Morning of June 13, 2018. Wednesday. My dream self holds a liminal awareness of being asleep. Eventually, a subliminal focus on bodies in blankets, as we have more (and thicker) blankets on us in the cooler weather, helps build the first dream segment. The setting is unknown, but seems loosely based on an association with our backyard on Stadcor Street in Wavell Heights (where we have not lived in years). I find myself carrying a corpse fully wrapped inside a thick blanket (autosymbolism, though with literal threads, for my physical body being inactive in sleep). I consider that it is Earl (an older half-brother on my mother’s side who died in 2007). Even so, the body is not of realistic size or weight (though my dream self does not consider this). I drop him into a pile of other bodies that are in a hole in the ground. The hole accommodates the length of a little less than two bodies and the width of about two bodies. The bodies are almost to the top of the hole. When I drop Earl in, he somehow easily slips down vertically into a space between my mother and my brother-in-law Bob on the right (though Bob is still alive in real life as far as I know). (They are each fully wrapped in a blanket.) This cheerfully surprises me. There is an awareness of how his body actually seemed to quickly shrink as it slipped down into the space below (vestibular system correlation autosymbolism). I know there are several other bodies farther down, all relatives. I briefly think about the bodies being together like this, vaguely pondering if it is the right way to have a burial. I have a false memory that it is normal to have the bodies of deceased relatives in a backyard like this. Knowing that they have to remain buried at a deeper level, I push down on the bodies and even roll around on top of them to force them farther down into the hole. This works to a degree and about two feet of space remains near the top of the hole, but I do not yet shovel dirt into it. In the next segment, dominated by non-lucid dream control, I am in an indoor location, though it is mostly unfamiliar (though my dream self perceives it as our present home). I am explaining to members of my family how to see into the spirit realm. They are all on my right, including our youngest son. I consider possible communication with Marilyn (older half-sister on my mother’s side who died in 2014). This connection to the spirit world is activated by pressing a paperclip onto the edge of a button on the television remote. (In my dream, the perimeter of each button is metallic.) Doing this distorts the signal, removing most of it to display supposedly ghostly broadcasts and patterns. At first, the screen is mostly black, but there is a fuzzy form that moves across the screen from right to left (though of which mainly just seems like signal interference). I point it out to family members as evidence that ghostly activity is being seen. Soon, another form is seen. It is like a very hazy incomplete rendering of Godzilla, about half the height of the screen, somewhat like a pale gray outline with some other details, but it also seems to be a chubby young cat walking on its back legs (which my dream self does not pick up on the autosymbolism of in a cat being a “witness” to the nature of the dream state in mediating the preconscious bulwark, here rendered as the television screen). The image wobbles and sways as it moves from right to left. I tell the others to watch this odd feature. Eventually, very clear and detailed scenes are visible, though they are in black and white. There are two “devils” conversing in one scene, one female and one male. They are also insect-like, though mostly human. They have goat horns as well as insect antennae. They are in an outside environment near a rocky area. I have no concern about this scene (as I even find it amusing) and I start to consider that this is a farce. At one level, despite continuing to pretend the images are coming from the spirit world, I realize that all I am doing is weakening a normal television broadcast to create “ghost” images and isolated partial pieces of the real broadcast. Sliding the paperclip against the buttons on the remote, the normal broadcast of a schooner at sea, originally in color, changes into a hazy black-and-white image and the rolling sea becomes the wavy lines of the vertical hold being out of adjustment, distorting diagonally (an amazing effect in my dream). There are other images after this, one being the hazy “ghost” of a sea captain. Soon, color images from legitimate television broadcasts start to remain on the screen longer. I tell my family that the process is starting to weaken and the supposed spirit world contact is no longer viable. It has an association with static electricity lessening after more continuous contact with the metallic surfaces. The last image as I wake is a vivid colorful view from under a girl looking down at the viewer, her head against the blue sky. This dream was caused by the typical combination of autosymbolism (based on the sleeping, dreaming, and waking process) with television influence, which is interesting, as television is an analogy to a liminal space division or preconscious bulwark. The primary influence of both dream segments was “The Seven Year Itch” episode of “Grimm”, seen just prior to going to bed. The remote and paperclip scenario was additionally based on a question from “Think Tank” seen earlier yesterday, though based on an incorrect answer otherwise regarding how a felt-tipped pen saved the Apollo 11 mission (by completing a circuit). It is extraordinary how non-lucid mediation of a dream combines total fantasy with distorted waking life associations, though this is by lifelong habit since early childhood in sometimes reviewing and altering content of television shows, movies, comic books, and so on, in liminal stages of the dream state induction process.
When I woke up in the middle of the night I remembered this dream. I was back in school taking tests, after I had finished a test, I would move to another seat in the class where there was another test and I would do that test too. There were some other people there too, who I recognized as old classmates from highschool, doing the same thing. I was fine up until the last test when I ran out of time for class was over. The teacher let me finish it after class, but I wasn't able to finish it before the dream shifted. I was wandering around the school now, but the school had morphed into a different building now, not sure what, I just know it wasn't a school anymore. I ended up in a somewhat bigger room where people were gathering. The details get hazy, but there was some sort of commotion and this one guy pulls out a gun and starts shooting at the others. The guy in front of me was in between me & the shooter, he turns and runs toward me. As he does he gets shot in the back three times. The gunman is out of ammo at this point and some people restrain him. Just as I'm thinking the guy who got shot would be ok, he slumps down to the floor dead. I was trying to help this guy before he dies, and looking at the extent of his injuries. Now that he is dead I try to resuscitate him. My dream vision begins morphing at this point to where its like I have x-ray vision, but in a campy way. I can see the insides of people, although all my DCs now look dead, but I know its only the one guy in front of me who is really dead, not the others. I can see everyone's skeletons and their internal organs. Only their internal organs look campy representations of organs, like instead of real lungs, they look like balloons, etc. So the gross factor is really minimal. So I begin working on the dead guy who was shot, and I give him CPR. I'm pushing on his skeleton looking chest with my hands, I'm not really liking it but it has to be done. I know he is revived when I see his "balloon lungs" start breathing on their own. I'm glad that he is alive again, and to get my normal mode sight back again, my dream automatically morphs over into a different scene. Now I'm somewhere outside, but near the ocean. My previous efforts have made me become lucid now. My dream isn't quite stable, and my dream characters start to panic as weird weather appears and there might have been an earthquake too. Some of my DCs are saying it is the end of the world and it is God's judgement and stuff. Although I'm seeing it all happen, it doesn't phase me one bit. Instead I start hearing what sounds like the voice of God speaking to everyone, me too. I get an idea to get out of the area, so I say let there be a big wave I can ride. As if hearing me, a big wave appears in the ocean. I was somehow able to leap over onto it and surf it with my feet all the way across the ocean to what I thought was Europe. There isn't any end of the world stuff going on when the wave gives out on the shore and I step calmly off. The only odd thing was I couldn't sense any people around, at least there was no one outside. It was eerie feeling. I walked up to this church, "willing" for people to be inside. Once I opened the doors and went in, I did find people were inside. Even my cousin was there and it looked like I was back in a dream from earlier in the night although I don't remember the details of that earlier dream. It was as though the tidal wave had took me back into an earlier dream I had and I found that quite interesting.
DJ Log: January 6, 2013 – 4:15PM (USA Eastern) • NON-DREAM • NOTES • DREAM • LUCID • I drive into a parking lot at a strip mall then walk into a store looking for a wacky hat for a party. The store didn't have any, but the cashier suggested that I try another store at the other end of the strip mall. I walk down the sidewalk past a long row of shopping carts. Near the end of the row, there is a hobo looking guy wearing a corset. He is telling another guy that his lady friend passed out along the wall and he asks them what that smell is on her. He says that he thinks she shit her pants. The guy says, “That's not shit, that's death.” I continue walking and skip the other store. Wanting nothing to do with this mess, I walk into the parking lot and make my way back to the car.
I'm writing this entire night a second time, because I accedently pushed 'Back' on this page after I wrote it the first time(rage). So, I'll start out by saying that I have definitly had some strange dreams. We've all had some pretty strange dreams. Dreams are of the nature of being strange usually, but last night I honestly don't know how they got so out of the ordinary. There were about six to ten different scenes in total, I'll start with the first I remember. The first scene began in some sort of fantasy land. It was night time, but the night time here glowed. The glowing setting of this place was a dark shade of blue, it was peaceful. My body was in the form of a centaur. But not only did I have the four legs of a horse, I had a pair of wings on my back as well. This dream had a great deal to do with magic, although I don't remember what I was trying to accomplish with magic per say. All I really recall fondly is that I was a flying centaur, and that is badass. The second dream was in a fancy room. The walls were red, and the carpets, plants, and sofas matched it well. Also there were a few nice paintings along the wall that I noticed. My sister and a few of her friends were sitting on one of the couches talking as I lucidly flew around the room inspecting it. I wanted to continue the scenes, so I made a door in the wall and told everybody to follow me. I didn't know where the door led to, I wanted it to suprise me. So I opened it and walked into the hall way of a mall. On the right side was a marble wall and then a corner that went into the main sections and on the left was a wall made of glass that allowed you to see outside. I don't think this dream continued any longer- it shifted to another scene. My sister and I walked out of our house with our dog, Chiquis. We walked across the street and said hello to our niece. We talked to her for a bit and let Chiquis walk around the grass. There were a few dogs walking around as well that I didn't notice before. They started to surround Chiquis and sniff her. She gets really nervous around other dogs, and she looked scared shitless to be frank. I was in a sort of strange half lucid state at this point, so I grew out my claws and fur and grew a few inches. I walked towards the group of dogs surrounding mine and let out a menacing growl that sent them running in all directions. Then I picked my baby Chiquis up and pet her for a little while. She liked my fury form. Here's where the dream became extremely... out of the ordinary. I'm not sure how this all happened. People, turned into things that weren't human. I still considered them normal people in the dream, but everyone I encountered now had bodies shaped as dirty mounds of moving flesh. Their skins were all shades of green and brown and their anatomy's just did not make sense, it's so hard to explain. There was a couple walking down the sidewalk in front of me. Their grotesque blob-bodies where formed into one body with two heads when they were happy with each other, but when they began to fight their bodies would seperate. The male's mouth was in sections of four, and opened and closed in all different angles when he talked; and the female's mouth was came out of her face long and skinny with tiny lips at the end. They talked like normal people, acted like normal people- but everything was weird. The skies were orange. The buildings around me were strange and flesh looking. Some went up for miles, others were regular size. They all had holes and isles like a huge building of large entrails. Still walking down the sidewalk, I began recieving the feeling I was in danger- something was following me. I knew what it was in the dream, but now that I think of it I had no idea really. I began turning corners and picking up my speed when I stopped, almost running into a large neon orange fox shaped creature. The creature was probably the size of my livingroom, and had the body of shaped like a fox. But it didn't have fur, just solid bright mass. It's eyes were red, but not at all sinister. And it talked to me in my head. It's own head so so beatiful, but I can't imagine any way that I could explain it's shape right. The front of it's head had the eyes and nose in place, in the front- but the head was large, and it went back a good length. It was almost a cone shape going backwards, but the shape was made out of a large clump of curling and tethered orange tendons. I jumped on it's back and held on. It had the ability to run on any surface, straight up, straight down, upside down- you name it. We ran through twisting caverns and tunnels of the flesh like buildings I meantioned before, she went so fast. I couldn't hardly keep up with the way she moved. Her voice was soft and calming. She was a good pet. "So, I couldn't help but notice your horns. Are you one of the demon folk around here?" She asked me. In the dream, for some reason in that moment I was one of the beings they called demons in the city. But in this strange "Ugly Americans" sense. It seemed like the more grotesque you were here, the cooler you were. "Yeah, that's me." I replied. I was having a hard time thinking of conversation at the speeds we were going. We finally got to the complete other side of the town, and she let me off. "Thank you so much." I said. And she jumped away. The next dream was vivid and horrific, almost like a nightmare but not really. Now everything looked like this world. There was no distortion, it was vivid and realistic. I was walking through a very dirty and runned down area. It looked like a ghetto, but like... a ghetto after the apocolypse had happened or some shit. It was just wrecked. I was walking down an alley, and started seeing corpses here and there. They were rapped up in white tissues, almost like mumification, but less tactful. The body count increased, soon there were piles of these wrapped up bodies. I came upon a giant lot. It looked like a meat farm, but all of the hanging meats were human bodies. More of the bodies that I'd seen, all wrapped up in white material. Some of them were alive I noticed. There were a few workers in the lot, and they formed a twisted lotto game. They'd roll the numbers, and the body that had the same number got their wraps cut off. They got to run away if they were still alive. It was a strange and intensely disturbing scene, mostly because of how calm everyone was with it; other than the people who were wrapped up and hanging upside down. I ran out into the street and saw my wife and friends, and Tom Cruise(!?). The mood of the dream changed dramatically and I randomly became lucid. I didn't know why Tom Cruise was there, but I went along with it. He had a narley car, and they wanted to go off and do something. My friend Nick jumped in the drivers seat. I motioned my hand up, and he was lifted up in the air and landed in the back seat. "Ahah, dibs." I said and flew into the drivers spot. "Don't worry Tom, if I wreck your car- I'll fix it." I said, and took off much to fast to be safe in traffic. One part of me wanted to be safe and calm in the car, the other half just wanted to bust it's horse power. So we took off, swearving in and out of the legal peramiters of the road. I remember lastly pulling into a parking structure and everyone getting out. I'm not sure where the dream went after that, but altogether- it was a memorable night. I had a false awakening once, and sat in bed listening to my brother Jeremy talk to his mom outside of the room. (I was spending the night) But then I woke up shortly after.
Updated 09-16-2012 at 06:35 AM by 57343 (Typos.)
I'm writing this entire night a second time, because I accedently pushed 'Back' on this page after I wrote it the first time(rage). So, I'll start out by saying that I have definitly had some strange dreams. We've all had some pretty strange dreams. Dreams are of the nature of being strange usually, but last night I honestly don't know how they got so out of the ordinary. There were about six to ten different scenes in total, I'll start with the first I remember. The first scene began in some sort of fantasy land. It was night time, but the night time here glowed. The glowing setting of this place was a dark shade of blue, it was peaceful. My body was in the form of a centaur. But not only did I have the four legs of a horse, I had a pair of wings on my back as well. This dream had a great deal to do with magic, although I don't remember what I was trying to accomplish with magic per say. All I really recall fondly is that I was a flying centaur, and that is badass. The second dream was in a fancy room. The walls were red, and the carpets, plants, and sofas matched it well. Also there were a few nice paintings along the wall that I noticed. My sister and a few of her friends were sitting on one of the couches talking as I lucidly flew around the room inspecting it. I wanted to continue the scenes, so I made a door in the wall and told everybody to follow me. I didn't know where the door led to, I wanted it to suprise me. So I opened it and walked into the hall way of a mall. On the right side was a marble wall and then a corner that went into the main sections and on the left was a wall made of glass that allowed you to see outside. I don't think this dream continued any longer- it shifted to another scene. My sister and I walked out of our house with our dog, Chiquis. We walked across the street and said hello to our niece. We talked to her for a bit and let Chiquis walk around the grass. There were a few dogs walking around as well that I didn't notice before. They started to surround Chiquis and sniff her. She gets really nervous around other dogs, and she looked scared shitless to be frank. I was in a sort of strange half lucid state at this point, so I grew out my claws and fur and grew a few inches. I walked towards the group of dogs surrounding mine and let out a menacing growl that sent them running in all directions. Then I picked my baby Chiquis up and pet her for a little while. She liked my fury form. Here's where the dream became extremely... out of the ordinary. I'm not sure how this all happened. People, turned into things that weren't human. I still considered them normal people in the dream, but everyone I encountered now had bodies shaped as dirty mounds of moving flesh. Their skins were all shades of green and brown and their anatomy's just did not make sense, it's so hard to explain. There was a couple walking down the sidewalk in front of me. Their grotesque blob-bodies where formed into one body with two heads when they were happy with each other, but when they began to fight their bodies would seperate. The male's mouth was in sections of four, and opened and closed in all different angles when he talked; and the female's mouth was came out of her face long and skinny with tiny lips at the end. They talked like normal people, acted like normal people- but everything was weird. The buildings around me were strange and flesh looking. Some went up for miles, others were regular size. They all had wholes and isles like a huge building of large entrails. Still walking down the sidewalk, I began recieving the feeling I was in danger- something was following me. I knew what it was in the dream, but now that I think of it I had no idea really. I began turning corners and picking up my speed when I stopped, almost running into a large neon orange fox shaped creature. The creature was probably the size of my livingroom, and had the body of shaped like a fox. But it didn't have fur, just solid bright mass. It's eyes were red, but not at all sinister. And it talked to me in my head. It's own head so so beatiful, but I can't imagine any way that I could explain it's shape right. The front of it's head had the eyes and nose in place, in the front- but the head was large, and it went back a good length. It was almost a cone shape going backwards, but the shape was made out of a large clump of curling and tethered orange tendons. I jumped on it's back and held on. It had the ability to run on any surface, straight up, straight down, upside down- you name it. We ran through twisting caverns and tunnels of the flesh like buildings I meantioned before, she went so fast. I couldn't hardly keep up with the way she moved. Her voice was soft and calming. She was a good pet. "So, I couldn't help but notice your horns. Are you one of the demon folk around here?" She asked me. In the dream, for some reason in that moment I was one of the beings they called demons in the city. But in this strange "Ugly Americans" sense. It seemed like the more grotesque you were here, the cooler you were. "Yeah, that's me." I replied. I was having a hard time thinking of conversation at the speeds we were going. We finally got to the complete other side of the town, and she let me off. "Thank you so much." I said. And she jumped away. The next dream was vivid and horrific, almost like a nightmare but not really. Now everything looked like this world. There was no distortion, it was vivid and realistic. I was walking through a very dirty and runned down area. It looked like a ghetto, but like... a ghetto after the apocolypse had happened or some shit. It was just wrecked. I was walking down an alley, and started seeing corpses here and there. They were rapped up in white tissues, almost like mumification, but less tactful. The body count increased, soon there were piles of these wrapped up bodies. I came upon a giant lot. It looked like a meat farm, but all of the hanging meats were human bodies. More of the bodies that I'd seen, all wrapped up in white material. Some of them were alive I noticed. There were a few workers in the lot, and they formed a twisted lotto game. They'd roll the numbers, and the body that had the same number got their wraps cut off. They got to run away if they were still alive. It was a strange and intensely disturbing scene, mostly because of how calm everyone was with it; other than the people who were wrapped up and hanging upside down. I ran out into the street and saw my wife and friends, and Tom Cruise(!?). The mood of the dream changed dramatically and I randomly became lucid. I didn't know why Tom Cruise was there, but I went along with it. He had a narley car, and they wanted to go off and do something. My friend Nick jumped in the drivers seat. I motioned my hand up, and he was lifted up in the air and landed in the back seat. "Ahah, dibs." I said and flew into the drivers spot. "Don't worry Tom, if I wreck your car- I'll fix it." I said, and took off much to fast to be safe in traffic. One part of me wanted to be safe and calm in the car, the other half just wanted to bust it's horse power. So we took off, swearving in and out of the legal peramiters of the road. I remember lastly pulling into a parking structure and everyone getting out. I'm not sure where the dream went after that, but altogether- it was a memorable night. I had a false awakening once, and sat in bed listening to my brother Jeremy talk to his mom outside of the room. (I was spending the night) But then I woke up shortly after.
DJ Log: June 6, 2012 – 8:00AM (USA Eastern) • NON-DREAM • NOTES • DREAM • LUCID • I am walking up a set of old rusty industrial metal stairs with a few other people. There are protestors lining the edges of the steps shouting at us as we walk. Some of them push at us while yelling. The stairway goes up about 8 steps to a small landing, then switches back in the other direction. This continues for quite a while as we push out way through the protestors. We reach the top of the stairs and swipe our security badges to open the door. Outside, there is a narrow train bridge which follows tightly along a cliff side. The rails rest on wooden ties which are anchored to the cliff side with large metal I-beams. The bridge surface is open between the ties and there is barely enough space to walk alongside the tracks. Under the bridge is a very deep ravine with a river at the bottom. To the left is a maintenance yard with a storage shed, and to the right I can see that the bridge curves around the cliff side and vanishes from sight. The group I am walking with splits up. A few of them walk toward the maintenance yard and I walk with a small group in the other direction to see what's around the bend. There are a couple of people walking back from that direction, but they will not reply when asked what is over there. As we walk, there are more people walking in the opposite direction. They just stare forward blankly as they walk. We walk around the bend and see a cave in the cliff side right next to the bridge. There is a guy sitting in a chair next to the entrance and we can hear people talking inside the cave. The guy looks at us and tells us that this is not the correct entrance. He points to the right and tells us to go back in the other direction. We walk back toward the maintenance yard and find several people hanging out. I walk into the storage shed, then turn around when I heat an ATV running. There is a guy on a 4-wheeler, running around the yard then riding down onto the I-beams under the bridge. I walk up to the edge of the cliff and watch him ride down one of the beams, then the 4-wheeler slips off the beam and falls. The rider grabs onto the beam and pulls himself back up onto the bridge. As we watch the 4-wheeler fall into the river, I see a body floating down the river. I look up and down the river and see that there are quite a few bodies floating on the water. I look at the other people and they are all staring at the river too. I look down again and suddenly wake up.
The dream starts off with me walking through a field. There is a thick and heavy fog and I cannot even see the ground under my feet but I can feel it - it is very bumpy and unstable, like I am walking on frozen pillows or something, if that makes any sense. I am walking up a slight incline and the fog recedes a bit when I reach the top. The unstable ground I am walking on is covered with thousands of bodies as far as the eye can see. There are so many bodies and they are piled on top of each other so high that I cannot see any natural ground at all. Most of the bodies are men in green or grey uniforms but there are also women and children laying about. Despite all of the dead bodies, many of which are in various states of decay, I don't remember smelling the rot around me. In front of me is a small pond. There are bodies in the water but not as many as on the ground and the water is a dark reddish brown because it is filled with blood and rotting flesh. I walk past the pond and to the other side of the hill, but it is slow going because stepping across the mounds of bodies is difficult. The fog has lessend, but there are still bodies as far as the eye can see and I cannot get away from them no matter how far I go.
This dream occurred about 90-minutes after going to bed in the first REM stage. I took a liquid gel multivitamin and 500mg of B5 before bed. My GF and I were playing a cooperative video game. I remember fighting a giant turtle like monster and she was getting overwhelmed and overly excited playing it. The visuals were very 3D, even holographic, and her character was able to paint cross-hairs on the beast. (There was no fear attached to this part of the dream.) We decided to go out. It was nighttime outside and all the street lamps were off. My GF was suddenly afraid. The darkness was making me apprehensive too which is not normal. I went to close my car door and it wouldn't shut. I moved the seat belt a little thinking it was caught. Then slammed the door even harder, but it bounced even more. I looked down at the frame and discovered my wallet and cell phone were lodged there. I figured my phone was broke, but for some reason I didn't want to stay in my drive for another moment. I slammed my car into reverse, in a maneuver to shut the door finally using a hard left spin. We jammed down my darkened block and near the end on the right hand side standing in front of a car was a cowering German Shepard dog. It was crouched, and it was trembling with fear wetting the street in front of the curb with urine. This was a big healthy looking animal, scared out of its wits. We drove further and came to near to the spot of my last posted dream Neighborhood: Magic Garden. Standing in the middle of the road was deranged looking huge Rottweiler dog. It was starring me down hard. I rolled down the window this time to attempt to lighten the atmosphere with puppy talk. It just rolled its head, looking at me dead in the eyes with barely contained hostility. We drove past and reached the exact spot of my last posted dream Neighborhood: Magic Garden There, kitty-corner to where the magic garden had been was a decimated house with the entire front end smashed wide open. I could see a couple inside. Dead. Nude. Frozen in positions of absolute horror on their sofa. Turning down that street and driving further, the entire block was covered with thick green moss, huge fallen trees, and ripped apart houses. I could hear a massive number of frogs in the distance. --At this point I whimpered out loud and it woke me up. My heart was racing, I was terrified, and I could still hear the din of hoards of frogs in the distance... The sound faded and it merged with my air filter which was set on low. I don't have time to post my next dream from last night, it was much more terrifying and extremely realistic.
Updated 04-07-2011 at 08:20 AM by 32174
It is late in the night and their is no moon. I am wandering through some abandoned warehouses that have the floors ripped up. It lookes as if their is an excavation going on because there are deep pits and excavation tools laying around, but the building is dark and there is no one around. I wanter outside and come to a platform beside some train tracks. I don't know if the tracks are in use because they look old and are over grown with grass and stuff but a small train does arrive and I get on one of the passenger cars. All of the cars of the train are open to the outside or are roofless, more like tram cars or something. The train doesn't go very far and stops in front of what looks like a college or university. I get off and wander around the building and note that despite it being the middle of the night, there are many students and people around. I find my way inside and realize that no one can see me. I look down at myself and I am transparent like a ghost. I suddenly realize that I am dead and remember that I was murdered not long ago and I want someone to find my body so I can be at peace. There is a commotion with several of the students and they rush inside of the building. I follow them to the expansive library where many people have gathered and are watching a news report about the bodies of hundreds of murdered students being found in mass graves in a swampy area not far away. The police are unable to explain how so many students could go missing and be murdered without any evidence of who is behind it. Everyone on campus fears that a serial killer is on the loose and many people are afraid to leave the school grounds. While I do not become aware that I am in a dream and am able to consciously control my actions and I start to fly. I move through the walls of the college and high up into the air. I come to a beach along a river where there is a pink radio station with a large antena a top of it. Anong the beach are power line towers that are oversized and take up much of the space along the beach. There is a helicopter circling the radio tower while trying to dodge the over sized electrical towers. The copter is using its search light to scan the beach and the people who have gathered on it as well as the radio building itself. I can hear people on the beach saying that they think the killer is nearby or something. I follow the river and come to a lake where there are many coast guard boats transporting bodies found in the swamp on the other side of the lake. There are many police officers and heavy earth moving equipment. There are many hole in the ground and open graves where bodies have been found. Some of the bodies have been loaded into the back of trucks or onto boats for transport to the police station (or morgue or whatever). I cannot see nor sense my body anywhere so I fly back to the college and it has changed shape. It now looks like an old medieval castle with two circular towers on the outside and a courtyard in the middle, though it is still being used as a school. I fly inside on of the towers and find a young man sitting alone trying to meditate. I try to get his attention by moving things around the room like pushing a chair and blowing papers off a desk, but the young man is so deep in concentration that he does not notice. I fly through the walls of the building to the other tower on the other side. It is a conference room of sorts and many people have gathered to discuss the murders and watch updates on a tv. Again I try to get people's attention by moving stuff around and while people notice the unusual happenings, still no one can see me. A few people do acknowledge that there is a ghost in the room but someone points out that is obvious because off the mass murders taking place. I try to get people's attention some more but the dream eventually fades and I never find my body.
Dream starts off with me living back at home with my parents. They are bugging me to find a program to do over the summer or get a job. There are several artist's groups listed in the community newspaper but I am reluctant to apply because I don't think I am good enough. My parents take me to an intake session for one of the groups and I bring along a soapstone carving that I made, which looks like a mermaid sitting on a rock. The meeting takes place in a cave in a remote mountain range for some reason. The room we are in is chisled from black obsidian and is dome shaped. The judges like my carving and one of them says that carving soapstone is really hard (even though in real life it is not) and ask me to step into the middle of the room. There are camera's planted throughout the room and they want to take my picture in the nude. I refuse, even after all the men are aked to leave, but somehow my mom convinces me that it is for the best. After the pictures are done my father and brother Ryan want to see them and I become upset and try to destroy the pictures because I don't want them to see me naked. As this is happening the judges and my family leave and some archeologists come in carrying some old bones. They place them on the platform in the middle of the room and start taking pictures. A white wisp of smoke emerges from the bones and transforms into a ghost of a man from about a century ago. He is angry and flies around the room wildly. I am the only person who can see him and when he realizes he can talk to me he tells me that he was murdered and that his killer is still roaming free. I try to explain that is impossible because many decades have past and his killer is probably dead now but the ghost will not believe me. The archeologist's take the bones away and bring in a partially decomposed body of a child. When they take pictures of it the spirit of the dead child awakens and tells me that she was murdered by a pedophile. I feel bad but don't really know what to say and the ghost child goes on to tell me that the murderer has proof of the crime on their computer and she wants me to find it. I try to explain that would be impossible but the ghost evaporates before I can finish speaking. The body is taken away and I am left alone in the obsidian cave as the doors are locked and lights shut off. When night has fallen the walls of the cave suddenly show that I am deep under water (though still in a cave) and a variety of sea life is circling the dome as if I were in an underwater observatory or something. Not just normal sea creatures but mermaids and weird looking sea monsters swim by as well. I go up to one side of the dome and find that I am slip through it as if walking through a thin layer of jello and I am now out in the water. I can breath despite being underwater and I start swimming around the cave trying to find my way out. There is a faint glow of light out of a narrow shaft that leads upwards and I follow it until I surface in a small cennote. There is a redheaded woman standing on the side and she helps me out and I find myself near the top of a mountain. On one side there is an ocean and the other side is a flat life-less plain that goes off to another mountain range in the horizon. The redheaded women tells me that the old mountain range was crushed underneath the new mountain and that this one will suffer the same fate when a new mountain appears. The dream ends there.
This dream was long but I can only remember fragments. It involved Transformers and people with jedi like powers and took place in a world of advanced technological cities surrounded by poor, rural slum towns where serial killers and gansters ruled. I was a character who used to be a Transformer but was somehow turned into a human who looked like my dream incarnet Chun-li (young Chinese woman) and now worked as a mercenary for hire and was being paid to hide and guard a little girl with a special key (Sari, from Transformers Animated). There were several Transformers I ran into but they did not recognize me in my human form and I could easily attack and defeat them because I had powerful telekenetic abilities. By the end of the dream the Transformers had disappeared and I was wandering through a slum town and came across a factory where bodies of murdered women kept turning up in shallow holes in the dirt floors. I was hired by some poor farmers to hunt down the criminals responsible for the murders but the dream ended before I could find anyone.