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    1. Speed-run ToTM and a dare dream, one-shot killing a turkey and brief chat with a DC

      by , 11-13-2014 at 12:12 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Speed-run ToTM and a dare dream, one-shot killing a turkey and brief chat with a DC (DILD)


      I believe this is possibly the lamest ToTM I have ever worked on, and to be honest, I did not even see this coming. I have been coding for a new dream journal software like a maniac... and well, every time I woke up in the middle of the night, all I had in my mind was a bunch of code (that I wont paste here lol) and yet, I got a lucid dream. I naturally woke up around 7:30am (alarm clock triggers at 8:00am) and I was laying on my back, just relaxing to wait for the clock. After a while I found myself driving down the street. I was in what I believe to be a manual transmission car, as I had to switch gears manually. I got inside a building and I was driving down the stars, but now, I was riding a red bike:

      I was driving through aisles and up and down the stairs, and yet, I had a manual transmission strick to switch gears,
      realizing how it could be even possible... realizing that it was impossible for a bike and realizing that my car just turned into a bike and I was indoors, so I turned lucid.

      I was surprised by the dream, and feared that anytime soon the alarm clock was going to trigger. I saw a small child in the middle of a big empty room and I asked him:
      - "What are you grateful for?"
      - Chocolate! - he replied.

      I was like, okay... and then realized that asking that was not a ToTM.
      - What is my name? - I asked him.
      - Manolo, like the supermarket - He replied
      (That is not my name nor I have seen a super market named like that.

      I recalled I had to tell him that it was a dream, so:
      - This is a dream - I exalted.
      - No, I am awake, we are not dreaming - He replied.

      I rose my hand and showed it to him, claiming we were in a dream. My hand looked perfectly fine, five perfect fingers... so I was like, what the hell. I looked at my hand again, perfect... another false positive. I knew we were dreaming because of the bike, I looked a third time and then, two of my fingers were overlaying each other and they were like holograms. I realized that the child was doing his own business, but since he replied, I was done.

      I then decided to walk backwards, as I believed it was a dare. Simple task... I walked a good 50 steps backwards, but nothing out of the blue happened.

      I then went ahead to remember the other ToTM without much success... so much coding, so little reading I told to myself. I believed that the bonus task was to steal the turkey that the President saved and decide its fate. I figured if I tried to fly outside the building and look for the White House I was not going to make it in time and the alarm clock would ruin it. I pretended that behind a door I was going to find the White House.

      I opened the door and I could see grass and heard birds chirping. I was able to see the White House (even though it was a mix of the white house and Congress, looking something like this

      I saw the President, but it was not Obama. It was a made up African American dude, dressed in business attire. The First lady was next to him, but also made up. I think she looked Chinese. There was a turkey standing next to them, so I figured it was the turkey they saved. I started feeling my cats in bed and started to feel I was waking up rapidly, so I had to do something... I just grabbed the turkey's neck and said, "Your fate is to die." I started to strangle it and little after, I woke up. Since the dare is to decide the fate, I'd say I completed it, as I have decided it would die. I wouldn't have made the choice though if I wasn't waking up, I would have done something much more exciting. This is somewhat short entry, this dream felt quick, very quick.

      Updated 11-13-2014 at 12:19 PM by 31830

      lucid , task of the month
    2. Order in the court, we have a problem

      by , 12-12-2012 at 09:11 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm outside, in BDU's and I'm securing a parameter. I can see some scientist looking at something right next door. This other guy and I are guessing what could it be. We sort of come to the conclusion that it could be radio active. I jokingly state that if it is, I'll go next door and grab something to eat since the fridge is probably lined with lead.

      My feet are hot, so I take off my shoes and socks, and eventually some other soldier calls me over. I told him I'd walk over when I got my gear back on, and he made some response about being a lazy LT.

      I'm at some huge congressional meeting...I think it's all democratic, and the speaker of the house is there. She opens up the floor, but for the most senior people. After someone speaks, all the people in the crowd have mini uproars like they're a bunch of yes men. Meanwhile someone asks me to do a multiplication problem. It was something in the 400s maybe times 80. I want to say 450 x 80. Anyways, I couldn't figure out 8x4 for the life of me for some reason, and just asked another DC. She was like "81" and I said it can't be, because 8x10 is 80. I asked another one, and they said "45", and I did the same thing. I was so mad that I forgot the number when I woke up.

      I'm in a hotel in Vegas. Some military people are with me, but I'm not in....we're just relaxing. My room mate bursts into the room, and I said "hey, you better be glad I wasn't jacking off!". Some other guy enters, and I head off solo. There's an AVN awards show going on, and I show up. (fun fact: I showed up to the hotel where this was going on in RL before and was like WOW ALL DEM FAKE BOOBS, but I didn't recognize any of the girls) I sit down, and they announce the winner for some scene, and her name is "Miss J" or "Dr. J", or something. Anyways, she's this one softcore porn star that I never caught name. Black hair, green eyes....nice rack. That sort of thing. I was happy that she won, and I tried to remember her name. I walked off after that.
    3. A Congressional Act

      by , 11-30-2011 at 05:52 AM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: November 27, 2011 – 7:00AM (USA Eastern)

      I am sitting in the House, and the fellow on my right hands me a clipboard and tells me that it's a bill that's being signed into federal law immediately once there are enough signatures on it. I look at it and it says that the music genre “dubstep” is being outlawed and any offense is punishable by immediate death. Due to the fact that I highly dislike dubstep, I sign it and pass it to the person to my left, telling them that they should sign it too.

      Tags: congress, dubstep, law
    4. karaoke, obama, and the fed; blue bar and the fed; marrying rich man's daughter

      by , 09-04-2011 at 01:23 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in some place like a workshop. There were one or two groups of people in the workshop. I may have belonged to one of the groups. But one of the groups had finished whatever they'd had to do.

      This group left the room. They walked through a long, ramped hallway, like in a hospital. They were now in a dark room at the end of the hallway. The room was like a bar, although it didn't seem to have anything in it. The people were all singing karaoke.

      I sat down in the workshop-room at some big working table. I was at the back end of the table. I really wanted to do some karaoke. I was getting restless.

      I had a pile of money in front of me. I realized that some people had left their money here. So I should give it back.

      President Obama was sitting on the right side of the table, near the front end. I gave the pile of money to Obama. I realized that the money was money that Congress had left on the table. They'd probably need it back. And President Obama would probably be able to give it to them.

      I walked away from President Obama. But, for some reason, I still had two $10 bills in my hand. So I turned back to Obama and dropped the $10 bills on the table. They lined up nicely, the bottom edge of one matching wih the top edge of the other. They also looked really nice and new.

      I knew that the $20 was some kind of "extra tax" that came with the money for Congress. The main pile of money was the pile that Congress got as a matter of course. The "extra tax" was tax that Congress received on this money.

      But President Obama told me to keep the extra $20. He said something like Congress hadn't really earned the stack of money in the first place, and they really wouldn't miss the tax money if it was missing.

      President Obama then asked me, "Well, why are you sticking around here? You can go, if you'd like. Don't you wanna go do karaoke with everybody else?"

      I said no. I knew the Fed was going to talk about something pretty soon. I felt like it would probably be a smart idea if I hung around here until the Fed got through talking about whatever they were going to talk about. I had partly said this to butter-up Obama and make him think I was smart. But I was also genuinely interested in what the Fed had to say.

      Dream #2

      I was in a restaurant/bar. The restaurant had a weird shape, kind of an upside-down "L" shape, with the tall part of the "L" being really long and kind of narrow. The lighting for the whole place was a kind of neon-blue. But there were windows to the space outside of the bar, which looked like the inside of a mall and was lit normally.

      I had gotten a table to sit at. But I had been asked to stand up. I'd had to walk all the way to the end of the area I was in, i.e. to the "base" of the "L" shape.

      Now I was back at my seat. There was some other guy with me, an Asian man in maybe his late twenties, dressed in a business suit. We seemed to be co-workers or friends. We were about to sit down when another man asked if he could sit with us. He was also Asian and young. He was dressed in an all-black business suit.

      We didn't know the man, but we let him sit with us. The two men sat beside each other. They started talking with each other, as if they were familiar with each other. I understood that they had never met each other before, but that they "knew the game" well enough to talk with each other as if they were familiar with each other.

      I sat on the opposite side of the table, kind of awkwardly positioned in my seat against an empty seat, and messing around with stuff at the table, possibly a glass of water and some condiments or little appetizers or something.

      The men tried to include me in the conversation. They asked me something. I responded by giving some speech about the Fed, which I don't remember, other than the fact that it was about them not needing something and having some kind of disagreement with Congress. The Fed might have said that Congress didn't need something.

      Dream #3

      I was in a big, nice living room in some wonderful apartment on a high-up floor in a big building. An old, white man with white hair sat on a couch. I may have sat down and stood up alternately.

      I had been interested in the old man's daughter. I wanted to marry the daughter. But the old man was sure that I only wanted to marry the daughter because I wanted to get at the old man's money. This wasn't true.

      There were elements of the dream before this point that proved, I reflected, that I really liked the girl. But I can't remember those parts of the dream.
    5. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 10-25-2010 at 04:07 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Networks (Non-lucid)

      Stretched out against a vast, black aether, they weave and twist about, branching down into unfathomable depths. At the head, a name for each: Walms, Naiya, Raven, and so many more. Delving down, I explore their reaches. The expanse below Walms' is the largest by far, and twines itself about the others more and more the deeper I go. Naiya's is closest to Walms', their trees the largest, while Raven's name is drifting, slowly pulling away from the others.

      The scene shifts into a game of conquest, and here I find MoSh, willingly under the control of a female presence I never get to see. She guides him well; his troop placements are precise, his movements coordinated. I find myself under pressure. . .


      The dark conference room, with its expensive wooden tables and high-backed chairs lined up against the walls, is deserted. Making my way to a table across the room, the other High Aide walks in, aghast.

      “They're not here,” she sounds frustrated.

      “No. It's not like Congress to be here in a time of crisis. I expect they're safe somewhere, probably out of country.”

      “Point taken, but that still leaves us. The enemy is descending upon us, as you well know, but what are we supposed to do about it?”

      “Keep things under control,” I pick up a pink slip of paper with several ornate signatures scrawled across it. “A standing order,” I tell my coworker.

      “What does it say?” the other Aide asks quietly.

      “We have to evacuate.”

      “Then let's get out of here. . .”

      We walk through the white-walled building, all the way to the heavily populated atrium. A commotion erupts upon our arrival, and I drop the book I wasn't carrying moments ago. Stepping on it, I notice there's something under it. . . is that?

      “NOBODY MOVE!” A man in a black leather jacket and slacks steps out in front of me, back turned, left arm locked around a secretary, right hand handed aiming a gun at her head. Just like the one beneath my book. I scoot backwards, dragging the book and gun underfoot, taken aback by the occurrence. Why would terrorists be attacking the House at a time like this. No one is here, except us two. Slightly dumbfounded, and fearing for my own safety, it takes me a moment to realize the man doesn't know I'm behind him.

      Reaching down, I grab the gun; it's an old five shot revolver, I'm not really sure on the make. I point the weapon at the man's back and move slowly, silently forward. Putting up my other hand to steady the shot. . .


      A hole appears in the back of his jacket, followed by blood. He slumps to the ground, dead, but he's not alone. His accomplice comes at me from the left, swiftly. I try to aim the gun at him, but my hands are shaking too violently. A shot rings out, and a bullet wizzes by my head, tousling my hair. I fire wildly, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG. Each shot either goes wide or spirals out of control, missing the mark. The accomplice fires back at me four times. One miss, two miss, three miss. . .


      The bullet rips through my chest and my mouth opens in shock, spitting up blood. I stagger for a moment before my eyes go wild and I look at my killer with a maniacal glint. I let him know, “I can regen, mother fucker!” I charge him, quickly regenerating the wound in my chest, pushing out the hot lead. Pointing my empty gun at him, I demand his weapon. He hands it to me, terrified; it's got one shot left. I put it against his head, and he whimpers like a puppy. As I pull the trigger, I grimace as. . . the shot bounces off his skull?

      The anticlimactic ending stifles my rage, and the two of us have a chat. “You know the only people of any importance here right now are the High Aides, right?” I ask him.

      “Oh, really. . ? Well, we should have figured as much with Rob moving in on Cambodia [Kaomea?] in the west.”

      “Yeah, I still have to let the Adamarill know.”


      “That's what I said.”

      Another shift and I'm streaming a video of Galactica's CIC. Starbuck let's Adama know the current situation, and I can't help noticing the HAL eye at the bottom of the screen. I remember that signifies this is one of my Dream Journal Entry. Wait a second. . .

      My phone rings.

      Updated 01-05-2011 at 07:12 AM by 25167
