Notes This is by far the best lucid I've ever had. Part of me was hoping that this WBTB would fail because then I would have 3/4 fails for 6hr/10m configuration for WBTB (and therefore a clear indication that I should try something else) but now I basically have 50-50 results with it. Sigh. At least the walk and extended waking RC session were different. Maybe that was the key. Pre-WBTB Fragment A vague impression of a field, like a fairground. Dragonball Z characters are there. Almost didn't count this because of how vague it was. WBTB I did everything the same as the previous 3 WBTBs (10 minutes and 8mg Galantamine). Except, I decided to take a walk this time. So I walked to the end of the street and back. It was nice. It's finally cooling off around here so the morning air was very pleasant. I spend the time outside walking thinking about "The Lucid Dreaming Portal" and his extended version of reality checks. I try to make the 10 minutes one long reality checking session of heightened awareness. I return to bed after that. Post-WBTB Counters & Pizza I find myself waking up, and I think to do a nose-plug RC because I think it may have been long enough for a dream to form. I can breathe, I'm lucid. I double-check with a hand-RC and I see more than five fingers on my left hand. Dream verified. I get out of bed and rub my hands together to stabilize, but don't think to do more than that. I go down the hall into my living room and think about how while the teleporting may be challenging, I can still get points other ways. I think about how last time I licked a wall (and the judgement of the result) so I take a bite out of the edge of the counter. It's very hard on my dream teeth, and honestly I barely get any actually into my mouth. It tasted a bit like how dust smells, but hard to describe. Then I wonder if that is going to count, so I look for something else. Because my brain must believe I am a slob, there are two boxes of cold pizza on the counter nearby. One of the them is square-cut and resembles Jet's Pizza, which is one of my favorites from back home (they have one here in AZ but it is out of the way). I pick up a slice and bite in. It it super-hard like the counter was but I can still taste the tomato sauce. 1/10 do not recommend. Maybe the counter taste was still in my mouth. I feel the dream start to fade and I enter the void. ... Hugging the Goose I test out opening my eyes and they are heavy. Instead of doing that, I try to visualize my bedroom. This works. I get a feel for "dream-eyes" versus "real-eyes" that I didn't really understand before when people talked about it. I get up for another round. This time, I think about other things I haven't done yet, and I remember that I told my girlfriend in waking life that if I lucid dreamed about her I would give her a hug. So I call out to her "Goose! Where are you!" (I call her The Goose because she is basically the goose from Untitled Goose Game, nothing to do with Top Gun). No answer, but I find her in the living room. I walk up to her and give her a hug. She seems happy to get the hug I notice that there is a ring on the side table nearby, so I think that maybe I could use the ring to practice proposing to her. It was at this moment when I realized that I don't know what knee I'm supposed to kneel on. I start to feel the dream fading again. ... Great-Grandma and the Sledgehammer Back in the void. Not letting go yet. I visualize my hands in front of me and end up laying in my bed. Round three, back on my bullshit: Time for the Elusive Fantasy Forest™. I walk out of my bedroom once again and start looking for ways to teleport. My girlfriend is there in the living room and I think to try out Saiz's advice. "Hey Goose, is the elusive fantasy forest behind me?" "...NO!" she says resolutely. So much for that. Maybe I can try something else. I remember Lang's advice and go into the kitchen. I open the fridge and shove my face in. I try to visualize a green swirling portal inside. Despite seeing a weak green glow at the back and spending some time with my face in the fridge among the food, no luck. Damn. I look around for other options. I notice a closet door that isn't normally there. It's white and has a yellow-colored metal handle with a spiral design on it. It is identical to the ones from my Grandma's and Great-Grandma's homes growing up. I enter. Inside is a small room with white tiling from the floor all the way up the walls and ceiling. The door has disappeared behind me. Trapped. I see the tiles start to fall off, revealing new tile beneath. As the tiles fall, ♫ music ♫ starts to play. Yep. My brain is hilarious. The tiles are slowly revealing the Banjo-Kazooie title screen. Guess I'm not going to be trapped in a nightmare room, but rather a weird one. Thanks for that brain. As the scene is revealed, there are more than Banjo-Kazooie characters there. There is some other animated character that is more sinister. Reminds me a bit of Freddy Fazbear, but less horror-themed. Banjo and Kazooie are being chased by this character. I still don't have a way out. This is all so silly. I decide to try out old reliable. The Kamehameha. It's old reliable because it worked for me exactly one time in a lucid dream as a child. I get into the iconic pose and start... "Kuhhhhhhhhh...mayyyyyyyyyy.....haaaaaaaaaa....... mayyyyyyyyyy.......HUHHHHH!" I see a blue energy swirl in my hands, but it doesn't shoot. I think it might be because I said "KUH-MAY-HA-MAY-HUH" (which I think is the correct pronunciation) as opposed to the way I've always said it "KA-MAY-HA-MAY-HA". Brain didn't like that, I guess. I start to panic a little. As if in response, I hear someone yelling from outside the room. "I'm gonna help you out! Don't worry I'll come back quick!" It's my Great-Grandma (who has long since passed away). I turn back to where the door was, and the wall blocking my way is gone. I see my Great-Grandma in the living room carrying a seriously heavy looking sledge-hammer. I tell here that I am OK and she seems content. The dream starts getting unstable again. ... Sexy-Time Back in the void. Nope. Not waking up just yet. This time, it feels like I am in a valley between my mattress on one side and the lowered section of the bed-frame on the other. I visualize my arms and hands in front of me and the dream pieces back together again. Back in my bedroom. Round four. Still on my bullshit, looking for the EFF™. I think it might be a good idea to get out of the house so I head to the living room again. This time there is a knock at the front door. I open it and there is a woman there I don't really recognize. She's a little overweight (but not excessively) and her skin is a bit tan. She has short reddish hair. She has a friend with her but I don't really register her. I wonder if this is an opportunity to earn more points. I decide to try out some DC-control. "You're going to bend over on the couch." I tell her. "OK." she agrees without any hesitation. Fun activities ensue. Spoiler for Spicy Content: At one point she is riding me reverse-cowgirl and I wonder if I can try something crazy. I visualize her transforming into another person. This is easier because she is facing away. I can see freckles appear on her butt as it morphs into another shape. I see her hair grow longer and change to brown and curly. This isn't exactly someone I know per-se, but rather, I'm just adding features I like. The sex feels good but not like the real thing. Guess I could be lucid-er. Then it occurs to me that I can probably drop whoever I want in here. So I think about my girlfriend, and the body morphs again. The butt changes to hers, and I move my right hand up to her chest and my left down her front. I confirm its her based on her voice. She rides to finish. The dream starts to fade once again. ... Silverlight Way It's a bit of a struggle, but I manage to come back one more time. I find myself in the same bed-valley as before. Round five. Same approach but now I actually manage leave through the front door. It's fall outside, which isn't a season that exists in AZ in waking life. I enjoy the orange fall leaves. Other than the impossible season, it looks accurate to my neighborhood. There is an old man standing near my driveway. He's wearing a tracksuit and has short white hair. I refocus back on the mission. "Hey man, do you know where the enchanted forest is?" "Oh! You mean Silverlight Way? It's over that way!" he says excitedly. He has a slight southern accent that I find appealing. He points up past the houses across the street and over the horizon. Jesus Fucking Christ. It's real and it has a name! Silverlight Way! "Can you take me there?" I ask. "Well, can you fly?" he says, like flying is as trivial as knowing how to play chess or something. "Sure!" He starts to float five feet or so in the air and I follow suit. Feet are freedom units, from 'Murica. For our non-American readers, this translates to about 1.5 meters. We start to fly in the vague direction he identified. As we go up, I see the road up ahead. It looks like San Francisco and its hilly streets. Still a beautiful fall-themed landscape. We enter a town-like area and the old man uses telekinesis while flying on what I assume to be his car. A red sedan. It rises up into the air with us. There is a large cube-like package tied to the bottom of the car as it floats. He slides the package off the sedan and into a garage (since this is like San Francisco, the garage is on a slant going down away from the street) and then flies to the car's door as it opens on its own. The old man is driving the car through the sky now, and I sit down in the front-passenger seat. I see there is a teenage boy with mid-length black hair sitting in the front-middle seat. I understand that he is my brother and he is paralyzed. He doesn't look like my waking life brother though. I start to wonder if this is meant to be some alternate reality, where the old man is my dad and this boy is my brother. Later the car is back down on the road, and there is a group of people walking on the sidewalk. They are wearing hoodies and look a bit like they could kick my ass. "Let's see, there are one-two-three-four-five-six-seven, seven people there. You could get like, thirty-five points if you get them all," I tell the old man sarcastically. "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....OK." Our old man then proceeds swerve and pretend to runover all these people. I tell him that we probably shouldn't actually hit the people. Then, the passenger door opens and my 'paralyzed' brother climbs over me and jumps out. Guess he is feeling better. I slide out the door as well (no seatbelts in this dream ya'll), and the old man flies off into the Autumn horizon. No Silverlight Way for me. God. Damn. It. I find myself on some concrete steps going up near a building. All alone, I think to myself. Just a guy, with the ability to fly and unlimited god-like dream powers...whatever will I do?!?! Despite this proclamation, I can feel the dream starting to fade again. Not so god-like, it turns out. ... School Conference Plot-twist, not a false-awakening this time. Now I'm in a school. It looks like one of my engineering classrooms from college. My coworker B is there, and a few others. They are all discussing the epic lucid dreams we just had. I become lucid again, because I realize these are my dream characters and they all remember the lucid dreams because of that fact. I can feel that this dream is very unstable though and I let it fade. I've surely already forgotten details and I need to record.
Updated 09-15-2023 at 07:04 PM by 99808
I don't remember all the dream. But in the first part of the dream that I dreamed I was in something that looked like your ordinal college dorm room but when another girl showed up. Somehow it showed me that it wasn't actually a a dorm room at all. Well it was a dorm but it was also was a prison and both me and the other girl for a few moments in the dream were wearing those old ball and chain. But some moments later we no longer were and somehow we're racing all other the building (I'm not sure if it was an apartment building or what) and to get away from the guards finally I basically dove into a swimming pool below. I'm not sure if I'm died or what. But I think my dreamself did die since the next thing that (outside of the first scene I'm watching the rest of it like a movie I believe)-that the guards or guards' friends put my dream corpse into a barrel and started rolling it around. I'm not sure what they're planning to do after that. Then the dream changed I was in school my elementary school that is and I had what believed was a Dalmatian as some kind of service dog. I don't know what kind but he was wearing an unsuable Service vest because part of it has to be buckled like an old school fanny pack. But this Dalmatian was really unrully and somewhere near the end of the school in the dream the dog broke free of me and I had to chase after it. I pass by my Gr. 7 and 8 History teacher and somehow for a few mintues it seem to be implied in-dream that This Gr.7 and 8 History teacher ate my dog because for a few mintues all I could find was a the buckle thing from the service. Then the teacher says the dog was out on the grass near the Safety Village. And I and some others go and chase it down but then I woke up from the dream
The environment is dark colored and I'm with a party of grown ups. I'm able to choose a companion that will help me out and I scroll through the selections. They are all grey looking and pretty boring but with different shapes. One is formed as an egg, one is a bit scary, one is looking very tired. I look at about 15 of them until I am interupted. A party member's zombie is eating her up. The zombie is streching its mouth really much so that the whole head fits in its mouth. I'm in my brother's bed and I'm sick. Every time I breathe out a green round rubbery candy with white powder on it rolls out. Some older people from the last dream walks in. They are telling me I have some kind of disease and they seem a bit disgusted. I taste one of the candies and they are pretty good. Notes: I hid in my brother's bed yesterday. I notice it's a dream and fly up. I hit a cloud wall and fly through it. I keep on flying and hit another cloud wall. I keep on flying and see the third cloud wall but the dream becomes unstable and I can't remain.
Updated 05-28-2021 at 08:13 AM by 97565
2nd May 2021 Fragment: Initially something about Terraria. I'm on some kind of mini MMO server. It's 2D at first as it should be, but then starts to become 2.5D and eventually blends into normal reality as I exit some caves I'd been mining in. There was a lot of ore in the caves, but mostly copper and iron. I exit the cave to an exterior location. It's sunny but I'm under the shade of a metal canopy of some kind. I have guns like in UT or something. There are some flying enemies nearby, to my right, and I think about shooting them with a beam weapon but I don't for some reason. They have wings? Are they eyes, maybe? Some kind of stereotype fantasy creature, at any rate. Then I climb or jump down further ahead, where there's a lower roof, using it as a midway point to the ground. There's a human but he's some kind of boss? I'm talking with H at the same time, discussing what's happening I think. Some recall is missing but I eventually change to a traditional sniper rifle and fire at point blank range against the man's neck. I can imagine the bullet and it goes through the front of the neck but leaves no visible wound or blood and it gets lodged under the cranium at the back, on the right side. But then the person becomes H and I turn the head to inspect and there's the lump of the bullet about where I thought it would be. I tell H it's fine, we'll get someone to remove it. 4th May 2021 Fragment: Something about schools part of a network/group called "plus (something)"? I'm in a town but unsure where. Reminds me of my native country and there's these small and perfectly laid out buildings, which are taking over everywhere as if they are invading and replacing other things. The buildings are alien in origin or something, the dream implies, but they look like regular buildings in a modern style, though having something to do with this group of schools or something. There's some kind of instancing effect going on and things phase in and out of reality depending on where I stand exactly; in the phase space there are only two specific things to eat for some reason and this becomes a way for me to identify that I'm in this phased space. I think something about the colour of the atmosphere changes too but recall is somewhat muddled and partly gone and some bits of this feel as if they were from an earlier awakening. Some recall is missing but later on, there's some bit in a kitchen underground in a bunker of some kind and this is like the headquarters of whatever is going on. In this kitchen, there are two women, they are busy cooking and concocting things? I think they have aprons on but I don't recall any other details other than that maybe one had her hair tied up. They are the masterminds, it's implied somehow. They don't seem to care about my presence. The door to the kitchen is locked with some type of electronically controlled lock and some people want to get in here because a meteor is crashing soon and this is the safest place, even within the entirety of this bunker. There's a large window into the next room and there are random groupings of people through there. I remember interacting and talking with the two women but I'm not sure what any of us said. Then the meteor hits and some people outside the room get scared but nothing much happens other than some prolonged shaking. (recall gap) Outside with someone, implied to be after the meteor hit on the surface. I was here before at some point in the dream but it wasn't like this, everything looks kind of orange and wrecked now, debris and general mess everywhere. There are dead headcrabs? The person I'm with is cooking and eating them. (gap) Some other bit where I see a city like London (which layout I know vaguely) in some kind of overview and it's broken up by ravines and mountains. Someone wants a new map made to reflect all this or something and I or another dream character draw it on some kind of black sandy stuff with a stick or rod? The lines are a dark blood red.
I'm in the guest room downstairs with mom. I realize it is a dream and walk out. I look up at the sky and scream out "sky, take me with you!". Gravity is turned upside down for me and I accelerate towards the sky. There is a thick layer of clouds and gravity is centered by the layer. That makes it so that I first go upwards over the sky but slowly turn down to it again. When I hit the clouds on the way down I notice that the clouds have changed location and are right above the ground by my home. That makes it so that it is very foggy. I climb the gate and it is bigger than in reality. When I'm on top I fly away to town. I walk on the street and try to remember what I wanted to do in the dream. It's frustrating because I can't remember. I think about how I can ask my dream characters a joke. But since they are my unconsciousness they would know the answer if I told them a joke I knew the answer to. That's why I ask them a joke I don't know the answer to. "How did the cow and the wheat meat?", I ask a man. He seems confused and I tell him that I tell him the joke because he is a part of my mind. There are now three DC:s and they seem to accept that truth. I keep on walking and see a girl in my age. She is very prominent and start to talk with me. She is self independent and do as she likes. She is a bit shorter than me and we start to walk home to me. We talk a lot. When we come home we meet my cat Isa. The girl talks about a dog. After some time I leave home and fly away. As I fly over the gate gravity is changed again and I reach the clouds. I fall to the ground fast after I have touched the clouds. I remember that it was a long time since I opened a window to enter a new dream scene. I fly to a window that is transparent. I smash the window with my fist and succeed. I try to open the window but I'm not able to. A boy is inside and I ask him if he can take the key and open. He doesn't want to at first but as I struggle to come inside he says that he can fix it. He opens the window and I climb in. There is a big table and four old ladies enter. They ask me if I want to join them in dinner. I say okay and sit down by the table. They lay the table with tacos but they only have cucumber, tomatoes and corn which I find kind of dull. I start to eat and the flavor is mostly of cucumber. The lady next to me asks me if I can visit them again in a hostile tone. She reminds me a lot of my physics teacher now. I tell her that I can't because I'm only visiting this dream and won't be able to return. She pushes me harder and asks me if I don't want to visit them again. I stand up for myself and tell her that I don' want too. During the conversation she stood up from the chair and I had to back up as she came closer to me. I run for the window and try to fly out. She grabs me by the legs and holds me so that I hang from the window. She starts to swing me and tries to swing me back to their flat. As she is just to throw me in the dream becomes black. Notes: I really have to train how to retain my memories from reality in the dream. A recurrent theme through my dreams are evil old ladies, I wonder why.
Updated 05-03-2021 at 06:46 AM by 97565
I'm sitting on a toilet and having a video chat with an old person that reminds me of Tim in church. I'm trying to get a better camera angle and I'm embarrased that I'm sitting on the toilet while I video chat with him. Even though I try to point the camera only on my face there is a huge mirror behind me that makes it so that I can't hide myself. The video chat ends and I look myself in the smaller mirror over the sink. I notice that my hair is very short and pointing in all directions. Dream gap. I'm in the kitchen in church and I'm talking with the old man from before. He is holding in a plate with a lot of cakes that are half eaten. I grab some of a chocolate cake and it tastes good. I walk out and try to find a place where I can sleep. I look in barntillsynen but a person is sleeping in there. I look in primary but someone is there too. I walk to the chairs by the entrance and see my mom and someone else there too. A person is lying on the floor sleeping. Mom says that I can watch a movie. My view is drawn into a movie about some european people in India. They walk by a big road with a lot of sand present and suddenly a car stops. An indian man tries to scam them but he fails. They keep on walking on the road and another car stops. Another indian man tries to start a conversation with them but they are suspect since the last one tried to scam them. After some seconds the indian man says he has to do some errands and drives away again. He was not trying to scam them.
31st January 2021 Fragment: I am in the kitchen. It's a day like it has been lately, kind of cloudy, a sort of desaturated natural light. Out of the kitchen's window it's not like how it should be, it's more like there's a driveway and there's a big van parked there but still it doesn't block much of the view or light somehow. There's a similar van parked over at next door's too. I open the cupboard where we keep the glasses? I grab and take out one of the blue ones, put my upper lips over the edge and sort of feel it melt a bit; the glass still feels rigid like glass but as I start biting into the top rim, it's a soft chew and there's something pleasurable about it. I get erotic thoughts somewhat unrelated to the glass itself but related to the sensations and M/M themes. Fragment: I'm with someone, perhaps T? We're riding on the back of a winged creature, flying high in a somewhat mountainous area. There's an MMO feel to things but it feels distinctly real too. I see us in third-person for the most part. Using a long gun-cannon thing, I am shooting at a somewhat generic 50ft reptilian below past some ridges and canyons; he is otherwise engaged in combat with other humans down there, in a semi-flat area. The shots I fire are highly explosive and I aim for vulnerable parts of the head, trying to "break" them, like if this was the game Monster Hunter. As I was about to break a part of the rear of the head, someone else does and I don't get credit it for it, and become annoyed. This happens once more on another part of the creature's head. I then aim for the eye instead and get credit this time, but at this point there's little left of the head apart from the lower jaw. He still lives somehow and is still in combat with the humans. (gap) I'm going through a mine-shaft like tunnel on the side of a ravine, parts of it are enclosed by rock, others are open to the outside. I am trying to go to a place that will let me head down, to an area like where the creature was. Fragment: Something about WoW. I'm in a large city and I have some kind of Honour points I can spend. The place reminds me of a mix of Dalaran, Exodar and Shattrath and it is flying in the sky as Dalaran would be. I come to a central hall of sorts, there are energy bridges and energy surfaces that I can walk on. I approach an NPC and see what PvP equipment I could buy with what little honour I have. Fragment: Something about being in Brazil or some other South American country. There's a distinct feel of advanced technology throughout the dream. High-tech structures and such like, though I don't remember seeing much of it. I am or was at some sort of resort or house away from everything, in a hilly and mountainous area overlooking a large river. I remember little of my own presence in the dream. The dream plot focuses on a serpentine creature, it is red and its scales are small relative to its size. It has been dormant for untold years and it wants to ruin all of the technology that has been brought about. The dream implies that it's not the first time this has happened and that it's part of a recurring cycle. The creature's size is comparable to the mountains in the area. I remember it could communicate telepathically or something. Notes: - The order is not chronological, the first fragment was the last I had this morning. - One of my right hand fingers is particularly sore because of an injury and I was unable to write any initial notes for any of these fragments because of it, bits of recall just remained and came back as I wrote. - The fragment in the kitchen is reminiscent of how I come to certain creative ideas sometimes, often through some physical sensations. - The day in the kitchen was remarkably like what it was like when I actually went in the kitchen for the first time today, though I think it looked less messy in the dream, more normal. - The red end-bringing serpent and the cycle seem to be a somewhat obvious but less literal Ourobouran reference.
20th November 2020 Fragment: In a place like a restaurant or something. Someone was talking to me and they were telling me how "mussels are the tastiest thing there is" or something. I remember thinking of, or seeing some clams and thinking that besides the meat within, there would be pearls of value or something. Notes: - I remembered this fragment much later in the day while in a church. A stained glass I was looking towards for a while had pearls as a small detail in places and this triggered some vague visual recall of the dream. - I remember after the dream and also after recalling this fragment, I did feel some sort of craving for the food in question; there was some sort of taste in the dream, it was meaty but I can't recall any more detail than that. I have never found this type food appealing before, but I have been curious about it, having possibly thought about it again recently. -- My family, and most people where I'm from, do enjoy this type of food, but I have never wanted to taste it. Part of me thinks it can't be that different from snails and so I wonder now about similarities. - It's possible that in the dream I thought about the pearls being a metaphor of some sort; when the recall came to me, this was my first feeling about them. I don't remember the pearls visually. Later on in the day I had disassociated thoughts about how it might be possible to modify the clams to create different pearls, or objects. - Can't recall my reaction to being told that mussels are supposedly so tasty.
I went to bed 22.40 and drank some water in order to WILD later in the night. I wake up 02.10 and decide to go back to sleep. I wake up 04.49 and start my WILD attempt. I am not able to focus enough and I start to follow my random thoughts and they put me to sleep. We are in an unknown big house. My brother is playing a game where you have to pay each time you start it. Each time you are to pay the price raises half a dollar. The last price of the dream is about 3 USD. A good looking woman from the game is transformed into our reality. I think it is Lara Croft. Notes: I was thinking about playing Lara Croft yesterday. We are in Sturkö kitchen. The young Christoffer H is telling a story about a comedian. The comedian married with someone he knew and there was a twist to the story. Notes: We watched some old photos yesterday and found a picture where Christoffer was young. I'm in a sport shop and a man from the staff gives me a water bottle that looks very cool. He then hides and when my girlfriend comes she compliments the bottle and says that it is looking very good. I feel obliged to buy it now and see that it costs 500 kr (57 USD). My girlfriend also grabs something and we walk to the checkout. He tells me that the water bottle costs 1 500 kr (170 USD) now! I give him the money and feel as I have been tricked. The staff starts to talk about how you make the most money by hiring cheap staff and hands me a yellow battered card. I ask what it says. He says that it is a list of farmers that are looking for work and that they only want to be payed 20 kr/h (2.3 USD/h). I think to myself that it is suspiciously cheap. He talks about how you can save money by not delivering the wares to the customers. I ask him how they are going to get the wares but he is not intrested in answering that question. Notes: Dad talked about buying me some sport shoes but I said that I didn't want to because the ones I have are working just fine. I have thought about starting my own company for some time now. I'm home by the dinner table and everyone has sandwiches on their plates. My sister is complaining that that you are supposed to eat them cold. I concentrate on my sandwich and try to fry it with my mind power and succeed. I taste it and it tastes really good. I feel bad for my sister who isn't eating it fried and decide that I am going to fry her sandwich as well. She is not complaining when I fry it. Notes: Dad baked some bread yesterday. I woke up and thought that I still WILD:ed and gave up when I got a bad itch on my eyelid. When I remembered some dreams I knew that I fell asleep. I think to myself that I am going to have some LD:s for the last two hours of my sleep. I lie in my bed and do a RC and notice it is a dream. I walk in my bed room and think about what Sageous wrote in the WILD guide that you need to find a door in order to create your own dream. I find a door and expect that jupiter is going to be there when I open it. I open the door and find myself in some kind of other room I have never seen before. I decide to use my usual exit when I have FA:s. I open the window and fly out. I think about a challange that I read on Dreamviews some time ago. The challenge is to make the world darker and then lighter again. They said that it was easy to make the world dark but much harder to make it lighter again. I focus on the light level on the houses and the sky. I speak in a high voice that it is going to be dark. I see how the sky is changing and a light over a house is strong. I look at the light and notice that it is the moon. The moon has fire spitting out from it. The light that is emitted is dark but beautiful. I spectate the view for a while and then decide that I am to try to make it bright again. I focus on the light and immediately it is light again. I fly to a window and break it open. I enter it and some youths are sitting by a sofa. I talk with them about movies and the dream fades away... I wake up and do a RC and notice it was only a FA. I fly out of the window and think to myself that I should make a permanent hideout in the house next doors because I so often have FA:s. I fly out of the window and find a very big yellow house that normally isn't there. I break a window open and cut my left forearm from a glass piece. I walk in and find myself in a big white room that is tidied. I walk to the next room and find a butler leaning himself over a large table. I ask him where the lordship is and he replies that she is not home. I say okey and explore some more. There is nothing interesting and I notice that the butler is watching me. I get a bad feeling and decide to walk out from a window and fly out. I lose myself to the dream narrative here. The butler starts to chase me with a knife and I hurry up. I fly out but I am still worried. I fly alongside some houses and their windows. When I fly next to a window the butler comes out with his knife and tries to stab me. I am trying to wake myself up and succeeds. Notes: I dream for those dreamy, beautiful views that you can't experience IRL. Edit: I remembered one more dream later on. I do a RC and know it is a dream. My view is black but I know that I am sitting against the wall in my bed. I try to stand up but a force is pressing me against the wall. I try harder and slowly I am able to go up from the bed. I try to force open my eyes with my fingers but its really hard. I walk out of my room and the dream becomes more stable. Notes: I think that this dream was a part of the FA earlier.
Updated 10-12-2020 at 01:23 PM by 97565
I drank some water before I went to bed in order to wake up earlier. I woke up 05.56 and went to bed again 06.05. I had an interesting experience just right before I woke up. I have a little bit of consciousness and see something in front of me. When I lay more weight on that I am councious I immediately wake up. I try to WILD but fall asleep. I'm in a room with the Håkanssons. We play a game were you create characters. There is someone that makes a character that has babies as hands which was very creepy. Therese asks me what number there is on the TV. I ask her what number it is supposed to be. She says that it is supposed to be the number one. I look at the number on the screen and it changes between about 0.1 to 0.8. After some seconds it stays on the number 1.0. But then the number skyrockets up to more than a thousand. We walk outside and we are now by Sturkö in The Red House. We are supposed to do parachute jumping from the upper level. Some people jump out with backpacks om them. Peter takes a backpack and jumps out on the bush without unleashing the parachute and says "Ouch!". He says that it was a long time since he did this in military training. William says he has to practise for his military training. I also jump after a while. When I land I realize it's a dream. I notice that my hands are very cold. I remember my goal about eating something good tasting in a dream. I walk into the house and find Monica. I ask her where all the cakes are. She points on a fridge next to her. I open it up and see all these ice creams on the upper shelves. All the ice creams are the same taste, the big Daim Ice Cream that has a soft crust. I look for a cake and find a princess cake at the bottom. I grab an ice cream and take a bite. It's not the texture of a real ice cream. It is more watery and you almost don't have to chew anything. Then the taste hits me and I become really happy. It tastes so sweet! I keep on eating but it doesn't taste sweet after about three bites. It doesn't taste much at all. I take a bite of the ice cream cone and excpect the flavour to be good again. I tastes much better again and I'm filled with another happy feeling. The dream fades and I wake up. I wake up 07.14 just after the ice cream dream. I go to bed again. Notes: William went to military training a week ago. We were by The Red House last week. I am in the cellar of The Red House and I am trapped. My mind is teleported to a body on the upper floor and I am dedicated that I am going to the cellar in order to save myself. I fly out of the window and into the basement. I wake up of my alarm 08.00
Updated 09-29-2020 at 08:00 AM by 97565
Dream 1: Driving I was supposed to get to Rosamond, I think to meet Dad for something. I pulled up the map, and accidentally tapped the wrong town, whose name started with a “B,” that was right next to my destination. The map was completely fictional – The land mass I was on was a large island, and the surrounding towns were all in their own little sections of the map. Rosamond was to the southeast of me, and the GPS had me taking a highway that went south and then out east to the town. I set my destination and started driving. The freeways were crazy – they all had ridiculous hills and steep, sharp drops. I felt myself going too fast at times, but when I went to slow down the freeway would smooth out and I’d be back to going 70-75 mph as I usually do. At one point I took the wrong exit; instead of the one that was labelled for my path to the left, I took the exit to the right labelled “Superman,” and took an almost 90-degree drop. My car started to flip over, but the scene switched into a third-person perspective, and I was able to right my angle to land all four wheels before the road started to flatten. The dream scene changed as I made it to my destination. It was a big city, reminiscent of Chicago, but it was supposed to be San Diego. The freeway had one more giant hill and drop, but there was too much traffic to get up to it. It was easier just to take the elevator up to the top of the building the freeway connected to, then drive one of the rental cars off the top. So, I got out, met a friend of mine, then we waited in line. The scene changed and ended before I got up to the top. Dream 2: Dinner Before this begins, I am now not too sure of myself – is this a separate dream, or just a change of scenery? I met my family at an Italian restaurant called Rigatony’s, in San Diego. It was rather small and busy inside. This was the kind of place that the locals would eat at. The walls were decorated with these façades of Italian buildings, so it was supposed to feel like we were eating in an alleyway, or in the middle of the street. There was a family a few tables across from us, who had a baby that wouldn’t stop crying. My Dad said this was a pretty popular place, and I asked him how that could be if it was so small. He pointed to one of the doors of the façade, a screen door with frosted glass, and I noticed there were some lights behind it. He told me that door opened up to a whole ‘nother section of the restaurant just like the one we were in. the dream faded out as R2-D2 from star wars was trying to scoot past our table. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here I would like to describe the feeling of the decoration in this restaurant. I would describe it as an indoor space trying to seem like an outdoor one. It gives me a strange, otherworldly feeling – like it is completely fake, and I can see that I’m inside if I look closely enough. But if I decide to ignore the details, then I can be immersed and feel like I am outside. Once place in waking life that gives me this feeling is the Venetian in Las Vegas. Look up some pictures of the inside and you’ll see what I mean. The ceiling is painted and lighted to look like the sky, with clouds and sunlight, and if you don’t look closely enough you may be fooled.
Some non-lucid stuff that I can remember from this morning. Only made note of the first dream in my initial morning notes. Dream: I was with dad, I think at a mall. It was like the one close to home but it was different somehow, though I had the same sense of familiarity. We were walking through the large and bright halls and as we turned around a corner we stopped, because I spotted this shop that sold ice cream and other stuff, like some pastries typical of my country and cotton candy. I wanted some of these deep fried things they had, even though I didn't feel all that hungry. I think it was just because it's been so long I had any. Not sure what dad wanted, but ice cream I think. We approached the counter and two other people were being served. There were two guys behind the counter too, so I thought one of them was available and I pointed at something and asked about it. Before there was any reply, dad said "let the other people get served first" but for some reason, in the dream's context I had the ability to snap my fingers to toggle how busy the dream location was. Doing this had a completely intuitive feel. I did snap my right hand's fingers and the people being served simply disappeared, as did many other people walking by around us. Now I asked about the food thing again. He explained they were long deep fried "waffles". Some were flavoured banana, strawberry or vanilla, with the possibility of a crusty looking chocolate topping, although I think it was more like icing. I asked for one of the vanilla waffle things. While I was being handed my waffle and then tasting it, I think dad was getting something for himself. The taste was somewhat overly sweet, and bland at the same time (dream characteristic which didn't phase me), but it didn't taste of vanilla very much at all. My problem with the taste however, was the texture, as I was expecting something nice and crunchy, but it was completely soft. I felt disappointed and the few bites I took made me feel full really quickly anyway. I don't remember what I did with it and I don't remember either of us paying. Then we continued walking through the mall, but into a different section which wasn't as open or light. In fact it felt pretty dark despite there being lights on. We walked into a supermarket inside the mall and I remember wandering around looking for something, but I don't remember what anymore. Eventually, empty-handed I went to the checkout area. I'm not sure it was dad that was with me anymore at this point. But at the checkout there was a couple, they were buying a desktop computer oddly enough and they wanted help from an attendant because the computer "weighs 24kg and we can't carry it", I thought to myself that despite my weakness, this couple was just being pathetic or lazy. I did think about the effort of carrying it all the way to their car in the parking sub-levels, but I also thought it wasn't really fair to ask the attendant to do that. Then the man from the couple started being weird, handling the computer case with relative ease he swung it around and it hit the checkout counter, on which I was sat. For some reason I was just sat there and observing. As he did hit the counter with the case, the attendant didn't even flinch like she hadn't noticed. He did it again a few times, harder this time. Now the case was visibly damaged and warped. At first the damage seemed passable, but for whatever reason I was able to look inside; I quickly told them that the circuit boards were cracked because of the metal plates pushing in and that it was no good now. The man started being upset and demanding compensation or something. Again I didn't think this was fair and either I said or thought "you break it, you buy it". The attendant seemed to be handling it though, but it made me feel no respect for this man. There was a transition then. I don't remember where I was now, but I had some kind of interface. I could select worlds or something? Then I remember a cutscene of some kind, it was in space. I could see several planets in a star system, and before it happened I knew the star was about to explode, and it did, in a green supernova, the planets burning away in a green flame of sorts. Strangely enough in the dream it was like I already knew about this cutscene (but it's the first time I've seen/dreamt it) so I was using some camera control tools or something to see the scene from different angles than it would normally play through. I don't remember much else from this dream other than some vague memories of night sky and stars. Dream Fragment: At my old home, in my old room. I think what brought this dream on was some thoughts I had before bed about how my old room's balcony has never felt safe, and how I always fear mom may slip some day, or that I may somehow feel compelled to jump out of it (in madness or some other irrational state). It was a sort of night time, a twilight of some kind. I walked into the room a bit further and saw my sibling T in the balcony. He had a top on but was otherwise naked, this was odd and bothered me on some level but I ignored it and we talked about something. From the balcony, below, I could see my other sibling was arriving with S in a white smart car. Then the doorbell rang and I walked out of the room and went to answer it, I already knew it was going to be L and S but I still picked up the intercomm set and asked who it was. I felt like I was being like dad for doing this (even though I don't remember dad ever doing this type of thing). L replied at first and I asked "who?" because I couldn't understand, then S spoke and her voice made it clear who they were and I pressed the button to open the building door. Dream Fragment: Driving, or being driven? With H. Not sure what car, but the landscape and town was a mix of my native home areas and some other places. I enjoyed the view of the nearby mountains in the dream. I remember we went over a bridge or two and there were two towns next to each other. It was day time, but sort of dark despite everything looking bright? Like I was seeing everything through heavily tinted glass, but I don't think the car's glass was tinted at all. Notes: - Last night as I had the thoughts about my old room and the balcony, I did think that it might cause me to have a dream about it. It's a shame I didn't take the opportunity to think about becoming lucid should it happen, as there were plenty of cues in that dream that could have resulted in some state of lucidity, but didn't. Keeping intention of noticing dream signs seems particularly poor for me, but I really think my sleep quality doesn't help. - The thing with the dream-controlling finger snapping is typical of something my dad does in his non-lucid dreams too, so either that knowledge has created some kind of bias on me, or it's a trait that can be developed because of our personalities, or perhaps simply hereditary somehow. A point of note about it is that I play games a lot where "control" comes easily, so it may simply be a reflection of how there's a lot of self-agency in that type of context. - The pastry type thing I wanted from the shop was more like a churro or something, but the thing I was given didn't really look like one. I actually remember they had some churro looking things locked up in a clear plastic chest that was hung on a wall on the customer side of the counter. I remember feeling like asking about it but like it would be too much bother to get one.
I entered the dream after short relaxation and concentration... I found myself on sun lighted meadow in between green hills. Seeing nothing interesting nearby, I looked up into deep blue sky with a few clouds... And I decided to experience a spaceflight. I accelerated directly up to the sky and for a while I flew up... the sky got very dark... but I lost concentration and found myself slowly descending, unable to rise the height. So I concentrated again while getting more into unattached observer state. Immediately I accelerated out of the atmosphere and in a few seconds I passed the moon in close distance. Soon my acceleration brought me over speed of light and streaks of star light were getting longer and longer. A HUD appeared in my view and it showed some information about close star systems. One of them had 4 habitable bodies. I decelerated when I was close. There were two habitable planets and two large, slowly rotating spacestations. I flew into one spacestation phasing through closed airlock. I got interesting view on the inside of cylinder where normally looking country was curving around insides of it. Just like O'Neill cylinder is described often. But there was nobody inside, no animals, only grass, trees, water... And some houses. I went inside of one house- it too was empty. Fully equipped modern house. I found food storage there. Sorted fresh fruits were there. I took one big plum(double size as common plum) and I had eaten it. It had very interesting flavour... Partially like plum, to lesser extend like apple an orange. I wanted to try different plum but I found myself in the bed at once. My wife laid next to me waking me up in the process.
Updated 05-25-2020 at 10:21 PM by 66278
Dream 1 - Just enjoying a nice meal I'm at my parents' place, in the kitchen. My brother has a visitor, a man I don't know. I eat ham, potatoes, carrot casserole, diced and steamed carrots and sweet potatoes. It's something you would serve for Christmas here. It's great. I don't really do anything else but eat and listen to my brother talk with a stranger in the other room. Fragment 1 A DC told me her dream. It was a nightmare where the world was ended by a strange biological weapon. I saw this like a vision: cities covered in white web-like stuff. The DC told me the weapon killed 50% of all life. Fragment 2 I see a game. Characters have some fight on a train at night. The train isn't moving. Supernatural things happen. At one point I think I was manipulating the dream too. This was Kojima's new game, false memories told me. Re-adjusting my sleep atm. Recall will get better.
Fell asleep at: 2:00 AM Woke up at: 12:00 PM Dream: It seems to me I am in the desert, almost keeling over due to the lack of food in my system. The "narrator" of the dream (Who sounds a lot like Oxhorn who, in short, sounds like Tom Hanks) says I am on a quest to find a "warm animal". Apparently the temperature is so hot that animals in the desert literally cook from the inside out. I come across a dead goat, or some other creature like that, and pick apart nicely sliced pieces of meat from its body. It tastes savory, but also something that could be served at a barbecue due to its peppery sort of taste. It's also kind of spicy, and the meat itself was reddish orange with black spots, implying it was cooked recently. It was, as expected, pretty warm for being recently cut meat from a goat's body. I snuck along a bag full of the stuff along with me. I come across another traveller, but from this point on I don't really remember much. He talks to me about where he can find this meat, and I told him that those goats are all over the desert, not wanting to give up my share. And the rest is all fuzzy images from that point on. Notes 1. First time I ever engaged in taste in a dream, though non lucid. Sadly, I don't think goat meat counts as junk food so no TOTM for me. 2. Now I suddenly don't feel hungry for some reason.