A fruitful night. 1. I'm at school, wandering around, up and down stairs, through empty corridors. No-one is around. All the stairways and passages seem much longer than usual. I stop on a huge landing at the bottom of the stairs, at ground floor level. The wall to outside is a large expanse of glass, shimmering panes from floor to ceiling. Outside is a raised platform paved with gravel, walled in to the left by another glassy extension to the building while the other two sides face into the open air. A girl comes up the stairs from the basement and pauses when she sees me on the landing. She is in uniform - a younger girl - and has a ponytail of bushy, light brown hair. We talk although I can't remember what about. Then she turns to the windows and says, boldly, "I'm going to go out on to the balcony!". I gasp. The balcony is off-limits to students because it gives a clear view into the staff room (the other room on the left) and we are not supposed to see in there. She pushes open a door in the glass and purposefully walks out. I feel terrified that she'll be caught. Suddenly, my perspective shifts: I'm on the other side of the staff room, where there is no balcony, standing slightly below the ground floor level and looking in. I see, through blue glass, rows of desks with computers and chairs. I am shocked to see that the room is completely empty. Later, I am in a brightly lit hallway on the top floor. Although there are no windows I feel very high up. I walk with another girl, who says she wants to find a bathroom - I know her, she is somewhat tall and has long blonde hair. The bathrooms are along this hallway. She says she doesn't like those tiny narrow cubicles, and prefers the wide ones, so I direct her towards one bathroom which has a few larger cubicles. She ignores me and enters the one next door, only to find every cubicle occupied. Annoyed, she returns, and we go in. It is a very bright and spacious room with white tile up the walls. We pass the sinks and turn the corner to see a row of five large cubicles, and several smaller ones opposite. A few are occupied - I see curly hair over the top of a door - but some are open, and she enters one. I hang about outside, waiting, leaning against the wall. 2. The sun beams down on us as I cycle, with a group of others, around a gorgeous flower field. Just as I become aware of myself, I see I am crossing a broad flat wooden bridge - though no water in sight - and I look up. We are cycling over a 'path' of slightly flattened and crushed grass, which runs all round at the edge of the huge oval-shaped field. Long grasses are waving and among them crowd pink, purple, blue, red and yellow wildflowers, small, tall, pretty. The air has a sweet grassy smell and the sun shines down warmly, making the whole field glimmer. I think how it's been so long since I last cycled, but it's true that you really don't forget - it feels so free and easy, flying over the grass on my bike. Another girl passes me, lightning-fast and scarily close, causing me to lose my balance and veer over to the fence around the wide edge of the path. I stop right by the fence and put one foot on the ground. Here is dark green, cool and shady, with climbing and overhanging foliage winding around and above the fence and the trees outside it. The fence is white and curvy, two running rails with periodic posts sticking into the ground. Ivy clambers over it and obscures much of the metalwork from view. I lean over and see a deep, muddy ditch on the other side. I'm taking a moment to rest when another cyclist - a boy this time - comes barreling up the path and almost crashes into me. He stops himself at the last minute and proceeds to angrily yell at me: "Stop by the fence, idiot!" I cry back indignantly, "This is the fence! Can't you see?". He flushes red and rapidly takes off again. I resume cycling, though stop regularly by the fence. At one point, I look over it and see rushing water. Its calming sound washes over me as I pan my gaze across the field. 3. School again. I am in French class, in our little room at the top of the main building. We are all chatting and gossiping with the French teacher as we often do. I start telling her about when I saw into the staff room and it was empty - and I see her expression growing almost murderous... 4. Leaving my house, on a rather grey day, I turn to see one of the neighborhood cats sitting in the street a little further up. He's a friendly black cat (and very fluffy) so I head over to say hello. I crouch down to stroke him, and he stands, turning his head towards me while raising his fluffy tail in the air - exactly like a picture of him my dad sent me last week. Really happy with these dreams - it's rare that I remember so many. And cat! I love dreaming about cats. It's starting to get really quiet around here so I hope all the people who haven't been online recently will be back soon. I'm missing having everyone's DJs to read
I had a meeting with someone that messaged me underneath a bridge, we had a meeting under the bridge before heading to the terrace of a campsite where we met up with an old acting teacher from mine late at night to pitch her app for money. I was browsing the app's website and read its about page as I had no idea what exactly the app was myself. I'm now in the grey backrooms of a classroom at what was implied to be my old school, I had finished my assignment and was reading a binder as I waited for the class to end. Two teachers resembling my community college teacher as well as my primary school teacher walked up to my table and told us to reconsider our PDFs and continue working instead of reading as we wouldn't leave earlier than 1 am. The teachers kept us in the room until 1 am. It was currently 11 PM and I was getting tired and had to go to the bathroom. The bathroom was in the hallway and I asked if I could go leave and the teacher refuses. Mind you I didn't even have my stuff to escape, I just needed to pee. I told her and she pulled out some big transparent vase like sculpture filled with urine. Looking at how unethical all of this is, I call out the teacher to remind her that this is supposed to be a VET major, absolutely ridiculous that we weren't even allowed to go to the bathroom. As I walk back to the backrooms of the classroom, I remembered it resembles the back of my old elementary school where they had two toilets up the stairs in the back. But they were out of order and the toilets became rubble. It was then that I heard a student mention taking the elevator in the room that worked, so I grabbed my stuff, entered the elevator, then got on my bike as soon as I left the building and rode to the train station. As I rode my bike to the train station I notice that a motorcyclist has been following me for a while, I speculated that it might be a spy, as they take off their helmet, it is indeed the teacher from the classroom who's following me! I taunt her as I grab my phone, about to film her and expose her unethical practices to the world. I then wake up. Dream was in Dutch.
I snoozed several times as I set my alarm hours before work started. I sit on my train to class, and a bunch of girls sit with me, giggling. I skip class and end up going to the Bahamas instead, I meet an American internet friend whom I share memes with every day as well as my friend from the Bahamas. We have a deep amd personal conversation together with a lot of laughs. we have our our photo taken together, but the guy we ask to take a pic of us Snapchats himself instead. A photographer then takes a poor quality pic of us. I then go home. My mom asks where I goes because my teacher from 3rd grade said I apparently went to "Monaco" that day, I laugh as I knew she'd say something like that, giving a speech about how I'm misunderstood by the people while cycling home, but she's too far away to hear me and stopped listening as she came across a friend and had a long conversation with them instead. My imaginary friend Elise makes a cameo and takes a photo of me as a robot part, saying "You're my little screwdriver, aren't you?" while winking at me before I wake up.
I've been trying to became lucid after last Wednesday, but these last days I've only recalled one or two normal dreams/night. Until today, when I finally became lucid. I got two normal dreams and three LDs. One dream was both. I also succeeded in a TOTM, the basic one about complimenting a DC. Here are my dreams: Normal dream 1: I am cycling in my neighbourhood. I'm using my phone to watch YouTube videos at the same time. I don't remember what I was watching. There is a forest by the road. I see boys my age/older. I cycle the same route over and over again. The dream is foggy?? and I can't remember it fully. Normal dream 2: I can't remember the start of the dream fully, but I was in some kind of ship and was in danger of bombs or something. We have to go to the deck or atleast somewhere up to escape the danger. I find my three cousins and my aunt from their room. The walls are red. I tell them that we need to go. My aunt and the oldest cousin come and my aunt is already rushing up. I tell my other younger cousins to hurry up. I'm scared of a bomb. They come and we go to the deck (different scene). I think that we're safe. We are in space/ a dark and purple void?? You can fall of easily, there's no fence or anything. It's hard to describe. I see another ship in the dark. I think we are going towards it. I realise that it's not safe after all, because that ship is our rival and whoever is commanding our ship wants to start fighting with it. The other ship has canyons. I almost go back inside to find a safer place. I don't want to fall into the void. I'm scared but calm myself by remindig that I can just wake up if something bad happens. I know it's a dream and became lucid. Lucid dream 1 (DILD): I don't do a RC. I try to teleport to a safer place by closing my eyes and thinking of another place. First I think of my neighbourhood but decide that I don't want to go there and switch to my school. I wake up accidentally. I stay still and imagine my school. Soon I'm inside a dream. Lucid dream 2 (DEILD): I'm in the school yard. There are lots of people with dogs. I'm a little above them for some reason. In the dream I think that they are there because of a dream I just had, but it's not actually true. I remember wanting to compliment a DC because I have thought a lot about it when awake. I say (in Finnish) "Your dogs are nice and cute. Be proud of them." I said it to the crowd and not one DC. At first they didn't react at all and I became worried, but then they said "Thank you", as if they were just one DC. Then want to stabilize the dream. I forgot to do it in the beginning. I touch the ground (I'm not above the DCs anymore). It's sand. I take some of it and brush my hands against each other. The quality of the dream is kinda good, but not as great as last Wednesday. I wish it was better. I remember reading about how you are more likely to recall the dream in the morning if you try to remember things from the waking life. Or something like that. I remember my whole name. I try to remember things about last week, because a YouTuber had said it would be impossible in a dream. I remember that last week was the first free week after school ending and that I ate certain food. I don't think I could have remembered the food thing while awake... Then I look at the sky. Another Youtuber had said that it should look like a painting and I wanted to prove (to myself??) that my sky was normal. Well the sky isn't a painting but there's a message. It looks like it's written by hand. I'm afraid that it's something creepy. It's in English even though I speak Finnish. It said "Hey I'm the one reading your diary. -You" or something. It's clearly a direct message from my subconsciusness...It isn't as creepy as I thought it would be. Instead I find it super cool. The U in "You" was unfinished. I wake up. I imagine the school again. Lucid dream 3 (DEILD): I'm closer to the actual school than last dream. I'm flying. There's a stand and an old man. The stand is about a moth. It has a forest backround and pictures. I'm scared that it's something dangerous or creepy. The man shows me the moth. It's a green moth until you flip it and it's a blue btterfly. In the pictures it's only a blue moth. It's big. I don't fly away because I'm losing lucidity. The man convinces me that the moth is harmless and I let it fly to my chest. I don't control the dream enough and the dream unstabilizes. I wake up. So those were my dreams last night. Now that I am awake I realised that the man in the last dream was in one of my nightmares... He had a stand (I hope it's the right word) in that dream too... That nightmare is in my DJ here if you're intrested. I need to talk to him next time I see him.
Updated 06-11-2018 at 10:32 AM by 93459
[12-09-2016] I was in some village, driving a bike. Someone was driving with me, we were driving towards a witch's hut. The witch was anr at someone, which made dealin with her harder. Precognitive dream recalled: I was sitting in an armchair in my sister's house, writing something on my phone. [14-09-2016] I went to school and got immediately taken to some contest of biological knowledge with other people from my class. They asked me about some shampoo, and then the contest began. We had to take a random question and answer to it. I rolled "Why do you want to learn biology?" And a dude in a black suit appeared. I said "I can't help you anymore." He replied "Really? No kidding, you still can do it."
Shopping with brother I was in a supermarket with my older brother. He was wearing a gray t-shirt and jeans trousers. He was much more slim than I remembered him. We bought some food and a bottle of wine, then we went outside. The shop was surrounded by beautiful primeval forests. He drank the whole bottle of wine, and we entered a car. It was a red sports car, but I can't recall what kind of car it was. Kidnapping I was inside a car with my younger sister and a strange couple - a dark haired man with a moustache wearing clothes in shade between green and gray. I can't quite recall the woman, though she had long, dark hair, and she was wearing black clothes. She used a dark red lipstick. We were driving through the city, and then we stopped near a bank. They took masks and entered the building. After a while I heard alarm, the two run out of building and entered the car quickly. We drove forward, to another city. We stopped near a value exchange office. They took their guns and masks. I wanted to take control of car, but he spotted me and I had to stop. I heard shots and saw counter-terrorists running towards the office. I ran inside, and saw the moment when woman was shot dead, and the man was using someone as meatshield. He got shot down, and with counter-terrorists we entered the car. I told them that I can drive on my own, but he told me to take a passenger seat. We were talking about my family, which got killed by that thieving couple. Then we drove through a huge forest. Suddenly I found myself riding a bicycle in front of the car I was previously inside.
I'm in my childhood home and I'm late leaving to get to college. I briefly converse with my sister about it then rush to get ready. I faff about with my bike for a bit checking I've got air in my tyres and have my lights in place etc. I start cycling and it's really hard work, in pushing really hard on the pedals and barely moving, it feels like my legs are really tied and still asleep. I look down at the gears and hear levers and try to work out what hear I'm in and how to change to a lower gear, which I eventually manage after getting thoroughly confused. Once I'm under way I realise I've probably missed the train I was going to catch and decide that just cycling the whole way is probably my best bet. I start to get a little uncertain of the route (I've not done it in about 18 years!) The weather is glum and gets wetter, I'm getting soggy and muddy and when I get to a village on the way I decide to pull over and find somewhere to get a bit cleaned up and regroup. I pull into what turns out to be a cycling shop and I fell a little sheepish that I was just going to use the loo to wag the mud off and I'm in somebody's shop. I have a quick wash and return to my bike. My rucksack is a bit off balance on the rack so I decide to repack it and start turning out items into the shop floor. I try shoving various items into pockets and sections, take out and refold no less than three jumpers, a blanket and two woolly hats, rearrange a small camping stove, and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember, and three raw eggs. At this last item evinces a quizzical grunt from the shop keeper and I explain that they're a gif snack when camping and that it you pack then wrapped in your clothes or blankets or whatever, it's not difficult to keep then safe. I note that of course you have to remember they're there when you get your jumper out of your bag or you'll to them onto the floor. As I'm explaining this I'm trying to zip up my overstuffed bag and manage to pop two of the eggs like zits, looking like a fool
- I was watching a League of Legends match, but instead of the usual map, it was a piece of a world map showing land a lot of ocean. Weird. - We were going on a field trip with my college classmates. The research site was really damp and a storm was on the way so we took refuge in town. After doing some shopping and get something to eat we found an abandoned house with a sealed door. We use the rails nearby to send a train flying through the door (yeah). Inside it looks like a normal house but we know it's the hideout of a dangerous band of criminals. After some action we manage to escape. - I'm riding my bike on my way home. It is nightime, apparently past midnight. I take a turn into a deserted street and i'm able to look at the sky. There were 4 moons! I realised that was strange (yay for awareness practice!) but i got distracted by the dream and continued my way. After a while it starts to get clear, and a bunch of drunk people are following the same path as me. I arrive at a station, i meet a lot of people i don't see anymore, and i even fight a (really dumb) thief. These dreams were really vivid and long, so i'm happy my recall got better and this was the second time i remember noticing something strange while non-lucid. Lucid dreaming i'm almost there!
Ok, so, REALLY bad recalls recently- I've got next to nothing. I can remember a few keywords but no specific events or details. ***NIGHT $ FRAGMENTS***I'm cycling long distance; I enter an abandoned 'haunted' house with my sister (That's the odd bit; I don't actually have any siblings) and meet a bald man wandering around. We tell him to go into a cupboard and lock the door. He then goes crazy until we let him out ***END*** ***NIGHT 5 FRAGMENTS***I'm walking along a cliff with my father, and we meet a man carrying a branch with strawberries hanging from it. I then find myself at an ice-cream shop, and a girl is trying to barter there. She is offering an army of rhodok soldiers (I have apparently been playing Mount & Blade too much recently) for some ice-cream, but can't afford any; I tell her that's why rhodok is no good. I'm then walking up a mountain. At some other point in the dream I'm in a furniture store with my cousin. ***END*** Dream recall, why do you vex me so?
I am sorting out some stuff at the back of my car. There are 4 Ģ50 notes and 1000CZ notes packed separately in some plastic. George walks in to the garage and I am afraid he saw it and will come back later to take it. I don't trust him. I think its money from some dodgy business. I am working as a driver or delivery guy for some gangster boss. He promises that when I come to his camp, there are loads of pubs and clubs with many people most of which women! I go there and it is really so. I was at my old school in Czech. There was a big paper box full of various medicines under the main stairs. I go through it in case there are some pills I could use for lucid dreaming. I came across one that is similar to piracetam, but I want to open it and read the instructions to make sure. Then the box disappears and I know its in the in my house in the attic. I go there and its hidden there with some old books. I go through it and my mom keep asking what am I doing there. I cannot find it. I was running some crazy marathon. There were loads of people, but it went through some wrack yard or so. It reminded me of running man. Then we all got to a big room with little rooms on the sides on various levels. There were various mechanisms designed to kill us I believe. It was a bit like Indiana Johns. I tried to solve some of these mechanisms, but I don't know how to describe it here. I was cycling with Skrbek through some country side... on a road between farms. Then at one point I got off my bike as I wanted to push it through some deep mud. But Skrbek points out at my rear wheel! Its all funny shaped, almost like a square and the back part of the bike as well! I am confused where it happened. I should have realised it was a dream here!
I am somewhere outside, I think I am cycling. I need to go to the toilet. Suddenly I see Charman's boys cycling outside. I start chatting with them and ask them if I can use their toilet. They sure agree and take me to their house. The toilet has kind of glass door, but one cannot see through completely... milky glass. I do what I do... but I cannot wipe my ass properly... hahahahaha.... I'm taking more and more paper... its taking loads of time. Then Henry comes to the door and tries to look through... calling on me.. why am I taking so long. Its really taking ages... so I decide to finish it at home. LOL When i get home, I look for the toilet in "besidka" then I realise that its not there. I go to the place where the toilet is normally and finish the job! hahaha what a dram.
13.02.2011(semi lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I remember climbing a mountain in a bicycle and beating a famous cyclist. I later asked my mother how I could have won and she said it was because he was accustomed to short runs on level ground. I think I climbed a mountain again and at the top there were a lot of monsters, but I was able to enter the dimension of some weaker monster lords, where the monsters were weaker than reality. (According to dream information a monster lord could not send his strongest monsters to reality but because these were weak there were monsters in reality sent by the stronger lords who were stronger than those I could find here) At some point, somewhere I realized that I was dreaming, however I also thought that I was a guy named Nick Thomas. I remember shifting between places because there was stuff I didn't like. I also met my double, Nick Thomas, who kind of looked like Woody Allen (I forgot almost everything about this part because I was forcefully woken up ) After a while and still knowing that I was dreaming I appeared in front of a gas station at night. There was a fat drunk guy who wanted to puke in me because he thought I was a trash can and I was scared because I couldnīt shift away. At the last moment my double killed him with a chainsaw from behind. He said that he was in my debt and asked if there was anything he could do for me. I told him that he could call me Nick and I'd call him Thomas so as to avoid confusion. First kinda lucid dream. Getting there
Updated 02-13-2011 at 10:19 PM by 40435
Hotel I was wit 4 guys hairy in hot top telling them about heart attack. I kept teleporting to different places and these people thought I was trying to be very insistent. I was cycling with my road bike in Singapore and Isha was there. I was trying to cycle past someone from Rice. There were 3 stops I made along the way. I had to check out these three places and see how fast it took me to get there.Some guy and girl were fishing. They were about to leave but their car banged into the drain fence railing. A cop talked to them and then took the guy aside. There was something about schools that I was going to. This big auditorium and I was late kind of. Before that I was trying to choose which college to go to. All these schools were for a specific job.