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    1. Dream Journal Day 10: Night of Tuesday 14.11.2023

      by , 11-22-2023 at 06:50 PM
      The school bathroom. I'm washing my hands in front of the mirror. When I try to enter the only stall, the door is locked, but I can hear people talking inside. Annoyed, I go into another bathroom. There are two stalls in here, but one seems to have been replaced with a blank wall while the other is also occupied. I bang on the door and hear a surprised noise from inside, so, feeling guilty for disturbing them, I turn to leave the room. But this time the door feels extremely heavy and it takes me a long struggle to get it open. As I'm pulling at it my vision seems to black out and I reel back from the effort. When I finally stumble out, I feel so disoriented, it's as if my mind is trying to pull away from my body.
      Finally I enter the third bathroom. By now I feel dizzy and can't see properly. Just as I get my bearings enough to register that there is a free stall I also see that someone else has come in after me and is about to enter it. I feel a sort of sinking despair and hopelessness at this. I stammer something out about how I was about to go in there. She takes a step back and offers to let me go first, but I, feeling sheepish, hurriedly refuse and resign myself to waiting.

      At no time in this dream - nor when I woke up - did I feel I needed the toilet. It's not one of those dreams that I often hear about. Strangely, this is the third time I can remember dreaming about being in an eerie and somewhat surreal school bathroom. All looked different but all of them left me with a similar feeling of disorientation and unhappy confusion.
    2. Dizziness and Stairs

      by , 08-30-2011 at 01:31 AM (Land of Crossroads and Memories)
      This is a bit of a late entry, albeit my first dream journal entry, but nevertheless I remember some of my dream. I mainly remember traversing around the upstairs portion of a mix between my high school and college, it's main feature being a wide set of stairs that goes down to the first floor. I suddenly felt dizzy near the staircase and fell on my knees, just a few inches away from the stairs. I looked up and saw one of my previous teachers -- my Digital Electronics teacher -- and said hi to him. I had the knowledge of myself graduating, so my teacher looked a bit surprised to see me. He was wearing a red long-sleeved shirt and had khaki pants accompanied with black shoes; I then went forward and proceeded down the stairs, tumbling to the bottom...

      ... I then questioned the fact of not feeling any pain. At the bottom, I realized I was dreaming, but I hadn't reacted quick enough to my fading scenery. Upon waking up, I had done no attempt at a DEILD or a WILD, for the thought of doing so didn't cross my mind. In order to have stayed in my dream, I could've rubbed my hands together, or I could've stayed perfectly still when I awoke, in order to possibly enter the dream again. I didn't, though, but I must be wary of the options in the future.