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    1. Night of 4/13/24

      by , 04-15-2024 at 01:52 AM (Dreamlog)
      Hazy Maze Cave:
      I'm in a large space reminiscent of hazy maze cave from Super Mario 64.
      I'm with Azula, Mai and Ty Lee from Avatar the Last Airbender.
      I've won a battle and hooking up with Azula is the prize. Fairly vivid.

      Elsewhere in the cave there is another large open section with more openings on the left and the right. The further one has a portal or time-related effect. Stuck in time.
      I find some old stuff of mine there.

      I’m leaving my car and walking through the parking lot to get to work. There is an escort standing by the turnstile with some pen and paper. She wants to give me her name and number.
      I already have a sheet of paper and make a weak excuse. She fills her's out instead.
      My hands are full with stuff and I finally struggle through the turnstile. My coworker B’s wife, J, asks me if I have my ant colony and my ant friend with me.
      I quickly say yes, but then realize I don’t. Annoyed, I make my way back through the turnstile and head to my car.

      Updated 04-15-2024 at 01:55 AM by 99808

    2. Night of 4/11/24 (Comp Night 14, Final)

      by , 04-12-2024 at 09:10 PM (Dreamlog)
      Before WBTB

      The Deal:
      I'm in a haunted house, a sort of Scooby-Doo scenario with a group of people my age.
      We’re in a room with fake doors, foam blocks cut up and filled into chasms. I start trying to feel out the walls, looking for fakes.
      I'm out in front leading the group because this type of thing doesn't really bother me.
      We get to the end of a hallway and there is a pantry. We all fill into the small room and I end up behind a woman.
      I understand that this woman can see smell. I engage with some NSFW stuff with this woman.
      Later, somebody says “things aren't so different after all”.

      We’re in the front yard of the mansion and we are trying out keys to several gates.
      I try one and clearly the key is wrong, but the door can be forced open. The group decides we shouldn't win this way.
      My coworker L is here and he has made a deal with a friend. The friend eventually shows up from inside the mansion but L is asleep on a bench now.
      The group moves away, not wanting to deal with the rough looking guy, but I stay.
      The guy starts going through L's jean pocket back looking for money. I keep watch.
      L wakes and catches him. L gets mad and starts threatening to kick his ass, but it seems like the deal was OK.

      After WBTB:

      I’m in a destroyed house, similar to the inn at Westfall from WoW but smaller.
      I’m chasing an animated character from a show I'm watching.
      Eventually I catch her and we start some NSFW stuff.
      I wake up pretty turned on.

      Something about being in a gas station store.

      Updated 04-15-2024 at 01:53 AM by 99808

    3. Night of Monday 2/12/24

      by , 02-13-2024 at 05:35 PM (Dreamlog)
      Odd Jobs:
      I'm approved on a trial-basis to work for one of my coworkers, N.
      The gig is 'odd jobs' such as carrying furniture for people, or giving rides home to drunk people from bars.
      I'm in a camp-like area with a central mess hall for group eating. It reminds me of band camp a little.
      White glove-like symbols are marked over doors, indicating potential jobs.
      There is a sense of secrecy to it.
      The other people in the work-group are mechanic-types and long-established in the work.
      I'm a new-comer and feel isolated, especially since I'm the only non-blue collar person involved.
      Standing in a parking lot area behind the mess hall, I get a text from N "you in? send a profile pic!"
      Later I'm in a park-like area. Mostly open grass, but a concrete structure within it.
      I'm inside the concrete, resting. It's a cylindrical shape so I can lie down. My hands are cold against it.
      My sister comes and finds me, now asleep. My perspective has shifted. I see myself sleeping with a smile on my face.
      Then I'm in a car, still with the perspective shift. My sister is taking me somewhere.
      I'm at my Great-Grandma's/Grandma M's condo. My brother and my sister are running a sort of party.
      My brother has set up some computer monitors, with one mirroring the other successfully.
      I'm somewhat impressed by this.

      Sleeping in the park.

      Updated 02-13-2024 at 09:11 PM by 99808

    4. Night of Wednesday 2/7/24

      by , 02-08-2024 at 05:37 PM (Dreamlog)
      Sneaky Crabs:
      I'm at a party at somebody's apartment, sitting at a desk with a laptop in front of me.
      My coworker J from the lab is here. I noticed that I'm not wearing pants and feel nervous.
      I'm at my second Arizona apartment, and there is a group crowded around the TV playing a game.
      I watch the screen for a bit. It is a dark area, with tiny crab monsters all around.
      The player needs to navigate a dark pathway forward while avoiding the crabs.
      I brag that it looks easy. Somebody calls my bluff and hands me a strange controller.

      Something about my coworker G.

      A nightmare about shitting my pants.

      Updated 02-08-2024 at 10:51 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , nightmare , dream fragment
    5. Night of Friday 1/12/24 (Comp Night 7)

      by , 01-13-2024 at 06:30 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm Mary Poppins Ya'll:
      I'm in an outdoor space, a large field. There are several long banquet tables extending out into the distance.
      Between some of the tables, there is a man demonstrating a flying device.
      It's an umbrella that allows free-flight.
      Later I'm seated near the head of one of the tables with my coworker C and my friend H from the Tots.
      I'm got the umbrella and I've taken off. High into the sky.
      I feel uneasy knowing that the only thing keeping me from certain death is my grip on the handle.
      But I get more comfortable with it over time, taking more and more risky angles by maneuvering the handle.
      I go out of my way to make sure that the other attendees at the party can see me by gliding close to the other tables.
      Eventually I return to my table. As I approach, C, challenges me to land the tip of the handle on a small plate.
      I achieve that and return to my seat.
      I wake up somewhere that I don't recognize. My Mom comes into the room from a door in front of me.
      I tell her all about my flying umbrella dream.
      There's a CPAP machine next to me, and she is wanting the pipe part off of it.
      This device is somehow now identified as the one that will allow free-flight.
      I give it up freely, knowing that I have another one I can use.

      Showing off my new flying umbrella. Made with ChatGPT 4.

      Updated 01-13-2024 at 08:37 PM by 99808

    6. Night of Wednesday 1/10/24 (Comp Night 5)

      by , 01-12-2024 at 04:58 AM (Dreamlog)
      I'm in a hotel with two levels.
      My Dad and my Uncle J are there with me.
      My Uncle is looking at something on Google Maps.
      One of them has thrown a cigarette bud into a trash can.
      I'm concerned this will cause a fire.

      Return to the Hilltop Arcade:
      My friends G and A are sitting on a bench, watching the sunset.
      It's my birthday, and there is a cake-like pastry sliced into four parts.
      There is a Dave and Buster's like arcade behind the bench.
      This arcade is the one from my previous dream in September, where I met Arin Hanson.

      The space has changed into a big factory. Intuitively I know that the working conditions are bad.
      I'm escaping in a sequence similar to the one in the game Portal.
      There's a monologue at the end that sounds hopeful.

      The Hilltop Arcade. Made with Bing Image Creator AI.

      Into the Square:
      I'm riding a CATA bus from college, but I don't know where I am going.
      I realize that I should pull the string to get off on the next stop and I find it on my right.
      There's a building nearby and I go in, thinking I would like to buy a t-shirt.
      Inside it looks like a mailroom, with a small square entryway in the center of the wall in front of me.
      I'm through the square hole now and I see my coworker J getting makeup done by a team on my left.
      He's sitting down in a chair in front of some lockers.
      It looks like a large locker room.
      My friend H from the Tots comes through the square hole, but she is mad at me.
      Somehow I have messed up the entryway, and she pulls out a banana peel from it.

      Updated 01-12-2024 at 05:54 AM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Disjointed Fragments

      by , 09-14-2023 at 04:30 AM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm with a coworker who is describing to a manager how he set up a mock plane in the air in a warehouse to mimic shooting down into targets below. It had all sorts of cables attached to pull it off. Later, I'm doing some assistant work at an airport where I'm waiting for a lady to write down the names of all the passengers. She calls out my name when she's done and I glance over the paper. I find it strange that there are so few names listed, only 20 or so, and that they are written in different colors. Later, I'm with a bunch of people at a little house having a party. It's after everyone's been drinking quite a bit and people start puking. I find my way outside and do the same in some bushes off to the side.
    8. Electric Night

      by , 09-09-2023 at 02:52 PM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm at a house at night with several others, including coworkers. I feel slightly irritated at all the cars that are parked here. One area is covered by electric vehicles of all kinds, Tesla, Rivians, etc...
      Tags: car, coworkers, night
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Lucid Again, and a Realistic Nightmare FA - September 3

      , 09-03-2018 at 09:21 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Sep 3 2018

      Woke 3:35. In a fight with parents and grandpa about cooking or setting up something (possibly speed-reading). Daylight outside, long tables (possibly crawfish boil).

      Woke 5:05. Long fragment in a stadium, receiving some sort of business presentation from coworker. After it's over, I'm picking up my laptop bag and I stand out of the way for a coworker and an unnamed DC, who say that they have a "merge request in the morning". The presenter (another coworker) is kicking us out.

      Awoke directly from FA nightmare. My dog barked and I could tell instantly that it was serious, not just him barking at another dog. The door to the bedroom is thrown open and the midget from Twin Peaks season 3 entered with a small gun. He approached the bed, not looking directly at me or anyone, just at the wall behind us. He said something vague and I tried to lean up in bed asking something to the extent of "What do you want?". As I tried to move, and in some sense solve the problem, my vision blurred and the dream started to fade. He was wearing a blue shirt with the pattern of "I (heart) N Y" but the letters were "? (eye symbol) T Y" in white. The room's layout was completely realistic and accurate unlike other false awakenings. I woke up and said "holy shit" aloud. Very scary experience, but very vivid -- would have been invaluable if I could have gotten lucid and converted it.

      Before that, I was in my childhood home, on the phone with my manager about something that needed to get done. The screen was black with red nubmbers and dial-screen graphics, and an orbiting globe outline. The call got dropped. I was worrying about this with my parents but they seemed to think it would all work out (it was nighttime). My sister was in my room on my computer, looking for the first book in a series my fiance is currently reading. I suggested that she can just read my fiance's copy rather than buy it herself. I end up also giving her a japanese manga volume and another poorly translated japanese book, I remember the engrish being hilarious in-dream. After this, I went to the kitchen (all of the lights were out). I was trying to write down my dreams in ink on the wood floors. In the back of my mind I knew this was a terrible idea and that my dad would be furious, but in the moment I wasn't worried about it. There were some drops of water on the floor and it was smearing the ink, so I started wiping it up, making the smearing even worse. I was also worried about cockroaches.

      After the ink, I found myself in a distinct dream scene. I was on the ground looking up at the side of a cliff maybe 4 or 5 stories high. There was a good bit of dirt caked on and I thought to myself how nice it would look if I could get the dirt off. I grabbed a wedge-shaped piece of reddish slate and scraped as much dirt as I could off and stepped back, and noticed how nice the geometric patterns were. I remember the thought-phrase "cliff face". When I looked again, one of the rock formations sort of looked like a nose, and the one below looked like a mouth! When I started examining the rest of the cliff, the whole thing was taken up by face structures (abstract and Easter Islandish). The ground went from being solid dirt and rock, to having some cracks in which curved red boards were shoved and prying the cracks apart. In the cracks were green cylindrical vegetables (I thought of okra or fat asparagus stalks). As I moved forward towards the cliff, I noticed a mesh oyster bag of sea urchins, which were moving around each other in the bag, sort of like you expect spike balls to in a metroidvania or platformer. This was a really vivid and overall nice and creative dream that's simple but feels profoundly peaceful, the kind of nonlucid you generally want to have. So of course this scene transitioned directly to the nightmare FA.

      I woke again at 8:59. My fiance was in trouble. We were in some sort of college sign-up, car buying, or other related scenario. There were DCs everywhere, and specifically several DCs with deep blue eyes and short hair meant her harm in an insidious way (they were outwardly friendly). I became more and more adversarial over the course of the dream, eventually hitting them and throwing things at them. We moved from the student union/indoor car lot into a side hallway which transitions to a long house with lots of corridors and small rooms arranged in pretty much a straight-shot, but almost labyrinthine at the same time. I was thinking somehow they were hypnotizing her, and she was getting more and more bruises on her arms and abdomen. Eventually I get in exaggerated physical fights with them and I somehow manage to get 2-4 of them to defect to my side as allies and stow her away under a sliding hole in the kitchen (sort of a drain hole in the floor, like you see in restaurant kitchens). She escaped succesfully.

      I'm unknowingly in an FA but think I'm fully awake. I am having the "transparent eyelids" effect, and I'm looking around my bedroom at the closet door, but it's the wooden closet door from my childhood home. I'm etching a human face in it with my mind.

      After this, I'm in my childhood home and members of my family as well as random DCs are dressed in "starship troopers armor" -- white and blue, and white and red. It was a long and in-depth dream, but I don't remember much of it. I finally escaped the fray and sat back on my bed, but then my father entered my room with his gun held high, and I remember thinking "oh good, you'll just be my bodyguard". When I thought this (non-lucidly), he changed his course of action from running forward to attack me to climbing in bed next to me with his rifle held out (think Fullmetal Jacket "This is my rifle"). I got up from bed* and started walking towards the hallway. Almost instantly I became lucid! I didn't say "I'm dreaming!" or do any RCs or stabilization unfortunately. I walked down the hallway towards the bathroom, and it was daylight outside, maybe early morning. I walked into the bathroom and looked at the mirror, seeing a girl in a dress instead of myself. In this moment, I started to think of the "bad guys" in the starship troopers armor and then banished the thought from my mind, knowing that if I thought of them I would encounter or summon them. So instead I took advantage of the situation -- although I was seeing the girl in the mirror, I felt my dream body as my own physical body. So I turned away from the mirror and decided that I would become the girl in the mirror. I turned back around and I was!
      Spoiler for nudity:
      inspected my face further in the mirror -- my face was sort of ugly and homely**, and as mirrors in dreams usually do, my face shifted quite a bit. I leaned in further to inspect myself and kissed the mirror (it was cold). I then leaned back out and decided to try my "Clear sight. Clear sound. Clear touch. Grounded. Calm, confident. I can stay here as long as I want." stabilization phrase. However, as soon as touched my thumb and forefinger, I accidentally said "Clear mind" first!
      It rejected me from the dream instantly. As I began to feel my waking body, I realized my thumb and forefinger were touching here too; maybe this triggered the waking?

      I laid awake for quite a while after that, as I had already slept more than usual for the night, and for the whole weekend basically. I was also still excited about the lucid and hoping to drop back into it. Eventually I went back to sleep and had some more non lucids. In the first, I was with my fiance in a rest area/cabin in the woods. In the next, I felt as though I dropped into the dream as a visualization from waking, but it's possible I was only visualizing from an FA. I was imagining tall waves, and how my body bobbed up and down in them. It felt incredibly nice and peaceful. I was at a beach, and my sister was standing on a board of some kind zipping up a life jacket. I think my fiance was bobbing up and down in the water too. When I looked at the shore, I couldn't quite see the sand but I could see tall buildings above the waves, which I identified to be my apartment buildings from WL. A distinct black shape was swimming towards me, and I thought it might be a shoe or a fish (I thought it could be a dangerous fish but dismissed the thought instantly). After another waking, I had a final dream of being in a wood panneled shop with an old woman who was offering the shop to me (inheritance?). Her wares were laid out on a long wooden table, which after looking away and looking back turned out to be a giant Knorr pasta packet. I believe this all happened in 3rd person.

      *I think getting out of beds in nonlucids is a lucidity/awareness trigger -- will have to investigate how to encourage this).
      **This is actually the second time I've transformed my body into a woman's in a mirror while lucid, but for some reason I always turn into butterfaces. Also not sure why I keep doing this. Why, lucid mind, why?

      Updated 09-03-2018 at 09:38 PM by 95458 (color)

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    10. Regular Dreams - Morning of Dec 10, 2017

      by , 12-12-2017 at 05:32 PM
      Bad dream recall on Dec 9, nothing I can remember (went out drinking).

      On December 10, it started with a really hazy dream, probably mixed in with deep sleep.
      Next I was with some mobsters from The Sopranos (they've been showing up in my dreams lately since I'm watching the show -- Chris Moltisanti, Big Pussy Bonpensiero, sometimes Paulie). It's nighttime or early morning, and we're on a bridge.
      Cut to underground tunnel hangout. I understand the tunnels to be either under my house or between the bridge and my house (childhood home). They are sewer-like tunnels with ankle/waist deep water and track lighting. All of the sudden we're under siege -- tunnels are being infiltrated -- men are throwing grenades and shooting at us.
      Some of our guys made it out, others didn't (there's only one exit). Paulie might have been shot/blown up, I don't clearly remember (I remember a grenade going into the hole of a cinder block and lighting up the tunnel).
      Chris and Pussy are around a corner. I (as a disembodied spectator) warn them of the attack. Pussy is sitting, looking off at the ground and shaking (in DJ I wrote "having a hissy fit"). Chris is in a recliner and has earphones in. He takes them off and is visibly ashamed of being distracted, saying something like "I don't know what happens. I just miss these things, big things."

      Cut to my childhood home from the front door. The driveway is elongated, and is torn up with caution tape and just dirt w/ dirt piles, like a construction site. Still dark outside. A girl from high school years ago is talking to a guy and is talking like a valley girl. She says "I wish I could listen to a CD song!" Next she's dressed like Catwoman and I'm jumping gracefully (backflipping) like a cat over by them and into the construction site where my dad's car is parked. I get in and turn it on local Christian and pop stations from my childhood.

      Next dream -- I am in my hometown walking around warped but similar grassy landscape.
      Cut to the inside of a building with some of my WL coworkers. I show them the "remove kebab" meme on a large plasma TV and they laugh and do that Indian head-shake thing, then say jokingly "remove Harish".
      Outside again. It's daytime, overcast. The Indians are being genocided for some reason -- I remember being in the backseat of a car with some of them, ducking to avoid someone who's coming to kill us with a handgun.
      Cut to warped grassy landscape again, there's crime tape everywhere. I jump over it and walk down a hill. There's a small mini-scene about real estate, maybe an open house? It's a white beach-looking house with no decorations, white walls, wood floors, and a huge sliding glass door opening to the back (the same grassy hill I jumped from).

      Next I'm indoors at night (maybe raining outside) in an upscale high-rise apartment with Hermione Granger. There is a white Mac with white & clear plastic on the monitor and keyboard -- there's a red glow around the clear plastic. I'm talking to Hermione as we arrange shoebox-sized features of my gymnasium from high school. As I am trying to place the bleachers, I start questioning Hermione, comparing myself sexually to Harry Potter... I'm just not gonna psychoanalyze that.

      Overall they were some interesting and quite vivid dreams, if a little weird.

      Updated 12-12-2017 at 11:44 PM by 94266 (poor wording)

      memorable , non-lucid
    11. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 09-02-2015 at 05:32 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Catching up on a few days worth of notes.

      Still gonna try to keep this under the ~30 minute limit writing constraint.


      Staying in a bed and breakfast, an alien podship smashes into the window, docking similarly to Halo 2's first mission. A severed head speaks the intentions of the immature xenomorphs that spill from the small ship, into the room. They seek only our love, adoration, and worship. Only if necessary will they subsume control of our brains and bodies. Euphoria awaits those who submit.

      I make up some excuse and nope the fuck out the front door.

      Running down the town's main road at super-speeds, I'm stuck behind a bicyclist. I'm pretty sure he's a coworker. I don't want to be rude and pass him, so I make the first available turn between a row of houses, and continue on my path by taking a turn on a road parallel to the main one. I slow as I approach the market. It's really more of a bazaar with open-air shops and colorful awnings lit solely by starlight, all set atop grey cobblestone.

      Samael's there, attending to one of the shops. I head into Samael's shop and pull out a copy of Agricola for inspection, since the shop specializes in fixing issues with board games or something. I don't quite remember. As I'm lifting the cover, Samael hastily warns me, but it's too late. A bunch of cardboard meeples scatter across the floor as other patrons crowd around. Graciously, Samael helps me pick them up and place them back in the box, the contents of which look more like Five Tribes than Agricola.

      After leaving the mall, K and I walk into a golden and brown hued cafe alongside the street. A bunch of people from high school and college are there. They're glaring, murder in their eyes. K is unsurprisingly oblivious to the mood in the room. He takes a seat, and I follow suit.

      Someone's dead, and I think I might be involved. At the very least, the CEO suspects me. I'm sure that's why I passed hotel security on my way to the stairs. And it's definitely why I jumped down the little square hole between the spiraling stairwell, letting gravity pull me down the hundred or so stories to the ground floor. That should buy me some time.

      Walking through the hotel's grand hall, I take in the extravagance. Around me austere columns stand amidst dark oak tables. Whilst underfoot, a lush carpet with elegant gold inlays cushions my every step. It's not as vivid as it could be. In fact, I notice the dream wavering a bit and muse to myself about the false notion that all lucid dreams are vividly realistically. Vividness is a choice, I remind myself with a smirk, stabilizing the dream around me to life-like realism and stepping out onto the deck, where many of the guests have already gathered. The view is breathtaking. A number of curved, ancient buildings hug the glittering lake below. Towering high above, all perfectly illuminated by varying gradients of blue, pink, purple, and red. To my left, a waterfall spills lazily from the window of one of the stone marvels. I fly to it, cresting over the falling water and landing on the grassy overlook above.

      Some punks are acting up in the parking lot. I can tell they've targeted me, so I untarget myself and pass through without incident.

      Updated 09-02-2015 at 05:35 AM by 25167

    12. Coworker Embarrassment

      by , 02-22-2015 at 10:47 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #414 - 8:44AM - DILD

      WBTB 3:30AM 8mg Galantamine/400mg choline, 400mg DMAE
      This one didn't go so well, but I was lucky enough to pull off one LD late in the morning purely out of desperation.

      I am trying to enter my email login on my phone to see an important email from my mortgage broker. Nothing I type comes out right so I look for my laptop. I have an false awaking and become slightly lucid. I think how typical the previous dream was for electronics failure.
      Next I notice SW from work in bed with us. I know it's not real, but I am snuggled against him and I find it mildly humorous. I push him away and initiate sex with my wife by actively summoning and creating the sensation. Several odd thoughts race through my mind as we do it for a few moments.

      I am now in a classroom in a chair with a trash can between my feet.
      Spoiler for EXPLICIT:
      Shocked at my nakedness and sexual nature, I wonder how my dream would cause me to literally end up like this. I look up and see an and old woman that is an ex-coworker (dead) looking at me sort of curious as well as shocked. I quickly pull my shirt down to cover myself. I feel disoriented and confused. I wonder how I could have had such an obvious sex dream in public. I realize that I am in a room pf coworkers both past and present and if feel embarrassed and devastated that this is happening. I'll never live it down. My life is ruined. I pull my shorts up not really getting my underwear and they king bunch down low, but I don't care as long as I am covered. I feel so sleepy and I rub my face and sigh heavy trying to get my bearings. I still can't believe this has happened. I don't even know how I fell asleep. I try to ignore everyone around me as I deal with this trauma; I just want a way out. I begin to hope that by some miracle of divine magic that I am in a dream. Maybe... I do a nose plug out of desperation and am completely delighted and surprised to blow through. I giggle and the feeling of hopeless despair rolls off me dropping like a lead weight. Forgetting about any nakedness, I stand up and walk over to a group of people talking. I think how I am highly lucid as I playfully push V (fired IWL) over and say I relief, "This is all a dream." V falls out of sight and I smile at everyone feeling triumphant and gleeful. Before I can do much else, the dream quickly collapses and I wake up.

      I had another LD much earlier in the night but I cant recall much so I'm counting. Basically, I was running from some enemy when I became lucid and played with a gun. I wanted a shoot out so I blind summoned a rifle. I goes off against a glass but only scorching it. In some burned out building someones head peaked up outside a window. I fire off a shot, but the dream fades out.
    13. 12/05/2014

      by , 12-15-2014 at 02:53 AM
      I was at work and went to service an ATM in some sort of church school. The women there were pretty but all had ugly lips and mouths. Eventually, Jim got fired and he gave info about someone else who was stealing money so we had to find the 'Dream Van' We couldn't, so someone went to get it while me and another person went to an old abandoned building. We ran up the stairs and we were ready for the Operation until I saw a black Fox. I shot it a few times with my .22 pistol and eventually killed it. I felt bad and waited for Derrick so he could skin it but Darlene already did. I took a bite out of a piece of salmon on the table. Derrick did also, saying it was disgusting.
    14. Big Store Event, Not Attending & I'm Too Over Powered in Runescape, Please Nerf

      by , 09-10-2014 at 07:10 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Big Store Event, Not Attending (DILD)


      It’s just one of those dreams where the virtual experiential reality is so high, that I’m slightly shocked for not having some existential questioning going on if this was a dream or not. One part of me wanted to delude myself into thinking it’s real, just for the sake of not being apathetic towards the dream characters, and the dream’s potential value in general.

      Judging by the body sensations that I’m experiencing, there’s a lot of tension, almost as if there’s some big event where me and the dream characters that look like some of my co-workers are going to participate in. It’s the type of feeling where all the other challenges you had to face creep up on you, but then you come to a realization, and a satisfaction that you overcame them.

      I can feel my feet tingling, traveling up to my knees, and finally near my stomach. I started to feel an emptiness inside that was oddly comforting.
      So I just let time pass by, letting the conversations from other co-workers become diluted, and slowly getting accustomed to this highly vivid virtual experiential reality. There was a female there whom I had a deep affection with, though I feel the word is too strong seeing how the relationship in real life wouldn’t really go that far.

      She still expressed the type of disposition where she would take advantage of her looks to fill the void of the insecurity that she has of not having something to love her; this dream character existed in a way where every single quality I could possibly use retrospect and analysis about her was clearly exhibited, and all she did in the dream was pass through the small lane in the middle of the bus to get out and go somewhere.

      I reign in these odd feelings of affection towards this dream character, most likely because I already have predispositions to avoid those kinds of interactions with them so that those feelings won’t bleed onto how I communicated with them in waking life.

      Everyone else just felt like random noise, and I did my best to show some interest with the existence of this dream characters. But when one of them stated that we’re not attending whatever event we’re close to, I immediately lost interest in the dream.

      Instead of trying to accomplish some goals of mine I’ve had on my mind for -insert x entity- knows how long, I just get bored, and just drifted back into non-lucid dreaming.


      I'm Too OP in Runescape (DILD)


      I realize I’m playing a MMORPG that has a Runescape-esque feel to it. I figured I might as well enjoy watching what’s going on. I believe I’m playing as some old man with a long gray beard, and all he’s wearing are some white desert robes in the cold.

      The overall color schemes consist of blue and gray, and I had a feeling that the area I was going to would be the God Wars Dungeon, seeing how there’s a huge pit with a rope hanging on the side. I had a feeling that if I’m only going into a pit with only a white desert robe, and a staff that looks like the Polypore staff, I’m probably really powerful in this dream version of Runescape.



      I go inside the pit, and I find myself in an area that’s a very spacious battle arena. I do a quick walk around, and I have to fight some purple tentacle creature that seems to be rotating its whole body, or tentacles vertically at rapid speeds. It’s pretty hard to comprehend the existence, and locomotion of the creature in general, and my initial reaction was to activate some prayer abilities like Protect from Magic, or something like that. I even see the Prayer screen as well, though it didn’t seem to me that I activated it at all.



      I believe I’m switching to a melee weapon since I got pretty close to the tentacle monster, though I’m pretty sure I used Mage, or Ranged on it. I’m paying close attention to my health bar, and it seems that I need to activate Soul Split, especially when I came into this place with no food whatsoever. I realize this before going into the pit, but it was already too late since I couldn’t really get into the dream that way to start changing the environment, i.e., I was too indulged in the task of playing this game.

      I hear the sound effects of the Soul Split, which I presumed was working, and fortunately it did. I manage to kill the tentacle monster with ease, and I didn’t even bother to check if I had a Prayer limit. I guess it was implied that I could use any Prayer ability without worrying about my Prayer points being drained.

      If playing as an old man with a gray beard and having to rely on a Prayer ability doesn’t imply religious implications unconsciously being expressed to me, then I don’t know what the purpose of this dream is.

      And just went I thought I could get out of this one, another weird creature appears. The overall composition of it is akin to a dolphin, and it has a light blurry violet color to it as well. It apparently can levitate, and shoot high pressed air at a high rate. Or maybe it was steamy water that was high pressured.

      I honestly don’t know how I dealt with this one, but I do know that I spent most of my time just running away from it, and dodging when it shoots the high pressured stuff at me. Whatever happened, happened, and the next creature is very hard to recall its overall body composition.

      I just knew that at that point, if I could handle the previous entities with ease, with only having a few moments where I thought I was going to die, then I’m obviously over powered in this game. I defeated all of them, and I forget what happens next.

      Oh, and there's another non-lucid dream where I tell one of my relatives (female) that I liked the Naruto Shippuden villains more than the protagonist, but again, not going to invest time in recalling this dream.
    15. 7/24/2014

      by , 08-06-2014 at 12:51 AM
      False Awakening

      I was playing counter strike but against aliens in space during an invasion on Earth. I was awping and so were they. Eventually, we planted a C4 near one of the black holes they had. When the bomb exploded, their mothership got destroyed. I then watched endings of Golden Sun. This happened twice and each ending was different. The black hole was close to Earth so it made alternative realities, which is why there were separate endings. I woke up and my alarm was off and I had not service on my phone. I started writing down my dream and the beginning part said Megan was part of the dream. Then I really woke up

      I was with Tim working on the job at an airport.
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