I’m outside somewhere, maybe an apartment complex. I have Stella with me and notice a couple with a dog approaching. It looks like a black border collie and I recognize it as a dog Stella has seen several times but hasn’t been able to meet. Stella notices the dog, but the couple keeps approaching. The man, shirtless and fit, wearing sunglasses and a stoic expression, asks if he can ask me something. I say yes and then ask if our dogs can meet because they’re so close right now and haven’t gotten to meet. He amicably says yes and I explain that she gets frustrated when she’s on leash and can’t meet other dogs. Their dog, what now looks like a retriever, sits by me and playfully chews on my fingers. I clearly feel its sharp little teeth. Stella is very close but is largely ignoring the dog. Now one of them jumps to his back and he catches it with his hands behind his back. He never asks me what he was going to. I’m walking into a building, a restaurant or something similar. I’m also a woman or dressed as one. I have on a light blonde wig that is not very convincing. I think I also have women’s clothes on. There is attention on me as I walk through to the restroom; I’m aware that I don’t fully look like a woman and stand out to judgmental people but don’t really care. I walk with confidence. There’s a small 90 degree hallway into the restroom, the floor of which is very cluttered with what looks like green foam blocks. They’re hard to get around and I think of what a hazard/liability they are. In the restroom now, the urinals are taken and 2-3 people are waiting. (I went into the men’s, slightly unsure, because I think I still have a penis). I notice two stereotypical straight white men who I know are going to throw a fit about me being in here.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some party with coworkers and their kids (I think). My boss, who is some random dude in his 30s, good looking but not my type, starts seducing me. I don't show interest, but I try not to antagonize him too much, afraid of his reaction. At some point I fall asleep in a couch and I wake up with him leaning over me, shirtless and I am afraid of what may have happened. I am fully clothed and there are still other people in the next room with the kids making noise, so I guess not much happened, but I don't know. Back to the other room, one of the persons is actually his wife and she is giving me a side look. I decide to leave as I feel uncomfortable. But I can't find my bag. I start looking for it and the kids basically mixed everyone's phones and other personal belongings and spread them on a couch. I find my phone but I still want the rest of my bag. Instead I find a plastic bag with my stuff in it. I am upset and say that the kids stole my bag. Their parents feel offended and don't like my accusation. They tell me I should just take the plastic bag because it's the contents that count, not the bag. I am pissed at all of them, but I accept and leave. Some days later, at work, I have a meeting with my boss and Zilla, who also works with me. Our boss was recently promoted and I am actually happy it was him and not me, because I didn't want that level of responsibility. I feel less stressed and feel this could work well. Then he makes a stupid proposal that he wants to change everybody's schedule and make us all have two hours lunch breaks and leave later, because I need that time at lunch break to dedicate myself to some artistic project I am working on and which he wishes to support. I panic and say "Please don't! People want to leave early, they have families". Zilla is clearly very upset with the idea. Then the idiot says he doesn't care, he is full on in our relationship and wants the others to know about it and his support to me. And I am like "WTF are you talking about? We have no relationship!!!" And I am freaking out, because everyone will hate me and believe we are lovers instead that he is delusional.. I go on a desert trip with friends: three ladies and a guy. We stop our jeep at some dunes to take some pics. The ladies have their hair wrapped up in shawls. I convince mom to go with me to a local shelter, which also works as a dog hotel, to get our dog Lady who is there for some reason. Mom doesn't want to go, she is afraid to fall in love for some other dog at the shelter, but i explain we will only go to the reception and get Lady and she won't see any other animals. We get Lady but they want mom to register as a client (dog is hers, but I registered as the client). They ask her lots of stupid questions and even subject her to some sort of skills test. She draws an amazing picture, then they want to analize its meaning. I'm like "WTF?" but she is sort of enjoying it. Then we hear a large plane flying over us, someone shouting at us and the sound of what seems like a bomb dropping, so we duck under the desk. Then something heavy breaks the ceiling and falls close to my feet. It's a bomb and is about to explode. I know there is nothing we can do and we're about to die. I wake up in panic.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am leaving Soraia at some junkyard temporarily for some reason and I don't want her to follow me, which is hard because the gate doesn't perfectly close, it has gaps and she manages to escape through it. So she follow me. I pick her up again and hand her over to the junkyard guy. Then I go to a class at the university. I sit at a desk with some other girl I know and she offers me a bag of meat for my dogs, which I start shredding with my hands hile the teacher talks in the background. Some people see it and make some remarks about it. Not so much for doing it in the class, but how can I be doing that if I am vegan? Then I spot Soraia going around the room looking for me - she escaped again - and I select a portion of meat to offer her. I bend down closer to the ground and call for her to come, which she does and I give her some meat. The room is now an ampitheathre outside in some old archeological ruins. On each side of the amphitheatre there is a corridor sided by stone walls ending and both ending in an area with large steps or small platforms where we can also sit. I followed Soraia here. I see a nice stone that I think would be great to take home and put under the leg of a table that is unstable, so I pick it up. Then I see a shadow and hear a noise and look up and there is some sort of catapult that I accidentally triggered by removing that stone. First I am afraid to be squashed but then I notice the catapult's arm is long and will actually hit the people sitting in the amphitheatre. I yell and warn them and they see it. But they are packed together and I don't know if they manage to escape. As I come closer, I stumble on people leaving the place, some that I know and I ask them if everyone is ok. They say no. Two guys were instantly killed and a 3rd person died soon after plus many are injured. I panic. No one seems to know it was my fault and I am torn apart. The right thing to do is to turn myself in before they find out, on the other hand I feel I can't admit guilt right now or I'll be killed by the mob. Don't know whom to talk too. I join them mourning and trying to figure if there is any way anyone will find out it was me. I look for security cameras and there is one in the distance pointed at the corridor. Probably hard to tell that it is me in the video, but if they identify me, and probably will, i'll be suspect number one. So I better tell. Then there is some kind of gathering in an indoor auditorium to countinue mourning and honouring the dead and I stay way in the back just trying to figure out what they are saying about it. Seems like no one is pointing to culprits and assume it was a freak accident, so now I have doubts if I should come forward. I am torn apart and I also cry for the victims. Either way, I now carry the feeling of guilt for killing people accidentaly and it feels absolutely horrible.
Had one dream with jamie in it.Another love making dream.. Had one other dream last night. I was driving and then I was jumping off a cliff with my dog. And somehow we didn't die? I kept hitting these sand things on the way down to keep from getting injured.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At mom's. The neighbors' right across the hall bring an injured dog and put him in front of our door. We pretend not to notice. So the poor dog is eventually taken by them to be treated by a vet, but again they lay him down in front of our door. We don't understand. Maybe they think he's ours? I look for blankets to make a bed outside for him. It's stormy on the street and very cold outside in the hallway. Watching a theatre play. A man and a woman in the 1900s meet and talk. Thet are both depressed as they both lost their spouses. She comes visit him regularly and he starts writing down what they talk about. Mostly about grief and rebuilding their lives. At some point she feels she healed and starts talking with him about closure and thinking of marrying again. He agrees with her arguments, but he thinks she is making innuendos towards him and she wants to marry him. He keeps writing about his grief although when they meet he is now looking refreshed just as she is. In the first occasions they met, they didn't care to look good and attractive, now they both are putting in the effort. But he keeps denying that he feels something for her and is feeling pressured by her conversation, although she never mentions anything romantic at all. She asks him when his he stopping writting on his notebook and he doesn't see why he should. He gets upset and starts avoiding her.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I have been entering a cave or underground shaft as a means to hide or escape from something, but it leads me to a parallel universe, which also reveals to be dangerous. I almost get killed in the middle of some conflict and I rush back to my universe. I then meet a woman who is somehow connected to this multiverse. She can switch between universes with just hand gestures. She has a big guy with her, like a body guard, but he always stays in the background and doesn't say a word. She shows me one or two safe universes as a friendly introduction. Then she warns me we're going to a stranger one. She says it is a split or incomplete universe and to be careful there, as it can be disorienting, but she never makes it sound dangerous. Once there, all I can say is that all matter appears to be glitched, as graphics on a computer that didn't render correctly. Everything looks like it has missing pixels or misplaced parts. Walls have like cubic blocks sticking out randomly, the floor has like gaps that seem to be holes in the space-time fabric. She warns me to mind the gaps and then she leads me into an elevator. The floor his weird, with a slit in the middle. I show concern and she kinda mocks me, but then remembers "oh, shit, don't press the button to descend, we have to go up." She says there is a glitch in it and if we press down, the floor opens up and we fall, but not to the elevator shaft, actually to the void of space-time. I become uncomfortable and tell her I wanna leave. But the glitches also settle in people's minds sometimes and she can't remember which hand gesture she has to do to takes us away from here. She makes several tries and gives up laughing. She says she will eventually remember, but for now she takes me to an apartment where apparently she stays when in this world. She asks me to be her helper / personal assistant while we're here. But she starts behaving like a demented person. Some times she is clear headed and she is a normal person whom I help with pleasure, and then she turns into an evil bitch who treats me like shit. But I can't raise my voice or defend myself, because I depend entirely on her to get out of here. She has 2 cats and a small dog and they are not very nice, I don't know why. They stay mainly in one room and don't trust people. Then it starts raining outside and she puts a leash on the black cat and drags him down the corridor to the balcony on the living room. I am already freaking out for the poor cat. But then she hangs him by the neck with the leash, over the balcony. Saying she is giving him a bath under the rain. I yell and pull the poor cat back in and she is possessed. Calls me names, humiliates me, threatens me. But I don't care anymore and I plan to leave her house as soon as possible and take the animals with me.
I had a dream where my dog was 20 years old and my mom was saying he had only one week left to live. I woke up in a cold sweat terrified. He's 5 years old IRL.
I was in some house in the arctic (or just a snowy environment) and the house was inside of a mountain. I remember I was there with my immediate family + my cousins, uncles, and aunts. There was a big opening in the side of the mountain and we had a golden retriever with white fur. The dog jumped out of the window and we couldn't find it.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Had some lucid moment in front of a mirror, but then lose it. I hate my clothes and look, so I make magically appear a gorgeous princess dress and then get horny with myself. I pull the dress up and expose my nether regions in the mirror and summon some dildos to play with. Some dog big hairy appears and gets on top of me and humps me. And the weird thing is I let him for a while until I realize this is kinda sick and I want it to stop. So I become lucid again and break it. I get up, go out and see some scenario I think I had dreamed of before at least twice. There is a big group of people outside, then on a black horse comes some lady like a Queen, of whom people are afraid of. I remember from having this dream before, that she'll boss me around and I am not in the mood. So I freeze everyone and everything around, like even the birds in the sky. Some people resist a little bit my order to freeze, so I yell to them that I am in charge. When everything is totally still, I admire the details, I focus on the shapes of the clouds and then I see the International Space Station falling from the sky and smashing against a building. I go check it out up close. There is some kind of engine burning fuel and I climb on top of it, almost get burned by the flames, but make some joke about it, as I know it can't possibly hurt me. Then I see a door behind this burning engine and I go in. Looks like an entrance to a theater, and once I get inside I am followed by Darth Vader, who stands there at the entrance, looking menacing. I run from him down a corridor that gets tighter and tighter until it becomes a tunnel and then the tunnel starts descending until it is a sliding pipe. It gets tighter and tighter, until I feel stuck and unable to get out. Plus the walls are covered in chocolate. (Looks more like I'm stuck in a sphincter ). I start digging around to remove chocolate layers from the walls until I slide down and find myself out of it. Once outside, I am in a strange locker room and hear someone discussing how they'll clean us up and then will chose 2 or 3 girls. I don't like the tone of the conversation, and try to escape through a door, but end up cornered in a room with a balcony where some guys are assessing girls like they are meat. There is a fire in Á-dos-Loucos and firetrucks are going up the road in a long line. Then behind my mom's building, the gates of all the houses also start burning. It is clearly arson, but now all the firefighters went up the hill for the other fire, so no one can put these fires down. Checking in at some place, like a college and then hostel. The procedure involves interviews and putting applicants interacting in small groups. I pass and I am admitted without hassle. But later on I pass by the admission area and there is an enormous queue and everyone is complaining about the time it takes. Bad Wolf is among them and I have this fuzzy feeling of having him being my colleague again. I picture us becoming bf and gf and marrying and me owning half of his business. When everyone is checked in, we take a field trip and we get to meet each other and assess each other. When we debate whom we seem to connect to and whom we think will end up fighting, I say I don't fear anybody in the group because I could handle them all, since I noticed we are all about the same size (males and females alike). We have a quick lunch at the hostel, but some prefer going back to our college as the options there are better. We eat a soup and then some pastry. I then need to go to toilet and it is a unisex with two stalls and very little privacy. David the Kid is also rushing to the toilet, so I tell him to go first and instead I go look through a window on the corridor, with view over a lake on the back of the building. I spot 3 toads who change colors. Some are white with black patterns and another is blue and green and when they spot me they all turn brownish and dive into the muddy waters camouflaged. I find them awesome and then tell David about it but he tries to spot them and can't. We join an afternoon activity with our hosts. They take us to the back of a local meat processing plant and show us how they observe the workers conditions and denounce them. They sometimes make live vigils, often they end up dumpsterdiving and salvage lots of meat. Back at the hostel they explain they are really into meat eating not only because they get a lot for free, but they believe they need it and start telling individual stories of some of them who became strong and other BS because of their meat diet. I feel it's time to go away or else I'll end up disrespecting our hosts. So I get up with a colleague and we say thank you for your hospitality but we are leaving. I go back to the room we were supposed to stay for a night and I pick up my bags and lots of electronics and headphones we brought in for some reason. I go down to the lobby with my colleague and she asks me to do the checkout with her right away, because we have a ride. But I find they have a really nice library on the ground floor. Some guy approaches me rudely asking for help and I reply that I don't work there. He says "ok, but you study and stay here, right? I need some info about this book about Angola" I say no, that I am a biologist for many years and notice some incongruity in what I am saying. But then Marta P. comes to us, presents herself as the librarian and offers to help the dude.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At my home, my dad is staying at the house too. I want to dress or undress, so I go to the 2nd floor/attic looking for privacy. But then I feel a presence in the darkness and go to the end of the floor to find that my dad is actually sleeping in the bedroom at the end and just woke up. He is surprised to see me, I say I didn't know he was there. Then things turn to a deeply uncomfortable vibe as he gets too close to me and I can feel his boner. I get down the stairs fast but he also comes down. He turns the tv on and there's Ronaldo and other football players gossiping about something, and Ronaldo takes a stand on some issue that no one else seems to care, showing character and. I then turn around and my father is gone and instead there is Riverstone. He is also watching tv on the couch and switches to some remake of an old 60s series. I find it really stupid. It is some kind of super heroes show, but one of them is a clown that comes from the sea and meets the others on the beach bringing an ominous message. Then they embark on a boat, but I think some fall overboard. I think I hear something behind the curtain on the window behind the tv, so I move the curtain and see the window covered in all sorts of insects, large and small. We are grossed out, we get up and shake insects that started crawling over us. There is even a snake on the floor and we run in horror and wonder how these insects entered the house. Then I go meet my mom by the riverside and I see a dog supposedly fighting a racoon or something at a pier, but soon realize it is a staged fight and the animals are rather playing with each other and someone's editing the sound to make it look like a fight. When mom arrives, she is driving an SUV or jeep and she asks me to get in quick. In the hurry I bump with the door on a car next to this and then our door breaks and falls on the ground. She says "never mind, just take it inside the car and we leave". So we leave, but soon after I shout to her that we need to stop as stuff from the back sit are rolling through under my seat and falling to the outside, like her purse and other items. She halts and helps me pick them up and some dude looking like a drug addict takes the chance to approach the car and sneak inside to steal something. But I block him and force him to put it back. He kinda resists but not an actual fight, so he caves in and puts things back. Then he asks for some money and agree to give him some change. But then all my coins and mom's are either silver and gold or special edition collectible coins and I don't want to give him those. He looks increasingly interested in the coins and makes some snarky comment that we are rich and can give him one of those, but I tell him we are also poor despite what it looks like and we can't afford to give him any of those coins but will keep looking for usable money in our purses. Then Alicja comes by and starts conversation with us. She's heading to a seamstress workshop and I go along. Bring a bunch of my unfinished projects for her to finish I guess. Then walks in some famous dude, kinda reminds me of Tony Stark but a bigger playboy. He brings along his girl to have a dress made for her, but she comes in half naked, with the fabric for the dress just covering her front, her butt exposed. She seats quickly on a chair to my side, to hide her back and gets some sympathy from some other lady also seated. Then what seems like a perfect copy of her comes in, fully dressed and also sits by her side. They take some time to realize, but when they do they are shocked to realize they are versions of the same person. And the first one seems to have no clue of what's happening, but the second one goes straight to the guy, and yells at him for allowing a time paradox to happen with his crazy experiments. Inspired by a movie I watched during the day, I dream I am sharing a surveilled house in Russia with this gorgeous dude who is an astronaut, his supposed lover which is a bitch and some other dude. Me and the astronaut have been talking a lot and we are clearly in love and going crazy with desire. I am willing to risk everything for a frugal moment of passion with him, but it is close to impossible. There is a meeting in the house, a round table with them 3 and a bunch of other people from outside and I am just standing in the back listening. At some break he comes to me with a book on space stuff, and we get really close and flirt a little bit discreetly. Feels so nice. But his woman sees and attacks me for being so interested in the damn book. Then some genius autistic fat kid joins the meeting and someone pranks him by pulling a chair when he is about to sit. I try to warn him and hold him, but he falls. He still thanks me for being kind. After they are all gone, someone brings us some food for the fridge, the astronaut's woman is gone for a while and I signal him to meet me at the most back room of the house. I get there and it is a dark dirty unwelcoming room. I see images of when the family living there raised a pig on this room. I feel for the pig and see him being taken to die in my mind's eye. There is a stiff bed and I lay there while waiting. I fall asleep and I am out of body watching myself as vampire bats come from god knows where and feast on blood from my leg. I lose hope that he will come, but he does. Unfortunately so do other people and ruin our chance together. Some dude comes talk to him saying he has news about the UFO report. That the government reduced all the supposed unsolved cases to just ten and most were scooters(?) and drones. We realize it is a complete sham to cover up the story and reduce its significance. Anyway, they then announce he his going to get reinstated and receive all the honors and we'll all be free. We get separated and I don't know anything about him for some time. Then it is announced a big event that I watch, maybe on tv, where they all come riding on horses, with strange theatrical fantasy costumes. I see his woman in a sort of wedding dress, so I presume they are also getting married, but then she marries some much older dude and only after much effort I see my astronaut in the back. He is all groomed and fabulously gorgeous. I also see some figure dressed almost like death, all black, very gothic, whispering something to his ear and he abruptly leaves the event. I know he is coming for me so I rush outside to a park. I see in my mind's eye he is also running up a hill to a park, can't tell if it's the same. But I wait and look around. Instead I am approached by a big black dog sniffing me, I pet him, then his owner comes by in a bike and calls him. He runs towards him and knocks down a man in another kind of 3 wheeled bike. I offer help but he manages to get up alone, then looks concerned with 3 guys approaching. They look unfriendly and the others go away, leaving me alone with them. They surround me but do no harm, just laugh and tease me a bit and disappear. Then 3 spectral black ghosts also pass by, turn around and go back. I am getting a bit scared, not knowing what all these mean but have the feeling I am not going to meet my love. Then lots of people come to the park to run, walk their dog or play with their kids and they don't seem disturbed by the ghosts at all.
Updated 07-09-2021 at 05:06 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some place sitting at a big table with different people. My cousin Duarte is there at some distance and Bad Wolf is nearer. Someone is at the door and some girl opens it. Someone ordered sandwiches, but Bad Wolf gets disturbed with that, says no one should have opened the door, because he is being chased by some debt collectors from the IRS or something and they can't see him inside. We want to protect him, so we are more careful and try to spot anyone suspicious outside. All is fine, so we turn to the table to eat. I am also turning the pages of an old agenda with notes that attracts Bad Wolf's attention. He asks me about it, I mention some stuff there that was written by my mom and that I used it later as a notebook. We become very friendly and shoulder to shoulder and it feels right. My cousin spots it and doesn't know our background so he finds it odd and then asks me about levels of appropriate touching between strangers and I clarify him that I am no stranger to Bad Wolf. At a college in a palace, just as a visitor or a prospective student. I attend a class and I am supposed to join another class at the -1 floor, so I take the main staircase down to ground level, where I see that outside is under a blizzard like we've never seen around. Also, it's July and I am sleeveless and wearing sandals. I make a loud comment on how am I supposed to walk on that snow like this. Some female teacher in sandals agrees emphatically: "exactly, how are we gonna do it?" and points to her own feet. As I keep going down the stairs I make a snarky remark like "So you don"t believe global warming? Here is your global warming!" and some idiot girl replies loudly "Yeah, exactly! It's snowing in the summer." And I shake my damn head realizing she didn't pick the sarcasm. So I get to -1 and find a class I think is the one I am looking for, but after sitting I realize they are debating Star Wars. Fascinating stuff and they are putting on a video of an episode to clarify something, which seems great, but this is not my intended class. I go down a corridor and enter an area of teachers and assistants offices. One door is open and some students there who look at me. I signal that I am just lost and will leave but one of the guys fancies me and comes to the door smiling and offering to help me on whatever I need. I fancy him too, but I am focused and keep going after smiling back to him. I stumble across another corridor which seems more like a private residence area and then I reach a big open ballroom, 2 story high. It's full of older folks, all very posh and dandy, dancing classical ballroom dances, while some dandy younger people are watching them, I suppose learning. I want to go across and keep going, but everyone spots me and won't let me go. They force me to attend the lesson as some kind of punishment or for their entertainment. They gather a group of younger all female dancer, put a more jazzy music and I have to join them. At first I fail miserably, but then I pick it up reasonably well and decide to add my own style as if I know what I am doing. In the end, most men applaud and cheer me, but the ladies dancing are pissed as their intent was to shame me. Some of the older guys are madly falling for me and one is holding on to a shawl that I used in my dance, as if his life depended on it. I am working and studying abroad, looks like in Belgium. I am with a friend in similar situation. Today we leave for good and we go back home, so we do our last shift in the bar we work at. A pretty industrial looking bar at the city center, right in front of the university we've been attending. My friend is heartbroken because she had been dating a guy and they had a fight and she doesn't see him for weeks but doesn't want to leave for good without seeing him again. But she lost contact with him and doesn't know how to find him. As we leave the bar and go around the block, we spot him entering a shop nearby and buying some gift. I feel like he is going to the bar next, looking for her, so I push her to go back and wait for him and she is over the top happy. Meanwhile I go back home to pack the bags. First I pass by the bus terminal to get tickets to the airport and there is a huge line, because they are having a promotion in which everyone gets free tickets and pays at the destination point on arrival. I really don't see the advantage, but it makes me wait in a line for too long. As I wait near the desk where they issue the tickets, I start taking things from under a chair next to me, curious about all the boxes of different sizes, jammed under it. It is boxes with sewing material and then I have trouble putting them all back in the same order. Back home I start packing, surrounded by our other roommates, all excited and not allowing me to focus on my task. I recall the stress of being always late packing my stuff and missing my flights (in dreams), so I try to really throw everything on the bags without losing myself on details. But I still am a bit too tight on the schedule and nervous. Actually don't even know for sure at what time is the plane. Also my friend isn't coming and I have to depart alone. The bus trip is super stressful as the bus has to go down a mountain in a very narrow road and every one is nervously making jokes at how we risk going over the cliff. At my farm, my dogs are very agitated. I hear machines working not too far, but what catches my attention is a strong meow nearby and my dogs rushing to the gate as if they are seeing some animal outside. I go running and spot a yellow baby kitten alone in the ground and pick him up. He looks thankful to be rescued and I go around looking for more or possibly his mother. Find another yellow kitty a few steps away, but this one is motionless and lying on the ground. I pick him up too and he is still breathing, just very cold. As soon as I warm them up they both look much better, but I want to give them water and some food asap. I still go around looking for where they come from and on a slope I spot some cave and thing maybe their mom is there with other kittens. Instead I spot two dogs with two litters of puppies. They seem all ok and safe and even growl at me, so I leave them. No sight of cats or kittens. Then my mom arrives when I am near my gate again and she tells me to look in another direction first. We go the other way and immediately we're right in the middle of Vila Franca, close to the train station. There I see lots of stray cats, most adults and they seem well fed and healthy. Finally spot a female white and yellow cat who can be their mom, she has a bed in a sheltered corner at the station, but no signs of other kittens or that she is nursing. There is another yellow one, bigger, a few months old, and he starts playing with some of the other cats that followed me around and ends up on the train tracks. I freak out and go scare them away from there. Then decide to just leave because I am adding more chaos and putting them in danger and I should be taking care of the kitties. I have been keeping them in my bosom, stuck between my skin and my shirt and the warmth seems to have done some good as they are both responsive and active now.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am in a small dark room, white walls, old furniture. There is a table and two chairs and Riverstone is sitting behind the table, against the wall, with his head pending down and acting bizarre. I am lucid and try to figure if he is real or a shady DC. I say something but he is unresponsive. I tell him I know he is not real, so I am going to play with him a little bit. He then reacts, but I still can tell he is not really Riverstone and I actually feel he is becoming threatening to me. So I shrink him to the size of a bug and pick him from the floor. Now he is putting on a fight. I put him on the table and tell him it will be fine, I'll bring him back to normal size, but as I do it, he turns into a black snake and I stop resizing him, because I don't wanna face a giant black snake. I turn away to the door and just leave. At the next room I see my dog Hachi, but also Bernardo and some other stranger dog. Hachi is happy to see me, but then the other two start fighting in the background and instead of him defending Bernardo, he joins in attacking him. I scream in horror, but then tell myself it is just a nightmare and turn away. I plunge into the wall, I wander through darkness for a while and then come out at another dark room, very much the style of the previous two. I hear noise outside the door and open it. Looks like a cprridor of some vintage looking hostel. Some kid from another room to my left is also peaking out, sleepy. Tells me something as if I am supposed to know what he is talking about. I go to the lobby and from there goes a stairway to a living room in the basement, which is full of youngsters having fun, just like som hostel I stayed in Japan once. I am not interested, so I choose to go out to the street. There is a street market, which reminds me somewhere I have been in Germany. I recognize the memory, love reliving the details. Then hear some guys talking about getting laid and whose lady from the hostel tourists they are going to bang. They spot me and start acting menacing, like they are considering to rape me, so I try to get away from them by climbing a rope that is hanging with clothes from the top of a passageway over the street, and I run up a hill. End up in another strange house, that looks abandoned, almost like a windmill, but it is inhabited by 3 girls. One looks like Natalie Portman. They are nice and invite me in. They are having like a slumber party, all lounging over a bed and sharing chocolates while talking about this and that. They offer me chocolate, I say no and they find strange. So then I go on and on explaining my aversion to choclate since I was little.
20th June 2021 Fragment: Outside, walking through a town area of some kind, it's mostly flat, maybe with some downwards incline. I'm with someone I know closely, maybe J or L. There's something about a lan party of some kind. Walking through the town, maybe food or fast food is mentioned. There are eight of us in total? I am carrying a laptop around in one of the laptop bags we have here at home in waking life. In the dream, I am aware of my laptop being inferior to everyone else's. Something about eating beans? There's some kind of sauce, maybe chilli, but no rice. There's a familiar taste. While reading the exercise on p.78 of Dream Gates: I'm sitting down and reading this exercise thinking about desert, then beach and then home. From the windows of many of the flats people are banging pots and pans, my awareness or focus on this quickly fades and then I'm focusing on the cars parked around the cul-de-sac, which are warm to the touch from the sun, but there is a morning light so actually most were in shade. Suddenly S appears, her lead is in my hand and she licks my face; I lick her back for good measure because I always feel she needs to have perspective of how it feels. She reels a little as she would. Then she starts pulling hard on the lead, barking or growling at some passer-by and making me trip over and fall to the floor, vaguely feeling myself being dragged along but without any of the friction I'd expect. She makes her way to the hills behind the garages, it looks as it did after the shanties were removed but before the supermarket built. The scene changes to be next to the eucalyptus on that hill. Then, I have a vague intent. It changes to unfinished highway that would be visible from the hill. I'm under the unfinished underpass of a concrete bridge. I know there's a door to my left but I cannot turn or see it from my point of view. I feel it's a metal door, painted a deep blue, maybe a little rusty. Like ones I've seen somewhere before in my childhood. I sort of unintentionally break away from this and then just continue reading a bit more and then write some notes down for this. Notes: - Although the exercise asks for thinking of natural places and afterwards I found that my old home felt natural enough, because there's vegetation and bush in several parts and the building of where I used to live has always been pretty much on the edge of town, so nature of some kind has never been very far. - The visualisation came about mostly unintentionally but it was pleasant, especially because although I couldn't see S very well, I appreciated the fact that she was there as some kind of animal guide. I was always told by mom that black dogs are considered luck charms in certain cultures, so I suppose that was present in my mind on some level. Thinking about it now, S appeared very well and despite vague visuals, she seemed just as I have always known her. - The concrete underpass was shady and the unknown door could be a such a figurative entrance to the underworld and so on as the exercise suggests, even though the door might not lead down, it would go through earth.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At my paternal grandparents house, staying with my mom and two guests, one is a fat kid on a diet but who can't resist eating and the other is Jeffrey Dahmer supposedly rehabilitated. I am preparing to go to sleep, and I go around the house checking if all is locked down. Wanna tell mom to lock her room and want to tell her who Jeff his but I am afraid she will panic. Walking on the street with Hachi on my side, no leash. Then I spot a dude on a street above us with a german shepperd and I grab Hachi by his neck and look around for something I can use as a leash, because he ain't happy with the other dog's presence.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Some dream in which I was lucid but passively reacting and at some point I turn to my DCs and ask what should I do with my lucidity and because we are near some rail tracks and trains, someone suggests making a train fly. I find it interesting as I never did any such thing so I make a train fly, but it goes horribly wrong and crashes some 100 mt ahead. There is a fire and victims and the blame goes all to the poor train conductor. So then I and my DC friends try to help the conductor escape the scene and avoid a public lynching. We decide to hide her in a wooden box that is on the ground near some construction materials and take her away inside it. But the box is incomplete so I use my powers to duplicate the wood panels and finish the box. As I do it, I am surprised by how perfectly I can clone wooden planks and other materials but failed keeping the train flying. I am at some foreign country with my dog Hachi. I need to take a train and have no clue if dogs are allowed on the train so I take my chances. Then mid travel I see the ticket inspector coming and remember I forgot to buy a ticket to myself. As I go through a slight panic, some nice eastern European dude seems to want to help me by holding Hachi's leash, while I look for my purse for money, to try to pay my ticket now. The trains stops at some station and the inspector is gone, so I am relieved, but turn around and so is Hachi. I look for the guy and see him near the door, but he is not holding Hachi anymore. I go after him yelling and he points to a lady sitting some rows behind me and says she has the dog. Then he leaves. I run to the lady, but she is holding some puppy, not Hachi. I tell her he is not my dog and she says something like "so what? keep the puppy". I am mad and panicky because the guys who kidnapped Hachi got out of the train, which started moving again and I feel like I might never see him again.