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    1. Hotel Horrer - Rotten Corpses

      by , 11-15-2024 at 07:17 PM
      I rode my bike to this hotel that was nearby to sit and do homework. The hotel was located near a beach. The hotel building itself wasn't too eye-catching but the surroundings expressed a sense of Nordic summer beauty. Behind the hotel was a forest with flourishing wild nature, and in front of the hotel was a large area filled with chairs and grey parasols. The weather was warm but not too hot, as it was kept in balance by the occasional chilly wind. The sun was shining with no clouds in the sky and the atmosphere was generally very comfortable. The hotel was very lively, with people walking around and some just relaxing in the chairs or at the beach.

      Most days I would go to the hotel to do homework and go back home to my student accommodation at the end of the day. But today I was at the hotel with the rest of my family to participate in some weird beach activity where we would ride dolphins. It almost ended with some of us getting eaten by sharks though.

      Later that same day, a little girl was sitting under a parasol with her grandma and they offered me a sandwich that was wrapped in white wrapping paper. I accepted it but didn't eat it immediately, and eventually forgot about it.
      I went back to my student accommodation and arrived at the hotel the next day. The atmosphere felt very ominous. The sky was light grey, it was slightly chilly and only a few people were at the hotel, besides that there were a bunch of policemen and an ambulance with medics standing around someone. I walked closer to see what was going on. I saw the drowned and semi-rotten corpses of the grandma and little girl who had given me that sandwich the other day. Their skin had a slight green tint to them, like they were moulding from the inside. Their skin was also torn with some visible flesh. It would be fairly unpleasant to see, but it didn't bother me much and I just went home with my family who were still there for some reason. Everything hotel-related took place outside, I never entered the hotel.

      So we got home and I went to the kitchen and closed the door behind me. I turned forward to see the little girl's and grandma's rotten corpses sitting while laying over the kitchen table. My heart sank, I felt intensely sick and scared. I tried calling for my parents but the words couldn't leave my mouth. I was stuttering too much and couldn't raise my voice at all. I then noticed the sandwich they gave me lying on the table. I slowly walked over to the table and slightly touched it.
      As soon as I touched it, the corpses start impulsively shaking, like they were getting electrocuted. The sudden movement shocked me. As they continued shaking I saw the grandmas eyes start to move, and she locks eyes with me. It was like a scene out of a horror movie. I was terrified and ran to the living room.

      When I got to the living room I saw my mom standing there, she was slightly leaning forward while holding her face with her palms, groaning. I noticed she was rapidly rotting and drying up, I also saw my sister in another room experiencing the same thing. I quickly ran to my little brothers room to see a completely shrivelled up and rotten corpse. He was dead. My whole family was dead. I then for some reason knew the grandma was gonna come to kill me. The fear of getting hunted down mixed with the overwhelming grief I felt in my heart was so unbearable that i quickly grabbed a knife and stabbed myself in the stomach to end the suffering.
      Then I woke up.

      Please comment your thoughts!

      Updated 11-17-2024 at 03:49 PM by 102033

    2. Dream Journal Day 15: Night of Tuesday 05.12.2023

      by , 12-16-2023 at 01:33 AM
      I didn't remember this one at all when I woke up, which was disappointing. But then I was reading in the morning and came across a scene which involved a severed head. I thought of the head and then I thought 'Taxidermy' and everything came back to me. This dream was so strange. The second part wasn't at all gory to experience but I suppose it could make some feel queasy.

      Fragment 1:

      I remember being in a boarding house with classmates from school. The building has two floors and is painted white or grey all over. There are no lights on and the sky outside is dim white, so inside it's shadowy. It's just us here, no host.

      My room is on the ground floor and I step outside into a long hallway. The doors too are smooth and white, with pull-down handles. Recessed inside their frames they are dark with shadow. I walk past a pink laundry basket and up the single flight of stairs.

      The upper floor is just as shadowy and plain. I pass along the hallway by closed white doors. At the end of the hallway is a dark, empty room with a window on the opposite wall and off to the side a doorless doorway into another empty space. In the wall opposite the doorway are two white doors, and one in the adjacent wall, all closed. I see two of my friends come out of this latter door. They are laughing and carrying a laundry basket.

      Fragment 2:

      I arrive at my street with a friend from school, we get out of the car. I see that there are two naked corpses, each splayed out face down on top of two cars which are next to one another. One of those cars - the blue one - might be mine, the other is grey. My friend has some reason for these being here. She wants to preserve the corpses so I offer to help her. I take a short scaffolding pole out of the boot of the car and push it into the anus of the nearest body. It enters cleanly and easily with a long part still sticking out. She pushes another into the other end of the body. I'm not clear about this part - in the dream I was sure this was the vagina, but it can't have been, more likely the mouth. But I'm sure it wasn't the mouth. I'm not sure these bodies even have heads. I suppose that's dream logic. At the end of this process poles stick out of both ends of the body, as if it has been impaled.

      She asks if I'll help her with the other one too. I look down at the pole I now have in my hand. The pole is dented at the end and has some smudged black marks on it so I tell her it might not be suitable - I'm worried about it causing an infection. I walk up to my house leaving her to finish up on her own.

      Outside the open door of my house I stand talking to my mum. She looks out and asks me what that's all about. After a moment's thought I tell her that my friend is interested in taxidermy.

      Looking back I can see that both corpses have now been 'impaled'. From here they seem in a sort of spread-eagle position, toes pointed and arms stretched backwards, faces looking up.

      Day 14 (Night of Friday 01.12.2023) is too fragmented to merit an entry.

      Updated 12-16-2023 at 01:37 AM by 100434

      Tags: car, corpse, dim, doors, white
      memorable , dream fragment , non-lucid
    3. Rotting Corpse and My Acting Career!

      by , 04-16-2023 at 02:22 PM
      Had two dreams the other night, one non lucid and one lucid! It's been a veeery long time since I've had a proper memorable lucid dream, I only wish this one was as fun as all my others have been.

      Non Lucid:
      Not really a lot happened in this dream, but it was disturbing nonetheless. I'm sitting on my bed, shirtless, looking down at myself. I notice a few faint bruises forming along my torso, and wonder what I'd done to myself. I shrug it off as me being clumsy, as I do easily bruise all the time, until I look back down again. The bruises are getting darker and larger in real time, going from pale brown patches to dark, almost black, purple bruises that cover majority of my body. I can't do anything but stare in horror as the black trauma on my skin is slowly beginning to become indents, as if it was loose. Then, I'm watching as the skin is rotting off of my body. I'm becoming a corpse before my very eyes, and all I can do is watch.

      As soon as I fall asleep, I'm thrown into a sterile white corridor, surrounded by a team of people. Some of them are carrying clipboards and wearing all kinds of equipment, while a few others have stage makeup on, like they're straight out of an action movie. We're walking quickly down the corridor and everyone's talking as if something important's going on. Instantly, I know I'm dreaming, but I'm completely freaked out by the fact that I'm in a place I don't recognise, surrounded by people I've never met who are all acting like I'm important. Not only that, but I look down and realise I'm not in my own body. I suss out the situation and, as I'm listening to what the people around me are saying, figure out I'm in the body of an actor who's got a very climactic scene to shoot in about 5 minutes.
      As we continue walking down the corridor, I grab another actor who's in the same scene as me and try my hardest not to sound crazy. I'm trying to explain to her that I'm not the actor they're looking for and instead someone who's asleep, who got mixed up in the situation, and that I need her help. And for some reason, she believes me! Either that or the person I'm pretending to be has got a sense of humour. She tells me no one else on the team will believe me, so I've just got to play along, but she'll help me to the best of her ability.

      We then enter a room, with the producers walking off leaving just the other actors and I by ourselves to do a last minute run through of the script before the big scene. I remember trying my hardest to concentrate to change the dream, because at this point I'm so unbelievably stressed out over the fact I'm not myself and I'm about to ruin the biggest moment of this tv show because I have no idea what's going on. Usually trying to switch to another dream works, but this time I just find myself stuck. I go up to the woman who I was previously talking with and start begging her for the script, because if I'm going to bomb this I might as well make an effort to look like an actor. Another actor overhears me and comes up to me confused, telling me that I should definitely not need the script by now because we're just about to get on set. The woman makes up an excuse for me and goes and quickly gets a script for me to read my lines from, but as the two of us are looking at it, she tells me this is an old version of the scene. All I remember is freaking out, before waking up. I never got to get on set.

      The first dream honestly did not bother me like I now think it should have. When I first woke up after it I didn't even bat an eye, but after writing it out I realise it's a lot more gruesome than I gave it credit for. And in the second, it's honestly kind of pathetic that I spent my first long lucid dream in the past few months stressing over an imaginary problem that I knew was happening in a dream, before waking myself up from the amount of stress I was in. I've really got to do counselling or something....

      Updated 04-16-2023 at 02:25 PM by 99949

      lucid , memorable
    4. Missed Lucid

      by , 12-20-2021 at 10:39 PM
      Last night's dreams involved a bit more blood/gore than usual. I have had these kinds of dreams after taking valerian or vitamin b-6, but I didn't have either last night. I did take 50mg of Benadryl, which might have had something to do with it. Or it might have just been a fluke. I don't remember seeing anything more gruesome than usual during the day.

      Should have been lucid

      I'm somewhere, there seems to be a lot of people around. I see a glass case with a sign inside that says something involving the word "dream". I look suspiciously at this, thinking it looks a lot like something from a dream. I do a nose pinch reality check, but for some reason I'm having trouble. The trouble is either that I can't pinch my nose all the way closed, or there are too many people around for me to want to stand there holding my nose, or something. Anyway, I give up on the nose pinch (for pandemic related issues, I avoid touching my nose in public, obviously). I pull out my phone instead to look at the numbers, I think. Now I'm having trouble reading what's on my phone. But I still don't become lucid at this point. Whether or not I eventually did, I don't remember.

      Bloody Murder

      A story/movie plot (?) involving vampire-like things. Or maybe just a murderer. I think there is some bloody scenes. This may or may not be a part of the dream fragment involving popcorn:


      I want to buy some popcorn. Someone else (my mother?) and I are in a concession stand/store where many different kinds of popcorn are being sold. I'm putting together a bag of various flavors, and I think I decide to do mainly cheese flavors. There seems to be some disagreement with the shop owner.

      Rotting corpse

      Something about having a dead body laying around. I think about how people move dead bodies outside (or bury them maybe?) and how that might be because they start to attract worms and such after a while. There are some gruesome scenes of maggot/worm/bugs infesting a corpse.
      Tags: blood, corpse, food
    5. cclxxxii. Breaded chicken business and cooking,

      by , 06-09-2021 at 11:09 AM
      9th June 2021


      I'm in an office building. It's day time and there's lots of light coming through a skylight. At different points I'm different people. It's quite busy here. Something about making a breaded fried chicken enterprise (i.e. a joint business) and physically half making it and the other half being bought from a unique source. I remember myself scraping some chicken off one of our blue kitchen plates into something else, like for cooking.


      (Several dream sequences but recall fragmented.)

      One sequence about Q?

      Another bit near the end of a dream, I'm walking through some kind of cavern. It's dark but I might have some kind of light source. Someone else is here with me, following me? I am looking for something, an exit maybe. The cavern is not straight or flat at any point. I walk past corpses on or next to mattresses. Maybe some are alive, but either way, they're related to some previous part of the dream. I think I was trying to lead a bunch of people and they didn't like my ideas or what I was doing, which was why I ended up in the caverns.

      Something about shooting some objects with H, but not sure what we used. Some kind of explosions were supposed to happen from the objects being shot.


      - I went to the bathroom and got back in bed with a WBTB intent after the first recalled fragment.

      - I went to bed at night with intents about lucidity and waking up in the middle of the night.
    6. 6 Oct: Crime in the Arctic Circle

      by , 10-06-2020 at 10:32 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening astral projection

      I am a detective with a colleague working on a case somewhere in the Arctic Circle, on a small community. It's freezing hell and locals found a body near the coast. We try to collect some evidence, but the body is completely frozen and we can't do shit and nobody seems available to pick it up to the morgue. Then someone warns us of a polar bear coming towards us and we have to run. The bear goes to the corpse with the intention of eating it, we try to scare him away but then a pack of wolves comes from another direction and we just have to give up. Next day we find bits and pieces of the corpse, like an arm and a foot.

      Later on I am somewhere in Africa visiting some friends, but on arriving at their place, I encounter dozens of lions and lionesses either roaming around or lying down in groups here and there. I jump inside a car that is parked just outside their house and call out to someone. But their door is open and I fear the worst. I drive around and find more people I know and bring them in safely into the car. We are packed like sardines and some lions get more aggressive, so we get out of there.

      Updated 10-12-2020 at 08:30 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. cxlix. Duplicitous family & Arresting myself

      by , 09-01-2020 at 02:20 PM
      9th August 2020

      Fragment (DFLN thread):

      Part of a long dream, the last part revolved around this kid with autism and he'd made an explosion or something. He lived in a mansion all on his own? And he had a rich dad?

      I remember at some point there was a fireman and he was the one that told me all about the kid. When he told me the story I felt sorry for the kid somehow. Then the kid had an older brother who was just a nasty and petty and by the end of the dream the kid with autism had been faking it all along and his whole family was mean and petty.

      I remember H was with me for most of the dream.

      As I mentioned in the DFLN thread:

      Quote Originally Posted by DarkestDarkness
      To be honest waking up to this dream was a bit disappointing, I had a carrying-over feeling of being disillusioned in people as I became more awake but eventually overcame that through the day.

      10th August 2020

      Dream (DFLN thread):

      Recall only the end of the dream, but it was still a long sequence.

      I was a police character and I was going somewhere I'd already been to earlier in the dream. The dream was sort of cycling, or repeating, in some way? I'd come here before but as Homer Simpson with Bart. We'd been looking for Marge.

      In any case, as the policeman now, I went to this spot to pick someone up, who was already in handcuffs and escorting a woman. This place was in a very busy mall, there were loads of people.

      I picked up a police cap off the floor, I knew intuitively that it was mine somehow. I undid and then redid the prisoner's cuffs. Though I don't remember the prisoner character's actual looks, I picked up a wallet which resembled my wallet from waking life. In it, there was a photo of me, but I didn't realise that it was a photo of me. This was who the prisoner was, some "me". So I took him, by the cuffs and we walked down some stairs. Nobody was phased by me as a policeman taking this man in cuffs through the mall.

      The mall visually resembled one from my early childhood. This other "me" who I had in custody was being accused of rape, or something?

      At some point, I realised better I was holding my police cap in one hand, I hadn't put it back on yet. I remember H's voice at some point and I was talking back in normal dialogue, but H was not physically present. We were discussing typical police caps, and the fact that they have them on at all times, pretty much.

      Eventually, as I was walking, the prisoner was not a person anymore but instead a corpse in a body bag. I don't remember how this transition happened. But I remember as I realised this, the body inside the bag went floppy and heavy and I had to adjust my grip. I remember feeling the cuffs on a bony corpse through the bag and I just carried on carrying the body bag in a more dignified way than I had been initially. I woke up while I was still walking.
    8. Corpse at the Bottom of the Stairs

      by , 07-16-2018 at 09:10 AM
      Morning of July 16, 2018. Monday.

      My dream takes place in a new variation of our present home. There is an unknown male present, though I do not perceive him as an intruder. There is an awareness of the Rose Street apartment, which eventually fuses into the setting as our present house is then on the second floor.

      An unknown male comes up the staircase into our home, and this male, I do see as an intruder. (It is the personification of RAS.) I non-lucidly modulate my dream and force him out. Other people are present for a time. (My perception is not clear due to non-lucidly modulating over RAS before the ultradian rhythm peak, as I went to sleep about an hour later than I usually do.)

      Before the preconscious avatar leaves my dream, I see him down in an alley, which is reminiscent of where Dennis (older half-brother on my mother’s side) lived in La Crosse years ago. I stay on the second floor at this time. There appears to be someone on their back in the alley, and this causes the preconscious avatar to run off. I am uncertain if it is a person or an arrangement of clothes and boots. I see a couple of other unknown people. “Is there anyone in there,” I ask. I am asking the others if there is someone “inside” the arrangement of clothing.

      Very curiously, Harriet Madeley (as Scarlett in “Waking David” from 2016), as the interconsciousness avatar, walks into our lounge room from the front door. (I do not become lucid at any point. I only remember the autosymbolic factors and dynamics of the dream state, of which I have often used to non-lucidly control my dream since I was a toddler. However, as I said above, my ultradian rhythm is skewed, altering my potential status of lucidity.)

      I follow Harriet, who takes on nuances of Zsuzsanna without my dream self being aware of this. We slowly walk down the stairs, which is difficult because each step has boxes and miscellaneous items on it. My dream becomes more and more vivid as I walk down the stairs, about four steps behind her.

      We are in what seems to be an outside area near the bottom of the stairs. I see what appears to be a corpse. The body is on its back. I associate it with Kristy Bruce (as Amy from “Waking David” - though she did not die in the movie). My dream starts to become more vivid as I gaze at it. Harriet, walking away, cheerfully says something about the corpse’s status and its identity. I do not recall what she said. I consider if it is a real corpse or street art. I wonder if it is papier-mâché. Her face is flat and skull-like, covered with wrinkled yellow skin. There is somewhat of an eerie feeling but no sense of fear. I slowly wake.

      The movie title “Waking David” had been on my mind (though did not dominate my thoughts), which had produced much of my dream’s autosymbolism. The interconsciousness is probably laughing at me for not perceiving the associations. It is presently very rare for me to use a staircase and not become lucid. I have used this factor in RAS mediation since I was a toddler. The corpse was autosymbolism for both my lack of lucidity and the inactivity of my physical body. The vestibular system correlation of using the staircase as a typical trigger to vivify and sustain the dream state was not as focused as it usually is, which was represented by the clutter on the steps. Factors of lucidity mainly stem from ultradian rhythm. (This is apparently why the WBTB method works for some who need to “attempt” to become lucid). I do not use so-called reality checks, as it biologically corrupts the purpose of the reticular formation and my dream self is not my conscious self identity. Additionally, it stabilizes my dream where I then think I am awake, so it does not work for me. The hand trick does not work either. If I suspect I am dreaming, my hands become more realistic and tangible, the opposite of what others claim.

      Readability score: 68. Correctness of writing: 100. Intellectual value: 75.

      Tags: corpse, staircase
    9. [22-07-2016]

      by , 07-22-2016 at 08:12 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in a haunted house. It was a two storey building, or rather what was left of it after a fire. I was in a room upstairs, wandering around to find any weapons or ways out. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming from downstairs. The stairs were still intact, just slightly damaged. I looked there and saw a charred corpse coming in my direction. Then I turned into a wraith and flied around burnt rooms, looking for my prey. I found someone walking downstairs, it was a woman. She had dark hair and pale complexion. She tried to run away from me, but I was flying quicker. I finally caught her and strangled to death.

      Suddenly I found myself in my backyard, it was an evening. I was heading towards place behind barn. I was holding a big pig in my hands. There was a fireplace lit up, but it wasn't my destination. I went there with that pig and started dancing tango with it (and I have to say that the pig wasn't a bad dancer). When I finished, I thought "Ok, I've just danced with a pig. Now what?"

      Suddenly someone drove there with a car - it was mother with two of my sisters, they had some bags to which we started taking litter.
    10. 19/2/2016

      by , 02-19-2016 at 08:17 AM
      1) It feels like Victorian times. I'm stitching up a corpse ready for burial doing a complicated suture up the chest. I'm in an old stone building. At one point a woman is watching me, she's been watching me for a while so I follow her and eventually see her face, I'm satisfied that she is nothing to worry about as she disappears through a door. I'm back to sewing up the corpse - I certified him dead, but then I see his face move and realise I got it wrong and he is actually still alive.
      From here the dream becomes a nightmare. The corpse vanishes and I feel an evil presence behind me as if he has come back from the dead and start to feel very afraid. I tell myself it's a nightmare and that I have to face it (I'm not lucid but some sort of memory about facing your fears in a dream) and it's not real. Then I wake up. AT LAST A HINT OF LUCIDITY?!?!

      2) I knock a pint of beer onto myself whilst seated at a table. My immediate thought is 'who did that?' then I realise it was myself. Then I have walked to a different location and I find myself talking to a woman about the spilt drink as if her child had spilt it over me and saying it's ok. Looking behind her I see a glass screen and realise that we are at a holiday camp and I tell her that we aren't here this year but have booked to come for a whole week next year.

      3) Another dream - I woke up after and remembered it well but didn't write any reminders down! All forgotten now.

      4) I'm in a queue with 2 female characters (?family) and we are waiting to have XRays taken. A woman is stood at a desk checking us in, collecting valuables and shoes. Eventually it's my turn. I ask her if I need to hand in my watch and she decides that I should so I give her my watch and shoes. She calls a doctor, we go together to a really bright airy carpeted room. I have a pot plant with me and explain that it's not well and I thought I should get it looked at. I give him the pot plant it's covered in a plastic bag with insects all over it. He puts the pot plant on the floor and gets ready to Xray it.

      5) In my old consulting room chatting to a patient. He is telling me about a good new garden centre. I find myself explaining in detail why I won't be going there because I don't work here any more. I remember looking around the room seeing a lot of detail and having a very detailed discussion.

      Updated 02-19-2016 at 08:20 AM by 88643

      non-lucid , nightmare
    11. The Haunted Pirate Ship

      by , 07-23-2015 at 03:12 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #455 - DILD - 1:12AM

      I am on a haunted pirate ship and become lucid. I try to sink the ship by biting sections of it, but eventually find the remainder of a dead body. My wife helps me take the body out as I find the teeth in my mouth. I spit them out and wake up.
      I am trying to ship from some type of pirate ship. I have an encounter with a ghost that doesn't seem too scary, but then another ghastly one pops out of a wall and scares me. I jump back and find myself on the shore. I see P from work and I say something about only being able to take that in small doses. My heart is racing and take a moment to calm down. I notice that I am holding book and must have had my head in there. I actually enjoyed having such a vivid fright now that it's over.

      I walk down a long deck and get back on the pirate ship. I need to find the source of the haunting so all of this will stop. I think maybe I should sink the ship, but as I am walking around the deck I realize that I must be dreaming. The dream almost fades here, but I focus visually on the ocean and the dock below. Everything becomes much more vivid and I continue on my way.

      I wonder around many areas of the ship still caught up in the plot and trying to find a way to end the haunting. I see a section of piping coming out of a wall and wonder if I could just eat the ship apart. I bite the piping several times, but only feel as though me teeth pass through and clamp down on nothing. I give up and wonder to the aft of the ship.

      My lucidity slips and I somehow find myself standing outside the ship and I open it like a car trunk. Water spills out along with bags of human remains. There is blood and gore mixed in and I decide that if we free this poor person the haunting will stop. My randomly shows up and helps me out. As some point I stop because I somehow get the corpse's teeth in my mouth. I spit them out with gooey blood into the water. I'm in shock as I watch the teeth float with globs of blood as I start to wake up.

      Another super long dream about a boy meeting with Godzilla, but the police want to control the meeting. I help the boy try to avoid the police as Godzilla comes on a train. There is a confusing run from the cops and the boy gets away, but I am caught. I sit in a chair surrounded by some tough looking guys. They tell me this is my life now and I accept it.

      My wife wants to buy a house, but we have some agreement to stay a night before we decide. The more I look my more ridiculous things I find wrong with the house. I make the decide not to buy the house and my wife is very upset. I tell her that I might be able to over look a few things if it wasn't in town. I push the point that we need to actually sell our house first.

      Updated 07-23-2015 at 03:17 AM by 5967

    12. 04.03.13 - Massive Zombie Horde

      by , 03-04-2013 at 06:32 PM (MysticalDipshit's Archive of Epic Dreams)
      Total sleep: 7 hours
      Daytime Techniques: RC’s
      Lucid Techniques: N/A
      Recall Techniques: DJ
      Fell Asleep: 5.30am

      Dream Title: Massive zombie horde
      Its day time and I am walking along some grass. To my left, which for some reason is the way I am facing, is a red brick wall. As I pass an Army truck someone - I’m not sure who – appears next to me. They hold up part of a corpse as we continue to walk, and it is quite bloody. I stop and turn around, pulling a weird face.

      “What the hell is that?”

      “We can take it and use it as food, because no-one seems to like deer, and it’ll help instead of cereal.”

      “Oh, good point.”

      There is a time skip, and now it is completely dark, like we are in the middle of a field somewhere. Groups of people are stood in the backs on large trucks, and behind us I can see lights shining on the floor around the building that looks like a pretty strong compound. I have no idea why everyone isn’t inside it, it looks quite safe. The trucks are also parked inside a mesh fence, and the drivers have really strong torches. It is extremely cold, and I can see the water vapour coming out of people’s mouths when they breathe.

      Anyway, we all hear a noise, and turn around. As far as we can see (Which isn't that far because it's REALLY dark…), there are bodies. Hundreds of thousands of them are lit up but the moon that magically appears behind them, and the strong torches pick out the details of the closer ones. Their purple skin seems to almost glow in the light. So they begin to push as hard as against the fence. Obviously, the hundreds of thousands of bodies managed to easily get through the mesh fence. Realizing that a massacre was about to take place, I quickly vaulted over the side of the truck and hit the floor. My vision zoomed in on an electric fence at the other side of the compound, but there was a hole in it. I started running towards it, and as I got closer, the hole got bigger. There were also every few zombies around this side. As I got to the fence, I jumped, curled myself into a ball and jumped through the hole. I hit the floor and rolled, coming to my feet with a rod of metal in my hand. I must’ve got it from the hole, but I hit a zombie with it and it does some serious damage.

      Looking back, I notice a small building just back inside. It would only be a few metres width and length. Deciding to check it out, I step back inside and go into the building. When I get inside, there is a faint purple glow, and the surfaces of every area in it are like a white metal. Through a hole in the wall, I see a girl from my school, holding out her hand. I know I have to help her, but at that moment, my head teacher walks in. He looks like of zombie-ish and he walks really slowly, but somehow the girl and the hole manage to disappear. He doesn’t spot me either.
      The dream ends here because I was woken by my parents.

      Awake: 6.45am
      Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness) 12/15 it was mega vivid. The light shining over the horde in the middle of the night, and generally the graphics of the whole dream were amazing
      Awareness: (1-10; or lucid) 2/10
      Length: (how long it felt like) 10 minutes
      Emotions: I didn’t feel much in this dream, apart from being really cold, and having a kind of adrenaline rush when I jumped through the hole in the electric fence.
      Dream Signs/tags: corpse, zombies, purple, vivid
      non-lucid , memorable
    13. The hallway.

      by , 01-13-2013 at 01:32 PM
      I'm walking down a long hallway. It is reddish yellow and more like a square duct terminating in a wooden door. I remembered that to enter a lucid dream one of the resources is to assume that all doors lead to lucid dreaming. I open the door to another hallway that has doors on both sides. I travel the corridor quickly and looked toward those rooms. In each one there seems to be corpses (I guess), but everything happens very quickly because I move too fast almost like flying. Semi-lucid and confusing dream.
      Tags: corpse, hallway
    14. 19 Oct: Colbert & death

      by , 10-19-2011 at 02:07 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening


      Stephen Colbert
      I'm with Stephen Colbert. Don't recall what happened previously, but I'm stealing a kiss from him. He retracts, embarassed. He tells me he is married and can't do that, to which I reply that he shouldn't worry, because it's only a fantasy. I tell him I had recently a fantasy with Jon Stewart to. [Does this make me a freak or a geek???]
      He relaxes and says "ok then", but to take it slow. He tells me he needs to finish writing a bit of a comics book on a super-hero version of him. I ask "but you're just writing the story, right? someone else will draw the actual comics?" and he says "yes, of course". Then he shows me a doll of the super-hero character, all muscled but with his face. He looks like a kid, really amused with it and he says "you know, the doll is anatomically complete." and he pulls the doll's pants down and it has a plastic penis that lifts up. I goggle with surprise.


      I forget a briefcase full of documents of a friend inside a bus. I go back to that bus to get it, but the driver said some lady found it and kept it, in case I'd come looking for it. He delivers me her address. It is a kindergarten, for children of different ages. It is very nice. The kids have cool things to play with. The lady is a teacher there. I talk to her and she wants 15 dollars to return me the briefcase. I'm shocked and I tell her the documents are not worth the money and I'm not willing to pay. I ask if I can use the toilet, to let her think about it for a while and she points me to an outside cabin on some terrace between big rocks that surround the building.

      From the cabin window I see people on top of the rocks and I feel curious and go up there to. It is a big cliff and on the other side is the ocean. Way down there is some beach resort. I see lots of young people having fun and swimming. I start becoming half-lucid and wonder what all this is about. Then I hear a loud siren and everything changes. Everybody looks sad, saying the time has come. They all walk to the top of the cliff, near where I stand.
      I see to my side three gutters, kind of water slides, going straight to the edge of the cliff. And people are lining up, laying down on them, their bodies becoming really stiff and lifeless as they slide 'till they fall of the cliff.
      One of the gutters has water flowing and takes the bodies on a cascade to the water below. The second gutter takes the bodies with a flow of air and they simply free fall on the water below. The third gutter throws the bodies against a ramp of rocks, before they crash on the water below.
      An old couple is saying goodbye. She thinks she is the only one going and leaving her beloved behind, but once she is on one of the gutters, he follows her by lying down on another gutter. She screams "nooo!" but he says it is his time to go to, because without her he has no more reasons to live.
      Conveyor belts come from under water on the bay below. They recover the bodies and take them up to a kind of disassembly line. First the bodies are chopped up and I see hands, feet, heads... Then the parts are skinned and I see the muscles, bones and tendons exposed. Then they are incinerated and I see carbonized body parts and then ashes. It all comes together as a punch in the stomach. The people who I had seen minutes before, breathing and speaking and loving, had been stripped down by the
      four elements - earth, water, fire and air - and reduced to dust.
      I experienced the most visceral comprehension ever of the ephemerous nature of life and of the inevitability of death.

    15. 21st July 2011

      by , 07-29-2011 at 11:04 PM
      I am in a house, or maybe a abandoned warehouse. I am upstairs and I am looking around, I can see that there is no furniture here and it looks abandoned, it's pretty dark, there are no lights on. I am with a young boy, he is only about 11 or 12. I look about because I can hear a noise coming from somewhere, I am walking towards the stairs, I am now stood at the top of them. The noise is coming from them so I look about and inbetween the wall and the stairs i see a rectangular piece of hollow metal, I look a bit closer and realise that air is being blown from it, I am thinking that it may be some sort of air conditioning vent or something. I turn round and walk back into the center of the room, I am now standing next to the young boy. I see small ghost like figures that are starting to surround us. I look to my left and see a shadowy figure move quickly past and dissapear behind a box or something. It's still quite dark and I really can't see very well atall. Me and the young boy are now screaming our lungs out, I am petrified of these ghostly figures, I am holding the boy trying to keep him and myself safe. I can feel the ghost like creatures touching my arse, they are grabbing at it tightly and it's scaring me. They are all around us and are trying to scare us. I look forward and I am looking into the room that adjoins ours, it is bright in the center of the room, like a bright area of light. I can see a lady in the room where the light is, she is sitting on a wooden chair. She is an oldish lady, her clothes are colourfull and she has short grey curly hair. She is calling to the boy, she says " call out your Mothers name and they will be gone" The boy shouts back "NO!". I grab him and shake him, I am now scared out of my wits I scream to him "tell me her name, say her name" again he says "NO" I drag the boy and take him to the lady in the next room, I say to her " Maybe you can get it out of him so i'll leave it to you" She says to him over and over " say your mothers name " , he is screaming really badly, it sounds nasty and angry then out of nowhere he yells "ROACH" I think "bingo, thats it" I am now yelling "ROACH, ROACH" I am saying it louder directly to his face, he begins to scream painfully louder, I am looking at him and his body begins to dry up and wrinkle, suddenly he falls to the floor, I am shocked and I am looking at him, he is now just a dried up corpse, he is grey in colour. I am looking around and notice that all the ghost like creatures have now gone, I look back to the lady and she smiles to me. I am now walking towards the stairs, I am stepping carefully down them as it's still quite dark. The stairs is made from concrete there is no carpet on them. I get to the bottom and am now looking into the room infront of me, I see blue...it's a man but just the top half of him, he isn't human he is like ice and he is very wide, the edges of him are pointed and his eyes are very bright. I am again petrified, I think he is one of the bad ones but then he smiles to me. He is pointing to a board that is on the wall to his right, it has like diamonds or small red lights around it. He says something to me but I can't remember what, I think it was something like "see you won!". He looks very scary but he's not, he's actually really nice like the other lady.
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