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    1. Becoming Lucid in a DV Member's Dream (Task of the Season)

      by , 07-07-2023 at 03:46 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      Another long lucid! Even if it was split in the middle. And a TON of dreams overall! Though they took forever to type. Slept at 12:30.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Something about driving and LGBTQ. Woke up at 4:00 and WBTB.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      I was reading about a closeted gay eighth grader, and of course since it was a dream the scenes popped into my head like a TV show. MC was in a warehouse with his friends, goofing around, when he looked in the mirror and said, "You know what, guys? I'm going to go do it, I'm just gonna do it, why am I waiting for high school? It doesn't even make sense."

      He was talking about doing the nasty with a girl, but he didn't really want to. He was just trying to prove to himself and everyone else that he wasn't gay. When he headed for the door, my feelings of opposition seemed to affect him. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. I physically typed out the words I wanted him to say: "You're not gonna stop me?!?!"

      Then I wrote out his friends' response: "No?"

      One laughed in confusion, another scowled. I remember crossing out a comma and replacing it with the question mark, then being sure to emphasize that one of them was scowling.

      MC said something about "three men," and the angry friend became even angrier. "Of course not," he snapped.

      After that MC was tempted to say the same thing about "four men," but he chickened out because there were four of his friends there and the risk of them catching on was too high. I accepted that, just glad that he'd changed his mind, and he left the warehouse.

      The plot changed. I was now actively in the dream, as myself yet not myself. I lived in a big house with my "grandma" and brother Z. He and I were in "our room," and when I gazed out the arched window into the night, I saw a peculiar black cat rummaging around, eating trash. I was fascinated by its strange appearance and wanted to interact with it.

      It was past midnight, so I waited for "Grandma" to go to the basement before sneaking downstairs and opening the front door. I whispered for it to come inside and eat something edible. It obeyed, but the granny was coming back upstairs so I fled to my room.

      She definitely knew I'd been down there, despite Z trying to cover for me. (He was not himself either.) However, she let it go and sat down with the cat at the table, saying that they had to have a long chat regarding me.

      At one point she called sweetly to me from the kitchen and snapped at Z when he spoke up. He was holding a "full" glass of regurgitated yogurt (it reached the fill line, but that line was barely one fourth of the cup). It was not abnormal in the dream, but I was disgusted all the same.


      Woke up at 5:00 and, after journaling, sat up and really focused on becoming lucid. I explained what it meant, quickly performed MILD, and upped my awareness of myself and my surroundings. Then I went back to sleep, lucidity the last thing on my mind. (As in, the final thing I was thinking about, not something I didn't care about at all... I hate English.)


      Dream #3 (Lucid):
      First thing I remember is tagging along as a man led Harlequin down a flight of stairs. We were in her dream. Once we reached the bottom of the steps, we could see an oasis-like place at the end of the hallway. But when we looked back up, we realized we had descended 2000-feet-worth of stairs, and Harlequin's family was screaming her name at the top of their lungs as if she had died.

      Trying to keep things under control, I asked, "Are you going to go to the oasis?"

      She frowned and scoffed, "My brain drew that with MS paint." Then she left the dream. [I don't remember what she looked like because I wasn't paying attention.]

      What a waste, I thought, and went to check out the oasis myself. It was really just a small room with a pool of water, cabinet, window, and carpet, but I sat down on that carpet and
      became lucid.

      I attempted to increase the vividness and thought it was working, but when I woke up I couldn't remember how it looked so maybe it wasn't. I also believed myself to be more clear-headed than I really was. To my credit, I was able to remember the Task of the Season and decided to complete a basic task: asking a dream character what will happen tomorrow!

      I phased through the window and emerged a couple stories above the ground, a tree swaying in the wind below me. Everything was a bit unstable so I grabbed a leaf and tried to focus my attention on it as a stabilization technique (as Oneirin suggested), but it didn't work very well.

      Somehow I got out of there and ended up flying down a street, chasing after people in cars and trying to get them to answer the question, but every one of them just flashed weird looks and drove faster. Finally I peered into the passenger window of one car and saw a one-year-old baby strapped into a baby seat in the middle. Next to him, on the far side, was a 12-ish-year-old blond boy.

      "Hey!" I yelled to the baby. "What do you think will happen tomorrow?"

      He glanced at me and started lifting his arms out of the harness straps. I assumed he wanted to get closer to the window, but if a car struck them from behind and he was unbuckled I knew he'd be dead.

      "Uhh, no, no, don't do that," I said, and suddenly a horde of skinny, black-bodied, white-headed, Bendy-like creatures rushed toward the car with their arms outstretched. Altogether they resembled the Wall of Flesh in Terraria.
      I was kicked out of the dream and replaced by a fourteen-year old anime girl.

      She flew through the car and grabbed the twelve-year old, sending them tumbling out the other side into an alleyway. The car was destroyed and the boy watched his baby brother get ripped to shreds, one layer at a time. But he wasn't fazed at all! In fact, when the girl held out a hand to him (third person POV), he blushed and took it!

      She was a dream superhero of some sort, and there was the sense that she had saved many people from those creatures many times before. She wore red gloves and a short red skirt, black sweatpants, and a black sweater.

      At some point they were hiding in the "|" part of a "T"-shaped alleyway, and the boy was able to keep the creatures out by stretching his body to disturbing proportions. Even as the nonexistent observer I was very confused.

      Once the creatures cleared out, the boss of the girl appeared. With a smile they said, "You must be [name]'s reincarnation."

      [Name] was a very powerful Dream Hero, the most legendary of them all, but the girl was not her reincarnation. No, that was a different girl, and she was back at the lab undergoing testing. MC reminded me of Akko, and the reincarnated girl reminded me of Diana (though she looked like Neiru from Wonder Egg Priority).

      MC was having trouble keeping her face stable (it was actually glitching) and started to deny it, but cut herself off. "Is- is Izzy here?" (Another Dream Hero.)

      Don't remember if anyone responded, but somehow it was revealed that the boy had "done this before" and was actually a member of their organization. When she heard that, MC flushed with rage and grabbed his collar.

      "Say that sooner!" she shouted. She was embarrassed because she'd been under the impression that she'd saved a helpless civilian, and now felt stupid for being so proud.

      She stormed out of the room (the alley had gradually morphed into a hotel room) and
      I returned to the dream, lucid again. I had very little memory of what had happened and zero awareness of having switched with the girl. But I realized I still hadn't gotten an answer to the TotS question, and ran back to the boy. He was being carried like a sack of potatoes by an invisible person.

      "What should I do tomorrow?" I asked. (Phrased it that way because I thought he might not respond to "what will happen tomorrow?")

      He glared at me, and the vividness of his voice increased tenfold as he spat, "I think you should die."

      I actually got goosebumps from how clear and angry his tone was, but brushed it off. The style of the dream had become cheap and pixelated, and I turned to see Mafuyu lying flat on the ground.

      I sat next to her. "Mafuyu, what will happen tomorrow?"

      She probably assumed I was asking her out and responded, "Saturday is sad day." (Both she and I were under the impression that tomorrow was Saturday.)

      "I see. Sad day, huh." I sat by her a little while longer before standing up.

      Each hotel door was themed to match a Project Sekai character. Kanade's was first, light blue and decorated with solid circles and hollow triangles. I cracked it open and found her wrapped up in blankets like a burrito. Sensing that I would wake up soon, I decided it wasn't worth interacting with her her.

      I hurriedly moved on to Mizuki's sparkly pink door, but for some reason, I knocked this time. I called her name, excited to hear her response, as she and Mafuyu are my favorite characters.

      After a pause, a very accurate voice responded, "Yeah?"

      I asked the question, but before she could answer the dream faded and
      I woke up! Nooo! But at the same time, yesss, to this amazing lucid!


      I was surprised to find it was only 6:25, but it took me an hour to finish writing, so I didn't get back to sleep till 7:30-ish. I wasn't very tired, so maybe that's why I kept waking up and had all these dreamlets.


      Dream #4 (Non-Lucid):
      This was on the border between a hypnagogic hallucination and a dream. I was in the kitchen and one of my parents dumped milk and acid in my head. Then I was in a dark void, walking down a floating runway and smashing open doors with an axe. I found my dad in one of them. He had murdered my mom. I raised my axe and killed him. Woke around 8:00 and WBTB.

      Dream #5 (Non-Lucid):
      I was being driven somewhere in the middle of nowhere to tutor a kid my age. I was very confused, saying that A was the tutor, not me. But they didn't listen. We nearly ran over a fallen tree and had to get out of the car. It was foggy outside and there was a lake nearby.

      When I demanded answers, my mom grilled me in return about how I got my voice recorder. [Answer: I biked to the store and bought it without her knowledge.]

      "I told you, I just found it in my stuff!" I protested, speedwalking away.

      I came across my brothers and a group of old friends, the only one I could see properly was a kid named Blake. He was holding a football and I asked if he was copying me, as I was playing catch with a football for two hours a couple days ago.

      Don't remember his response, but I took the football and asked if I could punt it. He refused because there was a lake in the distance and he didn't want it going in.

      Woke at 8:27 and WBTB.

      Dream #6 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Forgot everything when I opened my eyes. Something about flowers. 8:46 WBTB.

      Dream #7 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      (Illegible.) 9:06 WBTB.

      Dream #8 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Lifting weights. Later I was in a store and Harlequin was there, asking how to get home. I directed her to a staff member. 9:19 WBTB.

      Dream #9 (Non-Lucid):
      I was driving to a therapy session, though not doing a very good job. In the end I had to lift it up like a chair and force it into a parking spot within the building. Switched the parking brake on and it finally settled down. A girl next to me was doing the same. Some time later people were watching the dream on a screen, admiring the "perspectives" and skill of my "internal camera." I was a little uncomfortable.

      Plot change. Someone had filmed a TikTok of me saying, "Do you want your madlad chicken? -goes off-screen and returns a couple seconds later- Sorry, they aren't allowed in the café but here are some french fries and ketchup."

      It had 12K likes and I was wearing a dark blue plaid jacket and mask. It repeated a few times before showing the aftermath. S was grabbing me and pointing to a bundled-up customer.

      "Merlin," they said. (Not my real name but that's what they called me in the dream.) "You have to figure out their identity. Once you do, you'll be shocked."

      But I could already tell that the twist was that they were gonna be my doppelganger.

      At some point I had a false awakening and when I was writing down the dream I added, I was covered in leaves (thank goodness I remembered that!).

      Woke at 9:47 and got up for good. Kinda sad that none of them were lucids, but oh well.

      Pics of the dream scenes, and a map of the third dream (yes I am totally copying Harlequin):
      What keeps your body alive, if you aren't in it?-img_20230706_212340382.jpg What keeps your body alive, if you aren't in it?-img_20230706_212444608.jpg

      Updated 07-07-2023 at 03:32 PM by 99938 (fixed colors)

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , task of the month
    2. Get Bird

      by , 09-15-2020 at 01:00 AM
      Monday, 9/14/20, Core 2

      I resembled my waking life self, although I was in a strange place. I seemed to be underground. The dirt floor was damp with pools of water and there were various discarded items strewn about. I removed a bird from a wicker cage. I think it was a white cockatoo. I was thinking of it as my pet, despite never having had or even held a bird. I wandered around and the bird sometimes rode on my shoulder, sometimes on my hand, sometimes flew short distances away. At one point the bird landed on my hand and I tried to pet it on the chest with one finger. It decided it didn't want me to and started gently biting my finger with its beak. At first I thought it was cute and was playing, but then it began to bite my finger harder. I realized I knew nothing about handling birds. I stopped attempting to pet or play with it but now it latched on hard to my finger and it was pretty painful. I regretted not bringing the cage.

      After some more traveling, we ended up at a pool party, perhaps in someone's backyard. Other people had brought their pets as well, and I had my camera to take pictures. DV member MoonageDaydream made a cameo! She was recording video of a small white terrier dog, then she switched to taking video of all the animals. She shrugged semi apologetically, and told me something like, "I have plenty of footage and I want to get the other pets too. I only was focusing on the one dog because my mom was worried there wouldn't be enough footage of him."

      Spoiler for Additional Notes:
    3. Long Lucid Dream

      by , 11-13-2015 at 10:28 PM
      So here is a lucid dream from yesterday. It was actually was two dreams. I woke up after the first part and wrote down everything I could remember and then fell asleep and had another one. The first took place during an hour of time. I'm not sure how much of that time I was actually dreaming, but I looked at the clock before I went to sleep and looked at it right as I got up. Almost exactly an hour. I also did this as a WBTB. I went to bed at mindnight, woke up at 5:00, then stayed awake for a while, then let myself go back to sleep.

      Lucid Dream:

      I was in the kitchen and noticed the fish tank had been moved. It was now on the table. It also was very clean. I looked in closer and saw that there were at least five fish in the tank that I had thought were dead. Where had they been hiding all this time? Hhmm. Fish tank moved. Cleaned. Fish back from the dead. Could I be dreaming? Really, there was more of a chance I was dreaming than all that happening.

      So I immediately ran to the steps that lead down to the front door. I ran and dived at the door. As I was sailing down the stairs head first, the thought crossed my mind that if I wasn't dreaming, this would probably hurt...a lot. But I was thankful that when I got to the door, I righted myself and gently landed by the door, which I then opened and flew out into the night.

      As I passed my ficus tree I grabbed a few leaves off of it and told myself that I would eat them with the goal of making them taste like something else, chocolate, perhaps.

      But as I flew higher, I was fascinated by the town falling away below me and being able to see the horizon. I could see the lake out in the distance. I remembered I had wanted to fly over it, skimming the water. So I headed that way. It was going to take a while to get to flying at the speed I was going. I then remembered Oneironaut's dream where he catapulted himself very quickly to his destination. I tried to think about what that would feel like. I finally decided to use the "rockets on my feet" technique that had worked for me in the past. As I was imagining my foot rockets, I looked over and flying right next to me was Oneironaut. He was looking as cool as ever, dressed all in black leather...jacket, pants, gloves, boots, and some sort of head covering. Even though I didn't see his face I knew exactly who that was.

      I could see a white fire shooting out from the soles of his boots. I concentrated and matched his speed. In no time we were to the shore of the lake. I could see some boats at the marina ahead of us. As we got to the boats, Onerionaut dove under one of the boats and continued to swim under water. I didn't want to go under water at this point. I did what I had planned to do--I flew low, right over the surface of the water, skimming it with my hand from time to time.

      I then saw a jet skier out on the water (it was daylight by now). I flew over right next to her. She glanced over at me and kept going. Seriously? What's wrong with all my boring dream characters these days? After getting no reaction at all from her I decided to see what she would do if I yanked her off her jet ski. I grabbed her arm and started to pull. But then I felt bad and stopped. Surely I was better than beating up my DCs for not thinking I was cool.

      So I flew to the shore. I saw that I was suddenly in some sort of mall. I flew around observing what was around me. I saw an escalator. I flew close to it. Riding up the escalator was a guy who looked about 18 years old. He had dark brown hair that was about shoulder length. He looked over at me, and our eyes connected. He gave me a knowing grin--he knew who I was.

      I flew over next to him, keeping even with him as the escalator continued to rise. I put my arm on the back of his head and pulled him to me and kissed him. He seemed to be just fine with that. But then suddenly a wall came between us as the escalator came to the floor that it was going. I knew I could just fly around the wall and meet up with him again, but as I was doing so, I was distracted by a group of younger teenage boys who were watching something on a TV screen.

      I flew up to them, wanting to interact, and asked one the the boys the first thing that popped into my head. I said, "Tell me a story." I wanted to know what my subconscious would come up with. One the the boys decided to take it on. He started by saying, "Well, once there was this lady who was very kind." (Was this the best my mind could come up with?) "She was also very ______________." He said a word I had never heard before. It had multiple prefixes, like meta, trans, para something or other. He then saw my confusion and clarified and said, "She was very unselfish. "

      At that point the boy was distracted and stated looking at the TV again. I also looked at the TV. Perhaps that would be more interesting than the boring start of the story.

      The show they were watching looked like some sort of anime. There were a group of young people all in long white coats-- and all in anime style-- standing in a large lab. Surrounding them were all these very strange plants. They reminded me very much of the types of thing that Dr. Seuss would have drawn. So I thought that the show was an interesting combination of styles.

      At that point a commercial came on. It was dog food commercial. The dogs in the ad were dalmations drawn in a very simple style, almost so you couldn't see an outline for the dogs, but could just see lots of spots and eyes.

      The next ad was about baby clothes. On the clothes were pictures of these same dalmations in the same style. I guess my mind liked the dalmations enough to recycle them.

      I was now satisfied with seeing what was on the TV, so I flew off again.

      Now I'm not sure what happened next. Either I forgot a segment of my dream, or else I just had a transition. Lucidity had faded, for the most part.

      I now found myself in my grandparent's house. There were a lot of extended family around cooking some sort of big dinner. I wandered from the living room into the kitchen I grabbed a handful of cheese and started to put it into my mouth. I then remembered that I wasn't eating any dairy products these days. I needed a place to spit it out and throw the rest of the cheese away. I didn't want to do it in the kitchen in front of everyone. So I went up the hallway and into the bathroom. I dumped the cheese into the trash. At that moment lucidity came back. I was dreaming. It didn't matter what I ate. Awesome.

      I walked back down the hallway again. There was a houseplant on a little table I pulled off some leaves. I had never eaten the leaves I had picked previously, so I could do it now. I wanted to make the leaves taste like chocolate.

      But then I decided to take the easy and sure route. I remembered that my grandma had kept chocolate in a certain cupboard. Surely my mind could recreate this for me.

      I opened that particular cupboard door and, sure enough, there was part of a large Hersey bar there on the lower shelf. I picked it up and unwrapped the last few squares. It looked like it had been melted at one point, but I didn't care, I was going to make this dream chocolate taste great, no matter what.

      I took a bite, and it tasted just like Hershey's milk chocolate. Not my favorite, but it was satisfying, nonetheless. I then looked over at the table nearest the hallway and saw that there was a huge chocolate bar sitting right there waiting for me. This monster bar had to weigh at least ten pounds. It had a white wrapper and on I could see that the bar was divided up into many different flavors. The top corner that I was opening was dark chocolate with fig. Next to it was dark chocolate with pomegranate. This was going to be great. I broke off a large chunk that was mostly fig, but with a little pomegranate. I took a bite and it was wonderful.

      I walked into the living room again and saw my aunt, "Tia," I said, "Tell me something about myself that you think is special." That was the first thing I thought of to ask. I like to get insights from dream characters (my mind) about my good qualities. "Well," she started. "You''ll need to give me a little more time. I'm not good at coming up with things spur of the moment."

      (My subconscious couldn't come up with anything. How sad. ).

      I then decided to move on. I opened the front door and flew outside. I saw that my mom's house was right across the street. I flew over to it and saw my mom standing on the driveway calling for my grandma. I looked around and couldn't see my grandma. But I looked again at my mom and she was so young and thin, just like pictures I had seen from when she was younger. It was fun to see my mom like this. I looked and saw my aunt again next to her. She was also much younger and thinner. I said to her, "Hey I just saw you over in the house." She looked at me and smiled and nodded.

      And that's all I remember from this first part of the dream. I'm happy that I was able to have had such a long dream and remember all that I did. It wasn't the most spectacular lucid dream ever, but every lucid dream is good practice for future lucid dreams that are spectacular.

      Lucid Dream (Part Two):

      I was in an apartment or dorm room. It was full of people. I noticed that on wall had hooks all over it for everyone to hang up their backpacks. I thought that was a good idea since so many people lived here. I saw two girls in the kitchen they looked like twins and were cooking something on the stove.

      I then see Jeff come up to me. He looks younger and has longer hair than in real life and he was super HOT. As I saw him I became lucid. He ginned at me with a seductive smile and I smiled back. The next thing I know is that we are on the floor making out and getting intimate.

      Then there is a transition and I am sitting on the floor and I pull out my phone. I decide to see what I look like, so I take a selfie. I notice that my hair is all messy and curly. I have to remind myself that I always look different in dream mirrors. So I then stand up and see that I am next to a very large mirror. As I look at myself in it, I morph my reflection so I look as gorgeous and sexy as possible.

      I then look over and see that a couple of guys are watching me. I decide to have a little fun. I slowly take off my shirt. But as I look in the mirror, I notice that my body is all clear, as if it were made of glass. That fascinated me even more, so I finish taking off my clothes and just watch my glass body as I dance slowly in front of the mirror.
    4. Free Meal

      by , 10-20-2015 at 12:44 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #474 - DILD - 4:45AM

      Summary: I am out to lunch and when I notice the time is incorrect I become lucid. I decide to eat other people's food and really enjoy the No-bake cookies. I talk with a coworker, but he turns into someone else. Oneironaut Zero comes out of nowhere and punches me awake.
      I have some unusual wakefulness for almost an hour after 3am, so I spend the time focusing on LD and meditating as much as I can. I mantra that I will do a nose plug in the next scene I am in as I fall into sleep.

      I am at work and about to leave. I am looking out some window thinking that I remember the gas light being on in my car. I have confusion because I remember getting a full tank last night (IWL). I assume that someone has siphoned my gas and I have some anxiety about this, but eventually let it go as there is nothing I can do about it.

      It's lunch time and I decide to go out to eat. I get in my car and realize I drove the other car and that's why my gas is low. I ignore it though and quickly find myself at some restaurant. It didn't seem fast food, but there is a woman behind a counter and a very empty looking menu board with some guy taking off to the side. I ask the woman how long it will be for a "Country Basket Meal" and, after some thought, says about 15 min. Ok that should do, but how much time do I have left to get back? I pull my phone out of my pocket and see the time go random and then settle on 3:48PM. WHAT? I should be off work not a lunch! I do a nose plug and, to my delight, realize this is all a dream. I now remember that this is exactly what I was trying to do and kind of feel dumb for not noticing all this sooner.

      I turn and see a large pane glass window and almost phase out of it. I stop when I realize it's way too dark outside and very rainy. I don't want to deal with that so I turn and head into the main dining area. I look over my shoulder at the woman and yell, "That's OK. I don't the need Country Basket anymore. I've changed my mind." The woman doesn't look up at and I worry that she didn't hear me. Then I chuckle when I remember that none of this matters anyway. I continue on.

      When I see all the people sitting at round tables eating various foods, I feel a little disappointed that I didn't put my order in after all. Guilt free eating is the best! Naturally I go ahead and decide to just start eating off people's plates at random. I interrupt some lady about to take a bite of some food and grab a handful of chips out of her plate. I feel the social stigma of doing such a thing in waking life bearing down on me, but I forge on reminding myself that there are no rules here. The chips have very little crunch and absolutely no taste at all. I move on. I have another thought that this would all be terrible if I had somehow fudged up my nose plug and all of this was actually the waking world. No I'm really certain this is a dream. The woman just smiles dumbly at me as I turn away. In fact, I notice the entire restaurant is staring at me. OK all eyes on me. I am the star of this movie!

      My work buddy Jon is sitting at one table alone and I see a plate of no-bake cookies piled up high. I take one and Jon looks shocked and pissed. I say, "Dude, relax. This is all a dream. None of this even matters." He too smiles dumbly at me. I take a bite and the taste is so vivid and very delicious. I take time to enjoy all the realistic feelings of eating those cookies.
      I remark, "Fucking hell, Jon! You have the best food!" Jon starts to get up to leave, but I tell him to come back and remind him this is a dream. Now, I notice a half eaten chicken breast sandwich will all the fixins. I go ahead and try a bite of that but it's exactly like the chips. I grab another cookie before walking away.

      The restaurant now merges into a version of work and I see Brandon. I give him half the cookie and tell him to try it. He hesitates and I tell him it's really good and to just try it. We eat the cookie halves together, but I've mostly forgot to notice the taste now. Still I say, "See? Pretty good huh?" Brandon just gives me the same drugged up smile as everyone else and it's getting old now so I try to ignore it. I continue, "I'll probably tell you about this dream when I come to work today. That should be pretty weird." Now Brandon's hair grows out and turns black and his skin changes color. He looks a lot like a Mexican and I find him morphing and changing face to be a little uninteresting.

      I turn to leave and head another direction. Suddenly, I see Oneironaut Zero looking real pissed and quickly heading my way. He throws a jab a my face and my vision distorts. I made effort to dodge it, but I think just he hit me. There was no sensation of getting hit, just my vision is distorted and I am disoriented. I try to focus, but I feel myself waking up now. The dream ends.

      Also have a near lucid just before this dream. I was camping with my wife and we kept hearing this loud growling. I sleep and dream in the dream that I am a little girl and they find my half eaten bloody body in the woods. I wake up back to camping and find myself on a dark path. I hear the growling behind me and I am very frightened. Some how I get a vague sense that its a dream and I should face the monster. I know that if I do it will become something nice. I turn to the growling and find a large friendly dog with blue and black diamonds in his fur. I think I called him Diamond. I get him to follow me and my wife falls in love with the dog. We decide to take him home but we have to do something about all his fleas! I go back to sleep in the dream and have another dream where the dog is talking about planning to steal all our coffee with another dog.

      Updated 10-20-2015 at 12:54 AM by 5967

    5. Flying Is What I Do

      by , 08-15-2015 at 03:44 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #463 - DILD? 8:15AM -

      Become lucid in a new dream scene and fly around. I see anderj101 and high five him. I then explore a place that I used to work and have fun breaking glass.
      I wake after 4am and intend to get lucid as I return to sleep. There is a very vivid dream about a tarantula loose in my house. Its was too fast and bites me but I go back to get it from under a bed. I somehow sneak under a sheet and squash it when I see it's silhouette.

      Later, I find myself on a hillside over looking a park and a lake. I step off into the air and glide across the area. I suddenly remember that I am dreaming and tell myself this is just what I do now [flying]. There is a young couple picnicking on a blanket below. I wave at them and expect them to be impressed that I am flying. They ignore me. Of course, why would they care? I turn, slowly gliding like I'm in creative mode in Minecraft, and see anderj101 gliding in a opposite direction. His body is in a crucifix position with a goofy grin on his face. I high five one of his out stretched hands as I pass by. I say, "Hey man! What's up?"
      He doesn't reply, just continues to glide past like a Jesus figure. For some reason I think that I have been seeing him everywhere in my dreams. I laugh a little at his silliness and consider going after him to get him to talk to me. Something tells me this will crash the dream if I do. I very vaguely recall having been lucid just prior to this dream and my talking to DCs is what crashed it. I continue on as the dream turns dark anyway.

      I make walking motions in the air and wonder why I am back to this again. It seem to think that I had just DEILDed, but I am not sure if this is true. I flap my arms and make more walking motions until I find myself hovering over a parking lot. It is now way harder to fly and I resort to hulk jumping. I pounce on several cars and notice a dream glitch where my position suddenly changes and I land on the pavement rather than the red truck I was about to smash. I hear Darlene from work yell at me and tell me to "throw away this magazine". I turn ato see her and several other co-workers at some picnic tables. I walk to her curious what she was talking about. Then, I notice the building. I say, "Hey! This is the old 13th street facility." I'm super curious to go in there after all this time and I forget about Darlene and her magazine.

      As I enter the building, I worry about dream length. I tell myself that I really need hard set goals before bed or I'll just wander like this. I decide that if I try to make this super fun and interesting then I have nothing to worry about. The interior is totally remodelled and I am bummed that my dream is making stuff up. Then, I recall that Mercy Hospital owns this building now so maybe they would have remodelled in waking life. I become impressed with my subC for adding in the possibility.

      I look around and see a lunch room with cubbie/cube storage and lunch boxes lined on top. It seems to be decorated with apples and rulers like an elementary school, but I totally ignore this. There is a large wall of small square panel glass that leads to a reception window to my left. I follow it, but no one is around. I really want to get to the other side so I start punching the squares of glass. I enjoy the feeling and sound of glass breaking and get really caught up in it. I soon wake up to the sound of my wife getting ready for work in the bathroom.

      Updated 08-15-2015 at 03:50 PM by 5967

    6. Competition night #2

      by , 07-30-2014 at 09:01 AM
      Dream one:
      I'm in water about chest deep, I have somebody unconscious in a fireman's lift who I'm trying to rescue from drowning. The water is under a low beam type bridge and slowly rising.

      Dream two:
      I'm on a single track road and I'm trying to use a wall wart type phone charger to tie my shoelaces. There's a large car stationary on the road, perhaps a Passat estate (I'm planning to but a car and that's one of the options I'm considering) there are two people during around the car with luggage and equipment. I ignore then for a moment and go back to my shore laces. Now the wall wart has mutated into a rear light for a bike, I notice that I accidentally left it switched on while I was looking at the car and attendant people, but in a mode that makes it flash one every couple of second so it's ready to think it's switched off if you're in a hurry. I press the button in the light and it cycles through at least a dozen modes, a little screen mentions VGA output and I realise the light has a camera built in to record traffic incidents, which is cool but a distraction. I decide that I can attach the light using a couple of elastic bands and move on.

      The car and people are now the focus of my attention, there is a woman who has an air of authority and a male lackey who I mostly ignore. I invisibly float around inspecting the situation, feeling like I'm some kind of expert who might be able to help them sort out whatever they're faffing with if I can analyse the situation. I try to identify the vehicle and it feels like it might be some kind of alien or secret technology as well as being a boring family car.

      I slip sideways into a parallel scenario where I'm watching a man designing the vehicle in question. I note that his paperwork is branded with a car manufacturer's logos and name (Audi or VW I think) and some vague memory that I'm supposed to be remembering dreams prompts me to start taking mental notes. The designer's name is Gerhardt Davidov which I see handwritten in magic marker in all caps on a manilla folder. I start writing notes but stop when I remember that notes made during a dream don't come out of the dream with you. This is as close to lucidity as I've been for ages, so I guess that should be an encouraging sign...

      After I wake up for WBTB I lie trying to remember my dreams, which is difficult and I think some of my memories got conflated. Fragments include playing with Harriet (my daughter) as a baby, showing a comic / graphic novel style rendition of my heroic water rescue dream to a DV member who days I should turn it into a web comic, standing on a train with the cast of one of my earlier dreams when a bunch of people I identify as the cast of a different dream rush by and I think about how I'm not even sure whether the dream they come from is a real memory or a dream memory...

      Updated 07-31-2014 at 02:47 PM by 69407

    7. Meeting Oneironaut Zero

      by , 11-13-2013 at 10:42 PM
      I wish I remembered more details, but I had a dream with Oneironaut Zero last night. He invited me over to meet him and his extended family. Apparently they all lived together in this very large house. Everyone was rushing about and were very busy. I briefly talked to O before he had to go do something. I remember setting my pillow down in a bedroom and waiting to have a chance to talk with O, but I woke up before I got to.

      Updated 11-13-2013 at 11:44 PM by 5578

      Tags: dv member
    8. College Storm/Oneironaut

      by , 04-30-2013 at 04:49 PM
      I haven't recorded any dreams for a while. So I'll catch up with a few from the last couple days.

      Dream 1 (DV Member Dream):

      I was in college. It was getting really stormy. I was walking from class trying to get to my dorm. Oneironaut was there with me. He was my best friend and protector. He always made sure I got to where I was going safely. Finally we made it to my dorm. I gave him a hug and thanked him for always being there for me.

      I went into my dorm. My roommate Kierra was there with me. It started to rain really hard. We looked out the window and could see the ocean right behind the building. The waves were starting to get huge. Our dorm building was about 20 stories tall and the waves were starting to crash over the top of the building. Every time a wave hit, we huddled as it smashed against the glass. We were so afraid the window would break and we would be washed away.
    9. The Hall of Letters

      by , 03-24-2013 at 02:05 PM
      This was a great LD for breaking a dry spell! No progress on tasks, but some fun action, a DV member cameo, and what feels like progress on keeping caffeine dreams stable. As usual, the last thing that I read during WBTB (in this case, a Visitor Message from NewArtemis) has a significant impact on my dream content.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #79: The Hall of Letters

      I'm sitting on the side of the mountain, looking across a green valley at another mountain that's dotted with caves. A person sits in each of these distant caves. I recognize my college friend RS and somehow I can talk to him even across this huge distance. The weather is sunny, clear, and beautiful, so I casually say to RS, "Isn't the day amazing?"

      "It is!" he says, and suddenly blankets and rugs come pouring out of the mouths of these faraway caves. The blankets and rugs go tumbling and sliding down the side of the mountain to the valley below. Fascinated, I wander into the valley, not sure what to make of what I'm seeing.

      Now the valley is teeming with hundreds of people. Each of them spreads out a picnic blanket, removes their shirt, and flops down onto their stomachs to sun themselves. I see RS take a spot of his own ahead of me and to the left and I realize that I am now holding a blanket as well. I start scoping out a spot of my own.

      As I'm looking around, I see AA, a mutual summer crush from high school. I want to say hi but when she removes her shirt I see that unlike the rest of the female DCs, she's not wearing a bikini top underneath. I turn away, not wanting to get caught staring. I lay out my blanket and remove my shirt, looking forward to feeling the sun on my skin. But when I check, I find that I have another shirt on underneath my original.
      "This is a dream..." I tell myself, and almost immediately Hulk-jump out of the valley, thinking of the Great Wall of China.

      As I'm soaring through the air, the scene quickly darkens and soon I'm in the void. "This is fine," I tell myself, "I can do this all night." I rub my hands together and feel my forearms, drawing myself into my dream body. With my left hand I reach down and massage my knee cap, extending my right hand for aid. I beg for help, saying, "Bail me out. Pull me into a new scene."

      A smallish hand, seemingly female, grips mine and yanks me forward. A voice says, "Hey! It's [NewArtemis]! I know you can't see yet, but we need to keep running!" I obey, and I sense that we're running through the hallways of some building.

      I start getting flashes of imagery -- signs with arrows and strange, all-caps letter patterns like "ABCD ->" and "<- PQDELJH ->" (the first one was definitely in the dream, but the second is a reconstruction/guess.) Seconds later, I'm in the halls running, my vision restored. Art says something along the lines of, "Okay, you're good now," and drops my hand.

      I hear the running footsteps of pursuers, so I begin floating so that I can get a look behind us. I move a few feet ahead of Art, turn around, and start floating backward. A squad of frightening-looking Enclave Soldiers (from Fallout 3) is pursuing us, perhaps 50 feet behind. "It's those guys from Fallout," I say, not able to remember what they're called. Art doesn't appear particularly concerned about this, so I figure this isn't as big of a deal as I'm making it out to be.

      At the end of the hall, we take a right turn into a circulator elevator with a bumpy, cylindrical metal pole in the middle of it. I feel the bumps with both hands, and the texture is like that of a cheese grater. "You should do this," I tell Art. "It really helps with stabilization." Feeling confident, I boastfully add, "This is making my dream so stable. Try it." She laughs and shakes her head like I'm really failing to grasp something basic.

      Art shifts to where she's out of sight behind the pole, and when I look around the other side to find her, she has completely vanished. The elevator doors have shut now and I'm on my own. There are buttons with weird symbols on them and I start pressing them at random. Each one lights up as I touch it and soon I feel a faint vibration from the elevator like it's moving.

      I wait a long time, hoping that the elevator doors will open, but nothing seems to be happening. I begin to fret that I'm in a bad situation now -- stuck in a small room, inactive and waiting for something to happen. The dream begins to feel thin, goes dark, and my half-hearted DEILD attempt fails.
      I'm awake now.
    10. Angel Falls TOTY

      by , 02-24-2013 at 02:23 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      WBTB @ 3:30AM 30min looking at Angel Falls picture.
      MILD - Imagained a OBE like dream since I was well aware of myself in bed
      Son yelled out and disturbed me briefly but he went back to sleep.
      I rolled from back to right side and switched to WILD
      WILD - Visualized a simple repetitive hand motion. This time it was arm flapping.

      Angel Falls TOTY 4:56AM

      I can't remember the first part of this but I don't think I missed much. Or maybe this is simply how the dream started.I am standing in my front yard just off the poarch. The dream feels dark and unstable. I have a hard time seeing. I get the weird eye opening thing again and I think I see the bedroom. I calmly close them and focus on seeing on the back of my eyelids. This seems to help. I can see the yard but it is really dark and unstable still. I hear a noise and I begin to listen. It is the fan in my room. This is no good. I remember a funny post of DarkMatters where he is basically telling someone to make out with the dream to stabilize. I laugh a little and throw myself face first on the ground.

      I start licking the sidewalk that leads from the street. I can feel the rough texture on my tongue. I am a little grossed out at how real it feels but I take this as a good thing. I go for more and I reach both hands out to feel the grass on both sides of the concrete. I grope and rub and feel and really make love to the dream. All of this helps a lot and I didn't even have to buy diner first.

      I get on my hands and knees and crawl around some. I see a small tree that is about 4 to 5 inches thick. For some reason I think "beaver" and I bite into the tree. It is soft but crisp like a peach. I note the taste but it is bland. I break the tree off and carry a chunk with me while I walk around the neighborhood. I continue to bite and chew as I do so. The sensation really helps stabilize the dream. I notice how I never seem to have to swallow. The tree just melts away in my mouth to nothing.

      I walk north a ways but feel bored. I think trying to travel at this point would really risk destabilizing the dream. Angle Falls will have to wait. I head back toward my house. I think maybe I will break into my neighbors house and see what I find. I begin to look for it but all the houses start morphing and changing into larger newer homes until I am not in my neighborhood anymore. I stop and stop a house that looks interesting to burglarize. I stare at the rooftop and I am about to make a leap but the dream gets wavy so I wait for it. Then, for some reason, I feel compelled to turn around. It was like could sense someone was starting at me.

      I see an old 70's model Ford truck parked in the street and a familiar looking young man in the driver seat. He is just looking at me expectantly. When I approach the vehicle he wordless moves over to the passenger side. I am surprised, "Oh you're going to let me drive?" I hop in.

      like this but tan color

      I tightly grip the steering wheel with both hands and floor it. I hear the tires break loose. I smile with excitement. The man next to me protests and says something about slowing down but I ignore him. I punch the gas harder. We make several turns and end up on a highway. I begin talking to him. I say, "You know what man? This is a dream. Do you know that? You're not even real to me right now."

      He looks really nervous and mutters, "Yeah, I guess so."

      I look him over again and realize that he looks just like LinkZelda. "Hey you're LinkZelda aren't you?" (I think, say yes)

      He's holding on to the o'shit handle. "Um I don't know."

      I am insistent that he remembers, "Yeah man. You get on dream views. We've talked a few times. Hey you know what? What if we are having a shared dream and you just aren't lucid yet? How cool would that be? Here's what I want you to do. When you wake up try to remember as much as you can about this ok? I mean you never know, right?" I start laughing like a lunatic and slap him on the knee. He seems totally put off. I just can't help myself I feel so energetic and happy.

      I look away at the road. I continue to stabilize visually. I don't look at him this time when I talk. I feel like I can't contain myself. I yell, "HOLY SHIT! I EFFING LOVE THIS. WE ARE TOTALLY DREAMING RIGHT NOW! WHOOOOOHOOOOOO! I am a little afraid that my loud yelling will somehow wake me up so I stop myself.

      I look back at him to see his reaction. The passenger side is totally empty. "Dammit he's gone!" I laugh and shrug it off. I begin to think about getting to Angel Falls now. I look around and it has turned bright outside. I am on some road and I see that I am at the base of what looks like Angel Falls. I look up to see the top but there is a thick mist hiding it from view. I feel like its time to get risky now. I know from past experience that I will have a hard time getting through that fog. I really don't want to end up someplace else; or worse, waking up. "Ah screw it." I phase out of the cab of the truck and fly up.

      When I reach the fog I stop. It looks like a thick and opaque object. I push my head in but I am engulfed in white with nothing to visually ground myself to. I fear the dream will dissolve so I back out. Instead I throw myself to the rock face and begin to climb up. I focus visually and tactilely on the rocks. The climb is easy. I imagine comfortable hand holds as I go along and the dream obliges. After a while I decide I am nearly there. Just then, I see the top. I climb over the edge but when I stand up. It is dark again.

      I look around and I see a small flat screen TV floating just above eye level and a soda machine to the right of it. I hear some random woman giving a newscast but pay no attention to the words. Its just muffled muttering. The soda machine is an Orange Sunkist machine. It is brightly lit in the darkness. I have a feeling of being in a building. I felt like I had gone to "The Bridge" (A place in my town with fake rock climbing). No this wont do. I push the enclosed feeling away from my mind.

      I realize I am on a small platform. I lay down and peek over the side. All I can see is darkness at first but I focus and everything clears up. It still looks like night time but I can see that I am indeed on top of Angel Falls. I see the small white line of the river far below reflecting moonlight and water is gushing out the side of the cliff.

      I push forward and fall head first. I flip around so that I am on my back. I feel weightless and light. I look around and see the water falling with me to my right. It looks like it is frozen in time but I assume we are just falling at the same rate. I reach out to feel it but I only get a mild sensation on my hand. The I hear the sound of diving into water and as I suddenly slash into it. I look around. There is light but all I see is just slightly brown river water with nothing around me. I reflexively close my eyes.

      When I open then I am laying on my stomach. I can see river rocks and realize I am lying in a shallow side stream. I feel completely wet. I stand up and walk forward. I am now in some small building. Again I see the TV and the Sunkist machine to the right of it. This time there is wall behind them. I hear the same woman say, "...Here in Venezuela..." I listen closer now. "T is for Turkey." I laugh and move on.

      I look around and notice the building is mostly huge glass windows, like some sort of zoo or nature center. I can see lush jungle outside. There is water from the water fall creating rain outside. I can even hear it hitting the roof of the building. I see an enclosed glass area with what looks like some sort of tiger/panther hybrid cubs. I open the glass door and reach in to pet one. They all look content and sleepy. Suddenly one of then grows large and snaps at my hand. It lets out a feline growl. I laugh and say, "Ok. I'll leave."

      I feel pretty content that I completed a TOTY and am not sure what to do now. I begin to think how long this dream has lasted and how much happened. I begin to worry that I will forget. I think I should make myself wake up soon but I really don't want it to end. I wait a little longer.

      I step outside and see that I am in some sort of gravel parking area. There are a few cars but no people. I can see a thick wall of jungle surrounding the area. I feel triumphant and powerful and I get the sudden urge to become a werewolf. I stretch my skin and feel myself change. I can see my shadow on the ground in front of me and watch as I transform. I look at my hands and notice that I have hairy werewolf claws and fur. I let out a howl. It sounds a little weak and unconvincing. I try again. This time it is a long and clear WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! A part of me thinks I am making a noise in my sleep. Then I remember. I really should wake up. And this seems like a good way go out of the dream.

      With some great effort I manage to open my physical eyes and fully wake from the dream.

      Updated 02-24-2013 at 03:44 PM by 5967 (typos and details)

      lucid , memorable , task of the year
    11. Fingering, Batgirl, and Dessert

      by , 11-30-2012 at 11:28 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Fingering A DV Member or Batgirl? (Non-lucid)


      I ended up fingering some girl that looked a lot like a DV member I rather not mention about.

      She has black hair that's curled into a ball, with the ends being spiked out. Her skin complexion is that of a Caucasian, and she's fit, but has a slight pudge on her stomach.

      I like girls like that, or maybe I was liking her because I was going to do sexual things with her.

      Spoiler for 18+:

      Later on, I end up talking with Batgirl. Something is odd about her. She feels completely different than before, and I can't recall what she was before.

      I had a feeling I was fingering her before or something, because she looks at me with a smile on her face, like, "You just made me orgasm with just your fingers" happy face.

      So instead of friendzoning, I get a list from a fairly large notepad, and then I mentioned to her how we can do more of the fingering, and much more later on with her.

      There's definitely something about Batgirl's smile that bothers me, it's like I've been socializing with her before or something. She looks peaceful, as if she can feel safe whenever I'm around.

      Her exposing this fragility to me, especially when she still has her masks on gives me mixed emotions.

      Things that I feel for dream characters.......


      Desserts (Non-lucid)


      I remember going to some area at a top floor. The carpet is green, the lighting is a diluted orange color that spreads across the environment. It's the type of lighting that makes me imply that it's night time.

      I saw a bunch of desserts ready to be served.


      Akashic Records - Flashes of Intuition (Note)


      So I decided to meditate while inside of a vehicle. I wasn't driving mind you.

      I always assume that I have to travel somewhere to find my Akashic Records, or have some kind of puzzle solved before being "deserving" of my records. I watched a certain video on Teal Scott over the Akashic Records and how to access them, and deep meditation seems to be the best method for me.

      Since I barely become lucid anyway, I might as well take the time to deconstruct my thought patterns, and hopefully overcome that mental state where sporadic thoughts are abundant. If I can get past that stage, I can reach a state of tranquility, and access the records from there.

      It's really just intuition at it's finest. I asked for advice on how I can be productive more on my blog, and how I can get more views and all that. Not this blog, another one, and I won't link it because I don't want to get an infraction or possibly banned.

      Anyway, I started getting ideas popping in my mind, all sorts of very enticing things I can do. In fact, I'm going to do them now before the end of the night, and I'm doing fairly well in ideas at least.

      I'm still getting a writer's block, and with so many things to worry about like not failing my exams and such, maintaining the other blog with over 1,000+ views within 4 days...I'd say I'm on the right path, I just need to keep this up.

      I've noticed that it's good that I'm sublimating my tl ; dr ability into making a lot of blogs in the future. It should be fun, and I plan to access my records again tonight. I really would like a path on how I could talk with my tulpa.

      Because if that can happen like before my exam, shit....I'd be fucking HAPPY.

      Sigh....the only way to find out is to do this meditation state well, and start getting serious, because I know there's a way for me to overcome all this stress. If not, I might be fucked for life, and I just might...never mind.
    12. LD: Pigging out...Again/Green Ham/DV Member/T-Rex

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:47 PM

      Dream 1 (Lucid and DV member):

      I was in this large building. I walked out to this one large level part and saw this huge pool. As I looked in the pool I thought I saw a killer whale. I wanted to take a picture of it so I went to get my camera. When I returned I saw a girl in the huge pool room. The killer whale was out of the water. She was having it do tricks like roller and she was then rubbing it and it was making happy noises. I talked to the girl and she told me how to get it to do the tricks. I had it roll over and it roller all the way across the room. I ran after it and rubbed its "chin". It felt so incredibly smooth. As I rubbed it, the killer whale made deep happy moans. It was really cool.

      Then I went out of that room I was a group of people. One of the people had a T Rex with him. I felt angry. I knew that the guy who owned him probably thought it was very safe. But I also had heard enough stories about wild aminals being kept as pets attacking people.

      Suddenly I felt very nervous. I decided to run into the next room which was the center of the building and very open. I was afraid that the T Rex was chasing me. I came to a dead end on a balcony overlooking the huge open center of the building.

      At that point I suddenly realized that I knew how to fly (I don't think I realized that I was lucid yet--just that I had my lucid abilities). I jumped up on the rail and flew to the center of the building. At the top were all these cords. i grabbed onto one and found that it was stretchy. I swung on it and started flipping around and doing tricks and making up a sort of dance.

      I then decided to fly outside. I flew down and ended up out on the courtyard. I then saw DV member Ame sitting at a table with several other people that I knew were also DV members. I listenend to their conversation. It seemed that Ame had come up with an idea a having a contest to see who could dance the best in their dreams. There was another girl who wanted to criticise everything that Ame came up with. I could see that the conversation was not going well.

      I then spoke up and told of how I had just been "dancing" on the cords in the building. And how that could count as "dancing in dreams"

      At that point I was fully aware that I was dreaming. I then remembered that I really needed to eat some ham to get credit of the "Green eggs and Ham" Task that I had started in my last LD.

      I was now in an alley with my old best friend Marie. I saw a doorway up on the second floor I grabbed her hand and told her that we were going to fly up to the door. She was easy to lift. We flew in the door.

      I saw several people I decided that instead of looking for Ham (like I did in the last dream and had no luck with) that I would ask someone to bring me some. I called out that I needed some ham, and a guy brought me a bite-sized hunk. It was normal colored. I suddenly wasn't sure if the ham needed to be green, or just the eggs. I decided to play it safe and make this ham green. I focused on it until it slowedly turned first white, then green.

      I put the piece of ham in my mouth. It tasted just like I remembered ham tasting like. The texture was just right and it had a salty taste. I swallowed it. I felt good that I had been able to get that done do easily.

      At that point I was suddenly hit with a wonderful idea. Why stop with ham?? Why not eat something I really wanted to eat. Next me me was a Japanese girl. I asked her if she could bring me some chocolate. She left and came back with the tiniest thinest piece of chocolate. I put in on my tongue and let it melt. I could taste a little chocolate flavor.

      I saw row of freezers along the wall. I asked the Japanese girl if anyone would care if I ate something out of the freezers. Then immediately I remembered that since this was my dream I could do what I wanted and no one would care.

      I opened the freezer in front of me. It was full. I could see a slice of pie in from of me. It looked like it was made out of mint chocolate chip cream. I grabbed it and stuffed it in my mouth. In two bites I had it all in. It was cold, but not frozen hard. It didn't hurt my teeth by being too cold.

      I then looked and saw a few ice cream sandwiches. I pulled one out and tore half the wrapper off. I ate the first half in one bite, then I sqeezed the wrapped and the other half just slid out into my mouth. The favor was wonderful. The temperature and texture were also perfect. I thanked my mind that it was all so enjoyable. After eating a few ice cream sandwiches, I saw some Twinkies. I unwrapped one and found that it was also cold but not frozen hard, but cool and slightly firm. I ate that in one bite and went to grab another one.

      Then I started to lose the dream and everything faded.
    13. LD: Splitting my Consciousness...and Eating...a lot.

      by , 10-16-2012 at 07:44 PM

      Lucid Dream:

      I can't remember at what point I got lucid. I remember something about Ninja and how he made these cookies. They were yellow rectangular snicker doodles. And I wanted one. I had one in my hand, but before I could put it into my mouth I started to wake up.

      I must have been somewhat lucid at this point because as I lay there trying not to wake up, my mind thought it remembered something that pj had written about concerning False Awakenings. I thought it had something to do with rolling out of bed and falling, but because you weren't really awake you wouldn't hit the floor, but then be able to fly and continue the dream.

      In retrospect, I know realize that this is something my mind made up, but in the dream I really thought pj had come up with this idea. [Please correct me if this is really something I read here on this board.]

      So I rolled out of bed, and sure enough, I started falling and not hitting the floor so I then started to fly. It had worked out perfectly. I suppose it is a pretty cool technique that I hope will work again for me.

      I started flying over these tall trees in a neighborhood. I was having trouble with control. I could fly straight, but couldn't change direction quickly.

      Finally I came to these really huge white barked trees that were supposedly on my street. I decided that I wanted to impress my neighbors so I flew to the place where the branches came out from the trunks which were at least twenty feel above the ground. I swung around on the branches for a while before dropping down to the ground.

      There is a place here that gets fuzzy.

      I think the next thing that happened is that I had climbed a telephone/power pole. On the pole was a little door. I opened it up and there were cookies. I stuffed thatm in my mouth. My friends, the Johnsons had supposedly made them. I think I saw MJ standing on the ground below.

      Then I was in what was supposed to be my house. I went to the fridge and opened the door. I wanted to eat more cookies. I didn't see any, but I knew that I was capable to creating them. I shut the door and opened it again. There was now a stack on cookies. They were about 4 inches across and flat like pancakes. I picked up the stack and shoved the cookies all in my mouth in one huge bite. I chewed while I created another stack of cookies. I shoved them all in my mouth too. I did this seveal times. The cookies were soft and had chocolate chips. I binged and binged and couldn't seem to get enough.

      Finally I stopped myself and thought about the tasks. Because this was an accidental DILD and not preplanned, I had not read over the tasks or thought about them . I tried to remember what they were. Finally my mind thought it knew what one was. I looked at my couch and saw a place where ketchup had spilled and had dried. I knew the task had to do with removing spots off furniture. I stared at the spot and concentrated. The spot of ketchup started to move. I could see it start to lift up off the couch. The place underneith was completely clean. I was proud of myself for being able to do that so nicely.

      I then tried to think of another task. I couldn't remember what it was. I felt frustrated that I hadn't checked on what the tasks were. I laid down on the couch. Then suddenly I remembered the picture on the badge of the DV advanced task with the two people facing away from each other. I knew it had something to do with splitting my consciousness. I had no idea how to do it. I wasn't even going to attempt that one since it seemed weird to me. But since it was the only thing I remembered to do at this moment I decided to give it a try. I decided that part of me would stay right here on this couch, while part of me went somewhere else. I concentrated on this thought for a while, and nothing seemed to be happening. Then I noticed that I was aware of two things. I could feel my body still on the couch staring ahead. But another part of me was standing in the large room watching people on a stage. I watched them for a while until I finally woke up and decided to write the LD down.
    14. LD: DV Member, TOTM (Rabbit Hole)

      by , 10-15-2012 at 07:55 PM

      Lucid Dream:

      I was with a group of people. We were all talking to each other. I remember DV member CoLd BlooDed was there. At one point he asked me a question, something to the effect of "What do you like to do?"

      I remember he was wearing a dark green sweatshirt with the hood pulled up. I went closer to him and pulled back the hood from his ear a little and whispered (for dramatic effect, maybe?) "I like to lucid dream."

      Obviously in this dream I didn't think CB knew anything about lucid dreaming, because I then went on to explain just what lucid dreaming was. And then, to stress the point of how cool lucid dreaming was, I then flew a little in the air and asked, "Wouldn't you like to be able to do this?" I then told him that I would help teach him how to do it. I took his hand and helped him float in the air. At this point we were in the dining room of my old LA house. I helped him float to the ceiling, and then out the back door.

      As crazy as it seems, I still was not lucid at this point.

      CB told me that he was going to be leaving town and was going to be gone for several weeks. Then he said, "So I really need to learn how to do this so we can see each other in our dreams." This seemed to make perfect sense.

      We then practiced flying up into the air. At first we moved so slowly. I was having difficulty getting up very high . So we flew around the backyard a bit.

      Then the girl that lived next door while I was growing up came over. IRL she was three years younger than I was. In this dream she was about 7 years old. She starts talking to me about how this cable was broken and how upset she was about this. I was feeling frustrated because I did not want this interruption.

      This gets fuzzy here.

      The next thing I remember is that we are now inside again. I tell CB, "Let's try this again." And we flew back to the dining room.

      I believe it is at this point that I finally become lucid. I don't know what happened to CB because I never saw him again in this dream.

      But I do suddenly remember that I really should be trying some Lucid Tasks. I remember thinking for a moment, trying to remember what they were. I then flew into the other room which was a kitchen. There is a TV set on the counter. It's on and I start watching it. Then it hits me, "This is it! I need to remember this." I sat there watching and trying to remember all the details. But all I remember at this point is that it was some kind of News Talk Show. There were three people discussing the subject, which I believe was "problems youth have in today's society". Two of them were women and one was a man. The only one I remember any detail on was one of the women who was young, beautiful and black. She had long hair that was braided into hundreds of little braids.

      After watching the TV as long as I felt necessary, I flew outside. I started looking for holes on the ground. I couldn't remember at first what it was that I was looking for but I knew it had to do with holes. Then I remembered--I was supposed to go into a rabbit hole. The ground below me was covered in little holes that were big enough for little mice or gophers. I didn't think any of them would work.

      Then I looked over into the neighbor's yard, and under their apricot tree was a large hole. It looked big enough for a rabbit. The hole was divided into two sections. One had a long roll of chicken wire going down into it. I didn't think that I could fit in the center of that roll. So I chose to try the other hole. It was more open. I saw that it went directly under the tree and through to the other side. I dove down inside. I could see roots from the apricot tree poking out into the hole. I had a camera with me and started taking pictures of the inside of the hole. For some reason I thought that I could document the experience better by doing that.

      I went all the way through the hole and back out the other side. I then wanted to document the experience one step further. I pulled out a notebook and started sketching the tree.

      At some point here I lost lucidity. I went on to two more dreams that I may write up later.
    15. LD: Seeker's Epic Task

      by , 10-15-2012 at 06:52 PM

      Lucid dream:

      I don't even remember what made me lucid. I remember being in this hallway. I was flying over all these people. I knew I wanted to interact with someone because those dreams are the most interesting.

      I somehow ended up with this guy in a closet. I know what you're thinking....but we didn't have sex. I did kiss him a little, but things got weird. I don't even remember the details of "weird". But I do remember telling the guy, "I don't think I will write this part up in my DJ."

      Then I got curious. I asked him. Do you know what I'm talking about when I say things like 'DC'?

      "Dream Character." He said.

      "Well, how about DJ, then?"

      "Dream Journal."

      "Well, that makes sense that you know, since I know, and you are basically me."

      Middle part of the dream:

      I did all kinds of things in this dream. I remember saying, "Wow, I'm still dreaming. I hope I can remember all this".

      Of course I don't.

      I vaguely remember something about flying and seeing the ground above my head and thinking that it looked very flat, like a movie screen.

      End of dream:

      A group of lucid dreamers all met together to do this huge Epic Task that Seeker had asked us to try for his Workshop. (I believe I would call this the "going with the flow" part. I still seemd to think I was lucid. But at the same time I was kind of sucked into this plot.)

      There were several people there. The only one that was an actual person that I knew was Moonbeam, who, like I mentioned before was sometimes my other friend Natacha.

      We were all standing at the edge of this huge canyon. There was a bridge that spanned across from side to side.

      The Task was to do this:

      Strip down to you underwear. Fly across the canyon, going under the bridge. Once to the other side, we were to get to our homes in any way we wanted (flying, porting, etc). We were then to find a parent or other family member and ask them the question, "Do I have Hidden Family?" Any answer we received would count. Then we were to return back to the starting point.

      I noticed in the group several others that supposedly lived in the same place as I did. (In the dream I was considering my mom's house home.) I talked to them a little about that fact. I also remember talking about how
      PeteB was the one who had originally introduced me to lucid dreaming and how I was greatful for that. (See, it's things like that where I realize that I wasn't completely lucid here.)

      So we all got ready to start. We stripped down to our underwear. I was wearing a brown bra and panties that I do not own in real life.

      A guy from Brazil was chosen to start. He was very tan and was wearing boxer shorts. I watched him fly out over the canyon and under the bridge.

      Then the rest of us just stood and waited for what seemed like an extremely long time. I then suddenly thought, "This is so stupid to wait. There is no reason we can't all do this at once. I don't want to waste my lucidity just waiting (and that thought makes me know that I was still at least somewhat lucid.)

      I told everyone that I was going to go. As soon as I said that I could see the Brazilian guy coming back. I remember thinking, "Wow, he was fast."

      I took off over the canyon. I felt like I was going too slow. I decided to do the trick that I learned to do in past LDs and instead of trying to propel myself forward faster, I would just make the scenery come at me faster.

      It worked and soon I was across the canyon. I looked down (I wasn't very high off the ground) and saw two lucid dreamers dressed up as vampires. I knew that their purpose was to try to distract me from finishing the Task. They called out at me, but I ignored them. I knew that I needed to get to my home quickly. I decided to just make the scenery change. When I thought that, everything went black.

      Then I started seeing things, as if I were coming out of a dark tunnel. I saw red cliffs that I knew were near my mom's town. I came out of the tunnel, and realized that I was up on top of this huge rock face. To my horror, as I came out I noticed that I had somehow knocked this huge boulder loose and I watched it fall all the way down the cliff face. I panicked as I hope that no one was at the bottom that would be hurt by the falling boulder.

      As I felt the rock crash at the bottom, I felt the ground that I was standing on tremble. I had the horrible thought that I might have triggered a rock slide that would affect me because I was standing at the very edge.

      But then I realized that I was still dreaming and that I could just fly down off the cliff, that the rock slide wouldn't matter at all.

      But at this point I woke up.
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