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    1. Abstract Adventures and a Rebellion

      by , 10-19-2010 at 05:27 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      October 18, 2010

      Synopsis: Abstract dream. Were escaped test subjects running from an evil doctor. Brief lucidity. Flying. Next dream, I try to rebel the system from within it.

      Note: I was very sleepy after I woke up from my dream. Well, I didn't really wake up. More like, I was only half awake. I stayed drifting in HI for a few minutes before I remembered that I even had a dream. But by that time, what felt like a vivid dream was hard to recall.

      Abstract Adventures

      Me and a friend want to leave. We walk straight out of the house and into the parking lot. Waiting for us is a small
      helicopter. My friend makes me drive it! I'm terrified! I don't know how to fly this clunky machine. Once inside, my whole world turns upside down. Uh, literally. We crashed.

      But were fine, and I think nothing of it.

      It turns out we were so desperate to leave because were running away from this evil doctor! We were his unwilling test subjects for some sort of
      experiment. We run through suburbia, which was just abstract and weird. We reach a tower, and climb up its various levels. I don't remember much of the tower anymore, but I do remember on the top most floor was a witch conjuring up a spell. I didn't figure out who's side she was on.

      Were on top of the tower now. The doctor has us cornered! But that's when I suddenly realize I'm dreaming.
      Lucid, I tell the doctor "were not going to run from you anymore!". Then I grab my friends hand and fly instead. I try to grow bird wings, but I don't know if it worked or not. My friend disappears. Common. Lots of DCs just up and puff away when I become lucid.

      I continue flying and exploring my strange abstract dream, like giant cardboard boxes strewn together. I woke up after wards and fell into random HI for several minutes.

      Thoughts: the tower was a spiral, a repeating pattern in my dreams for 2010. Probably not a coincidence that reaching the top made me lucid, since the spiral itself can represent consciousness.

      Rebel from Within

      Some evil corporation has everyone I know slaving away from them, in an
      all-generic-building. Oh, and these weren't regular people. They were scheming rats, like the rats from Nyhm. I had two choices. Slave away, or rebel. I saw what happens to people who rebel outwardly. They got locked away in some room, never to return.

      I thought I could out smart the rats though. I'd work hard, earn their trust, learn more about their system. And eventually, I'd
      learn about their weak points and take them out when they least expect me to! Well, it sounded like a plan. Except that it's really SLOW.

      Anyways, I never actually got a chance to rebel! Unless you count spying. I was spying on the big boss while mopping the floors. He had an assistant named Amadeus. Amadeus seemed like an honestly good rat, and it annoyed me the way the boss would say his name and call him for any little thing.

      Thoughts: it could have something to do with me trying to overcome old habits. The process is slow, and you have to observe yourself.

      Updated 10-19-2010 at 05:35 AM by 6004

      lucid , dream fragment