I was once again criticising the nonsense being posted on LinkedIn, just to get approached by Disney to be working on their next cartoon which was gonna be super abstract "inspired by that recent vaporwave trend", kinda Regular Show type of episodes. Imagine my disappointment as I woke up in my tent realising it was a dream T_T
Mesocyclone I am out in a field with just grass with some trees around, looking at a very low hanging colossal supercell with strong rotation and very amazing looking shelf clouds. I also remember the shelf cloud rolling by me in my home, making me grab my camera but the cable was still attached. It passed by really quickly and I would've caught it, but my mother blocked me for a second, making me miss it as I get to the kitchen. I was very disappointed and sad, and maybe even start arguing with my mother. This dream definitely took inspiration from all the stormchasing videos I've watched that day. The second part of the dream likely happened because of my fear of missing out on something rare. I don't know which of the two parts happened first.
Day 15 and 16: Fell asleep at: 11:00 PM Woke up at: 6:45 AM Dream 11 and 12: Both of them were a no dream phenomenon. I literally can't remember anything that happened during those nights. Day 17: Fell asleep at: 12:30 AM Woke up at: 8:00 AM Dream 13: I ain't leaving without my food... It's a cozy Saturday night at my grandma's house. Unfortunately, my entire Video Game Design class is there. I know it's some sort of meeting, but I'm not quite sure. They're looking to get some food from this box. I don't now of it was donuts, but they got all of it before I did. I'm bummed, of course, but I let one of the girls get the donut anyway, since she also hadn't eaten in a while. I go over to the fridge (Which is in the complete opposite direction than real life) to get a snack. I managed to swipe a tiny little cereal box from the pink tray. Sadly, there's no milk to go along with it. I found a spoon, but no milk.
Date of Dream: MON 2 OCT - 2017 Dream 205 - Separated Sections Dream 205 A - Not The Same Driver I don't remember how the dream started. From where I can remember, I was doing something at Brandon Park Shopping Centre. I went outside one of the exits and thought to myself “I want to be picked up now”. I was standing at the end of the car park, on the nature strip, repeatedly calling for Dreamy WB. This has got to be the most times I've called for Dreamy WB in a dream. I was calling and calling like in Dream No. 93, the first two cars drove right by. Also like in Dream No. 93, the cars were exactly the same colour... The shiny navy ones went past. A dull black one then came and by the way it was driving, I thought it was going to go past too. It was just swinging out and then it parked right in front of me on the kerb. The back door of the car opened and she was inviting me in, but something wasn't right... She wasn't acting normal. As I went in to hug her, she pulled away from me with that look of disapproval on her face. She then climbed over the box compartment in the middle of the car and got into the driver's seat, leaving me at the back by myself, not even talking to me. I mentally made my conclusion... This wasn't Dreamy WB. Rather, it was WB taking Dreamy WB's car for a spin. She ended up dropping me off at the top of Gladstone Road, linking to Police Road. I was walking along a granite path and I see something in the ground. I dig and find that it is a completely ruined Mario plush. The worst thing is that there is no nose on it. The nose was completely ripped off and looked like it had been thrown onto the ground. I can't remember anything after seeing the destroyed Mario plush. Dream 205 B - What About Me walking around the area of the local primary school. An event was taking place there with Killester girls. I was walking around casually for a while until the dream scene restarted. I was on a bus with a very few girls, being driven to the school. Once I was there, I saw another bus pull up. I looked into the bus from the parking lot and saw lots of girls in that one. WB was with a big group of them at the back, having a huge conversation and a laugh. In the dream, I could actually, literally feel my heart sink because I couldn't be with them. I don't remember what took place in the school hall. That's all I can remember about this dream. Dream 205 C - I Work For The AFL I forgot how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at some random shopping centre when I was asked to do something for the AFL teams playing in the grand final. I was asked to draw up rough sketches to eventually make a PowerPoint presentation of the teams. I was then at my old house in the kitchen, doing some of the drawings. There was this sketch I apparently did of a red teddy bear and it got half a mark from the supervisor. That's all I can remember for this dream. Dream Trophies Achieved: - Oops I slipped (interact with WB when she's angry 1 time) >> I hugged her and she pulled away really quickly, not talking to me for the rest of the drive.
I remember having a lucid dream last night. Unfortunately, I had no control over it (I checked like ten times), so it was literally just me alone in my apartment for like 5 dream minutes. No dream sexytime for me.
I don't remember much today. I only remember a fragment where I was playing Skyrim. I went to bed a little after midnight; I think I fell asleep a while after that. I'm pretty sure I had my phone next to me so the alarm would wake me up at 5 a.m. so I could do an FILD, but it was off and on my dresser when I woke up (around 9:30, I think), so my dad might've heard it (somehow without it awakening me), turned it off, and moved it, much to my dismay. I might have to try my actual alarm clock if my phone continues to fail.
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 I was watching TV. The Jacksons had all gotten together for a concert. Michael Jackson was being driven across the stage with one of his brothers, I think, in something like a parade float that had the shape of a high-heel shoe. The stage was empty otherwise. The shoe and the background of the stage were empty. It took me a moment to realize that Michael actually looked a little strange. He was wearing a suit, like in Moonwalker, except that he wasn't wearing a jacket or hat. The slacks were khaki, and the shirt was white with red pinstripes. Michael also looked like an old man -- with kind of sunken, worn-out flesh. Then I finally noticed that Michael was bald, except for on the sides and the back of his head. But the hair he had was dyed blonde and done in a ragged, almost standing-up kind of style. I knew that rumors had been going around about Michael Jackson being bald. But he'd always denied the rumors. Now in this show he was coming out as being bald. I was apparently in some basement watching the TV. I ran up the stairs. My friend H was upstairs, possibly watching TV in the ground-floor living room. I told H that Michael Jackson had finally come out as being bald. But H wasn't surprised at all. I went back downstairs, somewhat disappointed. I thought I was going to give H some new information. But I didn't. I may have been watching the TV again. I could see old pictures of Michael with long hair. The top views of his head showed obviously thinning hair. Eventually, I knew, these images had become too obvious, and Michael just had to admit he was going bald. But, I thought, this whole thing could be just another one of Michael's characteristic, weird disguises. He could just have done himself up as an aging, balding man for this show. I knew that Michael had disguised himself in weirder ways in the past. So I wouldn't put it past him to disguise himself in this way. I now got the feeling that I'd actually met Michael Jackson. I thought that this was possible. When he was disguised, Michael Jackson could walk around anywhere and introduce himself to anyone without them knowing who he was. I got the feeling that when I'd met him, he'd been disguise as a really old person or a person in really bad shape. He'd looked frightening and gross. But you could see that his eyes were really his eyes, and something about that had made things even worse. But I may then have thought that I actually hadn't ever met him. I thought that if had really met someone like that I would have been so frightened that I wouldn't even have been able to control myself. I even hoped that I would never have to meet someone like that in my life. Dream #2 I was in a bedroom with my second oldest nephew. There were two women in the room with us. Both women were really attractive brunettes. The room was dim, with walls, or at least the edges of the walls, in heavy, dark wood. The walls themselves may actually have been Asian-style, paper-thin. I could feel a narrow, dim hallway outside. The two women were apparently our teachers. One teacher was going to take me to do some task. The other was going to take my nephew. But for some reason, when my teacher walked out of the room, I didn't follow her. My nephew's teacher was talking to my nephew. She may then have said something to me, like she was here to teach my nephew, not me. I may have said something like, "Oh, yeah, I see." I may then have decided I needed to find my own teacher. I think my nephew's teacher then walked out of the room. My nephew and I were standing in the room, talking with each other for a bit. My nephew must have been telling me a joke. I remember him laughing as he spoke.
Before this dream I realised that my dreams all had something to do with what I had done that night and since I was watching Puro style wrestling that night I tried to remind myself to do a reality check if I found myself at a wrestling event. From what I remember I was a wrestler wrestling KENTA, I can't remember what happened in the match but I doubt I had the brainpower to plan out a wrestling match in my dream anyway. The next thing I remember is him being on his knees but what he was doing I don't know, I do remember it wasn't anything good. Next thing I remember was after the match was finding out he is a huge facebook whore (my Japanese friend from real life is also one and he was at my place the night of the dream). The only other thing I remember is feeling very disappointed that a guy that entertains me so much performed such a shit match and is a facebook whore. And that was it.