Type: DILD.
Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I found this experience to be short-lived, but I was able to complete one of my dream goals easily.
I was in the basement with my dad, my papillion named Cheemo, and Greg House. The basement consisted of beige walls, and a tan stone fireplace covering an entire wall. There was also a green couch and a 50-inch television. I'm not sure why House was there, but apparently I called him over to our house so he could take a look at my dog, even though he only specialized in diagnosing human illnesses. Cheemo was balding in a few patches on his body, even though he was only two years old.
Immediately I became lucid.
I asked, "can you cure our dog?", hoping to provoke some sort of stupid answer. He leaned forward and picked up Cheemo. Since the dog had long fur, he just brushed it over top of the bald spots and said, "there, he's cured," in a House-esque way.
After I rolled my eyes at him the dream skipped a bit, and I was no longer lucid. My father and I were still downstairs, and I was now holding a camera, one of those big Nikon ones. I laid down on the ground and attempted to take a photo of Cheemo, but he growled and snapped at the camera, breaking it. Then the dream slowly faded.