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    1. Dream Journal Day 42: Night of Sunday 14.04.2024

      by , 04-15-2024 at 10:00 PM
      This is Day 42 because I noted some fragments during the competition, and forgot to send them in...

      Two dreams tonight!

      I'm inside a house, in a white dress, holding a baby. The front door opens and a man enters, he's wearing a hat and sunglasses and his expressionless, confident manner creeps me out. It seems I'm used to his entry, and I keep my head down and stand still while he walks up and down the living room before leaving. I don't remember arriving - I get the feeling I've been here for a long, long time.

      Sometime later, my parents have come to visit, and I break down. "I don't want to live here," I sob. My dad pats me on the back but they both have expressions of not knowing what to say. This house looks a lot like my own house.

      I'm outside, standing near the bottom level of a sort of Roman amphitheatre, a hand resting on the iron fence surrounding the arena. A soft shawl wraps around my shoulders. The theatre is sandstone-coloured and completely empty, weeds springing up through cracks in the stone. A man approaches from the arena and we talk for a while. I feel relaxed and peaceful, breezes are blowing.

      Then I am in the house once more. I go to open the front door and let my mother in. She is outside and a little way back, waiting, is the creepy man. I hurriedly usher her in and shut the door in his face - I don't want him here today. Through the peephole I can see his face peering boredly in.

      I show her into the lounge, and wanting to be far away from the man at the front door, suggest we go and stand by the far window. She agrees and we walk to the back of the room, gazing out. And then, the creepy man steps into view. He's come around the back of the house to the very edge of the window. I stand frozen in apprehension and he, too, is still - until he winds up his arm and smashes a wooden chair through the glass. Still expressionless, he moves to climb through the window. My mother and I seize another chair and use it to hit him and push him back. He doesn't yield.

      Suddenly my dad is here, and so are the police. They have a 'stun gun' - not a taser but actually a tranquilliser gun with very short darts - and start shooting rapidly towards the man, and us behind him.

      He's knocked out, but I feel and see a dart pierce my skin. I try to tell my dad that I've been hit, but no-one is listening and I feel my eyelids growing heavy. My eyes close as I'm babbling, grabbing at his arm.


      I'm on a 'snowmobile'. No idea how those are actually supposed to look or what they do, but mine has a wide driver's seat and wheel, two seats behind and one on the back facing backwards. I drive it through the market street in the evening when who should I run into but a boy from my primary school (who I actually just met yesterday for the first time in ages) and his friends. We both exclaim at the coincidence and they ride on my snowmobile for a short distance. They drop off as I turn out of a narrow street onto the main road.

      Regarding the first dream, the setting was a sort of dystopian society under heavy surveillance. I don't know how to fit it into the journal, it was just a feeling I had; the creepy man was there to watch me and how I lived. The baby might not have been mine, either.
    2. Drones, Drugs, and Soldiers.

      by , 03-12-2023 at 05:55 PM

      Updated 09-21-2024 at 05:28 AM by 99032

    3. 20 May: Criogenized and wake up in the future

      by , 05-20-2022 at 10:03 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I think I am watching a movie but I feel it is real. There is Paul Rudd, but very muscular. He is dying of cancer and decides to be criogenized and be woken up in the future, hoping to be healed. For some reason I join him in doing so. But the future in which we wake up is so weird. There is high tech stuff, but socially it regressed quite a lot. It is ruled by petty people and controlled by mafia gangs. I am put in a building about 20 storeys high with no elevator, shared bathrooms at each floor and tiny apartments less than 50 m2. And for some reason, some mafia guys want to kidnap me. One day I am afraid to go to my apartment as I have reasons to believe they might be waiting there for me. But I need to pee, so I enter the building and go the floor below mine and use their toilet. Some nice people from one of the apartments are having a get together with friends and they invite me in.
      And there were a lot more details but I forgot.
    4. The prismatic soul controller

      by , 06-02-2021 at 10:07 PM
      This is a strange one. I know if I remember a dream until the end of the day that it's worth writing down. The ending is marginal, but it's written in a way that obscures what I'm saying. I'll edit it if it's not OK for this site.

      So it all begins at some type of high school reunion. I saw one of my worst enemies in school walking in the parking lot. He said, "Hey [name], how's it going?" He was actually kind of friendly like he had grown up a lot since school. He acted like all that stuff was behind us. I was friendly back. He asked how old I was and I said, "I'm going to be 30 in a few days". He was just like, "oh, cool." We parted ways.

      There was a pool party going on there and one of the really hot women started following me around. Next thing I know, we are at a mall together and they lock everyone inside. It was clearly intentional and sinister. (I had a dream a few months ago that was also about getting locked inside a mall with a bunch of people, but it was not as interesting as this one.) In the center of the mall (the largest part), there was a big enclosure/construct. An older women was ordered to line people up at the entrance of this construct. We lined up and I peered inside it. It was a room with about 1 foot by 1 foot prisms on the wall. They were made of mirrors. One of them was tinted a bright green color. When I saw this whole thing I realized something evil was going on. Everybody that was forced to step in there was having their soul get reconfigured. The one green prism was responsible for it and the others were just there to hypnotize people so they wouldn't stop. At least that's how I interpreted it. I knew I wasn't going to go in there, so I waited for the exact right time and sprinted away.

      While running, I saw one store in the mall that was under construction and the door was slightly open. I went in there as fast as possible. I think the women running the system saw me and went after me or sent somebody else. I could sense multiple people behind me. When I got in the store, I noticed a bunch of heavy construction equipment. One worker was still in there cleaning up. There was a huge wheelbarrow type thing that was made out of super thick heavy metal (at least 2" thick steel). It was right next to the door. When the evil women came in, I dumped it over her and she got trapped underneath. She was too weak to get it off.

      At this point I actually realized that the girl (the hot one from the party) I was with had followed right behind me. There was also one other guy that came too. So it was me, the construction worker, the hot girl, and one other random guy. We felt safer now that the evil woman was trapped, but one of them said more people are after us, so we have to keep running. We started running and the construction worker showed us this secret exit into the stairwell at the back of the shop. He had been using it for the construction I guess. We all ran as fast as possible down the stairwell. Eventually we got to an unfinished part. The stairs just dropped off with one more floor underneath. The guy said it's unfinished, sorry. So we all parkour-ed it along the edge and then had to jump down pretty far, but we didn't get hurt. At the bottom was just a small empty concrete room, but in one of the corners was a pile of rubble. Behind the rubble was a small tunnel. The construction worker said to follow him through there. It looked like he had been there before (maybe he had been helping escapees? IDK).

      We end up going through endless dismal passages and arrive at this one large cave. The cave was clearly pretty deep under ground. At this point we felt safe. The construction worker said, "let's keep going, I know the way out." Him and the other guy kept walking through the cave and into another small tunnel at the end. Me and the girl just stared at each other. I could tell she was hot (heat), so I offered to take off her sweatshirt. Then I paused for a second and said something like, "Let's do it. NOW!" She said, "Wait, wut? Right now... don't you want to wait until?" I said, "Yes, NOW." She smiled and said "OK." While it was going on, I saw some of the rubble in the bottom of the cave start to move. We both looked and saw there were some little people under the rocks. Not like babies, but mini-people - like little gnomes. They all started smiling and giggling and I yelled at them to go away, so they hid their heads back under the rocks.

      The End.
    5. 18-04-27 Dystopia, Groundhog Day

      by , 04-28-2018 at 12:31 AM
      A lot of cool world-building in this dream. It's (presumably) the future. Neo-Nazi groups have taken over vast swaths of Africa and the Middle-East. Europe is now one nation, the United States of Europe. The European refugee crisis and SJW culture has gotten so bad, cities now have entire (dilapidated) ghettos that are utterly lawless and where the 'refugees' can do whatever they want. Dare to criticize this state of affairs, and they call you a bigot. Basically, the present but worse. I think the North America was also one nation in this world.

      Anyway, me and two others walked through such a ghetto and visited an outdoor market where merchants hawked their wares. I saw the world map on a retro-looking computer screen in the wall (like an ATM, but not an ATM), highlighting the factions and the territories they controlled. Someone put something with a Neo-Nazi symbol on it into my friend's backpack, and he was immediately cornered by angry 'refugees'. No police here, so usually the scum just murders anyone they don't like. My friend (who looked like Brendon Hartley, a race driver in F1 and WEC) was a very smooth talker, and managed to talk his way out of it. When we walked away from the market, I expressed outrage over how they could just threaten someone's life and get away with it. Being SJWs, my friends ignored me, saying I was a racist. Apparently, liking law and order and disliking your country turning into a garbage dump ghetto is racist. Robin Williams was there too, and he spouted some stereotypical anti-Trump bullshit. Anyway...

      We arrived at some other shop, and some kid was behind the counter. My friend handed the kid a ring. The kid looked like he was getting a vision. He said he'd seen my friend in a vision of the future (the ring was 'connected' to him and acted as a conduit for the kid's ability), and said he had to save the world. We (myself and the second friend) also played a role, but more as sidekicks. What followed was bizarre. The world turned on its side. We were still in the room, and it was like gravity suddenly changed direction. It came from the side instead of below. Objects from the wall in the distance 'fell' toward us, and we had to dodge all the debris. The wall itself started crumbling and the glass of the windows broke. I struggled to dodge the razor-sharp glass shards. But time was also weird. The scene event kept repeating, like Groundhog Day. After a while, I knew exactly where every piece of debris would fall, so I could dodge it easily.

      Later on, this room was a crime scene. It looked like it had burned down. I was alone, and entered the building while the cops were still setting up their equipment. I was there to recover the ring, which was still there.

      Updated 04-28-2018 at 02:09 PM by 17412

    6. Alternate Views

      by , 01-24-2016 at 06:30 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a game or playing a game. The setting is a dystopian future. I was alternately watching and being in the game. There were cameras in various places, even in rooms. There was one room where there are two guys talking to the camera. They're acting like they're just some typical guys fooling around but away from the camera, they were plotting something.

      Escape. Top-down view. Reminds me of Mario RPG.
    7. 03 Jan: future genocide

      by , 01-04-2015 at 12:53 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am in London, parts of it are flooded. I meet Evangelion by chance. We spend some time together, we flirt and end up kissing. Then he asks me if I would have an affair with him. I'm undecided. It's been one of my fantasies, but when we kissed, I felt nothing. I honestly don't know.

      Some guys in power have decreted the elimination of most part of the human population. Only the ruling elite and a few selected slaves are allowed to live. Everyone else is supposed to die. I think the argument is to reduce humanity's footprint on the planet and restart a society with a much smaller population. Many people volunteer to die for that cause, but those who don't are hunted down and become fugitives with no place to go.
      I'm one of those fugitives. I become part of a non-organized resistance that sabotages whatever it manages to.
      I and a couple of others end up breaking in one the places where volunteers and captured people are killed. It's like an underground slaughterhouse. People seem mindless, maybe drugged or just in shock, naked and shaved. They go through something like gas chambers, because we then see the dead bodies being taken on conveyor belts to automated dismembering and chopping machines. I don't know what they do with the remains, I just find out a way to blow up the god damn place.
      Then we keep on running. We infiltrate a city of people with permits to live. We somehow manage to talk to one of them who might be willing to help us get a permit, but he to seems a bit spaced out or drugged. He explains the procedure to get the permit and basically it's impossible to get it, except getting a fake ID of someone who had been allowed to live but died for some reason and that seems to be way out of our reach.
      So we keep running. Until one day we are caught in the middle of raid in a farm we came across. A militia that hunts down the fugitives apparently found a big group of them in this place. My friends were caught in the middle. I am using a dry toilet outside and away from the main house, so they haven't found me yet, but I see from the distance that the guy in command of the militia is one who has caught me before and raped me and thought he had left me to die (but I didn't). I plan not to let him get away, but that might imply I sacrifice my life to kill him. He is coming closer to where I am, he will find me in a minute...
    8. Dystopia

      , 09-16-2014 at 12:28 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      A woman comes to my desk to inform me that the manager would like to see me.
      I get up immediately and begin the long walk to the manager's office.
      I pass by thousands of cubicles, all looking perfectly identical to one another.
      The room is huge. But it's all just cubicles, sitting on a bright white and spotless white floor,
      which slightly reflects what is above it.

      Everyone I pass is wearing the exact same grey suit with white shirt combo.
      Everyone is in shape, everyone has the same hairstyle, the same hair color, even the same eye color.
      No color can be found in here. None whatsoever. Regardless of where you look, it's all white or grey.
      There are no distractions. No family photos, no items on any desk besides a monitor, mouse and keyboard.
      Everyone is working at maximum efficiency.

      Eventually I get to the managers office. A man is leaving the office right as I arrive.
      This confirms that I have been walking at precisely the right pace.
      I enter the office.

      "There has been a problem with your daily psych eval this morning."
      "You are to be at the primary psych facilities in 12 minutes for a more in-depth test."


      During the exchange, the manager has not even glanced at me once.
      I leave the office, and begin the even longer walk to the psychiatric facilities.
      As I'm walking past all the cubicles again, I notice a woman, who on closer inspection appears
      to be adjusting one of her contact lenses.
      As she gently pokes the grey lens, it moves just enough to reveal that she is hiding beautiful green eyes behind them.

      And this is why my psych test isn't clean. It's because I notice these things.
      It's because I can still occasionally feel emotions.
      You're not supposed to. That's how the system works.
      It's easy to achieve complete obedience and efficiency without emotions.

      I arrive at the office for advanced psychiatric evaluation.
      There is only one such office for the entire facility.
      Tens of thousands of people, yet I'm the only one here.
      I'm the only one who failed the daily eval.
      I enter the office. It is very small.
      It just houses a simple chair and a robot. (who looks suspiciously similar to glados)

      The robot begins to scan me. I try to keep my mind clear of any thoughts.
      But I know that this isn't going to help. I'm going to fail this eval. It is inevitable.
      In order to disable all emotions completely, the cocktail of drugs we receive daily isn't enough.
      Abstinence from all stimuli is also required.
      Which is why there are no colors, no music, no socializing, no hobbies...

      But the system isn't perfect... because I have seen colors. I have heard music.
      I have done so in my dreams. My lucid dreams.
      And although it is said that nobody has dreams anymore due to the drugs, I still do.
      I think it is because I am a lucid dreamer. Nothing can take my dreams from me.

      "Your evaluation is now complete. Return to work."

      I leave the room, initially thinking that I might have tricked to robot.
      No. It can't be. Someone is probably going to intercept me on the way back.
      This is it then. I suppose it is over for me.
      I don't really feel any emotional reaction to these thoughts at all.
      Perhaps it is the drugs, or maybe I just don't care to live this life any longer.
      A woman stops me.

      "Excuse me?"
      "Why are you here?"

      I got lost in thoughts...
      Oh shit. I didn't return to the programming facilities!
      I walked deeper into the psych facilities by accident.
      This is really not supposed to happen. I can't be here.
      And it is so easy to notice that I'm out of place here because they wear different uniforms.

      "What is this?"

      She points to a device attached to my belt...
      It is an old MD player attached to it.

      Not only am I in possession of a musical device. It is also partially red!
      I get a bit of a mirror's edge vibe from it. The forbidden color red, the bright rooms...
      The woman looks very uncomfortable and worried.

      What now? Do I wait for them to come and take me? Do I run?
      No, I can't possibly run. We are all dependant on the drug.
      If I stop taking it, the withdrawal effects will kill me.

      But then it hits me. I'm deep inside the psychiatric facilities.
      This is where they make the drug. It's in the room right in front of me.
      If I had enough of it, could I slowly decrease my dosage over time?
      But that would mean walking into the laboratory, past a hundred scientists,
      take the drug, then run, get out of the building, and survive out there alone?
      I don't even know what the situation outside is.

      But suddenly it becomes clear. I am not me. I am not Hyu.
      Right now I am another person. And this persons plan is to escape today.
      Why else would I have a red music player with me?
      Why else would I have walked deep into the psychiatric facilities?


      You're always supposed to answer yes, in order to acknowledge what you have been told.
      I gently push the woman aside and enter the laboratory.
      The scientists all look at me. It is so easy to see that I don't belong here at all.
      But they are afraid because this is not part of their daily routine.
      They just resume their work.
      I walk up to the conveyor belt where the finished drug arrives, neatly packaged into futuristic syringes with 100 shots each.


      Ah, the cavalry has finally arrived. Took them long enough.
      About a dozen man in full, black, army gear, armed with assault rifles enter the laboratory from the opposite side.
      Aren't they overreacting a little here?


      I wonder what the odds would be to get out of here alive if I ran.
      They are still rather far away. I don't think they have a clean shot from all the way over there.
      But I don't think I could make it.
      My mind is too clouded by the drugs.
      I don't think I could improvise, heck I can't even remember how to run.

      Oh! Of course! That's what the music player is for! Emotional stimuli!
      I inspect the player more closely and find some earphones attached to it.
      I put them on slowly. They don't react to it.
      I hit play.

      Not at all what I was expecting. But it will do.
      I pick up one of the syringes.
      Nope? Still nothing?
      I calmly begin to walk back into the direction I came from.
      They keep yelling at me to stop.
      I increase the volume of my music. Problem solved.
      I mean, what are they going to do? Shoot me?

      Someone attempts to block my passage through the door leading back out of the laboratory.
      I try to push him aside, but he won't let me...
      I need to get out now, so I throw a punch in his general direction.
      I end up hitting them in the nose. There's blood. Lots of it.
      This time I manage to push him aside since he's in shock.

      Holy shit! I just punched someone in the face!
      The guards accelerate their pace. Time to run.
      If I run continuously in the same direction, I'm bound to find an exit right?
      I mean, how big can this building possibly be?
      On the first corner I get rid of my shoes, because they slide way too easily on the polished floor.
      My jacket and shirt quickly follow because they are horribly uncomfortable.
      I feel like the guards are slowly catching up, but fortunately they're not using their weapons.

      After a few minutes of running I feel extremely exhausted.
      I am fairly certain that I have reached the end of the building now, but there is no door.
      I run off to the left, alongside the outer wall.
      There has to be an exit here somewhere... I hope.

      Eventually I encounter some curtains and push through.
      The building looks much more normal here. No shiny white floors anymore.

      I spot a green fire escape sign. Colors! I suppose people are not supposed to come this far.
      Finally a door that looks like it leads outside. Don't be closed...

      I push it open. Fresh air. The sun.

      A spot a ladder that leads down to the ground.
      I'll have to climb over some railing to get to it.
      But the guards catch up with me before I can do so.


      They could just drag me back inside now.
      There's no longer a need for weapons in order to stop me.
      But I know how to deal with this.
      All I have to do is to point up.
      I do this until everyone is looking up... at the blue sky.
      That leaves them completely in shock and I climb down.

      There's nothing really here, besides that ridiculously large building I was just in.
      No sign of anybody else.
      I just pick a direction at random and walk.
      Nobody is going to come after me now.
      I do realize that I'm most likely not going to make it.
      I don't really have any survival skills.
      But I don't mind, because right now I am more alive than anyone in there will ever be.
    9. Dystopian storage and FA

      by , 03-08-2014 at 09:16 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      3. I’m inside grandma’s house. She tells me she’s made something to eat, and I’m disappointed because I was planning on going home for that, so I could watch what I eat.

      While eating, grandma tells me about a dinosaur that was spotted. Me and Rane talk about how we used to see them more when we were younger.

      We’re riding in a car down a road, looking out at the woods for signs of the dinosaur. We see a field of black goats, and I say that the dinosaur must not be there because the goats were okay. I say it must have gone off into the woods.

      We drive into a town full of houses that look like they were made of cheap kid’s furniture. I say that it seems a shame to waste a whole town [just because the people in it before were forced out for doing something wrong]. Rane reminds me that it’s being used for ‘this’ now.

      She seems to be looking for a specific house, mumbling under her breath. She stops and opens a part on one light-colored house. Inside are two envelopes. I think they’re old mail left from when the people left and she’s looking for supplies. This is a dystopia, after all.

      She takes one and starts opening it, and I ask if I can open the other, to which she replies that I can.

      In her package, there was a bag full of jewelry and things. They were a few heart shaped pieces.


      I’m in a central building there, talking to a little creature (reminds me of Boota from Gurren Lagann – without the glasses of course!). He’s talking to me about what I need to do to get signed up there to store things. Apparently everyone already has a basic account, but you have to make it official by signing a form.

      I look around and see relics from before the apocalypse. There are some anime things and even a few ‘gifs’. I contemplate about the less conventional things, like yaoi, what about people who like those things, but then shrug and realize they still have the internet.

      We hear someone come in, and I bend down to look under this metal block. I see someone wearing a skirt or dress and assume it’s a woman. The creature seems to know her, and he runs up my body. I instinctively clutch him and he hides against my body. He doesn’t seem afraid though.

      Inspiration: Maybe from watching Helix? And I got a package in the mail recently, and Rane gets things sometimes.

      4. Duplicating socks, one was a homemade pair by mom. I thought that duplicated items weren’t as effective as the originals, but seeing the results, I thought it was a really cool idea.

      5. I woke up and all the thoughts of my dreams I’d had were scrambling around my head. I had my iPod Touch, opened up Notes and pressed the + sign. I started making a word-list of things I could remember. One word was ‘eggs’.

      …I woke up for real, confused, and realized I’d had a false awakening. And had no idea what the eggs part was about.

      Notes: The FA is a great sign! I’m so focused on recall when I first wake up, I only do an RC after I’ve got it all straight in my head. I guess I can only wait and see how it develops from here.

      Also, turning to lie on my back instead of sitting up worked well for making sure I got the dreams in my palace, because I can’t get to sleep on my back. After that I just had to keep my thoughts from wandering off so I could focus on putting the dreams in.
    10. An Adventure and a Dream Guide

      by , 12-30-2013 at 08:23 PM

      I don't remember how this dream started, I just remember that I was living in a dystopian, industrial city and we were not allowed to leave. Outside the city's walls were the outlanders and they were supposed to be uncivilized and miserable people that would sooner eat you than help you. I guess it was supposed to be like Mad Max or The Road Warrior out there.Did you know...-rwmax1.jpg

      After wandering around the city for awhile doing stuff that I can't exactly remember, I eventually came to the wall where I spotted these two little kids scurrying over it. They used secret footholds in the wall. I went up there and did the same. On the other side I found an interesting house, it had no walls but it had about 4 floors and very unusual architecture. Reminded me of something I might have seen in Waterworld. Did you know...-waterworld_structure_small.jpg

      But there was desert below, not water. The kids' father was a nice Chinese man that also happened to be a chemist. His house was filled with all kinds of awesome contraptions, whirring gizmos, and bubbling vials. After talking with him for awhile about what the outside world was really like, a gatekeeper came to his home. He told the nice Chinese man that one of the gate monitors had been tripped and that he was looking for someone that had escaped from the town. He told him that he had seen nothing and the gatekeeper left. I thanked him and then left on a trek across the desert to see what I could find.

      I walked for quite awhile, until the Chinese man's home was no longer visible. There was an excavation site up against a cliff wall. I walked over there and tried to blend in with the workers. I saw all kinds of exotic, precious minerals of various colors just laying around everywhere. There was also a giant mound of unrefined gold and gems. I picked up a blue crystal and it started soaking up this weird blackish green substance. A young man told me that this particular crystal was very special, it could soak up evil essence. He said that he was using these to cleanse the world. I thought that was pretty cool and I definitely approved of his noble mission, so I followed him away from the excavation site.

      He led me to a camp of outlaws, this part really was a little bit road warrior. They were all dressed up in strange armor and some were wearing masks. They had a lot of engineers among them and they drove motorcycles and large machines. But they weren't mean, they were just misunderstood . Did you know...-387_4.jpg

      They were about to go on a secret raiding mission where they would attack an old-world machine factory. They used to produce massive war machines there before the great fall, and some were still operational and on autopilot. I went with them and we found an enormous machine that had spikes all over it to impale anybody that tried to climb on it and it had a massive chainsaw and a buzzsaw at the end of its arms. It immediately started attacking everything it saw, cutting motorcyles in half and sending my fellow outlaws flying. I climbed to the 3rd floor of the factory and knocked some spikes off the machine. I then jumped down into the pilot's seat, turned off auto-pilot, and took control. Everybody cheered and I drove it back to their base.

      When we got there, the lead outlaw started telling me about another secret mission. He wanted me to go with this other guy to infiltrate a town. I was supposed to watch his back while he did what needed to be done. We left for this town, riding motorcycles. We rode for what seemed a very long time, crossing this magical land that resembled night elf land from WOW, but it was much more beautiful and vivid.

      The town was very medieval and magnificent looking. Did you know...-brettonian-town.jpg

      We went into a tavern that full of people getting drunk and having a good time. My buddy led me into a backroom where some of the town's most powerful individuals were playing poker. They didn't trust me being in there so they made me leave, but my friend was allowed to stay. So I went back into the room of people getting drunk and had a beer. I talked with this strange looking creature. He was short, fat, and he looked like he was from another world. His skin was green and scaly and he had very thin arms and legs. The leader of the outlaws showed up and told me that this creature was just trying to distract me. He told me that they knew about us, and it would only be a matter of time before we were all captured. An evil smirk ran across the ugly little creature's face and he tried to grab me. I punched him in the face and he went flying. Everybody in the bar got up and started fighting. A lot of them ran after us and the outlaw leader jumped into a giant war machine and started riding away, so I took off flying with my friend that was in the backroom playing poker. We flew back across the magical landscape but this time there was a ceiling and walls. After awhile we came up to a bunch of spellcasters and swordsmen from the town. They spawned plants on the walls and the ceiling that tried to devour us. Fireballs and lightning bolts were flying all over the place and we somehow managed to dodge them all. We got back to the base safely and the dream ended.

      Dream 1:

      Before this dream started, I woke up and experienced a little bit of sleep paralysis. I couldn't move my body and it felt like someone was laying on me. Fear started to set in, but I just said nah, not gonna be afraid. Instead I started to feel my dream body - I flexed my hands and feet until I got back into a dream. Wasn't lucid though. In the dream there was a cat laying on top of me and I thought, oh no wonder if felt like someone was laying on me! Silly kitty. He jumped off and turned into a dog. Then I went into the kitchen and my mom and sister were there. I said to them, "What are you guys doing, you're not supposed to be here!" My mom was manically cooking pork chops while talking about cooking chicken and my sister said to me, "what are you talking about David, mom's not here". Then my mom vanished and I asked my sister if this was a dream. She told me no and I tried to move something with my mind and a coffee mug flew across the room. "Liar!" I exclaimed. Then she walked away and I went outside. I tried to use telekinesis again just to make sure that it was a dream and then I thought about what I might want to do and I decided I wanted to talk to my dream guide. I said to the dream, "Okay, I'm ready to talk to you Mr. God". He appeared right in front of me, instantly, and he looked almost exactly the same as before except he was wearing different clothes and he was about 10 feet tall. I went to hug him and only got up to his waist. He said something really strange that I can't quite remember. I can only remember key words: cosmic, below the belt, joke universe. At first I thought he was making fun of my dick, saying that it was the joke of the universe. Then I thought that maybe he said that because my face was practically in his crotch. I never figured out, maybe a metaphor or something? Anyways, I woke up and DEILD'd.

      Dream 2:

      I was outside still but my dream guide was gone, I used telekinesis to make sure I was dreaming again and a flower pot moved over a ledge and broke. I summoned the dream guide again and this time he was shorter than me, same clothes and appearance otherwise. I noticed the dream started to get blurry so I stabilized and then walked over to him. I asked him how long I could talk to him for and he told me 20-30 minutes if I choose. I had the instant thought of no way, I'm going to wake up really soon I just know it. He gave me an understanding, compassionate smile and then hugged me. I hugged him back but then I started to feel a little bit uncomfortable. I had the split second thought that maybe he'll turn evil and bite me. Instead, he hugged me tighter and gave me more love. I snapped out of all my thoughts and was lost in the all pervading feeling of love. Then I woke up. DEILD'd again.

      Dream 3:

      I was at my parents' house and my mom was going to let some strange black dog outside. I used telekinesis again just to make sure and noticed that I was chewing gum, it was getting a little bit bland but still had some flavor. Dream ended as I was trying to go outside to summon my DG again.
    11. A Bloody Battle

      by , 08-31-2013 at 01:46 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)

      3 ... political groups or beliefs. Town. heroes.

      Really bloody battle in a school. There is a group of students making a difference. There was one guy whose eyes were gouged. I saw a building ruined. Dystopian mood. The students were looking at the aftermath of the bloody battle. A hero was hiding below the building. They heard him sing?

      Hospital. Engineering building?
    12. Inheritance

      by , 03-17-2013 at 03:07 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Dream Fragment 1: I'm a male DC struggling to survive in a dystopic world. I distinctly remember thinking about Lost and something similar to but not The Walking Dead. It's like I was trying to narrate my own story but couldn't decide where to make it take place. Me and a few others are making our way across a hazardous area and I lose my brother (though I think we meet up again later). Later, I see a little girl wandering around alone. I go up to her to help her, even though I know I should be keeping on, and there's someone ahead of me waiting. She doesn't know where her parents are or anything, so I take her up to a house and put her inside.

      Dream Fragment 2: My grandma on my dad's side has passed away*, and I find out that I inherited all of her things. Me and my mom are in a sad state as we go to my grandma's room to spend the night. There's a big white bed, and some gifts from well-wishers, and there's a package from my grandma. I can see a letter inside and kind of want to read it, but mom seems to want to just go to bed.

      *: She's long since passed away in real life.
    13. Sep 30, 2012 - Lava and Ice

      by , 10-17-2012 at 04:57 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Bus on rotunda. Elephant. A dystopian cage. Yellow and black. Fighting. A huge enemy. Gap in the cage. A female enemy. Harder to defeat. Hero or me fell into lava. Turned himself myself into molecules. Flew. Ice. Freeze. House. Someone wants to take the object. Someone protecting it. Two objects.

      Ministop. Buying barbecue. 18 of each different kind. A and M are married and have a daughter.
    14. Sep 20, 2012 - Plane Crash

      by , 10-10-2012 at 06:13 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I am in Manila. LRT. I met a classmate from high school. Felix. We made a bet.
      Dystopia. LRT. Airport. I jumped over the thing that takes your ticket/card. The other people continue to line. I am inside the plane (still on the ground) with sis. We climbed upstairs and ladders (rusted). Looks old. Like a maze. Finally saw the exit. A hole on the side. of the plane. We saw others exercising. Forming teams. Sis went in first. I went through. PE. I said to myself I didn't sign up for this.
    15. (14/11/11) - Lucid Nightmare

      by , 11-14-2011 at 04:47 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Not such great recall last night, not much time to write about it, either

      1) I was in a dystopia where the people weren't zombies, but pretty quickly became the living equivalent. I was lost and unable to make it to work or anything that I'd normally do in a day. At last I reality checked and became lucid, but I had so many false memories and such a bad environment that I didn't even attempt to simply recover the dream and turn it into something good. Instead I went inside a house, climbed up to the highest window, stepped out on the ledge, and then used my mind to shut the window on my heels, thus knocking me off to my death below, and effectively waking me up.

      At least I can mark another LD on my sig from that!
      Tags: dystopia
      lucid , nightmare
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