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    1. 15 Oct: Teachings in a tent with my teacher

      by , 10-15-2022 at 08:06 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At some place that looks like Monchique, where I am attending teachings. I meet some old friends, like Berna. One of these acquaintances sees me on a street when we're in the town centre and decides to be playful, so she invites me for a dance down the street. People find it funny and artistic. Then we all head to the tent where we have the teachings, and it is on top of the hill where the city ends and the forest starts. For some reason the tent is also very steep and people have to hold on to poles and other structures to stay in place. At some point people are grabbing each other and packed as sardines in a can, to be able to stay inside the tent. Amidst the chaos, my teacher emerges in the middle of the crowd to be right by my side. He holds my hand and kisses my cheek and whispers something to my ear, like he is so happy to see me again.
    2. 22 Aug: Escaping bad husbands, changing gender, crazy train like Snowpiercer

      by , 08-22-2022 at 07:00 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      With my parents, but in a totally diferent reality and time. it looks like the middle ages and our life is not so good. I have told them that I want to live independently and depart from their home. Apparently I had planned to sail away in a raft and it took time for them to accept the idea. Then one day, it's them who tell me I must leave for good, I guess they're upset with my choices. But it's almost night and I realize I will spend my first hours of sailing across the sea in the total darkness of the night and then I realize I did not think this through. I realize I will probably die alone and agonizing and don't know why I didn't consider all that beforehand. So I do leave, but I don't take the raft, instead I go to the docks and enlist with the crew of a big ship that is hiring staff. I go as a maid, to serve food and drinks to men. It is a dangerous position, but the owner and captain of the boat, a rich spoiled kid, fancies me and so he offers me protection. Later on he decides he wants to marry me, which I accept, expecting my life to turn around, because he is much more wealthy. And it does go according to expected, but he is also an abusive jerk who makes my life a living hell. If I run away, I'll have nothing again, so I keep delaying the decision. Thanks to my position as a wife of a rich man, I got to know a princess that is also miserable in her life. Her husband is also a piece of shit. One day, everybody is gossiping about the domestic violence that goes on in the palace, because everyone can hear her screams and desperate cries coming from a tower of the palace. I get closer to try to check up on her and I get to see her yelling at her husband because of some infidelity, I suppose. She seems to be over it for good. I make plans to meet her secretly and convince her to leave with me. At least she has easy access to jewels and money, which can make it easier for both of us and allows to start a new life somewhere else.

      Then we are on the run and find a place where we try to blend in and be accepted. I get a job but it is not going well. At the same time I want to embrace my real self and I decide to change gender. I start taking male hormones and with time my features change a little, my voice gets thicker and I am pleased with the changes. My friend/partner asks me something about my lady parts and I mention they are a bit different too and my boobs smaller, but for now pretty much I am still female underneath and plan to stay so for the moment.
      Then for some reason I am meeting back with my parents, who already know of my transition and accept it well. But my paternal uncles and aunts are also there (actually the real ones I have IRL, even the deceased ones) and I am afraid of their reaction. Strangely, they all react very naturally, congratulate me for being so brave and ask me if I always wanted it. They sound all very respefcful except for a moment I hear one of them ask my parents about the size of my new dick (which I don't have) and because of a misunderstanding of a gesture my dad makes, they all end up laughing because it is interpreted as if I had a penis the length of my leg. I am really surprised that besides that, they are being very understanding and suportive. Bu then my mom calls me to the side and tells me not to trust my aunt Maria da Luz because she is pretending to be so accepting, but secretly calling it a demonic thing and praying for it to go away.

      With Riverstone and NightHawk and I am feeling some pain so NightHawk offers to massage my legs and arms as I sit on something. I am surprised but glad with the offer. He is very gentle and I am melting away with his touch. Riverstone is getting a bit jealous, but I don't care. I caress back when our hands touch and then something weird happens, like one of his arms stretch like a tentacle and goes between my legs, under my butt and reaches my back and somehow he massages my back while I am feeling aroused by his tentacle-arm between my legs.

      I am on a train, like the movie Snowpiercer. I am trying to reach some wagon in the front of the train without being noticed by the dwellers on other wagons. Not an easy task and I am trying to do it by swinging on the outside using a rope. But at some point I really need to go through some wagons, so I infiltrate and try to blend in. There is one guy though, who knows me from school when we were young, he recognizes me when I come inside and knows that I am up to no good. I don't know what he is going to do, so I sit in a seat and wait for him to approach me. He does and he puts his hand on my leg, harassing me and making threats that he'll denounce me if I don't obey him. But I don't. Someone enters or exits the wagon and I use the opportunity to push myself into the next one. There everyone is partying and it's noisy and strobe lights flashing, so I feel it is easier to disappear in the crowd, but everyone is acting like zombies and just moving the least possible, while walking in a circle around the wagon. I join in to blend in but then I see an open passage to the next wagon, where the party continues but people look a bit more normal. The music is hypnotic and takes the best of me. I start dancing like crazy, doing really weird creepy moves, like I am possessed or a true zombie from the Thriller videoclip. Instead of going unnoticed, everybody is staring at me as they've never seen anything like it. But they all look mesmerized. Then I take it up a notch and add some extremely sexy moves and the result is like I just showed a piece of meat to a pack of angry wolves. Both men and women look at me as if they want to eat me with sheer lust for me. When the music stops they are literally like "she's mine! she's mine!" and they all chase me. I escape to the next wagon and it is their sleeping areas, with many rooms along a corridor. I hide in one of them that seems to be full of children in bunkbeds. One of the girls wakes up and is scared and wants to call for help, but I tell her it's ok, that I am hiding from actual bad people out there. She believes me and she calms down. Then from the darkness comes a big black wolf with red eyes. Not a stranger demon though. I know him and he knows me. His intentions could be to help me or harm me. At first I am scared because he looks at me like "well, well, look who we have here?" as he starts walking slowly towards me and corners me against the wall. I have nothing with me that I can use as a weapon and I know I'll be dead if he attacks me. But he doesn't harm me. Instead he is determined to help, so he takes my side by side and we tell the kids not to be afraid as we prepare to face the mob of attackers chasing me.
    3. 18 Nov: Campus bullies, dancing in the sky and Zilla is nursing bats

      by , 11-18-2021 at 10:20 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At a campus, just waiting for something to end and I am drawing pics, sitting on a bench. Try to make a couple portraits of some people, a bit cartoonish. They look great, just don't look at all with whom I had in mind while drawing them. I go to the canteen and a group of guys who have a love-hate relationship with me, spot me from afar and comment something about me. I sense disappointment and also get the impression that some are planning on going after me to tease me. That worries me a bit. One of the dudes actually thinks I have a crush on him, but he is insufferable. He starts practicing his contemporary dance moves and he has at least one fan who is fixated on him, but he wants to impress me instead, so he starts doing very suggestive moves too close for comfort, and I am like 'please don't". Then I realize I can fly away from this mad people and inspired by his dance I start dancing as I go up in the sky trying to also spark some surprise. But there is barely any reaction from anyone, as usual.
      There is a building in front of me and as I get closer to its top, I spot my friend Zilla in an appartment and I stop by, entering through the window. She is nursing her baby and also has some new kittens, but what I am amazed at the most, is that she is also raising three tiny bats. I pick up one to take a picture of him in my hand, but he doesn't stay still and eventually jumps to fly and almost hits me in the face. I get scared and then laugh and she comments they are learning how to fly.
    4. 8 Jul: Flirt with old friend, special college, packing bags and rescuing kittens

      by , 07-08-2021 at 05:20 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At some place sitting at a big table with different people. My cousin Duarte is there at some distance and Bad Wolf is nearer. Someone is at the door and some girl opens it. Someone ordered sandwiches, but Bad Wolf gets disturbed with that, says no one should have opened the door, because he is being chased by some debt collectors from the IRS or something and they can't see him inside. We want to protect him, so we are more careful and try to spot anyone suspicious outside. All is fine, so we turn to the table to eat. I am also turning the pages of an old agenda with notes that attracts Bad Wolf's attention. He asks me about it, I mention some stuff there that was written by my mom and that I used it later as a notebook. We become very friendly and shoulder to shoulder and it feels right. My cousin spots it and doesn't know our background so he finds it odd and then asks me about levels of appropriate touching between strangers and I clarify him that I am no stranger to Bad Wolf.

      At a college in a palace, just as a visitor or a prospective student. I attend a class and I am supposed to join another class at the -1 floor, so I take the main staircase down to ground level, where I see that outside is under a blizzard like we've never seen around. Also, it's July and I am sleeveless and wearing sandals. I make a loud comment on how am I supposed to walk on that snow like this. Some female teacher in sandals agrees emphatically: "exactly, how are we gonna do it?" and points to her own feet. As I keep going down the stairs I make a snarky remark like "So you don"t believe global warming? Here is your global warming!" and some idiot girl replies loudly "Yeah, exactly! It's snowing in the summer." And I shake my damn head realizing she didn't pick the sarcasm. So I get to -1 and find a class I think is the one I am looking for, but after sitting I realize they are debating Star Wars. Fascinating stuff and they are putting on a video of an episode to clarify something, which seems great, but this is not my intended class. I go down a corridor and enter an area of teachers and assistants offices. One door is open and some students there who look at me. I signal that I am just lost and will leave but one of the guys fancies me and comes to the door smiling and offering to help me on whatever I need. I fancy him too, but I am focused and keep going after smiling back to him. I stumble across another corridor which seems more like a private residence area and then I reach a big open ballroom, 2 story high. It's full of older folks, all very posh and dandy, dancing classical ballroom dances, while some dandy younger people are watching them, I suppose learning. I want to go across and keep going, but everyone spots me and won't let me go. They force me to attend the lesson as some kind of punishment or for their entertainment. They gather a group of younger all female dancer, put a more jazzy music and I have to join them. At first I fail miserably, but then I pick it up reasonably well and decide to add my own style as if I know what I am doing. In the end, most men applaud and cheer me, but the ladies dancing are pissed as their intent was to shame me. Some of the older guys are madly falling for me and one is holding on to a shawl that I used in my dance, as if his life depended on it.

      I am working and studying abroad, looks like in Belgium. I am with a friend in similar situation. Today we leave for good and we go back home, so we do our last shift in the bar we work at. A pretty industrial looking bar at the city center, right in front of the university we've been attending. My friend is heartbroken because she had been dating a guy and they had a fight and she doesn't see him for weeks but doesn't want to leave for good without seeing him again. But she lost contact with him and doesn't know how to find him. As we leave the bar and go around the block, we spot him entering a shop nearby and buying some gift. I feel like he is going to the bar next, looking for her, so I push her to go back and wait for him and she is over the top happy. Meanwhile I go back home to pack the bags. First I pass by the bus terminal to get tickets to the airport and there is a huge line, because they are having a promotion in which everyone gets free tickets and pays at the destination point on arrival. I really don't see the advantage, but it makes me wait in a line for too long. As I wait near the desk where they issue the tickets, I start taking things from under a chair next to me, curious about all the boxes of different sizes, jammed under it. It is boxes with sewing material and then I have trouble putting them all back in the same order.
      Back home I start packing, surrounded by our other roommates, all excited and not allowing me to focus on my task. I recall the stress of being always late packing my stuff and missing my flights (in dreams), so I try to really throw everything on the bags without losing myself on details. But I still am a bit too tight on the schedule and nervous. Actually don't even know for sure at what time is the plane. Also my friend isn't coming and I have to depart alone. The bus trip is super stressful as the bus has to go down a mountain in a very narrow road and every one is nervously making jokes at how we risk going over the cliff.

      At my farm, my dogs are very agitated. I hear machines working not too far, but what catches my attention is a strong meow nearby and my dogs rushing to the gate as if they are seeing some animal outside. I go running and spot a yellow baby kitten alone in the ground and pick him up. He looks thankful to be rescued and I go around looking for more or possibly his mother. Find another yellow kitty a few steps away, but this one is motionless and lying on the ground. I pick him up too and he is still breathing, just very cold. As soon as I warm them up they both look much better, but I want to give them water and some food asap. I still go around looking for where they come from and on a slope I spot some cave and thing maybe their mom is there with other kittens. Instead I spot two dogs with two litters of puppies. They seem all ok and safe and even growl at me, so I leave them. No sight of cats or kittens. Then my mom arrives when I am near my gate again and she tells me to look in another direction first. We go the other way and immediately we're right in the middle of Vila Franca, close to the train station. There I see lots of stray cats, most adults and they seem well fed and healthy. Finally spot a female white and yellow cat who can be their mom, she has a bed in a sheltered corner at the station, but no signs of other kittens or that she is nursing. There is another yellow one, bigger, a few months old, and he starts playing with some of the other cats that followed me around and ends up on the train tracks. I freak out and go scare them away from there. Then decide to just leave because I am adding more chaos and putting them in danger and I should be taking care of the kitties. I have been keeping them in my bosom, stuck between my skin and my shirt and the warmth seems to have done some good as they are both responsive and active now.
    5. 10 Mar: Hanging out with actors, disneyland like place and lucid sex fantasies in a palace

      by , 03-10-2021 at 10:31 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At a space station in the shape of a ring. But not really in it, more like looking it from the outside. They project movies and ads inside the ring's inner wall and are playing a Star Wars movie in it. Turns out I am not in outerspace, but in a movie set. Carrie Fisher's daughter is there and she is a teenager. I find out she has been crashing the set uninvited and unnoticed and she ends up being caught and sent home. Her father in this situation is Nicolas Cage and he comes to get her and scolds her. Next day I am coming to their mansion as a guest and as I arrive at their front door, he is calling her to the car to drive her to school. On the radio someone is talking about her misbehavior and he is still upset by it.
      Anyway, he tells me to go inside and I am welcomed by an old lady, also some actress. Inside, the house is really different from the outside. It is an old victorian mansion in bad shape and also in a mess. Many actors live there as in a commune. There are newspapers on the floor at the entrance, full of dog pee. On the second floor the lady takes me to a dining room with a long wooden table, and there are clothes hanging on ropes from the ceiling. I meet a few younger actresses still going to acting school and they ask me to hang out with them. They discuss great movies, classics and not so classic and debate their virtues and qualities. Then they ask me for favorite directors and I have trouble recalling any. Then they ask me my favorite movie and all I can think about is "The Matrix". They are shocked and then I have to explain that I am a nerd and sci-fi is my favorite genre and that I also love classics and dramas and character movies, but that Matrix played an important role in my teenage years and was the only movie I paid to watch 10 times in the cinema and know all the lines by heart. They have this snobbish attitude like "poor ignorant thing" but I don't care. Then they take me to their school with them and Nicolas Cage is there at the library, dressed up in a past era clothing, doing some monologue to half a dozen students. Since we interrupt it, we are kicked out of the library. They then take me to a sort of playground area. There is a maze and Robin Williams is there playing catch with everyone else. We are assigned numbers and letters and he has to catch the people with a designated letter or number that is picked out by chance. If he catches us, we lose. Although it's a fun game, I am actually afraid when they call my number and he chases me. It feels threatening, So I cheat by climbing to the top of the maze wall to have an overview and I am also kicked out of the game for breaking the rules. I then go to an area that is more like a playground for kids, with slides and carousels and tiny play houses. It is already dark, but some kids are still playing. I decide to enjoy playing to, since I am not allowed in any of these on regular occasions. I have to turn the lantern on my phone on and I chose to go inside a fake diner. It has fake drinks and burgers, made of plastic and cardboard on a table. Then I hear voices on my back and I turn to see some teenagers hanging out on the opposite side of the diner. They are not so happy that I am there too, clearly were enjoying their little secret hanging place. Outside, there is a huge line of kids to go visit the Disney castle that stands tall on top a hill.

      Maybe in the continuation of the previous dream, I am at some big place like a palace with ballrooms and lush gardens. It is crowded and festive. People are drinking and talking loud. At some point a big group is heading to a staircase to a lower floor and some girl in crotches is trying to break her way through them. Me and others tell her she better to go through a different path or it won't be easy. But she is rude to us and insists on going that way, so she ends up being dragged by the crowd which was pushing aggressively towards the stairs. Me and some folks just have the time to push her to the side or she would have been trampled over. I am also dragged by the crowd to the lower floor. Apparently the party has moved downstairs and I hear a music that makes me wanna dance. I start floating around in the air dancing sensually and entertaining all the guests. Men in particular, seem to be enjoying it a lot. I float to the garden but the music does not follow me there.
      I am half-lucid by now and decide to just play a song in my head, I chose Lamb's "Soft Mistake" from the album Fear of Fours. I see my reflection in a mirror and think to myself I should learn how to dance like this in real life as I am doing some great moves. Then I am at the door of some secretive part of the palace and see other beautiful women dancing. I join them and realize it is some kind of harem. I feel a slight rejection growing inside me regarding being there, and I almost leave, but end up entering a room where an Asian man and woman are making love and they don't feel disturbed by my presence. I actually feel attracted to them and I dance for them, while they make love. Then they touch me and offer me a totally realistic dildo, like a cut-off penis. I am so horny now that I don't think it is weird. I do get lucid at this point and think "do I go on or do I drop it and do something useful instead?"... Well, nah, I didn't. I pleased myself with that dildo until it started to fall apart like grounded meat. But it wasn't real meat, it was Beyond Meat. I had an orgasm and I woke up.
      I wonder what's up with all the masturbating with food... Freud would have enjoyed coming up with explanations.
    6. 11 Feb: Playing with time, lucid meditation and prisoner at a fort

      by , 02-11-2021 at 11:54 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I work in some office in the city. Somebody left a baby there. A colleague comes to me with the baby and asks if I want to adopt him. He is adorable and I kinda want to, but I remind her it's not that simple. I do accept however to look after him for the time being, until it is clear where he came from and what will happen next.
      As we leave, I am on the street with my colleague and she is holding the baby and showing me a daycare just at the end of the street, where she suggests I can leave him during the day. I sense some imminent danger as I notice we are underneath a building under construction. Somehow I rewind time, so we escape whatever accident was about to happen. That's when some agents of the Adjustment Bureau type of thing appear to me, not to chase me down and punish me, but to meet and befriend me. They too can stop time and push it back and forth. They stop everyone on the street and show me something quite irrelevant about music from a street vendor while he is frozen in time. I ask if one can in theory live forever if it spends a lot of time in this time stop bubbles. In theory they say one can live a long time as we don't age there, but we also can't do much because interfering or changing anything while there can have cosmic consequences. We can go back and change course, but not change things while they are frozen, Even stepping on a bug could be disastrous. I think it is good for meditating.

      In a retreat with my teacher. He presents a dance he practiced with a couple students. Then he selects a new group to choreograph a new dance and I am selected to be part of the group. Then he is invited by some glass artist to blow some glass to create a piece that will encapsulate his breath as a memento, and he calls me on, to add my breath to it to. But I blow too hard and destroy the piece. We start over.

      I am walking down a street and become lucid. I decide to float up and think about what to do next. I sit in meditation hovering over people on the street and try to just slide through the air to keep the scenario changing without having actively to think about it. Usually the mediation collapses the dream so I am trying to keep it going without interacting with it. But as usual it doesn't last long. Mara sends his armies to disrupt me. The sky turns dark and I see some couple bad fellas following me around with clear bad intentions. They can't fly but they are apparently pushing me past some train tracks into a garden. In that garden there is some kind of abandoned building where some more fellas are doing shady businesses with, I think, stolen materials. At first they don't seem disturbed with my presence. I even notice Evangelion among them and feel safer. But the ones that were following me push me into some long corridor that takes me to a new place. Past a door, there is a hallway in what appears to be an old fort. They close the door behind me and I keep going forward looking for the exit on the other side. But someone closes the door at the other end.Then I hear them entering through the door on to my back and clearly not with good intentions. But there are windows. They think I won't jump given the height, but I can fly and levitate so it isn't a problem to me. I go to the ledge of the window outside and just float until the ground.
      Now the context is a bit different, These guys are like a private army in a fort, they have uniforms. Outside on the ground, I stumble upon one who is secretly meeting his lady girlfriend. She is virgin and they are about to have their first sexual encounter before he goes on some mission the next day. They both get naked. The guy is played by Chris Evans, so very hot, but here he is a douchebag whom I despise. The girl is some blond actress whose name I don't recall. At first I feel like disrupting their sex and take revenge on the guy, I even pick up a spear he left on the floor and think about pinning down his balls to the ground. But I feel sorry for the girl. She really loves him and is so into the several positions they are trying . I let them be. But I steal his uniform. Then I go around the fort and pass by all the guards on the front door just for fun. A general arrives and is welcomed by another high ranking official there, who is telling him how they captured me and also have some important documents for him. I salute them and the general asks "so why is she here in a uniform" and the other guy freaks out. I kick his ass and some friends of mine arrive in a car and kidnap the general at that instant and take me along. No guards have time to react.
      After that we stop at some café to eat some cookies and have a drink. It is a kitsch but high tech place, with cute cat images and amazing interactive decorative panels with waterfall and other nature images that we can mix and match and they adjust to each other - like if we put one panel close another with a waterfall, it will prolong the waterfall.
    7. Enrolled to military, heat hands, move fast.

      by , 12-08-2020 at 01:59 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I had a lucid but don't remember it anymore. I went to sleep 1 am and set an alarm 7.45 am and one 9 am. The dream I write down was under the 7.45-9.00 am interval and was very long and genuine with feelings that followed me until I woke up.

      I'm on a train with three blonde girls sitting in front of me like the last dream. They talk to me about the military enthusiastically. We have been enrolled to the military. We come to a big house with a general that is talking. We walk out and I think to myself that I should not have went to military training. New fragment. I'm in an old house with Peter and William. I have some kind of superpower that lets me heat my fingers up to very high degrees. There are some adjustments on the house that are needed. I heat my fingers up and put them on some parts of the house so they melt. The melted material works as glue so that I can attach some other material on the last one. After some time a hurt myself because it is too warm. I notice that I only burn myself when I melt the material but not when I heat my fingers without putting them on the material. I find this odd. Peter says something. New fragment. I'm in the kitchen at home and there are many people by the table. My family, cousins and aunts and so forth. They all look at me and mom asks if I can use my fast walk. I do small jumps and I'm able to almost teleport a small step each time I do it. They look at me with amazement. After a while it doesn't work but they are still looking at me as if I succeeded. My sister starts to do a beautiful dance when I stop. She moves in a constant speed over the floor and at the same time she spins around herself in a controlled manner with her hands in the air. It looks a lot like a ballerina dance but faster and more energetic. The people by the table says that it is amazing that I got enrolled to the military and that I'm also able to fast walk as if it was a good combination.

      Notes: I didn't make it to the military because of my allergies. I wonder what this dream symbolises. Three blonde girls about my age is a repeating symbol.
    8. better?

      by , 06-29-2020 at 07:16 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      I'm at some weird high school like dance, dancing with some girl from work...


      She was really absent this week. I did have a brief one sexual related. I finished too fast and just left, and she looked upset. I hope that's never a problem IRL...


      Just Him standing by a building looking inside but he's like 40 ft tall. He's looking in a window.
      Tags: dance, jamie, jesus
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. 29 Dec: Learning a ritual dance from my guru

      by , 12-29-2018 at 04:04 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Attending my guru's teachings. I am sitting right in front of him, then there is some initiation in which I am given something, not sure what, Then I am alone with Ioana who teaches me a ritual dance. Then she says we were supposed to have met others again at some new place and that we are late and she runs out to ger her shoes or whatever.
      I follow her outside but don't see her anymore. I find myself in a pateo in what seems like a monastery. I feel something weird. I start floating, dancing in the air, moving weirdly, end up on the ground doing sensual moves with some objects in my hands. A bell is placed on my pelvis and with each movement it rings and arouses me. I am getting horny with the dance, when all other students appears with our teacher and I feel embarrassed and stop. But Rinpoche asks some other lama what he thinks of my dance and the opinion is that I did good, considering I just got brief teachings immediately before. Then I learn that it wasn't Ioana who had taught me, but Rinpoche himself, that I had been under some spell to see a different reality and see her in his place.
      Now we will continue the teaching, We all walk to inside the building. There are flags hanging and waving everywhere and graffiti with certain symbols I can't decipher on all walls.
    10. Sudden Performance

      by , 04-25-2017 at 06:29 PM
      It’s the day of our show and we don’t know any of the dances or choreography we’re doing. We try to quickly come up with things and remember them during the short rehearsal. I’m not feeling confident enough to do my solo because I haven’t been practicing enough. I wish I would have practiced more. I consider doing my dance without the sword. We’re told that the solo winner will perform in NY. My instructor is really worried that our dances will be too similar, she really doesn’t want them to similar. She tastes each of our cakes like the Great British Baking Show and seems to like mine a little better, although neither are perfect. I wonder why Cleo decided to use savory focaccia to make her cake? I try to find space to practice and use the windows outside, then I see a large mirror. But the mirror is magnified and the sword I’m using is the wrong type and will not balance. D tries to give me advice. I look for Cleo and see her in the distance sitting on the face of a random but attractive, tan guy. I continue to go on a walk. She approaches me eventually when I’m in some type of curved outdoor corrido. I tell her I’ve been looking for her. I don’t remember what she says. Later I tell D about what I saw and that the guy didn’t look like her boyfriend. D then does it to me.

      I remember something about being at my house and the neighbors are walking outside. They say hi to me. They seem to be preparing for a camping or fishing trip with friends who brought large coolers. They’re walking around right outside our windows. I feel as though I’m naked or exposed somehow. I feel like D and I had sex at some point. I also see their kitten and hold it.

      MONDAY 2/4
      +The next time write anything down - Success at first, forgot in the later part of the day
      The next time feel pain - Not technically a success, but I did get a few times
      The next time I hear someone say my name
      +The next time I drink something - Success for the first part of the day
      Tags: cat, cleo, dance
    11. [08-02-2017: Construction and hotel DILD]

      by , 02-08-2017 at 03:35 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was atop some skyscraper construction, in a room just below the roof. It was mostly empty, with only tiles placed. There were no lights or glass panes, but it wasn't dark as sunlight getting through random openings lit the area. It was a noon. I went down some strange stairs that were wider or shorter in places and got to a small hallway opening to some industrial area which was part of the building. I was holding my laptop. I got out to the area and on a ledge on higher level of construction I saw some people coming. There was a way to another hallway, leading down the skyscraper. I followed it, but then a sudden shot at the chest killed me. I was back at the opening to industrial bit, went out and saw those people on the ledge again. This time I decided to move in the opposite direction than the second hallway, but I fell with my laptop into some water cistern. I didn't drowned, but for some reason I somewhat opened up a console and used a cvar that would reset the dream state back to the first hallway. After the reset I thought that this might be a dream and made a nose plug RC. It worked and I was lucid. I didn't had laptop this time and ignored people on the ledge when going out. I entered a strangely shifted spiral staircase that was hard to navigate and got to a tiled hallway. Following it I stepped through empty doorframe and entered a five star hotel. Going further I met some blonde woman in a long, black dress that instantly came closer and hugged me, then she started leading a dance. The dream became unstable and just like a game or some programme, it changed from "fullscreen" to "windowed" mode and I could see the woman hugging me in a window on bottom-left corner of "screen". In the background there were colourfull energy streams.
    12. How to WILD, by DC (semi-lucid)

      by , 10-16-2016 at 10:44 AM
      Legend: non-lucid lucid lucid false awakening

      I am in an amazing world (still non-lucid) and I am dancing with some girl DC. I am having the time of my life. I suddenly realize this is a dream. I am having such a good time, I am considering whether to stabilize or to let it go and continue non-lucid. I decide to try to stabilize. But, too much time has passed and I continue the dream non-lucid. I am in a room with 3 male DCs. One of them starts explaining to me how to return to the dream. He says I should make, before bed, a short description of some object. I should first set up the shape of the object and then gradually adding details. He gives me an example of a church. I first see the shape of the church, then the texture of the walls, then the color of the walls. It is almost like lizard skin, it is dark grey with a lot of random squares and spikes. The DC says if I do that, I will gradually drop in the dream.

      Updated 10-20-2016 at 11:06 AM by 52095

      Tags: church, dance, lesson, wild
    13. From Mundane to...Ehh??

      by , 09-04-2016 at 03:16 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Haven't posted any entries in 4 days, but rest assured, I'm ALIVE. Rather than not posting due to no recall, however, I didn't post the entries for the 1st and 2nd of September simply because they were extremely mundane dreams.
      Literally all they consisted of was me hanging out with my family and going about day to day business. Nothing really to write in depth about.
      The dream I had for the morning of the 3rd (or, yesterday, as of this time of writing) was an interesting one involving the concept of inception.
      My cousin was going to get married to this jerk of a guy, and I wasn't okay with it, so I decided to pull a Leonardo DiCaprio and delve into her dreams to perform inception. A dream about dreams, as it were. Deep.
      And then, this morning's. All of these dreams don't have a whole lot of detail recalled, but rather, specific plot points. One thing that has been improving though is my ability to recollect these things even after falling back asleep, as usually that's enough to simply wipe my memory of it if I didn't write it down.
      I was hanging out with this girl I used to know really well IRL (we haven't hung out in literal ages), and we were sitting on this outdoor park bench. Yet, half of the area was covered in what appeared to be a house. So it was like half outdoors, half house. I can't even find a good way to describe that, it was a sort of reality warp-ish type of dream scene, the kind your dream self can understand just fine, but in real life you're like 'wtf'
      Anyways, strange dream scene aside, we were sitting on this bench, a nice breeze blowing through, and just sort of happily people-watching. All of a sudden, she turns to me and nervously asks if I'd like to accompany her to her school's Snowball dance. Shocked, but pleasantly surprised, I happily accept. Almost immediately, in comes a lot of people I know and associate with this girl. They just begin walking by, mumbling their thoughts about that turn of events.
      Sorry if this one sounded bizarrely described, but that's cuz it really was sort of bizarre. It had a nice peaceful atmosphere, but a lot of weird stuff that you'd usually only notice upon waking (or maybe not, in the event of a successful DILD, which has yet to come. But that's okay!)
      Anyways, sorry for the radio silence, and happy dreaming.
    14. AUG 2014 basic task 2 and advanced task 1

      by , 08-08-2016 at 01:29 AM
      Basic task 2
      Advanced task 1

      Back in bed after a WBTB, I got to induce a lucid via DEILD. Or at least what I thought was a DEILD... Turns out I never actually woke up. I had a massive false awakening in which the TV was turned on in my room and everything; the trippiest FA I've had in a while. After the "TV" woke me up (everything being a hallucination), I decided to induce a lucid via focusing in the hypnagogic imagery.

      A funny thing that happened is that, while I was trying to detach OBE style, I slowly rolled out of bed and fell. Again, just a hallucination. But, while in that state, I wasn't sure if I actually fell or not. Either way, I eventually completely detached and didn't think too much about anything except the tasks that I was set out to do.

      "Out of body" in my grandma’s house, and before going outside to do the tasks, I jumped around and did stupid things like a child for a little bit as the euphoria that comes with being lucid poured over me.

      After calming myself down, I went out looking for a dream character, hoping to find a female one (here it goes). It was dark out, as in early morning. Surprisingly fast, I saw the faint shape of a female dream character by the neighbor's house. All I could see was that she was tall and had dark hair. As I approached her, I willingly tried to make her shape appear "hotter."

      When I was close enough, as to see her clearly, I notice that she is girl a I used to know from high school. That was completely random, as I didn't even think about her (or any specific girl for that matter). But she was indeed good looking, so I permitted my libido to take over for a few seconds while maintaining a high level of awareness, as to not let blind desire completely consume me and to loose my lucidity as a result.

      When that was taken care of, I asked the girl to be my assistant for todays task and she kindly agreed without using any words (at least of the Verbal kind).
      I asked another dream character that was in sight where I could find a microscope and she pointed to a specific house close by.

      I was hoping for the house to be an awesome crazy scientist's place but it wasn't and there weren’t any microscopes to be seen. I really wanted to complete the task so I acquired a bunch of junk (including an empty glass of water, Energizer batteries, and a magnifying glass), jumbled them up together in my hands, really hoping to magically create the microscope.

      A part of me doubted my success, but I did it! I created a weird looking little microscope. Maybe the female DC beside me increased my performance. Anyway, I looked through the microscope to see something already in close up. It was something similar to what I saw in my BIOL class (chloroplasts). I decided to keep zooming in, not touching anything in the microscope, just using my will.

      I zoomed in and in and in, until I found myself looking at what I can only describe as a "dance of energy." A bunch of floating, dancing and hypnotizing atoms, or quarks. Whatever it was that I was seeing, it was very colorful.

      I wanted to show this thing to my DC assistant, but before I knew it, I lost myself in the now almost psychedelic "dance of energy" and off I went into non-lucidity (until I woke up, not long afterwards).
    15. sin-aesthesia

      by , 05-01-2016 at 11:53 AM
      My dream recall is still lousy except for my little lucids that are so vivid as to be real or more than real.

      I awoke to find myself on a large bed with nice clean white sheets, it is a four poster bed. I am sprawled out on the bed and wonder where the hell am I, when I wake up in the dream. I realise I am dreaming and go to get up off the bed but find i am stuck.
      My wrists and ankles are bound to the bed by white silk ties Oo this is not disimilar to a dream I had before but did not record as it was to embarressing lol.
      I feel the presences of silky and sure enough I look up to see her looking at me, I am quite deliriously happy, and she is begins to belly dance. I am totally hypnotised by her every movement craning my neck up from the bed, as sh dances.
      As she dances my chest is filled with heat but more interestingly she seems to shimmer. And sure enough she is pulsing with some kind of aura or afterglow. As she moves my eyes are riveted to her every sinuess movement. The energy is starting to be thrown off from her in great swaths. I suddenly realise that the music filling the room is coming from her, as her every movement is not only in time with the music but it is vibrating to create it and I now can see the music as colours radiating from her body.
      She is so amazing, I start to cry feeling the warm, tears trickle down my cheeks.
      The energies intensify and roll off her in powerful waves slowly filling the room with colur and light, forming a 3d patchwork around her. The colours paint the walls of the room creating intricate artwork everywhere.
      She moves closer and says something but i am now so blissed out that I can barely make out the words, I am again in a warm bubble of golden syrupy energy. I feel safe I feel like I have come home again.
      I think I made out her words, she was mischeiviesous as ever.
      I wake up feeling warm and snuggly and don't want to get up at all
      I just want to stay with those feelings forever.

      The noises of people and the mundane world start to fill my awareness
      and I awaken thinking how strange the world is that it does not know what had come to pass.

      I noticed that the colours in the air were making the kandinsky combinations
      those they evolved further

      Updated 05-01-2016 at 11:58 AM by 89275

      lucid , memorable
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