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    1. cccli. Quay-side church, Mom cooking

      by , 01-22-2022 at 02:39 AM
      20th November 2021


      Somewhat adventure-like dream. (left recall too long) Something about turning some huge metal wheels in a couple of buildings at a sea side quay. This makes the clocks of a large nearby church work again.
      (I have vague recall even now of the dream, visually. I think at one point I was on some rafters in the church, but I also recall it was a bit of an overcast and yellow-ish day outside.)

      21st November 2021


      I'm with mom in a kitchen of sorts. There's a weird gas oven of some kind that mom is using. I'm just doing some cutlery things with a cupboard. I had just been talking to H and asking if he wasn't going to eat his egg soup thing. Also something about "chef John".

      Mom is trying to get the gas thing going and has some rice and sausages which will be getting cooked. I tell her some wicks (?) have gone out. She increases the flow, nothing happens at first and then big flames from those wicks. I tell her she should back it down and she does. Then the food she was cooking seems to have become overdone for her liking. The sausages have supposedly gone sour, and the rice stodgy. I taste a slice of sausage and it tastes bland but not sour, although I did smell something sour.

      Then I'm checking my phone. Something weird is going on and I conclude it's a virus on my phone. Messages I'd received are FUBAR on a UI-level and I can't dismiss anything. Pressing home just takes me to some sort of gallery, which has pictures of beaches and of naked female porn stars or something to that effect.

      22nd November 2021


      (recall left too late) Something about being on a highway or the like. Traffic direction orientation is not as I would expect for where I live. At one point I do not perceive myself as being in a vehicle and am somehow pulling myself along fast enough to at speed, but it feels like I'm struggling a bit. There's a T-junction that's more like a corner and I want to go left where the road curves more naturally.

      Updated 01-22-2022 at 02:41 AM by 95293

      dream fragment , side notes , non-lucid
    2. 10 Jan: Home invaders, chased by Kylo Ren and accidentally act in a novela

      by , 01-10-2022 at 10:28 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At home, but it looks like my paternal grandma's house. I hear suspicious noises, I go check the backdoor, see if it is locked. It is not even closing properly, but I manage to shut it. Then my mom says she hears the elevator stopping at every floor, so that means we are actually at her house, not grandma's.
      Someone knocks, they say it's delivery of a package, but sounds suspicious. My mom says "Ah, ok" and goes open the door. I yell "no!", but it is too late. Some dude hands over a package and she thanks him. But then he steps in and I know he ain't no good, so I tell him to leave immediately and push him over. Outside are more guys. At first I manage push the first guy back, but the door ain't closing well and they barge in. I panic, but they don't actually resort to violence or seem intent to rob or rape. It's a gang of 3 dudes and a couple girls. They are basically tricksters and just want to fool around, for now. They go around checking our things and I think about what could be valuable and important to me and I try to hide those things. But they spread around to cover more area and I can't keep up. The house is magically very big and has half a dozen halls, each one dedicated to a specific thing, almost like a supermarket with aisles. First area is a library, then there is one for sports, one for entertainment, with a dj and vj set (which attracts the gang leader in particular), then there is an armory, which I try to reach first. But they get there ahead of me and grab some riffles. Fortunately the bullets are all elsewhere and they want to know where. I keep quiet and the leader guy gives up and goes for a different strategy. Goes to the entertainment area and grabs some equipment and starts singing. Then he becomes Pedro A., a musician I loved as a teen. He goes all charming and tries to seduce me. I say his charm won't work on me. So then they decide to go violent and I kick one of them, tell them I am a purple belt in Kenpo and can defend myself. They seem mildly scared but that quickly fades. They know I am very outnumbered. I am also not confident at all in my skills, I don't practice for years. But I find a stick and I attack them with it, knocking them all unconscious, except for a girl. I ask my mom - which I didn't see until now - to help me tie them up. When they regain consciousness, I tell them I am calling the cops and I ask for their names so I can tell the cops. They get very pissed.

      I meet Kylo Ren. He drives a small car. I start flirting with him. He misunderstands and thinks I am harassing him. He gets upset and chases me. I fly away to escape. I fly along the path of the road until I spot some people taking a shortcut through some field and I decide to folllow them and maybe lose Kylo who is after me. The shortcut takes me to a football field where kids are playing. Then just to the side is a neighborhood, which has a familiar vibe to it. I recognize my mom's building among other buildings inthis neighnorhood. I lift off to the 4th floor, to enter the house through the window. But then I spot there is a wood storage at ground floor and I go back to get some as I recall we need wood for the fireplace (which doesn't really exist at my mom's, but anyway...). When collecting some wood, I get caught in the middle of some actors filming a novela. They don't stop because of my presence and so I become accidentally part of it. I leave the wood for later, now I suddenly feel like baking a cake in the novela's kitchen. I grab some eggs and flour and I temporarily put them down on top of the washing machine because they are blocking my passage to the counter. The actors are playing a very rich family who is fighting over properties and possesions and I guess I am their cook. The flour bag is leaking and the machine dirty with flour. The family also sees it and scolds me for it. The head of the family says that shit might damage the machine which is expensive and it will be on me any repairs or replacement needed. And I am like "Damn, they can afford all the machines they want and are seriously making me pay for it. How petty."

      Updated 04-08-2022 at 09:17 AM by 34880

    3. 19 Dec: My parents foster a nordic kid when I am a teenager

      by , 12-19-2021 at 07:54 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am my current self but in my teenage body living at my parents house. They have adopted or at least are fosterimg some nordic teenager boy and I only know about it when he comes in to stay. He is supposedly a bit of a trouble, but I am very nice to him and he seems to respond well to that. He also has a black cat exactly like my cat Cuscus and they get on immediately, going around the house together and I think that's a good sign. I have to give the boy a tour. I show him my bathroom, that now is our shared bathroom and I find some adult man in there. My parents say it's ok, he is supposedly the father or tutor of the kid, which makes no sense to me. I thought the kid was an orphan. My parents say the man will be staying with us for a while too, until the kid is adapted. I tell him this bathroom is the kid's bathroom and the big one is for the adults and he says he likes this one better and ask if we can leave cause he is using it. I immediately dislike him and want him gone from my house. Then he tells me I should go help his son making breakfast. The kid goes in the kitchen and he is a bit lost. He is looking for the food and utensils and I kindly ask him what he needs and what he wants to eat. So far he is always humble, kind and thoutghtful when dealing with me. I believe we will be very good friends and I tell him that. Then his dad comes on and joins in eating bread with our margarine and immediately mocks it, saying he will bring real butter imstead of this crap. I tell him I am vegan and although my parents aren't, they are ok eating the stuff I buy without a problem. He shows disdain and I just want him gone again.
    4. cclxxxii. Breaded chicken business and cooking,

      by , 06-09-2021 at 11:09 AM
      9th June 2021


      I'm in an office building. It's day time and there's lots of light coming through a skylight. At different points I'm different people. It's quite busy here. Something about making a breaded fried chicken enterprise (i.e. a joint business) and physically half making it and the other half being bought from a unique source. I remember myself scraping some chicken off one of our blue kitchen plates into something else, like for cooking.


      (Several dream sequences but recall fragmented.)

      One sequence about Q?

      Another bit near the end of a dream, I'm walking through some kind of cavern. It's dark but I might have some kind of light source. Someone else is here with me, following me? I am looking for something, an exit maybe. The cavern is not straight or flat at any point. I walk past corpses on or next to mattresses. Maybe some are alive, but either way, they're related to some previous part of the dream. I think I was trying to lead a bunch of people and they didn't like my ideas or what I was doing, which was why I ended up in the caverns.

      Something about shooting some objects with H, but not sure what we used. Some kind of explosions were supposed to happen from the objects being shot.


      - I went to the bathroom and got back in bed with a WBTB intent after the first recalled fragment.

      - I went to bed at night with intents about lucidity and waking up in the middle of the night.
    5. cclxiii. Lodged bullet, Upheaval

      by , 05-05-2021 at 08:53 PM
      2nd May 2021


      Initially something about Terraria. I'm on some kind of mini MMO server. It's 2D at first as it should be, but then starts to become 2.5D and eventually blends into normal reality as I exit some caves I'd been mining in. There was a lot of ore in the caves, but mostly copper and iron.

      I exit the cave to an exterior location. It's sunny but I'm under the shade of a metal canopy of some kind. I have guns like in UT or something. There are some flying enemies nearby, to my right, and I think about shooting them with a beam weapon but I don't for some reason. They have wings? Are they eyes, maybe? Some kind of stereotype fantasy creature, at any rate.

      Then I climb or jump down further ahead, where there's a lower roof, using it as a midway point to the ground. There's a human but he's some kind of boss? I'm talking with H at the same time, discussing what's happening I think. Some recall is missing but I eventually change to a traditional sniper rifle and fire at point blank range against the man's neck. I can imagine the bullet and it goes through the front of the neck but leaves no visible wound or blood and it gets lodged under the cranium at the back, on the right side.

      But then the person becomes H and I turn the head to inspect and there's the lump of the bullet about where I thought it would be. I tell H it's fine, we'll get someone to remove it.

      4th May 2021


      Something about schools part of a network/group called "plus (something)"? I'm in a town but unsure where. Reminds me of my native country and there's these small and perfectly laid out buildings, which are taking over everywhere as if they are invading and replacing other things. The buildings are alien in origin or something, the dream implies, but they look like regular buildings in a modern style, though having something to do with this group of schools or something.

      There's some kind of instancing effect going on and things phase in and out of reality depending on where I stand exactly; in the phase space there are only two specific things to eat for some reason and this becomes a way for me to identify that I'm in this phased space. I think something about the colour of the atmosphere changes too but recall is somewhat muddled and partly gone and some bits of this feel as if they were from an earlier awakening.

      Some recall is missing but later on, there's some bit in a kitchen underground in a bunker of some kind and this is like the headquarters of whatever is going on. In this kitchen, there are two women, they are busy cooking and concocting things? I think they have aprons on but I don't recall any other details other than that maybe one had her hair tied up. They are the masterminds, it's implied somehow. They don't seem to care about my presence. The door to the kitchen is locked with some type of electronically controlled lock and some people want to get in here because a meteor is crashing soon and this is the safest place, even within the entirety of this bunker. There's a large window into the next room and there are random groupings of people through there. I remember interacting and talking with the two women but I'm not sure what any of us said.

      Then the meteor hits and some people outside the room get scared but nothing much happens other than some prolonged shaking.

      (recall gap)

      Outside with someone, implied to be after the meteor hit on the surface. I was here before at some point in the dream but it wasn't like this, everything looks kind of orange and wrecked now, debris and general mess everywhere. There are dead headcrabs? The person I'm with is cooking and eating them.


      Some other bit where I see a city like London (which layout I know vaguely) in some kind of overview and it's broken up by ravines and mountains. Someone wants a new map made to reflect all this or something and I or another dream character draw it on some kind of black sandy stuff with a stick or rod? The lines are a dark blood red.
    6. V's Restaurant, Forgiveness Theatre, and the Balloon Animal Store

      by , 01-02-2021 at 11:17 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      My friend V buys a restaurant with money he has saved. It seems to be an old run down chinese buffet. Has no idea how to run it because he has no real experience in restaurants. The whole building is very dirty with stains along the floorboards badly lit and broken ceiling tiles. All of the dishes they cook are baked whole chicken breasts with noodles and cheese. People are confused about the fare but I gather it's the only thing they know how to cook.

      At a certain point they run out of ice cream and people are getting pissed about the lack of chocolate ice cream. I try sampling the different foods they have set out and put the plates on the table I am eating at. I make a dessert bowl with three brownies and chocolate sauce two times in a row because I knock the first one on the floor accidentally.

      V is sitting with me asking me what I think about the whole thing and how the food tastes. I tell him having a recipe book is one of the most important parts to running a restaurant, to ensure everything they cook is standardized and reproducible. He is surprised and likes my advice, he asks me to come back tomorrow to look things over and help him get things set up better. My parents seem to choose to eat here so we are sitting together. They don't know my friend owns the place but are quickly somewhat let down by the overall layout of the place.

      We are talking about the dinner service later on and Jennifer Aniston is sitting across the table from me. She commends me for letting things crash somewhat when people get upset about the desserts. She tells me they made cream with ice and salt to make some homemade chocolate ice cream for the unhappy people and they enjoyed it. A Chinese server still working there is disgusted by the food and keeps pre bussing my table before I am done eating what's on my table.

      I am in a futuristic town/downtown walking around down the street. I am with a friend at first but end up alone eventually. It is a very crowded street with many colours and close packed shops of various shapes. At a certain point we are riding on the back trunk of a car for a while, then the car gets towed and lifted up at an angle so we jump off and go into an exciting looking building to the left.

      It is a large purple/crimson coloured walls with streamlined edges and various levels with seats and stand up games along the walls. I am in a sci-fi looking arcade type area. It is dimly lit with only the soft redish glow illuminating the walls and walkways. There are many people sitting around all facing a giant screen in the ceiling in one section of the room. I wonder if they are all in vr. I don't see the screen right away so I am unsure what they are l doing, but it feels like a theatre of some kind.

      I sit off to the side on a rounded couch/curve in the wall which is like a ledge at knee level. Someone comes up to me and attempting to bond with me talking about something I don't understand. They have small children with them who latch onto my legs like children do. I have a small cloth ball that has a bright light which is visible when I turn it inside out. I shine the light on them trying to get them all to go away. I get shhhh'd by someone in the audience. I attempt to walk to the doorway, trying to shake the children off my legs gently before walking through. The door slightly cracks and I see light and a crowded sidewalk outside. But then I come back into the theatre arcade. I wonder out loud what everyone is watching that could be so enthralling. Someone close to me tells me it is the feeling of forgiveness. As I look up to the ceiling/high wall rounded area where everyone else is watching I see a mass of screens appear. They are all different sizes with each side boxed together. They all have a different moment of tv or movies on them, both cartoons and live action. I recognize every scene. It imparts emotion to my insides when I watch. I feel a strong emotion just looking up for the few seconds I am standing there. I feel forgiveness. I then decide to leave the room and walk through the swaying doors into the brightly lit outside sidewalk.

      I continue down the sidewalk by the street. There are still many people wearing many colours. There are also stores I don't recognize. First I think I don't have my phone because I don't feel it. Checking again just to be sure I feel it deep in my pocket but don't take it out. No one to call anyway. I wander aimlessly for a while. Finally see a goofy sciencey party type store with flamboyant decorations on the outside. There are large long balloons of various colours on the walls in a gallery type fashion. I gather it is a balloon animal store. But they also have like science museum trinkets for sale, like balls floating on air and astrolabes and globes of the earth and kites ect.

      I notice the balloons are wider than usual. I know how to make balloon animals IWL and tell the person working, who looks like a middle aged woman who is dressed like a male clown. They are entertaining another customer flicking uninflated balloons at each other. I pick one up and begin to blow it up by mouth. It inflate to 5 times the width they usually are, but they keep popping on me. The person working has gas in tanks they use to blow them up for an order they are working on. I gather they do custom orders of oversized balloon animals for parties and such. It's really a great idea. I say 'hey man I really like your store'. The worker just gives me an annoyed look out of the corner of her eye. I gather I have mis-pronouned her. But I find it silly cause I call both genders man.

      They nod knowingly so I turn to walk back out to the crowded street. The sun is setting in a gleaming glow off the glass buildings and street lamps. The street is still filled with people hustling their own directions chattering indiscriminately. I am still walking down the street when the dream fades.

      Updated 01-02-2021 at 11:20 AM by 51110

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Victorian Orphanage, Masterchef, and Freaky Fragments

      by , 12-01-2020 at 11:51 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am at a school lock-in at a large period style manor with my old classmates.
      I saw her dressed in an all black victorian style dress walking calmly, standing out in the crowd she is graceful and glancing at me out of the corner of her eye.
      We walk by each other, I notice her notice me but I do not acknowledge her as I walk slowly with my hands behind my back. I don't see her again.
      I am with a group of guys who look like power lifters wearing singlets. We are all cutting up laughing.
      We put wigs on and joke loudly about starting a strip club, girls line up for us to jokingly grind on them while trapy thump music plays in the background.
      The joke gets old.

      It's time for bed and we're all herded into different rooms. They are large dormitory style rooms only the beds are also large, some have several pillows on them.
      I don't see any open beds really so I sleep at the foot of one of the large beds.
      They are all kids now, I am unsure if I am also a kid.
      Another kid lays down next to me unaware there are pillow positions.
      I ask him if he wants the other bed next to us, he says no, I am fine with it and fall asleep anyway.
      In the morning time the old nanny-like ladies are waking us up
      We are all standing around them as the introductions are happening. There are laminated numbers hanging from the ceiling. I gather we will be here for a few weeks.
      The room starts to rotate and I see out the windows a line of coloured small circus style tents outside that the african american boys were sleeping in.
      I think I want to sleep outside the next night as the segregation is totally unfair.
      I look and most of the boys inside are african american too, I am confused.
      The caretaker (who looks like Paterson Joseph) outside tells us while standing on a ladder that this place has history and our water comes from the creek which has had slaves shitting in it for centuries and we should feel lucky to have this history in our water.
      We are all sprayed at once to shower and brush our teeth. I continued brushing my teeth after and am scolded by one of the nannies.
      The morning chores begin
      I am the oldest one so I am unsure what to do and wander around. They are preparing food in the kitchen so I offer to cut stuff up. Everyone is using their hands instead of utensils and all the counters are cutting boards.
      He hands me a few slices of pineapple to dice. I take them to a station and grab a knife. The blade has been bent twisted sideways so it is not straight holding the handle. I cut them up anyway.
      Walking around more they are spreading new concrete/floor sealer in one of the rooms and a boy is being charged with the activity with two adult guardians.
      The older guys tell me they do this every 2 days or so. The kid does a horrible job spreading as the coloured dye on top doesn't swirl right and they bash him for it.
      I tell the guys I am massage therapist and kind of the all around guy so I can do many things.
      One of them asks me about a rumour he heard about Massage therapists having all the right words to sell their craft but their skill is sometimes lacking. I go in on the topic of there being too many therapists in my state so there are plenty who don't take their practice seriously. He tells me he can tell I am smart one and we should get along just fine.

      I am in a cooking competition like master chef. Another stressful one. It is the first challenge and we are tasked with making a dish that describes us, we only have 45 minutes. We can only use the ingredients we brought with us. I wanted to braise some pork but don't have the time. I am standing next to that one bald guy with glasses and neck tattoos. Everyone is far more experienced than I am. He mentions going across the street to get some ingredients and asks if I need anything, I still haven't decided what I will cook and spend most of my time brainstorming. My box is full of frozen meat and reminds me of my deep freeze. No time to dethaw. I end up cooking some small chicken pieces that were marinaded. There is a small garnish station set up so I make a small salad like garnish on the side. I remember I have some rice as well and make a fried spanish rice in a cup form next to my chicken slices on a long plate with the leafy greens on the end. Gordon yells at me for making a salad. This is the worst meal I have made in my entire life. I am ashamed. There are maybe 20 people all at their desks in the competition. A kid who only got one vegetable on his plate ends up going home. I am relieved but still believe I am the worst one here.

      Snipers pin down me and some kids at a hilly mountainous home.
      Drama drama drama
      A mounty looking navy seal guy shows up and I task him with helping us.
      He sees the snipers and throws me his huge binoculars.
      I hold a 4 wheeler while he starts it on a hill to go to a better vantage point.
      He dies a gorey death sliding down a skiing lift cable, gets cut in half and his upper half lands on top of a cooked hog sitting on a picnic table. He screams the whole way.

      Things wind down and the house is now a run down hillbilly home with just 2 somewhat disabled people living in it.
      I walk down the driveway and they have a vendors tent set up selling only various types of plastic pencils. One of them looks like an ice cream cone and I ask if this is the only edible one.

      Updated 12-02-2020 at 12:56 AM by 51110

      memorable , dream fragment , non-lucid
    8. A Series of Menial Events

      by , 11-24-2020 at 04:21 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am with a group of people traveling, I am with an old friend who was my neighbor and we are following a van that a girl I know is driving. We follow down some dark roads and make a tricky turn into the highway, eventually we decide to stop at a motel for the night. I think we want to party but still kind of low key. As we are checking into the room I notice the adjoining room has like 15 african american young adults in it they are listening to somewhat loud music with an xbox on the TV and playing pool in the center of the room. I walk in the sliding glass door and they all stop to look at me, most of them aren't wearing shirts and I am also not wearing a shirt. I start introducing myself asking them what's up, they offer hands and I slap each of their hands going down the line saying what's up, nice to meet you, I'm Noah, what's up, what's up. They are fairly accepting and I see a kid I used to go to school with and say heey I haven't seen you in forever. I tell them he's an old friend and they are even more accepting now. I tell him we ordered some food and I would go get the pizza and come back. When I arrive back to my room there's just one girl and my other friends seem to have gone to sleep. I tell her the gist and she's down to go party with them. After I walk across the motel to pick up the food and come back I notice through sliding glass door adjoining the rooms that most all of the people are gone from the room and there's just a few older african american women sitting in the dark watching something on the tv. It is quiet and I have gathered they went to sleep. I go back to my room and tell my friend. We pull something up on the tv and get kind of tired. We lay for a while relaxing and may have dozed off for a few. I have the suspicion I may have checked the wrong room though I didn't hear anything from anywhere else. At some point I decide to walk into the next room over and it seems everyone had migrated there without me knowing. They are happy to see me again and my old friend asks me what happened, he thought I was just going to get pizza and coming back. I explained I had gone into the wrong room and assumed they had all gone to bed or left because it was quiet now. I know now it is early morning and they were just trying to be considerate. They are watching something on tv and I tell them I will be right back. I go back to my room and tell my friend of the err I have made. That they are all still over there. They just went to their other room and we are still invited. I now have a cooler to bring as well though I don't know exactly what's in it. My friend helps me carry it into the other dark room the old ladies are sleeping in, I set it on the floor next to a coffee table. I never make it back to the room with everyone else in it.

      I am with my family in my childhood home, we are quickly leaving for a trip in a hurried fashion. We all load up in the camper and I gather we are going for some type of camping trip, I haven't really packed my bags or anything but there is great momentum and it almost felt like an emergency evacuation.

      As we are driving I am still concerned about not having enough supplies or really any sort of preparedness for the trip. My cat is in the car but as we are turning I notice she somehow jumps out of the vehicle so I tell at my parents to stop the car. When I get out to retrieve her it is very muddy and I am surprised we can drive so effortlessly through the muck. I notice on the side of the road a super muddy truck with the owner no where to be seen. There are also a couple dogs that are fully submerged in the mud with only their sides showing. They feel like a stuck horse or elephant, I rush to free them from the weight of the mud and help them to their feet. They are winded but still living. I see the owner now who is also covered in mud but seems unconcerned both of his animals were almost dead in the mud. After resolving the situation I gather my cat and rejoin my parents in the camper and we resume our travels.

      My father is driving and my mother is in the passenger seat. She is smiling and assures me they are taking me to some great surprise I will thoroughly enjoy. I ask if we are ever going back home because I don't have any clothes or supplies. My dad just cocks a sideways smile and glances at me from the corner of his eye. I guess we are moving. There are about a dozen strangers in the car now of varying ages all sitting along the edges like an indian overcrowded bus, I ask my parents about all of them and they ignore me. The situation now feels intense and almost post-apocalyptic in its hurry.

      We arrive to a sort of drive-in theater which is super run down and very muddy with puddles all around. There are other families there with their campers and I gather this is where we will stay the night or at least a short time on our journey. There is a run down convenience store/shop in the center of the derelict lot.

      As we are setting up the camper my pops was rushing the set up and not doing all of the steps out of over-confidence. There are braces which need to be lowered to the ground to provide stability to the camper so it doesn't rock back and forth while people step in and out. I ask if he is going to put them down and he brushes me off, insisting it is no problem and we don't really need to. The camper is rocking and swaying with every step and feels quite unstable. I tell him I will do it for him and he continues to give me excuses for why it isn't important. The ground is too muddy, it won't reach, the lug nut is rusted, it's stuck, don't worry about it. I get down and fasten the nut with a tool and hold a heavy hammer to dislodge the nut. He tries to show me how stuck it is by tapping gently while looking at me as to prove the fruitlessness of effort. I tell him to let me try and I swing a few times very swiftly and hear the crack of the nut as it loosens and the braces begin to drop. The ground is super muddy and the brace sinks a few inches but finds some stability and fixes to the ground. I stand and the camper is stable and no longer swaying.

      The store in the center of the grounds is somewhat of a hellscape. It is super run down with hardly any supplies, broken glass everywhere, dim lights, and unidentified horrors attacking other people in the store. I don't know if I am attempting to shop or just get out, but it is night time. I am crawling on the ground and notice many shards of different colours as a crawl on top of them. Something is coming towards me but I can't identify it or it's intention. Events occur but I am unsure if the dream just collapsed or if it just transitioned to the next scene.

      The big surprise is made known to me, my parents have signed me up for MasterChef. I am now on the set surrounded by other very well esteemed chefs and none other than Ramsey himself. I feel incredibly out of place but somewhat up for the challenge. All of the other participants are well to do accomplished chefs with restaurants of their own. Gordon sits me down and has a heart to heart talk with me. He informs me he knows about my lack of experience in the professional culinary scene and that my presence was by design. I am the only amateur chef participant in this season. He encourages me and assures me he will do everything in his power to assist me to 'catch up' with the other contestants. He believes in my skill and is hopeful I will shine through the challenges that will be encountered for the duration of the show. He is honest and non-patronizing. I am grateful for his sage advice and encouragement, though during his talk to me I am made aware the first challenge has already begun. We are being shown a table side service and plating of a specific dish with specific elements which all need to be executed in a very specific order to accomplish the desired aesthetic to the dish. I am glancing back and forth between Gordon and the table side service. Attempting to be as respectful as possible while also absorbing as many details of the dish and method I can focus on. It is a super-heated white ceramic oval plate which has just been pulled out of the broiler, small chunks of protein are placed and small sprigs of asparagus tossed between matchsticks of carrots scattered with small quartered pickled beets. They are left to quickly saute on the plate before a savoury créme anglaise which is more loose than normal is poured in the corner of the dish to slightly reduce on the plate to create the final consistency to accompany the dish, there are microgreens sprinkled around the edges. I have no idea how each element was prepared other than their shape and size and the harder I look the more blurry the dish becomes. Other chefs are standing around with their notepads asking questions and taking notes from the sous chef who is presenting the service. I think of questions regarding the temperature of the plate but second guess myself not wanting to appear plebeian. Gordon is done speaking to me, he shakes my hand and gets up from the table, and informs us we have one hour to complete the challenge.
    9. clxxviii. Eggs in the fridge, Family gathering at a mall, Casino, Bone dragon hunt and twin sister

      by , 10-10-2020 at 01:04 PM
      9th October 2020


      Something about eggs and cooking or baking with them. Remember looking in the fridge and either taking or leaving four eggs. (this felt quite accurate to how the kitchen area actually looks and feels in waking life)

      There was a long dream but I left it too long and the recall faded.

      10th October 2020



      Was in some mountains. That place I had built on creative had appeared, the mountain area. I remember being of unproportional scale and trying to cover it to prevent someone else from seeing it? Something about lewd stuff being in there?

      L and S and talking. Then in a mall, aunt I was also there. Something about a mini sand castle building kit? This is back in my old home area. Vague discussion with the three of them about people and how people had lost their jobs with the pandemic. I remark on how society has set itself up for failure. My point seems understood, but not accepted, by the others.


      (still the previous fragment's dream) Roaming the town, looked like the capital. Some guy from a group or gang? In a jeep or SUV with them and my old friend JC from school. I go somewhere with them. I'm riding with them in the back but my position seems elevated. A casino. Discussing the level of peoples' intelligence. A powerful and rich woman owns this casino. I remember she wore a pearl coloured dress. She makes offerings out of kindness; food or currency? Not sure.



      Some fantasy realm. I am a female character near the end of the dream and fight a bone dragon. I trick it with a fake hostage and it hesitates, I think it was a child cooperating with me. Then I trap the dragon with a vine plant of some kind (the word heron came to mind as I wrote the notes) and I start cutting the dragon's sinew and bone methodically, using a long slicing sword.

      Before I am done, it starts to glitch or something and disappears. Then I climb up or use a platform elevator of some kind and there's another female character. She's my twin sister. She has a vivid red silk dress with gold trim, and I have a silk vivid green dress with a similar gold trim. The coloured areas have a subtle patterning but in the dream the dresses appear more western than I expect for their style.

      She had been the dragon all along and thanks me for releasing her. She tells me about how I'd set up traps in advance and other things and comments on these things. But I don't remember any of it and start to come to the conclusion I'd made myself forget for some reason. Before I could dwell on it, we jump down to the stone courtyard where the fight had occurred, and we're about to go somewhere together, but the dream ends soon after. This area had a tinting like a bathing of sunset and I remember godrays and distant castles and such-like fantasy style structures.

      - The castle areas in the last fragment remind me of Lothric from Dark Souls III, but with a more cheery look.
      - It's been a very long time since I thought about bone dragons, and it's probably the first time one has appeared in a dream.
      - The woman at the casino seemed to look like a pin-up model or just had a general style of 50s/60s to her. I think she was blonde, which matched her pearl dress.
      - There were a lot of dresses featured in these dreams, compared to normal (which tends to be 0).
      - It's not the first time I was a female character, but it's not too common either. It felt as though the character was just me though, and not that I was in a role of some kind.

      Updated 10-10-2020 at 03:31 PM by 95293

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    10. Most lucid I have ever been.

      by , 10-05-2020 at 07:41 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm talking with Diego. He says that he doesn't have any parents.

      Notes: I helped Diego with some math yesterday. I read "To Kill a Mockingbird", and just read about Dill who doesn't have a dad.

      Fragment I'm in some kind of game with lava. I need to get some kind equipment in order to pass the lava.

      Notes: My brother talked about about a game he plays where he needs some new equipment in order to proceed.

      I'm cooking Hasselback potatoes in the kitchen. Andreas E is constantly calling me just to ask me how I am. I tell him I am okey with a short reply all the times. New fragment. I'm in my room with a hose. I am shooting water in my room and try to put my thumb by the mouth of the hose in order to get a more spread out water beam. I don't succeed. My mom calls to me that everyone has to help in the new potato land.

      Notes: I read about potatoes yesterday. Andreas has been writing sometimes. I think Andreas has the role of Martin more in the dream because he constantly asks me how I am.

      I woke up 05.19 and wrote down the past dreams then. I tried to WILD and have my breath as focusing point but fell asleep.

      I'm driving our car up to our street from Albin's house. There is a stranger next to me in the car. He says that I am driving wrong but I think I'm doing it right. He keeps on telling me that I do wrong. I succeed in parking by our house.

      I'm in some kind of game where we jump on big rocks and Bowser is there. My brother is also there. I realize it's a dream and fly away. I fly to my house and there are my cousins. I have almost perfect lucidity and it feels as though I have all my IRL memories. I remember that I want to eat something good. I go to the kitchen and find Peter there. I ask him if there is anything I can eat. He takes the frying pan and show me some kind of bean mess that looks disgusting. Peter takes his hand in the food and shoves it around which makes it look even less appetizing. I don't want to eat it anymore and fly outside. Morgan and mom are there. I fly up to the tree which doesn't have any leaves in the dream. I fly around it and I feel such blissfulness. I fly in many different positions that makes me really happy. I fly on my back, stomach, I stand on my feet and fly upwards with my feet pointing up to the sky. That was really trippy. This dream has such good stabiliy and everything feels really real I think to myself. I try to fly as high as I can and above the atmosphere. Unfortunately I can't go higher than about 15 meters above the ground. There is like a soft ceiling that I can't break through. I ask the people on the ground if they want to join me. Some people start to fly modestly and carefully. I fly to the city where the dream starts to fade away.

      Notes: The flying was so easy and it made me feel amazing.

      I am in city with my friends from school. There is a big glass cage where some people stand. I become more and more lucid. I start to fly in the glass cage and look at the people. I grab two of my friends' hands and try to fly away with them. It is difficult to fly with the extra weight but I manage okey. We walk to Saltö and Gabriel talks about some kind of karate. I look at Signe and she looks different from IRL.


      Remembered some more dreams during my morning routines.

      I'm sitting on a bench in school with the school's guitar. Eni comes through the entrance with his own guitar equipment and someone behind him also has some music instruments. I tell Eni that he finally brought his own things to school. He laughs and says something about how it was time. I'm happy when I think about what we are going to play.

      Notes: I thought about how me and Eni probably isn't going to play with each other anymore some days ago.

      I'm looking at my face in some mirror and see that my right eyebrow is cut in half and that the right side of the right eyebrow is just a circle with hair on it.

      Updated 10-05-2020 at 11:43 AM by 97565

      lucid , non-lucid
    11. lxx.

      by , 01-21-2020 at 04:24 PM
      The first fragment was from yesterday, I remembered more yesterday but didn't have a chance to make note of it. The other two were from today; lost most of the dreams' information due to how the morning went.

      Dream Fragment 1:

      Something about four commanders. Was supposed to meet them? Not sure. Dream took place in some concrete parking lot type structure.

      Dream Fragment 2:

      Taking a bus, it didn't look like a normal bus and only me and someone else were in it (H?), no driver, that I can remember. We got out just before a road intersection. There was a church-like building to the right, across the road, but in the dream I knew this was in the context of a university campus or something; there were a few buildings but it mostly seemed like a village area more than anything. It was quiet outside, it was day time.

      Dream Fragment 3:

      Possibly related to the previous fragment. Cooking or preparing food whilst inside a train, but generally darker than the previous fragment. I remember distant cliffs at a lower altitude but nothing specific other than a generally arid landscape. Vague memory of desaturated blue tones. Sort of day time but not very bright.
    12. REM Rebound

      by , 11-19-2017 at 05:54 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 2:00 AM

      Woke up at: 5:00 AM

      Fell asleep again at: 6:00 AM

      Woke up AGAIN at: 10:00 AM

      Old Macdonald Had A Farm

      I remember I'm on the farm in my backyard. I'm sitting inside the fence that blocks the outside perimeter of the farm, yet in the waking world there's no fence to speak of. I think I remember taunting and messing with some of my friends and acquaintances inside the farm who, again, aren't even farmers and don't correlate to my real world understanding of them.

      I think I remember talking to a couple of my friends in the farm, but I'm drawing a blank. Then someone I know (Let's call her Carla) comes up to me and...sits on me. Uh huh. She's trying to sit down it seems, but she's really clumsy at doing so. I see up her shirt, and she's oddly chubby compared to real life.

      I scoot over so that she may sit down, and two more friends (An effeminate male named David and someone else I forgot) sit down with her. I don't bother talking with them, as I was... Well, too "flustered" to have a normal conversation after that.

      Damn Dirty Apes

      This dream I don't remember that well. It turns out I own a whole bunch of little monster things and I had to raise them akin to a pet. I hurriedly run around the house looking for something for them to eat, and I eventually find a book that covers just that.

      I open the book, it's a yellow hardcover book with instructions on how to raise those little cretins. As I read find the 'Creatures' Diet' page. Turns out they eat glitter. In disbelief, I read on, not fully convinced anything can eat glitter. As I do so however, one of the gorilla-like monsters escapes. I cower in fear, scared of the possibility of the ape coming back to, I don't know, kill me or something.

      I go to one of the windows and find an orangutan just chilling there. Suddenly it gets pulled away by a large black ape, and my panicked state increases ever more. I hide behind a couch by another set of windows. Suddenly the ape escapes the premises, and I read the cookbook again. The ingredients for monster food are as such:





      Mix these up and cook em' like a pancake and BAM! Monster food. Probably doesn't taste very good though.


      1. I had watched a lucid dreaming subliminal video not long before I went to sleep. So that might've had an effect on the vividness of these dreams or their premises in general.

      2. This is the first time I've been able to recall a dream in days, so progress i definitely being made.

      Updated 11-19-2017 at 06:01 PM by 93490

      side notes , non-lucid
    13. weird shit

      by , 03-14-2017 at 07:35 PM
      D1 - Working in a big glass building's kitchen. J is in charge of us and I am assigned to get the food supplies for all the cooks. Pissed off with this I use my powers to create a fake business card and change the dream so I have a job with another company. All the others are impressed/surprised.
      I then try and leave but can't get out of the place, all the buildings seem to close in around me. Trying to go through a building I end up trapped in a corridor that has twisted at the end. I am up again some white wooden window frames. using my powers I buzz saw through them, sparks flying.
      D2 - Watching 3rd person I see myself with someone having sex, I don't know who it is I can only see there butt lol.
      D3 - I'm in some shared dwelling and I find that the cupboard where I store my water has been used by some other resident as their toilet Oo.
      Tags: cooking, white, work
    14. Cooking

      , 02-23-2017 at 01:47 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last night bed 9pm - 4:20am

      Yesterday there was an ad - one of those videos that go fast to show you a lot in a short time. So it was a video of making chicken calabrese. Looked good!

      I made chicken calabrese. Stuffed with cheese and something else. We were all eating it. My dad came home later and also had some.
      Tags: cooking, food
    15. Making fire

      , 01-03-2017 at 03:50 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Dream at 12:35am

      1. There is some kind of a huge building construction. I fly up and there is something about stamps wrapped up in wrapping paper.

      2. Now I'm going to a river and I'm pulling out people that escaped from a fire that I see burning on the other side of the river. When i say I see smoke, the smoke starts rising and it's getting stronger.

      3. I'm showing someone how I practice making fire. How it's easy. I put a hand on some piece of wood and I make it char. There is no fire or smoke smell when I sniff it. Then I focus some more and I make flames come out and smoke that changes color based on what I want it to look like.

      4. I'm in a kitchen, my store director is cooking there too. I ask what else I can help with. She says I was suppose to start the tamales, but I didn't. I tell her yes I did and I show her a pot of stuff with green sauce and bag of corn tortillas. I wash my hands in the pot of green sauce and I'm mortified that she saw me and why in the world would I do that. I think of an excuse: If I'm to work tomales with my hands, I better have them coated with that sauce.
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