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    1. Mowing to the Clock or Mausoleum

      by , 08-29-2016 at 12:30 PM
      Morning of August 29, 2016. Monday.

      My dream curiously starts out at the King Street boarding house (where I have not been since the early 1990s). I do have some memories of my present life status but it is distorted and also changes before my dream ends. I start mowing the lawn, but oddly, for whatever indeterminable reason, continue to mow all the way to the north side of La Crosse via the causeway through the marsh (though which is more like normal land in my dream). I may in fact be working for the street department as I did in real life, though that was mostly for Onalaska.

      I feel very happy and satisfied as I somehow walk all that way, while mowing yet, without getting tired, even somehow casually mowing over some rather large bushes with thick trunks. I feel a bit helpful for others in the area in doing this. Strangely, without even considering it odd or impossible, I end up at the corner of Hamilton Road and Stadcor Street in Wavell Heights (Brisbane, Australia), instead of where I should be, that is, George Street and Sill Street (Wisconsin, America).

      On this composite corner of the two locations, where we never lived in reality (though we did live on Stadcor Street farther down from Hamilton Road), there is another version of my family, though I am somewhat confused about it as I am also there (rather - “another me”). My “other” son Lorenzo, a child of the “other” us, is playing near the street. About four police officers are near our front entrance talking with the “other” us. Our house resembles a composite of our present home, the Stadcor Street house, and the Barolin Street house. They apparently had brought Lorenzo home after he had unknowingly wandered off. I start to mow “our” front yard, but the officers remind me that my job is to only mow the public areas.

      From here, I mow along what is either Stadcor Street or Sill Street but which ends in an area similar in appearance to where it would have begun near the George Street turn off, not at the end of the street on the other side. The particular corner lot also seems rotated ninety degrees north to east as well as duplicated to the north. This puzzles me quite a bit even though my memory of the composite could not be right anyway (due to the fact it is a composite and not a real layout). I am not sure where I should continue from here, though it is not quite a dead-end, as there may be an intersection that would imply either Corowa Street or Wood Street (though which would imply Loomis Street is “missing”).

      As I continue to try to only now work out where I am, I notice a large unlikely feature in the center of the empty lot which now seems to be a park. It looks just like an old mausoleum. This gives me a very eerie sense of mortality and I am soon wary about where I am. Still, I consider that it may not actually be a mausoleum, as why would there only be one in the center of a public park?

      Looking more closely, I see a large clock face over what would otherwise be the entrance, which seems like a miniature version of Big Ben. This slowly convinces me that it may not be a mausoleum (as why would a large clock face block a mausoleum entrance) but perhaps meant as a city tribute of some kind. I am still in awe over the very eerie and ancient-looking feature and I do not go any farther. (I do not recall the time that was on the clock as I did not note it while in my dream. It may have indicated the real time, though this is not certain).
    2. #220 - Gingerbread man / Waterfall

      by , 04-03-2016 at 07:23 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I wrote this up earlier and forgot to post so I'm just going to write up a very brief version...

      Dream 1 - Gingerbread man
      Evil doctor gets put in a sarcophagus by these teenagers who wanted to act as the hand of justice. I'm an investigator and try to find him, I enter the crypt where he's supposed to be and find one of his evil experiments (a zombie). I'm in a room and the zombie is now a small gingerbread man with a missing leg. A delivery man enters and sits down, I tell him not to because the gingerbread man is under the table, it bites him and he gets infected. I try find it but it's missing, which means it's learned to crawl. Me and the man turn to look at one another and share the same thought of "Oh shit... It's... LEARNING?!?".

      Dream 2 - Waterfall
      I'm on a field trip with a bunch of people, it's a nice sunny day. We're on the side of a road taking a lunch break, there's a waterfall which everyone is keen to jump off but it's too high. A guy told me that my friend Daniel jumped off with goggles, I knew he was lying. I go find my friend Daniel and he tells me he didn't jump, he's also surrounded by girls. Everyone is now heading to jump off the waterfall (it's not too big anymore but it still is.. So it doesn't make sense). I catch up to the people at the back, one of them is a different Daniel I know. We're about to cross the railway, a train is coming so we have to wait while the rest of the class goes ahead. Now there's an obstacle course thing we're navigating, I lose Daniel and this other guy I was following and they hop onto a minecart. I just manage to spot them before they disappear into a wooden tunnel ride. I follow on foot and duck my head to crawl through the entrance. Eventually I catch up and I get pissy, "Where is the waterfall?!?! It was right in front of us so what the fuck is going on?!".
      I didn't really understand it was a dream I guess.

      I went to sleep again today around 11am, I just felt so comfy and tired and my cat cuddled up to me for a while. I had a similar dream again.. The same idea of trying to get something but not being able to do. It should be right in front of me but just keeps getting further away. Weird, I've only really just noticed that my dreams have a sort of underlying story theme. I'll try pay more attention to this I guess.
    3. School & crypt MILD, Getting fooled

      by , 12-28-2015 at 01:18 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      Made some MILD preparations before falling asleep.

      I was in school. The place was a deformed mix of my current and previous schools. It was really crowded, and there were many persons I haven't seen for a long while. I was going to a classroom when one of the teachers stopped me. I haven't really listened to him, but he seemed angry for some reason. Then I sat on a bench near the classroom. My friend appeared shortly after, and asked me if I'm leaving school quicker this day. I immediately went to ask my older sister about it, but she didn't had time for me. I went to a cloakroom, and opened my locker.

      I realised that this is a dream. I phased my hand through the locker as a RC, then I left the school. Going through doors out of school, I was teleported to a crypt. The way back was blocked by a wall, there was a small candle giving faint light. I could see stairs going upward. On the second floor I saw three different doors - to the left they were dark brown, and had small windows. I couldn't see anything through the glass. Doors in front of me were somehow nondescript, and to the right there were heavy, metal doors. It was really dark, so I said "Brighten up." and everything slowly went brighter. Suddenly it turned dark again, and I could feel someones presence. I saw red eyes appear everywhere. Something hit me in my leg and I started to punch and kick aimlessly, hitting something a few times. Then I woke up.

      Second dream

      My father got a call that someone wants to buy some resources. We took a car and drove to the city, to a spot whre we were supposed to meet with client, but there was nothing but fields.
    4. [04-05-2015]

      by , 05-04-2015 at 08:52 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Meeting of wizards

      I was standing on top of a platform, high above the ground. I was a powerful necromancer, meeting with a conjurer and elementalist.

      Running away from the police

      I went out of my home. I walked for a while, and found myself in an industrial street from VIII century. Suddenly I saw a minimap on the left bottom corner of my vision, and a star indicating that police is looking for me.

      I decided to run away. I saw that they already surrounded the area. The policemen were wearing blue uniforms with strange hats. As I ran away, they shot at me. Luckily none of their shots were succesfull. I saw an old Ford car, but decided to leave it there.

      Running towards an alley leading into slums, I found a gun lying on the ground, and took it. It was getting dark. I ran towards junkyard, and found a shelter that one of the homeless built before his death. I've hiddent there, preparing for a sudden attack.

      Suddenly I saw someone coming. He was wearing black suit, and holding a suitcase full of money. When I looked at him, text saying "russian drug dealer" appeared above his head. I panicked and shot at him, but somehow the bullet haven't hit him.

      Luckily, he just ignored me. After a short while of waiting, a soldier jumped on a parachute and landed close to me. He told me that he is a great general, and that if I want to live, I must accept his offer. He told me that I'm going to be a "Head Director Paladin".

      Dark Lord

      With group of my teachers we went inside some kind of crypt, buried underneath the school. It was dark inside, and there were many skeletons lying on the ground. Suddenly I recalled that I was there before, fighting with the undead. There were skeletons with huge swords, cloaked skeletons summoning other undead, and the dark lord himself.

      The dark lord was a skeleton, surrounded by field of strong, pale blue energy. Despite having no tissue or skin, it had long, dark curly hair. Trying to survive the encounter, I fought every way possible. I ran towards small chamber, leaving most of the undead on a corridor. They had to run towards the chamber, which let me fight them one by one.

      I took a huge sword out of my backpack, and slashed my way out. There was only the dark lord left. I knew that this particular undead is too strong to kill it with a mere sword. I focused and cast a "destroy undead" spell. Then my vision returned back to the school.

      I told teachers that I was there before, but none of them listened to me. They just wanted to take any valuables from there, and seal it from the world. I estimated that all the junk they took was worth two thousand dollars.

      When they went away to sell it, I entered the crypt. Suddenly I traveled back in time, and saw that it was a school cloakroom before. I looked around, and between closets I saw a girl sitting on a bench. She went out a while later.

      I looked again, and saw that there were some cats running around. I realised that the horror had something to do with the cats. Suddenly a horrifying music started to play. For a long time I chased those cats and freed them. When there were only two of them, a weird man appeared.

      It was an old, bald man with long, white beard. He was wearing grey suit. I took another cat, and went closer to him. He was holding a carving knife, and there was a cat sitting on the table. I asked "What's with this knife?" And the man stabbed the cat to death.

      This angered me. I let the cat that I was holding before go away. I found a cleaver lying nearby. I made a long, horrifying howl and threwn it at the man. It made an arc and hit him in the foot, cutting it in half. The man started to scream in pain.

      Then I realised, that I was responsible for all the foul ongoings there, as truly I was the Dark Lord.

      FA - in home

      I was sitting in an armchair. It was dark. I looked around and saw that my relatives were sitting nearby, and looking at me. Suddenly I heard a phone ringing. I took the phone - it belonged to my younger sister, and went back to my relatives. I gave the phone to my sister.
    5. From school to the water park to the crypt

      by , 09-15-2014 at 09:11 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      From school to the water park to the crypt (Non-lucid)


      Apparently I was going to elementary school so I was much younger than what I am really. There was a blonde lady from highe school (senior) who wanted to go out with me. My friends were pretty amazed with me, even though I was not interested as I am married (nice dream sign missed, lol)

      The school was huge and it appeared to be hundreds of classrooms, as I was going to one class, I passed out and re-awoke at the entrance of a water park.

      There were a ton of attractions but I decided to go to one that was a huge slide, very wide (like 4-5 feet wide) those that you go down on a giant donut. As I got to the top, I also saw people flying, but this was part of this slide, somehow there was wind that would allow you to hover and some people also had umbrellas to fly:

      As I wanted to ride it, some lifeguard told me I needed to have a lighter weight to ride it. He said I needed to weight 22 pounds (LOL) So I had to just leave the place.

      From here, I somehow faded again and I was in a cemetery. There were a ton of people around a crypt celebrating some sort of memorial, but the crypt was open:

      Everybody was very focused at me and suddenly, i felt Spirit trying to communicate, so I started to give mediumship readings as well as explaining that life continued after death and what was a mediumship reading.
    6. TWO in ONE

      by , 03-25-2012 at 04:13 PM
      I had 2 dream, wich i dont think they are related.
      the 1st ona:
      There was a "race" of beings wich i can compare to the Behemoths of FF-XIII. there was a Alfa Male that was Blue coloured, and his wife/women was Red coloured. they had a son that was Grey.
      Some kind of catastrophe happened and they had to abandon the place they were resided, and becouse of that they left. i have a hole here, and the next time i remember something is that Blue, Red and Grey (im going to reffer them as that, for i do not know their names) were in a glacier that was breaking. i do not remember if there was more of this "behemoths" with them. Grey was in the water, and his father and mother tell him to come back but he keeps swimming to the center of the glacier.
      Grey is in a COMICBOOK-STORE(i assume the one from the simpsons, i never been in a real comicbook store), with 2 humans. someone arrive screaming that X person(i do not remember his name) transformed himself. Grey asks him what X has become, and this man showed him a picture in wich you can see a human/behemoth (2 stripes going down from his head and back, big hands, etc..) that was BLUE/RED coloured, like those colours shifted all over his body. Grey get's angry and starts running to find X.
      There ended the first dream.
      The 2nd one starts like this:
      There was a group of people in the top of a mountain. They went down from that mountain and went trough a path, in wich i started to remember (or i was showed) who they are and what they did.
      The only one i remember clearly is the one from the "old man". i remember he entered a crypt, in wich he fought against skeletons and that sort of things with a sword. this goes on for a while until he reaches a grave, in wich he fights "death" and steals his Scythe.
      next thing i remember, a little kid from the group starts to run and get's into a sort of abandoned factory, half of it in still hearch and the other half in the water, with beams holding it. the kid started to move through this beams.
      i do not remember anything else.
      Thank You For Reading