The Break Room Sessions A group of workers meet up at the break room og their office to do spoken word sessions, all behind the company's back. Each employee has a poem representing a different emotion. This one employee is the master at it and is the one organising the break room sessions. A podcast becomes available with each poem. This one black guy warns the poem master that he's getting on dangerous levels as the company does not approve of the break room sessions and if they ever find out, he's in big trouble to which the master makes fun of his drumsticks that he always beings for lunch, the guy defending his drumsticks saying that they're a very nutritious meal. One day they all visit the break room with the master nowhere to be seen, a woman, unsure if an ally or not, calls for the employees through the intercom. In her office, she explains to the colleagues that the company found out and took some measures. Unsure whether the master got fired or transferred to a different floor, the guy takes his drum sticks out of his lunch box and enters the elevator saying that this is all his fault. The colleagues follow him trying to cheer him up as he looks at them while the elevator door closes. My alarm then went off.
In my first dream last night, I was playing a Zelda game on the Wii. I don't know what game it was; it wasn't one that actually exists. When I say "playing", I mean I was watching the game from a third-person point of view (so my entire field of vision was what was displayed on the screen), but I was still aware that I was using a Wii remote (this is similar to how I usually play video games in dreams, except I'm not usually aware of the controller). Anyway, I remember Link being able to shrink down (and return to normal size) at will, like in Minish Cap, except he could do it anywhere. I (remember, I'm playing the game and, therefore, controlling Link) used that to get into this building where I was in this room full of people. Suddenly, I was actually in the game myself! And, no, I wasn't Link (I have no idea what happened to him); I was myself. I had to play Epona's Song on the ocarina for some reason. Strangely, though this seemed normal at the time, instead of covering the holes and blowing into the ocarina, I had to press buttons to play the notes. For some reason, I kept trying to play the notes for Saria's Song (though I thought I was trying to play Epona's Song), but I kept messing up. This man approached me and I told him that I couldn't seem to get the notes right. We ended up talking about Legend of Zelda for a little while (he was a Zelda fan, too), and I forgot about the ocarina entirely. Soon, I saw my parents arrive, so I said goodbye and told him I enjoyed talking with him, then I left with my parents. Next thing I knew, we were driving through the village where I live (well, I actually live in a town just outside of the village itself, but I used to live in the village). The man was in the car with us, which was unexpected, since I'd said goodbye to him and left. Anyway, we were driving along South Main Street, going past the power substation, with the bridge just up ahead. It didn't occur to me in the dream, but my mom may have been driving us to our old house (where I lived until I was seven), as that was literally just a few houses away. The dream ended before we got close enough to see our house, though. (Note: I'm sure that bridge will forever remain in my memory, along with the "beep beep" of reversing trailer trucks. You see, the bridge could be seen from my old house. Even though there was a warning sign stating the height limit, many truck drivers would ignore the sign and try to drive under the bridge anyway... which usually resulted in them subsequently getting stuck under it. This, of course, was followed by the high-pitched beeping as they reversed out to take a detour. I lived in that house until I was seven (or eight, maybe; I can't remember exactly), and I have seen many trucks get stuck under that bridge.) I woke up after that and decided to try DEILD. I quickly felt myself being pulled into another dream. Unfortunately, even though I know I'm not supposed to move during DEILD, my half-asleep brain decided it would be perfectly okay to roll over as long as I didn't get up. That completely ruined my DEILD attempt. I quickly went back to sleep anyway and had another non-lucid dream. In this dream, I was with my friend Lizz. We were in her backyard, but it didn't look like her backyard - or anywhere I'd recognize, for that matter - in real life. So there we were, as well as three little girls, around seven or eight years old. I can't remember who the girls were, but I have a feeling the group may have included her little sister and/or some of the girls around that age at my church. Anyway, we were in "teams" (i.e., Lizz and I vs. the other girls), and each time had a "fort". Our fort was "defensive", as it was a shed with a wire fence around it. The girls' fort was "fun", as it was a colourful playground set with a treehouse (i.e., a swingset and slide with an attached treehouse). I'm guessing the "forts" were for some kind of game, though the dream skipped ahead to the next morning before anything much really happened. I'd apparently spent the night at her house, since I was still there the next morning. We went to the dining room (again, it looked different than it does IRL) for breakfast. She started asking me what I thought about some video game that she'd assumed I'd played (I forgot the name of it, though). When I told her I hadn't played it, she decided to show it to me. I guess the dream ended before she had a chance to show me, since the next thing I remember is from the next dream. I was playing the "drums", though it actually looked like a keyboard (a piano keyboard, not a computer keyboard), not a drum kit. For some reason, the drumsticks I was using were short and made of black plastic. I think the "drums" may have actually been a keyboard, as I had to set it to 101 (first percussion setting on a MIDI keyboard) to get the right sounds. The next thing I knew, I was at home, and my parents were there. I put the drumsticks down on the table. It turned out I was supposed to have three more (I only had two), so I had to go outside to find the rest. Instead of just three, I ended up finding a lot more and setting them all down on the table.