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    1. cccxlii. Growing woman, something about dreaming, Ed Edd n Eddy segment

      by , 01-09-2022 at 01:50 AM
      20th October 2021

      Some in-line bracketed notes. Was too tired to properly write down initial notes on recall.


      Growing female dream character, an NPC of some kind. She's white, her hair is not black but it's dark and tied back. I have to watch over her for a while to make sure I get points correctly for some reason. She is or gets to about three or four times my size. We're in water, or floating in the air?

      Before that, there was more going on in the same area, something about a dream thing? (Intrusion from "Dream Academy" related PM by MoonageDaydream, I really regretted not being able to hold on to this part of recall.)

      Even earlier, something about Ed Edd 'n Eddy (the cartoon); I'm talking to someone but seeing/watching the cartoon too? I mention that some of my interest in growth themes probably comes from watching cartoons like this. Some appropriately themed scene plays out in the cartoon, involving Edd mostly, I think. (I remember on waking considering how he was often a thematically unwilling victim, even in a case like this that might be "empowering").
    2. cccxix. A's late husband, Dreaming of dreams

      by , 08-29-2021 at 04:06 PM
      19th August 2021

      Away from home at the time.


      Something about a big drill at the tail end of a dream before waking.

      Before that, something more adventure-like.

      Another bit about S and A. But S was implied to have died and A was having a conversation with me, telling me all of this. In that moment I realise that was why we hadn't had any contact with her for a long time.

      21st August 2021

      Recall was good at first and dreaming presence was very decent too, lots of dreaming overall, but I was unable to write any recall down initially and it was left too long by the time I had another chance, meaning almost all detail was gone.


      Something about dreaming and art.

      Last bit just before waking, I'm doing something charitable for someone. I'm somewhere like in Scotland and I remember moving around a fair bit. (in what way?)


      - I cannot know whether my dream realisation about A's husband has any truth or not, since we still haven't spoken. Sadly it's been years since we last spoke.

      - Dreaming about dreaming and art probably relates to some of the long-term lucid goals I have.

      - I'm not sure if I was still away on the 21st or not, possibly just after I had been.

      - I just realised while typing this DJ entry title that our host's husband passed away some years ago, perhaps this was what brought on the dream about A's husband, in some way.
    3. Dreaming While Sick:Restless Sleep And Short Dreams

      by , 02-16-2019 at 04:08 AM
      For the past week, I have been sick with an upper respiratory infection/flu like sickness. I didn’t bother to go to the doctor or hospital because my mom has the same thing and both doctor and hospital told her she did not need antibiotics or other meds just fluids and rest. I’d rather not waste my time and get even more sick from sitting in waiting rooms for nothing.

      Anyway. I have been sleeping on and off throughout the day and night. My sleep has been interrupted by nausea/wet coughs/tight chest/fever and chills/etc...This has led to MANY forgotten dreams and a lot of random images and short dreams that are unrelated and make no sense. There are only two dreams that seem remarkable to me.

      DREAM 1
      I am entering into a building with a childhood friend that I no longer have contact with in real life. The building is tall and is round like an old castle tower. There are two sets of steps opposite each other in the building; one going up and one leading down. I’m not sure how many floors, but it seems an infinite amount. My friend and I seem to be exploring this building. I look out one of the windows in the stairwell and realize that we are in what is now an abdandoned building on an old college campus that is no longer in use in real life, and I assume that is where we are in the dream. (Except in real life, the round building only had three floors and was used as a library, in the dream the set up inside has changed a lot and has infinite floors.)
      At some point, my friend and I realize that we are being followed, and we start trying to run away and keep running down stairs but on the way down, it seems like there are more floors than we went up and there are more sets of stairs and we get lost because we aren’t sure which to take now. The people chasing us eventually catch up and are right behind us. I look back and see it is a mix of men and women, about 7 of them and they are all wearing white scrubs. I decide it would be better for my friend and I to split up so maybe one of us can get away and find help. Of course, I decide to be the hero knowing it is only a dream and distract them by allowing the pursuers in white to corner me and she gets free and I watch her climb up a stairway as I am backing up against a wall slowly with the pursuers 3 feet in front of me encircling me. I don’t see her again for the rest of the dream.
      One of them, a man, pulls out a syringe and tells me that it is for my own good. I know that it will put me to sleep, allowing them to do what they please with me. I start thinking of a way to change the situation and while I think a woman comes up and wipes a clear jelly like substance on my forehead. I push her away, and the man puts the syringe back in his pocket and says, “Good work, it won’t be long now” to the woman. She smiles at him,and they all stand around watching me. I start to feel drugged and like I am going to pass out. I realize that whatever she wiped on me was the medication that would knock me out and that the man with syringe was just a distraction. I wipe the rest off with my sleeve and decide I am not going to pass out with my lucidity and overcome to drugging. I turn around to face the wall and decide that the wall is not going to be there so I can run away. The wall is gone and I run and they continue to chase me around the building.
      I find a hiding spot under a stairwell and one woman pursuer is on her own. I grab onto her and pull her into my hiding spot and wipe the remaining substance from my sleeve onto her forehead and keep her mouth covered. After a minute she stops fighting, and we watch two men walk past outside of my hiding cubby and hear them talking. One says, “this one is smart. A good placement will be as a facility researcher or in the university. We need to find her.” I then have a strong knowing that the dream world I am I in secretly controls everyone’s lives and decides where they work and how they live. I decide I will NOT be caught.
      I wake the woman by smacking her in the face and when she wakes I tell her she will get me out or I will kill her. She agrees, but as she’s leading me down through the stairs and floors, I just know she has decided to take my side. We are about to go down the last stairway to get the the exit floor when another woman calls to us and tells us to stop. The woman who is helping me pulls out a gun and shoots the other woman. Then I wake up.

      DREAM 2
      This dream was short and not very interesting. I was with three other women my age but I don’t know them from real life. In the dream we were best friends. We were in a large bedroom with a dresser filled with expensive clothes and costumes and a large closet filled with clothes, shoes, costumes, etc. We were all picking out outfits and accessories to wear to some kind of costume party. I woke up while we were laying out our outfits to show each other. Wasn’t a very exciting or interesting dream, but one where I vividly remember and where I was lucid and in my own body and decided to just “go with the flow” to see what would happen.

      I just can’t seem to get enough rest even though I am sleeping on and off throughout most of the day and night. I can’t wait until this infection/flu is gone! Happy Dreaming!
    4. Lucid dreaming vs sleepwalking

      by , 05-21-2017 at 11:17 PM
      Im not sure what led to the series of events that had recently happened to me, but i was at work in a lucid state and found myself repeatedly waking up in a different place every time i opened my eyes... eventually the cops petitioned me into a psychiatric ward and i am now on new psych meds... ive been out of the ward for 4 days and i still feel like i am dreaming but i know i am fully awake. i guess what i am trying to relay is that this lucid state of mind, combined with psychiatric meds and cannabis use is somewhat a nightmare on repeat... yet i am at peace.
    5. Elephanteon

      by , 10-24-2016 at 06:45 AM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      I am lucid.
      A golden old-fashioned car with it's doors wide open manifest. I jump in. It starts flying. Soon I am in space. The planet density is ridiculous for my knowledge of astronomy. I fly past them until I see an icy planet. I start descending. I land into this icy arch. A chipmunk scrambles past and attempts to exit the arch. It evaporates. I get out. I see an elephant dressed in orange walk across the crevasse.
      On the top of the walls of the crevasse there are elephants in purple. The orange elephant tries to get a purple elephant to give him money. He says "I am your father's brother. [give me some]" The other elephant refuses. He says "I don't care about my father's brother." They bicker until I wake up.
      lucid , memorable
    6. Fighting my family over money and inline skating..!

      by , 08-06-2016 at 12:17 AM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      Real Life
      Side Notes
      Dream Fragments

      Swapping colour codes Real Life and Dreams

      I'd given my Dad my Christmas money to save for me, but when I asked for it he said he'd spent it, which left me no money for Christmas and everyone was going away in an RV, which is strange 'cos I'm British..! We don't really have them here..! I tried to come in through the door and he shut it on my fingers, painfully too and so I started arguing with him..! At this point, my cousin came down the stairs and said I'd have to fight him, at first I was a little afraid, but when I punched him, I knocked him clean out..! My other cousin then came down to see what was going on and said I'd have to fight him now too..! I was more weary this time as he seemed huge to me, but I hit him and ran..! I noticed I had no shoes on and was looking for something to put on when I noticed a pile of shoes, among them were a pair of inline skates..! I grabbed and put them on, then set off down the road, I was very skilled as I flew at great speed..!

      I remember my Mother having a house changed up in the back garden, also when I escaped on the skates I came to a fair ground, but it was closed, it's a familiar fair ground dream wise, and the rides are totally impossible and very extreme, I have actually ridden the coaster and it is not to be sniffed at..!

      Cheers, Nicho..!
    7. Simple Continuity..!

      by , 08-05-2016 at 01:46 AM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      Real Life
      Side Notes
      Dream Fragments

      The past two nights I have slept right through, which is really unusual for me..! Normally I wake up numerous times before sleeping proper, sometimes as many as 8 to 10 times a night, it sounds a lot 'cos it is..!
      So anyway, when I wake, I usually use it as an opportunity to WBTB, but sleeping through robbed me of this option..! I'm not too upset, it was nice to sleep for once (twice) and I did still dream..! The mistake I made though was not recording my dream when I woke up..! I still have vague feelings, but no solid imagery..!

      I remember there was some flying involved, I'm not surprised I remember that, I always seem to recall flying dreams, my mother was there and so was Joy..! I recall a drug theme, trying to get some, but unable to, which is usually the case..!

      So, this entry is just to keep my motivation up (simple continuity), I would normally forget, as I did and then just give up..! I'm determined not to do that this time, we'll see..!

      Cheers, Nicho..!
    8. Eight Dreams

      by , 04-21-2016 at 08:44 PM
      I had a bunch of dreams last night. The most I have remembered in a while. I think it really helps that I told myself the night before that I needed to remember them so I could write them in my Dream Journal. None of them were particularly long or vivid. But I'm glad I remembered what I did.

      Dream 1:

      I was in my old childhood neighborhood. I saw a nearby house (one East of the school) had burned down. Then as I watched I saw a big truck some barreling down the street and smash in to the house next to it. It was quite shocking I hoped the people inside were okay since the truck took about a third of the house down.

      Later I am in the house next to the two that had been destroyed. I am with a former roommate Bonna and a few freinds. I told them I had a really bad feeling about staying in this house. I was sure that this house was next to be destroyed. I finally convinced them to evacuate. It was then like a treehouse because we were climbing down a ladder. I'm pretty sure that I noticed a fire in the house as soon as were were down.

      [This was inspired because I had looked up my old neighborhood on Google maps before bed.]

      Dream 2:

      I was walking down the street in a neighborhood near the church I went to growing up in LA. I suddenly realized that I could fly. I don't think I was lucid, yet some of my actions were similar to things I do while lucid. I flew slowly straight up in the air. I started to have trouble getting very high. I knew my trick for flying was to not push myself higher, but to make the scenery move around me. So I focused on the scenery getting lower and lower around me, and I saw that I was getting quite high. But then I found myself under some power lines. I've heard that this is a problem for some lucid dreamers, but I've only had this happen once before. I realized that I was very close to the energized lines. I could hear a buzz and feel my hair start to stand up on my head and arms.

      [This was also inspired because I had looked up my old neighborhood on Google maps before bed.]

      Dream 3:

      I don't remember how this dream started but I found myself in a large room. I had no pants on. I think I was doing laundry. But then these guys started coming into the room to play video games. I think Kasey, Daniel, and David were there. I tried to get my pants on quickly before they noticed. I should have gotten lucid on this one.

      Dream 4:

      I was in a Japanese store buying what was called "noodles" but it looked more like a crumbly cake. The Japanese man who ran the store asked if I were traveling. I said, No, I was local.

      Dream 5:

      I went in this large kitchen. I was barefooted. I noticed something on the ground right in front of the fridge. As I looked closer I saw that someone had stepped on a tarantula. Its body had been squished, but it was still alive and trying to walk and pull it's mangled body with it. it was a horrible sight. There was a huge amount of white paste-like guts coming out the back of the spider. I wanted to kill it and put it out of its misery, but I had no shoes on and couldn't step on it. But I didn't know if I could have anyway.

      [This was inspired by an incident that happened earlier that day where I found a big black widow and tried to kill it with a shovel. I only hit it's body the first time and had to give it a second whack. Hate when that happens.]

      Dream 6:

      I was trying to sleep. I realized that my bed was in a crowded mall or airport. I was in a smaller room that was just off the main area, but the head of my bed was right were the opening of the room connected. It gave me a weird feeling to have all these strangers walking within a few feet of my head. I thought of trying to move my bed further into the room so I wouldn't be as close. But then I started hearing what I thought was hypnagogic audio hallucinations. I could hear a man's voice clearly talking in my head. I remembered the times that I had been able to write down some of those weird things that were said in hallucinations in the past. I wanted to start writing down what I was hearing. I carefully found a pencil and paper without waking myself up completely. I started to write down what the man was still saying in my head. I no longer remember what was being said.

      Dream 7:

      I was starting a hike with friends. I realized that I wasn't as prepared as I thought. I didn't have on my hiking boots. I had on sandals with a pair of socks. I tried to remember where we were hiking. This could work if we were hiking through water.

      Dream 8:

      I was sitting with my family. My dad (who passed away many years ago) was there talking to the family. I remember feeling happy about this, but at the time I didn't realize why.
    9. False Awakenings, Dream within a Dream, and Missed Lucid Opportunities

      by , 02-05-2016 at 08:42 PM
      I want to catch up again with recording my dreams here. This is from two night ago:

      Obviously dreaming and lucidity are on my mind. But sometimes things get pretty mixed up in dreams. Almost 10 years of lucid dreaming and I still have nights like this.

      In the first dream I was with a group of people in a place that looked similar to the backyard in the house I grew up in. I was looking at a dirt slope and saw a cicada nymph that was about to hatch out into its adult form. My eyes had a macro view as I saw the exoskeleton start to split and the adult head start to emerge. I thought this was the coolest thing ever, so I went to get my phone/camera so I could film the process.

      I knew I had left my phone on a table, but when I got there it wasn't there. I frantically started looking around. How could I have misplaced it? I'm usually so careful with my phone. I started shouting out to everyone there to help me find my phone. I looked back over and saw that the cicada was about halfway out. I was missing this! I kept running around in search of my phone when I suddenly "woke up".

      I was back in my bed and I looked over and my phone was on my night stand. Duh, that was just a dream. Of course. Typical dream--can't find my camera to take a picture of something cool. I then jumped up out of bed and grabbed my camera and headed out to the backyard where everyone still was. Now I could take a picture of the cicada.

      Haha. Completely missed lucidity on that one!

      Dream 2:

      I was talking to someone about a book. We had also been talking about lucid dreaming. I told the person (a lady, I think) I was with that it was pretty easy to enter a dream. I started walking her through the steps. First you get into a relaxed state, then you start picturing what it is you want to dream about.

      I started thinking about that book. I remembered a scene where there was a girl who was running down the street. I started thinking about it. Soon I saw the girl and the neighborhood appear in front of my eyes.

      I told the lady who I was with that I was going to enter a scene from the book. I told her that I was already seeing the image appear before me. I told her the next step was to solidify everything, so I could make myself enter the dream.

      I then saw everything more clearly. My vision was following this girl down the street. I now knew that I had to solidify my own body. I imagined my legs running and swinging my arms. I soon could see my arms as I ran. I looked down and saw my feet. This was progressing nicely.

      I then reached out and rubbed my hands together. Yes. I was fully in the dream. Yes, I was lucid. Awesome!

      I continued following the girl. Something told me this was important. She went in to a house. I followed.

      And that's all I remember. I must have lost lucidity.

      I feel bad I lost the chance to have a nice long lucid dream where I accomplish many goals. But I should always be happy anytime I get lucid , even if the dream's short and I get there is strange ways. It shows dreaming and lucidity were on my mind.
    10. Semi Lucid Dream: Waking up with the Powells

      by , 10-09-2015 at 05:40 PM
      Here is a Semi Lucid Dream I had about 5 days ago. I sort of knew I was dreaming, but I wasn't thinking real coherently like I woudl it I were totally lucid.

      Waking up with the Powells

      This dream started off at the beach. As I was walking along the shore I stared noticing that it was full of life. I remember looking into a pool of water in the sand and seeing a tiny octopus. I pulled out my camera, but it was having some issues, and I wasn't sure it was getting the pictures (Total dream sign).

      I also saw a sea otter and a bunch of other life that I no longer remember.

      At some point in the dream I meet up with Chris And Heidi Powell and their kids. Somewhere in here I start to become lucid. My memory isn't the best here.

      But I remember that I had us all stand in a circle and hold hands. I had told them that we were all dreaming. I wanted to do an experiment. I wanted us to all suddenly try to wake up, and as soon as we woke up I wanted us to touch our fingers to our noses. For some reason, I pictured all of us waking up somewhere else, but still all standing together and holding hands. So I had thought it would be cool to see how long it would take each of us to wake up and remember the task of touching our nose. And we would all still be there and we could discuss this.

      Seemed like a good experiment, right?

      Well, I then tried to force myself awake. Thoughts of Poet went through my head as it was harder than I remembered to make yourself wake up from a strong dream.
      But after a few more seconds I did wake up. Waking up like this gave me the impression of moving myself through a solid object--which I have done in dreams before, and it has a "thick" and "slow" feeling about it. But I finally burst out the other side.

      ....And I found myself in bed. And the Powells were nowhere in sight. And I had a "What was I thinking?" moment.
    11. Green Towers in Cloud Valley (NLD)

      by , 04-30-2015 at 07:18 PM
      Earlier: I heard about a plan for a new kind of TOTM on DV. Someone had come up with a single extremely complex and elaborate task that was broken down into about a dozen different steps, and the number of steps one was able to complete determined whether one got credit for Basic, Basic + Advanced, or Basic + Advanced + Bonus tasks. Someone who managed to complete the entire series would get credit as though it were a TOTY.

      Later: I was at some kind of large event like a conference, and passed by a counter with a placard advertising a program or game called "BRAinixity." A list identified the first three letters as standing for the following descriptors:

      I gathered that "BRAinixity" was a kind of lucid dreaming program, and that these three terms described the magnitude of effects that practitioners might have on their dreams, depending on their level of accomplishment. I inwardly scoffed a bit at the idea that it somehow took a higher degree of effort or mastery to accomplish a "big" effect on a dream object as opposed to a minor "alternation," since I had time and again observed the lack of any such meaningful distinctions in the dream state, but I was nevertheless interested in seeing what the program was all about, so I decided to sign up.

      A woman with short light brown hair was currently signing up for the BRAinixity program, and I was standing next to her waiting my turn. Since we were going to be on the same team, we exchanged introductions. She had a strong accent that made me think she was from Germany, and said her name was "Lalla." She explained that it had originally been longer, but that she had shortened it when invaders had attacked the valley where she lived. I understood her implications: under the circumstances, a long name would have added brief but unnecessary delays to social interactions. "Yeah," I joked drily, "You don't want to be standing there waiting for someone to finish pronouncing your name when you should be running away."

      She finished signing up and the woman behind the counter began to take my information. I saw that I was on the "Cloud Valley" team—all the teams were organized by fictional valleys of various names, each of which accommodated about eight team members, judging from the number of lines on the registration card. Each team member was assigned to "Towers" of a particular color. Only the top line on my team's card was still blank, and since I was the last person signing up, I didn't have any choice as to what color my towers would be. I looked closer to see what color towers I'd be getting and saw "Green" next to my name, which pleased me, since green was what I would have chosen anyway.

      "Green towers in Cloud Valley," I said aloud, liking how poetic it sounded.
    12. Typical Neverending Dream. Felt Like a Day.

      by , 10-11-2014 at 03:37 AM
      *So this was a dream from a 3 hour nap, but of course felt long. As a background i'm a heavy napper, and dream extremely vividly the moment my head hits the pillow. I will start to dream as I doze off as well if i'm tired, or start hearing part of my dreams. I have no control over my dreams, I can never fly, or breathe under water. They are simply as real life is but much more interesting and include odd places and things that don't exist. I have no idea why. I am also extremely honest and social in dreams which is different from real life. My feelings don't get hurt as easily.*

      I met a yellow male fairy, maybe about the size of a cat, I was told by my dad to get to know him. We were sleeping next to each other and my dad got so angry, but the fairy wasn’t human, and it wasn’t weird. I said “I knew he would get mad, he gets mad every time” and me and my dad got in a fight (me and my dad don’t really get along in real life)

      Next flash. is I was ready to die, I was writing on my friends computer real fast saying “you did a good job, …. etc” it was a room with several computers and a desk near on the side from where I was sitting. If you walk the opposite way next to the desk you could leave the room. I decided not to kill myself after all, but I was going to congratulate her on being the last person I write too, but I decided not to. As I was waiting for her to see it she walked back into the room with black pearls around her neck and other such things because she became famous I guess. (this has to do with someone singing better than me in real life in a competition and that was her a few days ago)

      Another flash. We were in this underground room, me and a friend I knew well, it seems like my childhood best friend but then again it didn’t. There were snakes coming out from everywhere. Out of the ceiling, out of the cracks the floors, and I was trying to avoid them. But I saw them such as you would in a movie, from one flash of a snake to the other. eventually I would jump around and swing around as much so I just let one bite me. They didn’t scare me, I just didn’t want to get bit.

      Next flash. I was eating ice cubes from this icecube holder on this counter with this large room with two seperate groups of people, and stairs that go down the middle. from this large section of people. I looked at the ice cubes and they weren’t normal ice cubes, they were pretty like glass and they had a lemon seed in them and something else. I had eaten something that made my mouth burn, and I was trying to make it go away. I was spitting places such as the towel behind the picture frame hung up where the stair move down. I was hoping nobody saw me, but the last time I tried spitting in my dream since I did it more then once to get the taste to go away, I spit in real life and that’s what woke me up.

      Next flash. My friend had my mini scissors that I haven’t been able to find and that I was looking for in real life today, I take them and she gets offended. I wasn’t mad but she said something along the lines of “well that flute was so expensive anyway so” and from that dream I remembered a false memory that was given to me in the dream of me giving her a flute she bought me back, I got a mental picture of it in my dream, and I had made a light hearted clever joke back to her comment about these fancy scissors I have in real life even though she was defensive.

      Another flash. I was down by these booths and shops in the same place, there was this one with a lady that in my dream I remembered from before. I got there right as it was closing and she pulled down the metal to cover her booth right as I was about to look and buy something.

      -I don’t really remember colors of walls or carpets.
      -I don’t remember the people really. They were just details such as there is in real life.

      These are only a few of the parts I remember. They all led into each other. I don’t remember the transitions or the other several places I went and things that happened besides these.
    13. Phantasmata

      by , 07-29-2014 at 09:50 PM
      At some point, I can remember entering the phantasmatic portal (Known as hypnagogia. I call it a portal to the dream world). My etheric energy was very high (high vibrations during vibrating sensation before sleeping) and I was in sleep paralysis. I was able to control the energy levels, making them go up and down. The more I relaxed, the deeper I could go. Even when I was just about fully awake, I was able to control the energy. Eventually, I started to drift into the portal by "letting go," just a bit more. I found that during paralysis, I had to raise as much energy as I can, while giving in the right amount of letting go.

      I was back in the phatasmatic portal. I saw the shapes I read about in the article about hypnagogia. I ran around at night on a street finding out I was in the dream world. I was fading out and felt my real body coming into place. I then, used the hand rubbing technique and focused on my running dream self. I almost made Japan into view like I planned before going to sleep, but it was hard to focus and was starting to wake up. Somewhere else, around the end of the experience, I was playing parkour with a girl. It was fun and we were inside some sort of building with obstacles. Before I left, I asked her on a date (mistaking her for Lin, the person I wanted to meet) and she said she was saving herself for when wasn't busy. I knew she wasn't Lin because 1: That wasn't her voice nor accent, and 2: She was going to some parkour competitions. I believe she was just a girl in a movie I saw. The dream ended about there anyway.

      (Random memory: I ate chocolate and it tasted great!)
    14. Twice the Weirdness

      by , 08-13-2013 at 04:56 AM
      Morning, 13th August, 2013

      Dream 1:

      Harry Potter and Loki are stuck in separate green, grimy cells. They both happen to have computers and MSN each other out of boredom.

      Dream 2:

      I am in the middle of a 'lucid dream' (dream inside a dream) when suddenly the dreamscape becomes hazy and I wake up to hear noises in the house. I jump out of bed and hide from the view of my bedroom door. Two men in suits come barging in, shining torches around instead of using the lights.

      They look around my room and I keep quiet, then they suddenly find me and grab me harshly on my forearm - saying something about me being a lucid dreamer and that I have to go away for experiments - and take me away.

      We go outside to their hover car and they tie me up with a rope that connects to the car. They fly off with me hanging by the rope. I see a blue portal open up in front of the car and I'm very curious. We go inside and I see a shiny futuristic city with lots of shiny silver. They park the hover car and ... (I forgot what happened between this.)

      I am in the city's supermarket being escorted by one of my captors, and because I am a 'lucid dreamer', a specimen to them, they feel the need to sanitize the floor I just walked on - a janitor does this with a mop, and he's following me around. I decide to have some fun with this and step on the floor so much times in front of the janitor just to see his shocked and exasperated expression. (It was actually pretty funny.)

      And then the dream ended.
    15. My brother's girlfriend discussing with him on the phone - 18th july to 19th july

      by , 07-19-2013 at 07:07 AM
      Today i dreamt i was giving a walk with my brother and my mom.
      My brother asked me if I could borrow him my phone, i did borrow.
      I could listen what my brother was thinking: "Should i do it now? is it the right time now?
      well i'll do it" he phoned his girlfriend and decided to tell her why he didn't tell her anything
      about he being "dissapeared" from their house 2 days ago. His girlfriend monologue:
      "What happened to you?"
      "Why you didn't tell me anything?"
      "I was worried you know?" <- almost crying
      **WEIRD PART**
      "I wanted you to come home, i want your love" <- crying
      "I want your friendship" <- crying
      "I want the music" <- crying
      My mom tried to talk to her but it was useless, she just continued with this nonsense monologue...
      "I want the football" <- crying
      And i whispered to myself
      "I want a lucid dream"

      Technique used for this dream: MILD
      Sleep time: 6 hours
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