my disguise, i was in my heros uniform. I saw superman land on the roof and i was shocked on how many injuries he had. 'I did that?' I thought. My parents looked at me with fear in their eyes, they looked like they didnt know who i was(which technically they dont know me in my hero's uniform only the desguise) I couldnt dare to look at Superman in the eyes. I stood up, i felt so much guilt to what i did to Superman, what i put my family theough. I started to walk away from them, i felt Superman's hand on my shoulder, but i smack it off, i looked at him with tears in my eyes and said, "I- im so sorry, i didnt mean to, i-" i couldnt even finish my sentent, i flew off the building and just flew away from the scene, i remember hearing Superman flying behind me, telling me that 'its okay'. The last thing i said before waking up was, "Just leave me alone!"

      Well this was a weird dream, it isnt the first but yea it was ome of those dreams when i didnt know it was a dream in the beggining. It was super intenst. Well until next dream, Bye~
      P.s. - Pictures below are drawings of this dream.
      If you have any questions just message me My computer blew up!-screenshot_2016-09-09-17-21-33.jpgMy computer blew up!-screenshot_2016-09-09-17-21-36.jpgMy computer blew up!-screenshot_2016-09-09-17-21-47.jpgMy computer blew up!-screenshot_2016-09-09-17-21-40.jpgMy computer blew up!-screenshot_2016-09-09-17-21-43.jpgClick image for larger version. 

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      Updated 03-09-2019 at 06:20 AM by 91081

      non-lucid , memorable
    10. A stranger's proposal

      by , 04-24-2016 at 11:55 PM
      Hi everyone! I had a dream last night! The second I've remembered in quite a short space of time!

      I remember I was myself again, just like the previous one! (I went through a phase of always seemingly not being myself in dreams in the last few years I've remembered)
      Anyway, I was with this boy, in the dream I wasn't sure who he was, just that this random guy started to chat to me. Before I knew it he was asking me to go away with him, and for us to elope to Italy..!

      It was a strange dream, even my dream self was confused by this person!
    11. Incest, Illness, and Travel (Competition Night 2)

      by , 04-12-2016 at 06:29 PM
      +I remembered a lot of details when I woke up, but it feels impossible to write out at 3 am. So here's what's left: I was watching Long Lost Family and there's a story about a man who was looking for his twin sister and turns out, he's been married to her! It shows a photo and I realize I have that photo hanging up in my office. I realize that it's my paternal grandmother's brother. Even after they found out, they didn't separate and they continued to have kids. They were madly in love. I wondered if it had anything to do with the concept of genetic sexual attraction I've heard about in adoption cases.

      +I'm sick and I'm stuck inside a basement room. I'm staying with P.P. but she up and leaves abruptly. I ask what she wants me to do with all her stuff and she doesn't seem to care, but we agree to meet up again and take care of it. I get a message on t.v. that L.S. is thinking of moving back to Florida. She sends videos of herself hiking on the mountainous freeway in Washington in the snow. I see a semi truck coming at her and think, "That's just like my dream last night!". I hope she hasn't left yet so we can get together first. I call someone and complain to them I'm sick, my roommate left, and another one of my friends is thinking of moving away. They pick me up and I insist that mangos will make me feel better. An ice cream shop guy gives me a scoop of green ice cream that is very bland and clearly not mango. He makes me eat it from my hand. There were a lot of guards by the door on our way out. They drop me off at a grocery store and a man in a truck cat calls me so I ignore him. As I shop I notice him following me. I try to evade him. A man asks for advice on milk and is very grateful for what I have to say. After he leaves I find him again to make sure he intended to buy chocolate milk and not regular. He did. Somehow I get back to my real bedroom and my hands are asleep. I start crying and my husband tells me he's not going to try and have sex with me because I can tell I've been through a lot.

      +Traveling with DB. We go to a snowy mountain where A and I snowboard without a snowboard, just our feet. I clipped her heel and we both fell. The snow was really strange, like artificial with the consistency of dried shaving cream. I asked about it but nobody could explain it. We got on a plane and flew over California. You could see from the plane that California extended out over the water beyond the rest of the western states. The plane detoured and took us to a hotel we all had to stay the night at. I was extremely upset. I just wanted to go home. I didn't want to stay at this weird hotel with all these people. A immediately called dibs on room 333 and that just upset me even more. She knows that's the room I want. I settle for 345 because it's on the top floor and an end, so it'll be quiet. It's a bright yellow hotel.
    12. 171015: An Elevator and a Lunchline

      by , 10-17-2015 at 01:59 PM (The Dream Journal)
      Dream Fragment:
      Sunny, on a higher floor of an apartment, it is very empty, big windows. I see forest and empty fields around. The sunlight is bright and golden afternoon sunshine.A friend I saw at a party yesterday is there and is offering food, cabbage soup I ate before bed. No bells ring in my head from this. Out on the balcony, I look on, is someone coming?

      Dream 1: Rick & Morty in a Weird Jumble
      On the floor of the apartment I get into a sleeping bag, it has Rick & Morty characters and scenes on it, I can make out Summer and Gerry in a hot air balloon going low over a grassy field with a tree on a starry night. As I get into the sleeping bag in some weird twist it turns into a hot air balloon and I try to get it off the ground.

      I'm in an office building, it has the same vibe as the previous dream, the same golden sunlight coming from large windows. I'm in the hall waiting by two elevator doors. I'm given a controller by a guy in a suit, it is a metallic rode with two buttons, one with an up arrow and the other with a down arrow. I enter the elevator and push the up arrow to go up. I assume it will only go up to the top floor. As we go up I press it again to make it go faster but we then rocket up and the guy grabs my shoulder and I press the down button to stop it. It feels like the elevator stops and reluctantly opens to the sixth floor. Did I break it? An elevator has to be able to go to every level, not just the highest and lowest.

      On the floor I see that Rick & Morty have been recruited to do advertisements for an agency. I enter an office and see that Rick has pony tail and sunglasses in a suit, he swings around in his swivel chair to face me. There are these sick robots taking over the place and it seem to me (not sure at his point) that the robots are using Rick to make propaganda for them. Realizing this Rick rips his shades off and yells, my view zooming into his open mouth.

      The robots are getting crushed and their wet circuitry inside them is being led off on conveyor belts to be recycled, Rick has saved the day?

      Dream 2: Lunch Line Madness
      I enter a school cafeteria to get lunch. It is large and looks like a gymnasium, no natural light, just overhanging flourescent lights giving everything a yellow tinge. I stand in line to get lunch, waiting to get my tray. I see a group of kids standing by the line but they are not following it, they don't move. I pass them, I hope they don't start yelling at me. I'm right by the milk machine, watching it spray four jets of milk into my glass, it will fill up quickly this way. Wait, how did I get here? Wasn't I in line? I turn around, I have a tray and the milk, fork and knife, but not plate and no food. I go and pick up a plate and try to get some food, I pass some kids, will they get angry that I passed them? I do and they don't say anything.

      I try to find the vegetarian food, it all looks vegetarian, lots of bean food there, not rice or pasta though. I look up at the menu, it says everything is vegetarian. A short, plump lunch lady to my right is refilling a tray with food, I double check with her, she says it's all vegetarian. I see another vegetarian friend to my right, she is taking a little of everything, I do the same, a green bean sauce and some salsa, it's full of protein.

      I go forward to sit down and look down at my tray, where did my plate go with all the food? Confused, I look around the lunch line, lunch is almost over and the lines are now empty, it looks like the cooks are ready to take the food away. As I look and look I can't find the plate anywhere, how could I have misplaced it? I worry, am I having some kind of dissossiative episode? Why can't I remember what I'm doing? (this is something that I've felt slightly IRL). I begin to worry I'll be left without food. I look for the plate but give up after going around the line again and again. I go to the only line with food left. There is only some scraps of some salad stuff with cheese, not as filling as the stuff I had. I take some greedily and go sit down.

      I sit with my friend and three other female students I don't recognize my friend asks if I got food. I angrily throw the plate of salad/melted cheese at the table saying they ran out of food. The plate slides on the table and almost falls through the crack between the table and the wall. I grab it, trying to pull it up from the radiator, embarrassed that I let myself loose control like that.
    13. Beautiful Yellow Eyes (26.5.15)

      by , 05-26-2015 at 12:38 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Beautiful Yellow Eyes
      I was walking inside Main Street shopping center. I felt a bit uncomfortable because of I was wearing pretty average plain clothing. I noticed some others were wearing average stuff, making me feel much better about myself. As I was walking through the shops, I saw a girl (preggers). She was walking near me, and seemed to be looking at me, maybe even saying something to me. I ignored her and just kept walking as if I had not noticed her.

      Some girl stopped me in my tracks and asked me something. I think she was looking for a new boyfriend or sexual partner. As I looked at her, I was drawn in straight to her eyes. They were beautiful, having a nice yellow look to them. I straight away said "wow, u have amazing eyes. Ur hot". She was decent looking. I think I put my arm around her and walked towards a shop where you could eat. I find myself hearing that she likes men that are endowed. I look towards the wall at a bit of art work which has writing on it. It's talking about an elephant and its long trunk, referring to long penises.
      We seem to become distant from each other and she goes and starts talking to other men. I see her at a table talking a darkish skinned man. It looks like he has a turban under his hoody. I have some jealously at this point and think to myself something on the lines of "she won't be happy being with a Muslim man".

      I'm at the same place but sitting at a computer. As I'm doing Internet banking, I feel or know she is looking for a wealthy man. I start to feel sorry for myself because I'm on benefits and don't have a lot to show for myself. A few people come over to use the computer I'm using, which makes me have to move myself off the chair onto the floor. I felt intimidated, but did nothing about it except be a push over. I see that there is 4 or so people at the computer, a few guys & girls. The person nearest to me was a guy. He seemed like a bit of an asshole. I over heard him say that the girl that has the yellow eyes was a gold digger, which confirmed for me that it was true. As we all used the computer, there were hands everywhere over the keyboard, typing whatever they please. I jokingly said about this to them. The computer seems to be an ATM also. I try and withdraw a decent amount of money. I remember stalling a little and I think my dad may have got frustrated. I figured it out quickly. As i withdrew money, the previous people that had used it left their money in there. It made things confusing for me and i panicked. I grabbed all the money and was going to sort things out by myself because majority of money was mine and I wanted to make sure things were right. A man of Asian appearance was thinking it was some what suspicious and wasn't sure about me doing so. The people's money i had were standing in the distance at a counter. My intentions were to get things right and return the money to them. I remember counting my money and freaking out. At first it looked as if all my money wasn't there at first, but as i continue to count, it seems to be adding up I think.

      I'm now sitting near the old police station across from new station, counting my money.

      Side Notes
      EFT - Even though I only remembered 1 dream last night, I deeply and completely accept myself, and will remember all my dreams tonight.

      Need to use an EFT for recording dreams upon awakening.
    14. Ecstasy (25.5.15)

      by , 05-25-2015 at 02:01 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      I was with friends at some kind of a bar, which had pool tables. There were people that were near the pool tables. I think they had just finished playing. I could see three pool tables, which were all a different height. I was looking to re-rack the balls on the table, but as I started to do so I noticed that some of the balls were not balls. They were odd looking and small. I don't think all the colors and patterns on the balls were on them either. This made me confused when trying to re-rack them, but Chloe H came over and did it herself for me.

      At some point I noticed I had an Ecstasy tablet in my hand. I handed it over to my brother, so he could halve it, but ended up having trouble doing so. I have the tablet in my hand and notice that it was broken up, and I decided to halve it myself. The tablet looked off. It was shaped like a small potato chip, which had been broken untidily. I decided to have half, and give the rest to Chloe. I kept anticipating the drug to kick in throughout the whole dream, but never climaxed. I may have felt a bit of a change in feeling though. I was intending to get high and have sex with Chloe.

      I'm outside with my brother and Chloe at night time.

      My brother walked over to Chloe and held up a sign in front of her. There was something written on the same in gold letters. It was my brothers way of showing that he was an undercover cop. I believe my brother did this because I hadn't made a move on Chloe. This situation pulled me into saying that I was an undercover cop too. I felt like I had betrayed Chloe.

      I'm now at a table inside. She's eating something nice, and offers me some. She leaves the room and I decide to quickly check her phone for anything that led to her wanting me. She entered the room as I put down the phone. She was suspect on what I was doing. I tried to act calm, and walk over to her for a chat.

      Dream Fragment
      1) I was at my house and was standing in the kitchen. Rob asked what was the smell. I think I had poo on my hands or something along those lines.

      Side Notes
      EFT - Even though I can't remember all my dreams, I deeply and completely accept myself, and will remember all my dreams tonight.

      Updated 05-25-2015 at 02:04 PM by 24939

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    15. Strange

      by , 05-25-2015 at 01:46 PM
      So last night I dreamt that I was walking down my road to the end of it. However,it was all dark out and my former Spanish teacher was walking the opposite direction. She had on a jean jacket,if I remember correctly,and I think black pants. I don't remember what I said to her,but apparently whatever it was it made her laugh. Well,she then said something else to me as we were passing one another. Once I got to the end of my road,I do remember looking back a her and watching her as she walked away,becoming smaller until she disappeared.
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