The Zoomies: I'm at my friend D's apartment. He is holding a large chonker of a cat, and is about to weigh it on a scale. He has a boyfriend that walks out of their bedroom. I don't recognize him, but I'm happy for D. I smell something like a fish smell. ... I'm at a Coney Island diner with some people. We're talking about how times have changed, how the last generation "had it simpler." There is some discussion about time-travel. I ask my brother nearby if he can smell fish on my breath. He says that it smells fine. ... I'm at my current home with my girlfriend. We're cleaning up the house. Parts of the house are torn apart, with walls revealed that generally are covered up by furniture. There is some discussion about a concert with my friend M. ... I'm in the front driveway area, but there is an overhang with a carport. I'm surprised to see that my Grandma P is coming to visit. She's parked in a large SUV and waiting for me to come say hi. But when I approach, her and the car are gone. Her voice is now coming out of a PA system connected to the carport. She directs me to pickup a nearby hose, and try to control the jet setting on it with my mind. I successfully do this, controlling the water flow. ... I'm at a park on a sunny day. There is a field of grass and several small ponds up ahead. We have a golden retriever/australian shepherd that looks about a year old. It is running around so fast that it makes airplane-like noises as it passes us. The grass deforms strangely as the dog moves over it. For some reason, I make the estimate that it is running around 30MPH. I worry that the dog will go into one of the ponds and get dirty. So naturally, it does. The dog is now covered in mud and looks excited about it. Big Fast! Much Zoom!
Updated 02-07-2024 at 11:11 PM by 99808
I was hungover all day from partying with my friend the day prior where I had two beers and did a shot with her. On my hungover day I went on a run in the hot sun and bought apple juice because I once read it gives you vivid dreams, I took a nap and you can judge the apple juice effects for yourself: I was in a diner themed McDonald's, I had a call from my employer apparently, I don't know what it said. But someone did an in-depth analysis about Chickie's dad from Rugrats in which he held a gun to his head and asked "What's a drama that makes you fall in love with life again?" it featured a 90s cartoon style scene of Chuckie, disguised as Elisabeth Thornberry, running away from home, and his dad getting depressed. The families from Rugrats go through the city to search for Chuckie, it shows a really cartoony montage of everyone's houses chasing around the city like cars. Spinelli from Recess makes a cameo appearance as older homeless woman punching the dad from Phil and Lil. I wake up in the McDiner again forgetting about my order, I see an invoice letter with my name on it wilth the receipt attached saying order 97, I then see the take out bar with a bat with my order, I grab it and this mysterious black girl sitting by the bar who follows me on twitter apparently tells me I "shouldn't let that girl control me" referring to some random meme I got on my birthday on twitter within the dream canon. A girl tried to order a burger but with nothing but the "banana sauce" the black guy working there looks at her with this "really?" smile on his face. Dream was in English Edit: (and TW: Suicide) during that Rugrats bit I had a dream of a vine type of sketch featuring a group of black guys in which one of them holds a gun to his head and shoots himself then drops to the chair, his friends jokingly re-enact his dropping motion as he just lands sitting down with a funny bounce, the guy from the gun was still concious watching bis friends and laughing along and playing along with them followed by his POV of suddenly noticing his vision going dark and blurry. I should add that the reason I added everyone's race is because they were all black just like I am, it reads a little weird to me as well, but I wanted to remember that detail. Reference was probably because I went to an African festival yesterday and hung out with people from the festival at an after party.
Updated 06-19-2023 at 08:46 PM by 81762
1/5/20 I am on my way driving to some church event with people I recognize from my past. While driving I spray paint face with blues and oranges with a white streak down one side going through my eye. My cat is in my car with me, when I arrive I leave her in the car with the windows cracked a little. We are all standing in lines for some reason I am unaware of. Someone is talking to us in a preachy manner but the details escape me. The scene shifts into a new age festival of sorts with many sellers operating booths and with various items on tables in rows. The room is a long flat one story building, with tables lining either side, and windows every few feet. It almost feels like an opened up double wide manufactured home which is several lengths long. While walking around checking out the various vendors I notice two who share space side by sides. I befriend the two of them and notice they look strikingly similar to one another with slight differences. They are both round faced with round noses, bald heads and beards about the same length. Though their personalities are obviously of different tones. One of them sells flat flutes which seem like wooden Christmas tree ornaments with spacers and holes drilled at intervals as a flute should be, and one sells didgeridoos with original poems printed on fancy paper. They both have just met each other for this event but they are very similar in demeanour, though each unique. Like twins who took separate life trajectories. I play a flute from his table for a while, it sounds like a native american flute and any note progression is harmonious and effortless to produce. There is a girl who walks up to the table hearing the flute and wants to try it but she is shy. I encourage her to go for it, it is a beautiful instrument and incredibly easy to play. Whatever you play on the flute sounds great, she picks it up and plays for a few seconds. It sounds just as good as when I played, she is pleased. I want a flute, the guy attempts to sell me one but don't have a lot of money on me, the didge guy also wants me to buy one from him. I tell him I have three of my own at home waiting for me. He tells me to sell the ones I don't use and use the surplus to purchase another one from him. I laugh and say maybe. I am concerned about leaving the cat in the car even though the window is cracked. It is a sunny day and I'm incredibly cautious about animals in cars. I go back out to get her and bring her back inside with me. When I return, the festival seems to have turned into a waffle house type diner. It is packed out and everyone is hungry. There are full counter seats and tons of people packed in the booths around the place. I see the open kitchen with one cook struggling to take people's orders and cook the food at the same time. I consider jumping behind the counter to help cook. Though he does seem to have it under control so I decide against it and just wander around looking at people, everyone is calm and patient, feels like people are just grateful to be fed. The cat has befriended some people and become kind of a fixture in the diner. She sits on a stool by the counter and people pet her while walking by/waiting. People continue ordering and eating until the night comes. I notice while standing outside there is a large military supply surplus store that used to be on the corner across the street. The new location looks newer and brightly lit like a pharmacy. I talk to someone standing close to me about going in and taking a looking around. Though I am slightly concerned if I do so I will be put on some government list of nationalists. As fewer and fewer people are present we become a closer knit group. We are all friends now and we know each other quite well from our stories. One of us is cautious because he is wanted by a rival gang he knows may be coming for him. The lights get dim as we all sit around each other and chat on the floor. The restaurant is closed and it's just us friends communing now telling stories and laughing. The one friend is still very paranoid about other people coming after him, looking out the window as he expects it to happen any minute. He has a handgun on him and begins waving it around claiming they are coming, they are outside now he shouts. I know nothing good can come from escalating the situation so I take the pistol from his hand in a swift action and put it in my jacket pocket, he is dismayed but compliant. Someone else walks in the room and they are looking for him, they also have a gun in their hand. I immediately demand they give it to me because this is not the way to solve this dispute. They also comply. I disassemble the gun in seconds, dropping the clip, pulling back the slide, popping out the bullet in the chamber, and taking the slide fully off. This continues a couple more times as people come in trying to start trouble with firearms and me immediately disarming them before anything transpires. They then just stand around and have conversation with the others that are here. I now have 3-4 guns in my jacket pockets and pants pockets from the different people trying to start trouble. The people just stand around and talk once they have their gun taken away. The original guy who was part of our group asks for his gun back because he is still paranoid. I have so many in my coat I don't know which one was his. So I pull it out, disassemble it in front of him and drop the pieces on the floor at his feet. His mouth is stuck open in disbelief. I walk over to a table at the end of the room and begin to take all the firearms out of my coat and put them down. Someone else walks in behind me with a fully automatic machine gun, looks like an MP5 or something. I wave them over to me and say "Come on, gotta check in!" They oblige and I take their gun away from them as well. No one escalating, no one gets hurt. I insist all disagreements be talked out in a civil manner. It is now the next morning. We all seem to be arranging some type of trip. I think we are even taking air travel like hot air balloons or something. While getting people oriented I walk into a back room which is larger like an industrial loading dock and has a large metal garage door attached to it. On the floor to the side is a 30 ft long dead yellow boa constrictor. It has been tied in a knot in the middle and is contorted in weird ways. There is liquid in the corner around where it lay and the smell in the room is putrid. I gather is has been dead for a while, maybe a few days to a week. I step over it walking in and back outside several times. There are a couple people out in the field behind the building we are trying to corral to leave for our trip. The guy kind of looks like john favreau, he is with his wife. They are still distant in the field but coming towards us. Looking up I notice a very thick purple fog rolling in from the right onto the property. I think it is in the sky at first but then notice it in front of the clouds and things around us like the fence lining the yard. It is moving like a serpent with a massive menacing motion. It is thick and pearlescent, shimmering with light and dark purples. I am with Justin Theroux and we rushedly get the people inside while watching the huge cloud get closer to the ground and come towards us. It begins whirlwinding and the wind begins to whip violently. It forms a vortex on the ground of a thick purpley haze that you cannot see through. It Incredibly large and stretches all the way into the sky. We rush inside and look for ways to combat it. In a moment we both understand that the purple gas is flammable. Just need to make a torch of some kind to toss in it, hoping that will do the trick. The room is already wrecked with glass and objects scattered about on the floor. The wind is howling loudly and the walls rock with turbulence, pictures that were hanging fall. We are running through shouting at each other for supplies that can maybe be used. I find some lighters and some small miniature baseball bats. He brings some rags and accelerant from the other room. We craft makeshift torches while squatting on the floor and I wonder if the wind is too powerful for the flame, if the torches will stay lit for us to throw them in. We run to the back of the building again out the garage door, the twister is in full rage mode. A dark purple debris filled monstrosity tears at the ground 20 meters from us, the sound is deafening. We light the torches together, look at each other and I shout "HERE GOES NOTHING!" We both launch the fiery bats overhead towards the center of the vortex and the dream fades.
Not a lucid but two nights ago I had a nightmare, I was in my room at my dad's old house, and I was lying upside down and when I looked up there was a scary girl with dark hair like in the ring. This morning, I had SP, I kept thinking I was going to imagine something scary into my room but nothing came, I was struggling to lift my arms, I could feel them detaching slightly. Random note, I'm starting to think it's messed up that when I'm caught in those situations, the immediate thought isn't "it's hard to breathe" but it's "please don't imagine something scary coming into the room." I had a chain of lucids as well, I'm having trouble recalling all of them though. It seemed like in each one there wasn't a dream sign that made my realize I was dreaming, the first one I was kinda just like 'oh wait this is a dream' and then went into a lucid, and then the rest were me going back into dreams with a slight awareness that turned into a lucid. In one of the lucids I was in what looked like a diner but was a bit bigger, the floor was checkered black and white. There was a person behind a circular counter. I turned to them and said "tell me a joke" and then they just started saying "plane crash plane crash plane crash" over and over, I shrugged and turned to another guy and said the exact same thing and then he said "plane crash plane crash plane crash." I turned to a guy and asked him to tell me a joke and he starts explaining a joke but it was like the words were rearranged in the sentences and it sounded really strange like he was saying random words out of order. I turned to a waitress walking by (it actually may have been a robot waitress) and asked her to tell me a joke, and she explodes into this really intricate joke that sounds more like an elaborate story but the dream faded. In another lucid I'm inside my friend Will's old house, I start thinking "okay this is a dream" and rubbing my hands together to feel the friction. I then start doing math, 1+1 =2, 2+2 = 4 etc. There are people in the house walking around and I'm like "hey guys this is a dream" and people are kinda just looking at me and then going about their business, it feels like if you tell somebody something and it should elicit a reaction but they aren't really listening but instead are nodding and smiling. I turn towards a window overlooking a lake. I decide I'd like to go through it, so I put my hand up to the glass and I merge through the glass and out to the backyard. At some point I'm in a parking lot and it's dark outside. I start rubbing my hands together to feel friction. I then think that it's too dark out and I'd like to make it day time. There are giant trees in front of me over a moonlit sky in my view. I shout 'ILLUMINATE!' but it doesn't turn to day, it just gets a little bit brighter. I shout "CLARITY NOW!" and it gets a little bit brighter but it almost was like a strange filter got put on my sight, like it was still nighttime but there was now a purple and green hue on the outlines of trees and clouds in the sky. I take note of the weird colors and then look around. There are a bunch of random people from different directions running together into a single path. I jump over a row of bushes and down a set of concrete steps with railings next to them and bushes. I see people running on a concrete/brick path which takes a left and then curves right next to a row of buildings. Thinking back this was probably inspired by the quad at my university. I think to myself I wonder if I could imagine Liz into the lucid. I see someone in the pack of runners who looks like her from behind. I start running and weave in between people, I start doing math out loud to try to stabilize the dream 3x3=9. When I get near her I grab her shoulder and she turns around but instead of her it's vic g. from my high school and she's wearing pink and blue makeup. I stand there in confusion as runners shove past us up the path.
I appear in a car with someone I don't remember ever meeting before. He looks like he's 10 years old and somehow he is in the driver seat. We're driving and I decided it's best to look out the window to see where we are. Judging from what I can see, we're in the middle of no where through a desert on a one way road. Suddenly this other car showed up shooting behind us. So we decided to shoot at the car. We had more gun power and the car began to drive away as we continue to chase it. However as we're going faster than the speed limit and shooting at this random car. A cop car like in most typical movie is park on the side of the dusty road. He sees this and begins to drive toward us. I tell the kid in the driver seat to keep driving away. I continue checking the back of the window to see if we were losing the cop. Fortunately we did and I proceeded to tell the boy to forget life rules and just do what you're after. He nods his head with a smirk while parking to a near by Diner. We enter inside and my semi lucidity has now turn in to lucidity. I decided its best to act like I'm not dreaming but instead myself in to thinking I'm in waking life using some virtual reality technology. I look using my eyes to see if there was a person that could take our order? A woman in a green sweater and dark brown pants pass through the door. As I approach her the kid in the car taps my shoulder a few times. I turn around saying I'm with someone at the moment while asking what did he want? He leads me to a section in the diner where there were a lot of chairs. I sat down on one of them as he decides to sit on the floor. There was another kid sitting beside me and I figure I might as well act like I know the guy since we're in virtual reality. I say hey, he looks at me and says it's been some time and ask what have I been doing? I laugh and said just some bad driving. I look in the direction of the 10 year old boy. Just when I did this I had this moment that I knew his name. I ask Willie will he be working on that soon? He gives me this face gesture that says really? He couldn't believe I thought his driving skills were bad. He replies with yea we're going to have to talk about this after we're through here. This reminds me that I've been lucid for a decent amount of time. The difference in how I view the experience was working. It was after this that the two kids and I got up and went in to the back section of the diner. We enter this dark stairway, the dream scene look entirely different from the old 40's diner. The two kids have change to different dream characters and my lucidity went back to semi lucid. Later on I have an FA and then woke up. Lucidity Time: 4 minutes
This is without a doubt the oddest dream I've had yet as it seems to take place over the course of one year. Like as you know when you are dreaming time seems to laps in a way that makes it feel like the dream is lasting longer than it really is. I recently had a dream that seemed to take place over the course of a year. I awoke with a strong feeling of uncertainty as to what time of day it was and how long I had been asleep (It was the middle of the day and I was initially resting my eyes. I never intended to actually fall asleep and that didn't help with the uncertainty). What was worse is that it took me a minute to convince myself that the events that happened at the dream's beginning didn't actually happen; like they felt like distant memories of something that really happened as opposed to recent memories of a dream. It was very surreal 0_0 I don't remember where I stood in conjunction with those around me. All I remember is that I was witnessing a blond haired girl who seemed to delight in playing pranks on certain women in my knitting club (Note: I really am in a knitting club). I do not remember what the pranks were but I do remember that they really got on the nerves of these women. This went on for what seemed to be one or two months until finally the women in my club got fed up so they decided to take matters into their own hands. Now after a couple of months of this prank pulling the women were able to sit this girl (let's call Trixie) down at what appeared to be a roadside diner. I was sitting in between Trixie and one other woman who was there. The other two were sitting across from us. I am still unsure as to whether or not these people could perceive me but I do know that Trixie did not want to be there and that any attempt to leave on her part would be severely frowned upon. She knew this too. So she sat there as the founder of the knitting club (We'll call her Angie) verbally chastised her. "I'm so very sorry," Trixie said, "I promise I will never do this again." Trixie's apology seemed to stem from a place of sincerity but it was probably rooted in fear rather than contrition and, as I would soon find out, she was right to be afraid. "'Sorry' is not good enough," said Angie, "You are going to have to pay for this somehow." So the women discussed how they were going to make her pay until one member (Lisa) came up with an idea. "I know," Lisa said, "Why don't we take her organs?" I was obviously horrified by this prospect and I was not the only one. Trixie was clearly terrified as the women casually talked about harvesting this girl's organs as payment for all the pranks she had pulled on them over the past months. I could not believe that my friends could even think about doing such a horrible thing but they clearly saw no other alternative. She had to pay somehow and this was, as far as they saw, the most sensible solution. I remember hearing Lisa describe what they were going to do, "We won't be able to anesthetize her so we'll have to tie her down as we do this. Once we cut her open each of us will take out an organ and [insert weird personal use for freshly harvested organs here]." At this point Trixie was hysterical. She screamed and cried and begged, "Please! Please! Don't do this to me! I don't want to die! I'm sorry for what I did and I know it was a rotten thing to do but don't do this to me! Please don't do this to me!!!" "I am very sorry," Lisa said flatly, "I'm afraid we don't have any other alternative. You chose to do these rotten things and now you have to face the consequences." It was amazing to me. Lisa was talking to her as though she were wagging her finger at a child after grounding her. She really saw this as a fair and reasonable punishment. They all did! "No! No no no no no! You really don't have to do this!" Trixie cried. "Sorry, but we have no other choice. Like I said you did this to yourself." All the other women nodded in agreement. Fast forward about four months. We are now halfway through the year. I was walking through my neighborhood with Trixie. I don't remember much of the dialogue but I do remember giving her my condolences for what my friends were going to do to her. I remember her being resigned to her unbelievably harsh punishment. I am not sure if she felt that she deserved it but she was oddly at peace with being cut open alive and watching as her organs are pulled from her torso one by one. She did not seem to blame these women for wanting to do this to her. Maybe she did feel that she deserved this. I don't remember what I said. Fast forward six more months. It truly felt like it had been about a year. I don't remember the time lapse but I do remember talking with another friend of mine who was in the knitting club (we'll call her Tabitha) and she and I were discussing the events of the past several months. So much time had passed that I had completely forgotten about Trixie and the organ debacle. Now we just so happened to be in the very diner where this all began and I remembered. At this point, I was really worried for Trixie and I asked Tabitha "Did they do it?" "Do what?" Tabitha replied. "You know, take out Trixie's organs." Tabitha paused for a moment and then said, "Oh that's right. We were supposed to do that. Damn it, we completely forgot." I do not remember what happened after that; I just remember freaking out, wondering what would become of Trixie. It seemed that she had gotten off and now, thanks to me and my big mouth, her more than unreasonable punishment would commence as planned. It was very heartbreaking seeing my friends be so cruel and unjust, I didn't know what to think about the whole thing. I was sick to my stomach. Me After Awakening I awoke with a deep sigh of relief. It was just a dream. At least that last part was. But that first part really fucking happened! It happened like a year ago but it really happened...right? Or wait, no, that was a dream too. A dream I had several months ago. Or was that like...the same dream? Jesus Christ how long was asleep? Now that I think of it, it feels like I've been asleep for ages. When did I even fall asleep? I fell asleep at 2, right? Two hours...I was asleep for two hours. How the Hell? I didn't want to but I had to table these thoughts. I was late for work.
Updated 10-29-2017 at 05:48 AM by 69528
6:27 AM: My mom is driving me to school in the city (I never went to a school in the city!). We are running a bit late (. . . skipping some NL details, getting to the good stuff ). Once she drops me off and heads to work, I realize I have forgotten my lunch (a caramel and chocolate protein bar) and my bite guard (in case I want to take a lucid nap!). I turn and run back to the drop-off area, scanning the busy thoroughfare for my mom. Students and people are moving all over the place. I finally see her; she is moving back in my direction carrying my book bag. I think of several things to say, and one seems most appropriate: "You brought my bag." (Please don't try to make sense of this!) She replies, "At least you said that." She seems grateful. Now that I have my things, I am heading (finally) towards school, when all of these emergency personnel get in my way. Seems there has been some sort of accident. I have to thread around behind them. As I do so, it occurs to me that I have no idea what my school is like on the inside. I know it isn't the first day, and I marvel that I have been on autopilot so much at school! I am excited to see what this new school will be like! I then nose pinch, in order to be certain I am not dreaming. Ah, I see. I look around and notice a friend from WL. In WL he is a very towering guy, and he looks the same in this dream. I ask him, "So even this isn't real." It's more of a statement than a question. He looks at me and nods. He then proceeds to say something deep that I have now forgotten. I decide that this DC is legit and ask him some more questions. "Does the dream world contain stability?" I ask. "Does it contain stable locations?" He shakes his head. "You create and control dreams." "What is the most important aspect of dream knowledge?" I ask. He looks at me as though he is a bit surprised or nonplussed. He then points at me, as though the answer is obvious. "You mean controlling myself?" I ask. "I mean controlling your mind," he replies. We are now somehow in a small, empty diner. I ask him if he can help me control my mind. He nods and extends his hand. I take it and he proceeds to hurl me into the air towards the ceiling. I turn in the air and fall to the ground. My shin bangs one of the diner tables. This actually feels just like I imagine it would in WL--painful. I tell him so. He makes a face (like I am being a whiner) and points to a more open area. As I am moving, however, it dawns on me that even pain in the dream world isn't real, and as I think this, the feeling evaporates. I realize I can't be harmed. In a moment, I remember Mancon's guide for flying (in particular, let the clouds suck you into the sky). I try this briefly but don't have time to work it properly as my pal has already grabbed me again and tossed me into the air. I now fly into a whirling ceiling fan and smack against the blades. This does not hurt, however. My friend continues to sling me by my arm into the air. A voice comes over the PA telling me to come to the dean's office, but I realize I do not have to go, as I am dreaming. The theme from Mortal Kombat begins to play. I am mid air (and mid-fan) when I awake. My heart is pounding and I assume the adrenaline pushed me out of sleep.
Updated 08-04-2014 at 08:56 PM by 69552
00:00 Tuesday 2014-06-03 00:43 bedtime (too late! dangit!) still sick. Watched Game of Thrones S04E01 earlier, always good incubation material there . Set intention to wake up and record in the middle of the night, and to notice in my dreams that I'm dreaming 06:59 + riding a streetcar, it's going the wrong way from where I'm going. I see green arrow street signs. The streetcar is heading to the left and I need to go to the right. + I'm walking down a street in bright daylight, I'm looking at storefronts to try to choose a place for lunch, I think one of the signs says "bacon", one place is a sub diner. I think this is pretty far from where the people work. I choose the sub diner and enter. There is a picture of a tall hamburger on the wall: burger with onion/tomato/ between 2 buns. Walking through the place, there are some people there, I notice a hot tray station in the dining room with what looks like large semi-spherical slices of onion in a rich red tomato sauce, I think this is the free side dish station. I see some free tables in a corner, there is a guy sitting at one table with a strange looking wide futuristic looking metal typewriter, I think this is a foldable typewriter and he brought it here in a backpack, I hear him plunking out whatever he's working on. The counter is at eye level, I order and I get a dish which looks just like what I saw before: large circular slices of baked onion standing up in a rich red sauce on a plate. I pay with a hamburger, I try to add it to my plate but I'm having trouble fitting it on there, the girl at the counter helps me adjust the plate. I turn to sit but my chosen table is now occupied by cops, they've moved the dirty dishes/water glasses to another table, I find another free table. Slow back to sleep, wonder if I'll get back to sleep at all, try long and hard for more recall before this time, I get nothing but the above two. Try to hold on to awareness, realizing I'm holding too tightly, I recognize a "clenched" feeling in my mind, and I work to let that go, and I then fall asleep again. 11:16 final waking, long period of dozing and waking, accumulating dreams + I'm in a car with my younger son (who's current age), he's directing us to a place I don't want to go, we arrive and enter a house full of kids, my son takes back a small plastic toy soldier from a boy who's (vaguely) in a shower and crying, I feel embarrassed by this, there's an attractive girl who's eying my son and brushes her hand against his leg, I in turn brush against her boob, then she's walking with us and I'm talking with her, I'm amazed that she speaks perfectly clear English (ARGH, DREAM SIGN [I reside in a non-Enlish speaking country]), she says she spent time in San Francisco. Spoiler for explicit: I walk by another girl doing something with her mouth and I say "you want to suck on something hard?" and I take out my <ahem> and offer it to her (put it in her mouth?), it's not hard I say "don't worry it'll get hard" + I'm sitting at a table with other adults, I figure out they're on a baseball team, I'm contributing to the conversation to show I've played the game, I mention "I was born in B", they recruit me to their baseball team, I don't really want to join, I say I've only really played softball, I imagine fast pitch baseball. + I'm with a girl in a house in a public room (dining/living), Spoiler for explicit: I take off her bra (it's small and green) and take her tits into my mouth, they're unrealistic, the size and shape of grapes, I'm not minding though, I then go down on her and swirl my tongue around her sensitive spot, it's nice the door behind us keeps opening, I keep trying to close it, I suggest we move to a room, "and I will make you <finish>" I say, we come around a corner and find 3 men in an art class with easels, they're singing a song in unison, I join in signing and try to get them/me to harmonize but it remains unison. + walking through a house / kitchen, it's very messy I think I'll never get it cleaned up + walking purposefully through a dark building/restaurant with the owner in a bad part of town, I'm giving options to the owner on how to improve business/what to do, I joke "make me regional manager" as one of the options.
Wasn't able to recall the night before. There was a bit where I think I'm in spectator mode, and I'm looking at people eat in a diner setting. Eventually my brain says I'm at the diner from Nighthawks. Either way, crummy night's sleep then. Last night, I dreamed seeing a busy, modern-day Japanese city. It's a lot like those fast-cut montages you'd see in the 80's, where you'd see stock scenes of "oh look, here's a lot of people!" "look, now it's a shot of buildings," "now we are showing you Mt. Fuji from afar!" Anyways, the "last" cut was a bunch of signs on the side of buildings, and the one sign that's the focal point (though it was not nearly vivid enough to see) was for some sort of English-teaching business, only it was made for weeaboos, by weeaboos. Goddammit, SAF. Another scene involved me untangling stuff? That's all I can remember.
I keep forgetting the beginnings of my dreams, it's really annoying. Diner 05/12/2013 I see a diner from the air, the layout for the parking lot looks familiar but I can't figure out why. I'm inside the diner and I've been (unwillingly) following high school basketball team. I'm not myself but I no longer remember the character I'm playing. I'm running from someone and a boy has coerced me into staying with the group to hide. Since I've now been counted in their number I can't just leave without drawing undue attention. He's about average height, skinny, with wavy light brown hair. He's wearing his basketball uniform, it's all black with white or silver around the neck. Something about him pisses me the hell off. I glare at him when he isn't looking at me, silently seething contempt for being trapped. He catches me giving him the doom eye and smiles a little, offering a menu to me. "Sorry I got you into this...the least we can do is feed you for your trouble." He says. I stare at it. "Oh come on, don't be such a baby. Take the damn menu." I swipe it from his hand. "Order anything you want, they have a deal with the school to feed us." "Isn't that just for the 18 of you? Won't they notice the extra meal?" "Not until we're gone." He turns away and I examine the menu. It's a black laminated sheet with white bullet points and text. Office 05/13/2013 (nap) ((this is actually the second time I've dream about the Chiropractic office since I started going, which is unusual for me. I rarely stray outside certain sets. The dream layout for this place looks NOTHING like the actual office, it's even more strange that the it has people I know in it. I don't really dream about people I know, hell, it's only after 8 years of being together that my boyfriend started popping up in my dreams. Also, I figured out why the boy looked familiar. There's a customer I helped once a couple of months ago. The boy had his face and hair. I helped him again the same day I had this dream, but he hadn't appeared before these two. *shrugs* I didn't even remember the guy until I saw him at the desk...even then, he had to tell me that his project turned out great before I really knew who he was.)) I pull into the parking lot. I drag a lawn mower up to the door and push it through. The front door puts me in the middle of the office. If I look over my shoulder I'll find the adjustment room at my back. That really confuses me but I remember having this problem before. I stare down at the lawn mower wondering why the hell I brought it with me. I look around, worried that someone will notice my stupidity. I start to wrestle it toward the door that will lead outside, but the handle on it won't stay rigid. I fight it for a solid minute, trying to get it to fold if it isn't going to stay upright. It won't. I push it toward the door. I look over my shoulder and find my chiropractor looking at me from the end of the hall, all puzzled. There are two wide sets of pale, featureless wooden doors. Along the wall is the waiting room, in the very last chair is a young man. He catches me looking at him and smiles a little. He looks like the boy from the diner dream except he has carrot-red hair hidden under his hat. I'm trying to figure out why he looks familiar as I wrestle the lawn mower outside and tell the receptionist lady that I'll be back in a minute. Plane 05/14/2013 I've boarded a plane. It has pale blue walls, dark blue carpet, and black seats. The cast of light even appears blue, like it's very early or very late in the day. I'm not myself, though I began the dream that way. I sit down across from a couple. The woman has my eyes which is fitting because she is my mother. I was abandoned as a child, and I never even knew them until now. I start to suspect who they are as they talk about their life and what they had to sacrifice for the company. They feel frivolous, detached, decadent. It makes me angry. "So you've been up here the whole time? Flying around, drinking, going to parties? How terrible for you." I say, seeing my own face as I say it. I'm close to tears. I have a narrow face, almond shaped black-brown eyes and short brown hair. They don't understand who I am, and I don't tell them. "Yes...but there's so much more than that. All the deaths, the plane crashes." The company they work for belongs to her father. At first he was approving of the match, but I was conceived before they married. They were forced to abandon me, and when they strayed at all from the company plan people died to get them back in line. It wasn't all the machinations of her father's company, these corporations are vicious and often murder the opposing company's agents to prove a point. I realize there were other events surrounding my abandonment. If they hadn't left me, her father would have had me killed. Even talking to them is a risk, for all of us. So I depart without telling them who I am. I'm standing outside, unsure what to do with myself. There's a mound dirt made damp by melting snow. I walk around it several times, each time I see more bugs. I hope they're dead. It seems I'm not that lucky though. A dream character appears and tells me that they found 30 of these wasp/spider things in someone's truck, then they disappeared before they could be properly disposed of. As he's saying this one shakes itself free of the dirt and promptly buzzes down my back, freaking me out.
Updated 05-15-2013 at 05:26 PM by 54746
I meantioned in a forum post, I've been experimenting with apples and apple juice for a couple days and have had some great success with the number of dreams that I'm able to have in one period of sleep. Last night's first dreams started out like this; My mother and I were visiting her friend in Europe. We had stopped in a cafe' and had lunch with whoever her friend was, I don't remember the breakfast scene but somehow I knew what her friend looked like. My memory of the dream starts with us about to head back to America. But before we started back, my mom wanted to show me around this little town of diners that were all replicas of iconic eateries around the world. They had some very pretty looking places, I specifically remember one my mom pointed out. It was three stories high, and more yellow than the yellow brick road. I'm just getting to the good part now though, for some reason, we were doing all of this in a high tech motored parasailing vehicle! We flew over europe for awhile, but then set off over the waters back home. (In the dream, I guess you could internationally travel within just a few minutes. I wasn't think very hard. It was just a fun experience). Near the end it became a little less fun when I realized I didn't have much of a hold onto the vehicle. The straps were hard to explain, but I think at one point I ended up literally holding myself up on rigid strings.
I'm going to write a bit longer dream today from the past - the recall still isn't good, but at least I've returned to monophasic sleeping lately. Mom's Diner - Just Kill Me Already Date: August 21th, 2009 Lucid: Yes Method: DILD I thought I was at home, but there were some guys from the army doing some kind of ice...thingie. There was a pool made of concrete and the guys were pouring ice-cold water into it for it to freeze. For some reason I decided to jump into the water. I didn't feel the coldness, but the water started to freeze and resist my movement right away. I asked the army guys to help me up and luckily they did help me out of the pool. I was wondering whether I should help the guys in this freezing thing they were doing, but then they started talking: "Have you tasted mom's delicacies yet?" "Nope." "Well go have a taste!" I had changed into army uniform and the place overall resembled the garrison I had been a year earlier in reality. "Mom" was apparently some diner runner there. She seemed to be really liked. She actually looked like one lady that indeed did work in the army in reality. Nobody called her mom though. Still I had not actually seen her in the dream though (just getting ahead of myself). I was at the door of the place and there was some kind of candle rack (is it said like that?) that I managed to accidentally cause to fall. Actually this resembles again a real-life situation - in the army I did back into a flower stand and the jar where the flower were broke. I guess that embarrassing situation left strong marks into my subconscious. Anyway the "Mom" was there looking at me like I'm some kind of madman. I apologized for tipping that rack over and was relieved that I didn't break anything. I wandered around the place a bit. There were plenty of free tables, but I didn't find any place where to order anything. I ventured even further and then realized, that the "diner", wasn't any diner but more like a department store. There were a lot of small shops and stuff. For example there was Mom's kiosk, where you could get some food for travel, at least according to it's slogan. I kept zig-zagging the place. Finally I ended up in the other side of the place and went out from there. People were going to some stadium outside. It resembled Berlin's Olympic Stadium, at least according to my notes, even though I have no idea what Berlin's Olympic Stadium looks like. The place was shutting down because Mom was going there. I gotta say that all of the people just talking about this mom made me very curious. I went back into the "diner"/department store and looked for the kiosk. I planned to buy couple of chocolate bars to at least have something to eat, even if not Mom's acclaimed food. But no, the place was just shutting down. One of my former classmates was there gathering up things. What, he now works there? My brain works in a fucked up way sometimes... I felt like stealing the chocolate bars, because of this unfortunately timed closing time, but I ended up deciding against it. That was when I realized, that I had been in the store for a long time. I started to wonder whether I should be back with the dudes at the concrete pool who were doing the freezing shit. Wow, amazing consistency in my dreams. This is the kind of dreams I'd like to enjoy while lucid, dreams where everything holds together, is logical and stays consistent. Too much to ask for, I guess. Because even while this wasn't yet lucid, the logic and consistency of it sort of died right there. I went out of the store and where was I? At the local community center's front yard. I realized that this wasn't possible. Lucidity was inevitable at that point. The dream also (unsuprisingly) really started to lose it's quality. There's a road going in front of it and I saw multiple trucks coming there. They really drove in wildly and had the trucks slide sideways because of turning too much, etc. Some tough-looking dudes came out of the trucks when they finally had stopped. The gang surrounded me. They were armed with assault rifles, though hilariously some of them had that red end that toy guns have at the end of the barrels. They started acting all tough on me. Me being lucid I had zero fear, so I just acted tough back. Shame I don't remember the dialogue exactly. He was pointing his rifle at me and I just dared him to shoot me. I really pushed him. I ordered him to shoot me. I wanted to die. Yet he just kept threatening, instead of doing it. I realized he was not going to do it unless I do something more drastic. I grabbed one of his gang members under my arm and threatened him. "Unless you shoot me, your friend is gonna suffer!" Instead of shooting me like any sane thug would have done, he just reversed it. He said that my friend is gonna die if I don't stop - and as "my friend" he referred to the guy I had just grabbed. What the fuck? That's the worst illogicality I've ever seen in a dream. Dude, it's your friend, not mine. I resiliently kept pissing him off so he finally obliged me and pulled the trigger. The gun just clicked. It was empty. He didn't even have ammo this whole time? What a retard! Besides, this already happened in my earlier dream (I just realized this). I guess empty guns are a dream sign for me. Then again, any guns at all are a dream sign for me. Anyway, I figured that I'm not going to get killed here, so I tried to pull out a gun from my pocket using passive control, just "knowing" it is there. It didn't work. I tried to throw myself into the ground again as I noticed that the dream was crumbling fast. I ended up into my bed in a false awakening. I did like a million reality checks and by all means I should have realized I was still dreaming, but I still went to the kitchen to look for some more evidence. Too bad I was in a tight timeframe anyway, as I woke up then.
Updated 03-19-2012 at 04:05 AM by 44350
Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:40 AM by 39215
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 I was at "my office," which was nothing like an offce. I stood on the top of a gigantic (30m tall?) Kitchen counter, looking down over a gathering of flowers that were almost as tall as the kitchen counter. The blossoms were about 5m across and looked like a mix between lotuses and zinnias. They were a cream-white color with yellowy centers. From down on the floor, from which the flowers grew, I could hear my company's CEO and someone else talking. They had been planning a party. (There may have been an earlier part to this dream in which I had been helping with the party planning.) They now may have made some reference to me, as if I were not present. I thought I would get their attention. I thought I could hop from flower to flower to get closer to them. But I figured that wasn't a great idea. The flowers were probably weak. They might not support my weight. At some point, it may have seemed like the flowers were floating in a body of water, as if this gigantic kitchen had been flooded up to the level of the countertop. Something had been settled regarding my role in the party, and I was now walking along the counter-top, trying to get to wherever I needed to get to take care of my task. The kitchen floor seemed to get closer and closer, and things took on more and more of a regular proportion. At some point my CEO walked past me, coming from the opposite direction. He may have been walking on the countertop, but I think he actually was down on the kitchen floor, which was now only 3m or so below the counter-top. I said hi to him. He said hi and addressed me by my name. I was pleasantly surprised that he knew my name. I walked past some tall cardboard boxes that were on the counter-top. At the end of the counter-top was something that looked like a way-oversized wheelchair-ramp leading down to an oversized lobby that looked like the lobby to a small office building in a suburban office park. I somehow found myself on another ledge, like an oversized counter-top, looking down (about 5m) to an oversized area that had been set up "to look like" a 1950s-style diner (even though I don't think now that the place actually looked like a 1950s-style diner). The place had clean wood floors, white walls, and a few round tables. Over the huge front door was a huge "1950s-style" sign which looked like a mix between a clock and a spoon. The name of the restaurant was given, with a (not very convincing) "1950s-style" slogan underneath it. I'd had to turn around to see the sign. I turned back around and was now in a smallish theatre, which was still, somehow, the "1950s diner." I stood (on the floor!) at the top and back of the theatre. The theatre was full of young people, mostly boys. The theatre's seats were all set up at a couple of different angles. The seating was very steep, like stadium seating. The chairs were red. Down at the bottom was a small stage. I understood that an anime festival was about to take place here. Some presenter (possibly a shortish, youngish-looking Asian woman in a grey t-shirt, pale blue jeans, and glasses) was about to begin speaking. I found a couple of my friends: a man I don't recognize and my female friend T. They were sitting at the back of the theatre, on red-leather and chrome stools like counter-stools in a 1950s diner. I went over to my friends. I lay down across a couple of the stools, stomach-down. I wondered if these seats were very good. After all, this place was packed. Once the presentation started, would we have a bunch of people constantly crowding in front of us? My stool-tops now seemed to come directly out of the floor now, instead of being atop chrome poles. T, wearing a long skirt, lifted up her skirt to straddle me and sit on my back. I kind of got mad that T had lifted up her skirt. I knew that she'd lift it up enough so that anybody looking would easily see the crotch of her panties. There had already been some creeps looking in our direction. Now that T had basically flashed everybody, these guys would probably really want to cause trouble for me. At some point I may have had to tell T to get off me. The way the stool-tops were set and the way T sat on me were putting a lot of pressure on my spine. I figured I'd just roll down onto the floor and let T sit on me that way. After this, T and I were standing by some doorway, just outside the theatre, looking into the dark theatre through a half-opened door. We stood in a white walled hallway. We were talking to a couple of older, rich-looking, white people, probably a man and a woman. The man and woman were famous and possibly had had something to do with the anime and manga industry. We may have been making plans to collaborate on something.